Finger game medium group goal. “We play with our fingers - we develop speech”

Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is a great activity when there are more children (for example, on the road or in line).

The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC in China.

Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers, such as our “White-sided Magpie,” help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem and keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on similar reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, which can be massaged to influence internal organs, reflexively associated with them. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. For example, massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart. And if you also diversify finger gymnastics with FINGER THEATER, then this will give you a lot of positive emotions!

Simple rules of the game

1. Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
2. Be sure to alternate three types of movements:

How else to activate your fingers

1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let him vomit (just be careful not to put these “bites” in his mouth).
2. Thread large buttons onto a strong thread and let them sort through them.
3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
4. Draw faces on the plastic plugs and place them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of the games and activities that can captivate a child and...

Several exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse!


I want to build a house
(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
So that there is a window in it,
(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate,
(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
It was sunny, it was raining,
(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

Friends - gardeners

Thick and big finger
I went to the garden to pick plums.
(The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
Index from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch.
(We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
Nameless picks up
(We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
And the little finger is gentleman
Throws bones into the ground!
(Bend the little finger)


A boat is sailing along the river,
(Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
He floats from afar
(We place our left hand horizontally to our eyes - “look into the distance”)
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(Show 4 fingers)
They have ears on top of their heads,
(Put both palms to your ears)
They have long tails
(We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
(We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
At the end of this game you can ask the child:
-What kind of sailors were on the ship?
Answer: mice


I will press two palms,
And I will sail across the sea.
(Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
(Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
I'll raise the sails
(Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
I'll swim in the blue sea.
(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
(Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


The mouse snuck into the hole,
(We make sneaking movements with both handles)
It was locked with a padlock.
(Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
She's looking through the hole
(Make a ring with your fingers)
The cat is sitting on the fence!
(We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn your fist left and right)
There are many of us, but he is alone!
(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Extend the index finger)
This slice is for the siskin,
(Extend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(We bend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(We bend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(Turn the open palm left and right)
Well, for the wolf - the peel.
(We show the cleft palate with both hands)
He is angry with us - trouble!
(Fold our hands together)
We hide in the house - here!


(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)
Quickly inflate the balloon.
(The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)
He's getting big.
(Palms touch each other completely)
Suddenly the balloon burst
the air has come out -
(Close fingers together)
He became thin and thin!

An owl was flying

(We wave our hands)
An owl was flying
Cheerful head.
Flew and flew,
(Place hands on head)
She sat on her head.
Sat down, sat down,
She turned her head
(We wave our hands again)
And she flew again.


(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)
Piglet Piglet
Relax yourself!
(We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)
Got to my feet
(We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)
And then I sat down,
Bent over!
(We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
And he jumped a little
And he walked on the spot.
(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)
And then he lay down again, -
But on the left side!


(At the very beginning the fist is clenched)
A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts:
(Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache...

Our family

(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
This big finger -
This is dad dear.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my eldest brother.
Following him, little sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.

Winter walk

(Bend your fingers one at a time)
One two three four five
(“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)
We came to the yard for a walk.
(We “make” a lump with two palms)
They sculpted a snow woman,
(Crushing movements with all fingers)
The birds were fed crumbs,
(Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
And they were also lying in the snow.
(Shake off our palms)
Everyone came home covered in snow.
(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)
We ate soup and went to bed.


(Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
(Clap your palms on the table/knees.)
The spiders were washed to the ground.
(Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
The sun began to warm up,
(We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)
The spider is crawling again
("Spiders" crawl on your head.)
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.


(Smooth movement of the right hand to the side and up)
My birch, birch tree.
(The same, but with the left hand)
My curly birch.
(raise hands up, inhale)
You are standing there, little birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
In the middle of the valley,
(raise hands, inhale)
On you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
The leaves are green,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Below you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
Silk grass,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Around you, birch tree,
(Lower hands, long exhalation)
Red girls
Wreaths are made, weaved...


(Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
Five little fish were playing in the river
(Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)
There was a large log lying on the sand,
(The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)
And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”
(Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
The second said: “It’s deep here.”
(Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”
(Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
The fourth began to freeze a little.
(The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”
(Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)
Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

The cuckoo was walking

(We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)
A cuckoo walked past the market
(The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)
She had a basket
(We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)
And the basket hits the floor - boom!
(We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


(One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)
A small house on a Christmas tree,
A house for bees, where are the bees?
(We look into the "hive".)
We need to knock on the house,
(We clench our fists and knock them together.)
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
(We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)
They suddenly began to fly out:
(We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
One two three four five!

Stay for a while

Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
(It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)
Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)
Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)
Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)
Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)
Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)
Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.)
(Arms stretch forward.)


(Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)
Two huge jellyfish
They stuck belly to belly.
(Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
This is how we can bend!

Palms palms

(When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
We washed our hands with soap.
We washed our feet with soap.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!
We cooked some porridge
Stir with a spoon.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We made palms
House for matryoshka.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Little Hen Pestrushka
They crushed the crumbs.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Hands clapping
Legs danced.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Palms lay down
Rest a little.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We hope these few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse will help your child start chatting incessantly at one year 😉

P.S. If you liked our selection finger games, also pay attention to the selection and.


1 Week

Theme “Winter. Wintering birds"

Outdoor game

1) "Bullfinches"

Here on the branches, look, (4 claps on the sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (4 head turns to the side)
Fluffed the feathers - (frequent shaking of hands)
Basking in the sun.
Head turns (2 head turns for each line)

They want to fly away.

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! (they run up and flap their “wings”)
They flew after the snowstorm!

2) “Snowflakes and the Wind”

Children gather in a circle and hold hands. At a signal from an adult: “ The wind blew strong, strong. Scatter, snowflakes!" - they run in different directions around the site, straighten their arms to the sides, sway, and spin. The adult says: “ The wind has died down! Come back, snowflakes, to the circle" Children run into a circle and hold hands.

1)"We'll warm up a little"

We'll warm up a little

We'll clap our hands

Clap-clap, clap-clap. (Clap their hands.)

We'll warm up a little

We'll jump around a little

Jump-jump, jump-jump (Perform jumps on two legs.)

We'll warm up a little

We'll stomp a little

Top-top, top-top. (They walk, raising their legs high.)

2) "Birds"

Birds jump, fly, (simulate flight)

Birds are jumping and singing. (jumping)

Birds collect crumbs (squat, collect)

The grains are pecked. ( “peck” - fingers in a pinch and hit on the knees)

Feathers cleaned, ( “clean” – stroke yourself)

The beaks have been cleaned, ( turn head left and right)

And they sat down. (sit down)

Finger game

1) "Snowman"

2) “Feeder”

How many birds are coming to our feeder, rhythmically clenching and unclenching their fists?

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow, For each name the birds bend

Six goldfinches and pigeons, one finger

Woodpecker with variegated feathers.

There were enough grains for everyone. Again they clench and unclench their fists

Breathing exercise

"Warm the titmouse"

Guys, it’s cold for the birds in the winter forest. Let's all help the titmouses stay warm in severe frost. Repeat after me the words and movements, and also blow a warm breeze on the bird that you want to warm in your palms

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth onto your palm.

2 week

Theme "Fire Safety"

Outdoor game

"Fire water"

Two lines are drawn at a distance of 10 meters from each other. Girls (Water) line up on one line, boys (Fire) line up on the other, leading between them.

At the command “Fire!” boys catch girls, on the command “Water” the girls catch the boys (put out the fire). Those who are sore go over to the opposing team.

Low mobility game (physical exercise)

The flames fly high! – Children raise their hands up.

