What questions should you ask a girl on the first date? A successful date: what questions can you ask a girl, and which ones should you avoid? What questions should you not ask a girl on a date?

It doesn't matter whether you're trying to fill an awkward pause in a conversation or really want to get to the bottom of a potential soul mate, the main thing is that the date does not turn into an interrogation with bias. Pleasant questions for easy “seeding” of relationships are in our selection.

#1. Will you tell me about your family? Which family member do you communicate best with? Who is close to you? Men who are close to their mother are usually very respectful of other women. But we know that jokes about mother-in-law are greatly exaggerated, but horror stories about mother-in-law are not.

#2. Are you a morning person or a night owl? You don't want to have breakfast and fall asleep alone every day.

#3. What do you like for dinner/breakfast? What if this date still lasts until the morning...

#4. Do you like cats or dogs more? Nonsense? When one of you has six cats at home and the other has a terrible allergy to them, this can be a real problem.

#5. Do you have a favorite piece? American director John Waters once said: “If you come to a man’s house and he doesn’t have books, you shouldn’t have sex with him.”

#6. Do you really love what you do? This question reveals a man's ambitions and his thoughts about the future. If the answer sounds abstract, lacks certainty and has no clarity, this could be a stop sign for you.

#7. Whose concert did you last go to? A more inventive version of the hackneyed question: “what kind of music do you like.” Or maybe ask him what concert he would like to go to... with you, of course.

#8. How would your friends describe you? Even very open and sociable people have a hard time talking about themselves, but they can “safely” describe their character and habits by taking the other person’s point of view.

#9. How did your parents meet? Everyone likes to tell big stories. In addition, by asking about parents, you can learn a lot about the family of a potential partner.

#10. If you could choose any historical era, what time would you like to be in? I would like to think that this question will make a man use his imagination and provide the necessary spark for further conversation or, who knows, role-play.

#eleven. What films/series have you been interested in lately? Tell me what season of Game of Thrones you're watching and I'll tell you who you are.

#12. Where did you grow up? If you want to get to know a person better on a first date, ask him about the place where he spent his childhood.

#13. Tell us about your best trip. Question for inspiration. Even if your relationship doesn’t work out in the end, there may be someone you wouldn’t mind being with one day.

#14. Who has had the greatest influence on your life? And let him just try to hint about his ex!

#15. What is your purpose in life right now? Answer: “Save the Amur tigers from extinction” and “Not to part with you until the morning” are an excellent application for success.

I am often asked what questions can be asked to a girl in order to competently maintain a conversation. In this article you will find the 100 best questions to ask a girl for any situation.

When you go on a date with a girl, you should get to know her better before starting a relationship. Using the questions below, you can get a general impression about your new friend, her preferences, character traits, attitude towards certain things, and so on.

However, before you ask a girl, remember a few rules:

— Some questions are appropriate to ask only in a certain context, others are too deep and require detailed answers. You should calibrate the situation and ask the girl about what is most relevant at the moment.

- React to the girl’s answers. Express your emotions. Give compliments. Or vice versa, sometimes you can “trick” your friend.

- Try to ask questions whose answers will be interesting to you. As mentioned, this will help you get to know the person better.

