Short-term project on health conservation in the senior group. Health saving project “If you want to be healthy”

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“Short-term project in the senior group on health conservation “Health Week””




Short term project V senior group on health care

"Health Week"


senior teacher

Plotnikova V.A.

Gubarevo, 2017


By number of participants: group;

Project participants: older children preschool age, educators, parents.

Project duration - 15.05.17. – 19.05.17.


Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply.

Lack of awareness among parents about the importance of strengthening and maintaining their health. Negative statistics on family lifestyle (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with daily routine, growing risk factors).

Relevance of the project:

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for the health of a child is the most important work of a teacher...”

Today, it is important to develop motives, concepts, and beliefs in preschool children about the need to preserve their health and strengthen it by introducing them to a healthy and safe lifestyle. It is very important to solve the problems of improving the health of preschool children, fostering a culture of a safe and healthy lifestyle - creating a solid foundation for raising a healthy child.

Project implementation forms: conversations, children's creativity, games, thematic integrated activities.

Objective of the project:

To deepen and systematize children’s understanding of the factors influencing their health status, to form a conscious fulfillment of life safety requirements, to develop an interest in sports and physical education, to intensify work with the family on the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits.

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the culture of hygiene.

2. Enrich children’s knowledge about vitamins and healthy foods, form children’s understanding of health and healthy eating.

3. To form in the child motives of self-preservation, nurturing the habit of thinking and taking care of his health.

Expected result:

Children will expand their existing knowledge about health, learn to apply their knowledge in practice, and form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Motto of the week: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”



Morning exercises.

Finger gymnastics"The Shepherd Boy"

Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Collective application “Fruits and vegetables on a plate.”

D/i " Wonderful pouch».


Awakening gymnastics Finger gymnastics “Orange” Conversation “Why do you need a daily routine?” Role-playing game Hospital" Watching the cartoon "Fedorino's grief"


Morning exercises

Breathing exercises Conversation “What is air needed for?” D/i “Learn and name vegetables.”

Reading “Our exercise” by E. Kan


Awakening gymnastics Conversation “Why do you need exercise” Relay game “Put healthy foods on plates” Watching the cartoon “Moidodyr”


Morning exercises Breathing exercises Conversation “Helpful - not useful” “Minutes of silence”, Reading “Temper up” V. Lebedev-Kumach Summing up “Where is health hiding?”


1. Consultations for parents:

- “Treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections folk remedies»

-"Vitamin teas"

- “Vitamins from A to Z”

Project type : practical and indicative

By content : socio-pedagogical

Project participants : children, teacher additional education educators, teacher-psychologist, nurse, parents.

Children's age: senior preschool age

Duration project activities: long-term (1 year).

Problem: Physical education is something that ensures health and brings joy.Relevance.

Preserving the health of preschool children is the main global task of strengthening the health of the nation and the younger generation. As a result of this, undoubtedly, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education in the main general education program of preschool education, a special place is given to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children, highlighting a separate educational area “Physical development” as an important component of the upbringing and education of preschool children. Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral education. Full physical development and health of children is the basis for the formation of a healthy personality, with great adaptive capabilities in different social conditions. The kindergarten is currently faced with the acute question of ways to improve health promotion work. The advent of computer technology has blindly facilitated some educational functions of the family, but at the same time the educational side of the educational function of the family is forgotten and no place is given to promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting the health of children in the family. Parents simply need to go through a healthy lifestyle school, gain access to information resources on raising a healthy personality, healthy both physically and mentally, ready to adapt to different living conditions. You need to start building your health in childhood, when the experience of healing is most firmly established, when the stimulus is the child’s natural curiosity, the desire to learn and try everything, age-related physical activity and optimism.

Objective of the project: Oprovide for a preschooler high level real health, equipping him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating in him a culture of health.

Project objectives:
- create conditions conducive to preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children;- promote parents’ interest in a healthy lifestyle through educational work and involvement in participation in activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Expected Result:
1. Get rich social experience preschoolers,an increase in his health reserves, and as a particular option, the child’s readiness to easily adapt to school loads.

