Learn how to do eyelash extensions. Evgenia Prokhorova, professional master leshmaker

Any woman strives to be charming and tries to add a twist to her image that will make her stand out from the crowd.

Owners of long and thick eyelashes amaze with their piercing gaze, but not everyone has been blessed by nature with fluffy eyelashes, and here the latest extension technologies will come to the rescue, which will add attractiveness to the fairer sex.

A similar procedure can be carried out in any beauty salon, just like nail extensions, or done with your own hands. Let's discuss how to grow eyelashes at home.

Choosing eyelashes for DIY extensions

Choose your eyelashes wisely. Experts recommend using materials based on PBT polyester for DIY extensions. Eyelashes differ in length, thickness, and degree of bending (indicated by letters).

For extensions at home you will need eyelashes different lengths. When choosing the size, take into account the location of the solder and the desired image. Makeup artists recommend increasing the length to a shorter length by the middle of the century, which will emphasize naturalness. Long eyelashes at the outer corners of the eyes will help add depth to the look.

Be careful when choosing a shape to prevent the appearance of an unnatural doll. Any color scheme of the material is suitable.

Purchase material from a specialized store, but do not skimp, as cheap products can have a negative effect on the retina. Eyelashes are sold in bunches or individually. Salons use high quality products for extensions:

  • Ardell.
  • Kodi.
  • Salon Perfect.

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Safety and Precautions

When performing self-extension, follow technology and safety precautions.

Sterilize and disinfect instruments. Disinfection makes it possible to disinfect and destroy infectious agents. Tweezers, brushes and any instruments used should be immersed in a disinfectant solution upon completion of use. It is unreliable to use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol for this purpose. In this case, the bacteria will not be completely removed.

The disinfection time must comply with the instructions. It is recommended to disinfect materials with Optimax or Bebidez Ultra. After thorough rinsing under running water, we proceed to sterilization, which will rid objects of microorganisms. Sterilization can be carried out either by boiling or by steam treatment. After the procedures, tweezers are cleaned from the adhesive base with an organic solvent. Liquid debonder is also suitable for disinfection.

Do not be distracted during the procedure and do not blink, do not forget to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When purchasing materials, choose hypoallergenic products made from synthetic artificial material, which will prevent the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin. The glue should contain a minimal amount of formaldehyde, and the aroma should be barely noticeable.

Preparing the tools and face

Before the extension procedure, purchase the necessary materials, which are listed in the table.

Antibacterial hand sanitizerVegetable oilStraight type tweezers
Eye makeup removerDegreaserCurved tweezers (may be required for correction)
Gel extensions (for lower lashes)GluePlastic container (for glue)
Magnifying mirrorGlue solventCardboard
Set of eyelashes

Step-by-step extension plan

During the extension process, do not worry or rush. Observing step by step instructions You can quickly grow eyelashes with your own hands at home.

  1. Open the package with eyelashes. We first select those with which the process begins, and move the remaining ones to the side so as not to confuse them.
  2. Pour a little glue base onto the cardboard.
  3. Using tweezers, we grab the eyelash and lower it into the adhesive base.
  4. Very quickly glue it to a pre-marked place on the eyelid. You can glue the material in bunches, which will save time, however, such work does not look very impressive.

To glue a hair painlessly, bring the eyelash held with tweezers to the gluing site, and use the fingers of your other hand to press the hair to your eyelash. Don't release the material right away. It is recommended to hold them for about 4-5 seconds for better grip.

Some beginners make the mistake of gluing artificial eyelashes under their own. Under no circumstances should you repeat such actions. The material can only be applied to your own eyelashes. When gluing, it is important to maintain symmetry, which will emphasize the naturalness of the image.

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Answers on questions

Newcomers often ask questions that interest them; below are answers to the most popular ones.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

The question worries all girls who are faced with extensions for the first time. Particularly interested are business women, whose schedule is literally scheduled minute by minute and they simply do not have time for daily trips to beauty salons.

Hair extensions can delight the owner until her own eyelashes grow. Basically, this period lasts for three months. After 9-11 weeks, you need to work on your eyelashes again to restore your gorgeous look.

