How to balance male and female energy. Feminine energy for a man

One of frequently asked questions:
— How to reveal the “inner woman” in yourself or how to become a “real man”?
Another variant:
—Where can I find a real man or a real woman?
Third option:
— How to harmonize?

In each of us there is a feminine and masculine principle - Yin and Yang, an inner woman and an inner man.

What do these two aspects do and why are they important?

Yin- this is the feminine principle, taking on an inward-directed aspect. Perceives everything as a single whole, without separating itself from the Creator. Feminine energy is smoother, more fluid and multidirectional, without clearly defined boundaries. She remembers her true nature and higher purpose, so she has no need to express her selfhood. Properties - to dream, create images, inspire. Character traits - smoothness, flexibility, fluidity, tenderness, care, smoothing out rough edges. Feminine energy is cool, moon energy.

Yan- masculine, directed outward. Therefore, for men, fulfillment in society, in the outside world, is much more important. Male energy is more vectorial, directed, dividing. More goal, action and result oriented. Masculine energy shapes individuality. Character traits - initiative, determination, enterprise, result orientation and goal achievement. Male energy is hot, the energy of the sun.

It is impossible and not necessary to be in only one of these hypostases. It is important to be able to be in harmony and manage energy as needed.

For example, we live in a society, and when we need to act, function, we, regardless of gender, “turn on” our male part. And in personal relationships, it can be useful to use your feminine side. And only when both energies inside you are in harmony and balance, then you can build harmonious relationships outside.

It is believed that the optimal ratio is 30/70, i.e. up to 30% of the energy of the opposite sex, and from 70% of the energy of the same sex.

If there are internal distortions in one direction or another, this also affects the external one, because The outer world is a reflection of the inner. For example, you probably know such couples: a strong, domineering, slightly masculine woman, and next to her a soft-bodied and slightly effeminate man.

Guess what this is about?
And how do you want it to be for you?
To harmonize and balance male and female energy, I offer you one very simple practice.

Possible " side effects» from practice:

♦ A state of causeless bliss on different plans- physical, mental, emotional;
♦ Help in relieving psychological dependence;
♦ Relieving sexual hunger during forced or voluntary abstinence;
♦ Improved relationships.

We offer practice for harmonizing male and female energies -YIN-YANG BALANCE

The practice consists of two levels, which are best done one by one, mastering it over the time you need (within a week, or within a month). It is advisable to follow the order and practice the levels in the order in which they are given. As you master the levels, you will have the opportunity to practice in everyday life, “on the go” - in transport, on the street, during breaks between ordinary activities - as soon as you remember about it.

Before starting the practice, you can mentally or out loud turn to your Higher Self and ask him to tune you into this practice so that it takes place here and now with maximum effect for you.

Level I. Yin-Yang balance

Sit comfortably or lie on your back with your hands palms up. Try to relax your body as much as possible; it is also advisable to form and maintain an internal mindset of open energy and trust in everything that will happen to you during this practice.

Main visualization:
1) Imagine in your right palm a brightly shining, pleasantly hot golden Sun, a symbol of Yang energy. The size of the sun is whatever is comfortable for you. Next, imagine that brightly shining, pleasantly hot, plasma-dense golden energy comes from the sun and fills your body. Try to feel it. The excess energy radiates through the pores of your body in all directions and replenishes your field (aura), which becomes dense, golden and radiant. Follow this step for as long as your inner feeling tells you. On average this can take 3-5 minutes.

2) Imagine a softly shining full moon, symbol of yin energy, in your left palm. Imagine that a gentle, subtle, softly shining energy comes from it and fills your body. Try to feel this, sometimes remember the sun in your right hand and try to maintain the feeling of energy as described in point 1, and then return to this point again.

Over time, you will be able to feel both energies at the same time. Follow this step as much as your inner feeling tells you.

The operating time with solar energy may turn out to be longer than with lunar energy, or vice versa - this depends on many reasons - let everything go as it goes.

Effect of practice at level I:
Filling with energy, harmonization (balance) of yin-yang energies in your soul and physical body, balancing the masculine and feminine principles in your entire being.

In principle, these two points are quite enough to achieve a natural yin-yang balance, but if desired, this practice can be expanded with the following additional exercises that will give a broader effect:

In addition to points 1 and 2, imagine yourself sitting (or lying) on ​​a glowing globe. The position of the palms does not matter. The energy of the Earth rises from the bottom up and flows through your entire body, going up into infinity. Imagine that you are as open as possible from below and from above. Try to feel it. Sometimes return to points 1 and 2, maintaining a sense of the flow of the energies of the Sun and Moon. Do this point for a while until you feel that you have had enough and you can move on. On average, this takes 3-5 minutes, but with practice, less time may be sufficient.

