An original gift for an 8 year old boy. The boy's birthday is eight years old

All parents who have a son know that at eight years old the boy is no longer a baby. This is a fairly independent and independent person. Therefore, when choosing gifts for an 8-year-old boy, you need to take into account his interests, focus on his hobbies, etc. After all, a child is already at an age when it is not enough to simply surprise him with something. You need to give him a useful and exciting thing that will help the boy study our world and learn something new about it. In this article we will offer you ten gift ideas that might really interest your little man.

Gift #1

The book is a wonderful gift for an 8 year old child. The boy doesn't like to read too much? Unfortunately, this problem is very relevant now. However, you can still interest your child in literature. Of course, the donated book should be large, bright, with beautiful colorful illustrations. Such publications are hard to miss.

You can give the boy something from the classics. Remember those books that children have been fond of at all times. Remember with what enthusiasm you read “Treasure Island”, “Robinson Crusoe” and other literature telling about unusual and exciting adventures, travel, etc. Or you can find a good encyclopedia. The main thing is to choose exactly the work that best suits the tastes and hobbies of your child.

Gift No. 2

At this age, all children love to design. That is why various sets of construction sets are the most popular gifts for an 8-year-old boy. Fortunately, they are easy to find on store shelves today. Depending on your financial capabilities, you can purchase a large set, with a huge number of parts and many design ideas. If you don’t have too much money, then you can opt for a small set with one assembly option. However, choose exactly what your son likes best. Is he interested in technology? Then give him a construction set from which he can assemble a model of a car or airplane. Loves watching adventure films? Then either the layout will suit him

Gift #3

What other gift can you give to an 8 year old child? A boy at this age is very inquisitive. It develops and absorbs new information like a sponge. Interest in acquiring new knowledge must be maintained. Therefore, it is worth giving him some good educational game.

There are several options for educational games. The first are those in which the child plays alone, developing independently. The second are games for the whole company. They are not only interesting to play, but also very fun. The third are computer educational games. It could just be a disk with training programs, or it could be a special gadget into which these programs were initially loaded.

Gift #4

What other gifts can you choose for an 8 year old boy? For his birthday, a little man who is already interested in science can be presented with special sets. On store shelves you can now find kits for young chemists, physicists, biologists, etc.

You can purchase a kit consisting of a variety of reagents with a description of the experiments that can be carried out. There are slides, scalpels, biological preparations, etc. included. A children's telescope is the dream of any young “astronomer”. Has your son loved conducting various experiments since childhood? And there is a suitable set for it. Or maybe he loves to fix everything since childhood and grows up to be a real jack of all trades? You can give him children's options a lot of.

Gift #5

Very often at this age children fantasize a lot and love to create. In this case, the best gifts for an 8-year-old boy are paints, markers, pencils, brushes, plasticine, and so on.

In addition to the usual materials for creativity, today you can purchase entire sets, thanks to which you can create a variety of interesting things. These kits already have everything necessary materials(this could be threads, clay, pebbles, special paints, etc.) and detailed instructions by application. Sometimes it needs to be followed clearly, step by step, and sometimes the child is given some kind of field for creativity, he can bring something new to the general idea.

Gift #6

The best gift for an 8-year-old boy who is interested in sports is, of course, special equipment. Even if he already has the basic items he needs for sports, you can always choose various accessories that will delight your child.

If a boy is interested in tennis, you can give him a set of quality balls for this game. Do you like to skate or ski? Then he will be delighted with the good and stylish sports gloves, hat and scarf. Does he play darts all the time? Running around the yard playing football with other boys? Give him a quality ball, brand new boots, or most importantly, don’t force your hobbies on him. Give your child only what will truly bring him joy and what he will use constantly.

Gift No. 7

Modern children can no longer imagine their lives without high technology. Therefore, it is not so difficult to choose gifts for an 8-year-old boy. The new guy will make a lasting impression on him. mobile phone or tablet.

