"We grow up healthy." Physical education in the first junior group

Physical entertainment in the first younger group"Rays".


evoke an emotional response in children play activity and the desire to participate in it; teach children to play together without pushing or hurting each other; teach more dexterous children to help other kids; teach children to sympathize and empathize with a fairy-tale character; teach children to listen to the teacher’s speech; develop color perception; develop attention; encourage children to run in different directions; consolidate children's skills in walking in a flock behind the teacher; continue to teach children to hop on two legs; teach children to run and stop at the teacher’s signal.

Main purpose of entertainment:To cheer up children, to show activity, independence and initiative in actions.

Equipment : forest (Christmas trees, flowers), swamp, stream (made of blue fabric), baskets with pine cones, mushrooms, bear toy.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to take a walk into the forest “by train.” The kids take seats “in the carriages” (they line up in a column behind the teacher). The conductor blows the whistle and the train departs. Song "Train"

Let's go on a fun train. The train arrived, shu-shu-shu. The conductor announces a stop. The guys “get out” of the cars.

Educator: Children! We arrived in the forest. There is a cheerful clearing here. But to get to it, you need to cross the swamp, then jump over the stream. Let's do some exercise first, then it will be easier to overcome the obstacle.

Early in the morning in order, the bunny does charging:

1. He raises his paws up and plays with them merrily.

He puts his paws down and plays with them merrily.

2. The bunny turns his head, he’s so funny.

3. The bunny squats low, the bunny takes a deep breath.

Educator: Now let’s take the baskets with cones and go to the clearing. Be careful, there is a swamp here! You need to walk through it without getting your feet wet.

Game "On a narrow path"(walking along the health path, the teacher makes sure that the children do not push).

Educator: Well done! Nobody got their feet wet! Now let's try to cross this stream.

Game "Jump over the stream"

You need to jump over the stream where it is wide (40 cm) and where it is narrow (20 cm)

Educator: You're probably tired. Now we will relax by this lake. Children “sit down” on the shore with the teacher.

(There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in a bear toy).

Bear: Hello, children, I came to visit you and want to play with you.

The game “At the Bear in the Forest” is played.

A game for the little ones. From all the participants in the game, one driver is selected, who is appointed “bear”. Two circles are drawn on the playing area. The 1st circle is the “bear’s” den, the 2nd is the home for all other participants in the game.

The game begins, and the children leave the house saying:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, the “bear” runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the “bear” catches him, then he himself becomes a “bear” and goes to the den.

Educator: And here is a cheerful clearing. A beautiful carousel awaits us here(multi-colored hoop with ribbons).The game "Carousel" is played.

Preparing for the game: the players stand in a circle with a diameter of 6-8 m. At the teacher’s signal, they say loudly

“Barely, barely, barely.

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everybody run, run, run.”

In accordance with the text, children walk in a circle, first slowly, and then gradually speed up their movements. After the children have run two circles, they gradually switch to walking, saying:

“Hush, hush, don’t rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two!

The game is over! The movement of the carousel slows down, the children lower their hands; the game is repeated, the children move in a circle in the other direction.

Bear: Thank you guys, I had a lot of fun with you, I liked it with you, and I prepared gifts for you(hands out candy).Together with the children we thank the bear and see him off.

Educational:- strengthen children’s ability to act on a signal. Exercise in formations, maintaining distance while moving, performing team tasks; - consolidate and develop the ability to perform basic types of movements; - strengthen children’s skills to coordinate words and movements with the text when performing finger play.

Educational:- develop physical qualities: flexibility, agility, speed, endurance; - continue to develop children’s activity through performing game exercises; - develop the desire of event participants to help each other when performing game tasks and exercises.

Educators:- to foster a general culture of children’s behavior during the event; - to cultivate in children organization, independence, and the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.




Educational: - strengthen children’s ability to act on a signal. Exercise in formations, maintaining distance while moving, performing team tasks; - consolidate and develop the ability to perform basic types of movements; - strengthen children’s skills to coordinate words and movements with the text when performing finger play.

