Notes on labor activity in the senior group “Washing clothes. Conducting a lesson on labor activity in the senior group of a kindergarten. Notes on labor activity in the senior group.

Summary of the practical lesson on labor activity for younger preschool age “Bathing dolls”

Target: organize practical work activities for children by caring for dolls.

1. Continue to teach children to work in a team;
2. Exercise them in the ability to offer their help to a friend;
3. Foster a sense of responsibility for the common cause, satisfaction from the successful completion of work;
4. Activate children’s vocabulary by using words in speech: soap dish, soap, rinse, foam, sponge.
5. Learn to determine the properties of water (cold, hot, warm)
6. Learn to indicate the nature of actions (soap, rinse off soap, wipe)
7. Teach children to be kind to dolls.

Form of organization: collective work.
Type of work: household.

Preliminary work:
Games with water:“Cold - Hot”, “Floats - Sinks”, “Transfusion”
D/game:“Washbasin”, “Wash your hands”
Game exercises:"Clean palms"
Fun games: « Bubble»
Reading nursery rhymes and poems.

On the table are 2 basins, a soap dish, soap, sponges, a towel, a green bucket with hot water, a yellow bucket with cold water.
Katya doll, beautiful box, soap bubbles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today the doll Katya promised to come to visit us, but for some reason she is late... There is a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and brings in a large Katya doll (the doll’s nose, cheeks and hands are smeared with black paint).

Educator: Oh, Katya, what's wrong with you? What's on your nose, on your cheeks, on your arms? What is this, children? (Dirt)

The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “The Dirty Girl”, accompanying the reading with a dramatization
Educator: Guys, the doll is very sad, she doesn’t want to be dirty, can we help Katya? (We'll help). I have a magic box, there are a lot of useful things in it, I will take them out, and you tell me which ones we need to wash the doll.
The teacher takes soap, a notebook, a towel, a car, a sponge, and a phone from the box one by one - the children determine what is needed for bathing. The teacher clarifies the purpose of the objects and explains how to use them.

Educator: Now, let's give Katya a bath in the basin. (They go to the table where there are two empty basins and two buckets with hot and cold water). Touch, children, what kind of water is in the green bucket? (Hot)
There is hot water in the green bucket. What kind of water is in the yellow bucket? (Cold)

Katya doesn’t like to swim in hot water and doesn’t like to swim in cold water. She loves to swim in warm water.
Now we will first pour cold water into the basin, and then add hot water. I mixed hot and cold water. What kind of water did you get? (Children put their hands in warm water) - The water has become warm.

The teacher takes the Katya doll, takes off her clothes, puts the doll in the basin and begins to bathe her. At the same time, he accompanies his actions with explanations, pronounces the words: soap, soap dish, etc.

The teacher takes a sponge. He says, this is a sponge, we use it to wash the Katya doll. Lathering the doll’s head, he whips up foam and says:
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.
Water, water
Wash Katyusha's face,
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

Educator: Our Katyushka is now clean, we just need to wash off all the foam from her. What do I need to do? (You need to rinse the doll with clean, warm water).
Do you remember what kind of water is in the green bucket? (Hot).
And in the yellow bucket? (Cold).
Educator: What kind of water will I get if I mix hot water with cold (warm) water?
Pour warm water into the second basin.
Educator: With this warm water I will wash off the remaining soap from our doll.
He pours water on the doll, saying tenderly:
Warm water
Let's pour on our bird.
(The teacher takes the doll out of the basin and wipes it with a towel)
Let's dry Katya with a towel and put her on the bed to rest. (The doll is placed on a wide towel - “in bed”)

Educator: Guys, look, the other dolls also want to be clean and beautiful, let's wash them too? Take one doll each. (The children, with the help of the teacher, wash their dolls, rinse them and place the clean dolls next to Katya)

Educator: Look, the water in the basin has become dirty and soapy. It needs to be poured out. The teacher also puts the soap in the soap dish and hangs the towel to dry.
Then the teacher offers to see which dolls have become clean and beautiful. He notes that everyone did a good job, everyone worked together and helped each other. Then he covers the dolls with a towel and says that the dolls need to rest, sleep, and invites the children to play with soap bubbles.


