Long-term plan for August. Work plan for August in the senior group

ELENA Koneva
Plan for August in middle group

August 2016


B “What do I like to do in kindergarten?”- involve children in dialogue with adults, teach them to answer adult questions.

group, help an adult.

U/G Morning exercises

And outdoor games "Crawl through the gate", "Catch a mosquito"


(By plan .


And outdoor games "Cosmonauts", “Cucumber, cucumber.”

N Walk around the site kindergarten- see which flowers have already faded and which are still blooming.

DI "Who will find the tree"- consolidate children's knowledge about wood.

H Before bed

Before going to bed, continue reading K. Chukovsky "Confusion"


B A variety of flowers. Expand children's understanding of diversity colors: they can be large and small, round and flat, like bells and stars; they bloom on garden plants, shrubs, trees and herbs; Flower colors include all the colors of the rainbow.

And role-playing game "Chauffeurs"

H/L Memorizing a poem "My cat" Maurice Karem

An evening walk

N Observation of surroundings: note that even in the most ordinary objects something mysterious can be found.

And outdoor game "Hide and Seek"

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B Conversation about family members - learn to name family members, show actions in which parents care for children (dad is fixing a car, grandfather is playing a board game with his grandson, etc.).

U/G Morning exercises

D/I Didactic game "Who can name more actions", “It happens or not”

And outdoor games "On a smooth path", "Catch a mosquito"


(By plan musical director).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Sun and Rain", "Catch up with me"

T/P Loosening the soil in the garden

DI “What is more and what is less?”- learn to compare trees, shrubs, flowers, herbaceous plants with each other, and name them.

I\R Game exercise "Guess it"- develop thinking and creative abilities.

H Before bed

Before bedtime reading by D. Ciardi "Who has three eyes".

W/M After sleep, dousing with warm water


T/M Drawing "Merry Lotto" (collective album) (story drawing). Goals: create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing. Learn to draw simple scenes, conveying human movements. Involve children in collective conversation, playful and verbal interaction with peers. Describe the images in the pictures.

T/D Dramatization of a fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

S/D Games with fun toys and story toys.

An evening walk

N Walk to the pond: to tell about folk superstition that after Elijah Day the water in reservoirs becomes cold and you can no longer swim.

And outdoor game "Skok-skok"

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


Z/M Reception of children in the fresh air

N Observation of dew. Can a bird drink dew? Look for dew and collect it in your palm and examine it.

T/P Encourage children, together with the teacher, to wash the flower trays - show the sequence of labor actions, name them. Instruct Nastya and Dima to arrange the toys on the shelf. Cultivate a desire to maintain order in group, help an adult.

U/G Morning exercises

And outdoor games "Shaggy Dog", "Starlings"

Games in play corners at the request of children.


(By plan physical education instructor).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "From hoop to hoop", "The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

H Observation of cumulus and cirrus clouds

DI Didactic games “Find a leaf like on a tree”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

T/P Involve children in collecting leaves for further drying.

H Before bed

Reading a Russian folk tale before bed "Nikita Kozhemyaka"


T/M Lepka "Our toys" (object modeling) Tasks. Teach children to sculpt toys, conveying the characteristic features of their appearance (shape, color and ratio of parts). Learn to plan work - select the right amount of material, determine the method of sculpting. Initiate free expression of children on topics from personal experience (describe toys).

And role-playing game "Polyclinic"- involve children in a joint game according to the proposed plot, teach children to play together.

T/P Making holes near young trees.

C\D Games with different types of constructors.

An evening walk

E/D "The air is inside us".

Blow into a tube placed in a glass of water. Bubbles come out. Conclusion: it means there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and he comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and we get bubbles.

And the Game is a relay race "Transportation of the harvest", "Who is faster".

I\R "Make a pattern"- drawing up a pattern from casting on asphalt.

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B “What is water for?”. To develop children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life; that water exists in the environment environment in various types . These include rains, rivers, and seas. In rivers, the water is odorless, tasteless - fresh, pikes and crucian carp live in it... In the sea, the water is salty, and its inhabitants live there - jellyfish, sharks, dolphins and others. Foster respect for water.

U/G Morning exercises

T/P Involve children in joint work with the assistant teacher to restore order in the group room - to cultivate a desire to help an adult.

And educational game "Guess what I'm drawing"- develop children's imagination and creativity.

And outdoor games "Take care of the cube", "Train"

S/D Offer animal toys for independent play.


(By plan physical education instructor).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games “The cat came to the stove”, "My funny ringing ball"

N Find a raincoat mushroom in a corner of the forest, watch him: at the beginning after the rain it is light, then it darkens and when ripe it has a dark brown color. If they touch him, he will puff.

D/I Didactic games "Game of Riddles", "Come up with another word"

O/E "Draw your hand in the sand"- continue to introduce children to the properties of raw sand.

H Before bed

Sleeping in a ventilated room

Reading before bed "Rain, rain, more fun..."


T/M Applique "Mosaic" Teach children to choose and make a pattern; develop the child’s imagination, sense of color and ability to transform geometric shapes (from a square and a rectangle to obtain different triangles).

And role-playing game "Hospital"- involve children in a joint game according to the proposed plot, teach children to play together.

X/L Reading poems by V. Stepanov "Funny Poems"- teach children to listen carefully to poems.

S/D Games in play corners at the request of children.

An evening walk

E/D "Sand can move".

Take a handful of dry sand and release it in a stream so that it falls in one place. Gradually, a cone forms at the site of the fall, growing in height and occupying an increasingly larger area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time, then alloys appear in one place or another. The movement of sand is similar to a current.

And outdoor game "Run to me."

I\R "Make a pattern"- drawing with crayons on the asphalt.

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B Conversation about edible and non-edible berries. See the fruits of wolf bast and rowan.

U/G Morning exercises

D/I Didactic game "Why is this necessary"- learn to name the object shown in the picture and its purpose for people, (iron - iron, needle - sew).

And outdoor games "Bubble", "Carousel"

S/D Games with play corners at the request of children.


(By plan musical director).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Train", "Catch up with me"

N Observing people's clothes. Conversation “What shoes do we wear in summer?”

D/I Game exercise "The toy hid"- learn to navigate the kindergarten area.

I\R Game exercise "Finish the word"- develop thinking, auditory perception, intelligence and speech activity.