Educational: - develop physical qualities: flexibility, agility, speed, endurance; - continue to develop children’s activity through playing exercises; - develop the desire of event participants to help each other when performing game tasks and exercises.

Educators: - to foster a general culture of children’s behavior during the event; - to cultivate in children organization, independence, and the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Materials and attributes:

a suitcase with replica medical devices (thermometer, syringe); white robe, doctor's cap; hoops; balls small and large; ball basket; cards for finger games and articulatory gymnastics; audio recordings of children's songs.

Progress of the event:

All participants of the event are pre-divided into two teams.


Good afternoon, dear children!

Let's start our competition! There will be games, there will be laughter

And fun activities are prepared for everyone.

Sports, guys, are very necessary.

We are close friends with sports.

Sports assistant! Sport – health!

Sport is a game! Physical training! Hooray! Hooray!


Doctor Aibolit promised to come to us for the holiday. And here he is.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a Clown appears on the site with a medical suitcase.


Hello! Hello! Here I am!

Do you recognize me, friends?

I am the funniest clown in the world,

That's why adults and children like me.

I came to your holiday

I know you are happy to have guests!

I really want to know

Do you like to play?


Clown Bantik, we are very glad that you came to our party, but we were waiting for Doctor Aibolit. We need his help - before the competition, the doctor must examine the athletes to see if they are sick, can they participate in the competition?


Do you really need a doctor? So no problem.

Look what I found on the way to you (shows a suitcase).

Apparently Doctor Aibolit hurried and went to another kindergarten.

Now we'll see what he has in his suitcase. (shows the children medical supplies and discusses what they are needed for).

And here is the doctor’s cap and robe (he puts it on the clown).

Why aren't you a doctor? I can do an inspection too.


Doctor Bantik, you will examine everyone

Select the clever and brave ones.


I ask everyone to stand up straight

What I say, do it

Everybody breathe

Don't breathe


Bend over

Straighten up


He approaches the teacher and says:

Yes, I'm happy with the inspection! Everyone is healthy and ready to compete.


Well, since everything is in order, I suggest everyone go to the wonderful country “Sportlandia”.

Games, relay races and competitions await us in this country.


To begin with, I suggest doing exercises

Very cheerful, just for relaxation.

To do this, we need to quickly line up one after another.


A set of exercises is performed in a circle accompanied by cheerful music:

We march like soldiers

We walk on our toes, arms raised up

We walk on our heels, our arms are tucked behind our backs

We walk like “bears” (on the outer edge of the foot)

We walk like ducklings (in a full squat)

Running alternating with walking.


So we reached the country of “Sportlandia”. Tired?

I suggest we relax in Quiet Glade.

But first we will have to go along unusual paths.

To do this we need to divide into teams

Relay “Unusual Paths”

Exercises performed:

Stepping over objects in alternating steps

Jumping from hoop to hoop


So you and I have reached Quiet Glade.

Listen to how quiet it is here (the children are listening).

I'll tell you a secret that in this clearing you can only play quiet games. And these cards will help us remember such games (the teacher shows the children cards with pictures for the games)

Games at "Quiet Glade"

The complex is performed:

Articulation gymnastics – “Ball”, “Watch”

Finger exercises – “My Family”, “Fish”


My friends, did you enjoy playing at Quiet Glade?

To hit the road we need to stand one after another.

Now everyone can show off their dexterity.

Now we will go along an unusual road, it is called “Tunnel”

Obstacle course "Path - tunnel"

An exercise is performed to climb into hoops of different sizes.

Children walk through the tunnel to cheerful music, bending depending on the height of the hoop.


Well done! Did everyone go through the tunnel? Is anyone lost?

The country of Sportlandia has a lot to offer.

Look at the balls, what are they? (small and large)

Do you like to play with balls?

Very good, because I have a new task for you.

Someone mixed everything up here, dumped all the balls into one pile. Shall we put things in order?

