Competitions for the company's birthday. Wedding competition, the main thing is that the suit fits

Valentina Demidova

Preschool age is the period when artistic creativity is a sustainable hobby not only for especially gifted children, but also for almost all children, i.e., by captivating a child into the fairy-tale world of art, we, unnoticed by him, develop his imagination and Creative skills. For this purpose, my children and I draw, sculpt, glue, and craft. We use a wide variety of materials for this. Children enjoy making crafts from cones, seeds, and twigs. They work with colored threads and buttons. For the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity we made from waste material greeting card for parents.

In July in our kindergarten passed contest"The magic of a sweet tooth".

The children were asked to make crafts from candy wrappers. First, awkward, and then more confident hand movements, and simple candy wrappers turned into flower petals, butterfly wings, and elegant sundresses.

The parents didn’t stand aside either; they worked on a simple weaving technique, and the basket is ready!

The children really liked this non-standard use of candy wrappers. If earlier they were thrown into the trash without a second thought, now candy wrappers have become a good reason for imagination and creative solutions. Means our competition was not in vain!

Publications on the topic:

A week dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics Goal: To continue introducing children to the history of astronautics. Expand and deepen knowledge about space..

What a holiday without sweets! Our candy bowls are made of glossy paper in the shape of a kitten. Materials: sheet of glossy paper.

This year, our beloved city of St. Petersburg hosted the International Festival-Competition " A little prince". They were presented at the competition.

Holiday, holiday, holiday! Mischievous prankster... We've been waiting for you. Sang and danced! They sang and danced, apparently not in vain. Our dads are glad that.

The law of streets and roads, which we call rules traffic strict. It does not forgive mistakes if pedestrians do not follow the rules. But this one.

Presenter: Mom! The most beautiful word on earth! The very first thing a person says. And in all languages ​​it sounds equally gentle. Mom has the best.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a photo report of the World Children's Day holiday. Our children took part in it.

"Pioneer" Competition

First, the competition participants are asked to “discover” a new planet - inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

Rope maze

A labyrinth of one, two or three ropes is created in the room so that the player, passing through it, will cross somewherestepped and sat down somewhere. Having invited the next player from the next room, they explain to him what he must: go through the labyrinth blindfolded, after remembering the location of the ropes, and the audience will give him hints.

When he is blindfolded, the ropes are removed! And the audience continues to tell him what to do, laughing without giving away the secret of the rope maze.

Competition "Rogues"

For the competition, you need a bar or rope under which the players will pass. The point is this: two people hold the bar, quite low, and the players must walk under it on their feet without falling. After each time, the bar drops lower and lower.

Competition "Fishermen"

Styrofoam fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The task of the blindfolded player is to hook as many as possible onto an improvised “harpoon” (a stick with a nail tied at the end).fish. Before starting “fishing”, scroll the player around you several times.

Competition "Balls"

The number of players is not limited, but the more the better. Composition - better equally, girlska/boy. Props - a long inflatable ball (sausage type) The ball is clamped between the legs. Further itshould be transferred to other participants without hands in the same place. Whoever loses gets a fine. To make the competition fun, you can split into two teams.

Competition "Giant Slalom"

Equipment: Cocktail straws, tennis balls (if you don’t have it, you can crumple up napkins) according to the number of race participants.

Preparation: A number of tracks are prepared on the table or floor according to the number of participants, i.e. Place glasses, bottles, etc. in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball at the start.

Game: At the leader’s signal, the participants must, blowing through a tube onto the ball, move it along the entire distanceations, avoiding oncoming objects.

Winner: The player who reaches the finish line first.

Option: Blow on the ball with an enema or syringe.

Competition "Schools of Fish"

Players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, and each player receives a paper fish (length 22-25 centimeters, width 6-7 centimeters), tied on a thread with the tail down (thread length 1-1.2 meters). The guys fasten the end of the thread to their belt so that the tail of the fish freely touches the floor. Each team has fish different color. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the tail of the “enemy” fish with their feet. Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose fish was pickedleaves the game. The team with the most fish left wins.

