Open views. Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group “An entertaining journey through the islands of mathematics Selection of material for the introductory part of an open lesson



Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat dribbling exercises; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.


To foster independence, creativity, interest in physical education, and friendly relationships.


Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate the space of the hall.

Equipment: Balls (according to the number of children, 2 benches, cones)

1 part.

Formation in one line. Equalization. Form into a column one at a time.

Walking in a column one at a time in a formation march, at a signal, switching to walking with high knees, walking with legs sweeping, walking with toe-toe rolling, switching to running: normal running, snake running with a change of driver; normal walking with breathing restored. Rebuilding in two columns. Opening. Performing aerobic exercises as demonstrated by the teacher to music.

2 – part.

a) General developmental exercises (a set of aerobic exercises performed by the teacher accompanied by music).

b) Basic types of movements.

1 Dribbling the ball in a straight line (basketball version)

2 Crawling on a gymnastic bench (grabbing hands from the sides)

3 Walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, freely balancing with my hands.

After the demonstration and explanation, the children stand in two lines, and at the signal, the first group dribbles the ball in a straight direction to the designated line and throws the ball into the ring. When leading, children move on slightly bent legs with a slight tilt of the body forward. The hand dribbling the ball is bent at the elbow, and the hand with fingers spread is placed on the ball from above and away from you. The ball is struck slightly to the side, evenly, in accordance with the movement. The pace is moderate, each individual. (2 times). Gymnastic benches are placed parallel to one another, and children in two columns in an in-line manner perform crawling on their stomachs using their hands grabbed from the sides (2-3 times). Turn the gymnastic bench over and perform a balance exercise - walking on the slats of the gymnastic bench, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other and balancing freely with your hands. Insurance is required.

4 Outdoor game “Empty Space”. The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts to create “windows.” The driver is selected. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look out the windows,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the words “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window opposite which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The person standing in front asks: “Who has come? "The driver says his name. The person standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come? " The driver answers: “We’re running in a race,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reached him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

3 – part.

Let's turn around at once,

How about we say; "Skok-skok-skok"

The words “skok-skok-skok” are pronounced by one child (as directed by the teacher).

The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place.

Walking in a column one at a time.



MBDOU No. 3, Nevinnomyssk 2016

Summary of open viewing of GCD by physical development V preparatory group

Prepared and conducted:

physical education teacher

Kharchenko L.A.



Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat dribbling exercises; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.


To foster independence, creativity, interest in physical education, and friendly relationships.


Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate the space of the hall.

Equipment: Balls (according to the number of children, 2 benches, cones)


1 part.

Formation in one line. Equalization. Form into a column one at a time.

Walking in a column one at a time in a formation march, at a signal, switching to walking with high knees, walking with legs sweeping, walking with toe-toe rolling, switching to running: normal running, snake running with a change of driver; normal walking with breathing restored. Rebuilding in two columns. Opening. Performing aerobic exercises as demonstrated by the teacher to music.

2 – part.

a) General developmental exercises (a set of aerobic exercises performed by the teacher accompanied by music).

b) Basic types of movements.

1 Dribbling the ball in a straight line (basketball version)

2 Crawling on a gymnastic bench (grabbing hands from the sides)

3 Walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, freely balancing with my hands.

After the demonstration and explanation, the children stand in two lines, and at the signal, the first group dribbles the ball in a straight direction to the designated line and throws the ball into the ring. When leading, children move on slightly bent legs with a slight tilt of the body forward. The hand dribbling the ball is bent at the elbow, and the hand with fingers spread is placed on the ball from above and away from you. The ball is struck slightly to the side, evenly, in accordance with the movement. The pace is moderate, each individual. (2 times). Gymnastic benches are placed parallel to one another, and children in two columns in an in-line manner perform crawling on their stomachs using their hands grabbed from the sides (2-3 times). Turn the gymnastic bench over and perform a balance exercise - walking on the slats of the gymnastic bench, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other and balancing freely with your hands. Insurance is required.

4 Outdoor game “Empty Space”. The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts to create “windows.” The driver is selected. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look out the windows,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the words “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window opposite which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The person standing in front asks: “Who has come? "The driver says his name. The person standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come? " The driver answers: “We’re running in a race,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reached him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

3 – part.

Low mobility game “Guess whose voice? “The driver stands in the center of the hall and closes his eyes. Children form a circle without holding hands, walk in a circle to the right and say: We have gathered in an even circle,

Let's turn around at once,

How about we say; "Skok-skok-skok"

The words “skok-skok-skok” are pronounced by one child (as directed by the teacher).

The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Summary of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Soon we will go to school - what will we study there?”

Prepared by: teacher of the highest qualification category Svetlana Alekseevna Davydova.


Teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in exploration and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways dissolving substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
Bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for humans, to form knowledge about proper care behind the eyes, teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the relationship between distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a gravitational force.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
Promote development cognitive activity children, curiosity, observation, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest them in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Paintings " solar system", "Desert".
Textbooks “biology”, “chemistry”, “physics”, “geography”, “anatomy”, “astronomy”.
Magnifying glasses, flight and down feathers.
Two glasses of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with caps, pictures depicting children sitting correctly and incorrectly at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Satchel, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, album, colored pencils, doll, bottle with pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Children's answers). From the preparatory group. So you are the oldest among children kindergarten. Tell me, what kind of classes do you have? (Children's answers). But very soon it will be time to say goodbye to kindergarten. Why? (Children's answers). Because you will become schoolchildren. There are no classes at school. Instead of them -... lessons. You will study many different school subjects in class.

What is this sound?

(The bell rings).

It rings, rings, rings,
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study,
Then get up and go away.
What was that ringing?

(Children's answers).

It's a school bell. He announces the beginning and end of the lesson. And now we will fast forward to the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, studying at school and studying many interesting school subjects in class.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a chemistry lesson. (Show textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances and how they behave under different conditions. In chemistry lessons you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and others explode when mixed.

Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - “How do substances dissolve in water?”

Using a pipette, drop paint into one glass of water. What do you see? (Children's answers). The drop dissolves slowly and unevenly in the water.
Add paint to another glass of water and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers). The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what you saw? (Children's answers). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
In everyday life, how do we use knowledge of this feature of dissolving substances in water? (Children's answers). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to biology class. (Show textbook). Biology is the science that studies all living things. In biology lessons you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.

Now let’s imagine ourselves in a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - “How are bird feathers arranged?”

Birds need different feathers. Here is a flight feather and a down feather. Let's look at them. What can you say about the size of the feathers? (Children's answers). The flight feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the flight feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Slowly, smoothly circling. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Even slower.

Now let's look at the shaft of each feather. What is the difference? (Children's answers). The flight feather has a thick rod that is empty inside. Down feathers have a thin, soft shaft.

Flick the flight feather and down feather. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The flight feather cuts the air sharply, with sound. A down feather does not cut through the air.
Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In a flight feather, the hairs are interlocked with each other, while in a down feather, the hairs are located separately.

Let's think about why birds need such feathers? (Children's answers).

Conclusion: the flight feather and the down feather are different. The flight feather helps the bird fly, and the down feather helps it retain heat.

(The bell rings).

And this bell calls not to class, but to recess!

Dynamic pause “Change”

Children line up in a column, the first child has a backpack, the last has a set of objects, which he passes one at a time to the one in front. When the item reaches the first child, he makes a decision: should he put this item in his backpack, or does the student not need it? The assembled backpack is transferred in reverse order.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Show textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons you will learn what determines a child’s hair color, how many bones a person has, and how the heart works.

Imagine yourself in an anatomy lesson.

Anatomy lesson - “Why does a person need two eyes?”

I wonder why a person needs two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Place a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take a pen and make a dot on the sheet. Now stand up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with your pen. Happened? (Children's answers). It's easy to do.

Now do the same, covering one eye with your hand. What do you think? Was it easy to complete this task?
Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the pen and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulties? (Children's answers). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. What about this time? (Children's answers). The task was not so easy to complete.

This is because our eyes transmit two pictures to the brain that are slightly different from each other.
So how many eyes does a person need? (Children's answers). Two eyes.

You need to protect your eyes. Look at the pictures.

Who takes proper care of their eyes? Why? (Children's answers). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? Your hands may be dirty and dirt will get into your eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who sits correctly at the table, a boy or a girl? Why? (Children's answers). Cross out the wrong picture. You cannot lean close to a book or notebook. The eyes get tired quickly when they look at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at what is close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - distant. Like what? (Children's answers). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Show textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? "Astra" translated from Greek means "star". So what does the science of astronomy study? (Children's answers). Astronomy - the science of stars and all celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, comets and many others.

Imagine yourself in an astronomy lesson.

Astronomy Lesson - "Far and Close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Earth. And the Sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you
Answer boldly -
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the switched on lamp is the hot Sun. Squeeze two fists - these will be planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less of them fall on the fist.

What about the planets? Which ones are hot and warm, and which ones are cold. (Children's answers).

The closer a planet is to the Sun, the hotter it is, and the further a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. Show us the hottest planet. (Show). Show me the coldest planet. (Show). And our planet is located not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only the dear Earth is suitable for habitation in every way.

(The bell rings).

Physical education lesson

In physical education lessons you will get acquainted with different sports, become strong, dexterous, and fast. Now let's practice.

Physical exercise “Let’s play sports”

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the teacher’s demonstration).

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Show textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.

Now let's imagine ourselves in a physics lesson and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - “Why does everything fall to the ground?”

The earth has a gravitational force. Everything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Having jumped, we will also fall down. But now we will try to find out how the earth attracts different objects.