2. Children will form ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

3. Parents will be involved single space“Teachers and parents are a single team”;

4. Reducing morbidity and increasing academic performance.

The expected results will become a reality if all participants in the “Healthy” project have the same attitude towards the problem “person - lifestyle - education - health”. When this group realizes the importance of their own efforts to maintain health, progress in this direction can be considered successful.

Contents of project activities:

Project implementation stages

Project participants


The content of the work


Conducting an analysis of the regulatory framework and bringing it into compliance with the Law “On Education”, studying concepts related to the topic of the project;

Monitoring the level of morbidity in children at the beginning school year;

Diagnosis of the emotional state of children at the beginning of the school year;

Studying best practices and new approaches in the organizationhealing and strengthening physical and psychological health children.

Study of the conditions for the implementation of the project;

Involving parents to participate in the project;

Approval of the project and funding sources.

Definition of goals and objectives;

Questioning parents;

-creation of conditions , contributing to the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;

Analysis of existing sports equipment, drawing up an estimate for the purchase of the necessary sports and play equipment;

Analysis of available medical equipment;

Production of non-standard sports equipment and replenishment of sports corners in group premises;

- development long-term plan work

Development of a long-term plan for organizing physical education and leisure activities.

Senior teacher,





September 2014 G.

Monitoring children at the beginning of the school year.

Diagnosis of emotional state.

A selection of teaching aids and literature for working on the project.

Viewing the development environment and equipment, analysis,

calculation of estimates for the purchase of necessary sports equipment and medical equipment.

Parent survey “Your Child’s Health”;

II. practical

Conducting a series of thematic physical education classes with the inclusion of a valeological component;

Carrying out a cycle thematic conversations;

Interaction with parents on children's health and habit formationTohealthy lifestyle

- workshops onacquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and fostering a culture of health in children.

- consultationsfor parents on the formation of the physical and mental health of children.

- exhibition of parental creativity “Clean Planet - Healthy Child - Healthy Nation”

Carrying out sports events, leisure and entertainment withparticipationparents.

Interaction with Art. nurse

- Holding Health Day in preschool educational institutions

Hardening procedures

Carrying out a cycle of breathing exercises and eye exercises

Training in diaphragmatic breathing according to the psychocorrection program “Wave” using the Biofeedback method.

Self-massage, acupressure, hand and ear massage

UFO procedures

Upper respiratory tract inhalations

Teacher, parents, children

September – April 2014 – 2015G.

Hiking trips

Physical education holidays

Design of the Album of children's stories “I want to be healthy”

Exhibitions of children's drawings“We are strong friends with sports”;

Design of the collage “Being healthy is great!”

Daily prevention

III final

Summing up the project implementation:

Conducting a health week with teachers and children;

Final sports festival;

Questionnaire for parents

Study of the effectiveness of the work carried out based on monitoring analysis;

5.Multimedia presentation innovative experience based on the results of the project.

Senior teacher,

Educator, Rparents,


May 2015G.

Monitoring of children at the end of the school year;

Diagnosis of the emotional state of children at the end of the school year;

Questionnaire for parents “Growing up healthy”;

Etcpresentation “Clean planet – healthy child – healthy nation”».

Project execution plan:



Studying the content of the project, formulating the problem.

Discovering new effective forms interaction between preschool educational institutions and families to develop children’s needs for a healthy lifestyle, study and implement new methods for improving children’s health.

Daily prevention

1. Morning exercises according to a complex of morning exercises developed in accordance with the objectives of the project using sports equipment

Exercising after sleep is invigorating

2. Playful breathing exercises

3.Self-massage, massage of hands, ears,

acupressure, finger exercises

4.Hardening procedures:

Onion drink during a period of possible increased incidence

Rinsing the mouth with garlic infusion before a walk from 10/01/2014 to 03/01/2015

Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

Gymnastics in bed with breathing exercises

Riga method

5.Inhalation of the upper respiratory tract (as recommended by the pediatrician)

Prevention of visual fatigue, development of extraocular muscles. (According to the method - Doctor of Medical Sciences V. P. Bazarny)

Corrective technologies

Art therapy (art treatment: listening to music; clay, sand, drawing).
. Animal-assisted therapy (imitation of animals). Psychotherapeutic walks (excursions)
. Fairytale therapy (correction emotional sphere child).
Technologies of musical influence.. Psycho-gymnastics.


