Who voiced the characters from the cartoon Little Penguin Pororo. Musical animated series about the adventures of the little penguin Pororo and his friends

Computer animated series. The first season of the animated series was released in 2003. The animated series has been translated into 30 languages ​​and broadcast in more than 100 countries.


The series revolves around Pororo and his friends who live in a snowy village, often facing challenges and learning practical and moral lessons in each episode.

Somewhere far, far away, in a place that people have never even heard of, there is a forest, all covered with snow and ice. Hidden in the very depths of this forest is a village where small animals live. The sun shines warmest there, and the cold wind doesn’t bite your nose at all. The inhabitants of the village are the very inquisitive and playful little penguin Pororo, the good-natured polar bear Poby, the cunning and curious red fox Eddie, the shy and modest little beaver Loopy and Krong, Pororo's little friend. They all have very different personalities and interests. Sometimes the animals quarrel, but usually they have a lot of fun spending time together. And most importantly, they all value their friendship and are always happy to help each other.


Main characters

Minor characters

  • Petty- penguin. Appears since season 2. Petty is a terrible cook, but excels at sports. In some episodes, she was visited by the Green Dragon. She is terribly afraid of spiders. Petty lives in a house made by her friends.
  • Harry- hummingbird. Appears since season 2. Harry wanted to go to Summer Island, but mistakenly arrived at Pororo and his friends. Harry loves to sing, but his friends usually don't like singing. He lives in a tiny house inside Poby's house.
  • Popo and Pipi- jellyfish-like aliens that often hover together. Pipi is purple and is the sister, and Popo is the blue brother. They live in a big flying saucer. They came from the planet Pipo in season 3. And in the series “Loopy’s gift” they fly home, where other jellyfish of different colors and sizes live.
  • Rody- yellow robot made by Eddie. Appears since season 3. He cannot eat or drink, which is why he does not immediately find common interests with animals. It looks like a cat or a fox.
  • Tong-Tong- dragon-mage. Lives far inside a volcano located in a temperate climate. He has magical powers, and very often his magic leads to unpleasant consequences for Pororo and his friends. He can also magically transform into a large dragon to fly long distances, but often has difficulty landing. For the first time, Pororo and Krong flew to him by accident and Krong stole Tong-Tong's apple. In the stories he was a sorcerer (kind and neutral).
  • Tutu- a talking red car. Appears since season 4. According to history, Tutu was made by an old scientist. Tutu went to explore the world and got lost, ending up on the icy island of Pororo and friends.
  • Nyau- naughty kitten. Appears only in season 3 and lived in Tong-Tong's house, then moved in with Petty.

Neutral Characters and Enemies

  • Eddie-1- a robot created by Eddie in the first season. Due to a glitch in the system, he haunted the heroes throughout the series.
  • Eddie-2- an improved version of "Eddie-1". I also chased characters.
  • The Dragon- a large green dragon that was awakened by Krong. Appeared in two episodes. In love with Petty.
  • Shark– A shark that chases friends when they dive into the water. Since season 4, it is not a snowball that has been chasing Pororo, but she.
  • Watch– A living clock that lives in Tong-Tong’s house.
  • Eddie the Sorcerer– in season 3 there is a two-part event. Ostensibly a fairy tale in which Eddie is presented as the villain.


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Excerpt characterizing Little Penguin Pororo

