Wedding anniversary competitions: ideas and tips. Scenario for a wooden wedding Scenario for a 5th wedding anniversary comic

Description: holiday scenario - 5th anniversary family life for a couple there is one male presenter! The script includes songs, competitions, congratulations, a skit. The presenter must be able to sing.

Leading: Hello, dear guests. We are opening our holiday. This song is as famous as the essence of the holiday. A tree gives life to our planet... It is no secret that without trees there would be nothing to breathe. And without air nothing can live, not even water.

Scene: “Tree of Love”

There should be free space in the middle of the stage. In the middle of the stage is a mound of earth. There are two rings attached to the curtain - a symbol of marriage and love. A husband and wife enter the room.
The guests applaud. They go up on stage.

Wife: Look like it's the first time. Everyone is looking at us. There are two rings.
Husband: Where is the symbol that we have been together for 5 years?
Wife: Tree, or what? So he needs to be imprisoned.
Husband: Oh, what kind of hill is this?
Wife: What a hill, what a hill. There's a watering can, there's water. Forward.

Music from the animated series "Aladdin" is playing. Lyrics:

10 years are behind us.
What else can I say?
It's time to celebrate the anniversary.
Those who have realized their dream can move on.
So our family grew up in the middle of the courtyard.

And the tree grows
The family lives
Years pass
Together forever
Love will save us.
Both night and day -
It's always the two of us.
We will raise our own family.
And further, forward.
And we'll sing a song.
And in the rain and in the snowstorm
Believe in personal happiness,
Don't ever forget about him.
The wind lives in the leaves
And in the spring everything blooms.
And the bad trouble will pass.

During the song, the husband and wife water the mound. A tree begins to grow from it. The tree grows to the ceiling. This is a good dummy; it is simply pulled out from below or pulled up so that the workpiece “grows”.

Wife: That's how great we are.
Husband: Yeah. The leaves are rustling. Birds are singing.

The sounds of the forest are played behind the stage.

They look around. Then a shoe falls from above.

Wife: A! There is a third person in our tree.

A man is climbing down the trunk of a tree./tree - maybe a chair or a stepladder/

Husband: So. What is it?

Human: I am the leader. You hit me with a tree.
Husband: A! Well then, lead the way.

The husband and wife leave the stage for the table.
The tree on the stage is temporarily covered with a curtain/screen or behind a curtain/

Leading: I propose to congratulate our young people. Who wants to speak first?

Everyone starts raising their hands.

Leading: I'll start.

Congratulations from the presenter:

5 years – family name day.
What can you accomplish in this time frame?
Your marriage is beautiful – like a picture.
I wish you continued happiness.


End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version script go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 R ub.

A wooden wedding is celebrated after five years of marriage between the spouses. This is the first “serious” wedding anniversary. In order for the celebration to be a success and to remind the young spouses and guests of family values, it is necessary to organize the holiday well. The concept of a script for a wooden wedding - everything around reminds of the symbol of the wedding - the tree.

Invitation cards, outfits of guests and “wooden celebrants”, as well as design colors banquet hall- everything should correspond to the concept of a wooden wedding.

Outfits of guests and young spouses

At a wooden wedding, a dress code is observed: clothes are in brown shades, only wooden accessories are allowed: beads, cufflinks, rosaries, etc.

Wedding anniversary venue decor

The name of the holiday itself suggests that the best place holding a wooden wedding - near the trees. That is, in nature. Will do Vacation home heroes of the day, a dacha or an open area near the summer cafe park.

In the cold season, of course, there is no way to plan, but a cozy restaurant hall with a fireplace, or a hall in the estate is quite suitable for the anniversary concept.

The presence of wooden things, wooden furniture is in itself the design of a wooden wedding, and in the small details of the decor you need to adhere to the style - these are rustic things.

Tablecloths reminiscent of rough burlap fabric, wooden dishes, simple flowers in wooden pots, dried flowers and pine cones - all this will add coziness and fit perfectly into the concept of the celebration.

Scenario for a wooden wedding 5 years

The best music for decorating a wooden wedding anniversary is playing wooden musical instruments. And this is mainly folk music (compositions on balalaika, guitar, flute).

If you are writing a script for a celebration at home, then you should record both dance rhythms and more cozy motifs that will accompany the feast for playback at the anniversary.

When drawing up a script for a five-year wedding anniversary, it is important to understand that the theme of this wedding anniversary is a good reason to “immerse” the guests and hosts of the holiday in a real forest fairy tale.

