How to remove fat from clothes. How to remove grease stains from clothes? Methods and means for removing greasy stains on clothes

There is no need to rush to take clothes spoiled by grease to the dry cleaner. You can get rid of oil traces at home if you use homemade recipes from improvised means and methods of removal, proven by many housewives. greasy stains from fabric.

It is advisable to start removing grease stains from clothes as soon as the stain is planted. Otherwise, stubborn dirt will be very difficult to remove.

The first thing to do when a fresh stain appears on a blouse or other clothing is to rub it with salt. Sprinkle salt on the mark and leave the cloth for a few minutes. The salt will absorb the oil and the item without special effort. But what if the grease stains on clothes are already old and can they be removed?


This product will help you easily remove dirt. Should be dissolved 5 tbsp. l. table salt in 500 ml of hot water and immerse the soiled material in the solution. It is necessary to leave the product until the oily trace is completely dissolved.

After soaking, the dirty area can be washed with washing soap and washed with your hands. After this, the laundry is sent to the washing machine.

Dishwashing gel

Dishwashers contain active ingredients, which dissolve fats well. on pants, for example, you can if you soak the item in a strong water solution of dish gel.

To prepare the working solution, dissolve 3-4 tbsp. l. wash in 3 liters of hot water. The item is immersed in the solution and left for a couple of hours, after which it is washed by hand. After this procedure, you can load clothes into the washing machine. If washing the dishes does not help, then you need to use stronger detergents.


Without radical washing at home, you can wash grease stains from things using ammonia. To clean fat from fabric you need 1 tsp. Dilute ammonia from the pharmacy in 100 ml of water.

The solution is poured onto the oily mark and the item is left for 5-6 hours. After this, the product must be rinsed in plenty of water and put in the washing machine. If the stain is not too large and has not yet become very old, then ammonia will definitely help get rid of it. This product can be used for light and white fabrics, but ammonia is not suitable for dark materials, as it has a slight bleaching effect.

Laundry soap

Good way How to wash grease stains from any type of fabric - wash with simple laundry soap. The contaminated area is moistened with warm water and then soaped with washing soap. The item must sit for at least 2 hours.

After this, the product is washed by hand and sent to the washing machine.

You can also prepare a strong soap solution by grating 100 g of soap and dissolving it in 2 liters of water. The product is soaked in a soap solution for an hour and then washed. Finally, the item is sent to the washing machine.


A good way to remove a greasy stain from fabric is a simple one. toothpaste. The advantage of this method is that with this method you can save clothes made of any type of fabric, even expensive wool or natural silk.

The contaminated area is moistened and then rubbed with toothpaste. The item should sit for 2 hours. After this, the fabric is washed by hand with laundry soap.

If you need to wash off colored stains, it is better to take gel toothpaste. For white clothes, whitening toothpaste is suitable.


An excellent way to remove grease stains from clothes, suitable for all types of fabrics, is to wash them with mustard. It is necessary to dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder with water to make a paste. The paste is applied to the contaminated area and left for a quarter of an hour.

After processing, the material must be washed first with your hands and laundry soap, and then put the product in the washing machine. If you need to remove fat from raincoat fabric, then mustard is perfect.

Potato starch

A good, gentle way to remove grease stains from clothes is potato starch. Starch is suitable for processing items made from delicate fabrics.

The stained area is first moistened with lukewarm water and then sprinkled with starch. The item should sit for an hour. The contamination is then covered paper napkin and iron it - all the fat will be absorbed into the starch and transferred to the paper. The napkin should be changed when it becomes dirty. Instead of starch, you can use baby powder.

Steam treatment

You can eliminate greasy marks by steaming your clothes. This can be done with a steam generator or an iron and steam function. You can simply hang the textiles over a pan of boiling water.

When the material is saturated with moisture, it is necessary to wash the fat by hand in washing powder or with laundry soap.


You can wipe off greasy stains from clothes made of any material using pharmaceutical glycerin. This method is suitable for clothes made of capricious, delicate materials, such as pure wool or silk, satin.

A couple of drops of the substance are applied directly to the blot, and then after half an hour the item is washed in warm water.

You can also prepare a homemade cleansing mixture:

  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. glycerin;
  • 1 tsp. water.

