The original name of the weather station in Dhow. Methodological development on the topic "weather station in kindergarten"

Subject:"Young Meteorologist"

Project type: information and research.

Duration: Long-term.

Educational area:

1. develop cognitive activity and curiosity;

2. the ability of children to consistently express their thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions;

3. expand your vocabulary.

Relevance of the topic:

1. expand children’s knowledge about natural objects (air, water, soil), their condition depending on the weather;

2. develop visual materials, influencing the development of intellectual and research activities of children;

3. teach how to predict the weather based on the reaction of living and inanimate nature.

Objective of the project:

1. teach children to determine the weather, make a weather forecast, using special instruments for this: thermometers (water, ground), anemometer, precipitation gauge, weather vane, barometer;

2. learn to use weather forecasts in activities.




We live on the beautiful planet Earth and exaggerate our importance, immensely consuming its resources and also immensely polluting the environment. All this led to a catastrophic deterioration of the environment, as well as human health. Therefore, in all countries of the world, issues of environmental education are very relevant today. As you know, the foundations of any education are laid in childhood.

Forecasting is a cognitive activity available to a child, developing his mental abilities, and in our case introducing him to folk culture through familiarization with objects and developing a caring attitude towards nature.

Having decided to become meteorologists, we organized a meteorological site where we installed:

  • vane,
  • outdoor thermometer,
  • precipitation gauge

Living barometers are plants, as well as insects and birds, which can be observed on the site.

We record our observations in the Diary of a Young Meteorologist.


Subject: "Young Meteorologist"

Project type: information and research.

Duration: Long-term.

Educational area:

  1. develop cognitive activity and curiosity;
  2. children’s ability to consistently express their thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions;
  3. Expand words knowledge.

Relevance of the topic:

  1. expand children’s knowledge about natural objects (air, water, soil), their condition depending on the weather;
  2. develop visual materials that influence the development of children’s intellectual and research activities;
  3. teach how to predict the weather based on the reactions of living and inanimate nature.

Objective of the project:

  1. teach children to determine the weather, make a weather forecast, using special instruments for this: thermometers (water, ground), anemometer, precipitation gauge, weather vane, barometer;
  2. learn to use weather forecasts in activities.


  1. formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas through forecasting;
  2. development of ecological thinking in the process of conducting elementary experiments;
  3. developing an understanding of the relationships between the world of plants and animals from natural factors;
  4. promote children's understanding of various aspects of human interaction with nature;
  5. give knowledge about plants that help people determine the weather;
  6. introduce assistant devices, use them to determine weather conditions and forecast;
  7. nurturing a caring attitude towards all life on Earth, love for nature;
  8. developing skills to apply knowledge in practice.

Expected result:

  1. building on the territory of the preschool educational institution of a new zone - a weather site;
  2. Children’s ability to take readings from instruments, children’s ability to prepare weather forecasts.

Participation of preschool educational institutions specialists in the implementation of the project:

1. teachers – initiation of children into young meteorologists;

2. teachers – production of equipment for the weather site;

3. musical director– singing songs about the seasons and the weather.

Participation of parents in the organization of the project: Involvement in the equipment of the weather site.


  1. Organizational and preparatory:

Site preparation;

Installation of equipment: installation of thermometers, placement of an anemometer, precipitation gauge (rain gauge), weather vane and barometer, sundial, hourglass;

Planting flowers - barometers.

2. Reflexive-diagnostic:

Determining the interest and level of knowledge of children on the topic “Weather Forecast”;

Testing an assumption using observation and experiment.3. Contents of the work:


Long-term plan:

A. Earth and our discoveries.

a) dependence of climate at different points;

b) acquaintance with the compass;

c) working with a weather vane and anemometer - determining the presence of wind, its direction and speed.

B. Assistant devices.

a) working with thermometers (measuring water and air temperature);

b) working with a barometer;

c) recording the results in the “Weather Diary”

B. Forecaster flowers on the site (clover, violet, coltsfoot, mallow, bindweed, dandelion).

a) sowing flowers;

b) landing at the weather site.

G. Collection folk signs.

a) tales about plants;

b) scheme “Plants are living barometers”.

D. Weather forecast.

a) supposed;

b) actual.

4. Final:

Experimenting at a weather site, making a forecast;

Presentation: summer holiday “Nature has no bad weather.”

Ecology project

Topic: “Weather site

At the preschool site"

Developed by educators:

Klyuchakhina A.V.

Chashchina S.G.

Sultanova O.V.

Karapish K.O.

Abstract open class on environmental education


Program content:

  1. continue to teach children to observe natural phenomena and determine the weather;

2. teach how to use instruments: thermometer, barometer, anemometer, weather vane.

3. help establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and make a weather forecast. Learn to analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions.

4. cultivate friendly relationships in the process of work, work together.

Previous work:

Observations, working with assistant instruments, recording the results in a weather diary, getting acquainted with folk signs, getting acquainted with the ECOLOGIC, reading poems and riddles.

Material – equipment:Thermometers, barometer, weather vane, observation diary, weather calendar, anemometer (paper, spoon), compass.

Progress of the lesson:

EKOLOSHKA welcomes all guests on the street:

  • Hello dear guests!

I am an ECOLOSHKA - an assistant to young meteorologists.

In our kindergarten There is a weather site.

Every morning we monitor the weather conditions and make a forecast for the day.

And here are our young meteorologists.

Hello guys! Today children are waiting for your forecast, and look how many adults.

  • For whom is the weather forecast especially important?
  • Does our health and mood depend on the weather?
  • Let's get to work. Do you agree?
  • What is the weather today? How did you guess?
  • Why? (clear - cloudy, warm - cold, dry - rainy, windy - no wind).

We assumed that this is the weather today. Well done!


Is it foggy at dawn?

Correct forecast

The forest is not noticeable, the birches are not visible

And somewhere it’s hot – it’s time to swim!

How many forecasts are on air!

Whirlwinds, frosts.

Where is the sun, where is the ice

So much weather!


  • What date, month, day is it today?
  • (ECOLOSHKA will help us note in the observation diary).
  • What assistant device will help us accurately determine the air temperature? (thermometer).
  • Look how many degrees the thermometer shows in the sun? (which you first need to find - 0ºС). What about in the shade?
  • Where is the air temperature higher? In the shade or in the sun? Why? (ECOLOG marks the air temperature)


  • What can affect the weather during the day? (wind).
  • Is there any wind today?
  • How did you determine? (let's look at the sleeve, weather vane).
  • What instrument can you use to find out where the wind is blowing? (compass). How to do it? (set the compass so that the arrow points north and look at the sleeve).
  • What's the wind like today?
  • Is it possible to determine wind speed?
  • Using what device? (weak, medium, strong), (anemometer).
  • Let's celebrate everything about the wind.