Contest " Who is faster "

The players are divided into two teams. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawerA. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates...with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

Contest " Hold me, straw "

Place two glasses on a table (chair or solid surface). A straw for cocktails is placed nearby. The players' task is to pour water from one glass to another as quickly as possible using a straw.

Contest " Sweet Tooth Drum A"

Props: a bag of sucking candies. Two people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns yelling out a candy from a bag, putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy calling their rival “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase wins won.

Contest " Thick-cheeked lip slap"

Two people play. Each person is given an equal number of caramels. Preferably more. The first player puts the candy in his mouth and says the following words: "Fat-cheeked lip slap." The second player does the same. And so on in turn. The one who last uttered the treasured phrase won the competition.

Contest "Speaker"

The player must run around his team standing behind the chair three times, sit on the chair and say three times in a patter: “All beavers are kind to their beavers.” The last one on the team runs first. Having done everything necessary, he quickly jumps up from his chair and stands in front of his column. After that the next one runs. The group in which the last runner gets to their place first wins.

Contest " Suckers "

Props: glasses (shot glasses or bottles) and straws or baby pacifiers, respectively. Who will suck the liquid out of a glass faster with a straw (from a bottle with a pacifier) ​​The composition of the liquid is determined depending on the condition of the players. The most difficult thing is to pull thick tomato juice through a straw, and liquid semolina (or powdered, poorly stirred milk) from a bottle.

Contest " Mummy "

3 players participate. One is a mummy, he needs to be wrapped from head to toe in toilet paper, the other two will be wrapped, helping (or hindering) each other.


One player is given a very large T-shirt. Inflatable balls are scattered on the floor. On command, the players must all grab the balls together and push them under their player’s T-shirt. Whoever can fit the most balls under their T-shirt wins.


Again we scatter balloons on the floor. On command, everyone runs up to the balls and sits on them so that the ball bursts. The burst balloons are collected.

Contest " Chamomile "

A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. The children tear off the petals and begincomplete tasks: walk single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister...

Contest " Rope "

Two participants sit on chairs with their backs to each other. There is a rope or cord under the chairs. At the leader’s signal, each player runs around the other’s chair, sits on his own chair and tries to quickly grab the end of the rope and pull it out.

Competition "Snowballs".

Team members line up. There is a basket in front of them at a distance of 2-3 meters. Each participant is given a sheet of paper. Task: crumple the sheet (i.e., turn it into a “snowball”) and get it into the basket.

Contest " Snowballs" .
You need to throw 6 “ into a hanging (or standing on the floor) basket from a distance of 6-7 steps. snowballs- white tennis balls. The one who copes with this task most accurately will win.


And now I will hold a competition for the best drawing. Who can draw me best with my eyes closed?(You need to finish drawing the cat’s mustache, eyes, nose, tail, bow, tongue.)

(The winner is awarded a drawing of Leopold the cat.

Competition "Snowflakes-fluffs" "

Each child is given a “snowflake”, that is, a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their

snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below, so that theystay in the air as long as possible. The most dexterous one wins.

Contest "Third wheel"

Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around chairs to the music. Suddenly the fly stops, you have to take a chair. Who doesn'tEnough - out of the game. We remove 1 chair and everything continues. If there are a lot of children, at the beginning of the game you can put sheets of newspaper on the floor, but when there are 3-4 people left, stillIt's better to put chairs.

Contest " Sweet tooth "

Place leaves all over the room on the back side, draw a candy on 8-10 leaves, and a sad face on the rest. Those who want to eat must collectleaves until you come across a leaf with a candy drawn on it. It can beexchange with the host for real candy.


Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

Remember the fragment from the cartoon when the mouse wanted to throw a huge watermelon from the roof onto Leopold the Cat’s head. He didn't succeed. And I invite you to take part in a similar game.

Here's to you balloon and two sticks. Your task: take the ball with chopsticks, bring it to the basket and lower it into it, after which you pick it up again, return to the team and pass the baton to the next one.


Team members need to stand one after another. A rope is given to each team. The first participant ties it around him, runs to the chair, runs around it and returns to the team. The second one takes his tail, and they make the journey together, etc. The task is backwards? Well, then, “tail for tail”!

Competition "Centipede Races" ."