Stand next to a plate filled with sand. Take three balls in your hand: wooden, plastic, paper. Which one is the heaviest? The easiest? (Children's answers).

Raise it higher and release the balls one by one so that they fall onto the sand. Pay attention which one will fall faster - will be attracted to the ground, and which one will be slower. Also pay attention to the mark left by the ball in the sand where it fell.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Children's answers).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.

Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the earth and fall, but with different strengths and speed.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Show textbook).

Geography lesson

- “Geo” translated from Greek means “Earth”. Geography is the science of the Earth, the surface of planet Earth. On the most interesting lessons geography, you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what this is? (Show. Children's answers). This is a globe.

We will find cities and seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
The whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Children's answers). Green color means forests. White color? (Children's answers). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Children's answers). Mountains. What about yellow? (Children's answers). Deserts.

Show the large African Sahara Desert on the globe. (The child is called).

This is what we will talk about sandy deserts.

What is a desert? (Children's answers). A piece of land covered with sand. What word does this name “desert” come from? Listen to the word. (Children's answers). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows or lives in the desert. But why? There is no water in the desert. There is a lot of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Pour the sand into an empty plate. Just try to sprinkle it in a trickle in one place. What happened? (Children's answers). A sand hill formed where the sand fell. The sand slides, as if flowing down the slopes of the hill.
Now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Children's answers). Blow on the sand? (Children's answers). Blow lightly onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers don't flow through deserts. Use a pipette to pour water onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand absorbed the water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.
So why is there almost no water, plants or animals in the desert? (Children's answers). The sand is constantly moving, water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We haven’t had time to talk about many interesting sciences that you will study at school. You have many interesting discoveries ahead. I wish you to gain a lot of knowledge and a lot of good grades at school. Thank you! Goodbye!

Valentina Suplotova
Open viewing of GCD for FEMP in the preparatory group " Mathematical journey»

Open viewing of GCD for FEMP: « Mathematical journey» .


Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention; develop ingenuity, memory, imagination, coherent speech, fine motor skills; contribute to the formation of mental operations, the ability to argue their statements.

Encourage children to understand the task and carry it out. Promote skill acquisition "read" simple diagram , method and sequence of actions;

Improve ordinal counting within 12;

Continue to develop the ability to understand the relationships between numbers in a number series, relate the number to the number of objects;

Continue to develop the ability to solve problems and operate with signs «+» , «=» during calculations.

Strengthen the ability to compare the length of an object by size using conventional measurements.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper by dots.

Motivate children to independently check the completed task Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes and forms.

Develop the ability to listen and hear a friend.

Guys, look, there’s an easel, and we didn’t even pay attention to it. Here are examples, maybe by solving them we will learn something.

7-4=3 (we turn over the number 3, what sound does this letter -K represent)

4+4=8 (we turn over the number 8, what sound does this letter -A represent)

2+3 =5 (we turn over the number 5, what sound does this letter -P represent)

5+4=9 (we turn over the number 9, what sound does this letter -T represent)

9-5=4 (we turn over the number 4, what sound does this letter -A represent)

IN: All letters opened. What word did you get? - MAP

IN: Guys, look, here is a map, what is shown on it?

D: Geometric shapes.

IN: And also?

D: Arrows.

IN: What are the arrows on the map for?

D: So as not to go astray.

IN: You and I are at the easel. Look at the map, where the arrow from the easel is pointing, what geometric shape?

D: ball.

IN: And there is a clock in it. This means we will look for a task with for hours:

sit down at the tables, look, there are so many different clocks here, but take off something wrong.

D: There are not enough numbers on the dial.

IN: How many numbers are there in total on the dial?

IN: Take the numbers and build a number line on the table from 1 to 12, from left to right. (Children build a number line).

Let's all name them in order. (ordinal counting from 1 to 12)

IN: Now insert the missing numbers into the empty windows of the dial,

and put the rest on a plate. (individual approach with question)

Fedya, why did you put a number here) – the clock started working

IN: Let's look at the map, which one is next? geometric shape is the arrow pointing?

D: to the cylinder.

IN: And there are also some objects depicted on the cylinder. Which?

D: Meter, ruler.

IN: What are these items needed for?

D:Alyona?. to measure something.

IN: Let's try to measure the bench. But there is neither a meter nor a ruler, so how else can you measure the bench?

D: Using a conventional measure.

IN: Can be measured in steps.

Can be measured with your elbows.

And with a ruler and a branch,

Centimeter and tape measure.

IN: Let's remember how to measure the length of an object?

D: Milana? - You need to start from the very beginning, and mark the place where the end of the measure is.

IN: What size should the measurement be? Alyona? - Anyone.

IN: Look, what conventional measures are here? (waste goods are laid out on the table material, which can be used as measurements: key, pencil, brush (longer than a pencil, calendar (pocket, cube, etc.