Summary of work organization

V ___________ preschool age

MKDOU TsRR – D/S No. 2




Form of organization of labor activity:

Type of work:

Goals: educational –

developing –

educational –


Vocabulary work:

Individual work:

Preliminary work:

Work progress:


Subject:« Cleaning the area from snow”

Age: middle group

Form a habit of work effort, a desire to work,

Teach children how to hold a shovel correctly and clear the space of snow,

Develop imagination, thinking, and the ability to carry out the teacher’s instructions.

Cultivate a love of cleanliness.

Develop the ability and desire to provide all possible assistance to a friend, teach him what he can do himself.

Form of organization of labor activity:


Methods and techniques:

Demonstration by an adult, questions, joint work of children and adults, explanation, clarification, games, approval, encouragement of intermediate results, encouragement of successful methods and actions of the child, reminder, artistic expression, indirect control, assessment, involvement of other adults in the assessment.


Removable material (shovels, bags, brooms, buckets, mittens), traffic light

Preliminary work:

Observation of the activities of the janitor, a story about his work, showing illustrations, reading S. Baruzin’s poem “Interesting Machine”, Selection of equipment for children’s work activities, role-playing game‘Trip on a Train’.

Vocabulary work:

Snowfall, paths, blizzard

Individual work:

Strengthen Sasha’s developed skills in working with a shovel.

Work progress:

A message that now everyone will go on a train to a snowy country and play a new one interesting game. The driver will be the one who is the first to dress correctly, the next 4 people will be his assistants, who will carry valuable cargo (equipment for work), and the rest will be passengers.

Stage name Activities of the teacher Children's activities
I Organizational Goal setting Discussion of issues when distributing work -Everyone got on the train?! Go! -Stop! Look, the traffic light is red, because... The paths and our entire site are covered with snow and the train cannot move further and we will not be able to get to our site and play there. -What needs to be done to get the train moving? -Right! - Our janitor Ivan Petrovich is removing the snow, guys. The rubbish will be cleared away from the roads and the traffic light will turn on! Let’s call him quickly, he’ll come running to us quickly, well, together, well, together: “Ivan Petrovich” - And here he is. Janitor: “What happened guys?” - Oh, guys, I'm tired, I've been sweeping the paths all day, And the snow covered them again! - Maybe we can help you? -Who wants to help Ivan Petrovich? - Well done, I knew that you would all want to help! -Look, what needs to be done? If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts (clear the paths, collect garbage, sweep the veranda) - Let's agree on how we will distribute the work: The driver and his assistants - put the snow in buckets and take it to the designated place, 1 trailer - clear the paths, 2 trailer - collect garbage, 3 trailer - sweep the veranda. So we distributed all the work among ourselves. Now get ready for it: take necessary tools, discuss with each other the order in which you will complete your task, and start working. Don't forget that you are working together. When they work together, they help each other, don’t quarrel, and don’t get offended by their comrades’ comments.” -Choo-chu-chu-chu-chu! -Remove the snow! “Ivan Petrovich” (Explain) I, I, I, I…. children's answers
II Main Instructions for managing the labor process of children Observing the work of the children of the first group, the teacher checks how the children were able to distribute responsibilities. While observing the work of the children of the second group, if the paths are narrow, the children are warned not to crowd together; It’s better to distribute the work so that the children stand at a certain distance. The janitor shows correct execution. The work of the third group does not require close attention, but they need to be reminded of the need to collect all garbage on the territory and to wear special gloves. Children of the fourth group are asked to first sweep the veranda, and then take the snow to the designated place. Be sure to warn about careful use of a shovel, taking into account the proximity of peers. Encourages: “How wonderful and friendly the 3rd car works; Dima, you’re doing well,” Conducts individual work: - Sasha, look at how to hold the shovel correctly, it will be more comfortable for you and you won’t get too tired! Pays great attention to the nature of relationships between peers. Using specific examples, he shows examples of a friendly, humane attitude towards peers, the ability to teach, show, while remaining polite and tactful. Pays attention to what has already been learned, positively evaluates these skills, as well as the desire to show working techniques and prevent the mistakes of others. They are working
Look how our site has changed! What has changed, why? Anya very diligently swept the table. Misha, having completed his work, did not board the train, but decided to help Katyusha. A special place in his assessments is given to the specific actions of children in the labor process, which showed attention to peers, perseverance, and a responsible attitude to the assigned work. The janitor is involved in the assessment. Well done guys, they worked well, they did a great job, and now you can continue on your way: The rubbish was removed from the tracks, and the traffic light came on! Everyone in place, let's go! Children's answers Chu-chu-chu-chu