But don't get too carried away. Still, eight years is not such a big age. Therefore, there is no need to give the boy too expensive “toys”. Don’t forget that children are very mobile, which means that at any moment a phone or tablet can drown in a pond, fall from a great height, get lost on the way home, and so on. Choose a device that will please your child, and if something happens he won’t feel too sorry for it.

Gift #8

Music plays a huge role in our lives. And the children give her no less than value than adults. A boy who is interested in music can be given a collection of discs, which will contain recordings of all the compositions of his favorite musicians. In addition, such a child will certainly be pleased with a brand new MP3 player.

Or maybe the guy himself dreams of becoming a musician? If financial capabilities allow, then you can give your child his first real musical instrument: a guitar, a synthesizer, and so on.

Gift #9

Gifts can be not only material, but also spiritual. Who else but children knows how to appreciate them? Today people have become much less likely to go to theaters, cinemas, and exhibitions. But good emotions are also a wonderful gift for an 8-9 year old boy.

You can give it as a gift by visiting the zoo with him. You can go to an amusement park or to a cinema for the premiere of a new cartoon. You can visit some interesting exhibition or go to the circus. Or you can just go on a hike with the whole family and have a picnic in the fresh air, with a fire, barbecue and fun games. By the way, you can invite your child’s friends and their parents to such an event. This will only add joy to the guys.

Gift #10

Our last idea is a bit like a fairy tale. After all, this is where dreams come true. Gifts for an 8 year old boy New Year can also be a little fabulous. Does your child have a dream? Well, for example, all his life he wanted to ride a horse. Or dreamed of seeing a picture being painted. Or maybe he loves to cook and would like to learn how to cook some interesting dish from a real chef?

If you have such an opportunity, we invite you to become a New Year's celebration a good wizard for his son. Together with your child, you can attend a master class in some restaurant, go to the hippodrome and ride him on a horse, come to an art studio, where he will try to create his own masterpiece under the guidance of an experienced master.

Gifts can be different - interesting, funny, magical. Make your children happy - everything depends only on you.

Boys at the respectable age of eight are no longer kindergarten tomboys, they bear the proud title of second graders, becoming more serious and thoughtful. Now you can’t surprise them with cars. The world is very large, and computers, the Internet and televisions provide ever new information and food for thought. However, the holiday is approaching, and we are racking our brains over what to give our son, grandson, brother, nephew, or just good friend. Let's try to make a list of what we might like to the young researcher.

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A long time ago there was a common expression: “a book is the best gift.” Maybe your future birthday boy can’t imagine his day without a good book? Below is a list of the best works for this age.


At the age of eight, a boy is still a child. And all children, without exception, love toys.

If you want to please the birthday boy, give him one of the following toys:

Educational games

Your child's intelligence and curiosity should be encouraged, so give him one of the following options:

Board games

Assiduous, thoughtful children love to sit and play board games.

These include:

Gift for creativity

Perhaps your future birthday boy really likes to make something? Then please him by giving him one of the following:

  • Origami;
  • Kits for creating magnets and frames for photographs and other souvenirs;
  • Sets paints and brushes, plasticine and felt-tip pens;

Sports goods

A birthday is a great occasion to give a tomboy exactly what he has been dreaming about for so long! For example:

Electronic goods

In the modern world, people simply cannot live without gadgets, and schoolchildren are no exception. You can give your child:

The gift does not have to be material. If you haven’t found anything suitable in all the options, give your eight-year-old boy tickets to the circus, to the planetarium, to the theater children's performance, show soap bubbles, balloons, paper show. Suitable pool membership.

Whatever you decide to buy for your future eight-year-old, do it with care and attention, and remember that the main gift is your endless love!

The birthday of an 8-year-old boy is a holiday that requires especially careful preparation and consideration of gifts. The birthday boy is no longer a preschooler or first-grader, he is now an adult who has a number of important responsibilities related to school, and also probably to some section or club. Therefore, you need to choose what to give as a gift with all possible adult seriousness.