Everything is mixed and applied directly to the stain. The composition must be left for half an hour, and then the product must be washed.


If the product cannot be washed, you can try to get rid of oily marks using alcohol. The process of using alcohol is simple: pour a little product onto a cotton pad and soak the dirty mark with it. After 30 minutes the procedure must be repeated.

You may need to clean with rubbing alcohol several times, but this can be used to clean carpet or upholstered furniture that cannot be washed. Alcohol is also suitable for cleaning the keyboard if grease has dripped onto it.


The area with an oily trace should be treated with pure turpentine using a cotton pad or simply soak the contaminated area in the substance. After a couple of hours, you will need to wash the textiles in washing powder. After this treatment, the textiles should be thoroughly rinsed and air dried.


To remove old blots, you must use only highly purified household gasoline. Typically, automobile fuel is not suitable for these purposes.

Soak a cotton cloth in gasoline and place it under the mark. The top contamination is treated with a cotton swab soaked in gasoline.

After such treatment, the item will have a sharp, unpleasant smell. Therefore, the product must be washed and rinsed with fabric softener, and then air dried.

Wood sawdust

It is necessary to soak clean sawdust in purified household gasoline. When the wood is completely saturated with fuel, it is generously sprinkled on the stained area. When the gasoline is completely dry, the sawdust is removed, the material is shaken off and washed in washing powder in the usual way.

Ammonia + table salt

Even old oil marks can be easily wiped off with this solution. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. ammonia from the pharmacy and 1 tsp. fine table salt. When the salt dissolves in the solution, soak a cotton pad and carefully clean the contaminated area. After this, you need to wash the material with fabric softener and air dry.


Table vinegar will help deal with blots on colored and dark matter. Table vinegar should not be used for white linen, as it may turn yellow.

Water the contaminated area generously with table vinegar, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse. After using vinegar, the colors of the drawing will become brighter and more saturated, as the vinegar sets the paint, and all oily marks will disappear.

Shaving foam

This is a very accessible method for single men, which helps eliminate impurities of various origins. Apply a thick layer of foam to the problem area and leave it for 5 minutes. After this, the laundry can be thrown into the washing machine and washed with washing powder.


The substance perfectly cleans delicate materials such as silk, satin, cashmere. The laundry should be laid out evenly on a hard surface and the moistened blot should be sprinkled with crushed chalk. The laundry should sit for three hours.

After time has passed, the chalk should be shaken off, and the material should be covered with a paper napkin and ironed with a hot iron. All that remains is to wash with washing powder and rinse the laundry thoroughly.


Regular hair shampoo will help remove small traces of oil from delicate items, but only for oily hair types. Such products perfectly dissolve fat, they will also help remove blots.

A little shampoo is dissolved in a basin of warm water and the laundry is immersed in the solution for about 2 hours. All that remains is to wash off the dirt by hand and rinse the material.

Tracing paper

A well-known way to get rid of traces of oil is to iron it with a hot iron through tracing paper. But it is important to heat the iron to medium temperature. Several layers of blotting paper are placed under the mark, and the mark is covered with tracing paper on top.

Baking soda + washing powder

It is necessary to mix these two components in equal parts, and dilute a little with lukewarm water. When the powder has dissolved in water, apply the mixture directly to the oily mark and rub in lightly. Leave the composition for at least 15 minutes, after which the entire product is washed in washing powder. For this recipe, dishwashing detergent can replace the powder.

Large pollution

How can you remove grease stains if the area of ​​contamination is very large? Numerous oily blots often appear on kitchen towels, napkins and tablecloths, and on gardening textiles. Every housewife is faced with the need to wash off grease. It is especially common to wash kitchen textiles in the summer during the preparation period, when oil flows like a river in the kitchen.

A very simple method will help you bleach oil-damaged textiles.

Classic recipe

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 250 g washing powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

First, bring the water to a vigorous boil in a large saucepan, then add the remaining ingredients to the boiling water. When the powder and salt dissolve, turn off the stove and immerse the textiles in the solution.

Products should be soaked in the solution until it cools completely. Approximately 10 hours will pass. Then the remaining particularly stubborn stains are washed by hand and the laundry is rinsed. After soaking, you can add additional laundry to the washing machine with bleaching powder.