In a fairly spacious room you can hold centipede races. The players are divided into two teams and line up behind each other’s heads, holding the belts of those in front with their hands. A chair is placed at the opposite wall, which the chain of players must go around and then return back. If the chain is broken, the leader can count the team a loss. The task can be complicated and made funnier if the teams move half-crouched, if both teams complete the task at the same time.

Competition "Wind the Cord"

A knot is tied in the middle of the cord or thick thread, and pencils are tied at the ends. At the presenter’s command to start the competition, players must wind their part of the cord around the pencil as quickly as possible. Whoever does it faster wins.

Competition "Swamp"

Pretty too fun competition. The players are divided into teams, but it is possible without this. Players are given two cardboard cards (or plain paper). The task is to move along these cardboard “bumps”, moving from one to another, to get across the “swamp” as quickly as possible.

Competition "Rope"

For the game to be interesting, it is necessary that most of the participants do not know the essence of this game. To play you will need a long rope and a spacious room. In this room, a rope is pulled in the form of a labyrinth, and the more complex the labyrinth, the more more interesting game. The player is invited into the room and the rules are explained. Now he must remember the location of the rope, and then go through this maze blindfolded. All other spectators are allowed to give hints. The secret of the game is that when the player is blindfolded, all this rope is removed. The player tries to step over and crawl under a rope that is not there.

Competition "Get the candy"

Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.


Using the same belt, tie a pencil, but from the back. The rope is 20 centimeters shorter. The task is to sit down, while hitting the empty bottle placed behind you with a pencil.

Contest " Bring the snowball "

Two players participate. In their mouth they hold a teaspoon (by the handle) with a cotton ball in it. At the signal, the children run in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball.


Every year on Christmas Eve in the United States, a competition is held to determine the strongest, most resilient, dexterous, and charming man. I ask the strong, brave and dexterous to come here! Up to five people are called. Task: hiding right hand behind your back, holding the unfolded newspaper by the corner with one left hand and gathering it into a fist. The fastest is the winner.

Contest " Theatrical " ( task cards)

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- a sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- a baby who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Contest " Make up a word"

There are "strange" words written on the board. The letters in them must be rearranged so that the word ceases to be “strange”.
Ople - (field)
Rwanya - (January)
Lauzi - (street)
Badus - (fate)
Clerosa - (mirror)

Contest " Get some candy" ( bowl, flour, candy)
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Not representatives of teams, but everyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

Contest " Funny pictures" ( chalk, board)

On the board you need to draw AT THE SAME TIME: a triangle with one hand and a square with the other.

Jump-jump competition

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Competition "Your hand is the ruler"

(rope, scissors, "candy", )

Identical “candies” hang on a string, inside of which it is indicated what the one who cuts the “candy” with a blindfold will receive as a gift.

Competition "Toy in a Circle"

Participants are asked to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passes from hand to hand and moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains. If there are a lot of players, you can throw several dolls in a circle.

Win-win lottery

Guys, we have a surprise for you. We will now hold a New Year's lottery.
Win-win lottery. One pulls out tickets with numbers, and the other hands out prizes.
Leading (reads wishes for ticket numbers).

No. 1 - Georgian tea accidentally fell out on your ticket.(Tea) .
No. 2 - To keep your face and hands clean,
You got a piece of scented soap for your ticket. (Soap).
No. 3 - Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball).
No. 4 - To prevent teeth from hurting,
Clean them at least once a week. ( Toothbrush).
No. 5 - We wanted to win a flashlight,
But I just got a ball. (Ball).
#6 - Must be happy in abundance.
From the lottery you now:
A wonderful card for you
Got it as a souvenir from us. (Postcard).
No. 7 - Get a balloon,
Fly into space to the stars. (Ball).
No. 8 - A rather rare surprise for you -
Two paper napkins. ( Paper napkins).
No. 9 - Get it - hurry:
A notebook for you: write poetry. (Notebook).
No. 10 - Don’t get sick, be strong,
We hand you the pills. (Mints).
#11 - You look great:
Both clothes and hairstyle -
And the reward is not in vain
You won - a comb. (Comb).
No. 12 - To distinguish the days well,
You need to know the calendar well. (Calendar).
No. 13 - About all the news in the world
Read it in the newspaper. (Scanwords).
No. 14 - You listen to advice:
Fruits are the best diet. (Fruits).
No. 15 - You got the candy,
Come visit us. (Candy).
No. 16 - To find out your income:
A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook).
No. 17 - "Hurray!" - shout to the whole world,
Your car is a souvenir. (Machine).
No. 18 - So that your hair is beautiful -
Receive a comb as a gift. (Comb).
No. 19 - There is no typewriter -
We offer this item. (Pen).
No. 20 - In life you have to hope for the best,
Take glue if something doesn't stick. (Glue).
No. 21 - To write to you beautifully,
Hurry up to get a pen. (Pen).
No. 22 - This piece will correct the mistake,
This eraser is called an eraser. (Eraser).
No. 23 - This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.
This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler).
No. 24 - Always sharpen your pencil

