When is VKS Day celebrated, historically important dates. Aviation holidays

Russian Air Fleet Day. Aviation Day- The holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

The Russian Air Fleet Day holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in August on the basis of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation dated September 28, 1992 No. 3564-1 “On the establishment of the holiday Day of the Russian Air Fleet.” On this day, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1997 No. 949 “On establishing the Day Air Force", are carried out holiday events, dedicated to the Day Russian Air Force.

Russian Air Fleet Day has two founding fathers: Nicholas II and Stalin. Both of them gave orders that were significant for domestic aeronautics in August.
The last Russian Tsar in 1912, on August 12, ordered the formation of the country's first unit, as we would now say, of the air force under the Main Directorate of the General Staff and transfer to its jurisdiction all issues of the development of a new type of troops.
And the leader of the peoples started a tradition in the country of celebrating USSR Air Fleet Day starting on August 18, 1933.

In 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation supported Stalin's initiative, deciding to celebrate Russian Air Fleet Day as a professional holiday (only not of the USSR, but of Russia) annually on the third Sunday of August.

Working in the air is associated with daily risk, heavy loads and stress for the whole body. The profession of heroes, it is respected, admired, people strive for it, it is worthy of awards and generous, loud celebrations and congratulations on the dem of aviation. Aviation holidays are those days on which you simply must congratulate your friends and relatives working in this field. About and congratulations on aviation day read below.

If the heavens have opened for you

So you are winged wizards,

And wondrous expanses stretched out,

And you soar from dawn to dusk.

Life is trusted every day

Hundreds, thousands or more people

Everyone entrusts their hearts and souls to you,

May they be carried into the distance faster!

Take care of them, take care and store them,

To avoid trouble,

Carry me on your wings,

We will always pray for you!

Of course, such a large-scale, multifaceted profession associated with daily risk has more than one date for celebration.

  • The successes of aviation on an international scale could not go unnoticed. In 1992, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of civil aviation", which has since become customary to celebrate on December 7th.
  • February 9 is Russian Civil Aviation Day
  • December 23 - Long-Range Aviation Day
  • June 1 is Military Transport Aviation Day
  • July 17 - Naval Aviation Day
  • August 12 - Russian Air Force Day
  • 3rd Sunday of August - Air Fleet Day.
  • And of course, every 13th of every month, as if in defiance of fate, the heavenly warriors celebrate their successful, countless landings.

Air fleet great holiday

We single him out among many.

And it is collected in the hearts of the most diverse

Whose exploits we don’t even know about.

Heroes, quickly soaring into the skies,

Risking my life every day for you

Whose stripe is infinitely continuous,

Both take-off and your own.

Civilian or military

We honor you each and congratulate you,

Immortal, steel and immortal,

We wish you from the whole world:

Take off... fly... fly...

Always, at any time of the year,

So that the angel can give his protection,

Both on sunny days and in bad weather!

How to congratulate a pilot?

If a person close to you has connected his life with heaven and such a special profession as a pilot, then you should be congratulated in a special way. Choose beautiful words that reflect the essence of the profession, create an unforgettable environment and, of course, interesting gifts.

Why were wings given to man?

To soar into the sky endlessly

How small the particles of the planet are from above,

And the little people are not visible at all.

You're soaring up, you're soaring up

Every day, keeping your finger on the pulse

Responsible for life, responsible for everyone,

So, beautifully soaring above the earth and circling!

We wish you health, strength and patience,

We always wish you good weather

May good luck fly with you,

And there will never be bad hours!

Probably the most wonderful holiday feeling for pilots is being at home with their family, so don't suggest going out to restaurants or other establishments. The holiday should be a family one, unless, of course, it is already a corporate event.

Fly pilot, fly, take off

Be above everyone every day

And throw away all your strength,

Land without interference!

And on the sides they fly with you

May your angels

And they're watching you

All the way to the ground!

Holiday decorations at home.

Order a cake in the shape of a steering wheel or a uniform cap, you can arrange lunch as on an airplane, serve all dishes on platters and in disposable packages, but, of course, exclusively homemade. Or prepare them in the shape of an airplane, emblems and other flight paraphernalia, and give interesting names associated with this profession. For example, come up with cocktails and name them in an original way, “Runway”, “Turbulence Zone” or “Seven Thousand Above the Ground”. Decorate the salads and also name them – “Chassis”, “Rudder”, “Gangway” (for the color palette we use black olives, brown nuts, purple onions and cabbage). Place the hot dish on a platter in the shape of an airplane or airline logo.

Hang small paper airplanes, balls and other little things associated with air around the apartment.


Invitation to a banquet in the form of tickets. The service staff at your banquet should dress in the uniform of the company that is celebrating, and hand out “takeoff and landing” candy at the entrance. Decorate the hall balloons choose appropriate music with the airline logos, periodically diluting it with announcements heard on planes and airports.

