Card index of regime moments in the dhow. Regime moments in the middle group


Senior group.

Card index.

Conversation "Milk". To consolidate children's understanding of milk production (milking a cow, boiling, packaging in a factory). Talk about boiling milk as a way to keep milk fresh longer. Expand children's understanding of the environment.

Conversation “Every thing has its place” Teach to take care of things, remind that all things should be in their places. Reading article by Z. Alexandrova “What you took, put it back.” Develop a desire for order and a sense of humor.

Conversation “Wheat”, showing a picture. To consolidate children's knowledge that grain is threshed from ears of corn, from which flour is subsequently ground, and bread is baked from flour. Tell the children that the same grains can be ground in different ways - you can get flour, semolina and wheat grits. Strengthen children's knowledge about cereals.

Conversation "Valenki". Strengthen children's ideas about the benefits of felt shoes in winter very coldy. Experimentation: explain the process of producing felted shoes, clearly showing it on a piece of cotton wool. Develop interest in the world around us and the work of adults.

Conversation "Onion". Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Discuss with children that onions are eaten fried, boiled (in soup), and raw (green onions, chopped onions). Remember how in the fairy tale “Pinocchio,” Carlo’s dad only had one onion for food. Let us come to the conclusion that this is, of course, an extremely meager breakfast, but it can support a very hungry person.

A conversation about careful handling of clothes. Encourage people to check for gloves before and after a walk. Reading Art. G. Ladonshchikova “The mitten was lost.” Develop KGN.

D/i “What is the name of the soup.” Activate vocabulary, develop logical thinking. Fix the names of the soups: “borscht” (beetroot and tomato soup), “rassolnik” (cucumber soup), “ukha” (fish soup), “shchi” (cabbage soup).

Conversation “How a doctor treats teeth” To consolidate children’s knowledge about the dentist’s profession. Demonstrate the process of drilling a tooth and applying a filling on a large plasticine model.

Conversation “Combing”. Talk about the need for combing for boys too. Reading a poem about a scallop.

“Even though I quarrel with you often. Toothed comb, hello! Without you, my sister can’t braid her hair. Without you, my brother would have to walk around with shaggy hair all day long.” Develop KGN.

Conversation about brushing your teeth. Show how to brush your teeth correctly using a toothy toy as an example. Experiment with teeth cut from orange peel. Show that when moving the brush from side to side, food debris is not removed from the space between the teeth, but when moving from top to bottom, they are removed. Finger game by T. Pivovarova “Brushing our teeth.” Develop KGN.

Conversation "Rice". Remind your children about what rice dishes they know. Show on the interactive board how rice is grown, explain why it is not grown in our area. Develop children's understanding of cereals.

Conversation “How animals wash themselves.” We remember how a cat, a dog, a sparrow, a duck washes itself (children tell based on observations). Tell how elephants and horses, bears and tigers bathe. Develop ideas about the world around us. Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary.

Conversation “Where does milk come from?” To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a milkmaid. Activate the vocabulary with the words “milkmaid, milk, udder, calves, heifer, bull.” Reading of K. Kuklin’s poem “A Cow and a Calf Walked.”

- “Wonderful combs” - consolidating children’s knowledge that personal hygiene items should be individual and kept clean, instilling neatness. Reading Art. Yu.Simbirskaya “Bangs” comb
Not afraid at all."

Conversation “What kinds of soap are there?” - children remember that there is liquid soap and just soap, laundry and toilet soap, with a pleasant smell. Arouse interest and positive emotions when washing hands.

Reminding children that our food is prepared by a cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of ​​professions. Reading O. Grigoriev’s poem “The cook was preparing dinner” - to develop children’s understanding of professions and sense of humor.

Teach to exercise self-control, encourage children to pay attention to their appearance, the desire to be neat. Expand children’s ideas about the concept of “neatness” Reading Art. E. Cherkashina “Mama Kvochka has eight sons and two daughters. Mom bought each of us two pieces of soap, so that they would be clean, neat, beautiful and neat.”

D/i “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the word “beet” with pom. speech therapy rhyme: “the beets began to cry, they got wet to the roots. Guys, I’m not a beet, I’m a beet.”

Conversation “Who sews our clothes?” To consolidate ideas about the profession of a tailor. Reading by M. Boroditskaya “Today is the old tailor’s day off.”

Conversation about microbes. To give an idea of ​​microbes and viruses visible only through a microscope, which, if left on unwashed hands or vegetables, can lead to illness. Reading the article by V. Bredikhin “Once a microbe settled in”

Conversation “Autumn and winter clothes.” Discuss similarities and differences. Riddles about winter clothes(“Two sisters, two braids made of thin sheep’s wool. How to go for a walk, so to wear, So that five and five do not freeze.” etc.)

D/i “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Talk about which vegetables can be eaten raw (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.), which can only be eaten boiled or fried (beets, zucchini, potatoes).

Conversation “Fry, cook.” Clarify children's understanding of fried and boiled foods and methods of cooking. Invite children to discuss which food, fried or boiled, is healthier. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Conversation "Garlic". To clarify children’s understanding of the benefits of this vegetable for prevention colds, tell children about the volatile substances contained in garlic, which determine its specific smell. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Riddle conversation “How are orange and garlic similar?” Bring children to the conclusion that garlic and orange have “slices.” Expand children's understanding of edible parts of plants. Develop logical thinking.

The conversation “Ironing clothes” as a preliminary work for the role-playing game “Family”. Give children a positive view of the species labor activity, to develop respect for the work of adults, to consolidate the idea of ​​the aggregate states of water (“if there is intense heat somewhere, there will be steam from the water”).

Conversation “We are all friends with cleanliness”, about the need to remove garbage generated during play and creative activities. Explain the meaning of the proverb “Garbage is something that is not in its place. Develop children's work skills and a positive attitude towards them.

Conversation “Let's color our breakfast” Show children on the interactive board examples of pictures depicting the decoration of traditional breakfast dishes (porridge, cottage cheese) using jam and dried fruits. Explain that these ideas for a fun, festive breakfast are not for every day. Offer to color breakfast like this at home, with mom. Increase children's appetite, develop ideas about cooking, maintain children's interest in the cooking process.