“To always be healthy, you need to exercise!”;

“If you want to be healthy!”;

“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”;

“Conversation about health, cleanliness”;

A conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes);

"Healthy food",

"How to behave in a clinic"

Fairy tale-conversation “Moidodyr”.


Games for the development of motor activity

Sedentary games

Plot- role-playing games“Hospital”, “At the dentist”; "Pharmacy"

Didactic games

Walks in the open air.

Outdoor games;

Physical education classes on the sports ground using sports equipment;

Hardening procedures, breathing and articulation exercises.

Game trainings.

Leisure, entertainment

“Fire relay race - Cat’s House”, “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “Zarnitsa”, “ colorful rainbow– arc”, “Call of the Jungle”, “Visiting Aibolit”

Working with parents

Consultation “Do-it-yourself physical education equipment”, “Seven parental misconceptions about frosty weather”, etc.;

Individual conversations about the physical abilities and skills of each child, about the importance of joint physical activity with children, etc.;

Visualization in the form of information files “Seven conditions for a healthy child”, “Be healthy!” and etc;

Card index “So that the smile shines”; “All about breathing exercises”, articulation exercises;

Master class for parents: “If you want to be healthy, toughen up.”

Workshop for parents on the topic: “ Healthy child- a successful child."

Creation of baby books “My Health Box”;

Collage “Being healthy is great!”


Analysis of the work done

Together with parents, identify positive results work done, analyze shortcomings;

Non-state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 253 of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways"

St. Litovko

Developed by: Senior teacher

1 qualification category

FULL NAME. Shchelkina A.V.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten "Romashka"


Educational field "Health"

"I want to be healthy"

Senior group No. 2 “Kapitoshka”

(children 5-6 years old)

Pavlik T.V.


Suvorova L.M.


Sovetsky, 2014

Description of the project………………………………………………………………………………

Relevance of the problem……………………………………………………………..

Goal, objectives of the project………………………………………………………

Preschool project partners educational institution…….

Mechanisms for project implementation………………………………………………………………

Resource support……………………………………………………..

Plan – work schedule……………………………………………………….

Expected results……………………………………………………..

Evaluation of results……………………………………………………….

Perspective. Further development of the project……………………………


Project type: practice-oriented

Relevance of the topic:

Having survived the innovation boom and reforms of the late 20th century, which largely affected the problems of ensuring the preservation of children's health, the preschool education system entered the stage of its modernization in the new century. The main task of preschool institutions at the present stage of development of the education system is to optimize health-improving activities.

These transformations also affected our kindergarten, MADOU d/s "Romashka". The health-improving direction in the work of the kindergarten is one of the priorities. Many necessary transformations have been made to create an optimal health system in kindergarten. Many health technologies have been working successfully for a number of years: the technology of Yu.F. Zmanovsky, A. Alyamovskaya, V.G. Frolov, A. Umanskoy, K. Dineiki.Specialists involved in the work: physical education instructor, musical director, educators of all age groups.

To improve the situation, there is a need to use modern technologies of development and education, forms of implementation (ICT, gaming, experimental, etc.) that contribute to children’s assimilation of the values ​​of health and a healthy lifestyle. Physical education in this direction plays one of the leading roles as a component of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the basis for developing of this project was the study of the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children in modern conditions, the formation of the motive of self-preservation, and the cultivation of the habit of thinking and taking care of their health. Recently, these aspects have become especially acute and are explained by a number of reasons: the socio-economic situation of the modern world affects, first of all, children (dangerous social situation, unsatisfactory biological prognosis, etc.).Parents and teachers are concerned about the future of young Russians. What kind of health, upbringing, education and development will children receive, how will they be prepared for life in a rapidly changing world.Despite the fact that this is a very serious and complex issue, we consider it possible and necessary to introduce children to the development of body care skills, the creation of conditions for hardening, inclusion in different kinds sports, using specific methods and techniques in their work (thematic teaching aids, integrative methods, motivational techniques, communicative and informational, performing practical tasks, building partnerships). Thus, this project includes a variety of children's activities that ensure comprehensive development.