H Before bed

Before going to bed, reading Volkov A. "The Wizard of Oz"

W/M After sleep "Wave gymnastics"


M/P Listening to Pieces from "Children's Album" P.I. Chaikovsky:

"March of the Wooden Soldiers".

T/D Show puppet theater "Ryaba Hen"- evoke a positive emotional response to watching a fairy tale. Learn to watch a fairy tale quietly, without disturbing others.

I\R "Beads"- learn to see patterns in the composition of beads, select colors in accordance with the sample

S/D Games with fun toys

An evening walk

N Find a plantain on the site: pay attention to the arrow that he released and what is on it. Touch the plantain seeds.

And outdoor game "Jump-hop"

S/D Offer crayons for independent drawing on asphalt.

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


R Examination of objects and toys made from wood - introduce children to the properties of wood, name the objects and toys that are made from it. Develop memory and attention.

B "Forest House".Give an idea that the forest is the green outfit of our planets. The forest can be coniferous or deciduous. A lot grows here plants: shrubs, flowers, mushrooms. Reinforce the knowledge that the forest is a home for animals and birds.

U/G Morning exercises

And educational game "Let's play shop"-learn to classify objects. Develop attention and thinking.

And outdoor games "Catch the Ball". "Giants and Dwarfs"

S/D Games with theatrical toys.


(By plan physical education instructor).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games “They walked and walked along the path”», "The gray bunny is sitting"

H Watching the shadows from items

T Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches and leaves.

Before bedtime

W/M Sleeping without T-shirts.

Ch Before bedtime reading by O. Preusler "Little Baba Yaga"


T/M Design "Magic transformation plastic bottle» ("Crazy Hands") Learn to come up with a specific image and transform an object in accordance with it, making missing parts and details from paper.

And role-playing game "Shop"- learn to carry social experience game, play together with an adult.

T/D Tabletop toy theater "Teremok"- teach children to create a plot from simple actions, to involve them in active participation in the game.

S/D Games with musical toys.

An evening walk

N Observation of machines - consolidate the concept "passenger transport"

And outdoor game "Summer Round Dance"

I/R Game exercise "Jump from hole to hole" practice jumping on 2 legs.

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B “These matches are not big”.Bring to children’s understanding the purpose of matches in the house, explain their danger if they fall into the inept hands of an inattentive, irresponsible person. Learn, if necessary, to dial the telephone number of the fire service, police and "Ambulance".

KGN Continue teaching children to wash their hands and face themselves, use a towel and toiletries; When eating, watch how children hold the spoon and eat carefully.

U/G Morning exercises

And educational game "Furniture"- learn to name pieces of furniture and their purpose.

And outdoor games "Train" "Roll the ball into the goal".


(By plan musical director).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Giants and Dwarfs", "Tracks"- continue to teach how to play games.

N Observation of trees on area: foliage color, presence of fruits, whether yellow leaves have appeared (approaching autumn).

S/D Independent play and motor activity.

H Before bed

Before bedtime reading by V. Sutev "Who said meow?"

W/M After sleep "Wave gymnastics"


T/P Help for younger children groups in cleaning sand around the sandbox.

O/E "About a little drop"- continue to introduce children to the properties of water - if water is painted with colored paint, it will acquire the same color.

T/M Drawing "The red summer has come" (colors of summer) (decorative painting). Goals: teach children to create a harmonious color composition, conveying impressions of summer. Introduce a new way of creating an abstract composition - free, continuous movement of a pencil or felt-tip pen on paper (exercise "line on a walk"). Improve your technique of painting with watercolors (wash and wet your brush often, move it freely in all directions)

S/D Games with story toys.

An evening walk

E/D Transfer of a sunbeam.

And Outdoor games of children's choice

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B Conversation about what useful things people have done. Remind that everything is made by human hands and everything must be taken care of, things must be handled carefully.

U/G Morning exercises

And Board-printed games "Associations", “Assemble a picture from 4 parts”

R Creation collective application from colored paper “Summer, oh summer!”.

And outdoor games "Big and Small", "Gather in a circle"


(By plan physical education instructor).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Mice", "Train"

R Entertainment. Festival of soap bubbles.

DI "Who called"- develop auditory perception.

I\R Game exercise "Why is this necessary"- develop memory, thinking, speech.

H Before bed

Before bedtime reading by V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar"


S/R Game "Salon". Target. Revealing the meaning of a hairdresser's activity. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fostering respect for the hairdressing profession.

E/D "There is air in the soil".Throw a piece of soil into the water. Air bubbles will appear on the surface. Conclusion: Soil contains air.

And finger play "Flowers"- develop fine motor skills and speech.

R/R Individual conversations with mothers about the behavior of children in kindergarten. Consultation "Kindergarten without tears".

An evening walk

P/N Observation of shadows from items: use your hands to show different figures on the wall of the building.

Outdoor games "Paints", "Classes", "Blind Man's Bluff"

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B Conversation with children about zoo: do they know what a zoo is, have they been to a zoo, who have they seen there. Involve children in spoken dialogue with an adult.

U/G Morning exercises

D/I Didactic game "Feed the Animal"- teach children to relate an animal and what it eats, to develop thinking and visual perception.

And outdoor games "Butterflies", "Giants - Dwarfs"

S/D Offer object toys for independent play.


(By plan physical education instructor).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Horse Game", "Train"

H Observation of insects: a caterpillar is like a twig, a butterfly is like a flower.

DI "Name the Cub"- learn to name baby animals, imitate animal voices

T Invite children to clean the feeder and pour food for the birds. Foster love and desire to care for birds.

H Before bed

Before bedtime reading by J. Rodari "Magic Drum"

W/M Wiping with a moistened mitten


B Conversation with children about homeless animals - how dangerous they are for children, and how we can help them. Cultivate a love for animals.

T/M Lepka "Dog with Puppy" (plot modeling) . C e whether: learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects that differ in size (dog and 1-2 puppies). Show a new way of sculpting in the style of a folk toy - from a cylinder (a roller bent in an arc and cut at both ends. Learn to analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size

H/L Memorizing a poem "Loaf" Me: Stretch.

C\d Games in play corners at the request of children.

An evening walk

E Excursion to the hairdresser. Conversation with hairdressing salon employees.

