How to choose and use hand cream in the winter? Nourishing and protective hand creams - a detailed review of the best offers. The best hand cream in winter reviews.

Choosing hand cream for winter, pay attention to its composition - it should contain natural oils(shea, olive, flaxseed, etc.) and plant extracts (for example, chamomile), as well as vitamins A, E, group B. Winter cream It should have a dense consistency, be well absorbed, not leave a greasy residue on the skin and instantly restore it after exposure to frosty air.

Hand cream for winter advises to first test it in the store, and only then buy: ask the seller for a sample (they are always not very willing to give them, but you ask for them! =)), then apply the cream to the driest and most sensitive area of ​​the skin of your hands, then wait minutes until 10, put on gloves and go outside. When you get home, you can see how the cream did its job - whether it protected you from the cold, tightened cracks, relieved irritation, or made your skin smooth and soft. Only if you answered “yes” to all these points, you can return to the store for it.

If you don’t have time for experiments, welcome to our selection of the TOP 5 best hand creams for the winter. In it, the editors have collected the best and proven hand creams that work great in winter period.

This cream is based on an old recipe from the French Pharmacopoeia. The miraculous cold cream was invented by the Roman physician Claudius Galen. He connected rose water, almond oil and beeswax and received a truly unique product that moisturized and protected dry skin, softened it and healed damage. Dermatological Laboratories Aven have recreated an ancient recipe. Hand cream with cold cream protects hands from frost, nourishes them, heals cracks, makes the skin soft and well-groomed. Before use, the cream must be thoroughly warmed in your palms and then applied to your hands. Price: about 136 UAH.

Hand and nail cream “Nourishing” 2 in 1 from Yves Rocher

Bestseller of the brand. Non-greasy, healing, nutritious cream, which ideally cares for both the skin of the hands and the cuticle. Instantly absorbed, protects and moisturizes the skin, eliminating irritation and cracks. The cream contains the famous Yves Rocher component - Organic Arnica. Organic arnica has unique healing properties. Price: 39 UAH.

Protective hand cream from Madara

Anyone familiar with the organic Latvian brand Madara probably knows that these are completely natural organic cosmetics with appropriate certification that meet ECOCERT standards and are also suitable for vegans. Hand cream from Madara is a wonderful velvety product with northern plum and linden flowers, which is perfectly absorbed into the skin of the hands, moisturizes and restores even the driest skin, and strengthens nails. Quickly absorbs, creating a protective barrier against harmful environmental factors. Price: 9.95 EUR.

Nivea Intensive Nourishing Hand Cream

The good old and proven cream from Nivea is something like a small black dress, will always please every woman. In winter, this is the best democratic find! Nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and cracks, quickly heals wounds, and is instantly absorbed. Contains avocado oil, known for its life-giving properties. Price: about 34 UAH.

Lush Helping Hands Hand Cream

This cream is a real helper in the fight against dry and rough hands. It contains chamomile, lavender and honey to repair damaged skin, while flaxseed gluten and various oils in a complex - moisturize and nourish it. As a result, your hands will be soft and beautiful. Suitable for vegans. Price: 165.00 UAH. / 100 g.

Modern cosmetic products are quickly absorbed, perform several functions and are used at any time of the year. Not so long ago, moisturizing cream for the winter took a leading position among sales of products in this category for the skin of the face and hands. The well-known axiom that we moisturize the skin in the warm season and nourish it in the winter has ceased to be relevant.

Moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis are two important tasks that can be solved both separately and together. Also, do not forget that over the past decade the composition of publicly available and fairly inexpensive means has changed significantly.

Therefore, it is better to turn to cosmetologists for an answer; they will know exactly which cream to use in winter - nourishing or moisturizing. The specialist’s decision is influenced by the analysis of the following factors:

  1. Visual and hardware examination of the epidermis.
  2. The amount of time a person spends outside every day.
  3. The level of indoor air dryness at work and at home.
  4. Patient's age.
  5. The presence of chronic diseases that can have a direct impact on the condition of the skin.

Based on this, a decision is made on which cream to use in winter for dry, oily or combination skin.

Important: excess nutrients, as well as overhydration of the skin, lead to negative consequences. It loses its healthy appearance, areas of peeling and redness appear.

Variety of cream textures.

What is the difference when using a moisturizer and a nourishing cream?

