Open integrated lesson on "famp" and "creativity" "travel with a kolobok". Summary of an open integrated lesson on femp in the second junior group “travel with a kolobok” Open lesson on the journey of a kolobok femp

Lesson summary on FEMP in the middle group

A journey through the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Purpose of the lesson: Formation mathematical representations through play activities.

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5, practice counting within 5. Develop the ability to compare groups of objects and correlate the number with the number of objects. Reinforce the idea of ​​parts of the day. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, practice composing one shape from several, learn to lay out a chain of shapes according to a given pattern. Develop attention, memory, creative thinking, cognitive activity. Foster friendly relationships between children.


Demo: an easel, silhouette images of a grandfather, a woman, animals, a bun, 5 hares, 5 carrots, sets of numbers are attached to it; travel itinerary; track diagram from geom. figures; story pictures"Parts of the day."

Toys: hare, wolf, bear, fox; trees; a set of large geometric shapes;

Dispensing: sets of numbers from 1 to 5 for each child; 5 bunny figures and carrots. for each child; sticks for building a house for a bear;

Methods and techniques:

Visual - verbal, playful, practical, showing, demonstration, surprise moment, reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group, greet the guests, and stand in a circle.
Exercise with movements “We don’t want to sleep anymore.”
Early in the morning we woke up, rubbing our eyes.
Sweet, sweet reached out. They stretch.
To make sleep go away, they yawn, Yawn.
They shook their heads slightly. They shake their heads.
We were woken up by running in place, They easily run in place.
They ran to the bath together. Make a large rectangle with your hands.
They washed and splashed, made massaging movements on the face,
slap their palms on the body.
We tried to brush our teeth. The index finger is drawn along the teeth.
Comb your hair carefully, run your hand from top to bottom along the hair.
Everyone dressed up neatly. Moves hands along the body from above
We don't want to sleep anymore! They threaten with their index finger.
We'll have fun playing. They clap their hands.

Educator: Children, today I invite you to go to fabulous trip based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Do you agree?

1,2,3! Get into a fairy tale
Turn around one after another
And sit on the chairs!

Children sit at tables in front of an easel on which images of a woman and grandfather are attached; on another easel - a diagram of the theft of a kolobok has been drawn up.


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river

And they really, really loved the koloboks with sour cream.

Grandma kneaded the dough, she made a bun,

She put it in the oven and left it there.

He came out beautifully blushed and looked like the sun.

He wanted to cool down a little and lay down on the window.

Then something bad happened to him...

The red-tailed fox stole the bun.

Educator:- Guys, can we help you find the bun? (We'll help). Let's look at a travel plan that will help us and lead us to the fox's house. Look where we start our journey? (From number 1). Right. (Next, consider the diagram)

Educator: And now we are going with you to the forest.

Finger gymnastics “Into the woods”
(children clench and unclench their fists, bend their fingers)
One two three four five,
We went for a walk in the woods.
This finger is on the path,
This finger is along the path,
This finger is for mushrooms,
This finger is behind the raspberries,
This finger with Kolobok,
I met someone secretly.

Educator: This is such a beautiful clearing. And here is some number written.

What is this figure?

Children: Number 1.

A child reads a poem about the number 1 :

Worth one
Looks like a match.
She's just a devil
With a small bang.

Educator: Guys, a hare lives in this clearing. (There is a hare sitting next to the number 1.) He asks to feed the bunnies carrots so that everyone gets an equal share.

Exercise “Feed the bunnies”

Children take places at the tables; there are flat figures of rabbits on the tables.

How many bunnies will be in front of you? (4)

Place the appropriate number next to them. (Children perform)

How many carrots do bunnies need? (4)

Dima, how many carrots did you put in? (4)

How many carrots are there in total? (5)

Vika, what are more, carrots or bunnies? (carrots)

What can we say about bunnies? (there are fewer of them)

Oh, look, another little bunny has come running, how many bunnies are there (5).

Place the appropriate number next to them. (5)

What needs to be done so that the bunny is not offended? (Treat him with a carrot).

How many carrots (5), and how many bunnies (5), what can we say about them?

(There are equal numbers of them). Well done, now let's rest.

Exercise after counting rabbits

We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easily, easily.

We'll catch up now

On your toes so many times

Exactly as many as fingers

On one hand we have.