I/U Game exercise "Catch the ball". Target: teach children to catch a ball thrown by a teacher from a distance of 0.5 m. Develop coordination of movements and eye.

August 2016

MORNING Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood.


B Ethical Conversations : “We are waiting for guests”

U/G Morning exercises

D/I Didactic game “Who helps a person how?”- expand knowledge about animals (a cow gives milk, a cat catches a mouse, etc.).

And outdoor games “The gray bunny washes himself”, "Catch a mosquito"

C\D Games with play corners at the request of children.


(By plan musical director).


Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental health.

And outdoor games "Sun and Rain", "Shaggy Dog"

N Observation in the garden: note the ripening of tomatoes, growing heads of cabbage, that it is time to collect the first apples in the orchards. (Apple Spas).

DI "Say it the other way around"- learn to name words that have opposite meanings (big small).

B Ethical conversations "Let's go visit".

H Before bed

Before bedtime reading by E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings"

W/M After sleep "Wave gymnastics"


H/L Learning a song "Guests have come to us"

August 1-4 weeks.

1 Week - "The ABCs of Security"

Week 2 – “My Family”

Week 3 – “Visiting a fairy tale”

Week 4 - “Professions”

Getting to know your surroundings:

1 Week- " Dangers are all around us"

Goal: Continue to teach the basic basics of life safety on the street, at home and in nature. Strengthen the ability, if necessary, to dial the telephone number of the fire service, police and ambulance.

2 week- "Our Family Album"

Target: Form an idea of ​​the composition of the family. Learn to name the names and patronymics of family members, the place of work of the parents, and have a basic understanding of the profession of the parents. Improve the ability to compose short story about family. Foster love, respect and a desire to care for family and friends.

Week 3 - " We are storytellers."

Target: Expand children's ideas about professions. Develop the ability to understand the significance of the work of the “storyteller” and its necessity. Induce a positive emotional mood, encourage the ability to compose short fairy tales and stories.

Week 4 - “Professions”

Goal: To expand children’s ideas about professions, to introduce them to their varieties. Develop the ability to understand the significance of each profession. Introduce in depth to the miner profession. Arouse interest in your parents' profession. Develop your imagination “who would you like to become in the future?”

Observations on a walk.








Flowers in a flowerbed;

Plants in the garden;

Plant seeds.

Collection of plant seeds.

Inhalation of plant odors.


For flies;



Birds on the branches;

Bird behavior;



Spiders in the flowerbed;

Buzz flies.


Behind the wind;


Nature after the rain;





The sun and the length of the day;

The beauty of the surrounding nature.

The sun dries things out.

The power of the sun's ray.

The power of air.

Air is invisible.

WORK IN NATURE: Trimming the beds in the garden. Putting the flower beds in order (adjusting the border, weeding the weeds from the beds, loosening the soil). Restoring order in the area. Putting order in flower beds. Cleaning the garden after harvesting (pulling out tops, collecting leaves). Preparing the garden for winter, digging.





"Tell me what you hear"

"When it happens"

"What why"

"Good bad"

“What do they plant in the garden?”


"Who lives where"

“Say the word with the right sound”

"Who can come up with more words"

"Do you remember these verses..."


"How many items"

"Stop, stick, stop"

“It happens or not”

"Feed the Animal"

“Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend”

“Don’t yawn” (insect)

"Who needs what"

"Who are you?"

"What season"

“Where you can do what”

"Guess the insect"

"Find yourself a mate"

"Get it by youself"

"Who will remember more"

“Come up with another word.”

"Frogs and Heron"

"The Bear and the Bees"

"Empty place"


"Streams and Lakes"




"Hares and the Wolf"

"Kittens and Puppies"

"Find the pebble"

"Dragonfly Song"

"Find yourself a mate"


"Children and the Wolf"


"Get to know the plant"

"Guess what I caught"


"Cat on the Roof"



"Needle, thread, knot"

"Wandering Ball"

"Bees and Swallow"


“Put on your hat.”




- "hairdresser"

Working with parents.

1. Exhibition of children's works “So that there is no trouble...”.

2.Consultation for parents “I myself.”

3.Individual conversations with parents. Topic: “Possible forms of joint recreation between parents and children.”

4.Consultation for parents “Summer and the safety of your children.”

5.Photo exhibition “Dad, Mom, I am very Friendly family».

6. “Coal is our gold”


- “to the temple of the dead miners”

- “to Antoshka Park”



Russian folk tales.

“Nikita Kozhemyaka” (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev);

"Boring Tales."

Foreign folk tales.

“About the Mouse Who Was a Cat, a Dog and a Tiger”, ind., trans. N. Khodzy;

“How the brothers found their father’s treasure”, mold., arr. M. Bulatova;

Yellow stork", Chinese, trans. F. Yarlina


B. Zhitkov “White House”, “How I Caught Little Men”;

G. Snegirev “Penguin Beach”, “To the Sea”, “Brave Little Penguin”;

M. Moskvina “Tiny”;


Y. Akim “Greedy”;

Y. Moritz “House with a Chimney”;

R. Seph “Council”, “Endless Poems”;

D. Kharms “I was running, running, running”;

D. Ciardi “About the One Who Has Three Eyes”, trans. from English R. Sefa;

B. Zakhoder “Pleasant meeting”;

S. Black “Wolf”;

A. Pleshcheev “My kindergarten”;

S. Marshak “Mail”.

Literary fairy tales.

A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (chapters);

O. Preusler “Little Baba Yaga”, trans. with him. Yu. Korintsa;

J. Rodari “The Magic Drum” (from the book “Tales with Three Endings”, translated from Italian by I. Konstantinova);

T. Jansson “On the very last dragon in the world”, trans. with Swedish L. Braude;

"The Wizard's Hat", trans. V. Smirnova;

G. Sapgir “Fables in faces”, “How they sold a frog”;

L. Petrushevskaya “The Cat Who Could Sing”;

A. Mityaev “The Tale of Three Pirates.”


"Bye, summer!"

Day of the week: Thursday September 1, 2016 avg. No. 11 Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Physical development.

Cognitive development.

Looking at illustrations about summer. Goal: remember summer and create a positive atmosphere.