Don’t know how to remove old grease stains from clothes at home? Proven reliable methods will help!

Everyone at home will definitely have a favorite item lying in the farthest corner of the closet because of a greasy stain that was not washed off in time or could not be washed, and then they completely lost hope of getting it out of the clothes. In general, all greasy stains are considered set in if more than 3 hours have passed since their appearance. They are more difficult to wash than fresh ones. But it’s a pity to throw away your favorite thing, especially if there are some Nice memories, it's true? Give these clothes another chance! Now we will tell you how you can effectively remove old grease stains from different fabrics..

Important! Before you start removing the problem spot, you need to do a few simple steps:

  • Prepare the item. If there is dust or dirt on it, be sure to clean it off.

  • Depending on the type of fabric, choose a method for removing old grease stains.

  • If the item is colored, check its color fastness. To do this, try your chosen method of cleaning the stain on a small section of it in the most inconspicuous place and, if the fabric has not changed color, feel free to begin removing the stain!

  • Apply your chosen cleaning products only from the inside out.
    Removing old grease stains from knitwear

    To give a second life to your favorite knitwear, try these products

    Method number 1. Gasoline + regular soap. This is one of the most effective methods for cleaning stubborn grease stains. Mix some gasoline and plain white soap and apply the mixture to the stain. After 20 minutes, wash the item as usual.

    Method number 2. Glycerol. Is it difficult for you to find gasoline or are you afraid of ruining the fabric? Try removing the stain with liquid glycerin. You can easily buy it at your nearest pharmacy. Place a couple of drops of this liquid on the stain and wait half an hour. Then, if the fat has disappeared, simply blot the area with dry cotton wool or gauze.

    Method No. 3. Glycerin+starch.

    If glycerin does not help, then sprinkle the stain starch and cover thin cloth or a sheet of paper, then immediately iron it with a hot iron. Wait 5 to 10 minutes and, if the stain is not removed or only half disappeared, then sprinkle more starch and repeat the procedure again.

    Method number 3. If the fabric is light, use ammonia. Prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons. cold water and 1 teaspoon. ammonia. Saturate the stain with it and leave for 5-10 minutes, then wash.

    Method number 4. Things that do not fade can be soaked in a salt solution. Take half a glass of salt and dissolve it in a bowl of warm water. Place the item in the basin and leave until the stain disappears. Then wash it.

    Removing stubborn grease from jeans

    You can save your favorite jeans or any other denim clothing using the following proven methods.

    Method number 1. Dishwashing liquid
    . The easiest method for removing old grease stains from jeans is to use any dishwashing detergent. Drop a little liquid onto the stain and rub gently, wait 15-30 minutes and wash the item with powder and a couple of drops of dish soap. Don't forget to test first detergent on a small piece of fabric!

    Method number 2. Petrol. Soak the stain on the denim thoroughly with gasoline and leave for 10 minutes, and then wash. Be sure to rinse the item several times so that no unpleasant odor or traces of gasoline remain.

    Method No. 3. Special products for difficult to remove stains. In stores these days - big choice all kinds of special products for stubborn stains in the form of powder (Sano, Spark), soap (Antipyatin, Dr. Beckmann), liquid product (Vanish, Sarma, Frau Schmidt) or spray (Ecover, Amway Pre Wash). Typically, such stain removers are first simply applied to the stain, and then added to the powder during washing.

    Method No. 3. Chalk or baby powder. Take chalk or talcum powder and sprinkle it on the stain, wait about 1 hour and brush thoroughly with a toothbrush or any brush you have at home. Repeat these steps until the stain is completely removed.

    Method number 4. Ammonia + salt. To remove greasy stains from denim, this mixture of 2 tsp is suitable. alcohol and half a teaspoon of regular salt. Gently spread the mixture over the stain and leave for 15 minutes, then wash the item.

    We remove old fat stains from a Bolognese jacket

    You can wear your bologna jacket again when you remove an old grease stain with these effective remedies.

    Method number 1. Potato pulp or starch. Grate half a small potato on the finest grater and place the resulting mass on the stain. Wait a couple of hours. Has the stain gone? Then wash the jacket as you usually do. If not, then soak a cotton swab in gasoline and apply to the stain for 5-10 minutes.