When using a moisturizer in winter, additional moisture is delivered to the upper and deep layers of the epidermis. It is not advisable for women over 35 years of age to refuse these funds.

Aging skin performs its natural functions less well. It produces less hyaluronic acid, so it needs to be artificially delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis or stimulated for its additional production.

Also in winter it is necessary to ensure additional receipt of nutrients and protection. Therefore, a nourishing cream for the winter usually contains fatty acids, vitamins D and E, and palmitic acid.

The skin receives additional protection from sudden temperature changes, frost, and gusts of wind. In the absence of it, the hands, face peel, and redness appears. It's difficult to get rid of this. Applying nutrients will help prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects.

What is the difference between winter cream and its summer counterpart?

Manufacturers cosmetics Quite a long time ago they divided their products into categories of different types. The substances offered differ:

  1. The type of effect on the skin is hydration, nutrition, elimination of defects, anti-aging.
  2. What period of the year are they intended for - off-season, winter, summer.
  3. Availability of additional protective functions. Moisturizing cream for the winter, like nourishing cream, may contain substances that prevent exposure to sunlight. Such products are intended for use in winter resorts.

You need to know what is included in the product by the manufacturer. The name often hides its multifunctional effects on the skin.

The main differences between the winter version of creams and those intended for use in summer period, is the presence of a function of protection against frost and bad weather, wind. They also have a denser texture. There are other differences:

  • Moisturizing cream for the winter, its nourishing analogue, after application to the skin creates an invisible protective film.
  • Exposure to frost reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. This leads to a decrease in elasticity. Products for the cold season compensate for this deficiency.
  • Frost reduces the rate of epidermal restoration at the cellular level. Therefore, all products are developed taking this disadvantage into account. They contain an increased amount of hyaluronic acid, compared to their “summer” counterparts.

It turns out that it is impossible to give preference to the same product in the warm and cold seasons? Experts do not consider this statement to be completely true.

Protecting the skin of your face and hands correctly

Not long ago it was believed that moisturizers should not be used in winter. This will negatively affect your appearance. Nowadays, such consequences are only possible when using low-quality cosmetics.

Cosmetologists advise using a moisturizer in the morning in winter, before applying foundation. If the makeup base does not have a dense texture, you must apply a nourishing analogue at least 15-20 minutes before going outside.

Well-known manufacturers have long divided their product lines into summer, winter and anti-aging. Cosmetologists are often asked about what cream to use in winter for dry skin. In fact, only the first part of the question is relevant here.

Walking in nature or on the street during the cold season leads to a change in skin type on exposed areas of the body.

In fact, dryness appears in almost everyone who likes to walk or whose work involves being outside. What is needed at a particular moment: nutrition or hydration - the cosmetologist will tell you.

If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to purchase means of a dual type of influence - universal.

The skin of the face and hands are the first to take on the cold breath of winter - no matter how much clothing you put on, these parts of the body cannot be completely protected from the wind, snow, and frost. The warmest season of the year is the most comfortable for all living beings. What happens to the skin in winter months? It turns out that as the temperature approaches zero, humidity disappears in the air and the amount of oxygen decreases. Dry air begins to dehydrate the skin, robbing the cells of moisture. The skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum. The renewal of the cellular structures of the epidermis slows down, the productivity of the sebaceous glands decreases - at sub-zero temperatures the body seems to fall asleep. Let's add here the effect of external stimuli in the form of cold wind, ice crystals of snow pellets. The result is dry, rough skin, a rougher appearance, and red spots. The skin becomes less elastic, easily wounded, and prone to inflammation. There is a threat of loss of tone and the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles ahead of time.

Preparing your skin for winter in the fall

Since winter hardships lie ahead, let's take care of our skin in advance. Having been enriched with ultraviolet light and vitamins over the summer, by autumn it should look smooth, elastic and soft. If something is wrong, we take measures before the onset of frost and cold weather. If the skin is dehydrated, intensively moisturize it with lotions and serums. Are the sebaceous glands working at half capacity? We use rich cream. Have you noticed signs of skin aging - dullness, unevenness? Let's remember vitamin creams and creams with “anti-aging” ingredients.

Do you need moisturizer in winter?