Conversation “Holiday clothes”. Ask the children how festive clothing differs from everyday clothing. Reinforce the concept of “Clothing”. Create a desire to take care of clothes, to be beautiful and tidy.

Conversation “Where does milk come from?” To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a milkmaid. Activate the vocabulary with the words “milkmaid, milk, udder, calves, heifer, bull.” Reading the riddle poem by Yu. Chernykh “Who is grazing in the meadow?” / Develop logical thinking.

Reading the fairy tale “Scarecrow” by T. Shorygina. Lead children to the conclusion that he is unkempt appearance is unpleasant to others, but a neat person evokes a desire to communicate.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic “Bread”. To update children’s ideas about the work of grain growers, to cultivate respect for bread.

Experimenting "Huge" bubble» Show children how to use a soap solution and a loop to blow an unusually large soap bubble. Arouse interest in soap and soap foam, a positive attitude towards washing.

Conversation “Why you need to put toys back in their place” Drama with a boy doll “Petya didn’t like cleaning” - invite children to continue the story started by the teacher, lead them to the idea that they can trip over scattered toys. Teach children to put toys in order, put them in place ; encourage the desire to establish and maintain order, explain how order and safety in the group are connected.

- “Why is a shoe “asking for porridge” - explain to children the meaning of the saying, induce a desire to handle shoes with care.

- “I’m straight as an arrow.” Practical exercise during afternoon tea “Correct body position while eating” with all children. To reinforce children’s ideas about the need to develop correct posture.

Conversation “Sugar”. Tell the children that sugar is made from beets. Remind us of the property of sugar to dissolve in water. Experimenting - where will sugar melt faster, in cold or hot water? Expand children's knowledge about the world around them.

Conversation "Sweets". Invite children to list their favorite sweets, tell them that sweets are made with sugar or honey. Talk about the benefits of a small amount of sweets (they help you think, give you strength), and the dangers of consuming a large amount of sweets (your teeth get spoiled, you get fat, you can get sick). Expand children's knowledge about the world around them.

Conversation "Brushes". " Toothbrush– why is it needed?” D/i “What types of brushes are there?” Reading the rhyme “Brushes.” “I brush my teeth with this brush, my shoes with this brush, I clean my trousers with this,
These brushes are all needed." Develop ideas about the world around us, about the need to brush teeth (and clothes).

Conversation “About tasty and healthy food.” Give an idea about healthy products: vegetables, cereals, milk, eggs, fish and meat. Tell us that we need nutrition to grow and maintain strength. d/i “Find harmful products” (from cards with images of vegetables, cakes, milk, sweets, lemonade, chips, etc.)

Conversation about fruits. Continue to consolidate knowledge about fruits. Learn to independently determine which fruits and berries compote and jelly are made from.

Conversation “Vitamins”. Talk about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health. Bring children to understand what is necessary for good health proper nutrition.Tell children about vitamins, the functioning of which organs they help and what foods they contain.

Conversation “Do you have a napkin?” To form the necessary ideas about the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to use napkins as a necessary serving attribute.

- - “Tables grow on a branch, tablets grow in a garden bed” Consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits. To form the concept of “proper nutrition”, an idea of ​​how nutrition helps to avoid many diseases.

Conversation "Threads and needles." To consolidate ideas about the profession of a tailor, the attributes of his profession.. To create a desire to be neat and take care of clothes.

Conversation “Polite words at the table.” Continue to introduce children to the rules of table etiquette. Guessing the riddles of O. Emelyanova “Polite words.”

Conversation “Why do you need a comb?” Experimentation: show children a tangled skein of thread, offer to untangle it. Explain that hair also gets tangled if you don’t comb it. Reading a poem about V. Kuzminov’s comb “There’s a whole row of sharp teeth, But they don’t eat them!” What runs like a filly From the temples to the back of the head?

Conversation “Allergies” tell children about allergies, what is the basis for the fact that some children cannot eat certain foods. Invite children to also take care of their comrades, make sure that they do not mistakenly eat the foods in which they have been limited.

Conversation "Lapti". Expand children's understanding of shoes. Tell the children that in the villages they used to walk in bast shoes woven from linden bark (display on the interactive board), or simply barefoot, and only very rich people could buy boots and boots. Explain the meaning of the proverb “Don’t try to weave bast shoes without cutting the bast.” Continue to introduce children to folklore and Russians folk traditions and customs.

Conversation "Wheat". Expand children's knowledge about the environment. Give children the knowledge that from one wheat grain, depending on the grinding, you can get flour, semolina and wheat grits.

Conversation “Semolina and wheat porridge.” To consolidate children's knowledge that semolina and wheat grains are made from wheat grains, ask them to think about whether it is possible to make wheat grains from semolina? What about the other way around?

Conversation “Divide the bread in half, even though you are hungry.” Invite children to explain the meaning of the proverb, to provide a reasoned explanation for their agreement (or disagreement) with it. Form in children the habit of sharing with friends. Maintain a careful attitude towards bread.

Conversation “Soap is the friend of our hands.” Reading the fairy tale “Pumpatus and Soap Bubbles” by O. Shikhzamanova. Encourage children to have a positive attitude towards washing.

Conversation about hospitality. Explain to the children the meaning of the proverb “What’s in the oven is on the table.” To develop children's ideas about folklore and Russian folk traditions.

Conversation "Dough". Talk about the dough as the basis of any baking, explain that the most important component of the dough is flour. Experimentation: making dough from flour, water and salt together with children. Continue to expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Conversation "Salt". Talk about the importance of salt, that salt is added to almost every dish. Explain how salt is extracted (evaporation from sea water or extraction of rock salt in quarries). Expand children's understanding of the environment. Explain to children the meaning of the traditional Russian wish “Bread and salt!” Continue to introduce children to folklore, Russian folk traditions and customs.

Conversation “Potatoes are the second bread” Discuss the saying. Invite the children to list potato dishes they know. Expand your understanding of the environment.