Puffs of black smoke! – Circles in the air with your hands.

Sparks sparkle in the air! – Wave your arms.

Let's get down to business! Pull the hose! Children imitate how

We unwound the hose together. unwind and pull the hose.

Well, fire, now hold on!

The water is flowing hard.

The flame goes out, goes out Children squat.

We managed without help!

It became clear even to the children

What's wrong It's dangerous to joke with fire! – They threaten with a finger

Finger game

There is a large candle on the table

She stands slim and straight.

(Put their elbows on the table, press one palm to the other.)

The light came on

(Tilt your palms left and right.)

He rushed around like an animal.

(Leaving the bases of the palms connected, spread the fingers.)

Breathing exercise

"Blow out the candle"

Each child has a “candle” (made of paper, cardboard, etc.) in his hand.

V-l invites the children to blow out the “light”.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, blow out the candle

3 week

Theme "Winter fun"

Outdoor game

"Snow Carousel"

Holding hands, children form a circle around the snowman and depict snowflakes. At a signal from an adult, they walk slowly at first, then faster and faster, and finally run. After the players run in a circle several times, the adult invites them to change the direction of movement, saying: “The wind has changed, the snowflakes have flown in the other direction.” The players slow down, stop and start moving in the opposite direction. At first they move slowly, and then faster and faster, until the adult says: “The wind has completely died down, the snowflakes are calmly falling to the ground.” The movement of the snow carousel slows down, the children stop and give up,

After a short rest, the game resumes.

Low mobility game (physical exercise)


Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

One two three four.

You and I made a snowball. (Imitate making a snowball.)

Round, strong, very smooth, (Draw a circle in the air.)

But not at all sweet. (They shake their index finger.)

Once - we'll throw it up, (Raise their hands.)

Two - we'll catch (They lower their hands.)

Three - we'll drop it, (Bend over and touch the floor.)

And we'll break it. (They jump up.)

Finger game

"Winter Fun"

What do we like to do in winter? ( clench and unclench fists)

Play snowballs, ( palm on palm - depict how a snowball is sculpted)

Skiing ( use the index and middle fingers of your right hand to “walk” along the palm of your left hand)

Skating on ice, ( vice versa)

Race down the mountain on a sled. ( hold a clenched fist across the palm of your other hand)

Breathing exercise

"Blow on a snowflake"

The child holds a snowflake on a string in his hand, takes a calm breath through his nose, exhales smoothly, while the snowflake sways. Don't puff out your cheeks.

4 week

Subject " New Year walks around the planet"

Outdoor game

"Forester and Christmas trees"

The children freeze, depicting a beautiful Christmas tree. At the signal: “Night”, the children scatter around the hall, at the signal: “Forester”, they freeze in the shape of a Christmas tree. The forester walks around the Christmas trees and selects the straightest ones.

Low mobility game (physical exercise)


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (Walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Rising to the skies (They stop and stretch their hands up.)

Slender beauty (They walk in a circle again, holding hands.)

All the guys like it. (They stop.)

Finger game

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree"

Christmas tree, Christmas tree! (Place your palms at an angle to each other)

Sticky needle (fingers intertwined and straightened)

Stretched out the branches, (stretch your arms forward)

And there are candies on them (clap your hands)

Asterisks, (spread your fingers)

Flashlights, (“flashlights”)

Golden balls. (Draw a ball)

Breathing exercise

"Blow on the Christmas tree"

Children standing around Christmas tree, take a calm breath through your nose, exhale smoothly onto the Christmas tree, the New Year’s rain begins to “move.”

CARD INDEX OF FINGER GAMES for children of primary and secondary groups of kindergarten

Integration educational areas: "Communication" and "Music"
Goals: formation of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination and fine motor skills. Cultivate emotional responsiveness in children.
(3-5 years)
"The Ghouls Have Arrived"
The ghouls have arrived
Ghouls are little doves.
Flapping your arms like wings.
Sat on the head
On my daughter's head.
Place your hands on your head.
You, my daughter,
Wave your hand.
Shoo - shoo - shoo!
Wave your hands, “drive away the ghoul”
"Naughty fingers"
Children, with their palms raised, play with their fingers spread out.
Then the fingers hide -
Children clench their fingers into fists. Repeat several times:
“They play and hide, they play and hide”

"They stomped their feet"
They stomped their feet,
walk clearly, every quarter
Walked across the floor
stomp their feet
Top, top, top, top, top,
All the guys stop together!
Ask the bunny: “Where, little bunny, have you been walking?” and, holding the toy in your hands, answer for him
I was jumping under the Christmas tree
Together with new friends:
Squirrel, mouse, sparrows.
-What were you doing there?
-But as?
-Like this.
The bunny shows the children how to jump: the teacher, holding the toy in front of him, jumps on both legs. Then he invites the children to jump to musical accompaniment.
Children jump on both legs, arms free or bent at the elbows. You can put bunny ears on each child. This moment immediately increases the interest and activity of children.
Grandma put on glasses
Place the thumb and index finger of each hand separately
And I saw my grandchildren.
Place the wheel on your eyes and look through the glasses.

Shake your hands and make “glasses” from different fingers.
Don’t rush children if they don’t succeed right away.
Be sure to shake your hands to relieve muscle tension.
“We will wash the handkerchiefs”
We will wash the handkerchiefs
Fingers clenched into fists
Let's rub them hard
Rub fist on fist
And then we wring out, “Wring out the laundry”
We'll wring out the handkerchiefs.
And now we are all handkerchiefs
Free fingers
Let's shake it up, let's shake it up.
Brushes up, down.
And now we will stroke them,
"Ironing clothes"
We will iron it.
Fist on the palm.
Now let's fold the handkerchiefs
Clap with one hand
Let's put this stack in the closet.
Place your hands on your knees.
"Cat Purr"
Here's a cat walking purring
light, free hands
performs the "Cat" movement

He keeps following the mouse
Mouse, mouse, beware
Shake the finger of your left hand, then your right.
Be careful not to get caught by the cat.
Make a sharp movement with the fingers of both hands and squeeze
fingers into a fist.

"Our grandmother."
Our grandmother is coming
Knee slaps left, right.
And he carries a basket.
She sat quietly in a corner,
Hands on knees.
Knits a sock for the kids.
To knit.
Suddenly the kittens came running
And they picked up the balls.
Where, where are my balls,
Spread your hands.
How should I knit socks?
To knit.
/Work on development pitch hearing, voices, sense of rhythm./
(Starting position: all fingers are gathered into a fist.
The teacher pronounces in a high register)

Tick-tock, tick-tock
Raise your index fingers up
So the walkers are knocking.
And rhythmically swing them left and right
(pronounce in middle case)

Knuckle-tock, knock-knock,
Fingers wide, palms facing each other,
So the wheels are knocking
slide (lowercase)
Touki-tok, tok-tok
Clench your fingers into fists and
This is how the hammer hits.
Knock fist on fist.
This granny finger
Use the index finger of your left hand to touch the thumb of your right hand.
This finger is grandpa
Touch your index finger
This finger is mommy
Touch the middle one
This daddy finger
Touch the nameless
And this finger is me.
Touch your little finger.
That's my whole family!
Perform the “flashlights” movement.
Friendly, strong!
Place the palm of your right hand on the palm of your left hand and shake it. Repeat, changing hands.

