ECD for modeling in the nursery group “It’s snowing.” Summary of a modeling lesson for the first junior group Modeling in the second junior group on the theme of winter


DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: I offer you a summary educational activities children 2-3 years old on the topic “it’s snowing.” this work will be useful for educators junior group. We present to your attention a summary educational activity, which is aimed at developing younger preschoolers curiosity, and they also have an interest in modeling.



GOAL: To continue to form children's idea of ​​winter, to reinforce the technique of modeling (pressing the balls with a finger from above - snow).


1.EDUCATIONAL: To acquaint children with changes in nature, to form the idea that it is cold in winter and snowing; introduce the properties of snow. Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns; learn to understand speech.

2. DEVELOPMENTAL: Develop coordination of speech with movements; promote the understanding of the concept of “winter”; develop memory, attention; fine motor skills.

3.EDUCATIONAL: Cultivate interest in natural phenomena; cultivate interest in modeling.

DEMONSTRATION MATERIAL: monkey toy, finished sample.

HANDOUT: sheets of cardboard, black and purple according to the number of children, plasticine white, rolled into small balls (10 balls for each child)

METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES: conversation-dialogue, game situation, surprise moment, thematic physical exercise, finger game, productive activity preschoolers, analysis, summing up.



Guys, do you know what time of year it is now?

That's right, it's winter outside now. (Cold, frosty...)


Snow falls on the houses (they clench and unclench their fingers)

Streets and rooftops (hands “house”)

Winter is quietly coming towards us (finger to lips, “coming” - point the index and middle fingers of one hand over the palm of the other hand)

We can't hear her (hand behind ear)

Well, are our hands warm? (yes, they are warm)


Oh, is someone flying towards us?

A surprise moment: a monkey from Africa came to visit.

I address the children:

Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? (monkey)

Guys, the monkey came to us from Africa, it’s always hot there, summer all year round. And she came to us to see real winter.

Let's tell you what kind of winter it is? (cold, long)

What crunches under your feet when you walk in kindergarten? (snow)

Snowflakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground.

Reading a poem:

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

Let's show and tell the monkey about snow (include snow in the group)

Experimenting with snow (properties of snow)



Thank you guys, it’s interesting, you told me in detail about the snow, but I’m afraid that when I fly home, I’ll forget everything.

Guys, let's make a snowball for the monkey and his friends on a winter night?


I take a snowball in my hand and put it on the cardboard, and so I arrange all the snowballs. And then, when I place all the snowballs on the cardboard, I press them with my finger.

Look how snowy it is. First one snowflake, then another, and another.

What a beautiful snowy winter night it turned out to be!

Now you try to make your own beautiful, snowy, winter night, and the monkey will watch and learn from you, so that he can show his friends at home how to make a snowball.

I give each child a piece of black or purple cardstock,

prepared balls.

While working, I draw the children’s attention to the fact that they must sculpt carefully and not dirty the table. Do not drop the plasticine on the floor or put it in your mouth.

If a child can’t do it, help him.

Well done! Everyone had a beautiful, snowy, winter night.

Monkey, look how hard our kids have tried.

After the children show the monkey their work, I suggest dancing for it like snowflakes dance on the street - spinning (melody - Tchaikovsky's "Seasons").

Farewell to the monkey.

It's time for the monkey to go home to Africa.


Thanks guys for showing me real snow. Goodbye!

Natalia Shtefo
Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group “Snow is spinning, flying, flying...”

Lesson notes for junior group 2. Modeling.

Subject:"The snow is spinning, flying, flying..."

Integration educational areas: "Cognitive development", " Speech development", "Socially - communication development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Target: Continue to form ideas about the seasons (winter).


Educational: learn to create a simple landscape by attaching plasticine snowflakes to a blank (wood), reinforce the signs of winter, reinforce vocabulary on the topic “Winter,” “ Winter clothes", "Autumn clothes".

Educational: develop proper physiological breathing, develop fine motor skills and perseverance.

Educational: cultivate a love of nature, activity, and independence.

Materials and equipment: multimedia board, pictures with a doll in winter and summer (autumn) clothes, paper snowflakes (for each child, wet wipes, oilcloths, modeling boards, white plasticine, plates, winter wood preparation.

Methodological techniques: conversation - dialogue, looking at slides and talking about them, physical exercises, active play with elements of a musical lesson, productive activity of children.