The implementation of this innovative project, which explores the pedagogical aspect, involves looking at the child as a full partner in an environment of cooperation.

The difficulty lies primarily in age characteristics child, his experience, which is still small. Despite the fact that this is a very serious and complex approach to the development of a healthy personality, I believe it is possible and necessary to introduce children to the basics of a correct attitude towards their health already in preschool age.

Thus, educating a preschooler in the skills of protecting personal health and caring for the health of others is developed through acquired skills, experience gained and general well-being. All this is the basis physical education preschooler.

An oral survey of parents at the beginning of the school year showed that it is necessary to organize educational work among parents with further cooperation. Deprivation of freedom of movement, which relates to the basic physical needs of a child, is not taken seriously by most parents. Only 50% of parents understand that the systematicity and consistency of learned rules and norms can fulfill the criteria: self-preservation, health care, social adaptation, etc.

Thus, the introduction of this form of work will introduce not only students to the basics of a culture of health and safety, the desire to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle, but also their parents. For teachers, this is awareness and responsible understanding that the world of children’s childhood exists in the real world, in which every child comes into contact with both positive and negative experiences. The teacher’s task is to convey through active forms work (game skills, showing care, physical education and health activities, using words to form a positive assessment) knowledge, develop self-confidence and in your capabilities, prospects for a successful life, lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, carrying out this project activity involves for the teacher : mastering new forms of working with children to preserve and strengthen their health through physical education, introducing innovative forms of working with students. For children: mandatory self-awareness and lifestyle, teaching the rules of self-preservation, inclusion in active life. For parents : inclusion in an active educational space, expansion of social connections.

Purpose project activity “I want to be healthy” is to enrich the content of the educational process with innovative forms of work on educational fields“Health”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”.

Project objectives:

1. Create a system of work on the physical education of children in the preparatory group for school through an integrated thematic approach and innovative technologies.

2. Enrich the child’s social experience and promote the formation of physiological literacy.

3. Foster a sense of belonging.

Project partners:

1. Teachers

2. Pupils

3. Parents

In the group, the need arose to carry out work on the physical development of children in connection with the creation of joint efforts of teachers to educate healthy citizens, to develop in children a sense of the right attitude towards their health, the ability to resist negative influences, and to form a new healthy generation.

Project activities involve the active participation of teachers, specialists, parents, and children, aimed at creating an atmosphere of respect, creating developmental conditions, and nurturing a healthy, active, creative personality.

The determined age of the pupils is 5 – 6 years.

The significance of this project is determined as the correct organization of the educational process for the physical development of preschool children in conditions of long-term residence in a preschool educational institution, the sociocultural environment in an educational institution and the family.

Project implementation mechanisms:

The implementation of the assigned tasks takes place in three stages:

Stage I – preparatory

Stage II – implementation

Stage I – preparatory

An introduction to the theory and practice of physical development is like determining the level of health-preserving competence of a child, which is based on his behavioral experience and the use of this experience in different variable conditions, which contributes to the socialization of the personality of a preschooler in modern social realities.

Adaptation work includes:

1. Acquaintance of children with graduates who participated in the sports movement, family dynasties in different types sports

2. Introducing children to health parameters and methods of working to maintain and strengthen personal health.

Stage II – implementation

At this stage, children of the older group, in the process of education and upbringing, learn to think and take care of their health, body care techniques, and openly demonstrate the correct attitude towards their health.

Completing tasks - exercises, game situations, creative tasks, using computer space for physical development, helping to form in children the correct idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

Stage III – final (analytical)

Determining the role of physical education in the formation of the personality of each student, the development of moral qualities: respect for the achievements of others, acceptance of personal failures.