    Method number 2. Soap + turpentine + ammonia. You will need: half a regular soap, 2 teaspoons. turpentine and 1 teaspoon. ammonia. Mix everything and distribute over the dirt. Wait until the mixture is absorbed and the result appears, and wash the jacket.

    Important! Use these methods with extreme caution on colored items!

    Method No. 3. Dish washing liquid.

    If the jacket is colored, then use only a transparent product! Gently spread the liquid over the stain from the inside out and wait a couple of minutes.

    Has the stain come out? Then wash your jacket. And if not, repeat this procedure.

    Removing old greasy stains from a down jacket

    If you have old greasy stains on your down jacket, you can wash them off without much difficulty.

    Method number 1.
    Dishwashing liquid or dishwasher powder. Just like with the jacket, you can apply dishwashing detergent to the stain, lather it up and leave it for several hours. And then wash the down jacket with powder and adding dishwashing liquid. Another equally effective option is to simultaneously wash the down jacket with washing powder and special powder for dishwashers.

    Method number 2. Laundry soap + table salt. Try generously spreading a mixture of laundry soap and salt onto the greasy stain and soak the item for several hours.

    Method No. 3. If all else fails, use a special detergent for synthetic colored or white fabrics.

    Getting rid of old greasy stains on specific fabrics

    If you have items made of delicate fabrics (for example, silk or wool) with old stains of grease, then it is quite possible to wash them. Choose one of the following methods or try them all.

    Method number 1. Water + glycerin + alcohol. First, steam the stain by holding it over a pan or kettle of boiling water. And then mix water and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio and add 1 tsp to them. ammonia. Spread the resulting mixture onto the greasy stain and leave for half an hour, then rinse or repeat the procedure.

    Method number 2. Stubborn grease stains from woolen items are easily removed gasoline.

    Surely, one of the methods we suggested will help you! But it’s better not to delay removing the stain and start getting rid of it immediately after it appears.. This will make it much easier for you to wash it.

Many of us very often encounter such a problem as greasy stains on clothes. Sometimes you don’t want to part with your favorite thing, and therefore everyone should know how to remove such contaminants. This can be done at home with a good stain remover on hand.

However similar means They only deal with fresh stains. Even if you didn’t have time to immediately remove grease from your clothes, don’t worry, the stain remover will cope with the stain even a few hours after it appeared.

But what to do in cases where the stain was not noticed by you in time, and the fat remained on the fabric for a long time? It is not so easy to wash off such contamination, since it has already been “eaten” deep into the fabric.

There are many various methods combating old pollution. When choosing them, it is worth thinking about, because many products are only suitable for certain colors, type of fabric and its structure.

How to remove old grease stains from clothes

As practice shows, the heaviest greasy stains most often occur on kitchen towels and children's clothes. Throw away practically new thing I don’t really want to, and the easiest way is to resort to boiling. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Add to a large container of water washing powder and put on fire.
  • After boiling, place the clothes or towel with greasy marks in the water and continue boiling for 15 minutes.
  • Then you need to remove the pan or basin from the heat and leave for a while.
  • After the water has cooled, the clothes will need to be removed from the container and rinsed well. Most often, grease stains disappear without a trace during the boiling process.

But this method has a drawback: it is only suitable for things made of durable materials, trousers or shirts made of delicate or synthetic fabrics under the influence of high temperatures will be damaged beyond repair.

What to do if a greasy mark appears on a woolen or silk item? How to remove old stains from fabric that cannot be boiled? pay attention to traditional methods which will help remove stains.

How to remove old grease stains from clothes

Before you start choosing suitable remedy, you should prepare the item, and only then treat the contamination in the chosen way. You will need to do the following:

  • wash the item in the washing machine, it should be free of dust and other contaminants;
  • dry the clothes and place them on a flat surface;
  • prepare a “homemade stain remover”;
  • turn the clothes over to the wrong side and begin removing fat with a brush or cotton swab dipped in the prepared product.

You should know that between the solution and the clothes there must be a piece of fabric folded several times, and the material must be white. Otherwise, the dyes will leave marks on your clothes.

First wet the contours of the dirt, and then move to the center. It is not recommended to rub the solution over clothes; in this case, the fat will begin to “spread” further.