You've worked very hard, now let's take a little rest:


Went out the gate

Knocked on the window tap your finger

Ran across the roof running in place

Gently shook the bird cherry brancheshands up, swing right, left

Scolded for something finger

Sparrows familiar wings

And proudly spreading your young wings.

Flew somewhere In a race with dustarms to the sides, swing your arms


Help me, I forgot what this device is called?

  • This is a barometer.

What does it measure?

Atmosphere pressure.

Look where the arrow deviates? (right left).

Do you think it will rain or snow today? (the pressure is average, which means there may likely be precipitation).

  • What is precipitation?
  • Is it possible to find out how many of them fell?
  • With using what?
  • Find it? (precipitation gauge).
  • How to measure?
  • Do we still have thermometers at the weather site?
  • Tell me what are they for? (water and soil).

Today we determined the weather using assistant instruments?

Let us, dear meteorologists, together with EKOLOSHKA, summarize our observations and make a weather forecast.

What is the weather today?

Guys, you can also determine the weather by folk signs: which ones do you know?

The red sun at sunset is towards the wind.

Clouds are floating high - good weather.

If it rains in large drops, it will stop soon.

The snow crunches - it means frost.

When the smoke rises in a column, it means good weather.

Let's transfer our forecast to the calendar for adults and children: Nature has no bad weather. Every weather is grace. Whether it rains or snows, at any time of the year we must gratefully accept

A weather vane is a device for determining the direction and strength of the wind. The weather vane allows you to clearly show the direction of the wind using the cardinal direction indicator placed motionless at its base.

Rain gauge - a device for measuring precipitation

Wind hose is a device for measuring wind force.

Windmills - a device for measuring the direction and strength of the wind

A sundial is a device for determining time.

A hygrometer is a device for determining air humidity. A suspended pine cone is used. If the air is dry, it opens; if it is humid, it closes.

General view of the WEATHER STATION

This consultation helped teachers understand what a weather station is and why it is needed. During this consultation, together with teachers, we came to the conclusion that we need to create an object “Our weather station”. I introduced the teachers to the objects that we can place on it:

Barometer- a device for measuring atmospheric pressure, the change of which foretells a change in weather.

Thermometer- to change the air temperature.

Vane- a device for determining the direction and strength of the wind.

Rain gauge- serves to measure the amount of precipitation.

Sundial- used to determine time.

Wind sleeve– serves to determine wind strength.



Weather station in kindergarten

Sometimes we, adults, are so interested in watching the weather changes, watching how the sky changes before the rain, feeling how the wind intensifies and how the first rain finally falls. Now imagine how little children enjoy these changes. After all, all children, by nature and due to their still small age, are very curious, they are drawn to new knowledge. Therefore, these observations give them a whole indescribable range of all kinds of emotions and vivid impressions. That is why many children in kindergartens, led by their teachers, build local weather stations.

Weather station in kindergartenis a complex of various instruments that measure weather conditions and with the help of which it is possible to predict the weather for the near future (day, week, month). The teacher and the children take data from the devices and enter them into an observation diary. The weather station is also used to conduct classes on ecology, knowledge of the seasons, and natural phenomena.

You can install the weather station yourself and then introduce it to the children, or you can entrust the installation process to the children as part of a practical lesson.

So, in order to study the state of the weather and observe its natural phenomena, and also be able to predict its changes in the near future, it is not necessary to turn to professional weather forecasters. You can do all this yourself, using simple objects. Therefore, many kindergartens build their own weather stations, teaching children by living example. After all, they allow kids not only to have fun, but also to broaden their horizons, learn to be attentive, analyze ongoing processes and draw appropriate conclusions.

DIY weather station in kindergarten

Problem: preschoolers do not have developed knowledge about the weather,There are insufficient conditions for the practice of organizing observations of weather phenomena using measuring instruments.

Target creation of a subject-developing environment for cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers, formation in preschoolers elementary ideas about the weather and its significance in human life.


  • introduce the profession of meteorologist;
  • to form an idea of ​​the significance of weather in human life, flora and fauna (folk signs about the weather);
  • introduce children to assistant instruments: thermometer, weather vane, rain gauge, barometer, compass, hygrometer, wind hose, sundial;
  • teaching children how to take instrument readings and compare them with each other;
  • form ideas about the four parts of the world;
  • introduce children to the purpose of a meteorological station, the weather house and its contents;
  • involving parents in the manufacture of meteorological instruments for observing the weather.

Build your own weather station on the territory kindergarten– completely easy and simple. To do this you will need the following items:

  • vane;
  • rain gauge (precipitation gauge);
  • wind sleeve;
  • thermometer;
  • compass;
  • sundial;
  • feeders;
  • turntables.

Perhaps all the devices are not difficult to find in stores, but my parents and I made them ourselves. These objects were attached to special previously made poles and placed in the ground. We have built our entire weather station, then everything remains up to the weather. She will do everything herself. After all, only with the help of weather changes can we make our observations.

So, we have the “measuring instruments” ready, and now let’s figure out how they work and how they can be used in teaching children.

Using a weather vaneand its rotating arrow along the reference axis, you will be able to observe the direction of the wind. And thanks to the cardinal direction indicator, you can find out in which direction the wind is blowing.

Using in your weather stationspecial rain gauge,having a certain capacity with a measuring scale, children will be able to measure the amount of precipitation.

Snow gauge - observation of snow cover

Snow observations consist of measuring snow depth.

The rail is made of a smooth straight block of dry wood, length

140 cm, 6 cm wide and 2 cm thick. Painted with (white) oil paint

and on the front side it has a scale in centimeters.

Wind sleeve will help the children figure it out and accurately determine the cardinal directions, thanks to the blowing wind.

Here's a compass will teach them to navigate the terrain and also determine where north, south, west and east are.

The most important and necessary meter weather conditions – thermometer. It is with the help

With this device, children will be able to determine the air temperature in the environment.

But all kinds turntables They will not only be a useful device for determining the direction of the wind and its strength, but will also amuse the children. After all, the main thing in this process is to teach children not in a strict atmosphere, but to use notes of humor and fun. Then learning will be easy, and children will enjoy the whole process.

The main thing is to place all the devices in a certain sequence and give them a beautiful design. Then, having such a weather station in kindergarten, children will be very happy to come to kindergarten every day to take readings from instruments.Magnetic marker stand

Magnetic marker standfor drawing with chalk.

A stand is used in the design of the weather station, which clearly shows the weather conditions:rain, snow, sun, wind, cloudy.After assessing the weather conditions, children mark the required indicators on the stand. You can make such a stand yourself or purchase it at a specialized store. The stand will help organize the space - it will become the basis for your weather station, and next to it you can place a thermometer, rain gauge and other instruments. A weather station is a great way to unleash creative inspiration. You can make interesting pinwheels with children and place them at your station.