Tasks for the development of labor activity:

Tasks moral education:

Methods and techniques:


Preliminary work:

Progress of duty:


Tasks for the development of labor activity:

Teach children to independently perform the duties of a canteen attendant: arrange bread bins, plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery. Introduce the technique of folding a tablecloth.

Form a responsible attitude towards a task (the ability and desire to complete a task, the desire to do it well)

Objectives of moral education:

To develop the child’s desire to bring joy to other children through his work and to help a friend.

Methods and techniques:

Approval, showing, encouragement, reminder, control, evaluation.


Aprons, caps, flowers, napkins, tablecloths.

Preliminary work:

Identify the people on duty (pictures in the corner of the people on duty)

Progress of duty:

Stage name Activities of the teacher Children's activities
I Organizational Discussion of issues when distributing work - The officers on duty come to me, they will bring lunch now, and we will set the table. -Maxim, which table will you be on duty at? -Are you Kostya, Natasha? Before you start being on duty, don't forget to put on your aprons. They put on aprons and caps.
IIBasic Instructions for managing the labor process of children Pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Approves of children's creative ideas: - Let's think about how we will please the children today? If the teacher or junior teacher prompts: “Let’s put flowers or lay out new tablecloths.” Explains that the work of the attendants is very necessary, comrades always do this, take care of each other, etc. - That's right, Natasha first pulled all the chairs towards the table. Now it will be more convenient to walk around the table. - We carry two plates. - How Kostya carefully lays out the spoons, takes one at a time and places it on the right side. -Check if everything is in place? -Well done guys, thank you. Guys, look at how to fold the tablecloth more conveniently, help me, Kostya. You need to take it by the ends, fold it in half on the table, and then in half again, and only then fold it lengthwise. Now try it yourself. Everyone did well. Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery. -All! -Yes! After eating, they clear the bread and napkins from the table, sweep away the crumbs from the table, and fold the tablecloths.
III Final Discussion of the results of the work -Well done, guys, you were all real duty workers today, you took care of everyone! -Kostya, he remembered everything himself, didn’t forget anything. -Maxim, he worked as carefully and diligently as the nanny. - And how pleased mom will be to know that Natasha was on duty today like an adult. Here the assistant is growing. Remove aprons and caps.

Labor education includes the formation of skills and moral qualities necessary for future professional activity and pursues the achievement of many goals: developing in children a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work, nurturing basic work skills. In kindergarten these goals are achieved in game form, and the complexity of the tasks depends on the age capabilities of the children and their abilities to perceive information. Labor education can contribute to the development of other skills. If the teacher organizes group work, this will allow children to learn to work in a team. Each child will bear greater responsibility for their actions and learn to work for the benefit of the team.

Organization of labor activities in the senior group of kindergarten

Labor activity implies not only the formation of skills, it develops attentiveness, activity and composure in children. In kindergarten, preschoolers are introduced to the work of adults and introduced to activities that are feasible for them.

There are several functions of labor education:

  • Educational - develops the child’s practical skills and abilities.
  • Developmental - provides physical, social, mental development child.
  • Educational - forms the child’s hard work, collectivism, discipline and attentiveness.