IN: Today let’s try to measure a bench using two conditional measurements: for example - using a landscape sheet and a pencil, and let's see what happens.

IN: Who will measure the length of the bench with a landscape sheet? Well, come on Fedya, and Sergei, for example, will help him. Sergey, what will you do? - I will mark the place where the end of the measurement fell.

IN: Guys, what is the length of the bench using a conventional measure - a landscape sheet?

D: (the length of the bench is equal to five landscape sheets).

IN: Who will measure the length of the bench with a pencil? Well, come on Alena, and Sonya, for example, will help her. Sonya, what will you do? - I will mark the place where the end of the measurement fell. (The child counts out loud how many times he marked the mark.)

IN: What is the length of the bench using a conventional measure - a pencil? IN: Guys, what did we do? it turns out we have a shop different lengths, Yes?

D: The length of the bench did not change, but the number of measurements turned out different. Why?

D: Milana - Because the measure of a landscape sheet is larger than the measure of a pencil. The larger the measure, the fewer times we will apply it when measuring an object, and the smaller the measure, the more times we will apply it when measuring an object.

IN: Look at which geometric shape is the next arrow pointing towards?

D: Cone.

IN: And on the cone mathematical signs, which?

D: +, -, =.

IN: Why are such signs needed?

D: To solve examples, problems.

IN: Let's solve the problem, go to the laptop.

IN: First, let's remember what the task consists of?

D: Misha - there is a condition in the problem, question, solution and answer.

IN: Who will create the task? Milan: there were 3 hares, 2 more galloped - condition.

Sasha, ask question. How many hares are there?

Fedya, how many hares are there? -5 is the answer.

Sonya, how did it happen5? 3+2=5 is the solution.


IN: Look at the map, what is the next geometric shape the arrow points to?

D: Cube

IN: And on the cube there is a checkered leaf. I wonder what that means?

What can you do on a checkered sheet?

D: Draw in cells, write numbers, letters.

IN: You and I will draw graphic dictation. Sit down at the tables, move the checkered sheets of paper towards you and take a pencil.

don't forget where left, right, top, bottom are, put the pencil on the point, we start drawing.

Graphic dictation. What happened?

IN: Guys, what geometric shape is the arrow pointing to?

D: Parallepiped.

IN: What is shown on this form?

D: Geometric figures.

IN: Guys, look we have a lot of figures on the table, but this is not just figures, they are with letters, these are parts of one large figure, and you will find out which figure and what is written there if you fold it correctly.

IN: What kind of figure did you get? - rectangle. And the word WELL DONE.

IN: Guys, we are really great with you! But we don’t know and can do everything yet; we have a lot of work to do. Or maybe this chest will help us, but it is closed, and there is no key. Nobody saw the key.

D: We saw that it lies where the conventional measurements are.

IN:Look, there are a lot of interesting things here (ruler, figures, etc.). After all, when we go outside, we can find a use for them (we can measure something, count something. Hurry up, let’s go get ready for a walk.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the senior group “Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom” Summary of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations V senior group Topic: “Journey to the mathematical kingdom.”

Summary of OOD on FEMP in the senior group “Mathematical journey with a fairy tale” Prepared by teacher: Khanakhmedova Fatima Zakirovna Open lesson on Formation of elementary mathematical concepts “Mathematical.

Abstract of OOD on FEMP in the preparatory group “Mathematical journey to the Emerald City” Video Summary of the organized educational activities in the preparatory group for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Goal: Formation of collective skills labor activity. Tasks. Educational: -Teach organizational skills. -Learn how to cook.

01/19/2018 In the preparatory school group “Bell” there was an open viewing of educational activities on social and communicative development.
Topic: “If you are kind, it’s good, but when it’s the other way around, it’s bad!”
Goal: To consolidate children’s understanding of the rules of cultural behavior and communication.
Educational: - formation of such moral concepts as kindness, politeness, responsiveness;
-consolidating the knowledge of preschoolers about the rules of a culture of behavior and a culture of communication.
Developmental: -development of adequate evaluative activity of preschoolers, aimed at analyzing their own behavior and the actions of people around them, the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions;
- development of coherent speech, enrichment of children's vocabulary.
Educational:- fostering mutual respect, polite treatment, the ability to feel and understand oneself and another person;
- education of positive character traits: kindness, care, attention, politeness.
The children talked with interest about friendship and politeness. We read poems about polite words. We looked at the illustrations for reading the Nenets folk tale"Cuckoo". We observed and analyzed emotions, talked about good and bad deeds.
Educator Abdulkadyrova E.R. shared her experience with young specialists on how to build a GCD, alternating different kinds activities using ICT.

The age of children studying in the preparatory group (6–7 years old) allows for a thirty-minute lesson. Older preschoolers already know and can do a lot, and react less tensely to strangers who do not interfere with their active participation in the educational process. Therefore, holding open classes in the preparatory group gives the teacher the opportunity to most fully demonstrate his achievements and teaching methods.