Then listen to the task, we need to put small balls in a small basket, and large ones in a large one.

Game "My funny ringing ball"

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you go at a gallop?

Red, blue, cyan

Can't keep up with you.

At the signal, children collect the balls and place them in baskets


Guys, music is calling us on the road again. Hurry up and take your hand, my friend, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.


Here we are back from wonderful country"Sportlandia"

It's a lot of fun to play with you. You are so clever, fast and friendly!


Clown Bantik, don’t forget to take Doctor Aibolit’s suitcase, maybe you’ll meet him on the way. (gives the suitcase to the Clown, he finds something there) And it’s time for us to return to our group.

Natalia Rezanova
Physical education leisure in the first junior group “Merry Family”

Physical education leisure in the first junior group


Target: increased interest in physical exercise. Learning to act according to the words of the game text. Development of dexterity, speed, spatial orientation. Exercises for children in walking on a gymnastic bench, climbing under an arc, jumping on two legs and moving forward.

Methods and techniques: asking a riddle, exercise, outdoor game "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", “Who is quieter?”.

Equipment: gymnastic bench, arch, rope or lace (pond model or braid).

Educator: Guys, guess the riddles.

Where - tah - tah

She got carried away in the bushes.

(Hen) They showed up in a yellow fur coat

Goodbye two shells.


Children: Hen, chickens.

Educator: That's right guys, this is the Hen and the chickens. Guys, I hear someone's voice!

The Chicken Appears

Hen: Ko-ko-ko! Hello guys! Guess who I am? (children's answers) Do you want to play with me? (children's answers). Then close your eyes! (children cover their eyes with their hands) One, two, three - the guys fall asleep, the chickens wake up (open eyes).

Educator: Guys, yellow chickens, everyone woke up, stretched, and got ready to exercise.

Children and teacher line up in a column.

Hen: Every day in the morning we do exercises, we really like it

Do it in order. Have fun walking, have fun walking,

Hands up, hands down,

Squat and stand, squat and stand,

Jump and jump, jump and jump.

Walking in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text

Educator: Well done chicken guys, they did their exercises well.

Hen: Now, let's go to the pond. Where there are a lot of worms and fresh grass. We walk along the bridge over the stream. (Walking one after another on the bench).

So we came to the pond! Chickens, let's take a walk!

A game "The Mother Hen and the Chicks".

Educator: The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass, (They pinch the grass)

And behind her the boys -

Yellow chickens.

Hen: Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! (imitate movements)

Don't go far.

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle


Drank some water

A complete mess.

Educator: These are the chickens, well done! Are you tired? (children's answers). Let's take a little rest!

Held sedentary game “Who will pass more quietly?”

Children walk in a loose formation, in one direction. The teacher suggests walking quietly on tiptoes. Then gives a signal “And now they walked quickly”. The walking speed changes several times according to the signal.

Hen: And now it's time to go home! We will again return along the road where the fence is located.

And now we need to get behind that fence somehow

Chick, chick, we won’t get lost, we’ll crawl under the fence.

(crawl under an arc or a stretched cord)

Now let's walk along the bridge over the stream. (Walk one after another along the bench, then the Hen directs the children to form a line).

Educator: Now you chickens have come home.

Hen: Well done chickens. Did you walk on the bridge? Did you crawl through the fence? Did you pick the grass? (children's answers). Tired? (children's answers). Now chickens it’s time for me to go home, goodbye! And you close your eyes (children close their eyes). Once. two, three - the chickens fall asleep!

The chicken leaves

Educator: The guys are waking up! (open eyes). Did you enjoy playing? (children's answers) And now it's time for us to return to group.

(Children follow the teacher)

Publications on the topic:

“Good Soldiers” Goal: Create a joyful mood, the ability to react emotionally to the world. To develop children's ability to walk.

Physical education according to traffic rules in the first junior group Author of the work: Borisova Larisa Viktorovna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Uvelsky village Abstract: “The Hen and the Chicks” Purpose: To introduce.