And get a sharpener. (Sharpener).
No. 25 - I got into the car, drove off,
You arrived at school quickly. (Machine).
No. 26 - Japanese camera. (Mirror).
No. 27 - Preparation for jaw development. (Gum).
No. 28 - Measuring device of the highest accuracy. (Ruler).
№ 29 - Musical holiday center. (Whistle).
No. 30 - This item will be useful to you
Study "excellently". (Pen).


The host makes a wish Christmas tree toy and says what colors are on it (for example -

white, blue, gold) And the children must find a hidden toy on the Christmas tree. Well done whoever is first.

Contest " Piglets "

For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks

Contest " Herringbone "

The driver asks any questions, and the rest must answer only with the word “herringbone”. If someone confused the words or laughed, he becomes the host or a forfeit is taken from him, which will later be useful for playing forfeits.

Contest " Mask, I know you "

The presenter or someone else who plays his role puts the mask on the player. The player asks different questions, to which he receives answers-hints: what about the bird?
Does it growl?
It's a cat!

Competition “Through the Mouth of a Baby”

The conditions of the competition are similar to the television program of the same name. If the word is guessed on the first try, the player receives 5 points. Each following hint deprives the participant of one point:

1. I really like this thing.
2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults.
3. Once she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.
4. It looks like a grenade.
5. She has a rope to hold on to.( Firecracker .)

1. They come in different colors.
2. Our entire floor was covered with them.
3. One day they got confused in my mother’s head, and she couldn’t get them out.
4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.
5. My dad makes them with a hole punch.( Confetti .)

1. This is something so long.
2. My mother decorated my suit with this.
3. It is so colorful and shiny.
4. It can be easily torn.
5. It is made from paper.( Serpentine .)

1. When I was little, I never heard them.
2. They are only in Moscow.
3. And at this time everyone gets up and clinks their glasses.
4. They are always shown on TV.
5. Actually, they have arrows.( Chimes .)

1. My dad says that they could set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack of them.
3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands.
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some people do it.
5. They burn and throw sparks. ( Sparklers .)

Competition "Culinary"

Guess riddles about sweets

Here's a crispy cookie

And milk chocolate.

You don't even want jam,

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X

Well, of course it is...(“Twix.”)

But what is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk.

Gentle - it will touch your soul,

Printed it out - chew it quickly

Our favorite... (“Milky Way.”)

It has everything that is possible.

It's impossible to pass by.

Named after one planet,

And we love with all the white light.

He is a support - just class.

Everyone knows what it is...("Mars".)

We are finishing the competitions

We wish you all

So that you are always healthy,

So that they laugh and joke!

To make everyone happier

Everyone knows: old and young love very much:(chocolate)

You can eat it with butter, this is good with jam:(cookie)

Not healthy, but tasty, children like it.(candy )

She shoots like a cannon, and her name is:(cracker )

Competition "Fairytale"

Host: Guys, you know that every fairy tale has main characters. They are good and evil, cheerful and sad, insidious and simple, they go to different travels, where all sorts of adventures and miracles happen to them.

Now we’ll check if you know all the fairy tale heroes.

1) - “The old man says to the fool:

- Go into the forest. At the edge of the forest you will see an old oak tree. Tap it three times with the axe, then fall to the ground and wait. When you see a ready-made ship in front of you, get into it and fly, and along the way take everyone you meet onto your ship.”("Flying ship".)