100 questions to a girl

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 🙂
  2. Would you be able to date a guy if you knew you'd never be able to sleep with him?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. Do you like to drive?
  5. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  6. Did you do well at school?
  7. Which countries have you been to?
  8. Where would you like to go?
  9. Do you have a cherished dream?
  10. Do you like hiking?
  11. What sports do you do?
  12. Did you do well at school?
  13. Do you have a lot of friends?
  14. What can make you laugh a lot?
  15. Which humor do you like best? (Black, sarcasm, etc.)
  16. Do you have a hobby?
  17. Who do you live with?
  18. Do you have Brother or sister?
  19. What do you do in life?
  20. What's your favorite movie?
  21. Do you read books? Which?
  22. Which flowers do you like best?
  23. Do you like to travel?
  24. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  25. What season of the year do you like best? Why?
  26. Can you cook?
  27. Which your favorite dish?
  28. What do you value in men?
  29. What is the most important quality you would highlight in yourself?
  30. What do you drink most often?
  31. Who would you like to meet?
  32. Are you easily offended?
  33. What's your dream job?
  34. When was the last time you went to a club?
  35. What is the most important thing for you in life?
  36. What brings you pleasure?
  37. Who is the boss in your family?
  38. What did you want to become as a child?
  39. Are you afraid of heights?
  40. What do you do best?
  41. Is jealousy good or bad?
  42. What does happiness mean to you?
  43. Do you like animals?
  44. Does love happen at a distance?
  45. What time of day are you most productive?
  46. When and what music did you dance to for the last time?
  47. What is the most important thing in a relationship?
  48. Is friendship possible between a guy and a girl?
  49. What's your favorite dessert?
  50. What do you do best?
  51. What do you do when you're sad?
  52. What's the craziest thing you'd like to try?
  53. Would you like to live in another country?
  54. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  55. How should a perfect weekend start?
  56. What makes you forget everything?
  57. What's your favorite cartoon?
  58. Do you believe in omens?
  59. Which foreign language do you want to learn?
  60. What is your favorite holiday?
  61. What do you primarily associate with summer?
  62. What can you look at endlessly?
  63. What qualities do you value in people?
  64. What is your deepest dream?
  65. What inspires you?
  66. How do you spend your free time?
  67. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you spend the extra hour on?
  68. What's the hardest decision you've ever made?
  69. Do you believe in destiny?
  70. What are you most afraid of?
  71. Do you believe in zodiac signs?
  72. What is it difficult for you to decide?
  73. How much do other people's opinions influence you?
  74. What would you like to change in your life?
  75. What is love for you?
  76. How do you feel about meeting new people?
  77. Would you like to get a tattoo? If yes, which one?
  78. What kind of music do you listen to?
  79. What does your happiness consist of?
  80. Would you like to find your double?
  81. What's your favorite attraction?
  82. What breed of dog do you like best?
  83. What do you want to learn?
  84. What character trait do you like most?
  85. What should every person try?
  86. Do you trust people?
  87. What do you do when you can't sleep?
  88. What do you value most in friends?
  89. How many hours do you need to sleep?
  90. What songs can't get out of your head?
  91. What day was the brightest and most memorable this year?
  92. What was your name as a child?
  93. What do you miss most often?
  94. Do you like extreme holidays?
  95. Do you often look at the guys you like?
  96. Do you like to go to clubs?
  97. How many children do you want?
  98. Should you honestly answer the question “What don’t you like about me”?
  99. What would you do if you were a guy for a day?
  100. Who cheats more often: men or women?

Don't talk to a girl with just questions. If you asked her about something, develop the topic so that she speaks out, then you can express your opinion. If you ask question after question, the girl will quickly get tired and she will become uninterested. Good luck!

Many guys are naturally shy and indecisive. Therefore, they often have difficulty meeting girls. Men not only don’t know how to approach a woman, but also what to talk about. The terribly exciting dating situation thus becomes uncomfortable for both parties. Before you figure out what to ask a girl, you need to understand how to talk to her in general.

Most guys meeting people on the street are not original and ask banal questions such as “Can I meet you?” or “how to get to the library?” Of course, such an undertaking is almost completely doomed to failure. Ask any girl, and she will answer you that only a non-standard approach, moderate assertiveness and a new acquaintance can attract her. It's best to come up with some unexpected question. He must interest the girl and take her by surprise. Be sure to pay attention to her behavior. If she is in a hurry, then no matter what question you come up with, you most likely will not receive an answer. As a rule, readiness for acquaintance is guessed by the appearance and behavior of representatives of the fairer sex.

Some guys are interested in what to ask a girl at a party or club. It's a little easier here. You already have at least one common topic- the party itself. In general, it is believed that questions are The best way find out everything that interests you about a person. You just need to be able to ask them correctly, listen to the answers to them and delve into their content.

If you don’t know what to ask a girl you already know, it doesn’t matter. Most importantly, you should take a keen interest in her life. If you have something in common, such as friends or school, talk about it. Girls always appreciate it when guys sincerely want to know as much as possible about them. But there should be a sense of proportion in everything - you shouldn’t bother with inappropriate questions about your personal life.

In order to start a conversation, you can give out a small piece of reliable information and look at the girl’s reaction. There is no need to speak in a categorical manner; her opinion may differ from yours. If you are not able to immediately see any common ground in your interests, try just watching the girl. Maybe she herself will tell you the area of ​​​​her hobbies. For example, she might be holding a book, or a football team logo on her clothing, or a leash that ends in a dog.