In the younger group it was carried out physical education leisure“Carnival of Animals”, its goal is to create a joyful, upbeat mood in children. "Here.

Physical education leisure in the junior group “Visiting the Sun” Physical education leisure in the junior group “Visiting the Sun” Goal: to bring joy to children. Objectives: develop Creative skills children,.

In the month of April, we celebrate World Health Day. During the week, various events took place in our preschool educational institution dedicated to the Day health.

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution – kindergarten No. 35

Saint Petersburg

Physical education in the first

junior group "Droplets"

Educator: Rvacheva O.N.


Physical education leisure in the younger group

"Help Bunny Get Well"

Topic: Help Bunny.

Leisure time is spent in the gym.


Induce a positive, emotional attitude in children,

Strengthen children's health

Improve motor skills and abilities,

Develop balance, eye, coordination of movements.

Create a desire to engage in physical activity.

Materials and equipment: ribbed path, cones, arches, skipping rope, bench, hummocks, pipe.

Progress of the lesson

Vosp: physical education kids

love to study

We are not afraid of diseases

they are afraid of us.

Vosp: Look guys, what a carrot, and there’s a letter on it. Who wrote it?

(reads the letter):

A little hare got sick in the forest - oh, oh, oh.

says: “I can’t stand it!”

Vosp: We need to go to the forest, friends.

Rescue the bunny.

(children walk along a ribbed path, avoiding cones and arches, the teacher praises the children and encourages them). The bunnies approach the house. The bunny comes out holding her stomach.

Vos: Hello, Bunny

what did you eat?

Why did you get sick?


I love crunching carrots

I've loved her for a long time.

I have carrot-shaped eyebrows

It's true, I'm telling the truth.

I ate the whole deck.

I began to gain a lot of weight

It's hard for me to move.

-(oohs, sighs)

Vosp: Stop sitting, Zainka.

Zainka needs to lose weight.

Vosp: Guys, let's teach Zainka to play

Outdoor game "cucumber-cucumber".

Progress of the game: at one end of the hall there is a teacher, at the other there are children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs.

Sing: cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that end,

A mouse lives there and will bite your tail off. (2-3 times)

Bunny: Oh-oh-oh, you killed me. I remembered! - I also know a lot of games. Do you want to know.

Game "Homka".

(sedentary game).

Hamster, hamster, hamster (hands on the belt).

Striped barrel. (turns left to right).

The hamster gets up early (arms up to the sides, standing on tiptoes).

He washes his cheeks and rubs his back. (they wash their cheeks, rub each other’s backs).

The hamster sweeps the hut (bends forward).

Khomka does exercises (marching).

Five steps and five jumps (actions according to the text).

Khomka wants to become strong.

Bunny: You guys are great! And I have one more game - my favorite.

Game "The little white bunny is sitting."

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this! Like this!

He wiggles his ears.

(They sit down, shake their heads, hold outstretched palms to their ears.)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap-clap, clap-clap!

We need to warm our paws.

(They clap their hands and stand up after clapping.)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok.

The bunny needs to jump.

(Jump on two legs in place or moving forward.)

Bunny: Wow, I'm tired guys - I'll go lie down.

Vosp: No, no - stop sleeping as a couch potato.

It's time for us to play.

Children go through an obstacle course:

Jumping rope with both feet

They walk along the ribbed path,

They crawl under the arc,

Crawling along the bench (pulling up,

They step over the hummocks,

They crawl into the pipe.

The game is "dancing".

Start dancing and bow to each other. -2 times.

We will all squat, sit down together, stand up together - 2 times.

The children's hands are waving - these are birds flying - 2 times.

Handles clap, hands clap, clap again and clap twice.

Top legs, top legs, top again and top 2 times.

The dance is over, bow again.

Bunny: You've killed me, it's time to hit the road!

Now let's take a little rest:

"Neboleyka" (playful self-massage).

So that your throat doesn't hurt

We will stroke him boldly.