During consultations, I will advise parents that it is advisable to connect a walk in nature with reading books, poems, drawing, so that children can touch, smell, knock, and perform some manipulations: build a snowman, draw patterns on wet sand, catch a sunbeam, fly a kite etc. It is important to create an emotional contact between the child and nature: let him wander around on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the murmur of a stream, or just look around.

A weather station in a kindergarten is like an ecological corner on the territory of a preschool educational institution.

Thus, educators will be able not only to talk about weather changes in theory, what it portends and what subsequently happens, but also to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. A weather station in a preschool educational institution is part of compulsory environmental education; it helps children understand nature, analyze and draw conclusions.

This homemade weather station in kindergarten will help diversify children’s daily walks in the fresh air and introduce them to the exact sciences, the world of research and discovery.

Approximate operating plan of a weather station.


event title

Objectives of the event

Form of conduct

Equipment and materials used

Introduction to the weather booth and its contents.

Introduce children to the purpose of a meteorological booth, the structure of a thermometer, and train children in taking air temperature readings.

Joint inspection of the weather booth.

Practical thermometer readings.

Thermometer, graph for recording the results.

Introduction to the water thermometer.

Make it clear to children that inanimate objects (air, water) have their own temperature, just like humans.

Comparative observations and practical readings.

Air and water thermometers, diagram for recording results.

What kind of wind is there?

To diversify children's knowledge about the types of wind according to its strength (calm, moderate, calm-calm, strong, gusty, hurricane, tornado).

Conversation, observation of the wind and measurement of speed.

plumes, a pinwheel, a plastic bag, cards depicting the wind during a thunderstorm, hurricane, tornado.

Introducing the compass.

Introduce children to the structure of a compass and its magnetic properties;

Practice determining the cardinal directions and determining the direction of wind movement.

Joint laboratory activity to examine the compass.


Parts of the world and the sun.

Give children knowledge that the sun and parts of the world are interconnected, because the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. Check it with a compass.

A task to do together with parents in the morning and evening.

Compass, graphic image.

Where does the wind blow from?

Learn to determine the adjacent wind direction and express it in speech.

Joint practical activities.

Entry in observation diaries


What is precipitation and how to measure it?

Clarify what is called precipitation. Introduce the rain gauge and its divisions.

Joint production of a rain gauge from scrap material.

Plastic bottles and funnel, markers, tape.

Looking at the clouds.

Introduce children to different types of clouds: cirrus clouds, cirrocumulus.

Observing the shape and movement of clouds.

Cards with images of various clouds.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

Poroshino kindergarten No. 10

Project "Weather station in kindergarten"

Compiled by Demyankova L.N.

Poroshenko village, 2018


I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….2

2.. Relevance of the project…………………………………………….4

3.. Goals, objectives, expected results………………………………….4

4. Working methods……………………………………………………… 6

5. Stages of project implementation………………………………………………………8

6. Requirements for the location of the weather site……………………………...11

7. Model of the educational system…………………………………….15

8. Requirements for organizing observations in nature………………….18

10. List of references …………………………………...20


“People who have learned... observations and experiments acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not gone through such a school.” K.E.Timiryazev

Preschoolers are natural researchers. And this is confirmed by their curiosity, constant desire to experiment, and desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation. The teacher’s task is not to suppress this activity, but, on the contrary, to actively help.

Project type

According to the dominant activity in the project: cognitive - research.

Content: educational.

According to the number of project participants: group (21 people, everyone).

By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Composition of the project team :

children, parents, preparatory group teachers

Significance of the project for its participants:

This project is significant for all its participants.

Children: receive and reinforce in practice the rules of behavior in nature, learn to observe and record their observations.

Teachers: continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

Parents: expand opportunities for cooperation with their children, prepare material for teaching their children.

Estimated distribution of roles in project team:

Teacher: organizes educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling parents.

Children: participate in educational research activities.

Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

Relevance of the project:

Why do we think that this way of interacting with children, like a weather station, is relevant?

Firstly, the process of observing weather phenomena, familiar to older preschoolers, can be made much more interesting by equipping a basic weather station on the territory of the preschool institution;

Secondly, the activities of young meteorologists, which children perceive as a new interesting role-playing game, will help introduce them to meteorological instruments and how to use them in practice;

Thirdly, children will develop research skills during organized activities(ability to identify a problem, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, generalize) .

Objective of the project:

1.Assimilation of a system of knowledge about nature: its components and the relationships between them. 2. Formation of ideas about the universal value of nature. 3. Fostering the need to communicate with nature. 4. Instilling labor natural science skills and environmental awareness. 5. Creating favorable emotional conditions when introducing preschoolers to their native land.


Develop research skills in children: observation, curiosity, ability to compare

    assume, analyze, compare, reason, draw conclusions and conclusions.

    Teach children to predict the weather, establishing relationships between living and inanimate nature. Ability to operate a weather station.

    Develop sensitivity and attentiveness to the natural world: notice changes in the state of natural objects (“mosquitoes hover - towards warmth”, “the violet is sad” - bowed the flower towards the ground - towards rain”, etc.)

    Introduce children to folk culture, folk wisdom, folk experience: introduce children to folk signs, check them during observations.

    Teach children to record their observations using signs, symbols in weather calendars, observation notebooks, etc.

    Cultivate an interest and need for communication with nature, love for one’s native land.

    Intensify the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of kindergarten.

Hypothesis :

Research and search activity is a constant state of the child. He will be determined to understand the world around him, since children by nature are researchers if:

    Including a child in research activities will significantly increase the educational effect and contribute to the development of his curiosity, attention and logical thinking.

    The development of the child will be enhanced if the pedagogical support of raising adults is aimed at creating a developmental subject environment, orienting preschoolers to an active subject position;

    Enriching the educational process with emotional content through the organization of various types of creative activities and communication;

    Educating preschoolers with a humane and value-based attitude towards nature through an understanding of the value of nature.

Leading principles of development of preschool children

Psychological comfort (removal of stress factors);

Conformity to nature (development in accordance with the nature of the child, his health, his abilities and inclinations, individual characteristics, perception);

Differentiated approach (the tasks of effective psychological assistance to pupils in improving their personality are solved, the creation of special pedagogical situations that help to reveal psychophysical, personal abilities and capabilities; - Active activity (involving the child in play, cognitive, search activities in order to stimulate an active life position);

Creativity (maximum focus on creativity in gaming and productive activity preschooler, his acquisition of his own experience of creative activity).

Forms of children's organization

Excursions to various biocenoses: to a meadow, a river;

Targeted walks: to a park, square, village street;

Excursions to the weather station;

Organized educational activities in corners of nature;

Organized educational activities at the weather site.