Chairs can imitate the appearance of airplane seats, for example, they can be equipped with headrests or seat belts. Dishes can be served in disposable containers, foil, or simply reflect a specialized theme.

Organize the event itself in the form of a flight, an exotic trip, an exam for employees of the air industry, or an unscheduled landing. In a retro style, for example, “Flight of the 60s”, or maybe, on the contrary, “Heaven, 3100” and so on.


It is very difficult to surprise a person who has seen many times more than you, but you still need to try. One option is to approach the issue with humor and give him a ticket for a train, bus or sea vessel for some tour of cities or European countries. Present a model of an airplane, cufflinks or a cigarette case with symbols, personalized watch, a comfortable leather chair, like in the cockpit.

Of course, these are exclusively themed gifts and holiday nuances; you can choose topics completely unrelated to flying.

Lines of congratulations.

Pilots, flight attendants and flight attendants! Every third person in the world has at least once trusted you with their lives and the lives of their loved ones. And you, on the highest level, have coped with this task millions of times. And all because you lack professionalism, courage, bravery, and dedication. With all our hearts, on your holiday, we would like to wish you, most importantly, health! After all, only it gives you the opportunity to soar into the skies, and for us to be in good hands. Incredible luck, on which our destinies also depend. Cloudless skies, endless expanses, the strongest guardian angels and thousands of flight hours ahead! Happy holiday to you, heavenly employees of the flight industry!

Every year on the third Sunday of August, the Russian Federation celebrates Russian Air Fleet Day. This holiday is celebrated in accordance with Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 3564-1 of September 28, 1992 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday.”

Russian Air Fleet Day (formerly known as Aviation Day) is a professional holiday of all air fleet pilots, aviators and aviation infrastructure workers in Russia. On this day, festive events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Air Force are traditionally held, with demonstration performances by aerobatic teams, helicopters and parachute jumps.

Aviation Day holiday August 18: from the history of the holiday

Russian Air Fleet Day has two founding fathers: Nicholas II and Joseph Stalin. They're both in different years in August they gave orders that were significant for domestic aeronautics. On August 12, 1912, the last Russian Tsar ordered the formation of the country's first part of the air force under the Main Directorate of the General Staff and transfer to its jurisdiction all issues of the development of a new type of troops. And two decades later, the “leader of all nations” established the tradition in the Soviet Union of celebrating the Day of the USSR Air Fleet. This holiday (also known as All-Union Aviation Day, or Aviation Day) was enshrined in Resolution No. 859 of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933, in honor of the outstanding achievements of scientists, aircraft designers, aviation industry workers, and flight and technical personnel of the Red Army Air Force.

The first celebration of Air Fleet Day took place on August 18, 1933. On this day at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze organized an aviation festival in Moscow, at which samples of Soviet aviation technology, the skill and courage of aviators were demonstrated. The air parade was attended by members of the Soviet government led by Stalin. For many years, Air Fleet Day was celebrated on August 18 and became a national holiday. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” established that USSR Air Fleet Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

This tradition was continued in post-Soviet Russia. In 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation decided to celebrate this professional holiday also on the third Sunday in August.

Aviation Day holiday August 18: professional holiday

Today, this day is celebrated by all workers and veterans of civil aviation, teams of organizations and enterprises that are at least in some way related to this industry. The military also celebrate this holiday together with them, despite the fact that they have their own separate professional holiday.

Today, the Russian aircraft fleet includes more than two thousand helicopters and almost four thousand aircraft. Through this air transport today over 30% of all intercity transportation over long distances. Even today, flying is the fastest and most comfortable way to travel, which is why the air transport industry in Russia has always been and will continue to be one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the country’s economy. Its ranks include people who are truly in love with heaven, capable of bearing the burden of colossal responsibility for thousands of other people’s lives. Therefore, all of Russia rushes to celebrate their professional holiday on the third Sunday of every August, doing this through public festivities, parades and festive air shows.

Aviation Day holiday August 18: how aviation developed

First things first - airplanes The first military airplanes in the country date back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1914, military aviation was equipped with 263 aircraft. The development of military aviation was accelerated by the First World War. The aircraft were used for reconnaissance, hitting ground targets, and adjusting artillery fire. By the end of the war, the country's military aviation became an independent branch of the military. It consisted of reconnaissance, bomber and fighter aircraft. The merits of aviation are invaluable: major front-line operations took place with the support of military aircraft.