For many years, both women and cosmetologists have been discussing whether it is possible or not to use moisturizer in winter. Some categorically say “no” and believe that the water molecules contained in such a cream, crystallizing in the cold, have a detrimental effect on the skin tissue. Others claim the opposite: the basis of moisturizing creams is not moisture, but substances that prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin, and, therefore, there is nothing there to turn into ice crystals. In addition, due to its 36.6 ° C, the human body cannot allow anything applied to the skin to freeze, even in cold weather.

Let everyone decide for themselves which side to believe. One thing is indisputably clear: the skin dries out in winter and needs additional moisture, it needs to be moisturized. In order not to experiment on yourself, it is best to do this, for example, in the evening, and not immediately before going outside. This remark especially applies to gels that create a cooling effect, as well as scrubs and masks.

Cream No. 1 - nourishing

As soon as the thermometer outside the window begins to show values ​​below zero degrees, the skin needs nourishing cream and protection. Frost dries out the skin, and a rich, nourishing cream will protect it from overdrying and frostbite. If you don’t have a special cream for winter conditions on hand, any night cream will do temporarily - it’s richer and more nutritious than day cream. Special “winter” creams have only their own texture. They seem to envelop the skin and thereby relieve the feeling of discomfort from the aggressive effects of cold. Acids, Omega 6, magnesium and vitamin C contained in nourishing creams preserve the vitality of the skin and its radiant beauty.

What about acne? Perhaps a rich nourishing cream will contribute to even greater blockage of the sebaceous ducts and an increase in the number of acne? Acne In winter it can really get worse, but the reason for this is reduced immunity, thickening of the skin as a reaction to cold weather. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen cleaning measures skin and do the procedures no later than 3-5 hours before leaving the door, but the protection from frosty air and wind is still the same - a nourishing cream.

Maintaining youth and beauty has been important at all times. Previously, in order for the skin not to age and to look attractive, girls had to make their own special decoctions, ointments, etc. Nowadays, representatives of the fair sex are much luckier. You just need to come to a cosmetics store, and the best skin care products are already waiting for you in the windows. One of the most popular among them is hand cream. It not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also protects it from environmental influences (cold, water, pollution, etc.). Manufacturers offer various options care, differing both in composition, texture, and appearance, price.

The right hand cream will help you take proper care of your skin at any time of the year. They differ in purpose, characteristics, properties, etc. First of all, there are 5 types.

  • Moisturizing. Can accelerate cell regeneration. Ideal for dry skin, because... saturate it with moisture.
  • Nourishing creams fill the skin with useful substances, making it elastic and healthy.
  • For sensitive skin. Such products contain special hypoallergenic substances.
  • Anti-aging is a separate type that is used by women and men after 30 years of age. Wrinkles on the hands are a common problem that can be easily solved with the help of special products. They improve regeneration and prevent aging.
  • Protective. When interacting with water and soap, the natural layer of skin on the hands is destroyed; such creams prevent this process and can protect against chemical and other damage.

The skin of your hands needs special care. To carry it out efficiently and effectively, you should purchase only good and proven products. The composition of such hand creams must include oils, nutrients, plant extracts, vitamins, water and trace elements. At the same time, you should avoid products with non-natural ingredients (dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc.). Rating best creams for hands includes the most reliable products for moisturizing, preventing wrinkles, nourishing, etc.

Best hand moisturizer

3 velvet handles complex

Optimal cost
Country Russia
Average price: 70 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Budget hand cream from Russian manufacturer has a moisturizing effect and eliminates flaking. Pleasant texture and unobtrusive aroma. The skin becomes softer after the first use. The tube with a specially shaped cap keeps the cream sterile all the time and allows you to apply the correct dosage. Low price– another argument in favor of purchasing this product.


  • optimal cost;
  • economical packaging;
  • suitable for dry skin;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • light pleasant aroma;
  • good texture.


  • there are unnatural components;
  • not too noticeable effect.

2 La Roche-Posay Lipikar Xerand

The best care for dry skin
Country: France
Average price: 640 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

French skincare brand La Roche-Posay presents a cream for dry hand skin based on thermal water. It has a natural composition and does not contain parabens. Absorbs quickly and has an immediate moisturizing effect. This hand cream is recommended by dermatologists throughout Russia for atopy, other inflammations or excessive dry skin. After using the product, the skin becomes radiant, beautiful and well-groomed. Does not cause an allergic reaction and prevents microcracks and inflammation. The unique composition of the cream gives firmness and elasticity to your skin.