If you don’t know what to ask a girl and what to talk about with her on a date, there are always eternal topics that never get boring. This could be music, literature, sports, work, study, pets, philosophical questions. The most important thing is to think before asking anything, otherwise the girl may misinterpret your words. Let's say the question "Do you go to Gym? " sounds like she needs to lose a few extra pounds.

Avoid old, hackneyed questions about family, age. This may seem banal and ordinary. If you don't know how to ask a girl for her phone number, don't be shy. The main thing is self-confidence. A guy who stutters, all red and sweaty with excitement, is unlikely to get what he wants. You need to ask a question about a phone number in an affirmative manner, leaving the girl no choice or opportunity to refuse.

Try to be cheerful on a date, and do not forget that a woman is always evaluating you. Therefore, when you talk on the phone with a friend or place an order with a waiter in a cafe, remember that they are looking at you and listening to you. Religion, politics, parents and ex-boyfriends- taboo on And if you don’t know what to ask a girl, then remember, you definitely don’t need to ask questions like “Well, how do you like me?” or “Do I fit your type?” By doing this you will show yours and alienate your new acquaintance.

In any case, don’t worry too much, girls are actually not scary creatures at all, the main thing is to find the right approach to them.

Therefore, by the word “communication” most of us quite rightly mean conversation. That is, information exchange.

Of course, eye contact is great too. Eye to eye - this state conveys a current of mood and interest. A person who does not look his interlocutor in the face is probably either hiding something or is angry. But this happens mainly with people who know each other well and have something to keep silent about. In other cases, communication can be almost a one-sided monologue, more often - a full-fledged dialogue, where questions are asked and appropriate answers are given.

So how to start communicating with a stranger, especially if you are an introvert?

Bulat Okudzhava wrote timeless lines: “Everyone writes as he hears, everyone hears as he breathes...”

And the famous Carnegie in his time argued that the greatest interest for each person is the personality itself. And in the process of communication you can achieve success only if you listen carefully or talk about things that are interesting to the individual. It is unmistakable to talk about him himself, and without any falsehood. The key to success is to be as sincerely interested in your interlocutor as possible.

Talk to your interlocutor, ask, answer yourself, the more often you practice this, the easier and easier it becomes.

Embarrassment and how to overcome it

Having a question ready is great.

But this is not enough! How to force yourself to take the first step and say the first word?

Someone can help following methods:

  1. Reduce the significance of the situation. To do this, imagine that the girl is your sister. It’s funny to blush and think about what you say to your little sister every day.
  2. Increase your importance. Embarrassment usually occurs due to the fact that thoughts interfere that such a beauty will not want to communicate with an unremarkable guy.
  3. It is worth advising you to remember your successes and achievements, start to be proud of yourself and acquire a royal posture.

  4. A good psychological way is detachment. This is a way to fantasize that you are not you, but a robot that you look at from the outside. And if they suddenly refuse or ridicule it, it will be him, not you.
  5. For those who lack self-confidence, we can recommend pickup training.

All meetings can be divided into 2 types:

  1. A completely random meeting that requires an instant reaction, otherwise you may never meet again.
  2. A meeting that can be calculated and worth preparing for. These include meetings in educational institutions, gyms, and at parties with friends.

If you have an ability explore interests, do it. Having common topics in conversation is a huge plus.
And putting yourself in a more respectable appearance can also be a good idea. Pump up muscles, buy new thing, beautiful, but in which you will feel comfortable and confident.

A girl needs to be assessed with a cold and reasonable look. Yes, this is difficult to do. Especially if you like her. But at least a couple of points of your strategy need to be assessed to avoid getting into trouble:

  • does the girl have a sense of humor or is she rather serious and academic;
  • she is relaxed or feels out of place;
  • How close is your social level?

What is the first thing to ask a girl when meeting her? The classic of the genre is to behave just like a girl. She is timid, you pretend to seek her sympathy. After all, they say that empathy and compassion are also important in communication.

She is an extreme person, which means you too can amaze with extraordinary antics. You can even write your question on a poster and approach the girl with it! It is very important to ensure that the answer to the first question is “yes”.

The most trivial example: “Girl, is this Ushinsky Street?”

It's great when you make a girl laugh or at least make her smile.
Example: “Girl, if you smile now, the whole street will light up... and I will finally find the keys I lost...”