Features of conducting an open lesson in a preparatory group

Pupils of the preparatory group - future first-graders - in Last year Staying in kindergarten acquires the necessary skills for studying at school. Classes in preschool educational institutions with older children preschool age aimed at training native language, writing and numeracy, as well as development cognitive processes, speech and communication skills.

An open lesson in kindergarten is a specially prepared form of organization methodological work, in which the main directions of the educational process are implemented, and the teacher demonstrates his positive or innovative experience.

Pupils of the preparatory group already know and can do a lot


Depending on the type of open lesson and subject area, the teacher is given certain tasks:

  • presentation of teaching experience and achievements of students;
  • development of cognitive processes;
  • development of speech abilities;
  • literacy training;
  • fostering friendliness;
  • developing a sense of self-confidence and increasing self-esteem;
  • aesthetic education;
  • education of patriotism;
  • development creativity etc.

Types of open classes and their goals

Absolutely all types of educational activities for children in preschool educational institutions are suitable for conducting classes in an open mode: music and physical education lesson, rhythmics, life safety, construction, FEMP (formation of elementary mathematical concepts), socio-game technology, modeling, testoplasty, logorhythmic and combined classes, research activities etc. It is not recommended to conduct open classes at outdoors. Although, with the great desire of the teacher and the availability of appropriate methodological developments this option is quite possible.

It is important that during the lesson children are not distracted by adult observers present.

Each type of open classes in the preparatory group has its own characteristics, both in the form of preparation and conduct.

Table: types of open classes in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Type of occupationWho is presentGoals and objectivesFeatures of the event
Planned and final
  • Head of preschool educational institution,
  • psychologist.
Planned and final open classes are held 2 times a year, usually at the beginning and end school year. The work of the teacher and the preparedness of the children are assessed.An ordinary activity. Does not require special training and is carried out in a standard manner. All types of activities are suitable.
For parentsParents of pupils.Show your parents how it goes educational process, what their children have learned, how they behave during the lesson.For parents, it is most important to see their children in action, so this must be taken into account when choosing the form of conducting an open lesson. The process should be dynamic, all children are involved. Give tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of the children, so that everyone can cope with them.
It would not be superfluous to prepare, for example, some kind of scene with the participation of pupils using a puppet tabletop or finger theater, or a flannelgraph.
  • Head of preschool educational institution,
  • methodologist (senior educator),
  • members of the certification commission.
Get certified.First of all, the professional activity of the teacher is assessed. Therefore, the lesson should be structured in such a way that the teacher is in the foreground, although, of course, the activity of the children is also necessary.
The lesson is specially prepared; you can use preparations with the participation of children - reciting poems, acting out skits.
To share experiencesTeachers from other preschool institutions.
  • Experience exchange.
  • Demonstration of your methodological developments.
A very responsible event, during which the teacher must fully reveal the practical part of his methodology. Before such open classes, as a rule, there is a preliminary part in which the teacher talks about his methodology, and at the end an analysis of the event is carried out.
  • Young educators,
  • students who came to practice.
Give an idea of ​​the method of conducting classes.The lesson is conducted in a standard mode, there is no special preparation, but afterwards it is useful to analyze it and explain the points that are worth paying attention to.

Methodological literature for preparing an open lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard

To help educators, the Methoda publishing house has published a series of books, “Open Classes,” which provide notes on various educational and educational activities that take into account the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. List of benefits for the preparatory group:

  • “Open events for children in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Social and communicative development. Federal State Educational Standard" (40 notes);
  • “Open events for the kindergarten preparatory group. Speech development. Federal State Educational Standard" (70 notes);
  • “Open events for children in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Artistic and aesthetic development. Federal State Educational Standard" (60 notes);
  • “Open events for children in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Federal State Educational Standard" (40 abstracts).

Ready-made manuals will help teachers competently prepare an open lesson

The procedure for conducting an open lesson in the preparatory group

The success of an open lesson will depend on how well the teacher plans it, what the interaction with the children will be like, whether they can cope with the proposed practical tasks, and whether they will be interested. Therefore, when compiling lesson notes, you should take into account how General characteristics groups and individual characteristics every child.

In any lesson, warm-up breaks are required (there can be 2 short or 1 long breaks per lesson). Educational lesson in the preparatory group, according to sanitary and epidemiological requirements, it should last 30 minutes.

On the eve of an open lesson, it is necessary to announce it to children and parents so that the children can prepare for the fact that there will be strangers in the group.

Physical education minutes are required during the training session.