Characters such as the forest fairy, druids, and talking trees should appear at the anniversary, emphasizing the theme and beauty of the celebration.

A mandatory component of all scenarios for celebrating a wooden wedding of 5 years is testing the family “fortress”: various tasks for the “wooden bride and groom”.

Another obligatory component of a wedding anniversary are competitions for guests, the theme of which is inevitably related to wood:

  • “Lumberjacks” competition (who can cut the most logs);
  • competition “Wooden Songs” (which team can remember more songs that contain the names of trees);
  • competition “Assemble a nesting doll” (you need to assemble a nesting doll for a while), etc.

For a wooden wedding, celebrants of the day are given things for which wood was used.

The same can be said about incentive prizes for winning competitions: various small wooden souvenirs.

A significant date - the first five years of family life - is celebrated as a wooden wedding. This is a wonderful occasion for the young family and guests who were present at their wedding to get together again to communicate, have fun, and also take stock. A cool wooden wedding scenario will help you combine business with pleasure.

Where to spend

A wooden wedding can be a remake of a wedding feast. A married couple arranges a lavish meal in a restaurant or at home. Colorful invitations are sent to the invitees; the list of numerous guests for the most part repeats the guest list at the wedding with certain changes.

But it would be especially interesting to celebrate the fifth anniversary in the village in a real Russian hut. Options are also possible when a country house, dacha, or existing wooden buildings on the site, such as a bathhouse or outbuilding, are adapted for celebrations. And if the time of year allows, lush trees will become a magnificent natural decoration orchard close to home.

Wooden wedding decoration

When decorating the hall, you can use some items from the first wedding, but adding elements appropriate for the event being celebrated.

Firstly, in the decor you should give preference to the various shades of living trees: walnut, oak, birch and, of course, fresh foliage at different times of the year. Draperies, bows, various kinds of garlands of balls, flags, beads, and the like should be in these colors. The decor of a wooden wedding will not be complete without live and artificial plants, preferably tree-like, but herbaceous and shrubby ones are also possible.

Secondly, among the dishes and decorations on the tables there are also objects made of wood. For example, wooden spoons, mugs or glasses, salad bowls, flower vases and so on. Stylized signs with the names of guests made of birch bark or decorated with pine cones placed on tables will look organic.

Thirdly, a special place is occupied by a tree of wishes drawn in advance or printed on a large banner, on the leaves of which guests have the opportunity to leave congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. The leaves can also be made into pockets that can hold greeting cards.

Outfits of a young couple

When choosing images for a celebration, a young couple should choose festive outfits made in the colors used in the decor. You can also choose one or more accessories carved from wood. For example, ethnic necklace, carved hair clip, cufflinks, bracelets, buttons and much more. It is advisable to wear wooden decorative elements on yourself and your guests.


Just like a feast in honor of a wedding, a wooden wedding is not complete without comic, witty competitions. They are all the more fun because in 5 years life together the spouses managed to study each other well and notice such characteristics in their soulmate that she may not notice in herself. A common feature of the competitions is that in one way or another they play with the number 5.

Competition "Palm". Any five questions for each spouse are written on two large paper palms. They can be related to both hands and habits.

Here is a list of sample questions.

For husband:

  • How often does your wife get her nails done and what color of polish does she prefer?
  • Which rings does your wife prefer to wear every day: gold or silver?
  • Which gem Does she have a favorite?
  • What gesture does she repeat most often when speaking?
  • What types of crafts does she excel at the most?

For the wife:

  • In which hand does the husband hold the hammer?
  • Which hand does he most often keep in his pocket?
  • How much weight can he lift with his little finger?
  • What does he like to do with his hands?
  • What gesture expresses his thoughtfulness?

The “Wish” competition will help to involve guests and also help them congratulate the married couple in eloquent terms. Each of the invitees must choose an epithet for the word “life” that reflects his wishes for the young family, and then pass the baton to the next one. Each player is given exactly 5 seconds to think, otherwise he loses. The winner is the guest whose epithet is said last at the end of the fifth minute.

Another interesting competition- “Guess the tree.” Using pantomime, two players try to show the heroes of the occasion the content of the song, the title of which necessarily mentions a tree. For example, “There was a birch tree in the field”, “White acacia”, “Poplar fluff”, “White bird cherry”, “You are my fallen maple”, “I asked the ash tree”, “White lilac”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and etc. Then the turn moves on to the next pair.