How many fingers do we have on our hand? (five)

Educator:- Now let’s return to the diagram and continue our path. Where are we going next? (To number 2). Here is another clearing. There is also a number here.

The child reads a poem about the number 2:

Number 2 angry goose,

Neck, ponytail, oh, I'm afraid.

Educator: A wolf lives in this clearing and he also asks you to help him: he confuses the parts of the day, he lives in the forest, in kindergarten doesn't walk, so it gets confused. He says that it is light at night and dark during the day. This is right? (No) You and I will help the wolf and remind him when things happen. (children's answers)

D/i “When does this happen?”

(scene pictures on the easel)


The sun had just risen.

The children are being taken to the garden.

There are so many toys there...

Bunnies and bears.

All the kids are going to kindergarten.

What's the name of this time?

Choose a picture for this time of day.

Why did you choose this picture?


The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

Children go out for a walk.

Do you want to go for a walk?

Call it time!

Show a picture that is appropriate for this time of day.


Soon the sun will set,

The sky darkened.

Everyone has finished working

The matter was postponed.

All children are taken home.

What's the name of this time?

Find a picture for this time of day.

What picture is suitable for this time of day?


The stars lit up in the sky.

Everyone went to bed.

Son and daughter fall asleep.

What time is this?

Task “Finish the sentence” (with a ball, individual work)

We sleep at night and do exercises...? (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner...? (In the evening)

The moon is visible at night, but the sun...? (in the afternoon)

We have dinner in the evening and sleep...? (at night)

We wake up in the morning and go to bed...? (In the evening)

Educator: Now let’s return to the diagram and continue our path. Where are we going next? (To number 3). We continue our journey. Here is the next clearing. What is the number here? (Three)

The child reads a poem about the number 3:

Let's put two hooks together, look

The result is number 3.

Educator: And listen to who lives in this clearing:

Walks through the forest without roads,
Between pines and birches,
And in winter he lies in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost. (bear)

The bear asks you to build him a house out of sticks.

Dynamic pause “Building a house”

One two three four five

Let's build and play.

(we walk in place)

We are building a big, tall house.

(on toes pointing upward)

We are building windows and roofing.

This is such a beautiful house!

(hand forward, raising thumb up)

Mishutka will live in it!


Educator: Now each of you take a stick and let’s build a house for the bear.

(Children build a house on an easel)

The child reads a poem about the number 4:

Somehow the fork was dropped
One clove was broken off.
This fork is in the whole world,
It's called "four".

Next to the number on our way there is a lake. To cross it you need to build a path of geometric shapes. Look, we have a hint - a track diagram.

(On the board is a diagram of the track, and on the floor are scattered geometric figures)

Take one piece each in your hands.

(The teacher takes the figure and places it on the floor)

I put a red square.

Whose figure will be next? You must follow the arrow strictly.

(Everyone lays out their figure in turn, naming its shape and color.)

Educator: The path has been built. Now you can go further along it. Where are we going next? (To number 5).

The child reads a poem about the number 5:

Number five - with a big belly,
Wears a cap with a visor.
At school this number is five
Children love to receive.

Educator: So we came to the clearing where the fox lives, this is her home. Guys. What does a fox like to eat most? (fish) Let's put out the fish, it will be a treat for the fox. Then she will let go of the bun. (Children lay out fish from geometric shapes)

The fox looked at our fish, she really liked them, so she released the bun.

Educator: And here comes the bun, before the fox had time to eat it. Let's take him to his grandparents. Let them drink tea with kolobok and wait for us to visit.

Educator: Guys, let's remember where we were today? (in the forest) Tell us who we met in the forest. (Children tell who they met, what tasks they did, what they liked most).

Now place your chips next to the hero you liked playing with the most.

Svetlana Prokhorova
Summary of an open integrated lesson on FEMP in the second younger group"Travel with Kolobok"

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 82 combined type" g.o. Saransk

Summary of an open integrated lesson on FEMP

in second junior group No. 1

« Traveling with a kolobok»

Prepared: teacher

Prokhorova S. L.

Target: formation of completed mathematical concepts in children 2 ml. groups.

Tasks: 1. Educational.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes;

-Reinforce concepts: one, many, more, less, equally.

Strengthen the ability to establish relationships between concepts: big, smaller, smallest.