D/i “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Remember whether they grew underground (potatoes, carrots) or above the ground (cucumber, tomato). Expand your understanding of the environment.

Conversation “Dairy products” Invite children to list what dairy products they know, tell which products are made from raw milk (kefir, curdled milk, cream), and which ones are made from heated, boiled milk. (cheese, cottage cheese). Activate vocabulary, expand children's understanding of the environment.

Conversation about proper care behind the ears. Goal: to contribute to the improvement of healthy lifestyle skills. Reading by Art. E. Moshkovskaya “Doctor, doctor, what should we do, should we wash our ears or not?”

Conversation “Boiled milk” Explain why milk is boiled (for longer storage). Tell us what happens if you leave unboiled milk on the table (it will turn sour). Tell that when milk sours, sour cream forms on top, and the rest can also be boiled, and you get cottage cheese. Expand children's understanding of the environment.

Conversation “If you need to put things away, you won’t have to look for them.” Continue to introduce children to the rules of caring for things and the need to save their time. Reading the story “Masha the Confused” by L. Voronkova. Activate the vocabulary with words that convey a caring attitude towards time and things “thrifty”, “neat”. "assembled".

Conversation “Wash your hands and fruits so that there is no trouble.” Discuss the dangers of eating unwashed vegetables. Reading Art. V. Marakhina “Always wash your vegetables.” Develop ideas about the environment and KGN

Conversation “Why do we need vitamins?” To develop children’s ideas about healthy and harmful foods, about vitamins as substances necessary for humans. Reading by Art. S. Loseva “Who are vitamins”

Conversation “Wash your hands thoroughly” Explain the meaning of the word “carefully”. Reading Art. L. Skorneva “The mouse is bad at washing its paws” Develop KGN, activate children’s vocabulary.

- “We wash the doll’s bed linen.” Expand the range of work activities performed by children with a high degree of independence. Cultivate a responsible attitude towards the work received. Encourage children to make their own decisions – where to dry their laundry? (on battery). Remember that when water heats up it turns into steam. Develop logical thinking.

Conversation “What fruits (vegetables) grow in our country?” To consolidate children's understanding of vegetables and fruits and their places of growth. Maintain an interest in the surrounding world, in living nature, and reinforce the idea of ​​healthy products.

Conversation “How sloppy - all the clothes are stained!” Form in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.




activities in regime moments.

Senior group.

Card index.

- Conversation "Milk". To consolidate children's understanding of milk production (milking a cow, boiling, packaging in a factory). Talk about boiling milk as a way to keep milk fresh longer. Expand children's understanding of the environment.

Conversation “Every thing has its place” Teach to take care of things, remind that all things should be in their places. Reading article by Z. Alexandrova “What you took, put it back.” Develop a desire for order and a sense of humor.

- Conversation “Wheat”, showing a picture. To consolidate children's knowledge that grain is threshed from ears of corn, from which flour is subsequently ground, and bread is baked from flour. Tell the children that the same grains can be ground in different ways - you can get flour, semolina and wheat grits. Strengthen children's knowledge about cereals.

- Conversation "Valenki". To reinforce children's ideas about the benefits of felt shoes in winter during severe frosts. Experimentation: explain the process of producing felted shoes, clearly showing it on a piece of cotton wool. Develop interest in the world around us and the work of adults.

Conversation "Onion". Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Discuss with children that onions are eaten fried, boiled (in soup), and raw (green onions, chopped onions). Remember how in the fairy tale “Pinocchio,” Carlo’s dad only had one onion for food. Let us come to the conclusion that this is, of course, an extremely meager breakfast, but it can support a very hungry person.

A conversation about careful handling of clothes. Encourage people to check for gloves before and after a walk. Reading Art. G. Ladonshchikova “The mitten was lost.” Develop KGN.

D/i “What is the name of the soup.” Activate your vocabulary, develop logical thinking. Fix the names of the soups: “borscht” (beetroot and tomato soup), “rassolnik” (cucumber soup), “ukha” (fish soup), “shchi” (cabbage soup).

Conversation “How a doctor treats teeth” To consolidate children’s knowledge about the dentist’s profession. Demonstrate the process of drilling a tooth and applying a filling on a large plasticine model.

Conversation “Combing”. Talk about the need for combing for boys too. Reading a poem about a scallop.

“Even though I quarrel with you often. Toothed comb, hello! Without you, my sister can’t braid her hair. Without you, my brother would have to walk around with shaggy hair all day long.” Develop KGN.

Conversation about brushing your teeth. Show how to brush your teeth correctly using a toothy toy as an example. Experiment with teeth cut from orange peel. Show that when moving the brush from side to side, food debris is not removed from the space between the teeth, but when moving from top to bottom, they are removed. Finger game by T. Pivovarova “Brushing our teeth.” Develop KGN.

- Conversation "Rice". Remind your children about what rice dishes they know. Show on the interactive board how rice is grown, explain why it is not grown in our area. Develop children's understanding of cereals.

Conversation “How animals wash themselves.” We remember how a cat, a dog, a sparrow, a duck washes itself (children tell based on observations). Tell how elephants and horses, bears and tigers bathe. Develop ideas about the world around us. Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary.

- Conversation “Where does milk come from?” To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a milkmaid. Activate the vocabulary with the words “milkmaid, milk, udder, calves, heifer, bull.” Reading of K. Kuklin’s poem “A Cow and a Calf Walked.”

- “Wonderful combs” - consolidating children’s knowledge that personal hygiene items should be individual and kept clean, instilling neatness. Reading Art. Yu.Simbirskaya " Bangs comb
Not afraid at all."

- Conversation “What kinds of soap are there?” - children remember that there is liquid soap and just soap, laundry and toilet soap, with a pleasant smell. Arouse interest and positive emotions when washing hands.

Reminding children that our food is prepared by a cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of ​​professions. Reading O. Grigoriev’s poem “The cook was preparing dinner” - to develop children’s understanding of professions and sense of humor.

- Teach to exercise self-control, encourage children to pay attention to their appearance, the desire to be neat. Expand children’s ideas about the concept of “neatness” Reading Art. E. Cherkashina “Mama Kvochka has eight sons and two daughters. Mom bought each of us two pieces of soap, so that they would be clean, neat, beautiful and neat.”