Next, imagine that space and stars are around you. The energy of the Cosmos enters you from all sides. This is an infinitely loving, dense energy that permeates your body, every cell, and replenishes your field. Try to feel it with your whole being. Sometimes return to points 1, 2 and 3, maintaining the simultaneous feeling of the energies of the Sun, Moon and Earth.

Effect of additional practice to level I:

Harmonization (balance) of ascending and descending flows, filling with energy, a feeling of love and inextricable unity with the surrounding world.

Level II. Yin-Yang connection

In continuation of the first level, where the balancing of yin-yang energies occurs, at the second level there is a natural and harmonious combination of the masculine and feminine principles in our being.

Sit comfortably (or lie on your back), placing your palms in a way that is comfortable for you (this does not matter in this practice) and try to relax your whole body as much as possible. Maintain an inner attitude of open energy and trust in everything that will happen to you during practice.

Imagine that at a certain (convenient for visualization) distance from you there are the Sun and the Moon, located in outer space on the same line in relation to you. The Sun is a little further away, and the Moon is a little closer to you, and the distance between them is such that for you, as an observer, the solar and lunar disks are the same size, that is, they completely overlap each other so that the edges of the disks completely coincide.

For those who have problems with spatial imagination, images of a total solar eclipse may help. The only difference is that in this practice the lunar disk should be imagined not as darkened, but as softly shining. Next, imagine that the energies of the Sun and Moon, familiar to you from level I, flow towards you along one line - harmoniously combined and inextricably fused with each other.

These combined energies penetrate your body, fill every cell, and its excess replenishes your aura. Try to feel it. Practice time is 3-5 minutes (maybe a little more or less, the only guideline is still your inner feeling).

When you can feel point 1 well, imagine that the small (reduced) Sun and Moon are in every cell of your body: moreover, in every particle of your being - and fill all cells and particles with their energy. This - full of love, naturally harmonious and holistic, radiant divine energy.

Try to feel it with your whole being, with every cell. Stay in this state for as long as it feels good and until you feel complete. Usually this is 3-5 minutes, but it can be more or less, this is normal. If you wish, you can sometimes return to the description of point 1, this will contribute to a better effect from this practice.

Effect of practice at level II:
The union of masculine and feminine principles in our being naturally evokes a feeling of fullness of life within oneself, a feeling of increasing one’s own integrity, perhaps a long-term experience of inexpressible bodily and mental harmony, causeless and deep happiness, coming, one might say, from the very depths of the cells.

Achieving a yin-yang balance has a beneficial effect on psychological relationships with the opposite sex and quality intimate relationships. With practice, painful psychological and physical dependence on loved ones and partners of the opposite sex gradually disappears (if any): psychologically you stop suffering when your loved one is not around, and physically you completely stop experiencing “sexual hunger.” But, at the same time, your natural sensuality does not disappear anywhere - on the contrary, it is freed from negative layers, clamps and bindings and blooms like a flower.

Both types of energies are simultaneously present inside each person: male energies are concentrated in the right half of the body, and female energies are concentrated in the left. The entire Universe is created from “plus” and “minus”, and also male and female energies are present in everything and everywhere.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the family has a stable, harmonious atmosphere or good, warm relationships. The reason for this is the imbalance of male and female energies. That is why there are so many divorces, single-parent families and people who were unable to start a family.

If male and female energies are not balanced within a person, there will also be no order and stability in external life. How might this manifest itself? For example, if a woman behaves rudely, it means that her masculine energies predominate over her feminine ones. If it concerns health, then some people may have pain more often in organs located on the left side, while others may have pain on the right side. Sometimes it happens that someone's a good relationship with my mother, but not with my father; sometimes there are tense relationships with both parents. This also speaks of an imbalance, inconsistency of male and female energies.

As soon as the male and female energies are balanced, harmony will be restored in the relationship, and you will have good relationships with all the people around you and in any team, because everywhere there is an interaction of male and female energies.

For a married couple, the balance of these two energies is a state when two separate people, a man and a woman, are in spiritual, energetic unity.

For a sanyasi (ascetic) this is a state when one person has achieved internal balance, and then the combination of both energies - both male and female.