How to wash your face with eyelash extensions?

When washing, you should be as careful as possible. If you don't use mascara, just plain warm water is enough. You should not often use soap or various foams.

You should give up the habit of rubbing your eyes and avoid using fatty products, which help dissolve the glue, otherwise the eyelashes will quickly fall off.

Micellar water is suitable for removing makeup, and carefully remove any remaining cosmetic products with cotton swabs.

Is it possible to paint eyelash extensions with mascara?

After extensions, you can use mascara, but you should think about why you should tint your already gorgeous eyelashes.

If coloring is inevitable and your soul asks for bright colors, it is recommended to use mascara in black, brown and purple tones. If desired, you can use special paints that last on the eyelashes for about 20 days.

Is it possible to have eyelash extensions during pregnancy?

Stylists claim that eyelashes and the adhesive base for extensions do not contain toxic substances that can negatively affect the fetus or the woman’s well-being. Extension is possible at any time, however, remember that what is happening hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the rate of eyelash growth.

Any representative of the fair sex can do eyelash extensions at home. The main rules for carrying out work are calmness, lack of haste and complete observance of symmetry. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, the result will be very impressive.

For the first time, the extension process lasts quite a long time. Subsequent procedures are performed faster and more efficiently high level. Doing your own extensions will save you money and time spent going to salons. If desired, you can change the types of eyelashes, which will make it possible to periodically update the image.

Eyelash extensions today are no longer a curiosity. This service is offered by most beauty salons, as well as private hairdressers working at home. The procedure is in demand, because after it the look becomes deeper and more expressive, regardless of the natural shape of the eyes and shape. The most universal extension is eyelash extension, since it allows you to achieve a variety of effects depending on the client’s preferences.

How is everything going?

During the procedure, the client lies down on the couch. The extension is carried out as follows:

  1. Special pads or soft tapes are glued to the lower eyelids, which protect the eyelashes and skin of this area from the effects of glue.
  2. Eyelashes on upper eyelid comb them well with a small brush, after which they are degreased. The purpose of this stage is dehydration for better adhesion to glue and antiseptic treatment.
  3. A primer is applied to the extension area. This is a chemical substance that ensures ideal adhesion of the hair material to natural eyelashes.
  4. Starting from the outer corner, artificial elements are carefully glued one by one, retreating 1 mm from the edge of the eyelid. It is important not to touch the skin so as not to cause irritation or even a chemical burn.
  5. Artificial eyelashes are attached one at a time to natural ones, while their length smoothly decreases from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  6. The extension area is thoroughly dried and treated with a fixative.

The advantages of this type of extension

Advantages of eyelash extensions:

  1. Persistence. If you follow the rules of care and timely correction, eyelashes are preserved in good shape enough a long period. On average they last about a month.
  2. Good appearance. Even if some eyelash comes off during wear, it will not spoil the overall picture and will be almost unnoticeable.
  3. Naturalness. With this type of extension, there is no “weighting” effect, regardless of the chosen density.
  4. Safety. During the procedure, it is almost impossible for the glue to get on the mucous membrane of the eyes, so the risk of an allergic reaction or irritation is minimized.
  5. No harm to natural eyelashes. Since synthetic hairs are glued one at a time and not in massive bunches, your own eyelashes are not weighed down. Accordingly, they do not fall out. This type of extension does not cause discomfort to the eyes.

What kind of glue should be used for the procedure?

Glue for eyelash extensions must be safe for the client. At the same time, it must provide a lasting effect. Ideally, it should meet the following parameters:

  • Liquid and homogeneous texture, so that no lumps arise during the procedure and the eyelashes do not come off before the due date.
  • Hypoallergenic. The glue for extensions is made of resins. And they must be of high quality and highly purified.
  • Suitable glue color. It can be black, light or transparent and should be harmoniously combined with the shade of the eyelashes.
  • Speed ​​of action. The optimal time for gluing eyelashes is approximately 3-5 minutes.
  • Good grip. On average, the glue should ensure the durability of the eyelashes for 3-4 weeks.