How to remove old grease stains from clothes

To remove old grease stains from your clothes, you don’t have to buy expensive powders and gels. You can remove contamination using simple products that are found in every home.

Laundry soap

The first assistant in the fight against greasy marks is laundry soap. The method is suitable for any type of fabric. Take a bar, lather it on the problem area and leave it for a couple of hours. After that, start washing. If the stain is not removed on the first attempt, you must repeat the procedure.


Another helper is table salt. Fill a basin with hot water, add 1/2 cup of salt and soak the clothes with the greasy stain for 2 hours, and then wash the items as usual.

For a more effective effect, mix salt with ammonia. For 1 teaspoon of salt there are 6 teaspoons of alcohol. We treat the surface of the fabric with the mixture, leave it until dry and proceed to washing. However, keep in mind that this method is not suitable for clothes that fade.


The next remedy is gasoline. Take tracing paper, moisten it in liquid, place it on the contaminated area from the wrong side and press down, while also moistening the front side of the fabric. If you don't have tracing paper, use some other blotting paper. If the fat does not come off onto the tracing paper, you need to leave it for a day.

After this procedure, clothes should be washed thoroughly and left to dry completely in the fresh air to get rid of the smell. Gasoline can also be replaced with acetone.

Warmed starch

To remove old stains, use hot starch. It is heated in a water bath and the dirt is sprinkled on it, a napkin is placed on the inside, which will absorb the fat.

Starch must be rubbed well into the fabric and replaced with fresh starch as it becomes dirty. The procedure should be repeated several times until the stain completely disappears. After this, the item is washed with soap or powder.

Turpentine and ammonia

A powerful weapon in the fight against greasy stains is a mixture of turpentine and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the contaminated area with the solution and leave for a couple of hours, then wash with laundry soap.

Ammonia is also mixed with water in proportions of 1:2; this method is suitable for light-colored items.


A good stain remover is rubbing alcohol. To remove the stain, dampen it with ethanol several times. The procedure must be repeated at least every hour. You don't have to worry about the smell of alcohol. There is no need to get rid of it; after a while it will go away on its own.


Another way to remove grease stains is to use glycerin. Heat the substance and generously wipe the stain with it. Residues are removed with gasoline, after which the item is washed as usual.

Wood sawdust

At home, you can wash off a greasy area using sawdust soaked in gasoline.

Place sawdust on the greasy stain and leave until the gasoline dries completely. Once the substance has dried, remove the sawdust and start washing. The method is most suitable for furniture and carpets.

When choosing a homemade stain remover, you need to consider the type of fabric from which old traces of grease are removed. Some products are great for some materials, but can irrevocably damage others.

Choosing a product to remove old grease stains

Before choosing a method for removing stains from clothing, determine whether it is suitable for this type of material. There are a number of problematic types of fabric from which it is not so easy to remove fat, for example, silk, wool, velvet and others. In addition, you should be careful when choosing a cleaning product so as not to spoil the material. Let's consider the most acceptable methods for removing stains, suitable different types fabrics:

  • When the stain appears on the silk fabric, mix water with glycerin and ammonia. All ingredients should be taken in equal quantities. Leave for 10 minutes until the fabric absorbs the solution. After this, rinse with water.
  • If the fabric is wool, only gasoline will help. Use a moistened cotton swab to thoroughly clean the greasy area. Wash until it disappears. There is a special powder for wool fabric, which will also help in the fight against greasy stains.
  • It will be quite difficult to remove the stain on velvet, but it is quite possible. To avoid damaging the fabric, wipe the problem area with bread crumbs.
  • Leather clothes are cleaned using starch and gasoline. They are mixed until a thin paste is formed and applied to the area with the old stain. When the mixture dries, shake it off your clothes.
  • Fat stains can be removed from plush with turpentine.

If the above methods are ineffective, use the services of professionals by taking the item to dry cleaning.

So, an old grease stain is not a problem. You just need to choose the appropriate way to eliminate it.

Not really

Every day, every person comes across foods containing fats and the possibility of staining is great. But it’s not so easy to remove such stains, and you want to restore your clothes. So what to do? Should I take my clothes to an expensive dry cleaner? But if you know how to get rid of these stains, everything will be much easier. All products for any type of fabric and color should be applied only to the center of the stain so as not to increase the size of the stain. Before using directly on a stain, you should try stain removers on an inconspicuous area.