“If this is one of the ordinary staff dandies sent to receive a cross, then he will receive a reward in the rearguard, and if he wants to be with me, let him... come in handy, if he is a brave officer,” thought Bagration. Prince Andrei, without answering anything, asked the prince’s permission to go around the position and find out the location of the troops so that, in case of an assignment, he would know where to go. The officer on duty of the detachment, a handsome man, smartly dressed and with a diamond ring on his index finger, who spoke poor but willing French, volunteered to escort Prince Andrei.
From all sides one could see wet officers with sad faces, as if they were looking for something, and soldiers dragging doors, benches and fences from the village.
“We can’t, prince, get rid of these people,” said the headquarters officer, pointing to these people. - The commanders are disbanding. But here,” he pointed to the sutler’s pitched tent, “they will huddle and sit. This morning I kicked everyone out: look, it’s full again. We must drive up, prince, to scare them. One minute.
“Let’s stop by and I’ll take some cheese and a roll from him,” said Prince Andrei, who had not yet had time to eat.
- Why didn’t you say anything, prince? I would offer my bread and salt.
They got off their horses and went under the sutler's tent. Several officers with flushed and exhausted faces sat at tables, drinking and eating.
“Well, what is this, gentlemen,” said the staff officer in a tone of reproach, like a man who has already repeated the same thing several times. - After all, you can’t go away like that. The prince ordered that no one should be there. Well, here you are, Mr. Staff Captain,” he turned to the small, dirty, thin artillery officer, who, without boots (he gave them to the sutler to dry), wearing only stockings, stood in front of those who entered, smiling not entirely naturally.
- Well, don’t you feel ashamed, Captain Tushin? - the staff officer continued, - it seems like you should set an example as an artilleryman, but you are without boots. They will sound the alarm, and you will look very good without boots. (The staff officer smiled.) Please go to your places, gentlemen, that’s it, that’s it,” he added in a commanding manner.
Prince Andrey involuntarily smiled, looking at Captain Tushin’s staff. Silently and smiling, Tushin, shifting from bare foot to foot, looked questioningly with large, intelligent and kind eyes, first at Prince Andrei, then at the officer’s headquarters.
“The soldiers say: when you understand, you become more dexterous,” said Captain Tushin, smiling and timid, apparently wanting to switch from his awkward position to a humorous tone.
But he had not yet finished speaking when he felt that his joke was not accepted and did not come out. He was embarrassed.
“Please leave,” said the staff officer, trying to maintain his seriousness.
Prince Andrei looked again at the figure of the artilleryman. There was something special about her, not at all military, somewhat comic, but extremely attractive.
The staff officer and Prince Andrey mounted their horses and rode on.
Having left the village, constantly overtaking and meeting walking soldiers and officers of different commands, they saw to the left, reddening with fresh, newly dug up clay, fortifications under construction. Several battalions of soldiers wearing only their shirts, despite the cold wind, swarmed around these fortifications like white ants; From behind the shaft, unseen, shovels of red clay were constantly being thrown out. They drove up to the fortification, examined it and moved on. Just beyond the fortification they came across several dozen soldiers, constantly changing and running away from the fortification. They had to hold their noses and start their horses at a trot in order to ride out of this poisoned atmosphere.
“Voila l"agrement des camps, monsieur le prince, [This is the pleasure of the camp, prince,] said the officer on duty.
They rode out to the opposite mountain. The French were already visible from this mountain. Prince Andrei stopped and began to look.
“Here is our battery,” said the headquarters officer, pointing to the highest point, “that same eccentric who was sitting without boots; You can see everything from there: let's go, prince.
“I humbly thank you, I’ll travel alone now,” said Prince Andrei, wanting to get rid of the officer’s staff, “please don’t worry.”
The staff officer fell behind, and Prince Andrei went alone.
The further he moved forward, closer to the enemy, the more orderly and cheerful the appearance of the troops became. The greatest disorder and despondency was in that convoy in front of Znaim, which Prince Andrei drove around in the morning and which was ten miles from the French. Grunt also felt some anxiety and fear of something. But the closer Prince Andrei came to the chain of the French, the more self-confident the appearance of our troops became. Soldiers in greatcoats stood lined up in a row, and the sergeant major and the company commander were counting people out, poking a finger in the chest of the soldier on the outermost section and ordering him to raise his hand; scattered throughout the space, the soldiers dragged firewood and brushwood and built booths, laughing and talking merrily; Dressed and naked people sat around the fires, drying shirts and tucks, or mending boots and overcoats, and crowded around the boilers and cooks. In one company, lunch was ready, and the soldiers with greedy faces looked at the smoking cauldrons and waited for the sample, which the captain brought in a wooden cup to the officer sitting on a log opposite his booth. In another, happier company, since not everyone had vodka, the soldiers stood in a crowd around a pockmarked, broad-shouldered sergeant-major, who, bending a barrel, poured into the lids of the mannequins, which were placed one by one. The soldiers with pious faces brought the manners to their mouths, knocked them over and, rinsing their mouths and wiping themselves with the sleeves of their greatcoats, walked away from the sergeant-major with cheerful faces. All the faces were so calm, as if everything was happening not in sight of the enemy, before a task where at least half of the detachment had to remain in place, but as if somewhere in their homeland, waiting for a calm stop. Having passed the Jaeger regiment, in the ranks of the Kyiv grenadiers, brave people engaged in the same peaceful affairs, Prince Andrei, not far from the tall, different from the other booth of the regimental commander, ran into the front of a platoon of grenadiers, in front of which lay a naked man. Two soldiers held him, and two waved flexible rods and struck him rhythmically on his bare back. The person being punished screamed unnaturally. The fat major walked in front of the front and, without ceasing and not paying attention to the shouting, said:
– It is shameful for a soldier to steal, a soldier must be honest, noble and brave; and if he stole from his brother, then there is no honor in him; this is a bastard. More more!
And flexible blows and a desperate, but feigned cry were heard.
“More, more,” the major said.
The young officer, with an expression of bewilderment and suffering on his face, walked away from the man being punished, looking questioningly at the passing adjutant.
Prince Andrei, having left the front line, rode along the front. Our chain and the enemy’s stood on the left and right flanks far from each other, but in the middle, in the place where the envoys passed in the morning, the chains came together so close that they could see each other’s faces and talk to each other. In addition to the soldiers occupying the chain in this place, on both sides there were many curious people who, laughing, looked at the strange and alien enemies.
From early morning, despite the ban on approaching the chain, the commanders could not fight off the curious. The soldiers standing in a chain, like people showing something rare, no longer looked at the French, but made their observations of those coming and, bored, waited for their change. Prince Andrei stopped to look at the French.
“Look, look,” one soldier said to his comrade, pointing to the Russian musketeer soldier, who with the officer approached the chain and spoke often and passionately to the French grenadier. - Look, he babbles so cleverly! The guard can't keep up with him. How about you, Sidorov!
- Wait, listen. Look, clever! - answered Sidorov, who was considered a master of speaking French.
The soldier to whom those laughing were pointing was Dolokhov. Prince Andrei recognized him and listened to his conversation. Dolokhov, together with his company commander, came into the chain from the left flank on which their regiment stood.
- Well, more, more! - the company commander instigated, bending forward and trying not to utter a single word that was incomprehensible to him. - Please, more often. What he?