2) - “He ordered to bring traveling chests, lined with iron, he got his eldest daughter a golden crown, emergency gold, with semi-precious stones - it does not burn in fire, it does not rust in water. He takes out a gift for the middle daughter, a toilet with oriental crystal, takes out a gift for the youngest daughter, a golden jug with a flower...”("The Scarlet Flower".)

3) - “Here’s what, sons: take an arrow, go out into an open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your destiny...”("Princess Frog".)

4) - "It was winter. It was January. At such a time, in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door, looked at how the blizzard was sweeping, and then returned to the warm stove and said to her stepdaughter: “You should go into the forest and pick snowdrops there.”("Twelve months".)

5) - “Zhenya gave the jug to the old boletus farmer, a native woodsman, took the pipe from him and quickly ran to her clearing. The pipe began to play, and soon the whole clearing was strewn with berries...”(“The pipe and the jug.”)

6) - “Then the goat jumps onto the roof and let’s hit it with his silver hoof. Like sparks from under a foot, pebbles fell, red, blue, green- all sorts of things." (“Silver hoof.”)

7) - “...Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat (“The Tale of...”)

8) - He was the kindest

Of all the doctors

I wanted everyone

The animal was healthy.

Treated all diseases:

Measles, mumps, bronchitis -

Tell me quickly who he is? (Dr. Aibolit.)

9) - The villain had a beard down to his toes.

He always tormented all the puppets in the theater!

“Give me the whip!” his bass boomed.

Tell me quickly, who is he?(Barabas.)

10) - In the forest there lived a funny fat man in a hut,

His neighbor, Piglet, was inseparable from him.

He read the screams out loud to a friend.

Tell me, who is he? (Winnie the Pooh.)

11) - That's what she is like

Big, very big.

They decided to pull her out.

Six of us dragged one.

But she sat down firmly.

Who is this ? (Turnip.)

12) - Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose

Didn't swallow anything

And I was left with my nose...(“The Fox and the Crane.”)

13) - And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I'd like to eat some pie...("Masha and the Bear".)

14) - . I appeared in the cup of a flower,

And it was a little bigger than a marigold.(Thumbelina.)

15) I learned to read at the age of four, and at six I cooked my own porridge and left my parents to live in the village with a spurting cat.(Uncle Fedor.)

16) I'm the best friend in the world.(Carlson.)

17) An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?
(Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

18) I am a great friend of Cheburashka.(Crocodile Gena.)

19) What were the names of the three bears from L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”.(Mikhail Potapych, Anastasia Petrovna, Mishutka.)

20) A doll with blue hair, Pinocchio's teacher.( Malvina.)

21) IN New Year until you're full
He ate sweets and jam.
He lived on the roof, poor thing,
His name was...
(Carlson) .

22) He plays a little bit
For passers-by on an accordion.
Everyone knows a musician!
His name - ...
(Crocodile Gena) .

23) From the blue stream
The river begins.
This song was sung loudly
Three funny...
(Little Raccoon).

24) He was a rain cloud,
I went home with Piglet,
And, of course, he loved honey.
This is Gena...
(Winnie the Pooh).

    “In one small village there lived an evil and stingy woman with her daughter and stepdaughter. She loved her daughter, but her stepdaughter could do nothing to please her. One day, during a snowstorm, the stepmother kicked the poor thing out into the forest to get flowers...” (S.Ya. Marshak “Twelve months”)

    “Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”(RNS “Sister Fox and Wolf”)

    “She was a tall, stately, stately woman in a dazzling white fur coat and a hat made of pure snow. The boy recognized her immediately.”(H.-H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”)

    “Are you warm, beauty? Nastenka doesn’t want to upset the old man. “It’s warm, it’s warm, father,” he whispers, but the tooth itself doesn’t hit the tooth."(RNS "Morozko")

    “The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya is walking behind, chuckling.”(RNS “At the command of the pike”)

    “The grandmother brought snow in a sieve. They pushed and pushed the snow and pushed the girl out.”(RNS “Snegurochka”)

    “Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut" (RNS "The Fox and the Hare")

26) Remember all the cartoon cats you know.