GCD move:

Breathing exercises “It’s snowing”

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the board. What time of year do you see? (Winter) How did you guess? (There is a lot of snow on the trees, on the ground, children are making a snowman, people are dressed warmly) Is it winter here now? (Yes) What is there a lot of in winter? (Snow) What is he like? (White, cold, fluffy, beautiful) But you know that snow is small snowflakes. Let's turn into snowflakes.

Sedentary game “We are snowflakes”(children perform movements in accordance with the text.) The teacher reads the text, shows the movements, and the children repeat.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, we don’t mind spinning.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas, we dance day and night.

Let's all stand together in a circle - it turns out to be a snowball.

We whitewashed the trees, covered the roofs with down,

The earth was covered with velvet and saved from the cold.

Educator: Guys, if we are going to go for a walk now, how should we dress?

Educator: Look, our dolls also want to go for walks. Look carefully and tell me which one of them can go for a walk in winter. What is she wearing? (Children's answers) (examination and description of the dolls' clothes). That’s right, the doll that is dressed in winter clothes can go for a walk in winter.

Educator: Guys, let’s make a snowball now. Go to the tables. But before we start sculpting, we need to do exercises for our fingers.

One two three four,

Bend your fingers one by one

You and I made a snowball,

“Sculpting” with both hands

Round, strong,

Draw a circle with your hands

Very smooth

With one hand we stroke the other

And not at all sweet.

We wag our fingers

The teacher shows the method of modeling.

Children begin to sculpt snow - with their fingers, on pre-prepared sheets with a picture of a tree. The teacher helps children in difficulty while working. After completion, an exhibition of children's works is organized, and everyone looks at the resulting paintings together.

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem:

V. Laktionov

Oh, you winter-winter!

White fluffy snow

Scattered it all over the houses

And the ice is clean.

And sparkle in silence

White snowflakes,

And draws on the window

Santa Claus pictures.

Summary of the lesson: - Guys, what time of year were we talking about today?

What did we sculpt today?

Did you enjoy making snow?

Publications on the topic:

Lesson notes for the second junior group “Snow outside the window” Second junior group. (Artistic creativity. Drawing) Educator: Yulia Ivanovna Naumenko Topic: “Snow outside the window” Duration:.

Summary of educational activities on cognitive development for older children “Who flies like air” MDOU "Kindergarten No. 112" of the education department of the administration of the city of Cheboksary Abstract of direct educational activities in cognitive.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group Goal: teach children to transform round shape ball into a pie shape, flattening the ball with your fingers. Continue introducing your child to plasticine.

Goal: To develop children's understanding of insects. Objectives: Practice sculpting small insects. Cultivate a love for nature. Materials and.

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Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the natural world in the first junior group “Snow is spinning” Topic: The snow is spinning, the snow is spinning! Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​winter: Snow is cold and wet. white. Speech development in children.

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Elena Sklyarova
Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group. On the topic: "Snowballs".

Target: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of techniques sculpting.


Developmental: Develop curiosity, cognitive interest of the child in the process sculpting, aesthetic perception, fine motor skills.

Educational: Teach children how to make a ball in a circular motion palms. Activate cognitive speech activity.

Educational: To foster accuracy when working with plasticine, independence, and to help create a positive emotional mood in children.


board for sculpting,

white plasticine

toy - bear,

Preliminary work: Watching the snow, looking at illustrations about winter, looking at illustrations "Winter Fun", reading poems about winter.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Look guys, guests have come to us. Say hello to your guests.

Surprise moment: Crying is heard

Educator: - Oh, who’s crying? (approach the bear)

Children: - This is Misha.

Educator: - Yes, this is our little bear. Misha, what happened, why are you crying so much?

bear: - I wanted to play with the kitten snowballs. Stuck a full bucket snowballs and brought them to the group. But the snow has melted and now we can’t play.

Educator: - That’s why Misha is sitting sad, he really wanted to play with the kitten snowballs. How can we help the little bear?

Children: - Make lumps of plasticine.

Educator: - Let’s go dream together, Misha, we’ll make you some beautiful ones snowballs.