In yoga language it is explained like this. When a person’s kundalini energy awakens, it rises up through three main energy channels ( nadi).

These channels are called sushumna, id a and pingala. Sushumna- this is the central energy channel, Ida– channel responsible for feminine energies, pingala- for men's. All three channels run along the spine and connect at the Ajna Chakra. When the kundalini energy reaches the ajna chakra, the male and female energies unite and the person receives the Sada-Shiva state. At this moment he is Shiva and Shakti together, Radha and Krishna, Sita and Ram. When both energies unite inside a person, a connection with God occurs.

Both energies - female and male - are very important. Their harmonious combination– the basis of balance and stability on any spiritual path. In turn, a state of balance is necessary for spiritual development and improvement. Consistency in family life for a person living in society, it is necessary in exactly the same way as an internal state of balance is for a sannyasi living in solitude.

In order to balance both these energies, one must repeat “SADA-SHIVAYA”. This is the name of God, personifying balance, the union of the masculine and feminine principles.

When you repeat the name of God, the pure energy and sound vibration of this word will have a beneficial effect on you, purifying your karma, reducing or completely eliminating negativity.

The Vedas and other sacred scriptures say that the one God has many different forms. That's why he has many names.

In all the names of God " Sita-Ram», « Narayan», « Radhe-Shyam», « Sada-Shiva"contains enormous energy. Any name of God can give a person both material and spiritual benefits. However, each of them has its own characteristics, each has its own energies. A person repeating a specific name of God will feel and receive more energy from that name.

Often a person wonders what is the reason for his worries and suffering? In fact, any problems you face in life are the result of past karma, namely your past actions: thoughts, words and deeds

The energy of the name of God will give you the strength to cope with any, even the most hopeless circumstances and find a way out of any difficult situation.

Each person can repeat the name of God, which is closer to his heart and receive pure energy. But when Sadguru gives the name of God to a person personally, the power of this word awakens very quickly, since it contains the energy needed by this particular person.

It's time to unleash the full creative and intuitive potential of us all. As masculine and feminine energies finally join forces to come into perfect balance and work in perfect harmony, we are entering a new reality and era beyond ego and fear, one based on compassion.

Beautiful carriers of feminine energy - and all of you who are reading this: it is time to establish the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies on Earth. The power of the goddess within each of us is awakening right now. What? Goddess in a man? Isn't this stupid? Well, let go of those old-fashioned ego belief patterns that we have been programmed to have. It is time to realize that it is absolutely amazing to experience this dormant power that we all carry within.

The Golden Age of Balance has arrived

In the eras of Cancer and Gemini, up until about 4000 BC, we had eras on the planet that took place in feminine energies. They focused on feminine qualities such as attitude, birth, nurturing, intuition and communication. These were followed by the Ages of Taurus, Aries and Pisces - eras of masculine power that dealt with the experience of war, violence, rationality and control. In each period a different part of the energy was missing. Either way, humanity was not fully functional. Mother Earth desired this as a way to experience duality and experience life in imbalance. By doing so, she gave us the opportunity to also go through this experience. We have been going through all this time because it was simply impossible to achieve a balance of these energies in an unbalanced environment. These cycles are now ending, and we are already in a transition period. The experiment in imbalance comes to an end, and the Earth rises into, and with it, all of us.

The golden era of Aquarius has arrived. It all started on December 21, 2012, when we moved into this new astrological era. The new energies that this era brings are finally helping to find the perfect balance.

There is a massive spiritual awakening underway.

We can already feel this - especially those who are awakened or in the process of awakening. Everything changes and we feel different than before. We see that more and more more people looking for the meaning of life, their purpose, attending retreats, yoga classes, channeling and educational seminars, etc. Mindfulness is the new mantra for many. And there are more and more of them every day. Until now, the authorities have played an easy game to keep us in our fears and tricks. Now that new energies are coming, more and more people are awakening to their spirituality and reconnecting with their intuition.

“Now that new energies are coming in, more and more people are awakening to their spirituality.”