Strengthen the ability to determine the quantitative relationship between two groups of objects, understand the meaning concepts: more, less, equally, one, many.

-consolidate the concept: long-short, high-low, wide-narrow, thick-thin; colors: yellow, blue, red, green; shape – circle, square, triangle.

Strengthen the ability to focus on three signs simultaneously (color, shape, size);

Fix the names of the parts of the day.

2. Developmental.

Formation of attention, thinking, thinking, imagination, memory;

Develop auditory perception;

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop coherent speech.

3. Educational.

Cultivate goodwill and a sense of mutual assistance;

Cultivate neatness

4. Integration educational regions:

Social and communicative development

Cognition (FEMP)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

5. Activation of the dictionary.

Name of geometric shapes;

Name of parts of the day.

Progress of the lesson.

Playback Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? This morning I met a fairy-tale character. He said that he really wants to meet you and invite you to a fun journey. Do you want to meet him? Then guess riddle:

Didn't lie on the window,

Rolled down the path (bun) .

Vosp: That's right, that's bun. And here he is. (puts it on the table square shaped bun) .

Children laugh and express their impressions.

Vosp: Is there something wrong? Why are you laughing?

D: Kolobok is not like that, it's round, rolling.

Vosp:(gets because of the square kolobok, kolobok round shape ). Everything is clear, he decided to play a joke on us. Do you know a fairy tale about him? What happened to him at the end of the fairy tale?

And today we will go to trip to a new fairy tale about the kolobok who loves mathematics.

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful bun,

Gingerbread man ruddy side.

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Rolled along the path

And we'll go to travel on what? (children's answers) Guess the riddle.

I'm riding in it on the top shelf

To the sea, to the sun, to the south.

And the wheels never stop

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock (train)

Yes, we will go by train. But first you must get tickets so that later take your place in the carriage (hand out tickets with geometric shapes)

Look carefully at what is depicted on them.

D: Geometric figures.

Vosp: You need to sit on the chair that shows the same figure as on your ticket. I will conductor: Have your tickets ready, tell them what figure they show and what it looks like. (a circle looks like a sun, a triangle looks like a roof, a square looks like a painting, etc.)

D:answer questions.

Vosp: Well, now let's go (To the music they sit on chairs and stomp their feet). Here we are in the forest. What grows in the forest?

D: Trees.

Vosp: Let's play. There are different types of trees (children get up from their chairs and stand near the teacher).

D: High and low (accompanied by movements).

Vosp: What kind of trunks do they have?

D: Thick and thin (accompanied by movements).

Vosp: The trunk is one, and the branches are...

D: A lot of.

Vosp: And when the wind blows, what happens to the trees?

D: They rock.

The wind is blowing in our faces.

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Words are accompanied by movements.

Vosp: And in the forest kolobok and the animals are already meeting us. Here such: wolf, hare, bear, fox and cat. Right? (Post pictures)

D: no, there was no cat.

Vosp: Why?

D: Cats do not live in the forest, they are domestic animals, but wild, forest animals live in the forest.

Vosp: That's right, and here comes the bunny. He's not funny for some reason. Let's please him and play with him. And for this you also need to turn into bunnies. Wear your hats. How many bunnies were there?

D: One.

Vosp: And now how many bunnies are there?

D: A lot of.

The game is being played “The little gray bunny is sitting...”

At the end of the game, the children run away to the sofa.

Vosp: How many bunnies are left on the lawn now?

D: Not a single one, not at all.

Vosp: Let's ask the bunny why he was sad? The bunny says that he wants to send parcels with carrots to his friends and cannot sign the boxes because he does not know how to count. Let's help the bunny. This box contains carrots for a friend - a little squirrel. How many carrots? (count - one) .One. And in this box there are carrots for friends - they eat. How many carrots? (count - two) What number should we attach to the box? (find and attach to the box). Two. And in this box there are carrots for the brothers - bunnies. How many carrots? (count - three). What number should we put on the box? (find and attach) Three.

Well, our bunny is having fun. Let's say to him: "Goodbye" and let's move on. Who is waiting for us in this clearing (put the doll on your hand).

D: Wolf.


I am a gray wolf, teeth click

I won’t miss the bun,

I'll swallow it right away.

Vosp: No, gray wolf, no need to eat kolobok.