Educator: - Guys, before we start sculpting snowballs, let's play a little with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Walk"

One two three four five (Bend your fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk. ( "Let's go" on the table with your index and middle fingers)

Babu sculpted snow, ("We're sculpting" lump with two palms)

The birds were fed crumbs, (Crushing movements with all fingers)

Then we rode down the hill, (Run the index finger of your right hand over the palm of your left hand)

And they were also lying in the snow. (Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)

Showing techniques sculpting.

Educator: - Guys, let's roll small balls. How do we do this? We will put a lump on one palm, cover it with the other palm, and roll the ball (children make circular movements, make a ball - snowball). Well done guys, everyone did it well snowballs.

Independent work, individual assistance.

Educator: - Look Mishenka, these are the beautiful smooth lumps we have! Let's put them in a bucket so that Misha can give them to the kitten.

Educator: - What do you guys think, did the cat and kitten like the lumps?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - The cat and kitten are very happy about your gift, well done guys! But it’s time for them to leave, let’s say goodbye?

Children: - Goodbye.

Educator: - Do you want to play snowballs?

Children: - Yes.

Game exercise « Snowballs»

We will stick snowballs(imitation making snowballs)

Let's play together

And into each other snowballs

Have fun throwing (imitation of throwing snowballs) .

Educator: - Well done guys, you all tried very hard today and helped Misha make snowballs. Let's say goodbye to the guests and tell them goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

Program content: Promote development speech speech child. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate attention, stimulate.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Strawberry” Reading the fairy tale “Strawberry” by N. Pavlova. Modeling strawberries Goals: to introduce the content of the fairy tale “Strawberry” by N. Pavlova, continue.

Summary of a lesson on modeling from paper dough in the first junior group “Snowballs for a snowman” Summary of a lesson on modeling from paper dough in the first junior group. Topic: “Snowballs for a snowman” Gusser M. A. Purpose: to teach children non-traditional.

Summary of the lesson on modeling “Sun Rays” in the first junior group Goal: To teach how to pinch off and roll out sausages from plasticine. Introduce children to the work of A. Barto “The sun is looking through the window.”

Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Mushrooms. "Amanita" Goal: To teach children to make “mouldings” from plasticine. Introduce the mushroom - Amanita. Objectives: Strengthen the ability to pinch off small pieces.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Amanita” Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Amanita”. Natalya Zhebrunova Summary of a modeling lesson in the junior group “Amanita”. Target:.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Explanatory note

For development children's creativity and mastering visual activities, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use a variety of lesson topics and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly environment in class. At first, the child is interested in the process of making the craft, but gradually he begins to be interested in its quality. In his craft, the child strives to convey the image of the object as naturally as possible, and after class, play with his craft: roll a homemade ball on the table, feed the hedgehog with prepared mushrooms. The child is happy to tell what he has sculpted.

I propose to consider a sample lesson plan for modeling:

  • Creating a gaming situation to attract attention and develop the emotional responsiveness of children (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes; a fairy-tale character in need of help; outdoor games).
  • Modeling a product: familiarization with the object being depicted, the sequence of actions and depiction techniques.
  • Consideration finished works(they are given only positive assessment). Children should be happy with the result.

Program content

  1. Teach children to press the plasticine ball with their index finger, attaching it to the base, and place the plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other.
  2. To develop a sense of color and interest in working with plasticine.
  3. Develop fine motor skills.
  4. Cultivate accuracy and a caring attitude towards your work.

Sculpting technique: pressing the balls with your finger from above (snow).


  • sheets of black and purple cardboard according to the number of children
  • white plasticine, rolled into small balls with a diameter of 7 mm (10 balls for each child)
  • finished work sample
  • monkey toy

Progress of the lesson

A surprise moment: a monkey from Africa came to visit.

I address the children:

Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? (monkey)

Guys, the monkey came to us from Africa, it’s always hot there, summer all year round. And she came to us to see real winter.

Let's tell you what kind of winter it is? (cold, long)

What crunches under your feet when you go to kindergarten? (snow)

Snowflakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground.

The poem is read:

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

Tell the monkey whether the snow is cold or warm? (cold)

The monkey asks what color is the snow? (white)


Thank you guys, you told me in detail about the snow, but I’m afraid that when I go home, I’ll forget everything.

I address the children:

Guys, let's make a snowball for the monkey and his friends on a winter night?

Our snow will fall on a warm night.

This is how we will have a black night ( showing black cardboard), and here’s a snowball ( showing prepared balls).