So as not to cough, not to sneeze,

We will rub our nose.

Now let's rub our ears

Like this, like this.

Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!

We are not afraid of colds. (clap their hands).

Bunny: Now I know, kids, you need to play sports and, of course, harden yourself so as not to get sick. But because you helped me, I want to treat you to cookies (the bunny gives the children a basket of cookies). Well, now it's time for me to run. Goodbye. (The bunny leaves the hall with jumps).

Vosp: So we helped the bunny and it’s time for us to return to the group too. (children leave the hall to the music.)

Physical education entertainment in the junior group “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Program content:

Develop emotional sphere child, memory, attention;

To develop in children the ability to be organized, to support friendly relations with peers;

Strengthen the ability to run and walk, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs;

Learn to land softly in jumps while maintaining balance.

Inventory: Goat costume, life-size Wolf puppet, bell, massage paths, bags, hoops according to the number of children, blue fabric, magic wand.

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the gym and are greeted by Kozochka (a teacher dressed as a goat).

Educator: Guys, look who came to us?

Children's answer...

Goat: I came to visit you from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” Do you remember what happened to the kids in this fairy tale?

Children's answer...

Goat: You said everything correctly. The little goats did not listen to mother Goat, and they were caught by the gray wolf. So that this doesn’t happen to us, let’s practice hiding from the wolf.

(The goat invites the children to turn into kids, touches with a magic wand up to each child)

Game “I will run away from the wolf” - The goat rings the bell and the little goats must run up to her “hide from the wolf”

Goat: Well done, did you remember everything? As soon as the bell rings, the little goats should run to the Goat.

Goat: Now kids, let’s go to the river, drink some water and frolic (music from the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” is playing in the background).

Somehow a goat and a goat follow the goat one after another

She took the little goats into the forest.

We walked along a forest path, walking along massage paths

Behind the meadow grass.

Ate succulent leaves

There are driftwood and stumps here. walking between objects

Suddenly the path began to twist...

The goat rings the bell:

You little goats, don't be naughty,

And quickly run to me,

We need to train, all the children are running to the goat

So that they are not afraid of the wolf.

Goat: So we came to the river, let’s jump over it! (jumping over a river with both feet)

The goat rings the bell, all the kids run up to her.

A wolf appears (life-size toy)

Goat: Little goats - guys, don’t be afraid of the wolf, we’ll drive him away now.

(children take the bags and throw them at the wolf, the wolf hides).

Wolf: Don't be afraid of me, little goats, I just want to play with you.

Goat: Shall we play with the wolf?

Children's answer...

Game "Wolf and kids"

Each child stands in a hoop, this is the kid's house. The goat, accompanied by music and a cartoon (Oh, little goats, you guys. You are left without a mother. I’m going to the garden to get some cabbage...) goes around all the houses, wags his finger, and says that no matter what the little goats open the door, she herself “goes into the garden for cabbage,” at this time the kids come out of the houses, jump and frolic in the clearing.

Educator: We’ll go to the clearing, we’ll start jumping.

We jump, eat grass, listen to silence.

The wolf does not doze or sleep, he watches over the kids.

At the teacher’s signal, “The wolf has woken up!” "- the little goats run away and stand in any empty hoop, and the wolf catches up with them. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

Wolf: What agile kids, I didn’t catch up with anyone, but I’m very tired, I’ll go and sleep (put the wolf on a bench at the exit gym) .

The goat offers to play a game

Finger game “The goat is shaking the strings” (sitting cross-legged)

The goat is winding the strings, winding them around the ball “winding the strings”

on the right hand, palm in fist

The goat is shaking the strings and winding them around the ball! "winding up the threads"

on the left hand, palm in fist

Views, views, views! "turn your fists"

I pound the beaters with my fists and clap them on my knees

I'm nailing it! fists touching each other

I'm hammering it! palms tapping on the floor

Goat: And now, “goats”, you turn back into children and go to your group, and in order to go to the group you need to pass by the wolf and not wake him up.