We have spent the period from 2012 to present resetting all the low frequencies that no longer serve us and are remnants of the old ego era. In the ascended version of this planet and the ascended version of ourselves, there is no room for these low vibrations based on ego and fear. Some of us have already gone through this process of dissolution, some of us are in the middle of this process, but most of humanity is just awakening. The first truly big wave of awakening has already begun. These people are experiencing what we experienced before. Now, I hope we can all see clearly why it was necessary to experience this pain and transition ourselves. This was to prepare us to help many followers through this process. The question of who they are, and that deep knowledge that there must be more to life than just work, sleep and existence in the social system, causes them to be in an overloaded state now. They experience the opening of their heart chakra and with it the opening of their energy system that they have kept closed for so long. Those whose systems are still closed do not yet feel the shift, simply because they are not able to perceive and feel the new frequencies. They will continue to live in their ego bubble for a while until they are ready. There will be a transition period for these people over the next 16 years. Their chakra system will also be open. They will have time to catch up gradually during this period. They will become increasingly uncomfortable if they do not cope with the transition, to the point where they will either have to move or leave their body, simply because the differences in energy will cause so much friction that their system will burn out.

Men and women suffered from oppression

It is often mistaken to believe that the rise of the feminine and the end of repression apply only to the women of this world who were not given the opportunity to live freely as women and were not allowed to enjoy the pleasures of love and sexuality. This is, simply put, not true. Men also suffered without this balance and had to suppress their feelings and vulnerabilities for a long time. Men were also unable to express their love and sexuality freely, as they were forced into the dominant protective role of overpowering the woman and thus harming themselves by depriving themselves of their own access to this balance.

“Men and women have to relearn that vulnerability is this is real power, and sexual energy is absolutely sacred and necessary for creation."

The suppression was indeed the suppression of the feminine qualities that both men and women carry within them. Both parties must relearn that vulnerability is true strength, and that sexual energies experienced through the higher chakras are something absolutely sacred and an energy needed for creation and manifestation. We must all let go of old patterns of fear, guilt, shame and embarrassment, and realize that we all deserve to enjoy this pleasure from a place of unconditional love and freedom.

Now is the time to rediscover our intuitive gifts and the guidance we all carry within. It is time to rediscover our connection to Source and realize that God is not an authority figure in the sky who teaches us obedience, but the universal power and feminine energy of the Goddess that lies dormant in each of us: our intuition, telepathic communication skills, abilities to healing through energy work, etc. But those who used them with the best intentions were crucified, burned as witches and wizards, or ridiculed as mentally ill in past eras.

Balancing masculine and feminine can be confusing

The time for control and programming by authorities such as religions or controlling governments is over. We are entering the phase of dissolving all addictions. This leads to the chaos we may be experiencing right now around the world. Mother Earth releases old energies through earthquakes and volcanic activity, people release old energies through conflict and war, and this is all the result of long-term suppression. We are gradually realizing that the response to violence is not countermeasure or revenge, but compassion and therefore increasing the frequency to more high level. This will lead to a situation where one-way violent energies will no longer have a resonant field and will simply be converted into higher frequencies in this way.

This overview shows some masculine and feminine qualities that balance each other out:


Left hemisphere of the brain / Right hemisphere brain


Striving / Surrender, allowing

Analytical / Intuitive


Accelerating Forward / Patience, Cultivation




It becomes obvious that they need each other to be whole. What we must learn is that both energies are needed to create and manifest the new world we are entering. If only feminine energies are available to you, you can come up with great intentions and ideas, but without the mind, its thoughts and impulses to the body, it will always remain an intention and will never manifest itself. If we only have masculine energies available for manifestation - we create, but without the true heart's intention to love, which leads to the use of technology for the wrong selfish reasons.

Healing the pain of separation through true compassion and understanding

The balancing act we are all going through right now can be very confusing. By opening our energy fields, we have created space to let in new energies. For those in more masculine energies, it may be uncomfortable to find all of those repressed feelings suddenly coming to the surface. I can only encourage you to accept them and get rid of old social programs that men are not allowed to show their feelings. There is nothing more powerful than a person who has discovered the true quality and power of compassion and intuition to manifest their true potential. For those who carry more feminine energies, it can be strange to have a lot in the head. I strongly recommend not pushing thoughts away, but learning to manage them so that they serve to manifest the intentions of the heart. When both parts are brave enough to do the balancing, we not only help ourselves, but the entire planet, move even faster. So, dive into the unknown and experience the beauty of the other half.

“Embrace your Goddess within and proudly cultivate her power.”

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? This is still true, but as we dissolve the illusion of separation, we also dissolve the distance between these planets. Embrace your Goddess within and proudly nurture her power. It didn't matter whether you were a man or a woman: this balance was the missing element of integrity.