I take a snowball in my hand and put it on the cardboard, and so I arrange all the snowballs. And then, when I place all the snowballs on the cardboard, I press them with my finger.

Look how snowy it is. First one snowflake, then another, and another. . .

What a beautiful snowy winter night it turned out to be!

Now you try to make your own beautiful, snowy, winter night, and the monkey will watch and learn from you, so that he can show his friends at home how to make a snowball.

I lay out a sheet of black cardboard and prepared balls for each child.

While working, I draw the children’s attention to the fact that they must sculpt carefully and not dirty the table. Do not drop the plasticine on the floor or put it in your mouth.

If a child can’t do it, help him.

I address the children:

These are so smart! Everyone had a beautiful, snowy, winter night.

I turn to the monkey:

Monkey, look how hard our kids have tried.

After the children show the monkey their work, I suggest dancing for it like snowflakes dance on the street - spinning (melody - Tchaikovsky's "Seasons").

Farewell to the monkey.

I address the children:

It's time for the monkey to go home to Africa.


Thanks guys for showing me real snow. Goodbye!

Synopsis of the GCD “Magic Mitten”. Artistic creativity (modeling). Second junior group

Purpose of the lesson:

  1. Forming a positive attitude and interest in sculpting, inducing the desire to participate in a common action.
  2. Continue to develop skills in working with plasticine: pinch off a large piece, roll into balls, flatten the balls on a horizontal surface to obtain a flat image.
  3. Improve fine motor skills of the hands.
  4. Cultivate accuracy in doing your work creative composition.
  5. Develop speech, encourage children to actively communicate;
  6. Cultivate good feelings, positive emotions;
  7. Develop independence in completing tasks.
  8. Promote a feeling of joy from the result obtained;

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", « Artistic creativity» , "Socialization", "Health", "Music".

Communication: develop speech, activate vocabulary, ability to observe and analyze, learn to draw conclusions, express them in speech.

Cognition: enrich children’s knowledge and develop their cognitive interest in the seasons "Winter" And "Winter Fun".

Artistic creativity(modeling) : develop artistic creativity , aesthetic perception of color, show fantasy, imagination, consolidate skills in the techniques of rolling, pinching, pulling, flattening.

Socialization: to introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers.

Health: maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health.

Music: contribute to the formation of musical culture.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Planned results of development of integrative qualities preschooler: answer questions, participate in conversation during a conversation about winter and winter fun, in dialogue with the teacher, be able to hear and understand asked question, actively participate in the creation of an individual composition in sculpting"Magical mitten» .

Materials and equipment: laptop, recorded music, colored plasticine, boards, sequins and beads for decorating finished works.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher tells the children that while she was getting to kindergarten early in the morning, she saw someone in a hurry. snowman with an envelope in his hand. Snowman I was in a hurry to hand it over to Grandfather Frost. There were magic mittens that the guys made. But it turned out that the envelope was torn, and the snowman lost all his mittens along the way. Let us make our own magic mittens and send them to Grandfather Frost.

Positive responses from children.


Before we start, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Winter Fun".

What do we like to do in winter?

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

New Year's toys

The holiday is approaching

The Christmas tree is dressing up.

Raise your hands up "to the top of the tree" And,

lowering down, spreading to the sides.

We hung up the toys:

Beads, balls, firecrackers.

Alternately connect thumb with the others.

And here the lanterns hang,

The children are delighted with the sparkle.

They twirl their palms in the air - "flashlights".


First, I suggest you roll the finished ball between your palms so that it becomes soft and docile from the warmth of your palms. And when he becomes obedient, it will be much easier to work with him.

Now take a piece of plasticine and pinch off a small piece from it. The teacher makes sure that all children are able to pinch off. Helps if someone needs it individually.

Then he rolls it with his thumb and forefinger into a neat ball. If it doesn’t work out, then roll the ball on the board for sculpting index finger.

Place the finished ball on "mitten" and flatten the ball on the surface of the cardboard blank until you get a flat disk.

And in this way, ball by ball, we decorate the entire mitten.

Surprise moment:

The teacher takes out a pre-prepared jar with beads and sequins to further decorate the mitten.


Well done boys! Now let's put your work on one common table and see what we got.

Lesson reflection:

The teacher discusses with the children what they did in class; what happened; what was the most interesting; what was difficult and what was easy and simple.