D/i “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the word “beet” with pom. speech therapy rhyme: “the beets began to cry, they got wet to the roots. Guys, I’m not a beet, I’m a beet.”

- Conversation “Who sews our clothes?” To consolidate ideas about the profession of a tailor. Reading by M. Boroditskaya “Today is the old tailor’s day off.”

Conversation about microbes. To give an idea of ​​microbes and viruses visible only through a microscope, which, if left on unwashed hands or vegetables, can lead to illness. Reading the article by V. Bredikhin “Once a microbe settled in”

Conversation “Autumn and winter clothes.” Discuss similarities and differences. Riddles about winter clothes (“Two sisters, two braids made of fine sheep’s wool. How to go for a walk - how to put it on, So that five and five don’t freeze.” etc.)

D / and “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Talk about which vegetables can be eaten raw (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.), which can only be eaten boiled or fried (beets, zucchini, potatoes).

- Conversation “Fry, cook.” Clarify children's understanding of fried and boiled foods and methods of cooking. Invite children to discuss which food, fried or boiled, is healthier. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Conversation "Garlic". Clarify children's understanding of the benefits of this vegetable for the prevention of colds, tell children about the volatile substances contained in garlic, which determine its specific smell. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Riddle conversation “How are orange and garlic similar?” Bring children to the conclusion that garlic and orange have “slices.” Expand children's understanding of edible parts of plants. Develop logical thinking.

- The conversation “Ironing clothes” as a preliminary work for the role-playing game “Family”. Arouse in children a positive idea of ​​this type of work activity, develop respect for the work of adults, and reinforce the idea of ​​the aggregate states of water (“if there is intense heat somewhere, there will be steam from the water”).

- Conversation “We are all friends with cleanliness”, about the need to remove garbage generated during play and creative activities. Explain the meaning of the proverb “Garbage is something that is not in its place. Develop children's work skills and a positive attitude towards them.

Conversation “Let's color our breakfast” Show children on the interactive board examples of pictures depicting the decoration of traditional breakfast dishes (porridge, cottage cheese) using jam and dried fruits. Explain that these ideas for a fun, festive breakfast are not for every day. Offer to color breakfast like this at home, with mom. Increase children's appetite, develop ideas about cooking, maintain children's interest in the cooking process.

- Conversation “Holiday clothes”. Ask the children how festive clothing differs from everyday clothing. Reinforce the concept of “Clothing”. Create a desire to take care of clothes, to be beautiful and tidy.

- Conversation “Where does milk come from?” To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a milkmaid. Activate the vocabulary with the words “milkmaid, milk, udder, calves, heifer, bull.” Reading the riddle poem by Yu. Chernykh “Who is grazing in the meadow?” / Develop logical thinking.

Reading the fairy tale “Scarecrow” by T. Shorygina. Lead children to the conclusion that an unkempt appearance is unpleasant to others, but a neat person makes them want to communicate.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic “Bread”. To update children’s ideas about the work of grain growers, to cultivate respect for bread.

Experimenting “Huge Soap Bubbles” Show children how to use a soap solution and a loop to blow an unusually large soap bubble. Arouse interest in soap and soap foam, a positive attitude towards washing.

Conversation “Why you need to put toys back in their place” Drama with a boy doll “Petya didn’t like cleaning” - invite children to continue the story started by the teacher, lead them to the idea that they can trip over scattered toys. Teach children to put toys in order, put them in place ; encourage the desire to establish and maintain order, explain how order and safety in the group are connected.

- “Why is a shoe “begging for porridge”? - Explain to children the meaning of the saying, evoke a desire to handle shoes with care.

- "I'm straight as an arrow." Practical exercise during afternoon tea “Correct body position while eating” with all children. To reinforce children’s ideas about the need to develop correct posture.

Conversation “Sugar”. Tell the children that sugar is made from beets. Remind us of the property of sugar to dissolve in water. Experimenting - where will sugar melt faster, in cold or hot water? Expand children's knowledge about the world around them.

- Conversation "Sweets". Invite children to list their favorite sweets, tell them that sweets are made with sugar or honey. Talk about the benefits of a small amount of sweets (they help you think, give you strength), and the dangers of consuming a large amount of sweets (your teeth get spoiled, you get fat, you can get sick).Expand children's knowledge about the world around them.

Conversation "Brushes". “A toothbrush - why is it needed?” D/i “What types of brushes are there?” Reading the rhyme "Brushes".“I clean my teeth with this brush, my shoes with this brush,I clean my trousers with this one,
These brushes are all needed.» Develop ideas about the world around us, about the need to brush teeth (and clothes).

Conversation "About tasty and healthy food." Give an idea of ​​healthy foods: vegetables, cereals, milk, eggs, fish and meat. Tell us that we need nutrition to grow and maintain strength. d/i “Find harmful products” (from cards with images of vegetables, cakes, milk, sweets, lemonade, chips, etc.)

- Conversation about fruits. Continue to consolidate knowledge about fruits. Learn to independently determine which fruits and berries compote and jelly are made from.

Conversation “Vitamins”. Talk about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health. Bring children to understand that proper nutrition is necessary for good health. Tell children about vitamins, the functioning of which organs they help and what foods they contain.

- Conversation “Do you have a napkin?”To form the necessary ideas about the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to use napkins as a necessary serving attribute.

- - “Pills grow on a branch, pills grow in a garden bed” Consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits. To form the concept of “proper nutrition”, an idea of ​​how nutrition helps to avoid many diseases.

- Conversation "Threads and needles." To consolidate ideas about the profession of a tailor, the attributes of his profession.. To create a desire to be neat and take care of clothes.

- Conversation “Polite words at the table.” Continue to introduce children to the rules of table etiquette. Guessing the riddles of O. Emelyanova “Polite words.”

- Conversation “Why do you need a comb?” Experimentation: show children a tangled skein of thread, offer to untangle it. Explain that hair also gets tangled if you don’t comb it. Reading a poem about V. Kuzminov’s comb “There are a whole series of sharp teeth, but they don’t eat them! What runs like a filly From the temples to the back of the head?