Working methods:


    Observations in nature

    Book of folk signs


    Reading fiction

    Didactic games

    Role-playing games

    Listening to music

    Working with parents

Expected result:

Children will learn

    about the importance of weather in human life

    about meteorology as a science;

    about the profession of meteorologist;

    about air temperature, pressure, direction and strength of wind;

    about meteorological instruments;

Children will be able

    use skills in working with meteorological instruments to observe the weather;

    make a weather forecast based on the data received from meteorological instruments


1. Listening to music - the sounds of rain, the sounds of crunching snow, the sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves in the wind 2. Experiments:

Experiment with air -“How much does air weigh?”

Experience with water"Making It Rain"

3. Role-playing game"Weather Announcer"

4.Working with parents - weekend homework“Find out the weather in Poroshino and write a story about the weather at the weekend” .

Project implementation stages


Preparatory and design stage

Conversations –

"What is the weather?"

Purpose: familiarization with weather phenomena

"Folk signs"

Goal: acquaintance with predictive signs

"Mysteries of Planet Earth"

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the dependence of climate anywhere on the planet on distance from the Sun

"What is a compass?"

Goal: developing ideas about parts of the world, getting to know the compass

"Where does the wind blow from?"

Goal: getting to know the weather vane

“What types of thermometers are there?”

Purpose: to clarify knowledge about the air thermometer

“How to measure the strength of the wind?”

Purpose: acquaintance with an anemometer, with a method for determining wind force

“What is a barometer for?”

Purpose: familiarization with the barometer device, working with it

“The history of the birth of meteorology as a science”

Goal: acquaintance with meteorology, the profession of meteorologist.

Determination of positions in three areas:

1. What do children know?

2. What do they want to know?

3. What should you do to find out?

01.06.18 - 01.07.18

Practical (main) stage

Working at a weather station(Street)

Every day, children observe the weather in a certain sequence:

    watching the sky and clouds

    using a wind meter to give a relative estimate of wind strength

    using a weather vane to determine the cardinal directions and wind direction

    measure precipitation using a rain gauge or snow gauge

    determine the air temperature using a thermometer

    using a barometer to make an expected weather forecast for the next day

Working with the Observation Diary(group)

Children record data in a Weather Observation Diary

Consolidation of knowledge about meteorological instruments;

Develop skills in using weather station instruments(daily work at the weather station) ;

Learn to work with pictograms indicating weather conditions(working with a sheet of observations and readings) ;

02.07.18 - 31.09.18


GCD “From what and why?”

Collecting information for album design;

Organize a mini-museum “I want to know and measure everything.”

Club in the preparatory group "Meteorological service"


Requirements for the location of the weather site

Meteorological observations at the site are carried out to obtain weather characteristics in a timely manner.

    Weather site design

The weather site is located in an open area typical of the surrounding area. Removed from large enterprises and water bodies that can have a direct impact on instrument readings, all objects and devices are firmly secured.

    Weather site diagram

The weather site has a square shape and its sides are oriented from north to south and from east to west. The entire perimeter of the site is covered with sand.

    Maintenance of the weather site

The meteorological site should be kept clean and thoroughly cleared of any debris. There should be no dust, cobwebs or dirt on devices and equipment.

In places where the grass cover grows strongly, the grass at the weather site should be mowed or trimmed; it should not grow above 20 cm.

In winter, the natural state of the snow cover on the site must not be destroyed.

Snow must be removed from the roof and walls of the booth, as well as from the precipitation gauge bar, before observations, during a preliminary walk around the site.

    Basic equipment

Watching the wind

Wind is the movement of air relative to the surface of the earth and is characterized by two main quantities: direction and speed. Wind speed and direction are highly unstable, sometimes varying widely within a short period of time. The direction of the wind is taken to be that direction

where the wind blows from. Wind observations are carried out using a weather vane and a wind hose.


The weather vane consists of a fixed vertical rod and a movable part - a weather vane, which rotates on the rod and is set in the wind so that the position of the arrow shows the direction from which the wind is blowing. The weather vane consists of a blade and a pointer mounted on a tube. On the bottom of the rod there are pins for orienting directions according to the cardinal points. Letters (N-S-W-E) are attached to the pins for better orientation for children. The weather vane is oriented to the cardinal points using a compass.

Wind sleeve

Allows you to determine the strength of the wind: Calm - the leaves on the trees are motionless, the sleeve is not positioned in the wind. Quiet wind - swaying individual leaves, the sleeve fluctuates. Light wind - the sleeve sways slightly, the leaves rustle from time to time. Weak wind - leaves and thin tree branches are constantly swaying, the wind flutters the sleeve. Moderate wind - the wind moves thin tree branches, stretching the sleeve. Fresh wind - branches and thin tree trunks sway. The sleeve is pulled out. A strong wind - thick branches of trees sway, the forest rustles.

Non-instrumental wind observations

To assess the direction and speed of the wind when the weather vane malfunctions, plumes and turntables are used. Children also learn to use research work folk signs, for example, can be observed by smoke, the movement of light objects in the air, the slope of grass, and tree branches.

Air temperature

Air temperature observations consist of air temperature measurements using an alcohol thermometer. The thermometer is placed in a psychrometric louvered booth.

The booth consists of four louvered walls, a floor, a ceiling and a roof, mounted on a wooden frame. The walls are a double row of thin wooden slats - blinds, inclined inward and outward

booths at an angle to the horizontal. One of the walls (front) is hinged and serves as a door. The floor of the booth consists of three boards, with the middle board reinforced slightly higher than the two outer ones to improve ventilation of the booth. The ceiling of the booth is horizontal, solid, the roof is inclined in the direction opposite to the door, and protrudes slightly from all sides of the booth. The roof is fixed above the ceiling so that air flows freely between it and the ceiling. The inside and outside of the booth is well painted with rich white paint. The booth is installed on the weather site so that there is a free exchange of air around it. It is firmly mounted on a wooden stand and should not move even in strong winds. The walls of the booth must be wiped or washed from dust as they become dirty.


An alcohol thermometer is used to determine air temperature. It consists of a scale and a glass tube containing a colored liquid. There are divisions on the scale. Each division represents one degree. The numbers next to the divisions indicate the number of degrees. Zero is the boundary between degrees of heat and degrees of cold. The temperature is counted from 0°. Degrees of heat are counted up from 0, degrees of cold are counted down from 0. The end of the column of colored liquid shows the number of degrees. Temperature is recorded using symbols. For example, five degrees of heat is written as follows: +5°, and five degrees of cold as: - 5°.

Snow monitoring

Snow observations consist of measuring snow depth. The nature of the snow cover is determined by the following characteristics: uniform (without snowdrifts), moderately uneven (small snowdrifts) without bare spots or with bare spots. Very uneven (large drifts) with no or bare spots. With thawed patches. It only lies in places.

A snow gauge is used for daily observations of snow depth. The rail is made of a smooth straight block of dry wood, 180 cm long, 6 cm wide and 2 cm thick. It is painted with (white) oil paint and has a scale in centimeters on the front side.


