Master class on how to make papier-mâché from newspapers and ready-made photos of the work. Crafts from papier-mâché

Papier mache - ancient art, which has not lost its popularity. Try this simple creativity and find a source for new masterpieces in it!

Papier-mâché is a simple technique for making three-dimensional objects using paper and paste. Even with the advent of various plastic masses (super plastics), papier-mâché does not lose its popularity, remaining indispensable for some types of creativity (for example, masks). Take a brief excursion into the history of this unusual technique and find out what options for its use exist, how to make papier-mâché with your own hands, and how this activity will be useful.

History of paper art

The papier-mâché technique is time-tested, because its history goes back several thousand years! The ancient Egyptians made death masks using layers of papyrus interspersed with adhesive. In Persia, laminated paper was used to make decorative items, including chests and goblets. Often, thin metal plates were applied on top of the paper layer.

The strength of products made from papier-mâché with a large number of layers was noticed in ancient China - they began to use this technique to produce armor and shields that could protect a warrior not only from an arrow, but also from a blow from a sword.

Repeated coating with natural varnishes added additional strength to the material. In addition, in Japan and China, ceremonial masks, decorative elements for military costumes, home decor items (boxes, vases) and even buttons were made from this material.

Often the surface of the products was coated with glossy varnish and thus, luxurious-looking things were obtained from relatively cheap material. In India, papier-mâché could be found at any craft market in the form of richly ornamented household items.

Since the 17th century, papier-mâché began to be actively used in France, and then in England, in puppetry - this technique was the best way to reproduce the delicate features of doll faces. The big advantage was the high strength of the material. Unlike porcelain, the finished papier-mâché product was not fragile, and was also much lighter than wood.

In the 18th century, papier-mâché became an inexpensive alternative to architectural stucco and carved wood, and later the technique was even used to make furniture elements (such as chair backs) and church utensils.

To this day, papier-mâché is widely used in film production and theater for the manufacture of props (dummies of various things: weapons, dishes, jewelry, interior items, imitation of reliefs in the landscape or architectural structures), applied elements for makeup (noses, chins), stage details costume (hats, masks).

Minimum funds and maximum benefits

Papier-mâché is one of the few types of creativity that will be of interest to almost everyone, because there are a huge number of options for products made from laminated paper, and the process of working in this technique does not require artistic training or specific knowledge. Despite the fact that paper is used for this type of creativity, it has nothing in common with other paper hobbies, weaving from paper tubes.

The advantages of this hobby are obvious:

  • it does not require material costs;
  • he does not need a large workplace;
  • you can do without special skills;
  • the technique is an extremely simple process that even a preschool child can master;
  • a wide creative spectrum (making dolls, masks, figurines, boxes, elements for jewelry, Christmas decorations, lampshades);
  • suitable for making items of any size;
  • finished products are highly durable and do not require special care.

What you need for classes and first crafts

As already noted, papier-mâché is a very economical form of creativity. The main thing you need for papier-mâché is thin paper and glue (PVA, carpentry, stationery, gelatin or starch paste). There are two fundamentally different options this technique:

  • pieces of paper are glued in layers onto the finished form;
  • An elastic mass is prepared from paper and paste, from which an object is formed.

Everyone can include this hobby in their list of hobbies; success awaits only those who do not like to give up what they started. Qualities that will be useful when working with papier-mâché:

  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • a little imagination.

Features of layer-by-layer technology and work process

The first option (from pieces) is suitable for making masks, doll heads, figurines, and boxes. The surface of the finished products can be sanded, so achieving ideal smoothness is very easy. The entire work process can be divided into several stages.

First stage

Prepare thin paper (newspaper works well). To do this, you can cut or tear it into pieces, their size depends on the expected size of the product - for minor works it can be 1x1 cm, for large ones up to 4x4, 4x10 cm. Torn paper will make the surface of the product smoother than cut paper.

Prepare a form on which the paper will be glued. To do this, you can take either a ready-made object or one sculpted from plasticine or clay (for example, a doll’s head).

If you take a finished item as a papier-mâché base, remember that to obtain a three-dimensional shape, you will need to cut the finished papier-mâché into two halves to get the base shape, and then glue them together. Therefore, the base may be damaged when cut. For a spherical shape you can take balloon, which, upon completion of work, can be removed through a previously left hole in the layers of paper.

To make the finished papier-mâché easy to separate from the base (both ready-made and molded), it is recommended to grease the mold with Vaseline or wrap it in cling film before applying the first layer of paper.