1. He is a cat - a screen star.

Practical, wise and businesslike.

Agricultural and plans

Famous throughout Russia.(Matroskin.)

2. One day the cat became the boss of the forest.

How did this happen? Captured a fox. What is the cat's middle name?(Kotofeevich.)

3. How they knew the “blind” cat, Alice’s fox’s friend. (Basilio.)

4. A smart cat from a fairy tale by C. Perrault, who was inherited by his younger brother.(Puss in Boots.)

Well done boys! We saw that you know a lot of fairy tales, you know their text and you can guess the fairy tale from the picture. Read fairy tales, they will help you in life. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!


Now I’ll check how attentive you are.
I will speak, and you listen.

If I say it correctly, clap, if it’s wrong, stomp.

Crucian carp live in the river. (They clap.)
Mushrooms grow on a pine tree. (They stomp.)
The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)
A steamer is traveling into the field: (Stomp)
The rain has passed - puddles remain. (Clap)
The hare and the wolf are close friends, (They stomp.)
The night will pass and the day will come. (They clap.)
Mom is too lazy to help you. (They stomp.)
You will spend the holiday together. (They clap.)
And you won't go home. (They stomp.)
There are no scattered among you. (They clap.)
Everyone is attentive here. (They clap.)

Seen at the zoo

A huge hippopotamus sleeps behind bars at the gate.

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo.

Here is a baby elephant in a quiet sleep, guarded by an old elephant.

Have you seen...

The black-eyed marten is a wonderful bird!

Have you seen...

The evil - despising gray wolf clicks his teeth at the guys!

Have you seen...

Suddenly the penguins flew higher than the spruce and aspen trees.

Have you seen...

Ponies are little horses, how funny ponies are!

Have you seen...

The insatiable jackal beast walked from wall to wall.

Have you seen...

And the green crocodile walked importantly across the field.

Have you seen...

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Which one of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

It's me,...

Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?

It's me,...

Who of you. When he grows up, will he become an astronaut?

It's me,...

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

It's me,...

Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?

It's me,...

Who completes their homework on time?

It's me,...

How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

It's me,...

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

It's me,...

How many of you walk on the pavement with your head upside down?

It's me,...

How many of you come to class an hour late?

It's me,...


"Invisible hat".

To do this, you just need to look into the mysterious box. You open it, and inside there is a large inscription: “You’re trying in vain, you still won’t see it. That’s why she’s invisible.”

"Instant photo machine."

On the box there is a wooden lid with the inscription: “Lift the lid and you will get your photograph.” Under the lid there is a mirror, on the mirror there is an inscription:

There are no bad pictures here,
Our initiative is famous everywhere.
Of course: there’s no portrait here -
Handsome or beautiful.

Props: sucking candies. 2 people are invited. The task is to add candy to your mouth one by one, while saying: “Yummy!” Do not chew sweets. Whoever puts the most candy in his mouth will win and receive a prize. The result is determined by counting the candy wrappers!

You cannot talk about the conditions of the competition before choosing participants, but you can announce the name!!!


Props – 2 dishes with tangerines, 2 scarves. The task is to break into 2 teams and carry tangerines from one place to another without using your hands. If you fall, pick it up, also without using your hands, but you can take the tangerine with your elbows. The hands of the player running after the tangerine are tied with a scarf. When a participant brings a tangerine, the hands of the next person in the relay are tied. The smartest one wins. For example, you can take a tangerine with your teeth and gently throw it on your bent elbows!


Requisites: hat, scarf, gloves, fork, knife and coin. All these items and the unpacked chocolate bar are placed on a table around which the participants stand and successively toss a coin. If the result is heads, the participant puts on gloves, a scarf, a hat and cuts himself a piece of chocolate. The competition goes in one direction, usually clockwise.

The coin goes around in a circle without waiting for the person to cut off the chocolate bar. Therefore, you need to get dressed very quickly and cut the chocolate bar, otherwise the next participant who got “heads” will have time to tear off his hat and it will be he who will cut the chocolate bar. The competition continues until the chocolate bar is eaten.

You may not be a poet, but you must have a sweet tooth!