There are sheep standing in the meadow,
Ears, shake your head.
The wool is twisted into rings,
Alternately connect all the others with the thumb
And he plays for the sheep
(index, middle, ring and little fingers).
There is a man on the pipe.
Play the pipe.
"One two three four five"
Clench and unclench your fingers.
The fingers went out for a walk.
Perform the "flashlight" movement.
One two three four five.
Clench and unclench your fingers.
They hid in the house again.
Clench your hands into fists.
"We ran along the river"
We ran along the river
Movement of the index and middle fingers of both hands
Children race.
along the hips and knees (fingers running)
What's that squeak?
Clench and unclench your fingers.
What's that crunch? What kind of bush is this?
Connect the bases of the palms and fingers with a “bud”
swirl them around.

How can there be no crunch?
Make a ball out of your fingers
If I am a cabbage!
We chop cabbage
Sharp movements with straight brushes up and down.
We are three carrots
The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, rubbing the fists against each other.
We salt the cabbage
Finger movements simulating sprinkling salt.
We are pressing cabbage.
Intensely clench the fingers of both hands into fists.
White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air.
Fulfill circular movements hands.
And the ground is quiet
Rhythmically, smoothly lower your arms down.
Falls, lies down.
And then, and then
Simulation of shoveling snow.
We'll make a ball out of snow.
Perform the “patty” movement
Throw the snowball forward.

Inflate the balloon quickly
The fingers of both hands are collected in one pinch
Gradually move them apart without tearing them apart.

He's getting big.
Slowly spread your arms to the sides.
Suddenly the balloon burst
Clap your hands.
The air is out
Blow into your folded palms.
He became thin and thin.
Gather your fingers into a pinch again.

Elena Tereshchenko (Kozitskaya)
Card index of finger games by month for the middle group of kindergarten




On a curved branch,

Broken, autumn,

A spider has descended

With a cross on the back.

I made a cozy hammock,

Himself - to the side

And silence.

Right hand, moving fingers, lowered from above onto the left hand.

Place your index fingers fingers on each other"cross".

Fingers the right hand is folded into a pinch and lowered from above into the left palm, folded "boat".

Fingers of the right hand"run through" along the left arm from hand to elbow.

The right index finger is applied to the lips.

"Autumn Bouquet"

Went fingers for a walk,

Began to collect leaves:

Red leaf, yellow

One two three four five!

How many leaves did you collect?

We will play with autumn leaves, we will dance with autumn leaves. "They run through" fingers along thighs to knees.

Alternately touching with pads fingers, starting from the index finger to the thumb

Alternately bend fingers on one hand.

Stretch your palms forward.

Raise one hand up

spread wide fingers.

Friends - gardeners

Thick and big finger

I went to the garden to pick plums. (The palm is gathered into a “fist”. We bend the big finger, straighten it, then bend it halfway. We bend it again and so on several times)

Index from the threshold

Showed him the way. (Bend the index finger finger, then “bend-unbend”)

The middle finger is the most accurate,

He knocks plums off the branch. (Fold over middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. In this case, you should try not to bend your index finger and thumb. fingers)

The nameless one picks up (We also bend the nameless one, try not to move the previous fingers)

And the little finger is gentleman

Throws bones into the ground (Bend the little finger) Mouse

The mouse snuck into the hole,

(We make sneaking movements with both handles)

It was locked with a padlock.

(Slightly swing the crossed ones into the lock fingers)

She's looking through the hole

(We do ring with fingers)

The cat is sitting on the fence!

(We put the hands to the head like ears and move fingers)

An owl was flying

(We wave our hands)

An owl was flying

Cheerful head. Flew and flew,

(Place hands on head)

She sat on her head. She sat down, sat, turned her head

(We wave our hands again)

And she flew again. Squirrel

A squirrel sits on a cart (At the very beginning the fist is clenched)

She sells nuts:

(Unbend all of them one by one fingers, starting from the big one)

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache...



How are you? (Like this)

How are you going?

How are you running? Do you sleep at night?

How do you give?

How do you take it?

How are you being naughty? (puff out your cheeks)

How are you threatening?

BIRDS. /bend fingers of both hands/

Sing along, sing along,

Ten birds - a flock,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing, E

that bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling, a gray feather.

This one is a finch, This one is a swift, This one is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle,

Birds, birds, go home. /hands behind back/

Five sparrows were sitting on the fence,

One flew away, and the others began to sing.

And they sang until they were tired,

One flew away, there are three left.

The three of us sat and were a little bored.

One flew away, but two remained.

The two of us sat and were bored again, one flew away and was left alone.

One sat and took it and flew away.

Show five fingers, and then bend one at a time. Next, imitate movements that correspond to the content of the text. We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is alone,

This slice is for the hedgehog, this slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver, and for the wolf... peel.

He's angry with us, it's a disaster! Run away in all directions.

For the first two lines, rhythmically clench and unclench your fists. Then bend one by one fingers on the right hand. On the eighth line - spread your arms. On the ninth - threaten finger. For the last one imitate running fingers on the table.


"Let's make a bunny".

Children imitate making a bunny out of snow.

We made a snowball

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We found some coals.

The bunny came out as if alive!

He has a tail and a head!


There is a Christmas tree in front of us - Fingers intertwined, from the big ones fingers - the top of the Christmas tree.

Cones, needles, fists, index fingers fingers out.

Balls, lanterns, Balls from thumbs up, down.

Bunnies and candles, Ears from the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded.

Stars, people. Palms folded fingers straightened; average and index finger stand on the table.


One, two, three, four, (unbend fingers, starting from big finger)

You and I made a snowball, ("sculpt" by changing the position of the palms)

Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, squeezing your palms together, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet. (threaten finger)

Once - we'll throw it up,

Two - we'll catch

Three - we'll drop it,

And... we'll break it. (perform actions corresponding to the words)

"Winter walk".

One two three four five (fold one at a time finger)

We went for a walk in the yard. (walk along the table with the index finger and middle fingers)

They sculpted a snow woman, ("mold" a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed crumbs, (crushing movements by all fingers)

Then we rode down the hill (pointing finger left hand in the palm of the right)

And they were also lying in the snow. (put palms on the table, first one side, then the other)



How many birds are there in our feeders (They squeeze rhythmically and

unclench their fists.)

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, sparrow (For each bird name

Six goldfinches and pigeons, bent one at a time finger.)

Woodpecker with motley feathers.

There were enough grains for everyone. (They squeeze and unclench again


At the fox in the deep forest (Children bend fingers on both hands.)

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, bark

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw there until spring.

Everyone has their own home (Strikes with palms and fists alternately.)

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it.

One two three four five, (Fold over fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk. ( "They're coming" fingers.)

They sculpted a snow woman, ( "Sculpted" lump with two palms.)

The birds were fed crumbs (Crumbling movements by all fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill, (Lead with index finger

right hand on the palm of the left hand.)

And they were also lying in the snow. (They place their palms on the table, then one,

then the other side.)

Everyone came home covered in snow. (They shake off their palms.)

We ate soup and went to bed. (Movement with an imaginary spoon;

hands under the cheek.)


My friend, blackbird (Children wave folded

Speckled tail, palms like wings.)

The nose is sharp (bend one at a time finger

The barrel is mottled, in both hands, starting with the big one.)

Feathers are thin,

The songs are sonorous.

They sing in the spring (They wave again, with palms folded crosswise and forgotten in winter.)


"Winter Fun"

We are making a ball out of snow, (Children clench and unclench their hands)

Let's make a house out of lumps. (connect the ends fingers, slightly spread your palms to the sides)

Animals will live in the house, (Clap their hands)

Have fun and make friends

Guard the house together (Join hands in "lock")

One, two, three, four, five, fold down fingers.