  • excellent composition;
  • natural healthy ingredients;
  • fast and good results;
  • effectively relieves dryness.


  • high price;
  • small packaging.

1 Arabia Professional Hydro Active

Better nutrition
Country Russia
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The unique composition of hand cream with hyaluronic acid perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It does not need to be constantly reapplied, because... the product has a long-lasting effect. The strict packaging has an easily removable lid that reliably protects the cream from dust and dirt. Large volume (300 ml) ensures long-term use. It is completely absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant sensations on the skin. The delicious aroma makes the procedure of applying the cream even more comfortable. Fights dryness and minor damage. Eliminates flaking on the skin.


  • economical packaging;
  • good composition;
  • skin elasticity after application;
  • absorbs well;
  • suitable for dry skin;
  • has an excellent moisturizing effect.


  • high price;
  • doesn't take care of his nails.

The best anti-aging hand cream

3 TONY MOLY Red Apple

Best Packaging Design
A country: The Republic of Korea
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The unusual and bright packaging of TONY MOLY hand cream in the shape of a red apple is due to the extract of this fruit included in its composition. Shea butter and jojoba make the consistency thick and greasy, which provides ideal hydration during the winter. Therefore, the cream is well suited for dry skin. The spicy aroma leaves a good impression after every use.


  • beautiful compact packaging that you can take with you;
  • apple extract smoothes wrinkles and accelerates regeneration;
  • fights inflammation;
  • economical consumption (a small amount of cream is needed to completely moisturize your hands);
  • perfectly nourishes the skin;
  • long noticeable effect.


  • The texture is too oily, not suitable for all skin types.

2 Limoni Collagen Booster

Good composition
A country: The Republic of Korea
Average price: 420 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The cream from the Korean company Limoni has a unique composition that enhances the production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to specially selected nutrients and microelements, Collagen Booster hand cream accelerates skin regeneration, preventing its aging. The rejuvenation effect is the main advantage of the product. After several uses, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. The consistency is particularly light.


  • fruity aroma;
  • stylish packaging;
  • prevention of skin aging;
  • excellent composition (herbs, plant extracts, oils, etc.).


  • the moisturizing effect disappears after a few hours;
  • small volume.

1 Christina Forever Young

Excellent rejuvenation effect
Country: Israel
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A popular Israeli company presents to your attention a hand cream that prevents skin aging. Has a medium level of UV protection (SPF15), which replaces the use sunscreen. Well nourishes the skin with beneficial elements, gives a natural glow. Prevents wrinkles and has an excellent moisturizing effect. Light texture promotes rapid absorption and does not leave greasy marks on the skin. Package volume 75 ml.


  • high rejuvenating effect;
  • nourishes the skin;
  • pleasant texture;
  • excellent sun protection;
  • can't be felt on your hands.


  • high price.

The best cream for sensitive hand skin

3 Neutrogena Norwegian Formula

Excellent value for money and quality
Country: France
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Neutrogena hand cream has a pleasant tart aroma and economical packaging. To moisturize your hands, a small amount of cream is required, which is easily distributed onto the skin and quickly relieves dryness. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the cuticle - it becomes well-groomed and soft after the first use. The texture is oily, which makes this product especially relevant in winter weather. The specially included elements soothe sensitive skin in a short time.


  • quick and noticeable effect;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • fights dryness;
  • perfectly moisturizes;
  • compact packaging;
  • economical consumption;
  • restores damaged skin.


  • does not contain natural oils;
  • contains preservatives;
  • Not suitable for all skin types.

2 Neobio Natural Cosmetics

Best cast
Country: Germany
Average price: 260 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The German cosmetics company has developed an intensive hand cream specifically for sensitive skin. It has a unique composition, which includes: vitamin E, olive oil, aloe leaf juice, various essential oils and other only natural ingredients. The manufacturer claims that the cream does not contain dyes, flavors, paraffins, silicones and even gluten. Moisturizes hands quickly and for a long time. It has a medium density consistency, which makes it suitable for absolutely any skin.


  • natural pleasant aroma;
  • not chemical composition;
  • soothing properties;
  • good degree of hydration;
  • high production standards;
  • optimal cost.


  • not detected.