The domestic air force was formed together with the Red Army. So, in 1918 they established the VKUVFR - the All-Russian Collegium, which managed the entire Air Fleet. Its goal is to coordinate the formation of aviation units and train aviation personnel. By the end of 1920, the Air Force had 83 air squadrons. At the end of the Civil War, aviation enterprises were restored and modernized. In the period before 1933, the I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5, R-1, R-3, TB-1, TB-3 aircraft entered service. In 1940–1941 they began producing new military aircraft: fighters: Yak-1, LaGG-3, MiG-3; Il-2 attack aircraft; Pe-2, Pe-8 bombers.

Air Force during the Second World War By the beginning of the Second World War, the country had 79 air divisions and 19 air regiments. The Air Force consisted of 53.4% ​​fighters, 3.2% reconnaissance aircraft, 41.4% bombers and attack aircraft, and 2% transport aircraft. During the Second World War, the Air Force flew about 3,125 thousand sorties and destroyed 57,000 enemy aircraft at airfields and in air battles.

Aviation Day holiday August 18: post-war period

Jet aviation appeared. Strategic nuclear forces have long-range aviation with supersonic missile carriers. Military transport aviation switched to turboprop aircraft. In 1991, the USSR Air Force had 20 formations, 38 divisions, and 211 air regiments. In 1992, the construction of the Russian Air Force began. By 1999, the Air Force was formed, combining the Air Force and Air Defense. Further changes in the organizational structure occurred in 2009-2010. During this period, they switched to a brigade-battalion control system. The aircraft fleet was also actively changing. Since 2015 the new kind Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Aerospace Forces.

Aviation Day holiday August 18: festive events

The Ministry of Defense organizes a bright and spectacular holiday. In the skies of the Moscow region, pilots demonstrate aerobatic skills on various types of airplanes and helicopters. The program of aircraft from the First and Second World Wars at demonstrations allows you to see the “leaps” of aircraft. Flights of the famous groups “Russian Knights” delight spectators with new aerobatics and combat techniques. “Russian Falcons” and “Berkuts” will show their skills. Attack aircraft crews will decorate the sky with the colors of the Russian flag. The holiday will also take place on earth. A reconstruction of the main moments of Russian military aviation can be seen in the park. Interactive stands, expositions about the formation of the country's Air Force. And the most courageous will be able to test themselves on flight simulators and training simulators.

In many Russian cities, mass public celebrations are held; television programs include:

stories from the life of civil aviation;

stories of outstanding pilots about their work biography;

reports from pilots' performances;

feature films on relevant topics.

Air Day airborne troops or Paratrooper's Day is always celebrated at the beginning of the last summer month, namely August 2. The whole country knows about this holiday, as former paratroopers celebrate it very wildly and noisily, and on a grand scale.

Holiday Day Airborne troops celebrated every year on the same day. So in 2018, the “winged landing” will accept congratulations on August 2.

On May 31, 2006, the President of Russia signed a Decree, which indicated that Airborne Forces Day would be celebrated annually on August 2. This holiday is considered in Russia not just a memorable day, but also a day that is designed to strengthen and revive military traditions. This day also helps to increase the prestige of the service.

The Russian airborne troops have many combat vehicles. The most famous are considered to be the BMD-2, BMD-3, BMD-4, the SPTP 2S25 Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun, the 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled artillery gun, the Kornet-E anti-tank missile system (based on armored personnel carrier BTR-D).

The Airborne Forces are a highly mobile branch of the military that operates in the air fighting, and also tries to get behind enemy lines through the air. Today, the main commander of the Airborne Forces is Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov.

History of the Airborne Forces Day holiday

The day of creation of the “winged landing” is considered to be August 2, 1930. Since it was on this day, during exercises near Voronezh, for the first time, paratroopers parachuted from a TB-3 bomber. It was after these scientists that experts realized that the country needed these types of forces.

As a result, a year later the first landing units were formed in the Soviet Union. And already in 1932, the first airborne battalions became part of the Air Force (Air Force).

For about 15 years, the Blue Berets belonged to the Air Force. Only in 1946 did they begin to report to the Minister of Defense. However, they never became an independent type of army.

From that time on, they were part of the ground forces for another 45 years.

For a long time they dreamed of becoming an independent army. And it still happened. Already in 1991 they gained independence.

And it was after this that the country began to massively celebrate Airborne Forces Day.

And only after the President of Russia signed the official status of the holiday, mass and noisy celebrations began.

Memory of “Uncle Vasya” on Airborne Forces Day

Speaking about the history of the “winged landing”, we must not forget about “Uncle Vasya”. After all, sometimes even the paratroopers themselves decipher the abbreviation Airborne Forces as “Uncle Vasya’s Troops.” “Uncle Vasya” is the hero of the USSR Vasily Margelov. It was he who commanded the Airborne Forces for 20 years.

Vasily Margelov made the paratroopers what they are today. It is thanks to him that the Airborne Forces have vests and blue berets. In addition, he taught his comrades how to parachute in combat vehicles.