Types of work activities of older preschoolers

Types of work activity pupils of preschool educational institutions can be divided into several groups:

  • Self-service. IN senior group Self-care tasks become more difficult. The teacher, as before, teaches the children to do a certain job, but now he also helps them correctly approach the implementation of a difficult task, explains how to complete it as quickly and best as possible. Control is being strengthened to ensure that each item is in a certain place, and children put away their toys. To achieve results, the teacher makes constant demands on the children.

    In the older group, the child must change clothes independently

  • Labor in nature. This type of work is incredibly useful for child development. It is not only fascinating, but also allows you to learn a lot of new things about the world around you. The child can directly become acquainted with nature and its characteristics, thanks to which he develops respect and caring attitude towards plants and animals. Working in nature allows you to effectively solve problems of sensory perception, and also helps to form a general idea of ​​natural objects.

    Types of activities include being on duty in a corner of nature and creating bird feeders. These tasks develop not only the child’s artistic skills, but also respect for nature.

    When creating a bird feeder, a preschooler can participate in its design

  • Teamwork. This type of work develops social skills and teaches preschoolers to work together. The teacher can organize one common task in which all children will participate, for example, cleaning a group room or washing toys. This will allow each child to feel like an important link and begin to take more responsibility for their actions. The types of tasks may vary. After finishing your joint work, you can play group games.

    An example of a group game "Mousetrap".
    Children are divided into two groups. One of the groups stands in a circle, tightly holding hands and raising them up. The second group of children is in the middle. Their task is to run back and forth between the hands of children standing in a circle as many times as possible. Those standing in a circle sing a rhyme:
    We're all tired of mice!
    Cheese and sugar - we ate everything.
    Beware of the cheat!
    You can't escape from a mousetrap.
    As soon as the teacher claps his hands, the children standing in the circle lower their hands and squat down. Those kids who remained in the circle are considered “caught.” They stand in a circle and the game continues.

    Completing collective tasks teaches children to act together

  • Handmade and artistic work. This type of work aims to develop in children a sense of beauty and aesthetic taste. This includes working with art materials, modeling, wood carving, creating crafts from cardboard and paper, working with fabric and origami. Children give the fruits of their creative work to their parents, friends or loved ones. It helps in development moral qualities and a positive attitude towards others.

    Working with paper teaches accuracy and develops fine motor skills

  • Household work. Such work develops in children a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the environment. Children learn to work collectively to achieve a common goal, determination and organization are formed. In this area of ​​labor development, the main role is played by the teacher, since it is from him that the children will take their example.
    Preschoolers should do the work themselves, and not watch the actions of an adult. The teacher organizes their activities and directs them in the right direction. Examples of household labor include cleaning the room, washing dishes and washing clothes.

    Clearing snow from paths teaches children to have order and care for others

  • Duty. this work involves the work of a group of children or just one child for the benefit of the others. Often, duty requires incredible composure and commitment from the child, so if such work is carried out for the first time, the teacher must conduct a special training session. You can also create a duty corner.
    The equipment for duty is varied, it depends on the age of the children and their commitment. But there are still basic tools and items that children must have at their disposal. These are aprons, scarves, small brooms, rags, buckets of water, gloves and several small spatulas.
    The work itself has many directions:
    • Preparation for classes: children lay out pencils, bring glasses of water and paints.
    • Dining room duty: students clear the table and arrange the dishes.
    • Preschoolers are responsible for being on duty

      Table: card index of topics on labor activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

      AuthorSavina P.I.
      Type of labor

Summary of work activities

Topic: “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Software tasks:

Improve children's ability to wash toys and dry them. To consolidate and expand ideas about how to care for indoor plants. Form a habit of healthy image life; the ability to interact in a team, agree on the scope of everyone’s work, and bring the job started to completion. Foster a caring attitude towards plants and a desire to care for them; cultivate hard work, responsibility for the assigned work, accuracy, and collectivism.