Thus, it has been revealed that the basis of physical education of preschoolers is the formation of knowledge, understanding of one’s capabilities, the ability to express one’s feelings with restraint, one’s attitude towards personal results and the results of peers.

At this stage, various forms and methods of working with children are used.

A block system for working with children is provided:

  • Sport is the key to health
  • I and my family
  • I am human
  • Me and the world around me

The following activities are carried out with children:

Conversations about health;

  • practical lessons;
  • excursions;
  • games - exercises;
  • minutes of health;

Analytical activities.

If necessary, taking into account emerging difficulties, the necessary adjustments are made to the work plan.

Project implementation period – 5 months(01/01/2014 – 05/31/2014)

Thematic planning

Block name

Time spending

Short description

Topic: “Sport is the key to health”


"My health school"

Goal: to develop preschoolers’ knowledge about their health.


Topic: “Me and my family”


"Safe behavior at home and on the street"


Topic: “I am a man”

March, April

"How am I made"


  1. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the functioning of the body, the structure of the body, and personal hygiene.
  2. Deepen your understanding of yourself and your individual characteristics.
  3. Form a positive assessment and self-image, cultivate individuality.

Topic: “Me and the world around me”


"The World I Live In"


  1. Learn to recognize good and bad in the world around you.
  2. Develop imagination and creativity.
  3. To foster in children a friendly attitude towards an active lifestyle.

All planned activities are aimed at developing practical work skills with senior group students from 5 to 6 years old. Such forms and methods of work are used as games - tasks, participation in research activities, practical implementation, collection of information, etc. Activities take the form of cooperation, which is predominantly creative in nature. The effectiveness of such cooperation is largely determined by trust, friendly relations between teachers, parents, specialists and students, graduates of preschool educational institutions. Based on the results of the teachers’ work, a presentation using ICT is prepared.

Expected results:

1. Ensuring a successful personal development pupils, stabilization of their interests, creative manifestations, formation of positive activities based on studying knowledge about their health, practical interest in designing their future.

2. Formation of physical education in children, ensuring a healthy tomorrow for the family and the state.

3. The results of the activities will contribute to the formation of an open educational space - the emergence of new socio-cultural projects, support of educational initiatives.

Evaluation of results:

Assessment of the quality of teachers' mastery of skills and abilities will be assessed by participation in practical activities.

The assessment of the quality of practical activities will be assessed by the administration of the preschool educational institution, studying and analyzing the work of teachers and students. The level of relationships between teachers and specialists with children will be assessed through conversations with children, observations, open views, Events.

At the end of the project activities, monitoring will be carried out in the educational areas of “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Physical Education”.

Further development of the project

Drawing up prospects for further work with students in educational areas - “Health”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition” in the context of FGT will help teachers implement complex - thematic, personality-oriented, integrated, information - communicative approaches , join the modern educational space. To the extent that the attitude of the pupils towards participation is holistic, to the extent that the pupils themselves are satisfied with their activities, the ability to develop themselves and their bodies, the propaganda power of “health” will be attractive. The mandatory receipt of a product that will be used by children in the future in their own life activities, in the development of their future life path, will give access to the predicted result. Thus, health and physical development should be realized through the work system and become a link to full health.


1. Golitsyna, N.S., Ogneva, L.D. Familiarization of older preschoolers with the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Text]: method. allowance / N.S. Golitsyna, L.D. Ogneva M.: LLC Publishing House Scriptorium 2003, 2006. – 91 p.

2. Kiseleva, L.S., Danilina, T.A., Lagoda, T.S., Zuikova, M.B. Project method in activities preschool[Text]: method. allowance / Author. – comp.: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuikova. – M.: ARKTI, 2006. – P. 6 – 11, 22 – 27.

3. Miklyaeva, N.V., Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Legal basis management of preschool educational institutions [Text]: method. allowance / N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Miklyaeva M.V.: IRIS PRESS, 2008. – 187 p.

4. Miklyaeva, N.V. Innovations in kindergarten [Text]: method. allowance / N.V. Miklyaeva. M.: “IRIS PRESS”, 2008. – 160 p.