An important point when choosing this product is the smell. Despite the fact that glue is a chemical compound, it should not emit an aggressive, pungent aroma. Many well-known companies produce such products either completely odorless or with faint notes of fragrances.

Is this harmful to your eyelashes?

Many girls, planning to change their appearance, worry whether they will harm their natural beauty with a procedure such as extensions. Performing eyelashes and observing all hygiene standards allows you not to worry about such things. This technique is considered the most harmless and gentle. Due to the fact that only one artificial element (hair) is attached to a natural eyelash, it does not create excessive stress and does not lead to loss.

High-quality glue based on natural resins reduces the risk of allergies to a minimum, especially since it does not come into contact with the skin and mucous membrane of the eyelids. A hypothetical danger is that tweezers and consumables can transmit eye infections. To avoid this, eyelash extensions (including eyelash extensions) should be performed only in proven places, where all instruments undergo step-by-step disinfection and sterilization.

Proper eyelash care

How long eyelashes will last after extensions directly depends on their care. Even the highest quality materials may not withstand the effects of certain external factors. Here is a list of manipulations that cannot be done with artificial eyelashes:

  • paint them with mascara (especially waterproof);
  • frequently touch your eyes with your hands;
  • use oil based;
  • sleep on your stomach (the contact of eyelashes with the pillow greatly reduces their wear time);
  • Frequently visit the pool, sauna and bathhouse.

Eyelash extension technology involves avoiding hot water baths for the face and visiting places with high humidity in the first 2 days after the procedure. On the day of the service, it is better to refrain from intensive washing, although it is quite possible to take a regular shower. Wearing contact lenses significantly reduces the lifespan of eyelash extensions, although it is not a contraindication to the procedure.

Lash extension: photos after the procedure and first impressions of clients

Most girls are very happy with their appearance immediately after the procedure. Brightly expressed eyes attract the admiring glances of others. The difference “before” and “after” is obvious: volume, density and splendor appear. It is noteworthy that women of various professions and social classes get eyelash extensions. This procedure is popular among girls who strive for spectacular appearance without much time investment. By extending eyelashes once a month, you can significantly reduce the process of applying morning makeup. And this is very convenient.

Eyelash extensions highlight the natural beauty of a girl. It does not transform the appearance into a doll-like appearance. Therefore, it is quite appropriate for everyday life. The eyelashes do not stick together and look very natural. Those girls who have at least once undergone this procedure with a highly qualified specialist have decided to give up mascara for a long time.

Lash extension: reviews during wear

What else do girls think about such an “accessory”? The majority of clients are very satisfied with such a service as eyelash extensions. Photos on thematic forums confirm the durability of the artificial material for 3-4 weeks. Women claim that the look becomes more expressive without using mascara. Eyelashes look perfect from the very morning, which saves time on makeup. This positive property is noted by girls who get ready for work early, and even young mothers on maternity leave who want to look good without wasting precious time on it.

Apparently they last about 3 weeks on average. The wear time is affected by how carefully you care for them. Those who like to rub their eyes and sleep on their stomachs have noticed that these actions lead to the rapid loss of unnatural eyelashes. Often this is not particularly visible, but still the effect is not the same. If correction is delayed for a long time, the eyelashes begin to look untidy and slowly fall off, so it must be done on time.

Are there any contraindications?

Unfortunately, not all people can undergo eyelash extensions. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure. These include:

  1. Increased tearing of the eyes.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eyes or eyelids.
  4. Severe systemic diseases ( diabetes, epilepsy, psoriasis).
  5. Loss of eyelashes or eyebrows due to an unknown cause.
  6. Oncological diseases.
  7. Bronchial asthma.

If during eyelash extensions the client experiences burning, redness or swelling in the eye area, the procedure should be stopped immediately and take any antihistamine available. After this, you should definitely consult a doctor. Allergies are very rare, but cannot be completely ruled out due to individual characteristics each person.

How to choose a good master?