Entry is not required. But a couple of standard words will, as it were, prepare the girl for the question. And it will be easier for you too. Lifesavers like this:

  1. Excuse me, please, …
  2. Sorry…
  3. Sorry for the stupid question...
  4. You won't help me figure it out...
  5. Tell me...
  6. Sorry, ... (You don’t have to shy away from slang.)
  7. Do you know any foreign language? It's great! You don’t need free communication, you need to know a couple of phrases in English, for example, and attract attention by starting with “Thank you for being worried,” “Excuse me,” or “I beg your pardon.”

For the sake of such a beautiful conversation starter, you can even specifically learn a few phrases on the Internet. Seductive French is a good way to start communication. The fluent Spanish is great. Choose!

Wherein smile— ensure your success by 99.99%. But the smile should be adequate to the facial expression of the girl you are addressing.

Most correct adapt to her mood. She's playful—smile widely. She is serious and businesslike - only slightly, as if apologizing. But remember that assertiveness and courage are attractive in a man. Take the initiative and conduct the conversation as if you are sure that she also enjoys it.

There is a good psychological way not to be afraid and overcome embarrassment: mentally imagine that the girl has already answered you. Lost within ourselves good script, as if they threw such a version into reality - and this version is more likely to materialize.

remember, that the first sentence is very important, but there should be a continuation of the question. Try asking questions with a view to further conversation. But don't chatter. Let the girl answer. If she tries to joke back, laugh! Give her the opportunity to ask something herself. And then a thin thread of full-fledged communication will stretch.

Examples of the best questions

What questions can you ask? Basically, it doesn't matter what exactly you ask. Main- listen with interest, let the girl talk. Assent, be surprised, admire.

The question is just a pretext. To get to know a girl and understand whether you match her way of thinking, temperament, etc. you just need to start asking.

  1. What do you like more - watching movies or dancing?
  2. If you are at sea, what would you prefer - swimming or sunbathing?
  3. I wonder if our favorite dishes are the same? I love sushi. And you?
  4. I have an older brother. Are you alone in the family?
  5. Do you like listening to music? Which one? Should I invite you to some concert?
  6. What is your favorite time of year?
  7. If you are allowed to point at any point on the globe and be transported there. What will you choose?
  8. Without which your food is not food. Meat? Or sweets?
  9. Do you think it’s time to throw away paper books in favor of electronic media or not? Do you have a library at home?
  10. Tell me honestly, does your beauty come from your mom or your dad?
  11. I just watched the movie “so-and-so.” Did you watch?
  12. Do you love roses?
  13. Do you think a cowboy hat and a lasso would suit me?
  14. Do you want me to grow my hair to shoulder length or shave my head?
  15. How much money do you think your chosen one should receive? What floor do you live on? Should I prepare climbing equipment to climb into your window or will I just climb up a tree?
  16. Has anyone dedicated poetry to you yet? I think that if Pushkin were alive, I would have to fight a duel with him because of you!
  17. Do you like cats or dogs more?
  18. Do you believe in horoscopes? Today I am predicted to meet for the rest of my life.
  19. If I fly to Thailand or New Zealand, what exotic fruit should I bring?
  20. Do you love autumn?
  21. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

The only thing you shouldn’t do is touch on personal questions, like: “How long have you been wearing makeup, how much do you weigh, there were a lot of guys before me, how old are you?”

Or questions that cause negative associations: “How long does your mother allow you to be absent?”, “What are your grades at school?”

Video about what questions to ask a girl when meeting her, what you can ask a girl and what not.

Another video about questions to ask a girl when meeting her.


In the gym for dating are appropriate special questions:

  1. Excuse me, is the entrance to the pool there? (point in the wrong direction on purpose) Second time here, I don’t remember. How long have you been studying? Do you only go to the gym or go to the pool? And how is it here?...
  2. Tell me, is it possible to hire a personal trainer here? You haven't worked out with a personal trainer. Don't know if it's expensive?
  3. How do you like the coach? In my opinion, I was completely driven.
  4. And they have yoga here. I was there and I liked it. Don't want to try it?
  5. Do you know if they have water aerobics here? How? That flock of fat women? No, I'd rather study here. With you.

There is no need to overdo it with politeness. They showed themselves, their muscles, their level. And you can postpone the continuation until next time. Then you will talk like old acquaintances.

Bar, disco

In a more relaxed atmosphere, when music is playing, some drinks are drunk, and phrases for getting to know each other should be more vivid and assertive.