The texts I share are always based on my own intuition and/or clients' experiences and my own. I do not claim to share the truth. I encourage everyone to take only what resonates to find their truth and wisdom. Since this is universal wisdom, I do not claim copyright. Please feel free to share this content, keeping this message in its entirety so that the meaning is not distorted. Thank you. Lots of Light and Love.

Connecting with your inner boy and girl

Dear friends, Thank you for being here today. Together we celebrate New Era. It is already here and growing and developing thanks to your inner transformation. You are the forerunners, the pioneers who are helping the birth of a new consciousness on Earth today. At the current stage of your inner transformation, there is still a lot of confusion within you.

You stand with one foot in a new reality, a new way of originating and experiencing things and phenomena. However, the other leg is “in limbo,” so to speak, in a vacuum. You cannot return her back to the old and familiar path, but at the same time, you are afraid to completely switch and move forward on new soil with both feet. This new paradigm of consciousness is uncharted territory and does not yet seem to resonate with the outside world or the traditional values ​​and habits you learned at school or at home.

Much of society still seems to be in thrall to old, tired belief systems fueled by fear and the need for control. But a lot is changing and what was previously self-evident is now turning into ruins and falling apart. In Western society, many people now feel that their lives are losing meaning. People also began to pay much more attention to the internal aspect of what was happening around them.

They became interested in psychology and spirituality. They are less focused on exclusively external success and material well-being. Especially in wealthy societies, people have discovered that success and material wealth are not necessarily a prerequisite for true happiness and satisfaction. Success and satisfaction are two different things.

You will feel like you have truly accomplished something in life if you are able to connect with your own soul and express its energy. This is what creativity is all about: discovering what your soul energy is and expressing it on Earth through your own abilities and gifts. This is what makes you truly happy, warm and glowing from the inside.

At this moment, by touching others, you give them the opportunity to see who you truly are - angels of light. You then become angels, consciously bringing light into the earthly realm, so often obscured by illusions that prevent you from seeing the inner light of every living being.

Currently, a lot is happening at the global and planetary level. There are huge energy shifts happening that can affect you in your daily life. When people change their consciousness and begin to think differently, when they ask new questions and question the existing order, they invite new energy into their lives.

Now one part of you wants and is constantly trying to achieve this, while the other resists the new and does not want to move forward. This is the most timid and suspicious part of you. The internal tension and conflict that arises as a result of this leads to a separation of your consciousness and the consciousness of millions of people going through the same processes. This creates, from time to time, a heavy, tense atmosphere of resistance around the Earth. This resistance to change and moving forward is part of what it means to be human. Even if you live a very conscious life, this heaviness affects you too, because... at some points it touches fear and doubt that you have not yet let go of.

What do you do with this inner conflict and how do you let go of old fears and belief systems? How do you connect with your own soul energy and find a way to express it into the world? Today I would like to take a closer look at these issues by talking a little about your inner balance between masculine and feminine energies.

Every soul has free access to both masculine and feminine energy.

Essentially, masculine energy deals with manifesting itself outward in the material world. It is associated with concentration, insight and energy of action. It allows you to take your place in the world. To exist as an “I”, clearly limited from others.

Feminine energy, by its nature, tends to turn inward, to the inner nature of things. It is associated with feelings, inspiration and transcending the boundaries of the self to connect with others. Feminine energy is fluid and receptive and when combined with masculine energy leads to the highest form of creativity.

The balance between the two allows you to realize your highest potential.

Feminine energy is the energy of the unmanifested, the realm of pure potential. It is also the source of true inspiration - the heart desires of your soul. The feminine part of you is the bridge to your soul. Your soul has no form. Just feel it. At this moment you perceive yourself as having a body that allows you to be part of this reality. You have eyes, hands and you are a man or a woman. But you can feel that although this way of being is part of you now, you are not exhausted by it. You are what animates this body, this form. You revive it from the inside. But, in essence, you have no form, you are pure consciousness, one and indivisible. Feel the freedom and bliss of this state. Feel how you, as a consciousness, are completely independent of the body and that you freely chose to be a part of this reality for some time.

Your temporary merger with this body has its reason. You are here because you want to be here. The fluid, boundless feminine energy desires to dance with the masculine energy of manifestation and form. Masculine energy allows the soul to enter and experience this specific physical reality. It allows the soul to express itself creatively in this earthly realm.

The energies of the masculine and feminine are the building blocks of Creation and when they play together peacefully and joyfully, it brings beauty and harmony into the world.