Pledge beautiful eyelashes- these are not only high-quality materials, but also a skilled craftsman who creates with pleasure. When choosing, it is better to focus on reviews real people(better than friends). If this is not possible, then you can search for information on resources on the Internet. Reviews should show how well the specialist performs eyelash extensions. Photos “before” and “after” help to evaluate this level.

An important point is sterility and cleanliness. Although the procedure does not involve contact with human blood, the tweezers come into contact with the skin and tear fluid. They must be thoroughly sterilized after each client. It is almost impossible to perform high-quality eyelash extensions at home without the help of a specialist. Besides the cost starter kit does not financially justify its use for one person. It is better to turn to professionals to get only pleasant emotions from the procedure and the desired result.

Many girls dream of thick, fluffy eyelashes and want to get eyelash extensions to give them voluminous length. However, the cost salon procedure quite expensive, requires an appointment with a specialist. In this case, some resort to a home method of increasing their thickness by gluing tufts or individual hairs on their own. There are enough ways to grow eyelashes at home; they are not particularly difficult.

Before gluing store-bought bundles to yourself in front of the mirror, you should understand the technology and prepare necessary tools. For the first time, it is advisable to take a friend or mother or older sister as an assistant. Home extensions for the first time may not turn out to be of very high quality; you should take this into account and practice in advance before an important event.

  • All materials for eyelash extensions should be purchased in specialized cosmetic stores, choosing only high-quality products. Many consultants recommend Dolce Vita brand products. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the glue and tonic and study their composition.
  • In addition to false tufts or bristles, you will need tweezers, hypoallergenic glue, a degreaser (masters call it a primer), toothpicks or cotton swabs.
  • Reviews from masters indicate that the most quality materials are artificial eyelashes of the Dolce Vita brands, Elma oil. Ardel, Vivien, Macy eyelashes have proven themselves well. It’s easy to glue them yourself, and after the procedure is completed, a 3D volumetric effect is achieved.
  • For the first time, you need to buy eyelashes in bunches. They are easier to work with and the procedure takes less time. Most often, consultants recommend kits from Dolce Vita to beginners.
  • You should study video tutorials in advance, read numerous reviews about the technology and the result.

Modern salon and home extension technologies usually use high-quality silicone eyelashes with a 3D volume effect. Before buying a package or set for yourself, you should choose the required length depending on the desired effect.

Silicone eyelashes are divided into:

  • mink;
  • sable;
  • silk.

Depending on the gluing method, there are:

  • bunch eyelashes, allowing you to achieve a 3D volumetric effect;
  • eyelash bristles, which are more difficult to glue, but look natural.

Macy, Dolce Vita, and Vivienne eyelashes are considered the highest quality. True, they cost more, but they guarantee 3D volume, length and fullness.

The choice of glue must also be approached responsibly. In order not to spoil your eyes, mucous membranes or get allergies, you need to buy glue of the highest quality. It can be white, black or waterproof. It is advisable to choose a hypoallergenic product from such companies as:

  • Vivien;
  • macy;
  • dolce vita.

Eyelash bundles with a 3D effect from Dolce Vita are best extended using glue of the same brand. Macy eyelashes can be glued with your own brand of glue, Dolce Vita, Vivien, duo glue. To protect your eyelashes, it is advisable to purchase elma nourishing oil at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Reviews of elma oil prove its effectiveness in treating hair loss or brittleness after extensions.

Eyelash extension procedure at home

In order to properly grow artificial beams for yourself, you should first study each step of this simple technology. Only by following the instructions can you achieve the desired 3D result in volume and length.

There are 2 ways to achieve a 3D effect of splendor:

1. Piece extensions (Japanese technique).

2. Beam extension.

The piece-by-piece extension technology consists of the following stages:

  • Selecting the required number of eyelashes. For each eye you will need from 80 to 100. Only in this case will the desired 3D effect of splendor be achieved.
  • Degreasing the skin around the eyes with a tonic or special solution.
  • Squeeze a small amount of glue onto a smooth surface. You can take foil or a piece of thick cardboard.
  • Preparing the bristles. Each artificial eyelash will need to be taken by the edge with tweezers and dipped a little into the glue.
  • Gluing hairs. You should start from the outer corner of the eye, moving towards the bridge of the nose. The longest hairs are glued to the outer corner, medium hairs are glued in the center of the eye, and the shortest ones are glued to the inner corner. This is the only way to achieve a 3D volumetric result.