Barometer - notes changes occurring in the air. Reminds me of a watch. Or rather an alarm clock. Only instead of the hour and minute hands and the numbers from one to twelve, it has one slow-moving hand, which usually points to the number “754”. The second arrow is the control arrow. We use it to mark where the first arrow moved. Above the number “754” is written: “Variable”, to the left of this word is “Rain”, and even further to the left is “Storm”. On the right there are the words “Clear” and “Dry”. When the needle is on "Variable", there is usually no bad weather. Clouds are floating in the sky, the sun is shining, and only in rare cases does short-term rain fall. If the arrow moves to the right from "Variable", we usually do not expect bad weather. But when the arrow stubbornly goes to the left, stock up on a raincoat or umbrella. The air is saturated with water vapor, we must wait for precipitation: in the summer - rain, and in the winter - snow. Of course, a barometer does not predict the weather - it notes changes in the air. And looking at it, we know what kind of weather we can expect.

Observe the weather every day while walking at the weather site. We enter the data into a specially designed observation calendar using conventional signs. At the end of the month or season, we analyze the results and draw conclusions: what the weather was like during the month or season; how it changed, how many days were clear, cloudy, rainy or snowy, windy, frosty.

In living nature, we observe the changes that occur with trees, shrubs, and grasses over the seasons, discuss why the state of vegetation changes, what changes occur in the life of animals and insects, focusing on changes in vital conditions.

At the beginning of each month, we introduce children to the folk calendar: the name of the month, folk signs, and check the authenticity of the signs. This approach makes it possible to introduce children to folk culture, folk wisdom, and folk experience, and this is instilling respect for ancestors and ensuring the connection of generations. To make it easier to memorize folk signs, we try to rhyme. Signs in poetic form are easier to perceive and are more often used by children in speech. An example of children's rhymes: “The cat covers its nose - frost awaits”; “The stars play at night - they warn about the cold”; “The wood in the stove is very

they’re cracking – they’re talking about frost”; “Clouds float against the wind - they bring bad weather.”

Teachers use the knowledge gained through observation to develop children’s creative abilities: drawing natural phenomena; writing stories, poems, riddles about nature. Children's creativity compiled in homemade books.

Organization experimental activities is built in close cooperation with parents. Every year parents of older children preschool age introduce the experience of the “Meteorological Service in Preschool Education” circle. Parents receive information from travel folders: “Amazing things in nature”, “Educational experiences at home”. Days are organized for parents open doors: “Welcome to the weather station.”

During consultations, we advise parents that it is advisable to associate a walk in nature with reading books, poems, drawing, so that children touch, smell, knock, perform some manipulations: build a snowman, draw patterns on wet sand, catch a sunbeam, fly a kite and etc. It is important to create an emotional contact between the child and nature: let him wander around on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the murmur of a stream, or just look around.

Model of the educational system

Parents receive homework assignments:

Your child is six years old, tell him about some inanimate phenomena in which he shows interest. Together with your child, do experiments to determine the properties of air. Air is everywhere - around us in the water. This can be seen by placing a glass upside down in water. The water will not enter completely into the glass; air will interfere with it. Air has weight. If you inflate a plastic bag and place it on a scale, the scale needle will deflect, which means the air has weight. How can you predict the weather? Together with your children, observe plants and their changes due to the weather. If the weather is cloudy, all anemone flowers are closed. Before the rain, celandine, goose onion, and dandelion will droop to the ground. In clear weather, the flowers of these plants are open.

We ask parents and children to pay attention to the fact that a person’s mood often depends on the weather conditions and natural phenomena. Discuss the following questions with your children:

When it's raining outside, what's your mood? What do you think is the mood in spring? And if you were a composer, what kind of music would you come up with about spring - sad or happy?

We are constantly looking for new ways to cooperate with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is like, so is the world he creates around himself.

Performance monitoring

In order to improve educationally - educational work on the topic of the project, the teacher must take into account the achieved level of knowledge acquisition by children

about nature, skills and abilities, as well as attitude towards it using diagnostic techniques. Monitoring the state of the educational process helps the teacher’s activities become more focused and effective.

Conclusions about the quality of assimilation of the program, understanding the reasons for successes and failures are the basis for the educator for planning subsequent work both with all and with individual children.

Pedagogical diagnostics does not require complex tools. At its core, this is express diagnostics. The method of systematic participant observation is predominantly used. It is indispensable in determining the primary diagnosis and makes it possible to see the overall picture of the emotional and psychological mood in a group of children, to determine the level general development and children’s mastery of certain types of activities, to identify the characteristics of each child’s behavior and participation in the common cause.

To clarify the parents’ attitude to the process environmental education a survey is being conducted.

Questionnaire for parents

1.What is ecology?

2.Do you consider home only the place where you directly live with your family?

3.What do you think is the “Common Home” for all people?

4.Do you often walk with your child? Where?

5. How does your child relate to natural objects?

6.What weather do you like, why?

7.Why does your child like to watch? How long does this take?

8. Do you tell your child about natural phenomena?

9. Does your conversation take place in the form of a dialogue, or a monologue on your part?

10. How does a child express his emotions if he sees something unusual in nature (rainbow, thunderstorm, dew...)?

11.Do you show your child magic tricks or entertaining experiments with water, snow, ice?

12. Do you think your child receives knowledge about nature in kindergarten?

Parents' answers help to identify the passion of adults and children, their attitude towards objects and phenomena of inanimate nature.

The “Tree of Good Deeds” stimulates the active activity of children. Each branch of the tree belongs to one of the children. For the slightest manifestation of activity, for a well-executed assignment, the twig pleases its owner with a new blossoming leaf.

Requirements for organizing observations in nature:

Spatial organization observations should be such that any natural object is as accessible as possible to everyone. In each specific case, the teacher considers how many children can simultaneously participate in the observation, and how to arrange them so that everyone is in the same row. The child should be able to independently receive sensory information about nature (feel the nature of the surface, determine the shape, temperature, weight of an object, hear the sounds emanating from it, smell it). The teacher verbally designates everything that the children see, but the word must follow the perception - only in this case the child develops full-fledged knowledge.

The perception of any objects should be short-lived, since observation is a mental, intellectual activity that requires concentrated attention, volitional effort, and mental effort. During observations, you cannot talk, play, or manipulate objects. Optimal time for intensive mental activity children 3 – 10 minutes, observation is limited to this time.