Vosp: (for the wolf) Okay, I won't eat kolobok, but then you help me. I argued with my friends that at night we walk and play, in the evening we go to kindergarten, during the day we have dinner, and in the morning we sleep.

D: No not like this.

Vosp: Guys, let's help the wolf. What do we do and when?

Showing pictures, playing "What happens and when"

When we go to the d/s - in the morning.

When do they have lunch in the kindergarten? - During the day.

When do we leave kindergarten for home? - In the evening.

When do we go to bed? - At night.

Vosp (for the wolf): Well done, thank you. And for this I will tell you how to get to the bear’s house. You need to go to it along the longest path.

And here are the paths. Let's count how many there are.

D: One – two – Three.

Vosp: What color are they?

D: Red, yellow and green.

Vosp: Are they the same length?

D: No, not the same.

Vosp: Which track is the longest?

D: Red.

Vosp: Which path is the shortest?

D: Yellow.

Vosp: Which path should we take?

D: By the longest one, by the red one.

We walk in line, one after another along the red carpet.

Vosp: And here comes the bear.

Brown bear, brown bear.

Why are you so gloomy?

Vosp: Mishka says that while he, Nastasya Petrovna and son Mishutka were in the forest, Masha came to their house and made a mess. And now they themselves cannot figure out where whose mug is, where whose spoon is, whose pillow. The bears are asking for help to restore order. Let's remember what Mikhailo Ivanovich is like?

D: Biggest. And his things are the biggest.

Vosp: And Nastasya Petrovna?

D: Smaller, and her things are smaller.

Vosp: And what about Mishutka?

D: Small. And his things are small.

Vosp: Let's put big things in a large box, for Mikhail Ivanovich, in a smaller box - things for Nastasya Petrovna, and in the smallest box - small things - for Mishutka.

Children take turns removing objects from the board and putting them in boxes.

After this, the bear offers to play.

The bear walked, walked, walked.

I found a white mushroom.

One - fungus, two - fungus.

I put it in the box.

Children perform imitative movements to the poems.

Vosp: We walked and walked and came to the little fox’s little sister’s house. The fox is not at home now. Let's give the fox a surprise. So she doesn't eat kolobok I need to bake her some pies. But to light the stove, you need firewood. Bring special firewood. Listen carefully which: neither blue nor yellow (there are boxes with Dienesh blocks). Which ones?

D: Red.

Vosp: Find it in the box and put it in the oven. The oven is lit, let's bake pies. And there will be pies special: Not square or triangular. Which ones?

D: Round.

Vosp: Right. Remove from the box and place them on a tray. Well done. Now the fox will be full and won’t offend anyone. But it's time for us to return from travel through a fairy tale. Tell our kolobok: "Goodbye" and take your seats on the train.

Educational area: cognition.

Integration educational areas: communication, socialization, outlook, health, reading fiction.

Type: integrated

Children's age: 6 years

Direct form educational activities: journey

Form of organization: subgroup.


1. Educational

  • strengthen children's skill of orienting themselves in notebooks by cells
  • continue to teach children to solve simple arithmetic problems on a visual basis, to compose a solution from numbers;

2. Developmental

3. Educational

  • cultivate an interest in mathematics, a desire to provide help to those who need it, and a sense of teamwork.

Preliminary work:solving problems, solving examples.

Equipment and materials:presentation, ball, letter.

Handout:workbooks, pencils, counting sets, puzzle.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales?(slide No. 1)

Today I want to take you on a journey through one of them. You will find out the name of this tale when you guess the riddle:

It is shaped like a ball.

He was once hot.

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side...

Did you find out? (BALL) .

Educator: That's right, this is Kolobok.(slide number 2). Main character, came to our lesson. The grandmother baked a bun and left it on the window to cool. Cheerful, trusting bun! Do you remember how many animals and dangers were on his way? Guys, our fairy tale will be unusual, unexpected surprises await us and we will try to help the bun avoid unexpected troubles. To do this you need to be careful and quickly find right decisions. Let's start with an intellectual warm-up. I suggest playing with the ball. Everyone must listen carefully to the question and give the correct answer.

Intellectual warm-up

  • How many angles does a square have?(4)
  • How many days are there in a week?(7)
  • How many tails do five cows have?(5)
  • How many paws do two geese have?(4)
  • How many months are there in a year?(12)
  • How many angles does a triangle have?(3)

Educator: Did you enjoy playing? And I liked your correct answers. Now go to your seats.