Did. game "What color?" With Timur F., Nikita. Goal: consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Conversations: “Kindergarten”, “What is our group”

Looking at the painting “It’s good in our garden.”

Reading poems about O. Vygotskaya’s kindergarten “Kindergarten!” Goal: to instill in children a joyful mood from being in kindergarten.

Did. game “Girls and boys”, “Name objects and a general word”, “Toys”.

S/r game: “At a doctor’s appointment.” Goal: development of dialogical speech.

Consultation: “Teaching a child to communicate”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Life in kindergarten.” Collective storytelling “What we do in kindergarten”

Goal: teach to talk about life in kindergarten; develop logical thinking.

“Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.38

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem.” Topic: “Getting to know each other.” Vocabulary work: isanmesez, sau bulygyz. Structure: Conversation (in Russian). F/s: “Acquaintance.” Conversation in Russian.

Physical development

Physical education.

Topic: “Meeting autumn.” Goal: to practice walking in a “snake” between objects, to practice running in a “snake”, to create conditions for the manifestation of endurance when performing exercises. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another with a change in the pace of movement, easy jogging. Outdoor switchgear without objects. OVD: walking and running like a snake between objects. Jumping forward. P/i “Run quietly,” “Clappers” (Tat. game) Calm walking around the hall. UMK: isanmesez, sau bulygyz, yoger, siker.


“What kind of work is available to children”


Cognitive development.

Socially – communication development.

Physical development

1. Observation. “What a miracle - a long house! There are a lot of passengers in it.” Goal: to teach to distinguish transport by appearance, to name where and in which direction the bus is moving; give the concepts of “stop”, “movement”, “front, back of the bus”, “passenger”. Make a wish: “The box is on wheels, if it goes a little further, it will stop” (bus).

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Ustin, Emir, Irina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistically – aesthetic development.

Goal: development of motor activity. Continue to teach children to dress themselves and take care of their appearance. Game "Say hello". Goal: development of coherent speech.

D/i: “What has changed.” With Timur A., ​​Bulat. Goal: development of attention and memory.

Construction from building material: “Model of a kindergarten.” Purpose: to teach how to build buildings from large and small building materials, to use parts different color for creating and decorating buildings; continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name the elements of a building construct.

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking. Sensory play: “Floor mosaic.” Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social – communicative, physical development

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 5, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities V regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: "Shadow - shadow - shadow." Goal: development of hand motor skills, ability to coordinate movements according to text.

Morning exercises: “Zoo”.

Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle

D/game: “Who will wear what?” With Arina, Polina. Goal: to activate speech, to consolidate the general concept of “clothing”.

FCCM, broadening your horizons: “Seasonal observations” (early autumn). Goal: learn to describe early autumn, find differences between summer and autumn. D/i: “Correct the mistakes”, “Complete the sentence.”

S/r game “Vegetable store” Purpose: to teach to clearly and understandably explain what they want to buy in the store; develop cultural communication skills with each other.

Board games: puzzles, mosaic, constructor. Goal: to develop independence in choosing a game and in implementing what is planned.

Consultation: “The art of praising a child”


“Learning to communicate with a child”

Musical"Journey to Knowledge"

Target: Encourage children to want to engage.

To develop cognitive motivation and interest in knowledge in children.

Form friendly relationships between children.

The desire to perform simple movements, listen to music.

Perform familiar songs expressively

Play familiar games.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing birds while feeding. Goal: to instill a desire to take care of birds; pay attention to the shape, size and parts of birds; teach to distinguish birds by size - large and small, name some birds, describe what they peck. Riddle: Chip-chirp jump to the grains, don’t be shy to peck. Who is this? (sparrow) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dasha, Irina, Karolina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths. Foot massage “Builders”. Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Teach children to dress independently and notice problems in appearance.

D/n: “Find somewhere else.” With Kolya, Arina. Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

Situational conversation: “Behavior on the road.” Goal: to form in children ideas about orientation on the road (“look left”, “look right”)

S/R game: “Toy Store”. Goal: development of dialogical speech. D/i: “Make a whole from parts.” Goal: development of thinking. Sensory game: “Floor mosaic”. Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “Wind is a breeze.” Goal: Encourage children to establish causal connections: autumn has come, a strong wind is blowing, leaves are falling from the trees. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 7, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: "Cat's claws."

Monitoring and watering indoor plants. Goal: to cultivate a desire to participate in work activities. NRC: Reading by R.K. Shaekhov “One word, two words.” "The hamster is a braggart." Goal: conversation on content.

Did. exercise: “Arrange by color” with Timur, Irina. Goal: to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Situational conversation: “He who is neat is pleasant.” Goal: to give an idea of ​​personal hygiene, its impact on the health and relationships of people.

Drawing:“Drawing your favorite toys” (children’s choice). Goal: learn to correlate objects by size.

S/r game: “Hospital”. Goal: to contribute to an enriching gaming experience. Construction games. Goal: to develop the desire to build buildings according to your own design.

Consultation: “Healthy eating for preschoolers”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Be healthy"

Target: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through exercise and play.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through the development of physical qualities and skills.

Teach children to move in accordance with the energetic nature of the music.

Teach children to respond to the calm, gentle nature of music and to sing along.

Distinguish between high and low sounds.

To develop speed, dexterity, and activity of children in games.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "U flower bed" Goal: to introduce the names of several flowers: marigolds, asters, etc. To consolidate the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Kayum, Bulat, Irina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Hang yourself, wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “At the bear’s place in the forest.” Goal: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

D/n: “Find somewhere else.” With Timur, Bulat. Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

Situational conversation “What is possible, what is not.” Attention game: “Hide the doll Masha”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about spatial prepositions: behind, before, about, on, under. V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home.”

Construction games.

S/r game: Steamboat.

Sensory game: “Floor mosaic”. Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Speech development

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem”. Subject: “Games in the office.”

Vocabulary work: Isanmesez, sau bulygyz, keregez, utyrygyz.

A/c: “Let’s get acquainted (Әydәgez tanysyk)”

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “What grows where”? Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the plant world, about where what grows. P/n: “Run to what I call.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find the right place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 8, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Conversation: “Why are rules needed?” Goal: talk about the norms of communication, obedience to general rules. Finger gymnastics: “Nails” (E. Zheleznova). Did. games: “Think and Say”

Situational conversation:

S/r game: “Guests”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to the names of tableware items and cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Consultation: “How to answer children’s questions?”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of the toy.” Goal: learn to describe an object, name the location of an object; encourage the use of antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns.

“Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.52.

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem.” Subject: “We play games.”

Vocabulary work: isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz . Structure: I/s: “Hello.”

Games with toys. F/s: “Goodbye.”

Physical development

Physical education

"Talk to me, mom"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "Colors of Autumn" Purpose: To introduce the names of several flowers - phlox, marigold. Reinforce the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Nastya E., Arina, Kayum. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Hang a wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Gymnastics awakening

nia. Walking along massage paths.

Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Game: “Name the object by description.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to guess an object based on a description of its features

With Polina, Ralina

D/n: “Which one?”

Purpose: to consolidate primary colors.

Game: "Assignment".

Learn to put toys away. With Caroline.

Construction“Paper Frog” Purpose: to learn to bend a sheet of paper in half, align the sides and corners; learn to follow instructions. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.53

S/r game: “Hospital”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to the work of a doctor and teach them how to perform game actions.

Independent games for children in play areas.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Cat observation. Goal: to consolidate the idea in children characteristic features cats. “Soft paws, and scratchy paws.” P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “On a difficult path.” Goal: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 14, 2016 avg. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greetings, polite relationships with peers.

Conversation with children: “How to play together.” Goal: fostering positive relationships. Finger gymnastics “Glasses” Purpose: speech development, fine motor skills hands D/i: “Edible - inedible.”

D/i game: “Big and Small”

Goal: To develop the ability to navigate contrasting things. With Nastya, Kayum.

Conversation with children: “I am good.” Goal: formation elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Drawing: “Favorite vegetable.” Goal: learn to describe vegetables, work with paints, strengthen the ability to rinse the brush cleanly before using paint of a different color.

D/game: “Find along the contour.” Goal: Development of imaginative thinking. S/r game: “Family”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Goal: development constructive abilities.

Consultation: “Why you need to develop fine motor skills”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical “Trip around the city of Naberezhnye Chelny”

Goal: To introduce children to the hometown in which we live . Teach children to move rhythmically to music. Deepen your knowledge of the pitch position of sound. Getting to know your hometown through listening.

Exercise"March" by Lomova. Musical and didactic game:"Bird and Chicks"

Hearing: “Hymn of Chelny” Singing: “Autumn” Kishko/ “Kozge yafraklar” t.kh.k (tat. gr.)

"Rain". Dance"Dancing in couples"

UMK Subject:“Minem gailam” - “My family” Vocabulary work: Әti, әni. Listen! Sing! Әti-әti,Әni-әni. 1st topic. Track 5


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing birds while feeding. Goal: to instill a desire to take care of birds; develop knowledge about the habits of birds; cultivate a love for nature. Make a wish: “A little boy, in a gray army jacket, is walking around the yard, collecting crumbs.”2. Individual work “On a difficult path” with Salavat, Emir, Karolina. Goal: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, and dexterity. 3. Labor: collecting flower seeds. Goal: explain the significance of their work.

4. Games: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to jump softly, bending your knees. “P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.


"A toy in a child's life"

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

P/n “Where did the mouse hide?” with Irina, Caroline. Goal: develop the ability to find objects in space (above, below)

Situational conversation:

“Children, drink milk, you will be healthy.” Goal: developing ideas about healthy food (dairy products).

S/r game: “Katya is having lunch”

Goal: we continue to teach children the names of tableware items, to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Game: Putting toys back in place.

Goal: teach you to put toys back in their places

Speech development

Tatar language Topic: “My family.”

Vocabulary work:

isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz


Audio: No. 1-5.

Listening to the song: “Әti, әni”.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Introduction to the pedestrian path - sidewalk. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; develop attention and spatial orientation skills. P/n: “Dashing and catching up” Purpose: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.“P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

Independent activity: games with external material.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 15, 2016 average group No. 11

Theme: “Autumn has come.” Project "Flower Garden Plants"

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Finger gymnastics: “Hedgehogs laugh” (K. Chukovsky) In a corner of nature: water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves.

Goal: we teach how to water flowers, instill a desire to take care of indoor plants.

D/i: “Turning a square into a circle.” With Azalea, Sofia, Kayum. Goal: Learn to round corners and use scissors.

Situational conversation: “Don’t be greedy.” Goal: to form an idea of ​​generosity and greed. To instill in children a negative attitude towards greed, a desire to share even little. Reading Wenger. folk tale “Two Greedy Little Bears.”

In the game corner “Barbershop” Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

Consultation: “The ABCs of the rights of the child”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of fruits.” Goal: learn to compare and describe fruits, solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.67.

Tatar language. Subject: “Boy, girl (Malay, kyz).”

Vocabulary work: Malay, Kyz.

Structure: D/i: “Guess.”

Audio: No. 6-7.

D/n: “Who’s missing? (Kem yuk?)”

Physical development

Physical education. Topic: “We are getting used to it.” Goal: to practice running in pairs in different directions, to teach children to independently perform motor tasks. Introductory part: walking in pairs, with different hand positions; easy running in pairs. Outdoor switchgear in pairs with ribbons. ATS: walking around the bench. Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs. P/n: “Find yourself a mate”, low mobility game “I am a blackbird”. UMK: uyna, zur, kechkenә, ochty.

Parent meeting:

« Age characteristics middle-aged children"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the sun. Goal: to develop the idea that when the sun is shining, it’s warm outside; maintain a joyful mood. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in a circle” movements with Kolya and Gena. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: harvesting the garden. Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work.

4. Games: “Catch up with me.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

D/n: “Which one?”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Dasha and Ustin.

Construction"Fences and Fences"

Target. Exercise children in closing space by arranging planar figures; in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle); consolidate ideas about the main construction parts and parts of the designer (cube, brick, block); teach to understand an adult, think, find your own solutions. (L.V. Kutsakova)

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “Loto: vegetables fruits" Goal: development of thinking.

Washing toys. Target:

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Consideration autumn tree. Goal: to develop knowledge about the main parts of a tree, their height and thickness. P/n: “Birds in nests.” Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal from the teacher. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 19, 2016 avg. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: “Dad, mom, I want to eat!” Goal: development of reaction speed.

Morning exercises.