You and I made a snowball. Children "sculpt".

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle, clench your palms, stroke one palm with the other.

And not at all sweet. They are threatening finger.

Once - we'll throw it up, "They'll throw it up."

Two - we'll catch, "They're catching."

Three - let's drop "They drop."

I. We'll break it. They stomp. Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy!

(Children make an imaginary ball and roll it away from them)

Roll your snowball in the snow -

It will turn into a thick lump. (Draw a circle in the air)

And the lump will become a snowman. (Children draw three circles of different sizes from bottom to top)

His smile is so bright (Place palms to cheeks, depicting a wide smile)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

(Children point with their index fingers fingers eyes, palm - a hat, fist of the right hand - a nose and an imaginary broom)

But the sun will be a little hot -

(Children raise their hands up)

Alas! And there is no snowman!

(Raise their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides, then squat down, covering their head with their hands)

"Wintering Birds"

Come, birds! I'll give the lard to the titmouse.

I'll prepare some bread crumbs.

These crumbs are for pigeons,

These crumbs are for the sparrows.

Jackdaws and crows, Eat pasta!

"calling" movement fingers 4 times -"cutting" movement of one palm over the other fingers with a pinch -"crumb the bread", rub the pads fingers stretch your right hand forward against each other with your palm open; do the same - rub your palm against your palm with your left hand, "rolling pasta from bread"

Aty - baht, aty - baht!

(alternately "walking" index and middle fingers of the right and left hands)

Soldiers are coming to the parade!

Here come the tankers

Then the artillerymen

And then the infantry -

Company by company.



Masha cooked porridge, (Forefinger right finger

Masha fed everyone porridge. the children's hands are in the way in the left palm.)

Masha put porridge

Cat - in a cup, (Fold over left hand fingers.)

For the bug - in the bowl,

And for the cat - in a large spoon.

In a bowl for hens, chicks

And in the trough for the piglets.

Took up all the dishes (Unclench their fist.)

I gave away everything down to the crumbs. (Blown away "baby" from the palm.)


There is a tower in the field - palms like a house

There's a lock on the door - "lock"

The cat came - rolling hands without uncoupling fingers

Tick-tap, tat-tap - uncouple fingers

And the lock opened - opened "lock", waved their hands


"Drip - drip - drip".

Drip, drip, drip - the drops are ringing. They rhythmically tap on the table with pads for each syllable. fingers, starting from the big one.

April is approaching.

We are welcoming April

And let's count the signs:

The sun is shining brightly - once,

The grass turns green - two,

The birds are returning to us - three,

Warm rain pours four

We're happy to go for a walk, it's five!

Bend one by one fingers on hands.

Pigeons, tits

Jackdaws and swifts

Lapwings, siskins

Storks, cuckoos

Even Scops Owls

Swans, starlings.

Well done to all of you!


Swallow, swallow,

For each line thumb "says hello" twice with one finger, starting with the index, first on the right, then on the left hand.

Dear killer whale,

Where were you,

What did you come with?

Been overseas

I got the spring.

I carry it, I carry it

Spring is red.


Five and five went for a walk.

It's fun to play together. The palms of the widely spread hands open. Then intertwined fingers both palms bend and extend.

Turned around

Smiled, Rotation of hands. Stacked to large finger fingers of both hands"stretch into a smile" showing her.

Curled into a fist like this. These are such great guys! Fingers hands clenched slightly into a fist. They knock fist on fist. (Repeat 2 times)



This finger - grandfather,

This finger - grandma,

This finger - dad,

This finger - mom,

And this one finger - I,

That's my whole family.

(Palms with sad faces are shown).

Fingers - a friendly family(Compress and unclench fingers)

They can’t live without each other at the same time)

We'll show you the goat's horns (index fingers)

And even deer antlers (cross your arms above your head)

And let's not forget about the bunny (alternately with hands)

We will use our ears to move forward and backward)

In order to speak clearly (we alternately connect Must with fingers make friends with all fingers and thumb)

All year round.

All year round, all year round! (fingers into fists, rotate large)

Spring comes after winter,

After spring, summer is quickly approaching us.

If we don’t ask anyone, autumn follows summer.

And after autumn, winter itself is rushing towards us again. (rings)

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel (bend fingers into fist, starting with the little finger)

And this is a hurried, funny brown furry bear cub hobbling sleepily. (rotate with big finger)

The spider walked along the branch, (cross arms, fingers run one hand along the forearm)

And the children followed him. (fingers also run the second hand along the forearm)

The rain suddenly fell from the sky, (lower the brushes freely, simulating rain)

The spiders were washed to the ground. (slap your palms on your knees or table)

The sun began to warm up, (press your palms with your sides and spread fingers)

The spider is crawling again (start from the beginning)

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch. (run your fingers over your head)

Finger games


Recommended by the Expert Council of the Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Teaching Staff (minutes of the meeting of the regional Expert Council dated March 12, 2010).

Compiled by: , teacher

KGKP No. 4 "Beryozka"


Reviewer: D., methodologist of the IPPC

The methodological manual is intended for children 2-4 years old, which promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of attention, thinking, memory, provides beneficial influence on speech development.

Explanatory note

Finger games - a new direction in preschool education. The purpose of finger games is the development of small and gross motor skills preschoolers. The movement of fingers and hands has a special stimulating effect. Eastern doctors have found that massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain. Finger games or gymnastics not only have a positive effect on speech functions, but also on the child’s health. Physiology has established that the level of speech development depends on the degree of development of fine motor skills. If the movements are developed, then speech will be normal.

The work uses the basic principle of didactics: from simple to complex, selection of activities, their intensity, quantitative and qualitative composition (that is, the number of exercises, games and the degree of their complexity), varies depending on individual characteristics children. Using in the work the teaching aids “Development of fine motor skills”, which are a synthesis of poetic words and movement. The movements concretize the image, and the word helps to perform the movements more clearly and expressively. At the same time, the child comprehends not only general meaning words, but also the deep meaning of expression due to the imagery of movements and their perception on an emotional level. The text of the exercises are rhyming tips for given movements. Playing with objects has a beneficial effect on the development of movements of the entire hand and fingers; mosaic, pyramids, fastening buttons, snaps, fastening with Velcro, games with pencils and cereals, “finger” pool.

Given Toolkit implemented through social activities. Included in the variable part of the basic plan. It is proposed that the consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson will occur through didactic games, game exercises, situations, in the corner of finger games, individual work, on a walk. Collaboration with parents on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of children’s movements has a positive effect on the formation cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination - and also prepares for mastering writing skills, which in the future will help to avoid many problems of schooling.

Target: Development of fine movements of the fingers.


1.Develop fine muscles of the fingers and precise coordination of movements.

2.Improve hand-eye coordination and orientation in microspace.

3. Improve children’s ability to take into account the sensory properties of objects in various types of activities: finger games with objects, visual, constructive.

4. Improve the ability to imitate an adult and understand the meaning of speech.

5.Improve voluntary attention, visual memory, analytical perception of speech.

Expected Result:

1. Improving the development of fine motor skills of the hands. 2.Emotional development of the child. 3.Improvement creativity. 4.Improving cognitive abilities.

Principle of program construction:

General cultural: the formation of a common culture in children through world and national culture.

Integrity and continuity: the pedagogical process of education and training from infancy to entry into school.

Systematicity and consistency: material increases in complexity from age to age, from simple to complex.

Integrated approach: close connection with art activities, games, fiction, speech development, sensory-mathematical representation, physical education.