Educator: Our little bun got tired of lying around and set off on his way. The bun rolls and rolls, and a hare meets it.(slide No. 4)

Kolobok asked the hare why he was so sad. And the Hare replied: “How can I not be sad, I need to get to my friends on the other side, but I don’t have a boat! If the guys help me, I won’t eat you!” ( slide No. 5)

Educator: Guys, let's help the hare and make him a boat from counting sticks.(Slide No. 6)

Take counting sticks and build a boat for the bunny according to the diagram. How many sticks did we use to build the boat? Raise your hand who has 11!

The hare thanked Kolobok.(Slide No. 7)

The bun asked the wolf why he was so sad. And the Wolf replied: “How can I not be sad.

Even if you laugh, even if you cry,

I can't solve problems! Help me guys

Put everything in its place. I will learn to solve problems -

I will be grateful to you! And I won’t eat Kolobok.”

Educator: Guys, in the last lesson we also learned to solve problems! Let's teach the wolf to solve problems. ( Slide No. 9)

Let's denote the solution with numbers and signs.(The called child makes up the solution 4 + 3 = 7 on the board of numbers) the rest with the cash register

Educator: One more task. Let's denote the solution with numbers and signs.(The called child makes up the solution 6-2 = 4 on the board using numbers) the rest with the cash register

Did this happen to everyone?(Slide number 10)

The wolf thanks us and says: “Goodbye!” ( Slide number 11)

Educator: Children, do you like traveling with a kolobok? The bun rolls on, and a squirrel meets it.(slide 12). The squirrel says that we have worked hard with you, and now it’s time to rest. Let's dance with the squirrel.

The bun rolled further, and a bear met it ( slide No. 13) Kolobok asked the bear why he was sad, and the bear replied: “How can I be sad, my comrade fell into a trap of hunters, and I cannot open it. If the guys help me, I won’t eat you.”(Slide No. 14)

Educator: Children, we need to complete a difficult task, for this you need to follow my instructions exactly, are you ready? Let's remember where our right is and where our left is! Open your notebooks, take a pencil.

Graphic dictation “Key”

Educator: From the point 1 cell up, 8 cells right, 2 cells up, 4 cells right, 5 cells down, 4 cells left, 2 cells up, 4 cells left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left.

Educator: What happened? (Key) . Have you guessed why we need it?(To open the trap)

The bear thanks us and says goodbye.(Slide number 15)

Educator: The bun rolled further, and a fox came towards it. Lisa says: “Hello bun, hello guys. It's so good that you came. Help me please. I promised my friends to give my photo, but I only have one left.(slide number 16). My little foxes were playing and accidentally cut the photos into pieces. You couldn't put them together.


(Lisa thanks for the help, says goodbye and leaves).

Summary of the lesson (Slide No. 17)

Educator: Guys, did you enjoy traveling through the fairy tale with the kolobok? Let's remember who we met? What they were doing? What did you like? Who new friend Koloboka, what do you think? (Squirrel) Why? What was the most difficult task?

Educator: Well done! You were attentive, smart, and most importantly kind and sympathetic. Guys, look, Kolobok left us a letter. Let's see what's there.

(inside there are emoticons and a poem)

Well, dear friends,

I'm glad you didn't let me down.

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Be friends with mathematics

Accumulate your knowledge.

Let your efforts help you,

Memory, logic, attention!

I give smiley faces to children

Abstract open class on the formation of elementary mathematical abilities V senior group on the topic: “Travel with Kolobok”

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, health, play.

Types of children's activities: gaming, educational-research, communicative.


  • Develop speech by including terms in the active vocabulary (left, right, less, more).
  • Ability to decrease and increase numbers by one.
  • Introduce the composition of the number 8.
  • Continue to navigate on a sheet of paper, fix the name of the figures.
  • Reinforce your knowledge of the days of the week.
  • Develop intelligence, attention, memory and logical thinking.
  • Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to study.

Planned results: count objects within 8; It has elementary representation about the composition of the number 8; knows how to decrease and increase a number by one; navigates on a sheet of paper, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (upper left and right corners, etc.); actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; develops thinking; when performing mathematical operations necessary condition and concentration lasts for 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

demonstration material: slides for an interactive whiteboard, two houses for number composition, numbers from 1 to 10

handouts: numbers, pieces of paper, colored pencils, a key cut into three parts.