Table: lesson time plan

Lesson stageActivities of children and teacherTime
Introductory partWatching a cartoon, filmstrip, educational film, pictures, reading a story or poetry.7–10 minutes
DiscussionThe teacher asks questions about the proposed material, leading to the main topic of the lesson, and the children answer.3–5 minutes
Warm-up break1–2 minutes
Main partTeacher's explanation. Completing practical tasks.10 minutes
Warm-up breakThe teacher speaks and shows, and the children repeat after him.1–2 minutes
Final partThe teacher asks questions about the material covered, and the children answer them.5 minutes

List of topics suitable for open classes in the preparatory group:

  • "Secrets of Lemon";
  • "Southern Urals";
  • “Such a different Siberia”;
  • "Forests of Russia";
  • "Traffic Laws";
  • “Preparing the vinaigrette”;
  • "Visiting the Globe";
  • "Journey to the Islands";
  • "Seashells";
  • "Dymkovo toy";
  • "Electricity and electrical appliances";
  • “Traveling through the land of mathematics”;
  • "Space trip";
  • "Circus";
  • “Food chains in nature”;
  • "Amazing stones"

Selection of material for the introductory part of an open lesson

Well-chosen material for the introductory part of the lesson will help intrigue children and motivate them for further activities. Many cartoons, stories, poems can be used for different topics.

Table: examples of materials for the introductory part of the lesson

Poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”
  • Caring for wildlife (rescuing animals during floods, feeding them in winter, etc.).
  • Rivers (what happens to rivers at different times of the year).
  • What is a flood (when does it happen, why does it happen, what to do during a flood).
  • Study of the seasons - spring (what natural phenomena occur in spring).
“The Three Little Pigs” (fairy tale, cartoon, filmstrip)
  • FEMP (numbers and actions in order and in reverse order).
  • Studying properties natural materials(straw, wood, stone).
  • Understanding a work of art and then reproducing the plot using different types puppet theater or flannelgraph.
"Koska the Hare and the Spring" (cartoon)
  • The water cycle in nature.
  • Different states of water (liquid, steam, ice).
  • From the spring to the sea (how the river begins, becomes deep, flows into the sea).
  • Life in the forest at different times of the year.
“How a house was built for a kitten” (cartoon)
  • Responsibility for tamed animals.
  • How houses are built.
"Naughty Kitten" (cartoon)
  • Why can't you go far from home?
  • Water safety rules.
  • Life in the forest.
  • Domestic and wild animals.

Examples of notes for open classes in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Beginning teachers may find it difficult to determine a topic or direction for an open lesson. We offer several notes on different types educational and developmental activities, based on which a specialist can think through his event plan.

An open lesson requires careful preparation of the teacher and the ability to motivate children to actively work

Summary of an open lesson on FEMP “Looking for treasure”

Lesson objectives:

  • consolidate counting skills up to 10 (quantitative, ordinal, relationship between numbers);
  • consolidate ideas about geometric shapes;
  • develop division skills;
  • develop attention, logical thinking and memory.

Equipment and materials:

  • device for watching cartoons;
  • notes with hints for each of the islands;
  • bottle with a note.
  • 1st island - cubes with numbers, ten small toys, a ship or raft for toys;
  • 2nd island - cards with geometric shapes “Eliminate the unnecessary”;
  • 3rd island - figures for practicing division into parts, several toys (depending on how many parts your allowance can be divided);
  • 4th island - sheet with images of various geometric shapes;
  • 5th island - envelopes according to the number of children with geometric shapes;
  • 6th island - treasure (some sweets or fruits).

The room is divided into 6 zones - islands, where there are manuals for completing tasks and notes with tips. To get a hint, you need to complete a certain task. The first zone is the starting zone, here the teacher explains what will happen during the lesson and watches the cartoon. On the last island there is a sweet or fruit treasure.

Introductory part. The teacher announces that today the children will go looking for treasure, but for this they need to be able to count and know geometric shapes. Offers to watch the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Counted to Ten.” The cartoon is discussed a little - why it is useful to be able to count. Then the teacher says that he came across a bottle with a note in it, which says that a treasure is hidden on one of the islands, and invites the children to go in search of it. The note indicates the path to the first island.