These and other competitions are interspersed with abundant food and fiery dancing of the guests. Toasts with colorful metaphors are welcomed, likening a wife to a slender plant, and a husband to a mighty, spreading tree.

Decoration: on the tables there are tablecloths with images of trees or wood-like wallpaper. The tables are decorated with wooden painted dishes (if this is not possible, we suggest decorating at least a table for the newlyweds in this way. Instead of chairs, there are wooden benches. Behind the newlyweds, the main wall is draped with fabric depicting wooden objects, a set of spoons, tuesks, etc.).
Meeting of spouses. (Before the heroes of the day appear, the host discusses some aspects of the meeting with the guests, clarifying their participation in it).
(Music sounds. Young spouses enter the hall).
Ved.: Dear spouses!
A kind, welcome wooden wedding has come to you today.
We will celebrate it.
Congratulations on your anniversary. Come on, guests, don’t yawn, Let’s shout loudly: “Congratulations!” All: Congratulations!
Ved.: Friends!
To start our wedding off happily.
Yes, cheerfully, noisily, songfully,
Stand together along the path,
Matryoshka nesting dolls are coming to visit us.
(The Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds. Matryoshka dolls appear on the path made of wooden circles: 2 of them carry a “chest” (decorated box), 2 play on wooden spoons).
1st matr: We are wooden nesting dolls, we came here to you along the path of our spouses to congratulate...
2 mater: and if necessary, test it.
1st matr: I agree with you, friend, but first let’s congratulate the wife and her husband.
2nd matr: We congratulate you on the first five-year plan,
We give 5 gifts from the chest on this day.
1 matr. (taking out from the chest): We give 2 wooden mugs.
So that you cannot live without each other.
Mater 2: I don’t mind loving, but... I need to drink the juice now
not red or pink, but light birch sap. (“Young people” drink juice)
Ved.: The juice is sweet, sticks to scarlet lips, kiss, spouses, for the joy of all of us.
(Kiss of the spouses) *
1 mattress: We give the young wife 2 wooden tubs,
2nd matr: (interrupting)
... so that gossipy girlfriends do not distract you from household chores.
1 - matr: Take the tubs from the heart. They are good for pickling. (Presenting 2 tubs to the young wife)
2 - matr: It’s not enough to gladly accept a gift, like how to pickle cucumbers, you have to show it. (The wife is served fresh cucumbers, a knife, salt, and spices in wooden containers on a wooden board. The young wife completes the task).
Vedas: There are cucumbers in the tubs.
So who is the owner? She...
Guests: Well done!
Ved.: Dear hostess!
In winter, when you get cucumbers to the table, you will have to remember this wedding and the guests often.
1 matr. (holding out the tuesok): Here is a birch bark tuesk for you, my friend-husband. Collect rowan berries in it and give it to your wife.
2nd-matr. (pouring berries into the container): I, my dear, want to know: Can you collect beads for your wife in five minutes? Answer: Yes!
1 matr. (distributing tuesk berries to the guests): For help, guests, we turn to you: Help us collect the beads.
2 matr. (handing the thread and needle to the spouse): Well... (name of the spouse), don’t waste time and get to work!
(Music sounds. The husband, going around the guests, collects beads from rowan berries and hands them to his wife).
Ved.: Let the spouse keep these beads for a long time and invite us all to the golden wedding. (Applause)
3 matr. (taking out a rocker from the chest): We filled this wooden souvenir rocker with a special meaning.
4th matr: After all, balance in the house is above all. Husband and wife, take care of him!
(Matryoshka dolls give the spouses a souvenir rocker)
Ved.: May you have equality and harmony in your family for further five-year plans in a row!
This wish is not a trifle at all.
Guests, let’s shout together: “Let it be like this in life!”
All: Let it be like this in life!
Ved.: And finally, according to the old Russian tradition, we give you a pair of bast shoes. Lapti “live” only in pairs, each on its own is useless.
Such a gift, and even in a souvenir version, will remind you every day that you, like bast shoes, cannot be separated, that you should always be together. (Applause. Presentation of a pair of bast shoes).
Ved.: Dear guests! What are you worth? Give birch bark flowers to your spouses! (Music. Guests present the spouses with flowers made from birch bark).
Ved.: The husband and wife passed the tests successfully, we definitely need a drink for this, guests.
On this bright day and hour at these tables we will continue the Wooden Jubilee with you. (Music sounds. Guests take their places at the table).
Ved.: Friends! Why have we gathered? Although perhaps they have gathered? Yes, we ended up at a wedding, so drink wine and have fun! (Music. Guests fill their glasses). Filling the mugs. Let's not overthink it and make the first toast like this: Toast: Dear... and... (names of the spouses)! Congratulations on your fifth anniversary of marriage! Today you will step towards the sixth step. We want the sun's rays to warm you.
Let the birds sing songs for you. The trees in the garden will bloom for you!
- For you, dear spouses! (Guests drink) (Musical break 3-5 minutes).
Ved.: Dear newlyweds! The music of love is your life's waltz.
You walked side by side, holding hands. They lived for five years, happiness was in them.
