Literary sandbox. Centralized library system

This is the second year that district libraries have taken part in the regional Literary Sandbox event. The purpose of this campaign is to attract children during summer holiday to reading a book and visiting the library. Librarians go to playgrounds, kindergartens, parks and squares, where children and their parents like to relax and spend their free time. Library workers bring books and magazines with them, recommend them to restless readers, and hold competitions and quizzes with children.

In June and July 2017, the Central Bank Branch named after. S.V. Maksimov and 7 rural libraries of the district, 150 children of various ages and social categories are involved in the events.

Every second and fourth Wednesday of the summer month, the “Literary Sandbox” event was held in the Dolmatovo rural library. At the appointed time, taking interesting books with him, the librarian went to visit the young readers at the playground. In the fresh air, the children had fun participating in the games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Mousetrap”, the children looked at many interesting books, and then, sitting comfortably on a bench, listened with pleasure to fairy tales “About Komar Komarovich- a long nose and about a shaggy bear with a short tail," "About a little fox sister and a gray wolf."

The “Literary Sandbox” event in the village of Nikolo-Poloma continued, despite the cold and rain! On June 14, librarians visited the Beryozka kindergarten. Meeting with students kindergarten It was called “I would like to become a pilot, let them teach me!” and was dedicated to professions and books about professions. The children talked about where their parents work and what they do at their workplace.

The librarians read Mayakovsky’s poems “Who to be?” and Giani Rodari “What crafts smell like.” The children listened with pleasure and then guessed riddles about professions.

The next “Literary Sandbox” was dedicated to books about nature as part of the Year of Ecology in Russia. The weather allowed the meeting to be held outside.

On June 28, the librarian of the Savinskaya SB held her literary sandbox. The meeting took place on the site, next to the kindergarten. The very young children were talking about fairy tales. The quiz was called “A Journey through Fairy Tales,” and the first stop was “Riddles from a Chest.” Two riddles out of five - “Who in the fairy tale used their tail instead of a fishing rod?” and “Who laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one?” - EVERYONE guessed right.

At the Question and Answer station, Liza Zakharova was more active than others. Of course, Liza Zakharova knows the most fairy tales, because she is older than the other children, she is 4 years old. A little younger - Arseny Lebedev, he is a year younger. But the smallest, two-year-old Lenochka Tikhomirova, spoke the least, but sometimes nodded her head as a sign of agreement.

All the children received from the library balloon and a big piece of candy, and were also invited to visit the library with their mothers!

An employee of the Potrusovsky rural library held a literary sandbox for her little readers in the rural House of Culture. 2017 is the Year of Ecology, in connection with this, the game “Call of the Jungle” was held for children. The goal of the event was to instill friendliness and mutual assistance in children, give new information about animals and plants and recommend books to read about nature.

Two teams “Herbivores” and “Predators” participated in the game; during the game various competitions were offered: “Pursuit Races”, “Hunting”, “Wounded Animal”, “Riddle Auction” and others. For each correct answer, the “Predator” team received a “bone”, and the “Herbivore” team received a “banana”. The game was very fun. All tasks were completed, the Predators team won.

The children went home in a good mood.

On July 12, as part of the “Literary Sandbox” campaign, the librarian of the Vokhtomsk Rural Library organized a “Literary Kaleidoscope” in the school yard. Children of different ages took part in this event. A book exhibition, games, riddles, and funny chants were prepared for them. The children enthusiastically participated in a literary quiz game, collected pictures from the proposed fairy tales, and read poetry.

Under the bright summer sun, which is rare in this rainy summer, in the fresh air, children happily looked at books and children's magazines, chose their favorites, and told what fairy tales and poems they knew. This day gave everyone a good mood and a lot of positive emotions.

The “Literary Sandbox” event in the libraries of the Parfenyevsky district was successful. The topics of the events held by librarians corresponded to the hobbies and interests of the children. And all together made it possible to attract many young readers to libraries.

The library has a new form of work - “Literary Sandbox”

It is necessary to instill a love for the printed word in the very early age. Reading aloud to a child, looking at pictures with comments from an adult are necessary and extremely important elements for introducing a child to reading, allowing him to be interested, to cultivate the need for new knowledge, new information, new emotions.