  1. Organizing time.

Children enter the group to the music.

Educator: Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let us say hello to you and give the guests a good mood (children blow away the good mood of the guests from their palms)

  1. 2. Fairy tale.

Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales? Would you like to get into a fairy tale yourself? Today I want to invite you to go to a fairy tale, a fairy tale familiar to you from early childhood. And to get into a fairy tale you need to close your eyes and say magic words“1, 2, 3 turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.” We open our eyes.

There is a picture of Kolobok on the interactive board.

Today Kolobok invites us into his fairy tale.

He came to you not empty-handed, but with a surprise.

Next slide: Kolobok is upset.

Educator: But trouble happened to Kolobok. While he was walking through the fairy tale to you, he left your surprise with one of the heroes of his fairy tale. And he offers to go looking for him. Do you want to go to a fairy tale with Kolobok?

Children's answers:

Educator: Then tell me, guys, who in this fairy tale was Kolobok the first to meet in the forest?

Children's answers: he met the Hare.

Educator: That's right. This is such a cute Bunny.

On the interactive board there is an image of a hare with a kolobok.

Educator: Guys, but in order for the Hare to answer whether he has the surprise that Kolobok lost, we must complete the Bunny’s task. And for this we need to sit down at our tables.

The children take their seats.

Educator: Guys, put a sheet of paper and colored pencils in front of you. Ready?

Children's answers:

Educator: Then listen to the task from the Hare.

The bunny has a big family,

Feeding her is not feeding her.

The hare collects in the pantry:

cabbage, apple, carrots.

Let's help the bunny arrange boxes of supplies in his pantry.

  • draw an orange triangle in the upper left corner;
  • in the lower right corner draw three green circles;
  • draw a red oval in the center;
  • in the lower left corner, draw blue rectangles 1 less than circles;
  • In the upper right corner, draw so many yellow squares so that there are 1 more of them than rectangles.

Educator: now let’s check.

What geometric figure did Artem draw in the lower right corner? Where did Alena draw the green circle?

In what corner did Maxim draw the square?

Now look at the board and check if you did everything correctly.

So we completed the Hare’s task, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have our surprise and we move on. And who did Kolobok meet later in the fairy tale?

Children's answers: He met the Wolf.

Educator: That's right, the gray Wolf. Like this one.

There is an image of a gray Wolf on the interactive board.

Educator: The Wolf also has a task for us.

Look, there's a hole here

It's multi-story

There are 8 residents on each floor.

Help me resettle the wolf cubs from the pack.

There is a picture of a house on the interactive board and easels, there are numbers and empty squares on the floors, and the number 8 on the roof.

Educator: Vika, Grisha, Artem Tebin, Matvey will work on my easels. And we will go to the board one by one, whomever I name.

Children complete the task.

Educator: All the windows in the house are filled, let's check if the guys who worked at the easels did it correctly.

Children check.

Alena will check with Vike, Gosha will check with Grisha, Artemy with Matvey, Nastya with Artem.

Educator: But there is no surprise here either. Let's go to the next hero. Whom did Kolobok meet later?

Children's answer: He met the Bear.

Educator: Correct. Our Kolobok met such a handsome man.

The bear loves to play ball. Therefore, he invites you to stand in a circle.

Children line up in a circle, the teacher is in the center of the circle.

Educator: Guys, our Mishka turns out to be poorly oriented in time and does not know the days of the week. Let's help him remember.

Game "Orientation in time"

What day of the week is it today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will it be tomorrow?

Name the third shadow of the week.

Name the fifth day of the week.

Name the second day of the week.

Educator: Well done, but Mishka doesn’t have our surprise and we’re going to whom?

Children's answers: To the Fox.

Educator: That's right, to this red-haired and very cunning beauty.

Guys, to complete the Fox's task, you need to sit back at your table.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Open the envelopes and lay out the number line from 1 to 10 from left to right. Is everyone ready? Then let's start completing the task.


  • the number is greater than 5 by 1 (6);
  • small number (1):
  • a number that is less than 7 by 1 (6);
  • the number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2);
  • the number following the number 4(5).

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the Fox’s task. And she has our surprise. And so she gladly handed it over to us.