Today it is at the peak of popularity. A little blue penguin in yellow glasses can force crying children laugh, disobedient - obey, absent-minded - concentrate. The children sing when Pororo asks them to.
The children listen when Pororo speaks. Even the most naughty and stubborn children obey Pororo. For them he is the king. The little penguin is loved very much, considering him the main character in the history of Korean animation. And now it is becoming popular all over the world.

According to the Seoul Industry and Trade Promotion Agency, the Pororo brand is worth $335 billion. The Japanese brand “Hello, Kitty” is worth approximately the same amount – $345 billion, and the American Winnie the Pooh brand – $295 billion. Pororo appeared eight years ago, and now cartoons with his participation are shown on television channels in 110 countries. About one and a half thousand different items related to Pororo are sold worldwide for an amount of approximately 1 billion 800 million dollars. At the same time, sales volume is growing by 30-40 percent per year. Its popularity has won the hearts of children all over the world. What kind of character is this?

Executive Director of Okhon Company Mr. Kim Il Ho:

When we came up with a fairy-tale character for children, we looked at many types of animals. Among them were a dinosaur, a bear cub, a mouse and a bunny. The little penguin was also among them. But the most important thing is not just to choose, but to make this or that animal close and understandable to children.

The creators of the fairy-tale character from the Okkhon company chose a penguin as the main character because he looks like a child. Pororo is not an ordinary penguin. He wears a pilot's helmet and goggles.

The world already had children's heroes in the form of penguins. Therefore, we had to somehow highlight our little penguin. We made a lot of sketches. At the editorial board we decided to give him a profession as well. Our artists suggested different variants: traveler penguin, hunter penguin, fireman penguin and even ninja penguin. But we thought that the flying penguin would make a childhood dream of flying come true. So we put goggles and a pilot's helmet on him. So we decided that our penguin was different enough from the others and started working with the material.

The flightless bird was allowed to dream of flight. This seemingly impossible dream brought the fairy tale character Pororo to life and inspired many children to believe in their dreams. Pororo's name comes from the Korean word 쪼르르, which onomatopoeically describes how children take their first steps. The "P" in Pororo is from the initial letter in the word "penguin". Pororo appears as a brave little penguin who is not afraid of any difficulties and strives to make his dream of flying high in the sky come true.