  1. Young woman! I have a tragedy!
  2. Curiosity will make her at least wonder what happened. Then you can say: “I wanted to become a Nobel laureate, and I almost became, but I found out that mathematicians are not given this prize!” This interesting story can be told further.

  3. Girl, my sister bet me a thousand that I don't have a girlfriend. Can you now say just two words to my cell phone? (“I AM!” Half the money is yours.)
  4. Girl, on my back there is a T-shirt with the inscription: The most beautiful girl-... Here is a felt-tip pen, you wouldn’t write your name there!
  5. Girl, I just wrote a poem in your honor. Tell me, is the rhyme “glazishchi” “for thousands” appropriate?
  6. Carefully! Watch your step, please! My friend told me that I lost my head because of you... It must be lying around here somewhere. Don't step on it!
  7. Do you know that this composition was written not by Sting, but by me. Don't believe me? And you do the right thing and earn this flower!


There is much more room for imagination here. But there is also a greater danger that the girl will get lost among passers-by. The goal is to establish a strong connection.

Ask emotionally, freely, but keeping a distance, without excessive arrogance:

  1. Girl, if you pass by and don’t tell me where else I can see you, you’ll never know what... (invent it yourself)
  2. Oh no no no! Girl, it's not good to create emergency situations. After all, if I were driving, I would have already crashed into a pole, because I would have been staring in your direction. Do you understand this?
  3. My friend was right! I got so drunk yesterday that I still see stars. Dear star, how many orchestras do you think are roaring in my ears?
  4. My dream is to get an autograph from Nicole Kidman! Don't tell me you're not her. I will not believe! What should I do for you to drop me a few words on this business card?

No one can guarantee one hundred percent results, but learning the above questions and using them in appropriate situations is half the success.

And under no circumstances don't ask trivial questions about “What time is it?”, “What is your name?” or even direct questions: “Can I meet you?”, “Could you give me your phone number?”
Most likely, the girl will pass by, the impression will be hopelessly spoiled and the acquaintance will not take place.

Another video about what questions to ask when meeting a girl in order to interest her and get to know her. How and what should you ask a girl when you first meet her?

Any questions can be used. What is more important is the verbal side, that is, body language, how confident, pleasant your voice is and appropriate appearance and behavior.

AND be sure to remember to smile and sincere admiration for the one you want to meet.

They say it is impossible to understand women. Speaking in defense of the fair sex, I affirm that this can definitely be done. And it’s worth starting on the first date, so that it or one of them does not become the last. The recipe is: ask questions. Not about Dom-2 and not about piercings in intimate places. What to ask to get to know your friend inside and out - cheat sheet below.

Selection of a dating site

Test drive: questions to ask a girl to get to know her better

That awkward pause when you don't know what to talk about can be costly - costing a relationship or, okay, good sex. Don't be banal and boring. Ask the girl questions. In all respects, it is a beneficial maneuver - you will get to know the girl better, evoke vivid emotions, emphasize your interest and be remembered.

There is no need to ask everything at once. Pick a few and, like a spider, weave them into the web of conversation. I asked - listen, clarify, expand and reason. Time will fly by, and the date will leave a bright aftertaste. As for the interpretation of the answers, this is a conversation worthy of a hefty book. In short, listen not to the words, but read between the lines, and, most importantly, watch the reaction. Of course it's not easy. Highest level, access to which requires experience. In general, I’ll leave the interpretation up to you and move on to the questions of the first block, which will help you get to know the girl better and just have a fun conversation.

White-list: questions that will help strengthen relationships and become closer

Your partner's soul is dark until you speak frankly. One of the essential factors of intimacy between partners is dialogue. And here are the questions you should ask your constant companion.

Black list: questions guys should never ask girls

Perhaps you have already encountered a situation when, in response to your question, her cheeks flushed with a blush of shame or anger. You can ruin the prospect of a relationship or feel the power (sometimes literally) of girlish excitement with one careless word. Remember these questions so as not to create awkward situations in which she will be torn between the desire to get up and leave or to come over to you, get up and leave. Well, or just not to be banal.

It's good to have someone to ask questions to. Lonely hearts are united by dating sites, the ratings of which you can find on our portal. Honest user reviews and competent expert opinion. Study, register and keep our site bookmarked so that surfing in the world of online dating will be productive and vibrant. Good luck!