Examination of illustrations about autumn - teach to see changes in nature (leaves turn yellow, it has become cold outside).

Did. game "What color?" With Eva, Azalea, Nastya B. Goal: to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

FCCM: " Family" Goal: to teach how to correctly identify family members in a photo, talk about them; develop thinking, cultivate respect for family.

Place game accessories in the “Hairdresser” play corner: comb, ribbon, rubber bands. Goal: to teach children to act with objects for their intended purpose.

Recommend visiting the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science http :// mon . tatarstan . ru / In chapter " Preschool education» for using the material, teaching children two official languages.


"The art of praising a child"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Walk on the site":

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​what was seen during the walk.

(Music, socialization)

Teach children to distinguish the character of music, to convey it in movement.

To consolidate knowledge about the march, lullaby, and dance.

Properly convey the melody, sing drawn out.

We consolidate the techniques of playing the bell.

Coordinate the dance movements with your partner. Exercise"Walk"

Hearing:“March” “Lullaby”, “Dance” / “March” N.Khikhanov, “Bishek Khyry” N.Khihanov, “Biyu koe” (Tat.gr.)

Singing: “Autumn” Kishko (2nd song at the request of the children) / “Kozge yafraklar” t.h.k

Playing musical instruments"Rain"

Dance“Dancing in Couples” lit. n. m.

and LINRK game "Leap-jump"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Monitoring of freight transport. Purpose: to teach how to distinguish freight transport by appearance. Make a wish: “It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t buzz – the beetle is running down the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes.”2. Individual work: on developing the “Get in a circle” movements with Ralina, Sofia, Amir. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: collecting stones. Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work. 4. Games: “Hang yourself, wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “At the bear’s place in the forest.” Goal: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics:

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

Board game: “What has changed.” With Bogdan, Ustin. Goal: development of visual perception.

A fairy tale on the table:

remember the fairy tale “Teremok” with your children. Conversation based on a fairy tale. Goal: to promote memory development, encourage people to speak out about the performance they liked, teach expressive intonation, and give an example of basic puppeteering.

S/r game: “Hospital”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. Offer children coloring books. Goal: learn to color carefully, without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year by its characteristic features. P/n: “Find your house.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 21, 2016 avg. No. 11

Subject " Family traditions" Project “I am a man”. Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning and finger exercises “Finger, finger, where have you been?” Goal: development of speech, fine motor skills. P/game: “Cap”. Goal: To develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game Did./game: “Name who is in your family”

Game: "Assignment".

Learn to put toys away. With Carolina, Nastya B. Goal: education of responsibility and responsiveness.

Conversation: “How I help mom and dad.” Goal: to encourage showing care and love for family and friends,

cultivate a good attitude towards them,

learn to name your family members correctly and talk about them.

Drawing:"My family". Goal: learn to draw characteristic features of appearance; direct attention to the ratio of objects in size. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.71.

S/r game: “Holidays in the family.” Goal: to teach children to maintain family traditions. Lotto: "Associations". Goal: development of thinking and memory. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities. S/r. Games "Holidays in the family"


"Sensory development of children with speech disorders"


"Child and Book"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical: “House for Toys”

Goal: To bring joy from play activities (“Building a house”) and communication with toys.

Learn to play noise musical instruments in an ensemble

Learn to distinguish different parts of music and move in accordance with them.


Hearing:“Building a house.” V. Kraseva

Singing:“Autumn” Kishko/“Kozge yafraklar” t.kh.k (Tat. gr.)

Chant"Bunny" Karaseva

Finger game“Jolly Dwarf” or (at the discretion of the music director)

Playing musical instruments"Plyasovaya" r. n. p./ “B iyu kөe” t.h.k.

Dance“Dancing in Couples” lit. n. m.

UMK Subject:“Malay, kyz” - “Boy, girl”

Vocabulary work:Malay, Kyz. Listen! Sing! 2nd theme. 7 track.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of leaf fall. Goal: learn to identify the signs of autumn; develop observation skills; to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to treat nature with care. Make a wish: “The wind tore it from a branch and scattered it around the world. They spin and spin and spread to the ground” (leaves). 2. Individual work: to develop the “Get in a circle” movements with Polina, Timur, Nastya B. Goal: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target

4. Games: “Mice in the Pantry.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity.

Reading fiction: Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”. Goal: to teach the ability to listen to works, to cultivate interest in the content.

Individual work in notebooks: with Kayum, Nikita, Irina. Goal: fostering perseverance and diligence.

Tatar: Topic: “My family.”

Vocabulary work:

Әti, әni, malay, kyz,

isanmesez, with au bulygyz.


Audio: No. 7.

Playing on an interactive whiteboard (or D/i): “Hello, mom... (Isanme, ani...)”

Making attributes for the role-playing game “Shop”. Acting out. Goal: to teach to take care of attributes during the game. Construction games with various construction sets. Washing toys.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Watching the wind. Goal: continue monitoring the wind; learn to determine the direction of the wind. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 22, 2016 avg.

Theme: “Family Traditions”. Project “I am a man”. Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics: “Elephant” by E. Savelyeva. Goal: To teach children to perform movements according to the text.

D/game: “Name your mother (dad, grandmother, etc.) affectionately, with Kolya, Gena, Nikita. Goal: fostering love for family members.

Talk with children about medical professions, explain the significance of their work. Goal: instilling respect for the work of adults.

D/game: “I know all professions.” Goal: systematize children's knowledge. S/r game: “Family”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Board games: “Puzzles”, “Mosaic”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of the family.” Goal: learn to describe a family, talk about helping parents. Selection of definitions. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.74

Tatar language: Topic: “My family.” Vocabulary work: Әti, әni, malay, kyz, isәnme, bu whom? by whom yuk? D/and: “Guess!”

D/i: “Who’s missing? (Kem yuk?)”

Physical development

Physical education. Topic: “In the autumn garden in September.” Purpose: to teach to maintain certain intervals while moving; practice jumping on two legs in place and moving forward. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another, easy running. Outdoor switchgear with leaves. OVD: jumping on two legs with forward movement. Throwing the ball up. P/i "Birds and Rain". Low mobility game: “We are autumn leaves.” UMK: By whom? Sin by whom? Stupid, min.