Table: main part of the lesson

Progress of the lessonTeacher's actionsChildren's actions
1st islandYou need to help the animals cross the river, for this they will give a hint.
V.: You see, children, the situation here is similar to the one in the cartoon. Let's help these toys like a little goat.
Well done, you completed the task and received a hint! Let's go to the next island.
You need to arrange the cubes in order from 1 to 10.
Place toys around them. The second monkey - where should we put him? The fifth bear cub - where is he going? And so arrange all the toys.
Name the adjacent numbers. What neighbors does the toy have in place No. 4, what numbers are adjacent to the duckling’s place, who is sitting two places away from No. 3, etc.
Warm-up breakV.: Somehow our sea was stormy.
2nd islandTask “Eliminate the unnecessary”. The teacher shows the children cards with geometric shapes. There is one subtlety in this task that must be taken into account. For example, a series is given: red triangle, orange triangle, red circle, red triangle. The circle is excluded, since it is a different figure, not a triangle. But if the child excludes the orange triangle and explains that it is different in color, this is also a valid option. Therefore, either specify the task or, conversely, offer to find several options, if any. The second option is preferable because it teaches children to think outside the box and consider different options.
V.: Well done, you got a hint. Forward - to the next island.
You need to choose the odd one from the proposed rows of geometric shapes and explain why.
3rd islandV.: That’s bad luck - the toys were quarreling here because they couldn’t divide the fruit equally. Let's help them!
Well done! We have a new clue, let's move on.
Using the manual, children divide into parts and add up the whole.
Warm-up breakV.: It’s stormy again!Play “The Sea Is Worried Once” for 1–2 minutes.
4th islandV.: Now let’s check how well you know geometric shapes, how well you can count, and how attentive you are. (Shows a sheet on which geometric shapes of different colors are depicted.)
Well done! We have a new clue, let's sail to the next island.
Children answer the questions:
  • How many triangles are there?
  • How many red pieces?
  • How many blue circles?
  • How many big squares and how many small ones?
5th islandV.: Now let’s test your memory. Take apart the envelopes and take out the figures. Now I will show you a picture, you will look at it carefully and remember it. Then I will remove it, and you, from memory, arrange your figures as they were in the picture. (Shows the picture and then removes it).Children lay out their pictures. The teacher looks and corrects if it is wrong. Then the children answer the questions:
  • Where is the red triangle?
  • What's in the top left corner?
6th islandV.: And here is the last island. Here it is - our treasure! Well done! You did a good job today and deserve a reward.The treasure is opened. Its contents are divided among the children.

Photo gallery: manuals for the FEMP lesson “Looking for treasure”

Cubes with numbers will be needed for the task on the first island Cards with geometric shapes “Eliminate the superfluous” develop classification skills
On the third island, the children work with a manual that helps to divide objects into parts and put together a whole. A sheet with images of multi-colored geometric shapes of different sizes will be needed for the task on the fourth island. On the fifth island, memory and orientation in space are tested. In such a chest you can hide treasure on the last island

Video: cartoon “The Little Goat Who Counted to Ten”

Summary of an open lesson on speech development on the topic “Winter”

Lesson objectives:

  • learn to give detailed answers to questions;
  • develop intelligence;
  • train the pronunciation of sounds [s] and [s’], [z] and [z’], division into syllables, definition of antonyms and synonyms;
  • learn to compose a text according to plan, use complex sentences, and avoid repetition in the narrative.


  • pictures on winter theme,
  • “Winter” algorithm for composing a story.

The teacher reads a story about winter by Mikhail Sholokhov “Hello, winter!”

So, it has come, the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, yesterday still gloomy in autumn, are completely covered with white snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed house windows, frost covered the branches of poplars. Whether you look along the street, which stretches out like a smooth ribbon, or whether you look around you closely, everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally a rising breeze pricks your face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air. No matter how prickly the frost is, it is also pleasant. Isn’t that why we all love winter, because it, just like spring, fills our chests with an exciting feeling. Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It’s so easy to breathe and so good at heart that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly manner to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, winter!”

Sholokhov M. A.

The teacher asks questions about winter, the children answer.

  • How many winter months are there?
  • Which winter months You know?
  • What is the weather like in winter?
  • What happens in nature in winter?

V.: “Now let’s solve riddles about winter” (makes riddles, children solve them).

Physical education lesson “Bunny in winter”. The teacher recites and shows the movements, the children repeat.

  • It’s cold for the bunny to sit (they clench their hands into fists, bend them at the elbows, press them to the body and tremble),
    You need to warm your paws (rub your palms together).
    Paws up, paws down (raise and lower arms 3 times),
    Pull yourself up on your toes (raise your arms, rise on your toes and stretch upward).
    We place our paws on their sides (hands on hips pose),
    On their toes, skok-skok-skok (jump 3 times).
    And then squat (squat 3 times),
    So that your paws don’t freeze (stomp).
    The bunny is good at jumping,
    He jumped up ten times (hands on hips pose and jump up 10 times).

The teacher shows pictures on a winter theme and asks to name words with sounds [s] and [s’], [z] and [z’], words that consist of two syllables, one syllable, and choose synonyms and antonyms.

The teacher shows the children pictures of winter and asks questions about them.

Physical education lesson “Making a snowman.” The teacher recites and shows the movements. Children repeat.