1 Noreva Laboratories Aquareva

Longest lasting effect
Country: France
Average price: 550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

French-made Noreva Laboratories Aquareva hand cream is well suited for sensitive skin. It has a positive effect not only on hands, but also on nails. Leaves cuticles soft and hydrated. Prevents nails from peeling. The texture of the cream is ideal, because... moderately oily and light. Saves the skin from dryness, filling it with moisture and nutrients. Fights irritation and inflammation, has a calming effect. Quickly softens the skin.


  • prevents aging;
  • nourishes and moisturizes well;
  • lasts a long time;
  • soothes sensitive skin.


  • you can feel it on your hands for the first 10 minutes;
  • absorbs slowly.

The best nourishing hand cream

3 Velvet handles Nourishing

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Velvet Handles brand is considered one of the leaders in the ranking of the best in several categories. This cream richly softens the skin of the hands, relieves dryness and fills with nutrients. After application, it noticeably smoothes out. Among the ingredients is shea butter, famous for its unique properties. Regular use of products with it makes your hands more well-groomed, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Despite the low cost, it is highly effective. This is indicated by numerous customer reviews. The composition is also enriched with provitamin B5 and avocado oil, which together act very intensively.

Suitable for those whose hands often become dry due to contact with aggressive substances. Absorbs quickly and has a neutral odor. The volume of the tube is 80 ml. Consumption compares favorably with competitors. The texture is quite light and spreads quickly over the skin. Immediately after use you feel soft. The cream has been tested by dermatologists. Main advantages: best price, excellent efficiency, noticeable results immediately after application, optimal consumption, many positive reviews.

2 GARNIER Intensive care

The best product for very dry hands
A country: France (made in Israel)
Average price: 215 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The GARNIER company presents a super-nourishing hand cream “Intensive Care”, which occupies a confident position among the top best. It's made for daily use and has good protective properties. Prevents premature skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and cracks. Suitable for very dry and damaged skin, actively restores it. Regular care with the help of GARNIER cream makes your hands well-groomed and your skin soft and soft. Over time, damage, calluses, etc. disappear. Among the components there is allantoin, which has a powerful healing effect, and glycerin, which is responsible for protection against negative factors.

The aroma can be classified as a perfume; many girls like it. The pale pink cream has an optimal consistency, spreads easily and is well absorbed. It may leave a not entirely pleasant sensation – a film. Available in bright packaging with a wide neck and a screw-on lid. The volume is 100 ml. Main advantages: copes with very dry skin, good protective properties, healing effect, excellent aroma. Disadvantages: forms a film, anti-aging effect, rejuvenating effect.

1 Librederm Aevit

Excellent comprehensive care for hand skin and nails
Country Russia
Average price: 160 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The cream from the popular manufacturer Librederm is an excellent product for intensive care not only for hands, but also for nails. It has a pronounced softening effect. Has an antioxidant and regenerating effect. Active components here are vitamins A and E, Castor oil, mulberry and Amur velvet extract, as well as alpha-bisabolol. Buyers note that the result is noticeable immediately after application. Hands become smooth, and the skin is more elastic and fresh.

Created for comprehensive care of the surface of nails and hands. Suitable for tired and dry skin. Apply when necessary. Available in increased volume – 125 ml. One tube is enough for at least 3 months of regular use. Important Feature– does not contain fragrances, but at the same time has a pronounced pleasant aroma. Regular use helps accelerate nail growth. Main advantages: intensive comprehensive care, excellent results, pleasant smell, optimal cost, positive customer reviews, powerful nourishing effect on the skin.

The best premium hand cream

3 AHAVA Deadsea Water Mineral Hand Mandarin&Cedarwood

Best performance, excellent reviews
Country: Israel
Average price: 1200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The next top position is taken by the Israeli-made AHAVA cream. The company is the only one located on the shores of the Dead Sea. Its products are based on its mineral and other beneficial ingredients. Numerous positive reviews indicate better effectiveness with regular use. Immediately after application, the skin of the hands is smoothed, softened and intensively moisturized. This effect lasts for a long time. Its main purpose is to protect hands from aggressive environmental factors and exposure to household chemicals. The cream successfully copes with these goals.

The composition includes a special OSMOTER complex, which is a mineral concentrate. This also includes witch hazel extract and other important ingredients. The aroma is tangerine-cedar. The texture is quite oily, the cream spreads easily and does not leave stickiness, tightness or greasy shine. Ideal for dry skin. Advantages: proven effectiveness, optimal price, good feedback, Israeli quality, natural ingredients, incredible smell.