The beam extension technique is simpler:

  • Bundle preparation. For each eye you will need from 15 to 20 pieces of different lengths. The most convenient way is to buy sets with all the prepared materials and bunches of different sizes, like in a box from Dolce Vita or Macy.
  • Remove makeup residue with a special degreaser.
  • Gluing the bundles. Each bunch should be taken with tweezers and the base should be dipped in glue. It is impossible to glue artificial material onto the eyelid; this will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Creation the desired image. If you need seductive eyes, longer bunches are glued at the inner edge, shorter ones - at the outer edge. If you need a 3D effect with huge fluffy eyelashes, choose almost the same length.

Today it has become fashionable to extend eyelashes. However, this procedure is quite expensive, especially if it is done in a good salon by professionals. It will be much cheaper to learn how to do eyelash extensions at home yourself. You just need to purchase all the tools necessary for this and master the extension technique. You can practice both on yourself and on your friends. As a result, you will become the owner of an expressive look and large eyelashes.

What you need for eyelash extensions

First you need to visit a specialized store. There they will help you choose the appropriate material and tools. First of all, you will need eyelashes. They can be of several types: individual cilia and whole bunches. Their choice will depend on what technology you will use for extensions. In addition, it can be a synthetic material or natural. Of course, the second option is more preferable. It will not cause allergies and also looks better. However, this option is more expensive.

In addition to eyelashes, you will need special glue. It comes in transparent or black. If you are just starting out, it is better to choose a transparent option. It will be less noticeable if you apply it not exactly where it should be. But black glue will help to achieve additional volume to your eyelashes. Choose hypoallergenic and high-quality glue. You should not skimp on it, because it will be applied near the eyes. You will also need special tweezers, a thin needle or toothpick, a primer (alcohol degreaser) and a brush for combing the lint.

All this needs to be prepared in advance so that all the tools are at hand during the extension.

Preparing for extensions

In order to grow eyelashes, you need to carefully prepare. It is better to do this in a good mood, without nerves and twitching. You should consider:

  • Extensions should be done at home in the morning or afternoon so that there is good lighting;
  • In the evening, you need to remove all makeup so that your eyelids have time to rest and are ready for the procedure;
  • Before the procedure, you need to wash your face, but you should not apply cream to your eyelids. They must be degreased using a primer. Degrease your hands as well;
  • If this is your first time doing eyelash extensions, choose a more natural option. To do this, apply a “fox look” / “sparse effect” or use a small number of bunches;
  • Take care of your eyelashes several weeks before your planned procedure. To do this, strengthen them with vitamins and vegetable oils.

Building process

After careful preparation, you can proceed directly to extensions. The whole process can be divided into several stages.

  1. Pour a small amount of glue onto the cardboard. Place some artificial eyelashes on white paper. You should already think about what image you want to get.
  2. Take one eyelash or tuft with tweezers. This will depend on which option you choose. Apply glue to the entire length of the eyelash.
  3. Separate your lashes one at a time and apply the donor material to them. Artificial eyelashes should be applied to the very base of natural eyelashes. Be careful not to stick the eyelashes to the base of your skin to avoid irritation and allergies.
  4. The number of eyelashes you glue will depend on your wishes. If you want a super-volume effect, you need to stick on quite a large number of eyelashes or whole bunches.

Before gluing the eyelashes, try them on so that there is no mistake and they are distributed evenly. You should not blink during the procedure. Hold the eyelid that you will be treating with your free hand.

If you want to achieve a natural result and only emphasize your eyelashes, then glue artificial eyelashes through one eyelash.

A few rules

When applying eyelash extensions at home, there are several rules to consider. Try to follow them.