Game principle: the principle is age appropriate psychological characteristics children, all classes are based on games.

Long-term plan, tasks of finger games in the 1st junior group

Tasks: 1st junior group.

1.Teach children simple exercises finger games.

2.Develop fine motor skills hands in playing with objects. 3. Stimulate the development of sensory perception, develop finger mobility. 4. Teach children to take into account the sensory properties of an object in various types activities: finger games with objects, visual, constructive.

Program content

Outside of class



1. Intensify movements

fingers, develop speech.

2. Encourage speaking

end of line.

3. Give children pleasure.

Finger exercises

“Duckling”, “Castle”.

“Okay, okay”

1. Form a positive

emotional mood of children

to work together.

2. Develop sensation

own movements.

3. Develop fine motor skills


“Castle”, “The birds have flown”.


"This finger is grandma"

1. Intensify movements


2. Actively develop your vocabulary vocabulary

3.Form the child


emotional mood

“The birds have flown”, “Magpie - magpie”.

“This finger wants to sleep”

1. Develop finger motor skills

hands 2.Combine play and exercise

for training fingers with

speech activity children

“Water, water...”


"Let's go - let's go"

1.Teach your child to perform

hand actions in

in accordance with the poetic

2.Develop fine motor skills

“Okay, okay,” “This finger is grandma.”


1. Develop motor skills

hands, increase interest

kids to exercise.

2.Combine play and exercise

for training fingers with

speech activity of children.

“Water, water”, “Fence”.


"Merry painters"

1. Develop hand motor skills,

performing imitative movements accompanied by a poetic text.

2. Enrich the child’s vocabulary, develop memory.

“Let’s pet the kitten”, “This finger wants to sleep.”

1. Develop fine motor skills

both hands.

2. Activate children's vocabulary, develop memory.

“Chair”, “Magpie - Magpie”.

"Saw - saw."

1. Develop motor skills

hands, performing imitative movements accompanied by a poetic text.

2.Develop children's speech, activate their vocabulary.

“This finger is grandma”, “Let’s fly and fly.”

"Bunny ears."

1. Develop fine motor skills

2. Encourage the child to repeat words after the teacher, perform imitation movements in

accompanied by a poetic text.

“Okay, okay”, “Kolobok”.


“The squirrel is sitting on a cart.”

1.Develop fine motor skills of both hands.

2. Strengthen the ability to pronounce text clearly and correctly.

"Table chair".

"Paper ball"

1. Develop motor skills of both hands.

2. Teach your child to do

hand actions.

3.Form the child

positive emotional

“Bunny in a Mink”, “Merry Painters”.

"On a visit."

1. Learn to perform game

tasks using tactile tracks.

"Cook", "Table".

1. Build control in children

over muscle sensations.

2. Develop hand motor skills.

3.Evoke emotionally -

positive attitude.

“Saw - saw”, “Hare’s ears”.


"Different traces."

1. Continue to shape

control over muscle sensations.

2. Consolidate children’s knowledge about


3. Induce an emotionally positive attitude.

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

"Merry painters"

“It’s snowing”, finger gymnastics: “Walk”.

1. Teach children to tear paper into

small free-form pieces.

2. Strengthen the ability to squeeze and

unclench your fingers into a fist.

3. Develop fine motor skills

4.Develop speech breathing and the strength of air flow.

“On a visit”, “Bunny in a hole”.

“Bridge”, Finger gymnastics: “Track”.

1. Teach children to work

sample, laying out the beans.

2. Develop fine motor skills


3. Activate children’s speech,

encouraging you to pronounce all the words

“On a visit”, “Saw - saw”.

"Snail, snail."

1.Teach children to speak clearly

2.Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Activate children's speech.

“Walk” “Okay, okay.”


“We wash handkerchiefs.”

1. Teach children to perform

exercises, accompanied by demonstration and clear pronunciation of the text.

2.Develop hand motor skills.

“Path”, “Bunny and Drum”.

"Hedgehogs in a basket." Finger gymnastics: “Hedgehog”.

1. Form spatially –

figurative thinking of sensory perception.

2. Develop fine motor skills


3. Activate children's speech.

“Snail, snail”, “The mouse washed its paw with soap...”.

“Like our cat.”

1. Teach children to perform

hand movements, accompanying the reading of nursery rhymes.

2. Develop finger motor skills

3.Create a joyful mood.

“We wash the handkerchiefs”, “1,2,3,4,5 – we start counting.”

“Snake”, finger gymnastics: “Hey, hey, blue snake».

1. Learn to lay out a button according to size.

2.Expand your vocabulary

“This finger is a grandfather”, “The mouse washed its paw with chalk...”.


“Let’s make beads for the nesting doll”, finger gymnastics: “Beads-peas”.

1. Teach children to string

wooden beads on a thread.

2. Strengthen the ability to alternate

items by color.

3.Develop finger motor skills.

"Visiting the Whisperer."

1.Teach children to group

homogeneous objects that differ in size.

2. Stimulate the development of sensory perception and finger mobility.

3. Develop fine motor skills.

“I met a hedgehog...”, “Bunny and ears.”

“Let’s help the bunny,” finger gymnastics: “Bunny.”

1. Learn to lay out a path of beans.

2.Form visual-motor coordination and a sense of space on a sheet of paper.

4.Create a positive emotional attitude towards completing the task.

“Beads - peas”, “Fingers say hello”.

“Let’s feed the birds”, finger gymnastics:

"Chicks in the nest."

1. Teach children to draw

index finger on the rump.

2. Promote the formation

the ability to draw using the dipping method.

3.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


“The sun is shining through the window”, finger gymnastics: “Sun”.

1. Teach children to draw with their fingers on the rump.

2.Continue fixing the shape (round).

3.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Activate children's speech.

“Birds in the nest”, “Birds have flown”.

"Let's help Dunno"

finger gymnastics: “Lacing”.

1. Teach children to thread laces into the hole of a boot.

3. Activate vocabulary, develop children’s speech and thinking.

“Sunshine”, “Castle”.

“Butterflies”, finger gymnastics: “Butterfly”.

1.Continue to teach children lacing.

2.Reinforce the ability to correctly thread the braid into the hole.

3.Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the words of the game.

4.Develop finger motor skills.

“Fingers say hello”, “There is a lock on the door.”

“Umbrella for a bunny”, finger gymnastics: “Bunny”.

1. Teach children to arrange matches according to the pattern.

2.Develop finger motor skills

3.To consolidate the ability to perform hand movements according to the text.

"Butterfly", "Sun".

“House for a hedgehog”, finger gymnastics:

1. Continue teaching children

work with matches, lay out the house according to the model.

2. Pin names

geometric shapes.

3.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

“Bunny”, “Like our cat”.

"Colorful Lids"

finger gymnastics: “Fingers.”

1.Teach children to build buildings

from the lids, fix the color of the lids.

2. Form attention, imagination, creative abilities.

3.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

"Bunny", "Hedgehog".

“The beads scattered”, finger gymnastics:

"To work".

1. Teach children to sort

objects (beads) by color. Fix the name of the flowers.

2. Develop fine motor skills


3.Create a positive emotional attitude towards completing the task.

“Let’s pet the kitten”, “Water, water...”.

"Let's play with our fingers."

1. Strengthen children’s ability to combine

finger game with children's speech activity.

2.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

“Fingers”, “To work”.

Algorithms for practicing finger games in the 1st junior group

Lesson No. 1

Subject: "Forty-forty."