However, for many of you, masculine and feminine are artificially separated and do not work together. To put it bluntly, you either have too much masculine or too much feminine energy. With an excess of male energy, female energy is suppressed and there is excessive concentration on external manifestations and dependence on the recognition and assessment of others. You are cut off from the energy of your soul, the living flow of feelings and emotions that is constantly trying to tell you what you really want and need. If you associate yourself too strongly with masculine energy, you are caught up in the expectations and demands of the outside world. Essentially, you are driven by a feeling of insecurity and try to overcome it by forcing yourself to live up to standards that are not yours.

You don't feel truly cared for and nurtured by your feminine energy and build your outer security around being competitive and in control. All this makes you extremely dependent on the thoughts, feelings and actions of others. When you lose touch with your unique inner guide, you are replaced by a tense and anxious ego, constantly craving recognition and trying to control everything, all the time. It lives by false ideas about power, in which the soul suffocates.

People whose balance is skewed towards masculine energy are afraid to open themselves to the formless, fluid nature of feminine energy. In your society, which is overflowing with masculine energy, this fear is obvious from the fact that people are neurotically busy all the time. They find it difficult to allocate time for themselves to spend it freely and aimlessly.

Everything seems to have to be accounted for and planned with almost forced efficiency. Also, if you have a strong desire for something and truly feel that you want this change in your life, you immediately want to get started.

You often don't give an idea or goal enough time to grow and develop, to gradually grow into your reality. It seems like an organic process. Internal development, once launched by your intention to do or have something, is regulated by its natural rhythm, which you cannot NOT accelerate, NOT control.

Due to dominant or disconnected masculine energy, you tend to overthink and worry. Your thoughts are racing like crazy. This leads to general intolerance, a feeling of emptiness and lack of inspiration in life. You don't truly trust your feminine energy. She seems to want to take you in a completely different direction.

Your emotions, for example, urge you to relax, take time for yourself and communicate more openly with others. At some point, you will no longer be able to shrug off this call. If you try to live solely from masculine energy, you will come to a crisis in some form, be it illness or any other discomfort. This crisis will essentially be an opportunity for you to find a new balance between the masculine and feminine in your life.

What happens when feminine energy becomes too independent and loses sufficient connection with masculine energy? In contrast to a tense and controlling ego, this leads to a weak and unstable ego.

If the balance shifts towards feminine energy, it can mean that things easily become “too hard” for you. You react to the energies of other people with heightened sensitivity. It becomes difficult to say no and set your boundaries clearly because the masculine energy responsible for defining your living space seems inaccessible to you.

It is also becoming difficult to decide on your your own desires, because You are easily drawn into the whims and desires of others. Having an excess of feminine energy means that you empathize easily and find it easy to understand the feelings of others. You are also able to engage deeply with your own emotions and experiences, but feel unable to truly express yourself emotionally and creatively to the world. You have insufficient access to the masculine energy of self-awareness, self-advocacy, and a sense of centeredness and concentration.

Feminine energy, by nature fluid and receptive, needs a reliable anchor and a well-formed “I”. This is what the masculine energy can give her if the feminine part is willing to trust the masculine and let go of her fear of being a separate “I” with its own needs and clear boundaries. This is the fear of feminine energy present in many people, especially women, who are taught that it is good to be sensitive, gentle and obedient (while men are taught that it is good to be tough and competitive).

But unless they develop this masculine ability to center themselves on their own being, their creative energy will be wasted. Their spiritual energy will not receive adequate expression, which creates spiritual sadness and leads to melancholy and depression.

In this era, it is necessary to re-BALANCE male and female energies.

It is important to understand that the meaning of feminine energy is that IT IS BASIC or primary.

I don't mean "best" or "highest" here. Masculine and feminine relate to each other, as represented in the YIN-YANG symbol. Both are equal and complementary.

However, the feminine energy within you is the bridge to your soul, your formless essence. By connecting to your feminine aspect, you open up to your deepest inspiration, your purpose for being here.


Imagine yourself now connected to FEMININE ENERGY.

Imagine it in your heart. Feel a soft, warm energy in your heart that is very familiar to you, very close to who you really are. Feel this energy in your heart, and now imagine that it opens a window in the back wall of the heart through which it establishes a connection with the Light, the Light of the Source, the Light of your soul. Stop for a moment to feel this. Perhaps you will see an angelic figure or your guide.

It doesn't matter what you see. You just need to feel the presence of loving cosmic support, the presence of Home. This way you channel the energy of your soul. Just feel the light and transparency of this energy.