Goat: You go quietly,

You won't wake the wolf.

Low mobility game “Who is quieter”

Irina Sorokina
Sports activities for 1st junior group “How a cat and his friends saved a cockerel”

Sports activities for 1st junior group

"How cat and his friends rescued a cockerel»

Target: create a favorable emotional environment for children; improve health; consolidate the physical education skills acquired during the year; We instill friendly relations among ourselves.

Equipment: hats cat and foxes, soft toy cockerel, house layout. Sport equipment: 3 medium hoops, wooden hoops, gymnastic bench 2 pcs., stands with a stretched rope for climbing, ribbed board 2 pcs. .

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter to the music group. The central wall is decorated with birch trees, a sun and colorful butterflies are attached. They stand chaotically, enters cat(child in a hat cat) .

"Hello guys! You know, I got into trouble. The fox stole mine best friend, Golden comb cockerel. He needs to be rescued urgently!

Educator: guys are you ready to go help the cockerel?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Can we overcome obstacles?

Children: Yes.

Educator: ahead of us are swampy swamps, deep rivers, huge fallen trees that block the way, high mountains. Are you afraid of such difficulties?

Children: No.

Educator: then let's go!

Children together with cat They walk through tall grass, go around large stones, and pass through marshy swamps. (Regular walking, walking with high knees, snake, jumping from hoop to hoop).

Guys, let's hurry to help cockerel. (Easy running)

We came to the clearing and rested a bit. (Relaxation. Lie on your back with your eyes closed.

The children rested and moved on cockerel to the rescue: they crawl under trees, climb mountains, cross a river across a bridge. (Basic movement: crawling under wooden gates, under a stretched rope on racks, walking on an inclined ribbed board; gymnastic bench).

We came to the fox's house. A fox came out from there with cockerel, who had already made friends, and invited the children to play and then dance. Outdoor games "Blow up the bubble", "Bunny".

Dance “Oh yes!”

Cockerel gives children a sweet surprise for their the rescue.

Game description "Blow up the bubble"

Together with the teacher, the children become a close circle and begin "to blow the bubble": tilting their heads down, the kids blow into their fists, stacked one below the other, like a pipe. At the same time, they straighten up and draw air into their tube and pronounce the sound "F-F-F". These steps are repeated 2–3 times. Each time it inflates, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has grown a little larger. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst!

It turns out to be a large stretched circle. The teacher enters the circle, touches each pair of joined hands, then suddenly stops and speaks: “The bubble burst!” Everyone clap their hands, say the word "Pop!" and run into a huddle (towards the center). Repeat the game 2 times.

Game description "Bunny".

The teacher calls the child, who will play the role of a bunny, to invite the others to join hands and join in a round dance. The bunny goes to the middle and, pretending to have ears with his hands, squats down. Children follow the teacher and say the following words: (or sing a song) and perform the corresponding movements.

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this

And he moves his ears (Children squat down and use their hands to imitate how a bunny moves its ears).

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws,


We need to warm our paws (Stroke first one hand and then the other, lightly clap your hands. Then stand up).

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump!


The bunny needs to jump (They jump on two legs towards the bunny standing inside the circle. They try to warm him up, stroke him affectionately. Then they return to their place, and the bunny chooses a replacement).

Play 2 times.

Description of the dance:

Children stand in pairs (the boy takes the girl by the hands, her arms are extended "boat"). Sing “Ay - yes, ah - yes, stomp your feet quickly, children dance merrily” (2 times). "Ay", and squatted down.

Educator: one, two, three - get up.

The dance movements are repeated 3-4 times.

Educator on behalf of cockerel:

What great guys you are! The cockerel was saved, having overcome all obstacles, and you played well and danced for it cockerel presents sweet prizes (Chupa - chups).


Questions for children.

Guys, did you enjoy the trip? cockerel?

Who stole cockerel?

What obstacles have we overcome?

Educator: guys, you accomplished a real feat today, saved a friend from trouble.