  • We sculpted and sculpted a snowman,
    So that it would not be more beautiful (draw 3 circles in the air).
    We collected all the snow with shovels,
    We haven’t forgotten anything (pretend to move with a shovel).
    First, they rolled a large ball (draw a very large circle in the air),
    And they pressed this lump tightly (they squat and, as it were, set the lump on the ground).
    The second one was smaller in size (draw a smaller circle),
    He sat down boldly on the first one (they squat again and install the second one).
    And the third was the head (draw a small circle)
    And she waited for her fate (they are installing the third room).
    The face was decorated with carrots (they make a “nose”)
    And coals instead of eyes (they stretch their arms in front of them, gather their fingers into a pinch and make rotational movements, as if pressing coals into the snow).
    Draw the mouth deftly (stretch your right hand in front of you and draw a semicircle, repeat this movement with your left hand),
    We looked in profile and full face (turning the head left and right).
    They put a bucket on the head (moving the head up and down),
    Decorate it with a feather (raise your hands up and spread your fingers).
    They stuck the broom in for order (they lower their hands in front of them and move left and right).
    The whole yard worked together (clap their hands)!

The teacher sets up the “Winter” algorithm manual and invites the children to compose a story about winter according to plan. The main task is to compose detailed and figurative sentences.

V.: Guys, you did great today, you worked hard! Now let's remember what we did in class. (Children's answers).

Video: open physical education lesson in the preparatory group

Summary of the open music lesson “Magic Waltz”

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce children to the waltz (dance and musical theme).

Equipment: equipment for watching videos.

V.: Hello, children! Today we will have a lot of magical music in our lesson. Yes, yes, music can be magical too. This is the kind of music that makes us experience different feelings. You will find out what kind of music we will talk about today by watching our first story for today. (Demonstration of the video “Viennese Waltz”).

Video: Viennese Waltz

Guys, who knows what this dance is called? (Children's answers). That's right, it's a waltz. Do you know that at one time the waltz was a forbidden dance, as it was considered indecent? Some European kings and Russian tsars even issued special decrees prohibiting waltz dancing in public places and at balls. But thanks to Austrian composers who showed the beauty of the waltz not only as a dance, but also as music, it was officially permitted. Today the waltz is used in many forms of art and sports. For example, in figure skating. Let's watch the performance of Russian figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov at the Olympics in Turin. Then they became Olympic champions.

Video: performance by Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov at the Olympics in Turin

Isn't it beautiful? The waltz translates very well on ice. What composers wrote waltzes? This, of course, is Johann Strauss the father, who is considered the founder of the waltz, his sons Joseph, Eduard, Johann. Johann Strauss's son was called the king of waltzes. Frederic Chopin, Franz Schubert, and Imre Kalman also wrote waltzes. Russian composers also paid tribute to this musical direction. Waltzes were written by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich and others. Let's watch a waltz from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Video: fragment from the cartoon “The Nutcracker”

Physical education minute. Let's warm up a little. Let's imagine that we are butterflies and spin to the rhythm of a waltz.

  • The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (turn the body left and right),
    Didn’t want to sleep anymore (leaning back and forth),
    He moved, stretched (raise his arms up, stretch),
    Soared up and flew (flapping their arms like wings).
    The sun will just wake up in the morning,
    The butterfly circles and curls (spins).

V.: The waltz sounds very good when performed by a brass band. What is a brass band? (Children's answers). Let's see how the famous waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” is performed by a military brass band.

Video: waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” performed by a military brass band

Waltz music is often used in movies to convey mood. With its help, you can say a lot in a few minutes: convey the mood of the characters, emphasize a light or tense situation. Let's see an example. (Demonstration of the video “Waltz from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”). What mood do you think is emphasized by the music here? (Children's answers).

Video: waltz from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”

Physical education minute. Today we watch a lot of videos, so our eyes are tired. Let's give them a little rest. Gymnastics for the eyes are performed. Head motionless, eye movements:

  • right left;
  • blink quickly;
  • up down;
  • blink quickly;
  • diagonally in one direction;
  • blink quickly;
  • On the other side;
  • circular movements of the eyes in one direction;
  • blink quickly;
  • On the other side;
  • blink quickly;
  • look at the tip of the nose, then into the distance;
  • blink quickly.

V.: Waltz in cinema can also be used as musical accompaniment to a chase. Here is the famous waltz by Andrei Petrov from the film “Beware of the Car.” Let's see? (video demonstration “Chase from the film “Beware of the Car”).

Waltz is not only dance and music. A lot of songs are written to the melody of a waltz. Moreover, a waltz can be not only lyrical, but also heroic. For example, many songs from the Great Patriotic War are waltzes. Here is an example - the song “In the forest near the front”. Let's see.

Video: song “In the forest near the front” from the movie “Officers”

Well, guys, today you learned what a waltz is. What kind of waltz is there? What can it convey? Where is it used? (Children's answers). If you want, at home, together with your parents, determine which songs are written to the melody of a waltz.

(decorative and applied arts);

  • Galina Chebotareva “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (patriotic education).
  • If you approach the matter with soul and show creativity, drawing up notes and directly conducting open lesson in the preparatory group does not pose much difficulty for the teacher. Moreover, he can choose the topic in which he is most confident and where they show top scores his wards.