The observation follows a certain pattern: beginning, main part and end. First you need to gather the children and concentrate their attention. It is better to use the following techniques that evoke light positive emotions and a willingness to listen to the teacher:

An invitation to watch something interesting together; Affectionate intriguing intonation; Riddle - description, riddle - action about the subject of observation. The second part is the main one, it ensures independent receipt of sensory information. The teacher offers to look at the object and asks questions with pauses of 2–3 seconds. Seconds of silence and silence are the main point in observation: they allow children to concentrate in finding answers to questions. The main part must be solid, unified. It should not be interrupted by stories, explanations, poems, games, riddles. You can use logically selected actions and movements. For example, after two seconds of observation, invite children to show gusts of wind, how the wind fills a wind sleeve, the sound of light and heavy rain, etc. Observations that are successfully combined with actions make it easier to obtain information. At the end of the observations, the teacher reads poetry, sings songs, plays, and makes riddles about the observed object. Special preparation is required for

surveillance: inspection of the site, checking the serviceability of equipment. In some cases, tasks are given for independent observation or homework: observe with adults (mom, dad, grandmother, etc.).


Continue to introduce children to folk signs, folk experience, and folk wisdom. Make rhymes to signs for better memorization. Learn to check the authenticity of folk signs. The knowledge acquired by children in the process of weather forecasting can be used as a means of developing children's creative abilities: - rhyming famous folk signs - depicting natural phenomena in productive activities.

Signs in poetic form are more easily perceived by children and are more often used by them in speech, especially since they were invented by the children themselves.

For greater efficiency, you can use reference tables.

Examples of rhyming signs

Swallows fly high - they are waiting for the sun. Swallows fly low - they warn about rain. The dandelion is opening - the sun is expected. The clouds are floating high - they bring good weather. The geese are flying away - they are waiting for winter. The cat covers its nose - frost awaits. Birds are sitting on the tops of trees - they are talking about frost. There is a column of smoke - frost outside the window. The stars sparkle - they warn about frost. Smoke on the ground - a thaw in the yard. Fluffy frost hangs - it speaks of frosty weather. Tits fly up to the house - they welcome winter.

These signs contain a “short-term forecast”. Is it possible to offer children signs with a “long-term prognosis”? The fact is that such forecasts require many years of verification, which is not always possible for an adult. But some signs are also available to older children, for example, “A lot of berries on a mountain ash - autumn will be rainy, few - dry”, “A leaf from a birch and oak did not fall cleanly, leading to a frosty winter.” These signs name various harbingers of a rainy autumn and a frosty winter. Checking for signs requires long-term observations of mountain ash, birch, oak, and then identifying signs of rainy autumn and cold winter. This will take a lot of time. And so that the children do not forget the sign, we sketch it with symbols in the table.

An effective technique that promotes the manifestation of children’s creative abilities is the reflection of impressions from what they perceive in visual activities.

By depicting what they perceive, children clarify their ideas about the surrounding nature and, thanks to this, learn about it more actively and deeply. Condition: children must display the object in such a way that others can easily recognize it. In this case, it is not only the technique of execution that is important, but the ability to see and convey the characteristic features of this object. First, children depict natural objects. After checking the folk signs, you can offer to illustrate them. Drawings can be presented in the form of a handwritten book


The project should become a powerful impetus for the development of creative initiative of preschool teaching teams dealing with childhood problems.

In general, the project with children and parents, from my point of view, is progressive in nature and will not only expand the horizons of preschoolers and acquire a certain amount of knowledge, but will also give impetus to the development of the child’s personality in the future.


    Vinogradova N. A., Pankova E. P. Educational projects in kindergarten. A manual for educators. –M.: Irispress, 2008. -208 p.

    Penkova L. S. Summer sails across the Earth (organization of playgrounds in summer period) methodological manual for workers of preschool institutions, students of pedagogical universities and colleges. –M.:LINKA - PRESS, 2006.- 288 p.

    Directory of SENIOR TEACHER of a preschool institution. No. 5 May/2008 – 61 p.

    Shtanko I.V. Project activities with children of senior preschool age.//Management of a preschool educational institution


1 District methodological office of the education department of the administration of the Nanai municipal district Organization of a weather site on the territory of a preschool educational institution Collection of materials from the municipal competition p. Trinity 2015

2 Published by decision of the methodological council of the RMC of the village of Troitskoye Authors and compilers: Gromskaya L.M., Koshel T.S., Kulinich E.N., Minina I.V., Pilshchikova E.A., Trushina N.S., Tsaplina A.L., Filatova N.G. Organization of a weather site on the territory of a preschool educational institution: materials of the municipal competition. Troitskoye village: RMK p.28 District methodological office,

3 Contents Introduction 4 Methodological development “Weather site in a preschool educational institution” Kulinich E.N., Minina I.V., Pilshchikova E.A., Tsaplina A.L., Filatova N.G.5 Information and research project “Veterok” Trushina N. .S., Koshel T.S...13 Equipment of a meteorological site on the territory of the preschool educational institution Gromskaya L.M..23 3

4 Introduction In preschool education, the process of mastering nature includes an element of its knowledge, the development of a humane attitude towards it and consciously correct behavior in the natural environment. The modern tense environmental situation requires new approaches to the problems of environmental education. A modern preschool educational institution is focused on the active acquisition by children of environmental culture skills and increasing environmental literacy of all subjects of the environmental and educational space. Preschool teachers today are looking for new means of environmental education that would help teach children the basics of ecology and environmental management. One of these forms of work is the creation of an ecological space for a kindergarten and project activities that would make the study of many topics, including observing the weather, more attractive and interesting for children. A weather station (weather site) can become an important part of the work on environmental education of preschoolers. The weather station should provide an opportunity to acquaint children with the basic standard meteorological instruments, with the methods and techniques of observations and processing of their results. The weather station must provide observations, practical work, organize systematic observations of the weather, seasonal phenomena in the surrounding nature, as well as study the microclimate of the kindergarten territory. This collection presents teaching materials winners of the municipal competition “Best weather site in a preschool educational institution.” Methodological developments are an explanatory note and a design project with photographs. This experience It will be useful for teachers when organizing a meteorological site in preschool educational organizations in the region. 4

5 Methodological development “Weather site in a preschool educational institution” Kulinich E.N., Minina I.V. Pilshchikova E.A., Tsaplina A.L., Filatova N.G., teachers of the MADOU "Kindergarten of the village of Lidoga" Relevance Explanatory note Childhood is a joyful time of discovery. In the process of becoming familiar with nature and the surrounding reality, the child learns to speak, think, communicate, and masters the norms of social and environmental ethics. One of the most important conditions for the implementation of an environmental education system in a preschool institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the correct organization of a developmental subject environment, which ensures the realization of the educational potential of the organization’s space, both a group and a site. Developing subject matter spatial environment The organization (group, site) must provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults. The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) should ensure playful, educational, research and creative activity of all categories of pupils, experimentation with available materials. The ecological development environment should contribute to: - the cognitive development of the child; -ecological and aesthetic development; - child health improvement; - formation moral qualities; - formation of environmentally literate behavior; 5