Purpose: a activate finger movements, develop speech. Encourage them to pronounce the end of the line. Give children pleasure.

Equipment: a picture of a magpie, or a toy.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - the teacher brings a toy or picture.

The teacher conducts a conversation. Offers to play with fingers. The index finger of the right hand makes circular movements across the palm of the left hand. Actions are accompanied by words:

Forty-forty cooked porridge and fed the children. (the teacher bends the child’s fingers). Gave this one a little finger,

Gave this one - nameless, Gave this one - medium, Gave this one - index, Gave this one - large.

Lesson No. 2

Subject: “Okay, okay.”

Target: to form in children a positive emotional attitude to work together with the teacher, to develop a sense of their own movements, to develop children’s speech, fine motor skills of the fingers. Give children pleasure.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher invites the children to play with their hands. Offer to bake pancakes like grandma.

The teacher claps his palm on the child’s palm, accompanying his own actions with a poetic text, encouraging the children to respond.

Okay, okay! Grandma baked pancakes. I poured oil on it and gave it to the kids. Our dear grandmother's pancakes are good!

Lesson No. 3

Subject: “This finger is grandma.”

Target: activate finger movements. Form a positive emotional attitude in the child. Actively develop your vocabulary vocabulary.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher talks with the children about the family. Invites children to play with their fingers.

The teacher bends and straightens the child’s fingers alternately on the right and left hand, accompanying the movements with words. Repeat with all children.

This finger is grandma, This finger is grandpa, This finger is daddy, This finger is mommy, This finger is me, That’s my whole family!

Lesson No. 4

Subject: “This finger wants to sleep.”

Target: develop finger motor skills. Combine games and exercises for training fingers with children's speech activities.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher invites the children to play with their fingers and says that our fingers also go to sleep, just like us.

The teacher bends and straightens the child’s fingers alternately on the right and left hand, accompanying the movements with words. The teacher plays with one child, then with the whole group.

This finger wants to sleep, This finger wants to jump into bed! This finger has taken a nap, This finger has already fallen asleep. Hush little finger, don't make any noise, don't wake up your brothers. Fingers stood up. Hooray! IN kindergarten it's time to go!

Lesson No. 5

Subject: “Let’s go, let’s go.”

Target: teach the child to perform actions with his hands (open his palms, spreading his fingers wide) in accordance with the poetic text. Develop hand motor skills.

Equipment: pictures depicting a grandfather with a turnip, a bunny, a ball or toys.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher asks them to look at the pictures and say what they see in the pictures. The teacher reports that they will now go to visit them.

Let's go - let's go, With nuts, with nuts, To grandpa for a turnip, Yellow, big, that's what! (shows, spreading his palms to the sides). Let's go - let's go, To the hare for a ball, For your ball, Round and big, that's how it is! (shows, spreading his palms to the sides).

Lesson No. 6

Subject: “Kolobok.”

Target: develop hand motor skills, increase children’s interest in exercises for training fingers with children’s speech activity.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - a bun comes to visit. Examination of the kolobok, comparison with the fist, that it is also round. Invite children to stroke the fist and play with it.

The fist is like a bun. We'll squeeze it once. That's it - that's it, we'll squeeze it once. (we clench our fingers into a fist and unclench them).

Lesson No. 7

Subject: "Happy painters."

Target: develop hand motor skills by performing imitative movements accompanied by a poetic text. Enrich your child's vocabulary and develop memory.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher offers to play with our hands. Our hands will turn into painters and will paint the house.

The child imitates movements with both hands in the direction up - down, left - right (elbows at chest level) while the teacher reads the couplet. You can change children's names.

We'll paint this house

Vanyusha will live in it.

Lesson No. 8

Subject: "Cook".

Target: develop fine motor skills of both hands. Activate children's vocabulary, develop memory.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - the teacher brings a picture or a toy - a cook doll. Children look at and answer questions. The teacher invites the children to play with their hands.

The child performs circular movements with the brush clockwise and counterclockwise, accompanied by a poetic text spoken by the teacher. Names can be changed.

Cook, cook, cook cabbage soup. Vova's cabbage soup is good.

Lesson No. 9

Subject: “Saw - saw.”

Target: develop hand motor skills by performing imitative movements accompanied by a poetic text. Develop children's speech, activate vocabulary.

Equipment: small or rubber animal toys.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - animals come to visit and tell the children that it has become cold in the forest and they have nowhere to live. The teacher invites the children to play with our hands and build a house for the animals. At the end of the game, you can put up a finished house and the children will play independently.

The child performs sliding movements with the edge of his palm along the surface of the table.

Saw, saw, Drank faster, We are building a house for the animals.

Lesson No. 10

Subject: “Bunny ears.”

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands. Encourage the child to repeat the words after the teacher and perform imitative movements of the poetic text.

Equipment: bunny toy.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - a bunny comes to visit.

The teacher and the children examine the bunny and see how long its ears are. The teacher offers to play with our hands. Fingers are clenched in a fist. The child puts his index and middle fingers up, moves them to the sides and forward to the poetic text.

The bunny's ears are long, they stick out from the bushes. He jumps and gallops, making his bunnies happy. The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears. Like this, like this, He moves his ears.

Lesson No. 11

Subject: “A squirrel is sitting on a cart.”

Target: develop fine motor skills of both hands. Strengthen the ability to pronounce text clearly and correctly.

Equipment: toys: squirrel, fox, bird, bear, bunny.

Methodical techniques:

Toys come to visit the children. They want to play with them. The teacher offers to play with our fingers.

With their left hand, children bend the fingers of their right hand one at a time, starting with the thumb.

A squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts to: Little Fox, (bends his thumb), Sparrow, (bends his index finger), Titmouse, (bends his middle finger), Teddy Bear, (bends his ring finger), Bunny with a mustache. (bends his little finger).

Lesson No. 12

Subject: "Paper ball."

Target: develop motor skills of both hands. Form a positive emotional attitude in the child. Teach your child to perform actions with his hands.

Methodical techniques:

The child is given a sheet of paper, and the teacher offers to crumple this sheet, making a paper ball out of it (the load is given alternately to each hand).

Types of exercises:

1. Use your hand to push the ball away. 2. Roll the ball on the table.

Lesson No. 13

Subject: “On a visit.”

Target: teach to perform game tasks using tactile tracks. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: toys or pictures with the image of a cat or bunny, tactile tracks made of voluminous braid, silk ribbon, strips of sandpaper for each child.

Methodical techniques:

There are two tracks glued on a sheet of paper (smooth and rough). At the end of the paths there are pictures or toys depicting a cat or bunny. The teacher invites the children to choose the desired path in order to go to visit the bunny (cat) and move all their fingers in turn. The child can be offered game tasks using tactile paths." alt="C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\New folder (4)\Photo0011.jpg" width="299" height="126">!}

Lesson No. 15

Subject: “Different traces.”

Target: Continue to build control over muscle sensations. Strengthen children's knowledge about animals. Induce an emotionally positive attitude.

Equipment: a picture depicting a house and a path made of softened plasticine.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher suggests laying tracks to the house on a path made of plasticine (taking into account the force of pressure with your fingers - from weak to strong):

Look, guys, a cat walked towards the house. It's small and comes on easily. Then the dog passed by. She comes harder. In the same way, follow the tracks of a wolf, bear, or elephant. The child acts with a pinch.

Lesson No. 16

Subject: "It is snowing".

Finger gymnastics: “Walk”.

Target: teach children to tear paper into small, free-form pieces. Strengthen the ability to clench and unclench your fingers into a fist. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop speech breathing and the strength of air flow. Create a desire to play finger games.