5. Prokhorova, L.N. Experience methodological work in preschool educational institutions for the development of creativity in preschool children [Text]: method. allowance. / L.N. Prokhorova. M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. – 256 p.

6. Shtanko, I.V. Education with art in kindergarten [Text]: method. allowance. / I.V. Shtanko. M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 140 p.

7. Kharitonchik, T.A. Legal education. Organization of work with teachers, children and parents: seminars - workshops, classes, games [Text]: practical. allowance. / T.A. Kharitonchik. Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2009. – 222 p.

Annex 1

Lesson 1

TOPIC: “My health school”

Goal: to develop preschoolers’ knowledge about their health.


1. Show the importance and health benefits of sports.

2. Form the need for movement, a strong habit of sports and physical education.

3. Instill in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: digital illustrations, digital physical education “Dog Waltz”, “Sea Voyage”, digital gymnastics for the eyes “Night Sky”, illustrative vernissage, signal cards for the number of children, stencils of human internal organs, pictures of harmful and healthy products nutrition.

Progress of children's activities:

1. Motivation: “Aibolit”.

2. Psychological game“Nose, mouth, head, ears, neck, forehead, eyes, shoulders, neck, chest, don’t forget something...”

Goal: development of attention, ability to quickly respond to a situation.

Description of the game: lead teacher, child when repeating. Assignment: sit facing the children, seat them in a semicircle. Start the game with the words: “Nose, nose, nose, nose...”. At the same time, touch your nose with your extended index finger. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: “Nose, nose, mouth...”, but you should not touch the mouth, but another part of the head, for example, the forehead or ear. The children’s task is to touch the same part of the head as the teacher, and not the one they call. The one who makes more than 3 mistakes leaves the game.

The winner is the player who remains in the game the longest.

3. Problem situation: Through what types of activities is our body strengthened? (playing sports, sport games, health walks, hardening).

4. Working with slides.


Why does a person play sports?

What sports are you familiar with? (hiking, basketball, football, gymnastics, swimming, boxing, etc.)

Name the sports where a sports attribute is used - a ball?

In what sport can the equipment be used? (rugby, luge, hockey...)

5. Work on sheets of paper.

Task: complete the drawing of an element of sports equipment.

6. Musical physical education session using DER (digital educational resources) “Dog Waltz”.

7. Game – exercise “Safety Pages” (SS).

Work on slides:

Fundamentals of life safety when performing general developmental exercises

Fundamentals of life safety when performing basic types of movements

8. Collage “My health is in my hands.”

Task: correctly position human organs.


What does a person need to maintain their health?

Expressing opinions is a dialogue.

9. Gymnastics for the eyes “Night Sky”.

10. Game – exercise “Healthy eating”

Assignment: sort the pictures into healthy and unhealthy foods.

Assignment: determine which product is good for the eyes, for hair growth, for skin, for strengthening and growing bones...

11. The game is a journey.

How can you travel without leaving our group? (children’s answers: play on a journey, imagine, look at illustrations...)

And I offer you a sea voyage. Sea air is beneficial with a large amount of ozone, which fills our body with oxygen, which promotes the renewal and growth of our organs. Motor pause “Sea voyage”.

12. Result: Motivation “Aibolit”: signal cards – task: choose a card that would help you evaluate how you did today. Red – did not participate, yellow – participated, but not in all tasks, green – active participant.

Lesson 2

TOPIC: “Safe behavior at home and on the street”

Goal: Development of a positive worldview, moral and ethical ideas about the basics of safe life.


1. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior at home and on the street.

2. Instill a sense of cohesion and respect for the life experiences of their parents.

3. Cultivate a love for the traditions of your family.

Equipment: motivation toy Dunno, illustration “Honeycomb”, traffic rules cards, badges, sheets of paper according to the number of children, intersection diagram, traffic rules slides, cut-out pictures, signal cards.

Progress of children's activities:

1. Motivation: “Dunno in the city of preschool children”

2. Psychological game "Rostock".

Mnemonics (showing movements while sitting).