Methods and techniques: explanations, reminders, conversation, game moment, advice, demonstration, positive example, practical cleaning actions; encouragement, artistic expression, musical accompaniment, experimentation

Previous work: Introduction to the rules collaboration; with proverbs and sayings; conversations: “Our house - let’s put it in order”, “A small task is better than a lot of idleness”; figurative-plastic sketch “Guests have come to us”; listening to music: Polish song “Boots”, music. R. Boyko “It Was in Carolina”; reading V. Dragunsky “Top to bottom, diagonally”, Y. Akim “The Incompetent”, S. Mikhalkov “All by myself”, A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”

Equipment: watering cans, napkins, sponges, basins, aprons, sticks for loosening the soil, spray bottle, toys, indoor plants.


Buratino (toy) sits in the group and sneezes.

Educator: Guys, look, Pinocchio came to visit us, but he doesn’t look very healthy! Pinocchio, are you sick? Why are you sneezing all the time?

Pinocchio: Yes, I caught a cold!

Educator: Weren’t you taught that patients should be treated at home and not spread infections and germs?

Pinocchio: Who are these microbes?

Educator: These are those who spread various diseases.

Pinocchio: I didn’t bring anyone.

Educator: You didn’t bring it, but you sneezed without covering yourself with a handkerchief. The microbes scattered throughout the group, we will now show you how this happens.

Demonstration of experience with a spray bottle.

Pinocchio: Oh. How many microbes I brought to you, what should I do now?

Educator: You, Pinocchio, should go home and get treatment, and let’s think about what we can do?

Pinocchio leaves.

Children: You can wipe the dust on the shelves in the closet, wipe off the toys, and arrange them beautifully. We also know how to wash building materials...

We can wash the flowers and water them so that they enrich the air more with oxygen.

Educator: These are the things we will do.

I suggest you think about what equipment you will need to wash building materials. What is more convenient for wiping toys?

Before starting work, I suggest you remember the basic labor rules:

You can't be distracted.

Carry out any task carefully, bring the work started to the end.

Help your comrades if they refuse help, do not interfere.

I distribute the guys into groups and give each group a task.

I suggest distributing the work yourself. (Turn on music)

The children get to work. The teacher and the Storyteller help with advice and sometimes show the method of action.

If necessary, the teacher redistributes work responsibilities.

After work, children clean up after themselves with napkins, sponges, and aprons.

When assessing the children’s work, the teacher summarizes:

Educator: Guys, you did a good job. They did a lot of useful things, worked together, helped each other. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Friendly - not burdensome!” And they also say “Patience and work will grind everything down!” The group became clean, beautiful, and the flowers proper care will delight everyone with beautiful greenery and flowers. And most importantly, we got rid of germs!

Summary of the lesson on labor activity, senior group “Let's help Fedora” - page No. 1/1

Lesson summary on labor activity

senior group

"Let's help Fedora"

Educational field: Communicative and personal development

Goal: Formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.



1. Teach children to participate in the organized work of a group of peers, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the team.

2. Strengthen the ability to correctly use materials and work equipment, observing safety precautions.

3. To form a belief in the social significance and necessity of everyday work.

4. Introduce children to plant propagation by cuttings.


5. Improve labor skills and abilities in the work process, improve the ability to plan your activities, distribute responsibilities among yourself, evaluate the work of your group and the team as a whole.


6. Cultivate friendly relationships during the work process, a desire to help, a positive attitude towards one’s own work and the work of one’s peers.


7. Develop children’s vocabulary on the topic “Household labor”

Clarify and activate in children’s speech the names of various objects of the surrounding reality.

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds in proverbs and sayings.

Strengthen the use of nouns in the nominative case

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, problematic questions, clarification, literary expression, relying on children’s knowledge, practical work, surprise moment.

Venue: group.

Materials and equipment by type of labor:

Children's dishes, sponges, aprons, basins with soap and clean water, oilcloths, clean diaper, algorithms.