Libraries in the region actively work with their youngest readers, offering the widest range of children's publications. The forms and methods of this work are very different.
Kostroma Regional Children's Library named after Arkady Gaidar initiates a summer period In 2016, a new form of out-of-station work with children for our region - the “Literary Sandbox”.
The essence of the action is that all libraries in the region serving children readers on certain days, namely on every second and fourth Wednesday of the summer months (June 8 and 22, July 13 and 27, August 10 and 24) organize out-of-station events in advance certain places: children's playgrounds, kindergartens, parks, etc. Libraries determine the venues for events independently, but the timing is the same for everyone: from 11.00 to 12.00 on the above days.
The “Literary Sandbox” is a kind of outdoor summer reading room where kids can look at books or magazines, listen to a fairy tale or children’s poems, draw, play, and recite a poem themselves.
The “Literary Sandbox” started at the Intersettlement Central Library on June 8. Children's plant No. 3 provided premises for it. The librarian read an excerpt from a fairy tale by A.S. to the children. Pushkin, fairy tale an old house» Natalia Abramtseva. With the children (there were two groups) we played the games “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Mousetrap”, “Ring-Ring”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “The Tree Grows”.
The “Literary Sandbox”, of course, should be held outdoors and in good weather, but I wanted to carry out such an interesting form, despite the rain and wind. And we did it! The children and teachers were happy!

06/22/2016 Regional event “Literary Sandbox”

Libraries in the region actively work with their youngest readers, offering the widest range of children's publications. The forms and methods of this work are very different.

The initiative to hold such events in 2016 was made by specialists from the Kostroma Regional Children's Library named after Arkady Gaidar. Libraries of the Kostroma region open the season "Literary sandboxes" .

The essence of the action is that all libraries in the region serving children readers on certain days, namely on every second and fourth Wednesday of the summer months (June 8 and 22, July 13 and 27, August 10 and 24) organize out-of-station events in advance certain places: children's playgrounds, kindergartens, parks, etc. Libraries determine the venues for events independently, but the timing is the same for everyone: from 11.00 to 12.00 on the above days.

"Literary sandbox" - this is a kind of outdoor summer reading room, where kids can look at books or magazines, listen to a fairy tale or children's poems, draw, play, and recite a poem themselves.

The Central Library of the city also joined this action. Manturovo. On the designated days, a meeting with the latest children's literature, toy books, educational and entertaining publications was organized for the pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" and the kindergarten "Ogonyok". The children took part in the fairy-tale quiz with pleasure, vying with each other to talk about their favorite cartoons and fairy-tale characters, and then listened carefully to the fairy tale “That’ll do” and poems about animals. At the end of the meeting, the children read their favorite poems and sang songs.

In the summer of 2016, the M.Ya. Diev Moscow Library takes part in the regional event “Literary Sandbox”. Its essence lies in the fact that all libraries serving children readers, every second and fourth Wednesday of the summer months from 11 to 12 o'clock, organize events for the youngest readers in predetermined places: children's playgrounds, kindergartens, parks.

The first participants in the action were children from the “Solnyshko” kindergarten. It began with a literary game - the journey “Locomotive from Cartoon”. Traveling on a cheerful train through the stations “Otvechaikino”, “Velichaykino”, “Sostavlyaykino”, “Otgadaykino”, the children remembered the names of the cartoons, catchphrases, guessed riddles, put together puzzles. At each station, active guys received tokens. As a result, the winner of the game was Diana Anisimova, who received a book as a gift.

Then the children looked at books and magazines, recited their favorite poems, played and drew, and the librarians read the fairy tale “The Magic Mirror” for them. For parents of children, librarians reproduced advisory materials from the regional children's library “Talking with a book in her hands” and “Reading with the whole family.” The “Literary Sandbox” was interesting and fun, and most importantly, useful. The next meeting at the “Literary Sandbox” awaits the children on July 13 in the park.

Young readers of the Tatar Library also read and played as part of the “Literary Sandbox”. Here, in the “summer reading room”, a small presentation of new children’s books “Girls and Boys! Read books this summer!”

Under the bright summer sun, in the fresh air, children happily leafed through their favorite books and played outdoor games. Riddles, a comic summer quiz, funny chants - everything was to the liking of young readers.

And for loud reading we chose the book “I grew up” by A.L. Barto. Everyone knows her poems. Adults and children alike, like a counting rhyme, repeat well-known quatrains.

Children's favorite pastime is drawing, so everyone actively participated in the drawing competition, illustrating their favorite poems by the famous children's writer.

Young mothers are especially happy about the “summer reading rooms”: “...A reading room on the street is very convenient: it’s more interesting for both kids in the air and for older children to walk with a book...” - here are their reviews about organizing children’s leisure time in the summer.