Let us raise our glasses again to the young! (Guests drink)
Ved.: It’s no secret that the hearts of our spouses are in special harmony and beat in unison. They are overwhelmed with a feeling of love, in which, like in a musical orchestra, each of them plays his part. And the more instruments there are in the orchestra - family members, the more interesting and harmonious the music sounds.
We present to you the family orchestra of the spouses... (surname of the heroes of the day):
Charming button accordion - ... (name of the young spouse).
The first violin in the orchestra is the young wife... (name).
Magic pipe -... (name of the child of the hero of the day).
The daring accordion is the mother-in-law... (acting mother-in-law).
The wise piano is the father-in-law... (acting father-in-law).
Loose balalaika - mother-in-law... (acting mother-in-law).
A sonorous guitar—father-in-law... (acting father-in-law). (The presenter, introducing the family members, gives everyone the appropriate tool). Ved.: Dear guests!
We introduced you to the leading instruments of the family orchestra. Let's listen to what part each instrument in this family plays.
Expressive and passionate.
Sometimes quiet, sometimes violent,
That unthinkable romantic -
A charming accordion for everyone.
(The young husband plays the accordion. Even if he has never held this instrument in his hands, it will not be difficult for him to extract several sounds from it).
The bow touches the violin gently,
And the strings will enter into a quiet argument.
Of pure, serene sounds.
Weaving music pattern.
(Similarly, the wife performs her part on the violin).
How similar bird trills are to the sound of a pipe! And when the drops sing. You can also hear the pipe! (The child plays the pipe.)
Eh, daring accordion. Mischievous, fiery,
You'll stretch the fur more. It will immediately become more fun.
(The mother-in-law plays her part on the harmonica.)
The great patron of harmony, Solemn in his appearance.
Graceful sounds, wise lord. Royal is a proud man, we're talking about him! (Father-in-law plays a part on a toy piano)
Play in my hands. Loose balalaika!
She started playing - at the same hour the guests all started dancing. (Mother-in-law plays the balalaika)
Like a bowstring, a guitar string, and if your hands touch the strings
- like arrows, the sounds of chords will ring and silent silence will go away. (Father-in-law plays a few chords on the guitar).
Ved.: Friends!
Now this family orchestra will perform for you the melody of the song “Women’s Happiness” from Ovsienko’s repertoire. But... pay attention, their instruments are not paper, not tin, but wooden, like a wedding. (A recorded song plays. “Instruments” accompany) Ved.: Thank you!
... The instruments fell silent - and then applause was heard from all sides.
Everyone comes out to bow. (Applause. Bow of the “musicians”). We see that: the instruments in this family are tuned to love,
They sound light and harmonious.
Here are the young ones, mother-in-law and mother-in-law
They get along with each other just perfectly!
- Let's raise a glass to this! (Guests drink)
Ved.: In order for the sounds of a family orchestra to spread throughout the area, it is necessary to add a few more instruments. I think the friends and relatives of the young people will help us with this.
We give rattles to women - The rattle has the sounds of a rosary.
If you rotate them quickly,
They will crack loudly.
(The presenter hands out rattles)
Men receive sonorous, carved and painted Spoons.
From dawn to dawn Let the spooners have fun.
(The presenter hands the men wooden spoons)
Ved.: I invite everyone, with a wave of my conductor’s baton, to perform with the orchestra the chorus of the song “Wedding” (art by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by A. Babajanyan).
- So, are you ready?
- Let's start! (The phonogram of the song sounds. The orchestra “connects” to it).
Ved (against the background of music being played):
Sounds, Sounds, pouring, pouring!
Envelop the mind!
They will either quiet down or wake up.
They will explode at once!
Ved.: (at the end of the music) Dear guests! I propose to raise a toast to the musicians, because at our wedding, every musician is a talent! (The guests drink).
Ved.: Dear spouses!
Your wedding will not be musical and bright. If it is missing necessary gifts, (handing over a wooden treble clef): Receive the treble clef, Take care of love and fidelity! If they are at the head, then peace and harmony reign in the family!
Ved.: Having wished you the most important thing, we pass the baton to the guests. Let them sound congratulations in honor of your anniversary and present wooden gifts. (Congratulations to guests. Presentation of gifts).
Ved.: I propose a nice toast:
“For the guests at the wooden wedding!”
(Guests drink)
Ved.: ...and... (names of spouses)!
For us on this anniversary there is no more tender couple,
Your “duet” would be wonderful to dance!
(Dance of the Young)
(Dance block). (During the dance block, the song “Lumberjacks” sounds (music by A. Ostrovsky), two lumberjacks appear with wooden tools in their hands).
Ved.: Greetings, lumberjacks!
(Applause from guests)
Lumberjack: Yes, we are lumberjacks!
The two of us are bachelors.
We cut down pine trees in three girths.
Everyone could easily hug you at once, girls.
2nd lumberjack: But... we will have time to chop wood, we will not miss this moment when we congratulate this couple and give them a tool.