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and start counting from 10 to 1.

(Children count in chorus)

We returned to kindergarten.

We've been in a fairy tale,

We helped Kolobok

And they brought a gift,

We returned back

The kindergarten is very happy for us.

  1. Bottom line.
  • Where have we been today, guys?
  • What did you like?
  • Which task was difficult?

Educator: But before you look in and open our gift, I suggest you warm up. Leave the tables. Get up here in loose.

Physical exercise "Zverorobik"

RKiriktirilip yimdastyrylgan oku is-areketinin technology maps

Routing integrated organized learning activities

Date of:

We take salalars/Educated area: "Knowledge" "Creativity"

Bilim kozi/ Section: "FEMP" "Music"

Takyryby / Topic: “Travel with Kolobok”

“Introduction to ordinal numbers within 5. Orientation in space: right, left.”

Objectives/Goals: Learn ordinal counting within 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly the questions: “how much?” “What’s the score?” Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper. Learn to find geometric shapes in space. Teach children to establish the relationship between 5 objects by length. Arrange objects in a row, in descending and ascending order of length, following the rule: each time you need to choose the longest (shortest) object from the remaining ones. Develop attention. Foster a love and interest in fairy tales

Sozdik zhumys /Vocabulary work: Left, right.

Kerekti kural – zhabdyktar/Equipment and materials: Forest clearing with decorations; animals toys - bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox. There are flowers in the clearing - 5; demo numbers from 1-5; easel; geom. figures - circle, square, triangle, oval; 4-hoops; spatial orientation cards, small toys; cards with buttons for each child, handout numbers 1-5;

Bilingual component/Bilingual component: ber - one, eki - two, ush - three ; T ө rt -4 demon-5; English. language-- one one, two d va, three three, four four, five five

Methodical techniques: Verbal - telling a fairy tale by the teacher, asking questions to children, reading poetry, riddles. Gaming - performing game actions:“Collect flowers in order”, P/n "Find your house » , Physical minute “Animal gymnastics”
Visual : demonstration of material.

Practical: independent activity of children.

We answer the question quantitatively"How many?", at ordinal “What’s the score?” or “Which?” or “Where is this item located?”;

Is - areket kezenderi.

Stages of activity

Tarbieshіnіn is әreketi.

Teacher's actions

Balalardyn is - areketi.

Children's activities

Motivation - yntalandyrushylyk

Motivational and incentive

Uyimdastyrushylyk – izdenushilyk


Reflexivti –tuzetu-shilik


(today-January 26-kantar ;Thursday-basenb і ;)

Guys, many guests came to our lesson today. See what the children in our group can do and have learned in math classes. Let's say hello to the guests:Kayyrlykun(Good afternoon!)-Salemetsiz be(Hello!);Hello!, Goodmorning!;Hello!

Guys, let's greet each other the same way:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads

They will think a lot, cleverly.

Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Guys, what do we do in math classes... We study numbers, learn to count, compare objects by height, length. Getting to know geometric shapes

Guys, this morning I met a fairy-tale hero. He said that he wants to meet you and invite you on an interesting journey. Would you like to meet him?

You will have to guess which fairy tale the hero is from.Listen to the riddle:
He left his grandparents
Made everyone worry.
He met a bear in the forest,
Wolf, hare and fox.
He took many paths, he left all of them.
I couldn't get away from the fox.
This is a fairy tale...("Kolobok")
- Right. And here he is... (Music sounds, the bun rolls)

TO: - Hello children, I'm– Kolobok

Guys, what shape is the bun?


Kolobok, guys, is very cheerful and loves jokes. Today he invites you into his fairy tale, but be very careful, as Kolobok may need your help. Are you ready to help him?

- Educator:

So, the old woman baked a Kolobok and set it to cool. The bun lay and lay on the window and rolled off. Kolobok rolls along the path and rolls onto forest clearing. Look how unusual it is (there are flowers with numbers in the clearing)

1)- First task.

Guys, count how many flowers there are in the clearing and indicate the number of flowers with a number("How many?") children count the flowers and put the correct number next to them

Now let's count in Kaz. language

Bilingual component: ber - one, eki - two, ush - three ; T ө rt -4 demon-5; English language-- one one, two d va, three three, four four, five five

“Collect flowers in order” “Which one?” (from 1 to 5) - (flowers with numbers) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,

Name the neighbors of the number3; 2; 4 – Well done!