Our dear readers, and now also writers! Our poetry and culinary competition has come to an end. For almost a month you have delighted our eyes and ears with your poems. The feeling of beauty in our hearts and heads temporarily (and perhaps forever) overshadowed all other feelings, and the only emotions that we can now experience are joy and peace.

They say that art requires sacrifice. And this, in a way, is fair. After all, while you create something really bright and beautiful, how many calories will you spend! Therefore, as promised, we are rewarding our most talented poets with delicious (and high-calorie) prizes from the Napoleon confectionery house: Nikulina Irina, Marina Solovyova, Sosenkova Svetlana and the Fedotov family. Congratulations!

And, perhaps, let us quote the leader of the world proletariat V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin, who once said: “Art belongs to the people!” What is it for? And besides, now the best of those sent/brought/read over the phone will be published right here, on the pages of the “Career” newspaper!

So, pay attention! All works are published for the first time!

I'm in stores on the shelves
I'm always looking for "Napoleon".
I'll be happy if I buy it
After all, he brings joy to the house.
Years will pass, we will get older,
But childhood is always in my memory.
How we enjoyed the cakes
All day until evening. Since morning.

My finger is in my mouth.
I'm having a hard time right now.
I would like three pieces of cake.
That's the whole layout.

My grandson ate Napoleon
And, of course, he will say:
“There is no tastier cake in the world.
Everyone knows that."

Literary scholars claim that the author of these works is a boy named Arseny from the city of Balakovo, who is 3 years and 5 months old. And we think that grandfather Sergei Valentinovich Fedotov did not help him at all, he simply wrote down what the growing Pushkin recited! The other authors didn't disappoint either. And even though in their poems, beginning poets were sometimes quite free with the emphasis in the word “Cakes” - it is still placed on the first and only the first syllable, and sometimes the rhyme, from the point of view of the laws of versification, was too innovative... In general, all this little things! Mayakovsky and Blok were not immediately recognized either!

I had a terrible dream last night -
Suddenly Napoleon closed
My soul suddenly went cold!
I woke up this morning, barely breathing...
When everything in life is very difficult
And darkness is the main background in it,
The cake will definitely help you
Triumphs of taste from "Napoleon"!

I read “Career” and had a dream - a pink elephant was walking across a field
I woke up, washed my face, went into Biglion...
And I see - there is a discount from "Napoleon"!!!
I'm running, I'm in a hurry, I'll order with a coupon,
My sweet pink Elephant will come to me!!!
It is dearest to everyone's heart - the Napoleon store!!!
Cakes and pastries for all kinds of occasions!!!

And even though we prefer the domestic “Multimarket” to all sorts of overseas “Biglios”, that’s not the point. The main thing is that it is written from the heart.

Do you want to be like Solomon -
Eat Napoleon quickly!

Do you want to live like a pharaoh -
Always eat Napoleon.

The city of Balakovo turned out to be extremely poetic. Entire poems were sent from there. Here is one of them:

A wonderfully sweet aroma - “Napoleon” is always welcome to us.
I recently bought a House - inspired by Napoleon.
And then I’ll buy a diploma - thank you, friend, Napoleon.
There are stunningly beautiful cakes on display here.
This is paradise for a sweet tooth - a sea of ​​sweets in a cart.
“Triumph of taste” and goodness: “Napoleon” - Vivat! Hooray!
Ah, the charm of a date with “Don Panches”!
There were actually entire autobiographies. Or rather, something like genre sketches. A sort of “Notes of a Hunter.” Sweet Hunter:

My life is like a series:
Home, work, carnival,
Wonderful, Brazilian,
100-episode series!
But recently this dream
"Napoleon" woke up
Wonderfully sweet aroma,
He burst into life without looking back!
This is heaven for a sweet tooth:
A huge cart of sweets,
And jam and cookies -
Everything for happiness and fun!
And, of course, cakes,
Stunning beauty
They melt happily in your mouth,
I'm growing my waist fast!
Their names sound like songs
One is more interesting than the other:
"Hoku", "Don Panches", "Premium",

We could bring more and more new poems, but the volume of the newspaper, unfortunately, is limited. If you didn’t find your lines in this publication, don’t worry! They are still revealed to the world and the general public on the website