Pororo makes many attempts to fly, but fails every time. However, this does not stop Pororo, and he tries again and again, and his friends always support him in this. His constant companions Phobi, Eddie, Ruphi, Kron, Patty, Harry add many shades to Pororo's character.

Mr. Kim Il Ho:

Our little penguin and his friends are copying different types children. Just as each child has his own uniqueness, these characters have their own characters and certain traits. Children want to be travelers, cooks, shop owners, and our heroes demonstrate all this diversity. For example, Eddie is a smart scientist, but he often makes mistakes and his experiments fail. However, this does not stop him from inventing things for his friends. Ruphi is a humble and sensitive cook who loves to bake cookies and host parties for friends. Cron is younger brother Pororo, annoying but sweet and someone you can always rely on. Pororo and his friends demonstrate the full range of emotions of small children.

Phobi– the polar bear cub is the most flexible and gentle character in the group, and Eddie– the red fox is a brilliant scientist. Ruphi– the pink otter is a thoughtful cook, and Harry- a hummingbird that is deaf to music, but loves to entertain its friends. Little Penguin Patty-stylist, and Cron- a little dinosaur - plays the role of a real little brother. All the characters are true friends, and Korean children see them as part of their daily lives. Perhaps this gives additional popularity to cartoons featuring Pororo, the first of which was released in 2003.

The first block of cartoons featuring Pororo consisted of five-minute episodes with a simple plot. They didn't feature superheroes, but kids immediately fell in love with characters that resembled them. And this popularity is growing not only among Korean children

Most of the world's major TV channels already have their own cartoon characters, showing many children's programs that have a huge audience. But we are not behind them in terms of world ratings and popularity. Our show is warmly received in Europe. I remember that we showed it for the first time in France in 2004, and the audience reaction was good. The rating of our cartoon on the French channel TF1 was 51.7 percent. This is a record figure for a children's program.

Now Pororo has become an idol for children around the world. How did he win their hearts?

Firstly, Pororo finds pleasure in the most ordinary things, even everyday ones. Our films demonstrate real-life incidents that can happen to each of us. The script is simple, and the dialogues and stories are easy for children to understand. And yet, the action in the episodes occurs slowly to give the child the opportunity to understand what exactly is being said. Pororo never tries to teach children directly. He never comes out and says the well-known truths “1+1=2” or “don’t fight with your friends.” Instead, we show him, for example, destroying the tower that Kron built, and after some confusion, he admits his mistake and asks for forgiveness. This is how Pororo teaches children to make amends.

Pororo not only has great abilities himself, but also teaches others to think. Let's watch just one episode of "I Want to Fly." Phobi, the polar bear, takes Pororo, who wants to fly, and takes him to the edge of a cliff. The roaring sea rages below them, and Phobi coaxes Pororo to jump.
The little penguin Pororo has been shown on TV for nine years now. Last year, three Pororo theme parks opened in and around Seoul. There is a specific reason why Pororo parks are opening in city centers.

These aren't just amusement parks where kids go once or twice a year. These are educational parks with quick access. It is quite difficult to get to amusement parks located outside the city. There are also not many attractions for the little ones. And Pororo Parks are easily accessible as they are located in major shopping centers or department stores. Parents can bring their children there for just a couple of hours and do some shopping at the same time. These parks offer more than just entertainment. It is primarily a place of learning where children can explore different situations.

Three thousand visitors visit the parks every day, although the time spent in them is limited to two hours. There is no doubt that this is a favorite place for children.

Ms. Heo Yoon Se, manager of Pororo Park located in Seoul mall D-Cube City:

As soon as visitors enter the theme park, they see a house similar to the home of Pororo and his friends from the cartoon. Guests are greeted by Pororo, Kron, Patty, Harry and all their favorite characters. On the left is a football field, and a little further is a concert hall, where Pororo and his friends are having a musical performances. There is also Rupha's house where children take part in cooking and artistic programs. Another attraction for children is the train, which takes children through their favorite cartoon scenes.

The children cook at Rupha's house and ride on a train created by the scientist Eddie.