1st lumberjack: Dear spouses! Please accept our congratulations. Don’t scold too much for gifts!
2nd lumberjack: Let's give this ax to my husband. It will be quick in business. (Handing over the ax)
1st Lumberjack: We are in a hurry to hand over a saw to our young wife, we allow our hubby to “saw” once a year. (Handing over the saw)
2nd lumberjack (addressing all women):
And you girls, so that you don’t get bored at the wedding,
We suggest playing a little with bachelors.
Ved.: So as not to leave the lumberjacks unattended, Girls, show your diligence! Let's all play now with squad B musical game"Stay close to me."
(Two chairs are placed at the finish line. The lumberjacks sit on them. The women are divided into 2 teams. At the signal from the leader, the first players of both teams, running to the lumberjacks, sit on their laps. Then the second participants enter the game, who, running to the chair, they sit on the laps of the first women, etc. The game continues until the whole team sits on each other’s laps. Whose team will complete the task faster?)
Ved.: Dear lumberjacks!
The girls liked playing with you.
You'll have to come to us more often. (Dancing).
Ved.: Friends!
I propose that a noisy group gather around the table again to continue our family celebration. (Music. Guests take their places at the table)
Ved.: We will ask the young people to stand up.
Take the glasses in your hands.
Raise a toast to all guests.
To continue the anniversary.
(Toast from the spouses. Guests drink).
Ved.: You probably didn’t know yet.
That some guests were late for the feast.
For example, this boy
Naughty, hooligan.
(The song “Pinocchio” by music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Entin is played. Pinocchio appears to the applause of the guests. In one hand he has a log to which cards with lines from the songs are attached).
Bur.: I’m an expert, and I’m not joking. For any questions.
I will, if I want. I'll leave everyone hanging.
Papa Carlo did not work until dawn in vain.
Knock-knock - and I came out. In general, I was born.
Since then, the log has been my best friend,
And there is nothing more beautiful and dearer to me than anything around.
Ved.: It doesn’t bother us all to know here. What does the log decorate?
Pinocchio: Like what? Cards! After all, my log is unusual, but musical, melodic.
(Guests are given cards with lines from songs. It is necessary to pantomime the contents of the entire song).
Suggested lines from songs:
A Christmas tree was born in the forest...
(music by P. Belkman, art. R. Kudasheva).
Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan...
(Russian folk song)
There was a birch tree in the field... (Russian folk song)
Oh, don't hide, lilac, lilac. Yes, dear, dear, on a clear day.
Don't stop my love, Love from kissing...
(art by A. Safronov, music by Y. Mipyutin)
A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window...
(music by N. Chumakov, Art. V. Burgin)
Old maple, old maple. An old maple tree knocks on the window...
(art by M. Matusovsky, music by L. Pakhmutova).
Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream...
(art. M. Isakovsky, music. I. Dunaevsky)
In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say, a pine tree grows.
(Volga choruses “We rode on a boat”)
Bur.: Dear young people!
For a wooden wedding I give the main installation:
What tree is being sung about?
You'll have to guess now. (Contest)
Ved.: Yes, the task was not easy.
Your efforts are worth a drink!
(Guests drink)
Pinocchio: Friends, forgive me! I cheated a little and left one more log for the game.
(takes out the second log)
It will be useful for another purpose.
Would you like to play with me?
(guests' response)
For me to live cheerfully and be rich, I need a sister and a younger brother. Quickly take two logs into your hands and immediately turn them into two cool kids. Each half of the table is given its own set of items and clothing (one team
- for a girl, the other - for a boy), which includes:
- a long paper nose with an elastic band;
- a jacket for a girl (or pants for a boy);
- cap; - wig with pigtails for girls (curly - for boys);
- felt-tip pens (for eyes, lips, nose).
At Pinocchio’s signal, guests who have received some clothes and items begin to “dress” their log, passing it from hand to hand. Thus, it goes around the entire half of the table and falls into the hands of the young spouses. Whose doll will reach the goal faster?
Bur.: Again, friends, I deceived you. I gave you a hint with these dolls.
That in the next family five-year period you will have cute children.
Who was the first to appear in his hands? This one is destined to be born to you soon.
Spouse: Thank you, guests, for the hint. The moment of birth is not far away.
Ved.: I invite everyone present and, of course, our hero to drink so that the family... (surname of the spouses) will increase by one more person in the near future!
(Guests drink)
May the young family be strong. Will never be destroyed
And this wooden wedding will remain in everyone’s memory forever! (Music. Continued fun)
Chest, 2 wooden mugs, birch sap. 2 wooden tubs.
Wooden board, knife, salt, spices in wooden containers, fresh cucumbers. Birch tree, rowan berries, needle and thread. Wooden souvenir rocker.
Souvenir or real bast shoes.
Flowers made from birch bark.
Bayan, violin, flute, accordion, piano, bala laika, guitar.
Ratchets, wooden spoons.
Conductor's stick.
Wooden treble clef. Axe, saw, 2 wooden chairs.
Two logs, one of them with cards.
Two sets of clothes (for a boy and for a girl).