Features of eight years of age

The leading line of the life world of an eight-year-old is schooling. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to overwhelm your child with markers, pens and copybooks, because he still has quite standard hobbies for a child (for example, toys), but at the same time new ones have appeared (playing some kind of sport, dancing or playing on a musical instrument). So the usual set of gifts for intellectual or physical development and the hobby remains, but with significant additions and fashionable features.

At the age of eight, many boys are seriously interested in sports

Who gives

In principle, it doesn’t matter who the birthday boy is: son, godson, nephew or grandson. The main thing is that the gift is appropriate. And, of course, if you are not too close to the boy’s family, then you shouldn’t give pajamas with your favorite cartoon characters about the Barboskins (even when you know for sure that he is delighted with these characters) - it will be too intimate a gift. The same can be said about surprises from peers and classmates: it is better to choose a neutral souvenir related to hobbies or school life.

What surprises would be inappropriate?

The list of inappropriate surprises is standard for younger children school age, although there are some mitigating circumstances.

  1. Casual clothes and shoes. Boots, a jacket and other wardrobe items are what will please parents, who will be able to save the family budget. But such things will not make an impression on the boy. But if you give fashion sneakers or sneakers with spikes, like a real football player, then in the eyes of the birthday boy your gift will rise to unattainable heights.
  2. Bed sheets. The effect is the same as with clothes, if it is not a bedspread with heroes of computer strategy games that the boy is interested in.
  3. Hygiene products. There are no reservations here; it’s definitely a bad gift for an 8-year-old schoolboy.
  4. Sweets. Modern children cannot be surprised by sweets and cakes, so even the most intricate designer cake should be supported by a toy car or a board game.
  5. Everything for school. A backpack with a compartment for a lunch box is unlikely to delight a child with its practicality. But if the bag depicts the Star Wars heroes that he likes so much, delight is guaranteed. In this category of gifts, the main thing is originality.

Suitable gift ideas for 8 year olds

Undoubtedly, The best way Don’t go wrong with a present - talk to the hero of the occasion about what he would like to receive. But even without this condition, it won’t hurt to find out about trendy gifts for modern boys if such an event is planned in your environment.


At the age of eight, children do not yet understand the sarcasm of the expression: “There is good gift, bad and... book." So you can safely give encyclopedias, reference books, and works of art. Moreover, they (if they correspond to the boy’s interests) stimulate a craving for reading - something that modern children clearly lack. Gift edition options:

  • reference book for young mechanics, electricians, biologists, etc.;
  • a series of books about mysterious events on Earth, historical facts, shook the world, etc.;
  • encyclopedias dedicated to specific sciences;
  • illustrated fiction(The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island and others).

Encyclopedias about space will be very appropriate, since at the age of 8 many boys are interested in the origin and development of the Universe

Board games

At 8 years old board game- This is not just entertainment, but an intellectual activity. If previously it was not the content that was important, but the development of fine motor skills (the child spins a roulette wheel, throws dice, etc.), now these are full-fledged applications for a boy’s education.


It trains not only the accuracy of movement, but also spatial thinking. The essence of the game is to create a tower of wooden blocks on a table or floor. Players take out elements of the finished building one at a time and place them on top. The one whose block was the last before the tower collapsed loses.

Boys enjoy playing Jenga not only in company, but also with themselves, actively delving into the process of rational rearrangement of elements.

The material from which the game is made is very important, since the child still strives to get to the very essence, that is, to take it apart, look, try to break it, etc. Wood in this case is practical and reliable.

Jenga variation - Jenga Boom. In it, the tower is built on a special stand. Moreover, this substrate is a kind of bomb that is about to explode, so you need to take out and place the bars as quickly as possible.