Traditions of celebrating Airborne Forces Day

On the day of the Airborne Forces there is a lot interesting traditions. One of them is to put on your blue berets with vests, and also swim in the city fountains.

Eating watermelons is also considered one of the most “delicious” traditions. This tradition arose because watermelons ripen just in time for August. This “watermelon habit” appeared in the late 1980s, precisely after the Soviet Airborne troops withdrawn from Afghanistan.

In addition, on August 2, many airborne troops ride around different cities in their own cars, showing the symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces.

However, that's not all existing traditions on the day of the Airborne Forces. Another popular tradition is the awarding of honorary titles, medals and valuable gifts to the best paratroopers.

On Airborne Forces Day, “blue berets”, in addition to congratulations from their families, also receive them from the president and minister of defense of the country.

Also on Airborne Forces Day, various demonstration performances take place at the main venues of the country, where they show the weapons and equipment that they have in service.

In addition to demonstration performances, on this day there are holiday concerts, master classes in hand-to-hand combat and parades.

Also on this day, Airborne Forces remember their fallen comrades: as a rule, not a single August 2 is complete without a ceremony of laying flowers at the memorials to paratroopers.

Where did the strange tradition of swimming in fountains and eating watermelons on Airborne Forces Day come from?

Now many people are interested in where the tradition of swimming in fountains came from. It is believed that this tradition first appeared in the early 80s, when paratroopers left Afghanistan. It was by swimming in the fountains that they showed the shortage of water in hot Afghanistan.

After this, swimming in fountains became a special feature of Airborne Forces Day.

The origin of another “tradition” of the holiday – watermelon pogroms – is also interesting. Veterans recall that on August 2, merchants generously treated the “birthday people.”

But times have changed, street sellers are no longer so hospitable, and blue berets began to destroy watermelon stalls.

Russian Air Fleet Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 18. All aviation employees participate in the ceremonial events: pilots, flight attendants, airport support staff, and maintenance departments. Employees of aircraft factories, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebration.

Aviation moves people and cargo over significant distances in a relatively short time. Aircraft carry out important military operations: they participate in combat missions and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who work in this industry.

History of Russian Air Fleet Day

In the fall of 1911, Emperor Nicholas II took part in celebrations dedicated to the first anniversary of the Sevastopol Aviation School and the first graduation of aviator officers. This was the reason for the highest order of November 22 (December 5), 1911: “To concentrate all questions on aeronautics in the army in the main directorate of the General Staff.” The implementation of the tsar's order lasted for 8 months, and on July 30 (August 12), 1912, the Minister of War, cavalry general V. A. Sukhomlinov signed order No. 397 for the military department, according to which all issues of aeronautics and aviation were transferred to the jurisdiction of the aeronautical unit The Main Directorate of the General Staff, headed by Major General M.I. Shishkevich. This date was subsequently adopted as the day of the formation of the Russian air fleet.

In December 1913, the aeronautical unit was liquidated, and its functions in terms of supplying aviation equipment were transferred to the aeronautical department of the Main Military-Technical Directorate of the War Ministry, and in terms of organization and combat training - to the department for the organization and service of troops of the General Staff.

In 1918 after the victory October revolution The workers' and peasants' Red Air Fleet was created.

By Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 No. 859, in honor of the outstanding achievements of scientists, aircraft designers, aviation industry workers, flight and technical personnel of the Red Army Air Force, a holiday was established on August 18 - All-Union Aviation Day (USSR Air Fleet Day, Aviation Day) .

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” established that USSR Air Fleet Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

On September 28, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 3564-1 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday,” which established the celebration of this day in connection with the current date - the third Sunday of August.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 “On establishing Air Force Day - August 12” and the amendments made to it on May 31, 2006 (Decree “On Establishing professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" No. 549), it is prescribed to hold festive events dedicated to this event on Russian Air Fleet Day (the third Sunday in August).


By tradition, throughout the country, the holiday is celebrated by everyone associated with aviation and rocket and space forces. Events are being held:

  • Day open doors in many military units, where those interested can see cargo and military aircraft;
  • broadcasting films and programs about the Air Force on state television channels;
  • flowers are brought to the graves of heroic pilots, not forgetting their exploits;
  • annual summer holidays are held.

As celebrated today

The holiday is celebrated on a grand scale in all parts of the Air Force. After all, Russian forces consist of more than three hundred thousand service people and more than ten thousand combat vehicles. The following are held annually:

  • large-scale demonstration flight exercises;
  • flying shows with spectacular professional stunts;
  • excursions to combat vehicles.

The employees of the Aerospace Forces are the successors of the famous predecessors of the USSR Air Fleet. They master the latest military aircraft and technologies and reliably protect the borders of their homeland.