Description: holiday scenario - the anniversary of 5 years of married life for a couple is conducted by one male host! The script includes songs, competitions, congratulations, a skit. The presenter must be able to sing.

Leading: Hello, dear guests. We are opening our holiday. This song is as famous as the essence of the holiday. A tree gives life to our planet... It is no secret that without trees there would be nothing to breathe. And without air nothing can live, not even water.

Scene: “Tree of Love”

There should be free space in the middle of the stage. In the middle of the stage is a mound of earth. There are two rings attached to the curtain - a symbol of marriage and love. A husband and wife enter the room.
The guests applaud. They go up on stage.

Wife: Look like it's the first time. Everyone is looking at us. There are two rings.
Husband: Where is the symbol that we have been together for 5 years?
Wife: Tree, or what? So he needs to be imprisoned.
Husband: Oh, what kind of hill is this?
Wife: What a hill, what a hill. There's a watering can, there's water. Forward.

Music from the animated series "Aladdin" is playing. Lyrics:

10 years are behind us.
What else can I say?
It's time to celebrate the anniversary.
Those who have realized their dream can move on.
So our family grew up in the middle of the courtyard.

And the tree grows
The family lives
Years pass
Together forever
Love will save us.
Both night and day -
It's always the two of us.
We will raise our own family.
And further, forward.
And we'll sing a song.
And in the rain and in the snowstorm
Believe in personal happiness,
Don't ever forget about him.
The wind lives in the leaves
And in the spring everything blooms.
And the bad trouble will pass.

During the song, the husband and wife water the mound. A tree begins to grow from it. The tree grows to the ceiling. This is a good dummy; it is simply pulled out from below or pulled up so that the workpiece “grows”.

Wife: That's how great we are.
Husband: Yeah. The leaves are rustling. Birds are singing.

The sounds of the forest are played behind the stage.

They look around. Then a shoe falls from above.

Wife: A! There is a third person in our tree.

A man is climbing down the trunk of a tree./tree - maybe a chair or a stepladder/

Husband: So. What is it?

Human: I am the leader. You hit me with a tree.
Husband: A! Well then, lead the way.

The husband and wife leave the stage for the table.
The tree on the stage is temporarily covered with a curtain/screen or behind a curtain/

Leading: I propose to congratulate our young people. Who wants to speak first?

Everyone starts raising their hands.

Leading: I'll start.

Congratulations from the presenter:

5 years – family name day.
What can you accomplish in this time frame?
Your marriage is beautiful – like a picture.
I wish you continued happiness.


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 R ub.