The interior of the park is filled with the sounds of children's laughter coming from the football field.

While watching their children frolic, adults also have a great time.

Pororo is mischievous, but he understands children so well. Eddie is smart, Phobi is like a good-natured older brother. Ruphi is a good cook and acts like an older sister, and Harry loves to sing. Kron is the youngest and prettiest. All of these characters have their own personalities, which also reflect the differences in children's personalities.

Children love the train. All types of activities are very beneficial for children. They are also interested in Pororo's house, which looks exactly the same as in the film.

Pororo is not a superhero. He's just a little penguin who can make mistakes just like you or me. Pororo was featured in last year's Christmas print, with sales exceeding expectations, further proving the undeniable popularity of Children's President Pororo. This Korean cartoon character also ranked first in the Korean Preference and Brand Value survey. There is no doubt that Pororo is the most popular character created in Korea. Even today, Pororo continues to promote the Korean Hallyu wave and make children's dreams come true around the world.

What are the names of the characters from the cartoon "Pororo the Penguin"?

    A cartoon called Pororo the Penguin is quite popular among many children and is shown in many countries.

    There are five main characters in this cartoon - first of all, Pororo himself, then Crong, who is a dinosaur, then a fox named Eddie, there is also a polar bear named Poby and a beaver named Loopy.

    Cartoon about Pororo today is at the peak of popularity, and the blue penguin can make children laugh, and be sad, and even obey their elders. The main character Pororo has friends who help the little penguin. These funny images perfectly highlight all the shades of the blue penguin's character.

    Pororo's friends include:: polar bear Poby, little dinosaur Crong, Eddie the learned fox, shy gopher Luppi, penguin girl Petty, hummingbird Harry and other funny characters.

    The cartoon Pororo the Penguin has the following main characters:

    1) Pororo is the same penguin who brings a lot of adventures to his friends and comrades;

    2) Krong is a dinosaur, lives with Pororo and also participates in all troubles with him;

    3) Eddie is a fox, his main path is to invent something and his inventions are often the cause of trouble for his friends;

    4) Poby Bear, who loves to fish and is famous for his gentle character;

    5) Loop the beaver, be able to cook and eat just fine.

    Yes, this cartoon was once very popular, my nephew constantly received moral doping from it, and this is the name of these guys;

    • The main hero of the occasion is the penguin PORORO
    • His family member is the dinosaur KRONG
    • Turn beaver LUPPI
    • Fisherman good bear cub POBI
    • EDDIE the Fox is constantly doing something chemically.
  • Pororo the penguin. In this cartoon directed by Il Ho Kim there are the following characters - the Main Penguin - Pororo, the Dinosaur - Krong, the Penguin Petty, the Hummingbird - Harry, the Beaver Loopy, the Polar Bear Lobi, the Inventor Eddie the Fox and other funny animals.

    Cartoon characters Porro the penguin: Petty the penguin girl, Krong the crocodile, Loopy the gopher, Eddie the little fox, Poby the polar bear, Harry the bird

    The main characters of this cartoon are the following:

    main characterPororo, a little penguin who loves adventures,

    Krong– a dinosaur, Pororo’s friend, who gets into various troubles with him,

    Eddie- a little fox who invents various things, sometimes his inventions fail,

    Pobi- very kind bear,

    Loopy- a beaver who cooks very well,

    Among the non-main characters one can highlight such as the penguin Petty, the hummingbird Harry, the robot Rody, the aliens Popo and Pipi, the dragon magician Tong-Tong, the kitten Nyau, the car Tutu, the last two appear only in one of the four seasons.

    Many children enjoy watching the cartoon about the little penguin Pororo; the cartoon is really wonderful, although very small. This cartoon has the following characters:

    Pororo is the main character of the cartoon.

    Petty is the girlfriend of the main character Pororo.

    Krong is a crocodile.

    Loop is a gopher.

    Eddie is a little fox.

    Poby is a bear cub.

    Harry is a bird.

    Yes, there was a time when in our house we could only hear Pororo from the tablet, phone and laptop, but now everything seems to have passed, our daughter has grown up and now we watch other cartoons, but I remember them all well by heart: The main character of the cartoon is the little penguin Pororo, Krong - Pororo's friend, Petty - girlfriend, Loop, Eddie, Harry and Poby. I didn’t expect that the Chinese would release such a popular cartoon.