  1. Once you have completed the procedure and your eyelashes are extended, you should not touch them or wash them for several hours. This time will depend on the glue you use.
  2. Eyelashes need to be carefully cared for. There is no need to use oil-based makeup removers or eyelash tint removers. Try to touch your eyelashes as little as possible so as not to accidentally damage them.
  3. It should be taken into account that eyelash extensions will last about 2 - 3 weeks, after which adjustments will need to be made. If you don’t like the effect of them, you can remove them altogether. To do this, you just need to lubricate them with vegetable oil, leave them like that for several hours, and then remove them with a cotton swab.
  4. Try not to expose artificial eyelashes to mechanical stress. Don't rub your eyes too hard and don't sleep with your face buried in a pillow.

It may seem that growing eyelashes yourself at home is not at all difficult. However, this is not quite true. At first you may not do it very well, but after training you will be able to do it carefully and smoothly. You may need an assistant to back you up. This could be a friend, sister or mother. They will be able to correct your movements and help you grow eyelashes evenly.

Today the sacraments of cosmetology are available to everyone. Every girl can learn how to extension eyelashes at home without special training. In this case, you can use the help of an assistant or do the procedure yourself. The main thing is to show a little patience and perseverance. As a result, you will get an excellent effect without unnecessary financial losses.

What do you need to do eyelash extensions at home?

To the number necessary materials include cheap substances and devices. To carry out such a procedure, you will only need to purchase:

  1. False eyelashes;
  2. Glue for extensions;
  3. A needle for straightening eyelashes;
  4. Eyelash brush;
  5. Tweezers;
  6. Degreasing solution.

You need to buy such goods in specialized large stores. There you can get detailed advice and choose exactly what you need.

You can also watch a couple of video courses. This will allow you to learn all the tricks of the trade and receive the necessary theoretical training. It's best to practice on something. After all, the procedure for gluing eyelashes is quite painstaking.

And don't try to do everything quickly. This work can take up to several hours. After all, even in salons it is about 1.5 hours.

How to learn how to do eyelash extensions for yourself?

This process can be carried out cilially or in bunches. If you want to do the extension yourself, it is better to choose the second option.

Buy a set of false eyelashes, 15-20 tufts for each eye. Each such bundle contains a couple of dozen villi. They can be beautifully distributed around the perimeter of the eye. And to achieve the ideal effect, you should take care of it in advance.

Next you need to decide on an action plan. The longest eyelashes should be on the outer edges of the eyes, and the shortest on the inner edges. There should be middle specimens in the middle. This way you will achieve natural beauty.

After this, glue should be squeezed onto the work surface. Dip the bunches into it with the blunt end and glue them onto your own eyelashes. In this case, it is necessary to glue almost to the eyelid itself. You need to achieve maximum naturalness.

It is important to remember that "eyelash groups" are quite fragile. Remove them from the box only with tweezers. Otherwise, they may simply crumble.

Extending eyelashes with the help of an assistant

The eye is a very sensitive organ. And to carry out the procedure without consequences, you will have to make a lot of effort.

To avoid risking your eyesight, try hiring an assistant. This could be a friend, sister or classmate. Don't try to drag your boyfriend into this. After all, here you need a person who can understand you like a woman, having a huge supply of patience.

The assistant will allow you to relax and concentrate on safety. You can calmly close your eyes and not worry that something will go wrong.

It is worth noting that after completing the procedure you cannot use cosmetical tools which can get on your eyelashes. Otherwise, the glue will stop working. Also, do not apply mechanical force to the eyes. Even the strongest glue cannot replace the natural cover. And if you are careless, all your work can go down the drain.

To achieve maximum results and spend your time profitably, you will need to follow these recommendations:

  • Use bright lighting. This will increase the accuracy of the work;
  • Do not apply cosmetics to your eyes during the day;
  • Degrease your eyelids and fingers;
  • If you are doing extensions for yourself, then you should not glue too many eyelashes;
  • Do not use synthetic eyelashes;
  • Before the procedure, try on store-bought eyelashes.

When working, do not use black glue. It makes any mistakes noticeable. Do not glue eyelashes to the skin itself. Otherwise, you may get serious irritation.

You cannot blink during the procedure. And the eyelid should be held with your fingers. This will allow you to most accurately fix the eyelashes without making serious mistakes.