IN - Remember who Kolobok met first?
-Right. So we met a hare. (toy)
-And the hare says to Kolobok: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I won’t eat you if you complete my task.”
- Shall we help Kolobok?

2)-Second task

-Z: -Guys, friends came to me and mixed up all the geometric shapes. Help me take them apart.

Invites you to play an active game "Find your house" .

(Arrange geometric shapes into hoops) – under

Music (the bunny is placed on the bench)
- Kolobok rolled further. Who did he meet next? (music)
-The wolf also has his own task

- Wolf: - Kolobok, I won’t eat you if you and the children complete my tasks.

3) “Orientation in space” (on a piece of paper) Exercise “Arrange the shapes on the sheet”

Place the figurine in the upper right corner.

Place the figurine in the lower left corner.

Place the figurine in the upper left corner.

Place the figurine in the lower right corner.

Place the figure in the middle of the sheet.

4) “Count and label” (working with buttons)

number --4-4; 2-2

-Well done, everyone completed the task quickly!

(Children go to the free space of the group)

IN - The wolf released Kolobok. (the wolf is placed on the bench)

Kolobok is rolling, but who is coming towards him?

That's right bear (music)

Here it is, Mishenka the bear. He invites you to play a little:
-Wait a minute, guys.
This is where I do my exercises.
You guys don't yawn,
And repeat after me.

5) Physical exercise “Animal gymnastics”
One - squat, two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
And when the little foxes wake up,
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Well, wag your tail.
And the wolf cubs - arch their backs
And jump slightly.
Well, the bear is clubfooted,
With my paws spread wide,
First one, then both together,
He has been marking time for a long time.
And for whom charging is not enough,
Let's start all over again. (2 times)
Children, together with the teacher, perform movements corresponding to the text, repeatedly accelerating the pace of execution

-M:- Thank you guys for stretching my sides. I release your Kolobok (placed on the bench)

IN: Kolobok rolled further, and then who met him...? a fox - a red-haired cheat. “I won’t,” he says, “I’ll eat you Kolobok if the guys help you determine which of us animals has the longest tail.” (Briefly speaking)

6) Hind “Whose tail is longer”

(Animals on display: Hare, wolf, bear, fox)

Determine the longest tail?

The shortest?

What about the longest ears?

The shortest?

IN:- The fox liked the way you answered, she let Kolobok go

TO : -You guys are so great, you completed all the tasks. Showed good knowledge. It's time for me to go back to my grandparents. They must have lost me. I don't want to upset them. Goodbye..


-Guys, what fairy tale did we travel through?

-Who was the first animal we met?

-Who's second?

-Who's third?

-Who's fourth?

-Which fairy-tale hero took us through the fairy tale?

-Whose task was more interesting to complete?

This concludes our journey and it’s time for us to return to the group

Show interest and listen carefully

Greetings are made in three languages:Kayyrlykun(Good afternoon!)-Salemetsiz be(Hello!);Hello!, Goodmorning!;Hello

Perform greeting with actions

Children's answers


Listen to the riddle


Say hello to the kolobok


- In the fairy tale it is round and rolling. He ran away from his grandparents

Yes, we're ready

Gathering flowers

Count the flowers and place the correct number next to them.

They count in Kazakh language,

and English

Count ordinal count

Kolobok met a hare.


Playing a game


Children work at tables and near the blackboard


- perform movements corresponding to the text, repeatedly accelerating the pace of execution


Children determine the size of their tails (long, short)

Saying goodbye to Kolobok

Based on the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Answers are discussed

Kutiletin is lower. Expected Result.

Bilu kerek / reproduced : Name of geometric shapes.

Tusinigi /understand: The location of items on a sheet of paper.

Dagdysy/use: They distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; answer the questions correctly: “how much?” “What’s the score?”

Housing cooperative "Marat-Sultan" balabksha-bobekzhai Mektepke Dayingi Mekeme

Children's institution kindergarten-nursery LLP "Marat-Sultan"

Open lesson on integrated learning activities

“Cognition of FEMP” and “Creativity Music”

"Travel with Kolobok"

Prepared and conducted:

Educator middle group"Rainbow"

Uryumtseva G.V.