How to remove grease stains from white clothes

With white clothes you need to be careful and not use colored stain removers.

Of course, the first thing you should try is stain removers, and if it’s a fresh stain, most likely it will go away, but you also need to experiment with it first, applying it to an inconspicuous place, and if the thing hasn’t “burnt”, you can try it on the stain.

A folk remedy for removing a fresh stain is salt, you just need to rub the stain with it, remove it, rub it again and leave for 5-10 minutes, then just wash it as usual.

Another life hack is toothpaste; for white clothes you should choose regular white toothpaste. Apply the paste to the stain and leave for half an hour then wash.

Most safe way for natural fabrics – this is chalk crushed into flour, rub it into the stain and leave for 1-2 hours, then wipe with a damp cloth, then rinse immediately.

An effective method for removing stains with dishwashing detergent. But you need to choose only a transparent color, since instead of a greasy stain, a trace of the product may remain. It should be left for 30 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly.

Another way to remove greasy stains is to use potatoes, cut the potato and rub the stained area with it until it is completely clean.

Way suitable for men, apply shaving foam for 5 minutes, rub and wash.

Using ammonia, you can easily remove the oil trace. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 200 grams of warm water and apply for 15-20 minutes.

If clothes with a greasy stain have already been washed without stain removers or the stain is old, then it is much more difficult to wash it off. But for this case there are several methods:

The oldest and most proven remedy is laundry soap. It copes very well with any dirt, including old grease stains. You need to lather well and leave for several hours, then rinse and lather again, then wash.

If there is no soap at home, then you can use another product that also works well; there is salt in every home, but for an old stain you need to make a solution. Add 3 level tablespoons to half a liter of hot water. The water should be exactly hot, above 40 degrees. Dip the item with the stain into this water until the stain disappears.

Removing stains with steam, this way you can remove a stain from any fabric, just use an iron with steam or hold it over boiling water, then wash as usual.

Starch absorbs fat perfectly, but if you heat it up, it happens faster and more efficiently, so before the procedure you need to warm it up thoroughly in dry form and sprinkle it on the stain, first place a napkin, hold until it cools and remove, repeat several times.

Long-standing grease stains can be removed using a mixture of white toilet soap and gasoline, place a napkin under the stain, apply the mixture and leave for 15 minutes, soak a cotton pad in gasoline and carefully remove the mixture, starting from the edges to the center. Then wash as always.

Another method is to mix washing powder and ammonia in equal proportions and grate the fat, then iron it through gauze.

For items that cannot be washed (furniture, carpets, etc.), it is best to use alcohol or acetone, applying it from the edges to the center and rinsing off with a swab moistened with gasoline.

Mix warm water with vinegar in a 1 to 1 ratio and place the soiled item in it for 30 minutes and wash.

How to remove grease stains from colored clothes

The most common stains on colored clothes, so you always need to remember and know how to remove greasy dirt from them. There are many such methods, the most effective of which are the following:

Laundry 72% soap can be used in three ways: 1 simply wash it; Lather well 2 times, wrap in plastic and leave overnight; then lather and sprinkle with sugar or salt on top and rub with a brush, rinse after 20 minutes.

Shampoo for oily hair, oddly enough, it also helps with grease stains. For the best effect, you need to apply shampoo, lather and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Dishwashing liquid will also help with colored clothes. Apply it for a few minutes and rinse, perhaps repeat several times.

Bread will help remove a fresh stain on a colored item. You need to take warm white bread and blot the fat until it disappears and wash as usual.

For colored linen items, you can use mustard powder mixed with water to form a thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to the stain, after drying, wipe off and wash in warm water with powder.

Tracing paper or blotter is suitable for any type of fabric that can be ironed. But the only condition is that it must be a fresh stain. Place one sheet under and the other on the stain and iron until the fat is completely absorbed.

Glycerin will remove any stain from colored clothing, whether new or old. Apply a few drops to the dirt and leave for 20 minutes, then blot with a cotton pad and wash with laundry soap.

Fill the sawdust with gasoline for an hour and remove it. Place sawdust soaked in gasoline on the stain until the grease is absorbed; this can take up to several hours.