Equipment: a sheet of white paper for each child.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher suggests playing the game “Walk” with your fingers.

Let's go for a walk, and let the second ones catch up. The third fingers ran, And the fourth fingers walked, The fifth finger galloped and fell at the end of the path.

(The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, the thumbs are lowered down, and, as if jumping, move along the table. Rhythmic movements on the table with the index fingers. Movements of the middle fingers at a fast pace. Slow movement of the ring fingers along the surface of the table. Rhythmic touching of the table surface with both with the little fingers. Clap both fists on the surface).

After the game, the teacher draws attention to the fact that such a large and fluffy one is walking on the street. Invites children to show which snowing. Children take a sheet of paper, tear it into pieces, put the pieces on their palms, blow on the leaves, showing how it snows.

Lesson No. 17

Subject: "Bridge".

Finger gymnastics: “Track”.

Target: teach children to work according to the model, laying out the beans. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Activate children's speech, encouraging them to pronounce all the words of the game.

Equipment: pictures with a stream for each child, beans, small toys: bunnies or cats.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher draws the children's attention to a picture of a stream. He says that the cat and the bunny went for a walk, but they couldn’t cross the stream. Invites children to build a bridge out of beans so that the bunny and the cat can cross the stream.

After completing the task, children imitate the movements of toys on the bridge, accompanying them with the text of finger gymnastics:

We took beans to lay out a path. So that a bunny or a cat can run along it.

Lesson No. 18

Subject: “Snail, snail!”

Target: teach children to clearly pronounce the nursery rhyme. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Activate children's speech.

Equipment: picture of a snail.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher shows the children a picture of a snail and reads a nursery rhyme.

Snail, snail! Show me your horns - I'll give you a piece of pie, crumpets, cheesecake, a flatbread - stick your horns out!

He reads the nursery rhyme again, involves the children in repeating the phrases, and asks them to show the horns instead of the snail. Then the teacher invites the fingers to talk and introduces the children to finger play:

“Snail, snail!” Snail, snail! (fist in fist, change hands). Show (hands away from you, palms up) the horns - (raise the horns to the head). I will give (hands away from myself) a piece of pie (close palms), Pyshki (a ball of palms), cheesecakes (clap the left palm on top with the right fist, then change hands), Breadcakes (clap the left palm on top of the right, then change hands), - Stick it out (arms away from you, palms up) horns (raise the horns to the head).

Children play, memorizing movements and words.

Lesson No. 19

Subject: “We wash handkerchiefs.”

Target: teach children to do exercises, accompanied by demonstration and clear pronunciation of the text. Develop hand motor skills.

Equipment: toy basins, handkerchiefs, rope and clothespins, doll.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - the doll Katya comes to visit. She brings handkerchiefs. The doll tells the children that she wants to help her mother wash the handkerchiefs, but there are so many of them that she can’t handle it herself. Katya asks the children to help her. The teacher invites the children to help the doll.

Children take handkerchiefs, the teacher reads a poetic text, children perform hand movements.

Mom and daughter washed their handkerchiefs. Like this, like this. (movement with an open palm along the bottom in the direction forward and backward). Mom and daughter rinsed their handkerchiefs, like this, like this. (movements with the brush in the direction from left to right). Mom and daughter were drying handkerchiefs. Like this, like this. (Move the brush up and down over the basin).

- Well, we helped the doll wash the handkerchiefs, rinsed them, shook them, now we need to hang them up. Children hang handkerchiefs on a stretched rope and secure them with clothespins.

Lessons No. 20

Subject: “Hedgehogs in a basket.”

Finger gymnastics “Hedgehog”.

Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Form spatial-figurative thinking of sensory perception. Activate children's speech.

Equipment: flat hedgehogs for each child, multi-colored clothespins, a basket, a doll - Grandma.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - grandma comes to visit and brings a basket. Sounds come from the basket: puff - puff - puff - puff.

Who is this? The teacher takes the hedgehogs out of the basket. Draws children's attention to the fact that hedgehogs do not have needles. He offers to make them needles from clothespins. After completing the task, they play a finger game.

Finger game: “Hedgehogs”.

Little prickly hedgehog. How good he is!

Place your palms at an angle to each other. Place the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. Moves straight fingers. At the end of the game, children admire the cute hedgehogs and play with them.

Lesson No. 21

Subject: “Like our cat.”

Target: teach children to perform hand movements while reading nursery rhymes. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Repeat a familiar nursery rhyme, create a joyful mood.

Equipment: a picture of a cat or a toy cat.

Methodical techniques:

Children look at a picture of a cat. Pay attention to his fur coat: - The fur is soft and fluffy. The fur coat is very good! (choral and individual statement).

Children, together with the teacher, examine the mustache of “Amazing Beauty”. They note that “The eyes are bold and the teeth are white.” A toy cat appears and invites you to admire its fur, whiskers, and eyes. He asks the children to talk about it with their fingers, to show each word of the poem with gestures.

The teacher and the children learn hand and finger movements.

Like our cat’s fur coat is very good," width="65" height="86 src=">.jpg" width="66" height="86 src=">

Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty," width="73" height="79">

Bold eyes, white teeth.

After the game, the cat thanks the children.

Lesson No. 22

Subject: "Snake."

Finger gymnastics: “Hey, hey, blue snake.”

Target: learn to lay out a button according to size. Develop finger motor skills and the baby’s creative imagination. Expand children's vocabulary.

Equipment: a picture with a snake for each child, green and blue buttons.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher shows the snake in the picture and asks questions: - Who is it? How does a snake hiss? How does she crawl? The teacher suggests drawing a snake with your hand, accompanying the movements with a quatrain.

Hey, hey, Blue Snake! Show up, show yourself, Spin the Wheel!

Children perform wave-like movements with their hands. The teacher suggests going to the tables on which there are sheets with an outline image of a snake, and suggests laying out the snake with buttons. The children admire, the snake smiles at them." alt="C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\New folder (2)\PIC_0049.JPG" width="216" height="136">!}

Lesson No. 23

Subject: “Let’s make nesting dolls and beads.”

Finger gymnastics: “Beads and peas.”

Target: teach children to string wooden (or any other) beads on a thread. Strengthen the ability to alternate objects by color. Develop finger motor skills.

Equipment: wooden or any other beads in six colors, for each child, silhouettes of nesting dolls, dressed in plain dresses of the same colors, threads or cords for stringing beads.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - the nesting dolls came to visit and brought with them beads and threads different color. The teacher says that the nesting dolls want the children to make beautiful beads for them. The teacher asks the children to choose beads, one.

When the children choose the beads they like, they are given a thread and asked to string the beads on it. If it is difficult for a child to do this, the teacher helps him. Then the children are asked to find the nesting dolls for which they made beads. The teacher names the color of the beads and emphasizes that the matryoshka’s dress should be the same color. The teacher assigns the color of the dress and beads to the nesting doll. After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to play with their fingers and beads. Children take a thread with beads and sort it in their hands, accompanying the actions with the text:

I'll roll beads and peas in my hands. Become dexterous quickly, fingers.

Lesson No. 24

Subject: “Visiting the Whisperer.”

Target: teach children to group homogeneous objects that differ in size: large buttons are the wheels of a train, small buttons are a ring of smoke from a chimney. Stimulate the development of sensory perception, develop finger mobility, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: Whisperer toy, sheet with an applique of a steam locomotive for each child, 5 large and 5 small buttons.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher invites the children to go visit “The Whisperer”.