Second phase

Cover the mold with layers of paper. The number of layers depends on the desired thickness and strength - the minimum number is 4-5, the maximum is not limited, but already with 15 layers the wall thickness of the product will be about 0.5-0.7 cm, so there is usually no point in making more layers than this number.

To evenly cover the form with paper, it is convenient to alternate layers of different colors - this way it will be clear when to start a new one.

Third stage

Dry the product well (for 24 hours) and remove from the mold. If an incision is required for removal, it is convenient to make one sharp knife for paper. After removing the mold, you need to stick pieces of paper on the inside of the product along the cut so that half of the piece extends beyond the cut, then coat them with glue and attach the second half of the product.

You also need to seal the joint line of the halves on the outside with two layers of paper and, for strength, cover the entire form with another layer of papier-mâché (if further painting is planned, it is better to use a layer of white paper).

A well-dried product can be sanded using fine-grained sandpaper.
You can paint papier-mâché with any paint, but it is best to use acrylic - it will not rub off from the shape and dries quickly. If desired, papier-mâché is opened with varnish.

Modeling from paper pulp

The second version of papier-mâché (made from paper pulp) is suitable for forming finished products using the method of simple modeling or modeling on a frame. By the way, the very name of the technique is translated from French as “chewed paper.” There are quite a few options for the recipe for preparing the mass, and after several tests you will find your own optimal ratio of ingredients.

It is usually done this way: soak newsprint, cardboard from boxes or egg trays, or toilet paper in warm water, leave it for several hours, periodically kneading it with your hands (you can put it on the stove to keep the water warm).

After soaking, the mass is carefully squeezed out and crushed with a blender or in a meat grinder (a more labor-intensive option is rubbed through a sieve). Next, add glue to the mass and knead until the homogeneous elastic mass stops sticking to your hands.

The formed product dries completely in 2-3 days - you should not dry it on a radiator, as this can lead to cracks. The dried mass becomes hard and very light. It can also be sanded and painted in the same way as or.

Useful and enjoyable activity

As has already been noted, using the papier-mâché technique you can make absolutely different types products, this is a great way to make both decorative works and things for practical use in the home. Using this technique, you can imitate more expensive materials, such as metal, stone or ceramics.

Cat's house

Working with papier-mâché calms you down, helps you focus on the process and take a break from everyday worries, and develops creative thinking. Starting with simple and common products, you will quickly move on to selling your own creative ideas.

Step-by-step master classes for beginners

To make it easier for you to move from plans and doubts to actions, our needlewomen have prepared step by step instructions with photo. Taking master classes as a basis, you will quickly master the pape-mâché technique and learn how to create your own masterpieces worthy of imitation.

Sometimes, to complete the comfort and style, our home lacks one detail. Wall clocks, paintings, figurines - all this will certainly complement the design of your home. Today, specialized stores have a rich selection of interior decorations. But nothing can replace jewelry made with your own hands. After all, who else but the owner himself knows what exactly his home is missing. Today we will make a beautiful Chinese-style plate from newspaper using the papier-mâché technique.

Note: The papier-mâché technique began in the 2nd century in China. Translated from French, “papier mâché” means torn or chewed paper. In ancient times, various things were made from this plastic mass, from kitchen utensils to helmets, and then varnished. This simple master class with step-by-step photographs will introduce you to this technique, and a DIY papier-mâché plate made from newspapers will decorate your interior.

To make a plate using papier-mâché technique we will need:

  • Newspaper sheets;
  • Plate;
  • PVA glue or paste;
  • Plate with water;
  • Paints;
  • Brush.

Master class “How to make a papier-mâché plate from newspapers”

1) First, let's tear the newspaper sheets into small pieces. But not too small, let them be 2 cm each. Now take the saucer and turn it upside down.

We will take one piece of newsprint and moisten them in a pre-prepared plate of water. We wet so that the scraps are completely wet. We cover the plate with moistened scraps, as if gluing them. We cover only the outer part of the plate. Place the pieces of newspaper so that they extend beyond the edges of the plate. Then we will trim them.

After laying out the first layer, you need to coat the plate with glue. You can use regular PVA, or you can make a paste. IN in this case Let's use PVA. Coat the plate with a thin layer over the entire diameter.

Now we put another layer of newspaper scraps on top, also soaked in water. After we lay out the second layer, you need to coat the plate with glue again. Next, again apply a layer of shreds soaked in water.

After the third layer is ready, you need to coat the plate with glue again and let it rest a little.