2 Sothys Velvet

Unique formula based on thermal water
Country: France
Average price: 2200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Based on thermal water from the Marie Henriette SpaTM spring, Sothys cream takes good care of your hands. The product richly moisturizes and soothes the skin. The main component – ​​thermal water – accelerates cell regeneration and maintains the natural condition of the skin. The composition also includes ingredients such as amino acids, betaine, vitamins, beech bud extract, shea butter and almond oil, as well as a unique complex of olive oil, wheat, soybean and pollen extract. Together, they protect against exposure to UV rays, restore skin, improve collagen synthesis, and support protective functions.

The cream is called “Velvet” because of its texture. It gives a pleasant feeling during application and after. The light aroma remains on the hands for some time. Available in a tube with a narrow neck in two volumes: 50 or 150 ml. Girls note that regular use improves skin elasticity and noticeable hydration. Suitable for minor inflammations and injuries. Advantages: unique formula based on thermal water, best reviews, highest quality, excellent composition, pleasant feeling of use. Cons: expensive.

1 Eldan Cosmetics

Only useful components included
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 2800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The ranking of the best would not be complete without a unique Swiss-made product from Eldan Cosmetics. This cream stimulates accelerated growth nails, increases resistance to negative environmental factors and takes excellent care of the skin. Its composition is enriched with propolis, which prevents the appearance of cracks, dryness and has a wound-healing effect, as well as shea butter, which is responsible for nourishing and soothing the skin. The product also contains other useful components: vitamins A and E, almond oil, lecithin, stearic acid and glycerin.

The main difference is the absence of harmful elements in the composition. Produced in 250 ml jars. The texture of the cream is quite dense and thick, but absorbs well. After application, the skin of the hands becomes smooth, soft, and moisturized. It is used as daily care. Many girls apply the cream before bed, and in the morning they enjoy the results. Main advantages: excellent composition, exposure to natural beneficial ingredients, optimal consumption, large volume, high efficiency. Disadvantages: high price.

Women's hands can tell a lot. They are able to give tenderness, show the silkiness and beauty of the skin, and also reveal the age of their owner. Therefore, caring for the skin of your hands is one of the main rules of every well-groomed woman.

It is especially important to pay attention to your hands in winter. When the protective functions of the skin are greatly reduced, it becomes easily chapped, redness, frostbite, high sensitivity to infections, peeling and roughness appear. Here winter hand cream will always come to the rescue, but it is important to be able to choose it correctly.

It is better to buy high quality cream at a pharmacy or specialty store. There will probably be all the conditions for storage, and experienced specialists will advise the best option. Worth paying Special attention the level of protection against cold, it is indicated on the label.

Instead of moisturizing - nourishing

It is better not to use creams with a moisturizing effect in winter; the skin can become severely cracked from excess moisture. During cold weather, it is better to buy a nourishing cream. It will create a protective film and prevent the negative effects of capricious weather.

During the day - protection, at night - nutrition

Experts advise using night and day creams. During the day - for protection, at night - to nourish the skin, restore it and saturate it with vitamins. Don't forget that universal creams will never save the skin from the cold, since they have only a superficial effect.

How to apply protective cream?

Protective cream should be applied half an hour before going outside. It must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin so that not a drop of oily shine remains. It will become a “second glove” and retain moisture. For more reliable protection from the cold, just before leaving the house, you can apply the product in two layers.

Winter hand cream: studying the composition

When buying winter cream, you should pay special attention to its composition. It’s good when the protective product contains a lot of glycerin, which gives elasticity and smoothness and perfectly moisturizes the skin. Creams with chamomile extract, beeswax, badger fat, allantoin, cedar, cocoa, olive oils, vitamins E, F have excellent properties. If your hands are flaky and red, nourishing and moisturizing creams will not help. You will have to turn to the help of various ointments, which include vitamins A (normalization of metabolic processes in the skin), D (regulation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism), as well as emulsified water. Some ointments should be used only after the advice of a dermatologist.

Keeping your hands beautiful and tender in winter is quite possible. Creams will help make them attractive not only to the eye, but also to the touch, and will easily relieve unpleasant sensations. Not every woman can become a queen, but everyone can have hands to match any queen.

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