Children enter the group, greet the “Whisperer” and sit down at the tables. The teacher says that “The Whisperer” has prepared something interesting for the children, and now they will watch it. The teacher takes out a bag of buttons from the “Whisperer” pocket. The teacher shows how to put wheels on a steam locomotive, the locomotive started working and smoke came out of the chimney. During the task, it is clarified what shape the wheels are, the driver's window, and the smoke from the chimney. The teacher reads poems:

The locomotive hummed and the carriages were driven, Chok-chok-choo-choo-choo. I'll rock you far.

"The Whisperer."

Lesson No. 25

Subject: “Let’s help the bunny.”

Target: teach children to lay out a path of beans. Form hand-eye coordination and a sense of space on a piece of paper. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Create a positive emotional attitude towards completing a task.

Equipment: a picture with a picture of a house and a bunny according to the number of children, beans, a toy bunny.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - a bunny comes to visit. He is crying because he is lost and cannot find his way home. The teacher invites the children to help the bunny and explains that they need to lay out a path in the picture from the bunny to the bean house. The children lay out a path: - this is the path to the house. Children lead the bunny along the path to the house. The bunny thanks the children for their help. The teacher suggests playing with your fingers.

Finger gymnastics: “Bunny”.

The gray bunny jumps deftly. He has a carrot in his paw.

Lean your elbow on the table, spread your index and middle fingers to the sides (ears), and clench the rest into a fist. Move (ears) when pronouncing words.

Lesson No. 26

Subject: “Let’s feed the birds.”

Target: teach children to draw with their index finger on their rump. To promote the development of the ability to draw using the dipping method. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: a picture or toy bird, trays of cereal for each child.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment when a bird flies to visit. The children and the teacher look at it. The teacher offers to feed the bird grains, but to do this they need to be drawn on the cereal, but we will draw with our fingers. We will clench our fingers and draw with our index fingers. After completing the task, the teacher approaches each child with a bird, and the bird pecks the grains.

Finger gymnastics: “Chicks in the nest.”

The bird flaps its wings and flies to its nest. She will tell her chicks where she got the grain. We clasp all the fingers of our right hand with our left palm and move them.

Lesson No. 27

Subject: “The sun is shining through the window” (drawing on the croup).

Finger gymnastics: “Sun”.

Target: teach children to draw with their fingers on the rump. Continue fixing the shape (round). What else comes in this form? Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Activate children's speech: Round, joyful, cheerful.

Equipment: a tray of cereal for each child.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher invites the children to see how brightly the sun shines. He asks what it is? Round, yellow, bright. What else comes in this shape? A ball, an apple, etc. The teacher informs the children that today they will draw the sun, but not on paper, on cereal, or with pencils, but with their fingers. The teacher shows how to draw correctly. After completing it, he offers to play with the pens.

Finger gymnastics: “Sun”.

The sun rose early in the morning and caressed all the children. (cross your palms, spread your fingers wide to form a “sun with rays.”" alt="C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\PIC_0087.jpg" width="330 height=113" height="113">!}

Lesson No. 29

Subject: "Butterflies."

Finger gymnastics: “Butterfly”.

Target: Continue to teach children lacing. Strengthen the ability to correctly thread the braid into the hole. Fix the colors. Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the words of the game. Develop finger motor skills.

Equipment: flower patterns with holes, butterflies with holes according to the number of children.

Methodical techniques:

There are flowers and butterflies on the carpet (this is a clearing). The teacher tells the children:

Guys, look what a beautiful clearing we have, and how many butterflies have flown to our clearing. The teacher assigns the color of butterflies and flowers. To prevent butterflies from flying away, you need to lace them to a flower, he shows how.

After the children complete the task, the teacher plays a finger game with the children.

Finger game: “Butterfly”.

Butterfly - a box, Fly away under the cloud, There are your children

On a birch branch.

Cross the wrists of both hands and press the backs of your palms together. Fingers straight, butterfly sitting." alt="C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\Photo0040.jpg" width="218" height="112">!}

Lesson No. 30

Subject: “Umbrella for a bunny” (designed from matches).

Finger gymnastics: “Bunny”.

Target: teach children to arrange matches according to a pattern. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Strengthen the ability to perform hand movements according to the text. Cultivate a friendly attitude and compassion.

Equipment: cards with an outline image of an umbrella for each child, matches.

Methodical techniques:

A bunny comes to visit and says that it’s raining outside, he’s afraid of getting wet, that’s why he doesn’t have an umbrella. The teacher invites the children to help the hare. Shows how to correctly lay out an umbrella using matches along the contour. When completing the task, the teacher reads a poem:

The weather has started to get angry - it has been raining outside the window all day. And so that the bunny does not catch a cold, he will walk under an umbrella.

The bunny says thank you to the children, now he is not afraid of the rain and invites them to play with their fingers.

Finger gymnastics: “Bunny”.

Who's jumping on the lawn? This is a long-eared bunny!

Extend the index and middle fingers upward, press the little and ring fingers to the palm with the thumb. Hold your fingers in this position for a count of 5-10.

Lesson No. 31

Subject: “House for a hedgehog.”

Finger gymnastics: “Hedgehog”.

Target: continue to teach children to work with matches, lay out a house according to the model. Fix the names of the geometric shapes that make up the house. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Make children want to play with the building.

Equipment: cards with the outline of a house, matches for each child, flat hedgehogs.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment - a hedgehog comes to visit. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the hedgehog has nowhere to live, invites the children to build a house for the hedgehog out of matches, and while completing the task the teacher reads the following poems:

I am building a house in the universe. It has a roof and an antenna. There is a door in it, and there is a window - Let the hedgehog live in it.

Children determine what shapes the house consists of.

Finger game: "Home".

Look at the house with the chimney. You and I will live in it.

Connect your fingers at an angle, place your thumbs one on top of the other. Straighten the index finger of one hand - this is a “pipe”.

Lesson No. 32

Subject: "Multi-colored lids."

Finger gymnastics “Fingers”.

Target: teach children to build buildings from lids, fix the color of the lids. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, attention, imagination, creativity.

Equipment: lids of different colors, cat toy.

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment when a cat comes to visit, she wants to play with the children.

Finger gymnastics: “Fingers.”

The big finger shakes the plums, the second one collects them. The third one carries it into the house, the fourth one pours it out. The smallest one is a naughty boy. He eats everything, everything, everything.

(Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb).

– The kitty liked playing with us, she wants to play with the colorful lids some more.

Children, with the help of a teacher, lay out different buildings from the lids, fixing the color. At the end of the lesson they play out their buildings. Repeat finger gymnastics: “Fingers.”

Lesson No. 33

Subject: “The beads scattered.”

Target: teach children to sort objects (beads) by color. Fix the names of the colors. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Create a positive emotional attitude towards completing a task.

Equipment: 15-20 multi-colored beads for each child, a mouse toy.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that we have a mouse visiting us, but it hid because its tail touched the tray with beads. They scattered and mixed. Assignment for children: sort the beads by color, fix the color of the beads. After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to find the mouse and play with it.

Finger gymnastics: “To work.”

One thumb stood up. The index finger is behind it. The middle one wakes up the nameless one. He raised his little finger. The brothers all stood up - “Hurray!” It's time for them to go to work.

Clench your fingers into a fist. Unbend them one by one, starting with the largest one. And with the words “All the brothers have stood up...” - spread your fingers wide to the sides." width="184" height="102 src=">.jpg" width="188" height="161 src=">. jpg" width="166" height="178 src=">