- Conversation “Allergies” tell children about allergies, what is the basis for the fact that some children cannot eat certain foods. Invite children to also take care of their comrades, make sure that they do not mistakenly eat the foods in which they have been limited.

Conversation "Lapti". Expand children's understanding of shoes. Tell the children that in the villages they used to walk in bast shoes woven from linden bark (display on the interactive board), or simply barefoot, and only very rich people could buy boots and boots. Explain the meaning of the proverb “Don’t try to weave bast shoes without cutting the bast.”.» Continue to introduce children to folklore, Russian folk traditions and customs.

Conversation "Wheat". Expand children's knowledge about the environment. Give children the knowledge that from one wheat grain, depending on the grinding, you can get flour, semolina and wheat grits.

Conversation “Semolina and wheat porridge.” To consolidate children's knowledge that semolina and wheat grains are made from wheat grains, ask them to think about whether it is possible to make wheat grains from semolina? What about the other way around?

Conversation “Divide the bread in half, even though you are hungry.” Invite children to explain the meaning of the proverb, to provide a reasoned explanation for their agreement (or disagreement) with it. Form in children the habit of sharing with friends. Maintain a careful attitude towards bread.

Conversation “Soap is the friend of our hands.” Reading the fairy tale “Pumpatus and Soap Bubbles” by O. Shikhzamanova. Encourage children to have a positive attitude towards washing.

Conversation about hospitality. Explain to children the meaning of the proverb “Whatever is in the oven, everything is on the table - swords.” To develop children's ideas about folklore and Russian folk traditions.

- Conversation "Dough". Talk about the dough as the basis of any baking, explain that the most important component of the dough is flour. Experimentation: making dough from flour, water and salt together with children. Continue to expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Conversation "Salt". Talk about the importance of salt, that salt is added to almost every dish. Explain how salt is extracted (evaporation from sea water or extraction of rock salt in quarries). Expand children's understanding of the environment. Explain to children the meaning of the traditional Russian wish “Bread and salt!” Continue to introduce children to folklore, Russian folk traditions and customs.

Conversation “Potatoes are the second bread” Discuss the saying. Invite the children to list potato dishes they know. Expand your understanding of the environment.

D/i “Guess which vegetables.” Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to independently determine which vegetables a soup or salad is made from. Remember whether they grew underground (potatoes, carrots) or above the ground (cucumber, tomato). Expand your understanding of the environment.

Conversation “Dairy products” Invite children to list what dairy products they know, tell which products are made from raw milk (kefir, curdled milk, cream), and which ones are made from heated, boiled milk. (cheese, cottage cheese). Activate vocabulary, expand children's understanding of the environment.

- A conversation about proper ear care. Goal: to contribute to the improvement of healthy lifestyle skills. Reading by Art. E. Moshkovskaya “Doctor, doctor, what should we do, should we wash our ears or not?”

Conversation “Boiled milk” Explain why milk is boiled (for longer storage). Tell us what happens if you leave unboiled milk on the table (it will turn sour). Tell that when milk sours, sour cream forms on top, and the rest can also be boiled, and you get cottage cheese. Expand children's understanding of the environment.

Conversation “If you need to put things away, you won’t have to look for them.” Continue to introduce children to the rules of caring for things and the need to save their time. Reading the story “Masha the Confused” by L. Voronkova. Activate the vocabulary with words that convey a caring attitude towards time and things “thrifty”, “neat”. "assembled".

Conversation “Wash your hands and fruits so that there is no trouble.” Discuss the dangers of eating unwashed vegetables. Reading Art. V. Marakhina “Always wash your vegetables.” Develop ideas about the environment and KGN

- Conversation “Why do we need vitamins?” To develop children’s ideas about healthy and harmful foods, about vitamins as substances necessary for humans. Reading by Art. S. Loseva “Who are vitamins”

- Conversation “Wash your hands thoroughly” Explain the meaning of the word “carefully”. Reading Art.L. Skorneva “The mouse is bad at washing its paws” Develop KGN, activate children’s vocabulary.

- “We wash the doll’s bed linen.” Expand the range of work activities performed by children with a high degree of independence. Cultivate a responsible attitude towards the work received. Encourage children to make their own decisions – where to dry their laundry? (on battery). Remember that when water heats up it turns into steam. Develop logical thinking.

- Conversation “What fruits (vegetables) grow in our country?” To consolidate children's understanding of vegetables and fruits and their places of growth. Maintain an interest in the surrounding world, in living nature, and reinforce the idea of ​​healthy products.

- Conversation “How sloppy - all the clothes are stained!” Form in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.

While the child is in kindergarten, his life activities proceed in accordance with a regulated routine. Alternating between educational activities and outdoor games, rest and active wakefulness helps to avoid nervous fatigue in children. Depending on their age, children master certain self-service skills and learn cultural communication. In this article we will look at the features of conducting regime moments V middle group.

Basic principles of organization

It is important to not only develop, but also satisfy your needs for active movements, food, timely rest, etc. Planning routine moments in the middle group is based on studies of child physiology. The age characteristics of the pupils are taken into account.

The regime is based on the following principles:

  • Rhythm. Types of activities change in accordance with the internal cycles characteristic of children 4-5 years old.
  • Cyclicality. A regular schedule leads to the formation of habits and relieves nervous tension.
  • Alternation of rest and active pastime. Throughout the day, active fun is replaced by calm games, training sessions - artistic activity, wakefulness - sleep.
  • Flexibility. If the child is tired, he should have the opportunity to retire. If he wakes up too early, he is included in quiet games with books and toys.
  • Gradualism. Preschoolers are not rushed, they are given the opportunity to complete the work they have started on their own.
  • Individual approach. Some children (for example, beginners) need additional help, Special attention. The teacher slowly includes them in the general rhythm.

Planning the day: first half

A child’s stay in kindergarten can be divided into two periods. The first half of the day is the time before quiet time. After it, the second half of the day begins, ending with the children going home.