She enters your heart and now you can feel how close WE ARE TO YOU.

We, "on the other side", are part of the reality passing right through you. You are, in fact, part of this other reality right now. Your “Higher Self” is here now, simultaneously merging with you on Earth.

Now imagine that you are calling upon the MALE ENERGY within you. You ask her to help you ground yourself and fully connect the energy of your heart to earthly reality. Feel the power of masculine energy flowing gently and easily through your arms and legs. This creates clarity, self-confidence and focus. You feel how it anchors the ENERGY OF YOUR HEART in your body and in the Earth.

Masculine energy gives you courage, insight and resilience.

Understand that this is the way that masculine energy likes to connect with feminine energy. She wants to serve the feminine to enable the energy of the soul to be embodied in time, space and matter. Protected and surrounded by masculine, feminine energy feels safe and joyful. Feel how Heaven and Earth unite within you.

Imagine yourself now walking through a beautiful forest. Glubokoye blue sky. It's autumn and the trees have just begun to lose their leaves. However, you still feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. You enjoy the walk. Soon you notice a nice clearing where you can sit for a while. Perhaps there is a bench or soft spot under a tree. You sit down and fall into silence. You breathe deeply and consciously and release all the tension that you feel in your body. You feel the Earth carrying you. You become quiet and peaceful inside.

And then you hear the sounds of cheerful children's voices in the air. And it touches you and makes you smile.

You notice two children walking towards you. This is a boy and a girl. They move towards you decisively, intending to give you something.

Now they have stopped opposite you and their faces look happy and carefree. The girl steps forward and gives you something. This may be a thing, but it doesn't have to be. She may simply be emitting something with her presence or her eyes, reminding you. What does it remind you of? How does she vibrate when she looks into your eyes? What it gives you energetically is more important than what it can give you physically. Receive her energy with gratitude. Ask her to sit next to you, on the left.

Now turn your attention to the boy who also wants to give you something. Look at him and accept his gift. It could be a symbol, an object or a feeling, or it could just touch you and you would understand. You feel his message and accept it. Thank him and invite him to sit on the right.

Feel how much these children are a part of you. They are always with you to remind you of who you are. Their natural qualities belong to you. Now take them by the hands.

Sit on your lap and let everything about you that feels old and worn disappear. Fear, anxiety, darkness, just imagine the Earth opening up to take it from you. All of this is neutralized in its womb.

Allow the new, fresh energy of these children to enter your energy field and restore your zest for life and a childlike sense of trust and magic. When we return to the present moment, you will not allow these children to leave. They are a part of you and they keep your original inspiration alive.

Any time you feel tense, uncomfortable or unsatisfied, you can call on these children. They will help you re-balance yourself.

When you return to this forest, or any other place that you love, you will see only a boy or only a girl wanting to turn to you this time. Trust what your imagination shows you. Just take it lightly and playfully. This doesn't have to be a serious exercise. It's just a game. It is a means of connecting with the powerful deep energies of the masculine and feminine within you.

All of you are working to create a new balance between these two energies that have become so misunderstood and alien to each other in your society. Each time you reconnect with them and recreate balance within yourself, you radiate it to others and thereby help bring about a brighter, more loving consciousness on Earth. We thank you for this and love you very much.

Contributed via Pamela Cribbe

Translation – Yan Lysakov
© Pamela Kribbe 2007

Where to get energy when there is not enough of it? How to save energy? These and similar questions are encountered with enviable regularity among residents of megacities. Usually we are talking about a lack of strength for work achievements and a complete lack of desire to do anything. You, of course, have read the standard recommendations in these cases - sleep more, rest, set a daily routine, exercise, deal with stress, take vitamins, eat right, normalize digestion. It must be said that they have a basis, because it is vital for human health to comply with all these principles. The energy level can indeed be maintained in this way, but not always and not completely. Few people think that the development of femininity, female power, intuition, as well as relationships with oneself and others directly depend on the amount of energy in the body.

Let's deal with energies

In the human body, be it a man or a woman, there are two types of energy - male and female. IN different traditions They are called differently, but the essence does not change. Skipping extensive descriptions of characteristics, I will immediately note that if they are correctly balanced, we see man purposeful, able to think quickly and make informed decisions, logically formulate and draw conclusions based on facts, and obtain material wealth. The man is a “hunter”, “fighter”, “warrior”. At the same time, he will be a person who understands, loves his family and friends, and intuitively goes in the right direction.