6 The preschool educational institution team set itself the task of attracting children’s interest by presenting nature as a mysterious world full of adventures and exciting discoveries. Adults should encourage children's curiosity and imagination, stimulate the need to express their feelings and thoughts in speech, play, drawing, creative crafts. Constantly support initiative, help children in their observations and experiments. Knowledge of the environment should take place in children’s direct interaction with the natural world and unfold as an exciting journey so that they receive joy from it. We hope that conducted by teachers preschool work will give you the opportunity to gain experience. Personal experience will gradually become the driving force for children, on which the direction of further intellectual and social development personality. A new element of the developmental environment in our preschool educational institution was the “weather site” created on the territory of the preschool educational institution. The weather site is compactly built on a specially built site on the territory of the park, which allows children in an accessible form, independently or with the help of a teacher, to observe changes in weather parameters, as well as observe and evaluate changes appearance Park facilities surrounding the site depending on the time of year. The weather site provides the opportunity to conduct practical work, systematic observations of the weather, and seasonal phenomena in the environment. Children get the opportunity to determine the weather using special equipment, which arouses great interest for them 6

7 Equipment for a children's weather station: A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure, the change of which foretells a change in the weather. A thermometer is used to measure air temperature. A weather vane is a device for determining the direction and strength of the wind. Rain gauge - used to measure the amount of precipitation. Snow gauge - a device for measuring the depth of snow cover Compass - a device for determining the cardinal directions (orientation on the ground) Sundial - allows children to learn to determine time by the sun. The results of observations are recorded by children in group nature and weather calendars. Goal: to teach children basic forecasting of weather conditions. Objectives: 1. to teach children how to take instrument readings; 2. providing children with the opportunity to compare devices with each other; 3. children study the dependence of instrument readings on the time of year; 4. children study the relationship between instrument readings and changes in the environment. 5. providing conditions for children to conduct research. Expected result: 1. Arrangement of a weather station at the preschool site. 2. Equipping the site with the necessary equipment. 3. Opening of the site. 4. Practical application in educational educational process. 7

8 Fig. 1 Natural barometer The principle of operation of a natural barometer is based on observations of the behavior of coniferous trees before a change in weather. A piece of dry fir branch, peeled from bark, is fixed parallel to (without touching) the board so that the side branch is in a position parallel to the ground in cloudy weather. The property of a branch to deviate when atmospheric pressure changes is used in this “device”. 8

9 Fig. 2 Thermometer This device allows children to determine the temperature of the surrounding air and study concepts such as “cold”, “warm”, “hot”, etc. It is located above the growth level of children at a height that prevents them from being injured. (It is recommended to observe the readings from a stand under the direct supervision of the teacher). 9

10 Fig. 3 Weather vane “Airplane” Fig. 4 Weather vane “Sleeve” We made weather vanes in the shape of an “airplane” rotating on a supporting axis, and a “sleeve”, which allows you to clearly show the direction of the wind using the cardinal direction indicator placed motionless at its base. 10

11 Fig.5 Rain gauge The rain gauge is made of a transparent plastic 5-liter bottle. The cut off “neck”, like an ordinary watering can, is installed in the cut off lower part of the bottle and fixed motionless. In the front part of the “device” there is a piece of ruler with a millimeter scale attached so that the beginning of the scale coincides with the cross section of the bottom of the bucket. In winter, a snow gauge is used - a device for measuring the depth of snow cover, made in the form of a large ruler on the footrest. eleven

12 Fig. 6 Sundial Fig. 7 General view of the weather site 12

13 Information and research project “Veterok” Trushina N.S., Koshel T.S., teachers of the MADOU “Kindergarten 1 in the village of Troitskoe” Relevance We live on the beautiful planet Earth and exaggerate our importance, immensely consuming its resources and just as immensely polluting the environment. All this led to a catastrophic deterioration of the environment, as well as human health. Therefore, issues of environmental education are very relevant today. "Do no harm!" - one of the commandments of human communication with nature. Raising young preschoolers in the spirit of environmental conservation is one of the aspects of environmental education in kindergarten. Love, understanding and care are what nature expects from every person. Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, a time when his health is formed and the process of personal development intensively takes place: the formation of the basis of personal culture, moral and spiritual values, the development of the intellectual sphere, creative abilities and skills. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the need arose to change the educational environment, including a system of conditions for the socialization and development of children. The developing subject-spatial environment should ensure maximum implementation of the educational process, site space and materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics of their development. The goal of our project is: - acquaintance with inanimate nature; Objectives: -learn to determine the direction and strength of the wind using special instruments: thermometer, rain gauge, weather vane; 13

14 - to form basic environmental knowledge and ideas through forecasting; - develop ecological thinking in the process of conducting elementary experiments; - develop cognitive activity and curiosity; - teach children to consistently express their thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions; - Expand words knowledge. - promote children’s understanding of various aspects of human interaction with nature; - introduce assistant devices and use them to determine weather conditions; - cultivate a caring attitude towards all life on Earth, love for nature; Participants of our project: - teachers, parents, children manufacturing equipment for the weather site; - music director for singing songs about the seasons and the weather. Terms: - long-term. In each group of our preschool educational institution, starting from younger age, observations of weather conditions are carried out. But frequent and simple observations have become not very interesting for children today. To maintain interest in observations and intensify work on environmental education, we developed and implemented the information and research project “Veterok”. The result of the work on the project was the Veterok weather site equipped on the territory of the preschool educational institution. We began to actively use this new zone for cognitive development children: for observations during walks, classes and excursions. 14

15 A “weather station” for our kids was created from an old unnecessary house; it became a “weather house”. It contains a thermometer to determine the temperature in the shade, and a hygrometer to determine air humidity. In our case, this is a suspended pine cone (if the air is humid it closes, if it is dry it opens). There is also a table where you can play board games. A compass is a must-have device for determining the cardinal directions. A thermometer was placed on our “weather house” to determine the ambient air temperature under direct sunlight. Thus, with the help of a thermometer, we study concepts such as “cold”, “warm”, “hot”, etc. 15

16 On the other side of the house, a children's rain gauge was installed, which is used to measure the amount of precipitation. It is made from a transparent plastic bottle, cut in half. The location of the device is chosen so that the measuring scale, in our case three stripes different color, was at the child’s eye level. 16

17 Weather vanes and windy sleeves made by the parents were placed on long bars and installed on the other side of the house. Using a weather vane, we determine the direction of the wind and give two concepts: “cold and warm wind.” Three turntables are installed on the roof of the weather house to determine the strength of the wind. They are all made from different materials. A paper spinner is the lightest and responds to the lightest wind. Another pinwheel made of cardboard, for medium strength. The third, made of plastic, spins only in strong winds. Near the weather house, octopuses cut from plastic bottles are comfortably located. Along the perimeter of the site, handmade pinwheels from colored disposable cups were placed on the fence. 17