When the plate is slightly dry, put a layer of newspaper scraps dipped in water on top again. So we apply two more layers. That is, after the plate has dried, three layers are placed again. Be sure to coat it with glue after each layer so that after drying the scraps do not puff up and come off. After the sixth layer is laid out, grease it with glue again and leave the plate to dry.

The more layers you add, the thicker and denser your plate will be. It's better to apply nine layers.

When you have laid out all the layers, you need to leave the plate to dry thoroughly. Leave it overnight.

2) When our newspaper plate is completely dry, we trim the edges with scissors, focusing on the real plate that was pasted over. We take the real one out of the newspaper plate and put it away. Now let's move on to the design. Let's take gouache. We thoroughly paint our plate with white. We paint until the text from the newspaper scraps becomes invisible.

3) Since we will be making a plate in the Chinese style, after the white gouache has dried, we paint the bottom of the plate and the border with red. We paint in several layers. When painting, it is advisable to use as little water as possible so that the white gouache does not start to wash off and mix with the red.

4) Now take black and paint part of the bottom and border of the plate. We also put the paint in several layers.

5) Now we will draw a sakura branch. To do this, change the brush to a thinner one. First we draw the branch itself.

6) Now let’s draw random branches.

In the previous lesson we told you, how to make a papier mache mask with your own hands . Today we will talk in detail about how to make papier mache- that is, the mass from which we will sculpt our original crafts .
Papier mache translated from French means “chewed paper.” It's a mixture
made of cardboard or paper and an adhesive element (starch, gypsum). Masks, toys, boxes, jewelry and even pieces of furniture can be created from papier-mâché.

Prepare your workplace: cover a large, spacious table with oilcloth (which you don’t mind throwing away) or newspapers. You should have a piece of dry cloth on hand to wipe your palms from glue. before going into detail about how to make papier mache with your own hands and about what materials and tools will be required for the work, let’s touch a little on the issue of crafts making techniques and some nuances.
With the help of technology
, plates, elements for interior design and much more. It is most interesting for children aged 5-10 years to participate in this process. The child’s mood rises, his fingers develop, his aesthetic perception. Carrying out work from papier-mâché does not involve complicated steps: you need to cover the selected shape with several balls of non-rigid paper. You will have to be persevering and spend some time to turn your plans into reality.

Decide right away whether the form will remain inside the craft or whether you plan to take it out. In the first case, the form is lubricated with adhesive, in the second - with Vaseline, and the first layer of paper is placed on top.
Paper (newspaper) can only be torn by hand; cutting it with scissors is unacceptable. The first paper layer of papier mache should completely cover the shape of the papier mache craft. Then it is lubricated with glue and the next layer is applied. It is better to take paper of a different color for each layer, so as not to get confused about how many balls are glued. While maintaining the order of actions, the form you need cover with several layers of paper.

How to make papier mache crafts step by step? Tear paper or newspaper into smaller pieces , the longer you have to work. Large elements should be dipped in glue (to get wet) and then placed on the mold. They can create folds that must be straightened out immediately with your fingers. We do not apply glue to the mold.

There is a technology to perform papier mache made of paper consistency. Here you can let your imagination run wild and paste over, for example, a balloon.

Choosing an adhesive for papier mache mass:
For papier-mâché, the ideal option is wallpaper glue. Dilute it following the instructions on the package.
In the absence of one, cook the paste.
We dilute the starch in slightly warm water and stir until the consistency becomes similar to sour cream. Remembering to stir constantly, add boiling water until the substance becomes transparent and thick like jelly. Let the finished paste cool. The liquid does not retain its qualities for a long time; it must be boiled again for each product.

Next, we will tell you in detail about how to make papier mache at home with your own hands. Prepare a special mixture to create amazing crafts or fancy masks are very easy! You will learn how to prepare a workbench and what materials and tools will be needed for the work, and you will also be able to learn manufacturing techniques DIY papier mache products. Make crafts from different materials- a fascinating and useful activity and it is advisable to involve the child in the process of making crafts from the very beginning early age(to begin with, you can introduce a small child to the properties of paper and plasticine, and when the baby grows up, you can teach him to make crafts from natural materials,clay, plastic, foil, thread, etc.)

Now you can make original crafts with your own hands from such a wonderful material as papier mache. Using papier mache you can make a product of the most bizarre shape and paint it in the most bright colors! Such the craft will be a wonderful gift for any significant event for your friends and acquaintances - be it New Year, Valentine's Day or Birthday.