Let us list the regime moments in the middle group (according to the Federal State Educational Standard), carried out in the first half of the day:

  1. Reception of children, independent games (1 hour 20 minutes).
  2. Charging (10 min.).
  3. Breakfast (30 min.).
  4. Educational activities, including preparation for it and breaks between classes (1 hour).
  5. Walking with dressing (2 hours).
  6. Return to the group (20 min.).
  7. Lunch (30 min.).
  8. Daytime sleep along with preparation for it (2 hours 15 minutes).

Morning reception

According to the schedule of routine moments, in the middle group the day begins with the children arriving at kindergarten. The teacher’s task is to joyfully meet them and include them in Interesting games with comrades. Some kids have a hard time letting go of their parents. They need to be distracted: act out a scene with toys, show them a blooming flower, offer to take care of the plants.

A good tradition would be to hold a morning circle. It includes the following elements:

  • Greetings. The kids are hugging, standing in a circle, enjoying the morning, saying good wishes, handing over a "magic" item.
  • A game (it can be dedicated to the time of year, the weather outside the window, or aimed at creating a good mood).
  • Exchange of news. Children talk about any events that happened to them. You can pass the toy around or frame this part as an interview using a toy microphone.
  • Planning the day. The teacher talks about what the children will do today and listens to their wishes. 15 minutes after afternoon tea are allocated for their chosen activity.


In order for children to finally wake up, be cheerful and active, it is carried out morning exercises. This regime moment in the middle group provides for the mandatory inclusion of running, walking in different formations (scattered, in pairs, single file), and jumping. General developmental exercises are most often carried out in a circle.

The pace should be brisk, without long pauses. The music sets it. The teacher gives short and clear explanations at the beginning of the exercises, accompanying them with demonstrations. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to move at the same pace and hold their body correctly. The complex can involve various objects: a ball, skittles, soft cubes. It is worth changing exercises every 1-2 weeks.

Regular moment "washing"

In the middle group, children have already developed basic self-care skills. They know how to wash their hands up to the elbows and their faces. The teacher makes sure that the children approach the washbasins one at a time and do not jostle. Great attention is paid to accuracy. Children should first roll up their sleeves, not splash water on the walls or floor, rinse off the soap suds under the tap, and carefully close it after finishing the procedure. You need to dry your hands with your towel, and then hang it up.

The teacher tells the children about the importance of personal hygiene and germs. Poems and riddles, as well as the introduction of a toy character who does not know how to wash himself, will help make the process interesting. Children should know that they wash their hands after going to the toilet, as well as after returning from a walk, before breakfast and lunch. It is worth paying attention to the neatness of your hairstyle. If after playing a child walks around disheveled, the teacher helps him comb his hair and braid his hair. It is necessary to convey to children that they should not use someone else’s comb or towel.


The teacher tries to create a calm, friendly atmosphere during one or another routine moment. Children in the middle group should not be rushed when they are going for a walk or getting ready for bed. At the same time, they are not allowed to be distracted by games or conversations.

Children are taught:

  • located next to your personal locker;
  • remember the order of putting things on, which can be hung on the wall in the locker room;
  • handle buttons independently;
  • turn clothes right side out;
  • put on your shoes correctly using a special spoon;
  • fold things carefully when undressing;
  • clean and dry clothes if required.

Preschoolers 4-5 years old do not always manage to tie their shoelaces or fasten a zipper. In this case, they should be able to politely ask the teacher for help and thank them for it.

Canteen duty

This routine moment in the middle group instills in children a responsible attitude towards the assigned task and a desire to take care of their friends. Those on duty wear aprons and chef's hats, which creates additional motivation. Each child sets his own table. The number of responsibilities increases significantly compared to younger group. The attendants learn how to serve correctly, lay out cutlery, including knives, arrange bread bins, cups, saucers, and fill vases with napkins. Their actions are supervised by an assistant teacher.

After lunch, the children clean up the bread bins, napkin holders and stacked plates, carefully sweep away the crumbs, and together they roll up the tablecloth. The teacher constantly emphasizes the importance of such work. The rest of the children, having had lunch, thank not only the cook, but also the people on duty. With the right approach, preschoolers are happy to do this kind of work and by the end of the year they can cope with it without the help of adults.


It is important that children have a positive attitude towards routine moments. In the middle group, meals are preceded by quiet games or cleaning up toys. The teacher can tell the children about the delicious dishes that caring chefs have prepared for them, and ask riddles about them. All this whets the appetite.

The kids already skillfully wield a fork and spoon. They are taught table manners. You can't sit down with dirty hands. You need to keep your back straight and eat carefully. It is unsightly to chew with your mouth open, spill soup or compote on the tablecloth, or crumble bread. If the baby gets dirty, he is offered to wipe himself with a napkin. At the end of the meal, everyone pushes their chairs back together, thanks the service staff and those on duty, and rinses their mouths.

Special fairy tales, poems, and acting out stories about an ill-mannered bear who did not know how to eat carefully help to learn these rules. Praise and encouragement from the teacher are intended to reinforce correct behavior.

Educational activities in the middle group

Special classes in mathematics, music, physical education, speech development, drawing, etc. are included.

The following points are taken into account:

  • Children of the fifth year of life are able to perceive new information for no more than 20 minutes.
  • There are 2 classes before lunch. A couple of times a week after afternoon tea, you can organize another lesson (physical education, theater group, musical games).
  • Mathematics, as well as speech development, are subjects that place a high load on the baby’s intelligence. They cannot be combined on the same day.
  • It is better to put mathematics in the middle of the week so as not to overload preschoolers on Monday and Friday.
  • Children should learn by playing. If the lesson takes place at a table, there must be an entertaining physical education session in the middle. Between two lessons, young students are allowed to run for 10 minutes.


In the cold season, 4 hours are allocated for this routine moment in the middle group. In summer, children walk all day, entering the group only to eat or sleep. To keep the kids occupied, the following tools are brought outside:

  • items for cleaning the site (buckets, brooms, shovels, dustpans);
  • toys (balls, sandbox sets, children's shovels, skittles, jump ropes);
  • animal masks or hats necessary for organizing outdoor games.