Jenga develops a child’s intelligence and spatial thinking


A game that develops attentiveness, memory and broadens a child’s horizons. 50 cards are laid out face down, players take turns turning them over and looking for pairs. Whoever finds more wins. The themes of the cards are very diverse: here are Russian cities and animals different parts light, and birds, etc.

Game of life

An absolutely amazing toy that teaches a child... to live. A kind of variant of the Monopoly strategy. The player needs to choose the direction of his life (family, study, work). During the game, participants study, stay at home, get married, have children and, ultimately, retire.

Table hockey or football

A toy that can captivate a representative of the stronger half of humanity at any age. And complain that dad doesn't spend time with his son after the purchase table football, you definitely won’t have to.

Table football captivates men at any age

Battleship, Battlefield

A naval strategy with a set of boats, cannons, chips to indicate hits and misses, and second fields to control the number of victims of the opposing team teaches tactics, develops logic and fine motor skills, guarantees an exciting time.

Sports gifts for children

If the boy has specific sports hobbies, then you can choose an appropriate gift (for example, a ball for a football player, a foil for a fencer, and so on). In addition, there is a well-defined list of gifts for sports and active recreation:

  • roller sneakers (shoes on wheels that combine two functions - rolling and walking);
  • skate (the board can be supplemented with drawings and engraving, making it the most original);
  • unicycle - one-wheeled bicycle;
  • a slingshot with a long-range sight that shoots real bullets made of rubberized materials;
  • darts, ring throw, flying saucer, etc.

If the birthday boy doesn’t have a bicycle yet, then it’s time to give him this useful form of transport.

An eight-year-old boy can no longer only be an active participant in traditional family events, such as, for example, a tourist trip to the mountains, but also show interest in one or another activity. So a tent, an age-appropriate backpack, a fishing rod and similar things are a very good choice for a birthday.

What can you give a creative boy?

At the age of 8, many children attend clubs and sections that develop their musical abilities or the makings of an artist, sculptor, dancer. If the birthday boy is a subtle, creative person, then you can present him with:

  • good headphones, speakers;
  • synthesizer with learning function;
  • guitar;
  • CDs with music that the boy likes;
  • a suit or shoes for dancing (although it is better to give a certificate for the purchase of these things);
  • easel (paint palette, watercolor sheets, albums of different formats, etc.).

Especially interesting option- 3D pen that creates three-dimensional paintings. It will not only captivate the child, but will promote creative development.

Video: how to draw with a 3D pen

As already mentioned, a boy at 8 years old is still playing with toys. But at this age they become complex, sometimes even incomprehensible for an adult.

  1. Set of cars. This could be a collectible option, for example, the HOT WEELS series.
  2. Radio controlled car.
  3. Silicone figures Trash Pack. The collection, consisting of a total of 100 characters, is a source of pride for a modern boy aged 7–10 years.
  4. Interactive pet Furby boom that eats, plays, dances and sings. Pay attention to the language of the version, as it is still quite difficult to find a Russified model.
  5. Nintendo video game console.
  6. Glowing in the dark and making sounds Jedi sword.
  7. Transformable robots that turn into space creatures, vehicles and weapons.
  8. The labyrinth ball is a modern version of the Rubik's cube. There are 100 steps in this puzzle.
  9. Constructors, including Lego. For eight-year-olds, choose sets with 500–1000 parts. Their theme should correspond to the hobbies of the birthday boy: transport, airfield construction, creation of residential areas and others.
  10. Model railways complete with stations. Trains in these versions not only completely copy the real ones, but also emit special signals. The most popular toys are Racing PRO and Woody.
  11. A home planetarium that will allow a boy to study a map of the starry sky, as well as the planets of the solar system.
  12. Anti-stress ball. The toy, of course, is more relevant for adults, but children also enjoy squeezing the mesh with gel-like filling in their hands so that many small bubbles appear.
  13. The grabber is a newfangled hobby for modern children.