18 18

19 19

20 On the roof of the sandbox they hung a musical carousel of the wind, brought by the children from home. Work continues not only on the site, but also in a group in a corner of nature. Together with the teacher, children fill out the nature calendar, draw pictures, learn poems, games, songs, and conduct experiments. 20

21 List of used literature: 1. L.A. Vladimirskaya “From autumn to summer” 2015 2. Our home is nature: program of an optional course in preschool education 2013 3. I.V. Kravchenko, T.L. Dolgova “Walks in kindergarten” 2008 4. G.V. Laptev “Developmental walks for children” 2010 5. N.A. Ryzhova “Ecological education in kindergarten” 2001 6. N.G. Komratova “The world in which I live: A manual for introducing children to the world around them” 2006 7. N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Kulikova “Children, adults and the world around” 1993 21

22 Equipment of a weather site on the territory of a preschool educational institution Description Gromskaya L.M., teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten of the village of Arsenyevo” The weather site in our kindergarten includes the following main components: observations; -a specially allocated area on the territory of the kindergarten for -a children's weather site. Short description special equipment for a children's weather station: Barometer - a device for measuring atmospheric pressure, the change of which foretells a change in the weather. Thermometer for measuring air temperature in the shade. Thermometer for measuring air temperature in the sun. There are also instruments at the weather site: Weather vane, a device for determining the direction and strength of the wind. A precipitation gauge is used to measure the amount of precipitation. Sundials allow children to learn to tell time by the sun at any time of the year. precipitation gauge An hourglass allows you to measure the time at which it is filled. Purpose The weather site, with special equipment placed on it, is intended to teach children basic forecasting of weather conditions. The weather site is equipped in an open area, inside the fenced area of ​​the kindergarten, and provides children with free access to the special equipment located on it. There are no structures or other buildings in the immediate vicinity of the site, as well as trees that could interfere with the free movement of air masses and precipitation. 22

23 The children's weather station is compact and allows children to monitor changes in weather parameters in an accessible form, independently or with the help of a teacher, and is located in such a way that children can observe and evaluate changes in the appearance of the ecological path objects surrounding the playground depending on the time of year. Didactic objectives: 1. Teaching children to take readings from instruments. 2. Providing children with the opportunity to compare devices with each other. 3. Children study the dependence of instrument readings on the time of year. 4. Children study the relationship between instrument readings and their own bodily sensations. 5. Providing conditions for children to conduct research 23

24 The photographs below show a children's weather station, which was designed and equipped in accordance with the above requirements and made from available materials. At the same time, the elements are located compactly on a separate wooden pole and shields and do not take up much space. To ensure the possibility of installing and dismantling the pole at the weather site, a metal pipe of suitable diameter is fixed in advance, motionless in the ground, with holes drilled in it, allowing the pole to be placed at a different height from the ground level by means of a through mechanical (bolt and nut) fastening. In the upper part, according to the well-known sketch, widely presented in various publications, a weather vane was made and mounted in the form of an “Airplane” rotating on a supporting axis, which shows the direction of the wind according to the cardinal direction indicator placed motionless at its base. 24

25 A pine branch is placed on the natural barometer, which allows children, with the help of a teacher, to determine the temperature of the surrounding air and learn concepts such as “cold”, “warm”, “hot”, etc. This operating principle is based on observations by taiga hunters of the behavior of coniferous trees before a change in weather. A piece of pine branch is fixed parallel to (without touching) the board so that the side branch is parallel to the ground in cloudy weather. The property of a branch to deviate when atmospheric pressure changes is used in this “device”, while its position in different weather was determined experimentally. To ensure clarity and easy understanding of the device readings for children, the scale is made in the form of an application made of waterproof material, which reflects three types of weather conditions: - “cloud with rain” - to a decrease in atmospheric pressure and rain; - “a cloud covering the sun” - to an increase in atmospheric pressure and partly cloudy skies; - “glowing sun” - to high pressure and sunny weather. 25

26 At the very bottom of the structure, on a special bracket fixedly attached to the shield, a children's precipitation gauge is installed using an elastic fastening. It is made of a transparent plastic five-liter bottle, has a flat bottom and a “neck”, which, like an ordinary watering can, is installed in a bucket and fixedly secured with a plastic “handle”. A piece of ruler with a millimeter scale is attached to the front of the device so that the beginning of the scale coincides with the cross section of the bottom of the bucket. 26

27 The location of the device on the pole is chosen so that the bottom of the bucket is at the child’s eye level. The hourglass allows you to measure the time it takes for the rain gauge to fill 27

28 Thermometer, precipitation gauge, weather vane, anometer Wind hose wind indicator 28

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Project in the junior group “Sea inhabitants” Prepared by teacher E.A. Shcherbakova Problem. The underwater world of the seas and oceans is very colorful and diverse. But the most important environmental problem is pollution.


Project activity in the junior group “Snowman” Relevance of the project: The issue of environmental education and education of children is becoming relevant at the present time. Environmental literacy, careful

Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's Library Department of organization, storage and use of funds Steps into the world of ecology An annotated list of references for employees

MKDOU d/s 5 “Swallow” Project “Plants of kindergarten” (2nd junior group) Prepared by teacher of the first qualification category Chernousova V.N. G. Lermontov 2014 Project Passport. Type of project: educational and informational

Project activity in the first junior group Our friend is the Snowman Educator: Yuzeeva N. N. Type of project: educational and research. Includes creative, educational and experimental

Environmental project “Properties of water” for children 4-5 years old Project type: educational and research. Duration of the project: short - urgent (two weeks). Subject of research: properties of water. In count

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 87 “Smile” Environmental project “Trees are our faithful friends” in the preparatory school speech therapy group 6 “Clever and smart girls” Educators:

Preschool educational institution 96 Consultation for teachers “Improving the health of children in the summer” Methodological office Lipetsk - 2017 It’s a wonderful time of summer! It makes it possible to fill children with vivid impressions, discoveries,

"Usage pedagogical technologies in the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" Forms of education of preschool children using innovative technologies Innovative approaches to educational

Municipal educational institution of additional education for children "Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity of the Volkhov Municipal District." CONSIDERED at the Methodological Council 20. Protocol

Project “Water is a magician” Relevance. IN preschool childhood the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 5 “Teremok” Velizh PROJECT ACTIVITY IN THE FIRST JUNIOR GROUP “MY FRIEND SNOWMAN” Educator Shurova V.A. 2017 Project

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Balashikha Urban District "Kindergarten of a combined type 32 "Firebird" Speech at the regional scientific and practical seminar "Improvement

Project in the preparatory school group “Sunny Bunnies” “Autumn is really so beautiful” Prepared by: teacher Pyatkina L.V. MBDOU kindergarten 7 p. Urshelsky October 2017 Type of project: Group,