Traditionally, during a walk, children:

  1. Observations are made of various precipitation (snow, fog, rain), plants, insects, birds. The teacher pays attention to the work of adults: janitors, builders, drivers.
  2. They clean up the area: water flowers, collect garbage, shovel snow or put away toys.
  3. They are playing. It should be taken into account that children do not yet understand the meaning of competitions. Group games would be more appropriate. At the beginning of the walk, the most active of them (2-3) are carried out. Half an hour before returning to the group, it’s time for quiet fun. Children are introduced to 3-4 new games per week.

The teacher leaves time for independent activity children. During it it is carried out individual work with individual students.

Quiet hour

While the preschoolers visit the toilet, undress and neatly fold their clothes on the chairs, the teacher's assistant ventilates the bedroom. During the period of preparation for quiet time, you should not make noise or scold children. It may take children 20-30 minutes to fall asleep. Those who are awake should not disturb their comrades.

Calm music helps you get ready for sleep, Lullaby, a good fairy tale. Adults should be in the bedroom at all times. If the child suddenly wakes up, he should be quiet. You are allowed to get up, go to the toilet, and drink water.

The correct organization of routine moments in the middle group leads to the fact that children become more independent. They develop a desire to maintain order and develop the habit of polite communication with other people. All these are the foundations of culture, without which the formation of an educated personality is impossible.

Elena Vladimirovna Kolgan
Card index of regime moments

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 12" With. Tatarino, Kamensky municipal district, Voronezh region

Card index of regime moments.



Kolgan E.V.

1. Washing

Target: teach children to gently place their hands under the stream of water, rub their hands, use soap, find their own towel, dry their hands themselves, teach them not to be afraid of water.

Carrying out:

While the nanny is putting breakfast on the tables, I call 2-3 children over to me, who are eating slowly and I say: “Guys, do you want your pens to be clean? Let's wash them".

I take the children to the washroom and I say: “We roll up our sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now open the tap with warm water. I make sure (if necessary I help) that the children open the tap. When water flows in all the taps, I use artistic word:

Clear water flows

We know how to wash with you

Place the handles under the water like a boat (showing it to the children). Now take the soap and lather your hands in a circular motion.

Wash your ears with soap

Wash your hands with soap

These are so nice

Ladushki - palms.

Place the hands under water again and rinse off the soap well. Shake the remaining water into the sink and turn off the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes their hands dry on all sides; we hang the towel back in its place. So our hands have become clean!

2. Feeding

Target: Provide rational nutrition to all children, teach them to eat correctly, cultivate cultural and hygienic eating habits (eat independently and carefully, use a napkin, do not crumble bread, pull up a chair, say thanks after eating, rinse your mouth, cultivate a favorable attitude towards eating.

Carrying out:

- “Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the tables. Sit up straight, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table.

Everyone sits straight

Legs stand together

The eyes are looking at the plate,

Elbows are removed from the table,

The children eat quietly.

Children! Came to visit today

Not Doctor Aibolit

Came to visit today

A good appetite!

Bon Appetit everyone!"

While eating, I make sure that the children hold the spoon correctly, sit up straight, and eat in silence.

I tell you how useful it is when children eat: They grow quickly and never get sick.

I try to convince children who don’t eat that they need to eat at least a little (unless they have a reason not to eat).

For those guys who eat slowly or don’t know how to eat, I feed them with a separate spoon.

To the child who has eaten I say: “Dasha, take a napkin and wipe your mouth, don’t forget to say "Thank you" and push up the chair.”

3. Preparing for a walk (dressing)

Target: ensure that all children are collected for a walk in a timely manner; form correct sequence when dressing, develop children's speech (fix the name of clothing items, actions).

Carrying out:

Before going out for a walk, I remind the children to go to the toilet. Then I take a subgroup of children and we go out to the locker room together.

I begin to dress the children for walks, following the principle gradualism: tights, socks, pants, boots, jacket, hat, jacket, mittens, scarf. During this time I use artistic word:

Let's dress in order

We get used to order.

I ask the children:

Danila, what color are your pants?

Vanya, what do we put on our heads?

If the children cannot answer, I help them.

Encouraging children to dress up ourselves: “Kolya, show me how you can put on pants”.

Children, in order for our clothes to be clean, we need to walk carefully and not run through puddles.

4. Returning from a walk (strip).

Target: ensure timely arrival from a walk, develop cultural and hygienic undressing skills (neatly fold things and put them in the closet, do not jostle near lockers, develop speech (fix the names of items of clothing, actions).

Carrying out:

I ask all children to wipe their feet upon entering kindergarten. (I show you how to do it)

How cheerful you all are when you came back from your walk! Do you want to go to a group to play? Let's carefully undress.

I take off all the children’s scarves and untie their hats, then I invite them to undress themselves.

First we take off the jacket, then the hat, jacket, pants, boots, tights and, finally, socks.

I make sure the children are neat after walks: “Dasha, look how dirty your pants are! What kind of pants did you wear?” (clean).

I also contact others children: “Julia, what are you filming now? Christina, where will you hang your jacket?

At the table.

Deep and shallow

Boats in a plate

Here the boat is sailing,

Swims right into your mouth.

Put on a spoon

Cabbage, potatoes - and hide them!

Try to find it!

Not visible on the spoon

Cabbages, potatoes.

And it’s not on the plate - look!

6. At first he ears ears in a large field,

Then, in the peasant barn, ears of corn are coming.

Then baked in the bakery

And it is served soft and fragrant on the table.

Take a spoon, take bread,

And soon for lunch.

Daytime nap

7. The distant forest stands like a wall,

And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,

An owl sits on a branch, grass grows there.

Knows sleepy words.

As soon as he whispers his words, his head immediately drops.

I'll ask the owl for one today herbs:

Let the grass tell you sleepy words.

8. Eyelashes droop

The eyes close.

We rest peacefully

We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Breathe easily, evenly deeply...

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest...

They rest, fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And she is relaxed.

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed...


9. We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tightly,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up!

10. Guys, wake up!

Open your eyes!