“Health is the head of everything”


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the driver’s work. Purpose: to introduce the work of a driver; cultivate a positive attitude towards the work of adults.2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dima, Bulat, Azalea. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: "Bus". Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, follow each other, run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “Dashing and catching up” Purpose: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”. Goal: to consolidate the dialogues between the characters of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds. Repeat songs for the autumn matinee with the children.

Consideration story pictures with Timur F. Goal: activation of speech.

Design: " Houses, sheds"

Target. Exercise children in fencing small spaces with bricks and plates installed vertically and horizontally; in the ability to make floors; in mastering spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right); in distinguishing and naming colors. Develop independence in finding design methods; promote playful communication. (L.V. Kutsakova)

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation of the flora. Purpose: to introduce the structure of a tree; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Riddle: “What kind of girl is this? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman sews anything herself, but she wears needles all year round.” (Spruce) P/n: “Sparrows and a cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 26, 2016 avg. No. 11

Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning exercises

FCCM: “The teacher is the best friend.” “The work of an assistant teacher”

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, other professions of preschool workers, kindergarten, as the closest society.

S/r game: “Mothers and Daughters”. Goal: to teach interactions in stories with two characters. Lotto: "Clothes". Purpose: to consolidate the name and purpose of clothing items. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities.

Consultation: “Children’s stubbornness”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical “My favorite kindergarten”

Goal: To arouse interest in kindergarten and a desire to attend it.

Develop a feeling of love for kindergarten and friends.

Listen and understand the content of the song.

independently begin and end the movement with the beginning and end of the music.

Develop emotional responsiveness to the song and sing according to character.

Learn the Tatar dance movement. Exercise: “March” by Lomova, “Walk” by Rauchwerger

Hearing: “Kindergarten” by A. Filippenko / “Balalar bakchasynda” (Tat.gr)

Singing“Bunny” by Karaseva, “Autumn” (at the discretion of the music director) / “Ak kuyan” by M. Bikbov, “Yangyr”

NRC “Әpipә” by R. Enikeeva.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation in the garden. Goal: to form generalized ideas about vegetables; clarify the idea of ​​the variety of vegetables. 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Carolina, Gena, Emir. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: “Hares and the wolf.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “Who will collect the most?” Purpose: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: .

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: “What do crafts smell like?” Goal: to teach children that they can learn a lot of interesting things from books.

With Irina, Ralina

D/n: “Which one?”

Goal: learn to agree nouns with adjectives.

Situational conversation: “How to behave during a conversation.” Goal: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

S/r game: “In kindergarten.” Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “Associations”. Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Insect observation. Purpose: to clarify ideas about the ways insects adapt to the cold period; cultivate curiosity, attentiveness, love for nature, and the desire to protect it. P/n: “Bees.” Goal: to learn to run without touching each other, to act on a verbal signal. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 28, 2016 average group No. 11

Theme "Teacher's Day" Project "Professions" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greetings, polite relationships with peers. Goal: to develop cultural communication skills with each other. Observation and care indoor plants. Goal: to encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks.

Morning exercises

D/n: “What’s missing?” With Timur, Bulat. Goal: development of attention, activation of vocabulary.

Situational conversation: “So that your teeth don’t hurt.” Purpose: to introduce the rules of dental care; give information about the toothbrush as a personal hygiene item. Bring up

desire to take care of your teeth.

Drawing:“My dear teacher” Purpose: to learn to draw characteristic features of appearance; direct attention to the ratio of objects in size.

S/r game: “Ride the Bus.” Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Consultation: “Education of correct posture”

Artistic and aesthetic development

"Our friendly family"

Target: Cultivate love for family and loved ones

Cultivate love and respect for your family.

Learn to walk calmly, without waving your arms, walk. Exercise"Walk" by Rauchwerger

Hearing“Smile” V. Shainsky

Singing : « Autumn song » / “Yangyr” by M. Bikbov

Musical and didactic game“Well, guess”

Finger game"Our family"

Game "Zhmurka" by Flotov

UMK Subject: "Әydәgez, tanyshiyk »

Vocabulary work:

min (Olya, Sasha),

sau bulygyz, isәnmesez. Sin by whom?(Listen! Sing! 4th theme. 9,10 track)


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing the work of adults. Goal: expand the understanding of the relationship between nature and man, develop cognitive interests, cultivate sustained attention, observation, respect for people’s work, and the desire to help them. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the Circle” movements with Timur, Sofia, Amir. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: “Traps”. Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.


"The desire to break a toy"

Speech development

Tatar language. Topic: “Let’s get acquainted.”

Vocabulary work:


D/n: “ Who are you? (Sin who?)”

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Three Little Pigs." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “Only boys, only girls.” Goal: education of attention and intelligence.

D/i: “The bear is wrong”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Ralina and Bogdan.

Inviting children to " autumn garden" Improvisation game “Leaves in the Garden”. Imitation of birds chirping with children. Goal: learn to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; encourage onomatopoeia.

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking. Washing toys. Goal: to develop a value-based attitude towards one’s own work.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observing people's clothes. Goals: expand the understanding of natural objects and phenomena, the relationship between nature and man; cultivate sustained attention. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 29, 2016 avg. No. 11

Theme "Teacher's Day" Project "Professions"» Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger gymnastics “Who lives here?” Goal: development of speech, fine motor skills. Reading the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.” Goal: To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. P/game: “Cap”. Develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game

In notebooks with Nikita, Bulat. Goal: to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to paint without going beyond the contours of the lines.

Conversation on the topic: “We are adults’ helpers” Goal: to encourage children to help adults, to develop working prerequisites.

D/game: “Fourth wheel”. Goal: systematize children's knowledge. S/r game: “Hospital”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities.


"The desire to break a toy"

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of professions” Purpose: to teach how to talk about a profession according to plan. Develop thinking and attention. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.122.

Tatar language. Topic: “Let’s get acquainted.”

Vocabulary work: min (Olya, Sasha), sau bulygyz, isәnmesez, sin whom?

Structure: D/i: “Who are you? (Sin who?)

Physical development

Physical education."Autumn flowers". Goal: to correct the emotional behavior of children with the help of colors; to form the plasticity of movements against the emotional background of perception of the beauty of the word. Vv.ch. walking in a column one after another, easy running. ORU to music. accompaniment. OVD: walk on a gymnastic bench, sit down in the middle of the bench. P/i “Collect flowers”, “The fox and the hens” (tat. game). Finger game “Our tender flowers” ​​UMK: matur, al.