Indoor flowers in pots, basins, tables, spray bottles, rags, oilcloths, aprons, algorithms, watering cans with water, shovels for loosening, brushes.

Books with worn spines according to the number of children, colored and white paper with lines 4-5 cm wide, scissors, glue, oilcloths, rags for removing excess glue, algorithms.

Houseplant, knife, transparent vase with water, coal.

Preliminary work: conversation about work, memorizing proverbs and sayings about work, looking at illustrations and albums about various professions of adults, observing the work of a cook, janitor, assistant teacher, laundress, librarian, consolidating the idea of ​​work through didactic games, reading poems, fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky: “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, poem by S.Ya. Marshak “How our book was printed”, “A book about a book”, “Song of library books”, a conversation with children about the rules of working with a book. Watching cartoons.

Conducted research: “Which flower pot absorbs water faster” (with loose soil or not) we watered both plants and compared where the water was absorbed faster. Why did water soak up faster in loose soil? (Because we have loosened the soil and it is easier for water to get through to the root of the plant). They revealed what indoor plant needs watering, which does not.

Predicted result: As a result of collective household work, children develop a value attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers; children should understand that after their work the group became clean, light and beautiful.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher and the children welcome the invited guests. You can hear rustling and noise behind the doors.

Educator: Oh, guys, someone is coming to visit us.

Fedora enters and sings a song “about laziness.”

Song "Fedora"

1. How good it is to do nothing,

I would like to cook the soup in a saucepan,

But who would do it?

Here's my saucepan

Yes, everything is black - black.

Who would wash it for me?

And I'm completely sick.

2. I would like to drink some tea -

The samovar is empty.

Maybe someone will bring it

Should I have some plain water?

Just my cup

Yes, everything is black - black,

Who would wash it for me?

And I'm completely sick.

Educator: Who are these guys?

Children: Fedora.

Fedora: Hello, guys (Fedora’s words about how good it is to be lazy).

It’s so good to do nothing, lie down and relax. And everything is done by itself

on its own, it washes itself, waters it, prepares itself. Beauty!

Educator: Guys, is it good to be lazy?

Children: No.

Educator: Listen, Fedora, what sayings and proverbs the guys know about laziness.

Proverbs and sayings:

A lazy person does not know fatigue; For a lazy person, it’s always tomorrow and the day after tomorrow; For lazy people, every day is a day off; A lazy person doesn’t even sunbathe in summer; If you are not lazy, there will be bread and salt; Idleness spoils a person; There is no disease worse than laziness; It's easy only for those who do nothing.

Educator: - Our guys love Fyodor and know how to work. Do you want us to teach you too?

Fedora: - Well, I don’t know, but are you willing to help me?

Educator: Guys, who knows the proverbs about work?

Children read proverbs and sayings about work:

“Patience and work will grind everything down”, “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils”, “They are judged not by words, but by deeds”, “He who loves to work cannot sit still.”

Educator: - But before we help Fedora, we will play a game

with the help of which you and I will divide into pairs and find out who will do what. When the music starts, you will flutter like butterflies, and as soon as the music ends, everyone must take one card and find a pair with the same design. Whoever has what image will do that will be what he does.

(Held sedentary game"Find a pair")

A) Educator: What is shown in your pictures?

Children: Dishes.

Children: Wash the dishes.

Educator: That's right,

B) Educator: What is shown in your pictures?

Children: Book.

Educator: What do you think your task is?

Children: Repair the book.

Educator: That's right,

Q) Educator: What is shown in your pictures?

Children: Indoor flowers

Educator: What do you think your task is?