Stretch your legs, lift your arms.

We will first take very small steps.

And then take a wider step, like this, like this.

Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up.

Raise your legs higher and walk like the Heron.

"Airplanes" they sat at the airfield, and then they flew off.

They flew through the sky for a long, long time, then landed and were tired.

The ball was jumping high and high...

Rolled far and wide.

He began to spin around and then stopped.

Finally we woke up and returned to our business.

On a walk

Together with the sun we rise,

We send a smile to the sky,

Greetings to the entire Earth!

After all, she is no more beautiful!

Hello, mischievous wind,

Summer, autumn, spring

You give us coolness

And trees and flowers.

13. To the sun

You love everyone, you warm everyone,

You caress and pity everyone,

Our Sun, our light,

We all send our greetings to you!

14. Dressing for a walk

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied it up

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Valenki - boots

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and jump.

Properly composed mode day has great hygienic and pedagogical importance. Repeated daily, it accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, ensures a change in activities (play, study, work, thereby protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork. Its implementation contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, instilling organization and discipline. Accurate execution regime develops a sense of time in children, they begin to appreciate it.

Thus, regime requirements established in accordance with the objectives of education and age characteristics preschoolers, contribute to the upbringing of healthy, cheerful, active and disciplined children and allow them to successfully solve problems comprehensive development and preparing them for school.

When implementing regime moments it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children (duration of sleep, taste preferences, pace of activity, etc.). The closer to individual characteristics baby mode kindergarten , the more comfortable he feels, the better his mood and the higher his activity.

Eating. If conditions permit, then children should be given the right to choose from at least two dishes. In this case, they eat more willingly. It is important to remember that children eat at different speeds, so you need to give them the opportunity to eat at their own pace.

It is unacceptable for children to sit at the table while waiting for food or after eating it - this contributes to fatigue.

Walk. Walking is a reliable way to improve children's health and prevent fatigue. During a walk, they can satisfy their need for physical activity (independent and organized mobile, sports games and exercises).

It is unacceptable to reduce walking time; The teacher must ensure that children have sufficient time in the fresh air in accordance with daily routine.

The duration of the walk largely depends on its organization. The process of dressing and undressing is often delayed, especially in the cold season. Correctly developed self-care skills, the ability to neatly fold clothes in a certain order, and anticipation of an interesting walk - all this helps children get ready faster and allows them to spend longer in the fresh air.

Daytime sleep. Correct alternation of sleep and wakefulness contributes to normal mental activity, especially in preschool age. A variety of active activities of children during wakefulness contribute to falling asleep quickly and deep sleep; calm activities that relieve overstimulation before going to bed. In the room where children sleep, you should create a calm, quiet environment. A constant flow of fresh air into the sleeping area also promotes restful and deep sleep.

IN mode There are several periods of the day games: during the morning reception, between breakfast and classes, during the afternoon and evening walk, in a group in the afternoon. The teacher helps children choose a game, taking into account time and changes in activities. In the afternoon, dramatizations, construction, role-playing games. In the group rooms, Beauty Corners are decorated, where beautiful and unusual objects are placed - works of art, toys, household items, exhibitions of toy equipment. Something unusual constantly appears in the corners and you need to have time to look at the objects and learn as much as possible about them from the teacher and parents.

Thus, organizing regime moments and all the activities of the child in the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the content of this activity is exploratory in nature. Taking into account the specifics of the child’s life experience (limitations, lack of knowledge, formation cognitive activity should be associated both with real actions and with more complex mental tasks.

And the duty of every teacher is not only to answer children’s endless questions, but also to actively encourage their inquisitive minds, so that the number of questions asked by children grows.

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows the children a dirty towel and reads poetry.

Educator. Come on, kids, show your palms, I’ll look at the dirty guy who stained the towel. No, he's not here. So, someone came to us, let's go look for him. Here he is, it turns out to be Piggy. Piggy soiled our towel.

Children, today we will teach Piggy to wash cleanly, with soap. What do we need for this? (water, soap, towel). Where is all this for us? (in the washroom). The teacher takes the Piggy doll and goes with the children to the washroom.

Educator. Where have we brought Piggy? (to the washroom)

Educator. Why did we come here? (for washing hands).

Piggy: “I know how to wash myself.”

Educator. Well, wash your face (Piggy opens the water tap hard).

Educator. Children, is this how they open the tap (no.)

Why do the splashes fly onto the floor and onto the children? (children's answers)

Right. You need to open the tap so that water flows in a small stream.

Like this. (Teacher shows). Open the tap, Danya, so that the water flows in a small stream. What should you do first before going to the washbasin? (Roll up your sleeves so as not to wet your dress or shirt).

Educator. Show how to roll up your sleeves, help each other.

Piggy, roll up your sleeves too. The sleeves are rolled up, the tap is turned on, and water flows in a small stream. Now let's show Piggy how to wash his hands. Like this. In a circular motion. One palm strokes the other (children show). But first you need to wet your hands with water and soap them with soap.

Do you understand Piggy? Then wash yourself, and you children, see if he is doing everything right. What is Piggy doing now (washing his hands with soap). Now what should he do? (rinse off the soap with water). Piggy washed off the soap. What should he do next? (squeeze out droplets of water and wipe dry with a towel), squeeze out Piggy, droplets. Go take a towel, straighten it and wipe it dry, each finger of one hand, then the other. That's it, hang the towel in place, turn off the tap. Children, what is Piggy now? (clean).

Educator. Children, now Piggy's towel will always be clean.

Really, Piggy? Let's wash our hands with soap and do everything in order. Tell Vika. (Roll up your sleeves, open the tap so that the water flows in a small stream, wet your hands with water, take soap, lather your hands with soap until you reach “white gloves”, wash your palms in a circular motion, wash off the soap, take a towel, straighten it, wipe your hands dry dry, hang the towel in place, turn off the tap).

Educator. Well done. Children, now everyone's hands are clean. Let's join the group and take our seats.

Educator. What did we do with you today? (They taught Khryusha to wash himself properly). Educator. Right. Everyone helped Piggy and washed their hands clean.