Woman in the energy balance, she is attractive and loved by others, regardless of external data, with a soft voice and a smile. She is feminine and intuitive, while being able to think brightly and constructively. Such a woman feels when, where and who needs her care, and does not surround anyone with hyperprotection. Natural wisdom in all its actions. Using “soft power” and a sharp mind, she helps her man advance his career and takes care of the family’s health. She can perfectly “rule” and raise children herself if she wants. Such a woman is not bothered by thoughts about imposed beauty standards and her own imperfections. She lives in peace with herself and does what she loves.

I think you have already noticed that manifestations of male energy relate to the work of the mind, and manifestations of female energy relate to intuition.

Eliminating imbalance

If a person has a clear imbalance of these energies, then no standard measures will be able to increase its overall level. One way or another, you will remain dissatisfied with your life, bad mood, loss of strength, or problems that have not been solved for years.

In a series of articles about the work of the 7 main human energy centers, we talked about the great role of essential oils in normalizing their balance. When working with masculine and feminine energy, the correct use of essential oils will significantly increase the effectiveness of your practices.

Masculine energy requires clarity and activity of action, clarity of mind, and focus on the outside world. First of all, this will help to achieve essential oils rosemary, bergamot, basil, lemongrass, petitgrain, lemon, eucalyptus.


  • rosemary 3 drops
  • bergamot 3 drops
  • lemon 3 drops
  • Peach oil(coconut, almond) 10 ml
Mix all the ingredients of the mixture in a dark glass bottle. Shake well. Apply 1-2 drops to the temples and the middle of the forehead (third eye area), massage in a circular motion clockwise. In the second option, apply 3 drops on each wrist, do the same.
  • Eucalyptus radiata 3 drops
  • petitgrain 3 drops
  • lemon 3 drops
  • 2 tablespoons
Dissolve essential oils in hydrophilic oil, then in a bath at a water temperature of 38 degrees. Take for 5-15 minutes, increasing the time with each procedure.

Surround yourself with scent basilica, in case of complex perception, adding to it lemon. Use 5 drops per 15 m2 of area in an aroma lamp, in an aroma diffuser according to the instructions, or in an aroma pendant 2 drops.

Combination of essential oils bergamot And lemon grass will help you move forward, win with ease, and be filled with new ideas. Add 2 drops to a single dose of organic shower gel or aromatherapy pendant.

For female energy, the following are important: slowing down, intuition, focusing inward, unity with nature, even distribution of physical forces, life on the wave of lunar and hormonal cycles. To awaken and strengthen it, use essential oils of geranium, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, myrrh, clary sage, and lavender in feminine practices.


  • myrrh 3 drops
  • jasmine 3 drops
  • ylang-ylang 3 drops
  • peach oil (coconut) 10 ml
Mix all the ingredients of the mixture in a dark glass bottle. Shake well. Apply 1-2 drops to the middle of each palm and rub. Then bring your palms together and feel the warmth. For those who are familiar with breathing practices, breathe energy into them. Then open and inhale the aroma for a few minutes, immerse yourself in silence within yourself, without thinking about thoughts. If you are practicing intuitive dance, now is the time to dance it.

Choose a scent geraniums for aroma lamp, aroma diffuser or aroma pendant.

Try it

  • geranium 5 drops
  • jojoba 5 ml
Rub your palms until you feel warm, apply 5 drops of the mixture to the middle of one of them, spread lightly. Inhale the aroma several times, then massage your lower abdomen with light, gentle movements clockwise, holding your palms for a comfortable time.
  • jasmine (rose, ylang-ylang) 5 drops
  • jojoba 5 ml
Choose an ether based on the aroma that resonates with you and seems most pleasant. Mix with base oil in a dark glass bottle. Apply 3 drops to the back of each hand throughout the day. In moments of rest, apply to the inside of your palms, after rubbing them together. Inhale the aroma and relax without thinking about the thoughts that come into your head. It is best to do this in the “butterfly” pose, opening the pelvic area, lengthening the exhalation and shortening the inhalation.

Mix essential oils from the suggested list with each other, achieving beautiful combinations and the required concentration. With their help, fill yourself with energy through the center of feminine power, and for those who practice yoga, through the second and fourth chakras. For those who have not worked with energy balance before, don’t worry. If you notice any violations, just try to follow the recommendations described above.

Love is the main feeling that rules the world. It is the feeling of love for yourself and others that will be an indicator that you are doing everything right. Miracles will not keep you waiting!