Old greasy stains can be quite difficult to remove from the surface of the fabric. You can solve this problem with many modern means, but in most cases, high-quality stain removers are not cheap, so we suggest trying some traditional methods.

This article discusses time-tested methods of how to remove a greasy stain, even if it is old. There are quite a large number of such methods, but not all of them can be used in all cases.

The solution to this issue depends on how long and on what fabric the stain has been on. Without taking into account these nuances, using one of the very powerful means, you can completely ruin your favorite thing.

Contamination is removed more effectively if it is removed from the reverse side. Just before doing this, you need to place a thing folded several times under it. white fabric or white paper napkins.

Then you need to immerse a cotton swab in the prepared product, moisten the contours of the stain with it and move to the middle. Contamination should be treated in this way - in this case it will not spread.

This accessible remedy, present in every kitchen, will help remove not only grease stains, but also traces of sweat, berries, wine and even blood. To remove it, simply sprinkle it with salt and rub it lightly.

When the salt is completely saturated with fat, you need to remove it and sprinkle the desired area with clean salt. This should be continued until the stain has completely disappeared, then wash the item as usual.

To remove old stains, place the soiled clothes in a basin, fill it with hot water and add half a glass of salt. The salt will absorb the fat. After this, wash the item as usual and dry it.

Bread crumb with soap solution

This is another old proven option for how to remove a greasy stain. When the bread has absorbed all the fat, the fabric should be washed in a warm soapy solution.

This method is great for getting rid of greasy marks from velvet items.

This product is universal and helps remove stains from glue, rust, tea, coffee, mold, blood, ink. With the help of ammonia, stains are very well removed from artificial light-colored fabrics.

If it is necessary to remove dirt from natural fabric or fabric, this product must be used with great care.

You should dilute one teaspoon of ammonia in 0.5 cups of warm water, immerse a cotton swab in this solution, wipe the greasy stain with it, and then place it on the contaminated area cotton fabric and iron it with an iron.


With its help, fresh stains can be easily removed from both colored and dark items.

To use this method, pour a small amount of mustard into a container and dilute it with water until creamy, and then apply the mixture to the stained area of ​​clothing for half an hour.

After this, the item should be washed in warm water.

Detergents like Fairy not only remove grease from dishes, but also help get rid of stains on clothes. They, of course, are not designed for this, but they still do an excellent job even with traces of machine oil.

Apply dish detergent to the dirty area, wait about 10 minutes, pour boiling water over the area and wash the item.

You can also use a cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent. After this, just use a special brush to restore the rough surface.

Potato starch

This method is used if the item stained with grease cannot be washed. A small amount of starch should be rubbed into the fabric and left for 10 minutes. This manipulation must be repeated until the fat disappears completely.

If you are wondering how to remove an old greasy stain, you need to use hot starch. You just need to apply it to the area, wait a few minutes and walk with a dry, clean cloth to dry the item.

Shaving foam

Avid bachelors have opened another one effective method fight stains - they cope with this problem with shaving foam.

You just need to rub this product into the dirty area of ​​your clothing, wait a few minutes, and then wash the item with regular powder.

Removing old grease stains

Refined gasoline or turpentine

To use this method, you need to moisten blotting paper with gasoline or turpentine and place it under the contaminated area, and wipe the top with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline or turpentine, from the edges to the center.


This simple remedy also perfectly copes with this type of pollution. You just need to apply a few drops of glycerin to the contaminated area of ​​clothing, wait half an hour and wipe the area with a cotton swab or a clean white cloth.

If you are wondering how to get rid of grease stains and you need an effective weapon against such stains, mix turpentine with ammonia in equal quantities.

Dip a cotton swab into the resulting solution, wipe the fabric with it and leave the item for 2-3 hours. After this time, the item should be washed in warm water.

Wood sawdust

If necessary, this can be done using ordinary sawdust, which should be moistened in purified gasoline.

They should simply be poured onto the dirt and wait until the gasoline is completely dry. If after these manipulations there are still some traces of fat left, the procedure should be repeated.

Well, if you still can’t deal with greasy stains on your own, you can always simply take the contaminated items to a dry cleaner, where the dirt will be removed as soon as possible without causing any harm to the material.

But in most cases, such stains can be washed off without any problems at home.