3. Problem situation: compliance with safety rules at home and on the street: do not walk with your mouth open, there is danger lurking here (rules of behavior at home, on the street)

4. Word game on paper: “The riddle in the honeycomb” on the topic: “Safe behavior at home and on the street.”

1. Task: Find the starting cell and, moving from it through the sides of the cells, go around them all, visiting each one once. The completed letters should form a proverb. Restore this proverb.


5. Working with cards at the table:

1) Task: create an algorithm for crossing the central road.

2) Task: make tickets - badges for safe behavior on the street ( crosswalk, traffic light, passage prohibited....).

6. Game situation: “I’m on the street”

Task: following the rules traffic, cross the road at the designated place.

7. Game – exercise “History in pictures” (viewing slides on traffic rules).


Is it necessary to be vigilant on the road?

What sign will help a pedestrian cross the road correctly?

Is that all road signs can they indicate the correct action on the road only to a pedestrian?

8. Game – exercise “Home Alone”

Training task:

- “Keep quiet”

- “I’m calling on the phone”

- “I open the window and call for help”

9. Work on sheets of paper: “Drawing a portrait” (frightened, calm, satisfied)

Physical education: Dance “Scamps” (ICT: disk).

10. Game – exercise “I am a helper”


Name the rules for operating electrical appliances (view slides on industrial safety regulations)

Name the rules for handling water (view slides on civil defense and emergency situations)

Name the fire safety rules (view slides on fire safety regulations)

11. Game – task “Collect a picture”

Assignment: assemble a picture from cut parts.


Safety is your first friend

Be careful around you!!!

Result: “Dunno” motivation: signal cards – task: choose a card that would help you evaluate how you did today. Red – did not participate, yellow – participated, but not in all tasks, green – active participant.

Lesson 3

TOPIC: “How am I made”

Goal: formation of gender role purpose.


1. Introduce children to the peculiarities of the functioning of the body, the structure of the body, and personal hygiene.

2. Deepen your understanding of yourself and your individual characteristics.

3. Form a positive assessment and self-image, cultivate individuality.

Equipment: human body silhouette: images of a girl and a boy child; photos of children and family members: felt-tip pens, colors. pencils, bandage, slides based on drawings, slides based on illustrations (professions, snowflakes), hygiene items, illustrations on children's rights or slides, sheets of paper based on the number of children, emoticons.

Progress of children's activities:

1. Motivation: A boy and a girl come to visit the children. Psychological game “Guess who I am?”

Task: blindfolded, identify a girl and a boy by touch by touching their hair.

2. Problem situation: is everyone equal? (by strength, by development, by appearance).

Questions for children: on etiquette:

Is it important for a girl to give up her seat?

Is it possible to offend the weak?

Are any of us neat?

4. Game-exercise: “Dress up.”

Assignment: draw clothes for a boy and a girl (assignment in the ICT program).

5. Game exercise: “We play profession” (slides).

Assignment: identify combined professions for women and men.

6. Physical education to relieve eye strain: “Snowflakes” (slides).

7. Game - task: “Every attribute has its place” (hygiene items).

Assignment: arrange attributes for boys and girls.

8. Training tasks:

Walk the girl to the chair

Give way to the elder

Help a friend overcome an obstacle (fasten the top button, tie a shoelace)

9. Collage “My Family” (from family photos).

10. Physical education lesson: “Barbariki” dance.

11. Vernissage “My rights and responsibilities.”

Goal: expanding children's knowledge about their rights and responsibilities.

Task 1: identify our rights and responsibilities from the illustrations.

Task 2: schematically draw the right to love, the right to family, the right to education, the right to health.

12. Game - exercise: “Hello, it’s me!”

Hello sun, hello friend, hello everyone around...

Hello, Petya, hello, Sasha, Masha and Natasha!

Hello everyone, Me!

I look forward to every meeting, friends!

I'm glad for Kolya and Polina, I'm glad for Mitya and Irina!

Girls and boys

To the hare and the hare,

To the little bear cub

And to the daring elephant.

Zebra, lion, monkey

And the gray mouse.