Children: Caring for indoor plants

Educator: That's right,

Educator: Guys, you have formed teams, and now we will choose a foreman. The foreman must be honest, hardworking, diligent, responsible, and careful. (Children suggest who can be chosen as foremen)

Educator: When they work together, it is necessary to distribute the work and together decide the question of who will do what and what equipment you will need for work. (Dishes) Guys, what equipment do you need to wash toys? Which one of you will wash the dishes and which one will rinse them? (Flowers) What equipment do you need to care for indoor plants? Which plant requires care? How will you look after him? (Books) What do you need to repair books? Which of you will adjust the length of the strips for gluing books, who will cut them, and who will glue them?

Educator: Take the equipment you need for work

Basins of water are prepared on the tables.

But before they start working, children, together with the teacher, remember and reinforce the rules for safe handling of work objects.

Handle water carefully, do not spill the water, roll up your sleeves. When caring for flowers - carefully wipe the leaves so as not to damage them, when loosening - so as not to damage the roots, when watering - carefully water under the roots, do not pour mime flower pot. When using with scissors-scissors do not swing, keep the sharp ends away from you, do not lift to the top. Apply a little glue, remove excess glue with a cloth.

Rule: And now we will remember the rule that will help us work

Do everything you can yourself;

Don't forget to clean up after yourself;

Respect other people's work;

Before you start working, prepare everything you need;

Do everything carefully, without rushing;

Don't be distracted when you're working;

Use tools correctly;

Don't leave work unfinished;

If you are not working alone, work together;

If you finished the job earlier, help others.

Educator: Well, now let’s put on our aprons and get to work! Our motto: “Ready to work, more work, less words" (A soundtrack of children's songs about friendship plays.)

Independent work activity.

During the work process, the teacher gives advice, helps in organization, reminds the work procedure; asks how the children divided up work responsibilities and provides individual assistance

During her work life, Fedora walks around the group and admires them.

Fedora: How beautiful it is in your group, how cozy, not like in my hut. And you yourself are so beautiful, neat, and clean.

The teacher draws Fedora’s attention to the children and leads them to different “centers.” Fedora is surprised at how the guys can work together and carefully. He tries to help the guys, but he does it wrong. Children make comments and show how to work correctly.

Educator: Well done, now let’s not forget to clean up our desk, we’ll put everything back in its place.

The teacher makes sure that after completing work, the children clean up their work areas and put all materials and equipment back in place.

The foremen take turns telling what they did and giving their own assessment of the activities of their team.

Fedora: You guys do everything so cleanly and well - well done, and what beautiful indoor plants you have! And I don’t have a single indoor plant in my hut.

Educator: Guys, let's give Fedora a houseplant. Fedora, what plant did you like here?

Fedora: Geranium

Educator: If you take a twig from this plant - a cutting, put it in water, then it will give roots. Then plant it in the ground and water it, then the same plant will grow from it as the one from which it was taken. (the teacher cuts the cutting and puts it in water)

Educator: Fedora, the guys and I will grow a geranium indoor plant for you, and then give it to you.

Fedora - Thank you guys! Soon I will also have a houseplant that I will take care of! Well done to all of you! Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. What helped you?

Children: Friendship

Educator: Guys, do you know sayings about friendship?

Children - Yes (several children answer)


A true friend is better than a hundred servants.

All for one and one for all.

Hostility does no good.

Life is hard without a friend.

Get lost yourself, and help your comrade.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Friendship is a great power.

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

Educator - What do you think, after we have all worked together, what proverbs can be used to sum up our work?

Children's answers: If you did it, go for it.

Time for business is time for fun.

Educator: - Well, let's have some fun! And let's sing a song.

Children sing the song "True Friend"

Fedora thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves. She invites her over for tea, as she has learned to be hardworking and neat.

Children: Thank you, Fedora, of course, we will come when we plant the cuttings in the ground and bring you a houseplant, because it is not customary to visit without a gift.

Reflection: Guys, we had an interesting time today. What did you and I do today? What have we learned and taught Fedora today? What was the hardest thing for you to deal with? What kind of work and activity did not cause difficulties? Did you like working together and why?

What new did you learn today?

Educator: That's how much we had to do! How interesting it is to work together like this together, helping each other. And things are going well. Friendship is born in joint work.