Gallery: photos of modern fashionable toys

The Furby boom pet is an excellent training before buying a pet. Trash Pack Heroes are collected by many children, especially boys. Anti-stress balls are very popular with both children and many adults.

Video: how to play with Grabber

Useful gifts

These items not only bring joy to the owner, but also benefit the learning process. They awaken the spirit of a researcher and tester in a child. Such gifts include:

  • microscope with reagents for observations;
  • binoculars;
  • globe;
  • kit for growing crystals, etc.

Children enjoy conducting experiments in the fields of chemistry, physics, and biology.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on such an important, status thing for a man as wrist watch. You can give an eight-year-old boy stylish model with interesting technical additions (compass, flashlight and others). The main thing is that it is of high quality and lasts for several years.


A completely separate class of gifts that requires the child, on the one hand, to have a creative approach, and on the other hand, to help him learn to work with both his head and his hands.

Impressions as a gift

If the birthday person has everything, then the best gift will be positive emotions. To do this, it is enough to present:

  • invitations to a new circus performance;
  • tickets to the museum to visit an exhibition dedicated, for example, to paleontology;
  • invitation to a master class (dance, cooking, music or other).

A trip to the water park will give your child unforgettable emotions

Pets for birthday

As for this gift, it must be agreed upon with the parents and other family members living in the same house as the birthday boy. Suitable options for a boy would be:

  • fish;
  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • parrot;
  • cat;
  • dog.

Of course, nothing develops a child’s sense of responsibility better than caring for his little brothers. But mom and dad should be prepared for the fact that their child’s patience may not be enough for a long time, and feeding, cleaning, and walking will fall on the shoulders of adult family members.

Caring for a pet instills a sense of responsibility in a child

Homemade gifts

A very controversial category of gifts for the eighth birthday, since the boy is unlikely to appreciate the effort and time you spent on creating the present. The fate of such gifts is predetermined: the wild joy of adults, the chaotic impressions of the birthday boy, the preservation of the gift “until he grows up.” So it’s still better to back up a handmade item with something more understandable to a child at his age.

It is better if a homemade gift is an addition to the main one, and not vice versa

Money for an 8-year-old birthday boy

Money is a controversial gift for any age. Moreover, such a popular holiday gift option is considered impolite. However, they still give it. And not only for adults, but also for children. If we leave the ethical side of the issue aside and focus on the practical, then banknotes are a completely acceptable present, especially when a boy plans to use his savings to purchase a dream.

A gift for a boy's eighth birthday is an important part of the holiday. The best way to solve the problem of choice would be to ask the hero of the occasion what he wants, or consult with his parents. But in any case, a list of possible gift options for a boy of this age will be useful.

1. Soccer ball autographed
He is interested in football, watches all the matches with his dad and grandfather, goes to the football section: buy him a ball with the autograph of a player from his favorite team. Or a football uniform with the number of the same idol. And all this paraphernalia will be a kind of impetus to continue to achieve success in simpler football. This also applies to any other sports.

2. Children's synthesizer
Do you want to see your son on stage? Is he already interested in music, goes to music school and the teachers admire his perfect pitch? So buy him a synthesizer or an electric guitar. These instruments will help expand his horizons in the world of music.

3. Radio controlled model
Or maybe there really is something on the control panel: an airplane, a helicopter, a racing car or a ship. Maybe he will love the sea and become a sailor, or the sky will attract him - then he will become a pilot, or a racer. Let him slowly begin to make up his mind. Early? Not at all, just by the age of 18 he will make a conscious decision.

4. Game console
Game console? Quite like a gift. Just make sure you don’t take it to school. He will be distracted in class, and the teacher will not give him peace if he takes away the toy.

5. Cell phone
You can just buy a phone so that you can always and everywhere be in touch. After all, adult children are less obedient: they call less often, they come less often. Enjoy every year of your child's childhood and perhaps he will cherish time with you in the future.