Everything big and small

Dads, moms, daughters and sons.

Tagged everyone and invited

And I haven’t forgotten myself!

Lesson 4

TOPIC: “The world I live in”

Goal: formation of personal significance of a person in the world around him.


1. Teach to recognize good and bad in the world around you.

2. Develop imagination and creativity.

3. Cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards an active lifestyle.

Equipment: wolf toy, maze, cigarette, Whatman paper, balloon, emoticons, sheets of paper according to the number of children.

Progress of children's activities:

1. Motivation: “The wolf from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” (I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything).

The teacher invites the children to help the wolf overcome difficulties.

2. Game - exercise: “Weaning the wolf from a bad habit” (offending the weak).

Task: help the Hare find his way to the kindergarten (labyrinth).

4. Game - experiment: “Cigarette”.

Task 1: identify the harmful effects of a cigarette by smell and color.

Task 2: determine ways to destroy a cigarette (throw it away, crush it, don’t buy it).

5. Game exercise: “Our habits.”

Love your health as yourself.

Smoking is harmful to health.

Anyone who plays sports has a different figure.

6. Making a poster “My health is in my hands.”

Task: arrange illustrations about a healthy lifestyle.

7. Physical education lesson: “In the clearing” (ICT).

8. Writing a letter to the wolf's family.

Assignment: draw a protest against bad habits on a piece of paper.

9. Game – exercise “Smart Ball”.

Assignment: throw a balloon up and name good habits.

Result: task: arrange the emotional state of the emoticons, schematically define your internal state, show with a smile.


"Center development-kindergarten No. 133"

Health saving project "Zdoroveyka"

In senior group No. 12

Developed by teacher: Popova I. S.

Voronezh 2016

Relevance: The project is aimed at developing a value-based attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle, promoting the physical development of children; determines the main directions, goals and objectives, as well as an action plan for their implementation; reveals effective forms of interaction between kindergarten and family to develop children’s needs for a healthy lifestyle.

Objective of the project: Creating optimal conditions for protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; formation of healthy lifestyle habits.


1.Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

2.improve physical abilities in joint motor activity of children.

3.Improve professional skills on the topic<<здоровый образ жизни>>.

4. Create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Project type: Practice-oriented.

Project implementation period: Short term (two weeks).

Project participants: Teachers and children of senior group No. 12.

Expected results of the project: Ensuring health and a healthy lifestyle in MBDOU kindergarten No. 133, group No. 12.

Stages of work on the project


Studying the level of awareness and motivation of parents in matters of formation, strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers.

Study scientifically – methodological literature on the problem: - new techniques and technologies physical development and children's health.

Booklet for parents<< Задачи формирования Здорового Образа Жизни и физкультурно – оздоровительной работы с детьми>>.

2. Project implementation

Wellness activities (daily):

Morning exercises;

Breathing exercises;

Gymnastics for the eyes;

Outdoor and sports games;

Finger gymnastics with recitation of poetic forms;

Preventive actions

Prevention of flat feet (walking on a ribbed path);

Story-based role-playing games<<Больница>>, <<Аптека>>, <<Соберем куклу на прогулку>>, <<Семья>> and others;

Didactic games and exercises<< Сто шагов к здоровью>>Goal: consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.<<Что у нас внутри?>>Goal: to introduce children to internal organs person.

Conversations with children<< Что я знаю о спорте>>, <<Витамины я люблю, быть здоровым я хочу!>>, << Правила гигиены>>, <<Правила поведения во время еды>>.

Outdoor games<<Солнышко и дождик>>, <<С кочки на кочку>>, <<Прыгай выше>>, <<Кот и мыши>>, <<Кто дальше?>>.

After sleep: Gymnastics in bed, walking along a ribbed path, playing with a blanket, self-massage of the ears, hardening procedures. Goal: relieve lethargy, awaken the body from sleep, continue to strengthen and harden the growing body.

Final stage

Sports holiday << Олимпиада>>

Drawing competition about a healthy lifestyle.


Our work does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children demonstrate their own potential, so that, as they grow up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle and value their health and the health of others.