In one distant village, covered with snow and lost somewhere on the edge of the earth, friends live: the kind polar bear Poby, the overly curious little fox Eddie, the very shy beaver Loopy, the dinosaur Krong and the main character of the animated series - the little penguin Pororo.

Friends spend most of their time together. They have fun, joke and play with each other, and if they find themselves in difficult situations, they are always ready to come to the rescue and help out a friend in trouble.

This cartoon, created by South Korean animators, is intended for the youngest viewers. Kids love simple stories that any mother or father, if they wish, can compose endlessly. In such stories, the most ordinary events occur: the heroes wash themselves, have dinner, play, and sometimes their own cataclysms happen - for example, one of the heroes may fall, and another may get lost for a while. But everything ends well even before the little viewer has time to be truly scared.

The cartoon about the little penguin Pororo and his friends was created as if on the basis of these mother and father stories, invented on the occasion of lunch, breakfast, an upcoming walk or a trip to a children's birthday. The characters don’t say much, in simple language, but they actively move and express their feelings with the help of interjections and facial expressions. Bright colors, cute toy faces of the main characters, simplicity and uncomplicated plots, bright emotionality of the characters - all this makes the cartoon about Pororo incredibly attractive to children 3-4 years old. So it’s not surprising that the series has been released season after season since 2003.

In the cartoon, the animal characters living together, in reality live on different continents. In reality, a penguin, of course, cannot be friends with a crocodile, but in children's imagination and play, everything is possible. If you are parents who fight for realistic perception, then explain to your child that this only happens on the playground at the zoo, where kids different types often raised together.

All heroes are constantly busy with important and useful things. The girls are very economical: they clean, bake cookies. The boys are hard workers, but they also have time to play. The cartoon does not contain scenes of fights or direct aggression. In the main character’s house there also lives the dinosaur Krong, who embodies the negative part of the too sweet and correct Pororo. Krong throws everything around, breaks rules, is mischievous, and greedy, but despite this, he is an integral part of the kids’ lives.
The cartoon shows the internal conflicts that Krong has in a very interesting way. Two small green parts of the dinosaur - “angel” and “demon” convince him to agree with them, and Krong, after listening to them, chooses what to do.

Anything other than training simple ways interaction with reality, could this cartoon be useful? Pororo has friends, and they are all completely different, each unique in their own way, but at the same time they find mutual language and they know how to negotiate. Kids try to find compromises in different situations. A useful and valuable skill in our world, which is never too early to learn.

No, I'm not crazy. I just decided to take a look at what kind of cartoon it was - about a little penguin with the strange name Pororo (emphasis on the last “o”). I looked and was pleasantly surprised - cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race" really delivered to me.

Let's start with the fact that Pororo is a character in the very popular series "Little Penguin Pororo", which is also shown here. It talks about a little penguin and his friends living in a snowy forest. Only the main characters were included in the full-length cartoon:

Characters of the cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: The Great Race"

and Eddie the fox:

little fox Eddie from the cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: The Great Race"

Even a little penguin dreams of becoming something, namely a champion in luge (not to be confused with pissing!) sport. To do this, Eddie the fox designs a jet sled powered by candy.

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

Then the little friends go to competitions.

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

Their main rivals are all the sled race participants, but the most important are the winners of past races - the noble white tigers:

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

And dishonorable ferocious brown bears:

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

Will the penguin Pororo and the crocodile Krong be able to defeat such strong opponents?

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

The route is fraught with many obstacles, the main one of which is the assistants of the insidious brown bear Fufu:

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

The races are watched live by forest residents at the stadium:

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

Who will get the main prize?

cartoon "Little Penguin Pororo: Great Race"

When I started watching, I was preparing for the fact that the cartoon would turn out to be garbage based on vegetable oil, but everything turned out to be not so bad. The cartoon is very different from the series - in better side. Everything is logical and dynamic. The snot of the turtle Toto and the crocodile Krong spoil the picture a little at the very beginning, but otherwise it’s a very cool cartoon. I especially liked its color scheme. There are no annoying characters. What I liked most was Krong:

It is possible that Pororo will become the mascot of the 2018 Winter Olympics, which will be held in South Korea(The animated series is originally Korean).

Sincerely, Andy Goldred