Let's try to make a copy of some papier-mâché cutlery. You probably worked with papier-mâché at school, because the technology for creating it is very simple, although it requires perseverance and accuracy. Our instructions will help you remember your “youth”!

To create the simplest papier-mâché, namely making dishes from it, you will need very few tools and materials:

  • scissors
  • starch or flour based glue
  • “paste” (you can use PVA glue)
  • any utensil
  • tassel
  • paper (newspaper is fine)


First you need to prepare a “paste”, a glue based on flour or starch. Of course, you can use standard PVA glue, but the paste is still more convenient and practical: it is made from natural materials, which means it is non-toxic and non-poisonous.

  1. Mix pure starch (or flour) with a small amount of cold water until all lumps disappear completely. Then, stirring gently, pour boiling water into the starch and bring to heat. Heat the mixture until a transparent mass is obtained.
  2. Next, start cutting paper for papier-mâché. Using scissors, finely cut the paper into strips and various shapes. During the creation process, any pieces of paper will suit you.
  3. Apply the brush to the back of the dish (in our case, the saucer). Begin carefully, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the dish, gluing pieces of paper onto the saucer. Try to cover the entire area with an even layer. Repeat until the thickness of the paper layer reaches the size you need.
  4. It should be noted that all operations with papier-mâché can be carried out in several stages, each time waiting for the previous layer to dry.
  5. After finishing work, let the paper dry for 24 hours.
  6. After waiting a day, pry the edge of the paper layer with the tip of scissors or a knife and gradually begin to remove the resulting “cast”. After this, trim the uneven edges with scissors and begin decorating the resulting dishes.
  7. Various watercolor and acrylic paints. To begin with, you can paint the dishes with one layer of paint, a kind of primer. And then apply patterns and any other illustrations on top of it. Don't limit your imagination.
  8. The finished papier-mâché can be varnished to make the design glossy. In addition, this will make the dishes stronger and more durable.

I hope that this modest detail will add a piece of comfort and warmth to your interior.

Today I propose to make a beautiful deep papier-mâché plate with your own hands. The plate can be of any shape - flat or, on the contrary, deep soup. In my example, the deep plate is a fruit bowl.

You probably remember how, as a child, you made various cute little things out of paper, using the papier-mâché technique, during craft lessons. If you forgot the whole process of this technique or some steps, in this master class I will show you how to make a plate - a papier mache bowl with your own hands. The activity is incredibly simple and enjoyable, and the result is beautiful and functional.

To create a deep plate we will need:

  • several newspapers,
  • 4-5 sheets of white A4 paper,
  • plate of water,
  • PVA glue,
  • paint of the desired color (mine is green),
  • paint brush,
  • the plate is the base.

How to make a papier mache plate with your own hands - master class:

1. Tear the newspaper into small pieces and soak them in water. In general, any large plate will do as a base plate. In this case, a glass salad bowl is used.

2. Turn the salad bowl over and begin to cover the entire surface with wet pieces of newspaper. Feel free to apply several layers, this will make the plate more durable and solid. When the entire outside of the plate is completely covered, leave it to dry overnight.

3. When the newspapers have dried, carefully begin to cover the second layer with wet paper. Leave to dry.

4. Next, pour PVA glue into a small bowl. We tear sheets of A4 paper into small pieces, dip them in glue and glue them on top of a plate or bowl. This must be done very carefully, otherwise the dried lower layers that float on the water will fall off. But we can’t do it any other way; we need the plate to separate from the base. So, we cover the entire outside of the plate with white paper.

5. When the glue has dried, carefully remove the glass base. Now we have a newspaper from the inside,

6. We cover it with white paper dipped in glue.

7. When the layer has dried, we begin to paste over another layer of paper. Also make sure that the edges of the plate are glued. It is advisable to apply 3-4 layers inside and out, in which case the plate or bowl will be especially stable.

8. We want to be able to put freshly washed fruit into a papier mache plate without the plate getting soggy. Therefore, we paint it with enamel paint of any color. I chose green because I was making it before the New Year. And at this time, you especially want a beautiful green color, and tangerines and oranges look better against a green background.

10. Paint the plate in two layers, wait until it dries completely. It is advisable to take the plate out into the fresh air so that the smell disappears.

Our handmade deep papier mache plate is ready. Although it can even be used as a fruit vase! Fill it with fruit and enjoy.

Making various items is very simple and easy. And if you use plasticine as a base, you can make almost any thing. So, papier-mâché - indispensable assistant in production New Year's masks, voluminous postcards, valentines, fabulous, etc.