“The age of obstinacy; How to teach a child to respond correctly to the word “no”


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing the diversity of birds. (Magpie) Purpose: to clarify and expand the understanding of the diversity of birds; develop knowledge about the general characteristics of birds; teach to see features in their structure and behavior. Make a wish: “Flies, sings, two wings, beak, paws, feathers. Who is this? (Bird) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Timur, Salavat, Ralina, Eva. Exercise: “Jump over the groove” Purpose: to learn to coordinate the actions of the arms and legs.3. Labor: cleaning flower beds, clearing dried plants and foliage. Goal: to accustom children to feasible work.

4. Games: "Bus". Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, follow each other, run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Fox and the Hare." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

D/i: “The bear is wrong”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with

Timur F., Irina.

Construction. Topic: "Tempera"

Target: Develop children's design skills; practice in the construction of durable buildings with floors, constructing superstructures on the floors, decorating the roofs with various details; practice distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes and shading. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences.

S/r game: “Guests”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. “Syyla”, “Akbai kuchtәnache” (game situations)

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “The clouds float without stopping.” Purpose: to introduce the concepts of clouds and clouds; consider the features of the clouds in the autumn sky. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

Natasha Ishchenko
Work plan for August in senior group


“Red summer is a wonderful time”

Reading fiction literature: V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”, K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha", A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Conversation with a Bee" M. Boroditskaya

Drawing "Butterflies in the Meadow"

Di: "Collect a flower", "Find the artist's mistakes", "Metamorphosis of the Caterpillar"

Transformation game "If You Were a Butterfly"

P/n: "The Bear and the Bees", "Day and night", "Catch a mosquito", "Where do you live"

Insect observations on a walk

S/r game: "In the country"


2 August Animal Day Conversations: "Wild and Domestic Animals", "Why did the Red Book appear"

Looking at postcards, illustrations, albums

Reading fiction, solving riddles

Drawing "Nonexistent Animal", finishing drawing.

Di: "Who lives where", "Whose children", "Who's screaming", "Find a Pair", "Who Hid"

P/n: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Wolf and Hares", "Homeless Hare", “The gray bunny washes himself”

S/r game: "Veterinary Hospital" Educators, specialists

3 August Day of Water and Cleanliness A conversation about maintaining personal hygiene in kindergarten and at home.

Conversation "Water is friend or foe".

Drawing "Droplets"

Reading fiction literature: "Moidodyr".

Theatrical games "About vitamins and microbes"

Cleaning the territory of the kindergarten.

Washing toys, furniture.

Outdoor games.

Games and experiments with water.


Health activities.

Plot - role-playing games "Hospital", "Doctor" Educators, specialists N. A. Ryzhova "Water Sorceress"


"Health Week"

August Day of Medicinal Plants Conversations: "What are medicinal plants", “Where and how medicinal plants are used.

View books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants.

Collection of herbarium of medicinal plants

Making mini-albums together with parents "Medicine in our house"- riddles, poems, stories of one’s own composition.

Didactic games "What would happen if they disappeared...", “Which plant is gone?”, "Words", "What's extra"

Outdoor games "1-2-3 run to the plant", "Find a Pair"

Story-based role-playing game "Pharmacy".

Project activities. Teachers, nurse

T. A. Shorygina "Plants. What are they like?

August My body Conversations "How am I made", “Does skin have enemies?”, “What is good and what is bad for the body”.

Classes - games "Learning about your body", “So that your teeth don’t hurt”

Reading fiction and popular science literature.

Memorizing poems and sayings.

Drawing "Healthy Habits", "Palms"

Game activity.

Simulation of situations.

Meetings with interesting people (parents whose profession is doctor, nurse)

Hardening, hygiene procedures. Educators

August Day"Vitamins in a basket" "Cucumber Festival"

Educational conversation about vegetables and fruits.

Di "What changed?", “Find out the vegetable by description”, "Guess the taste", "What did people grow", “Recognize a vegetable and a fruit by its part”

“What grows where?”, “Do you know vegetables?”, “What kind of juice did you prepare?”, “What is the salad made of?”

"Tops - roots".

Compilation descriptive stories according to the mnemonic table "Tell me about the cucumber", "Tell me about the apple".

Reading stories by N. Nosov "Cucumbers", G. Yudin "The Tale of How Vegetables Fought", poems by P. Dziub "Skvorushka and Yablonka".

Ecol. games "Wonderful bag", "Tops and Roots", “Name it, we’ll guess”.

Drawing "Vegetables on a plate".

Writing a story "Harvesting in the garden".

Tracing and shading stencils on the topic "Vegetables and fruits".

Game - dramatization "Funny Vegetables".

Riddles about fruits.

View illustrations, books, albums about vegetables and fruits. Educators


Physical Education Day Conversations: "Security Lessons", "Conversation about health, about cleanliness" Review. illustrations, photographs, paintings about sports.

Learning proverbs and sayings about health and sports.

Reading literature: V. Lebedev - Kumach “Toughen up!”, S. Marshak "Napping and Yawning", S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who didn't eat well", E. Uspensky "Children who eat poorly in kindergarten", A. Barto "Walk",

S. Mikhalkov "Walk", "Graft",

V. Semernin “Forbidden - allowed!”

Drawing competition "Journey to the land of health and sports"

P/n: "Do as I do", "Ball School", "Traps in a Circle"

S/r games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" Instructor physical culture, educators

10 August Summer sports festival “For health in kindergarten” Tuzikova S. V.


"Safety Week"

Days of the week Sample activities Responsible Literature


traffic light

Conversation about pedestrian rules, "Why do we need road signs» , "City Street", "About transport", "Polite Street" and etc.

A tour of the city, to the traffic lights, to the pedestrian crossing.

Didactic games "What is wrong", "Labyrinth", "Logical chains"

Reading works of fiction

Quizzes, competitions.

Excursion – observation "Bicycle and Road"

Application "Traffic light".

Construction "Road signs".

Drawing "Types of transport"

Modeling "My street".

Production of thematic albums, street layout.

Playing out situations on the layout "Crossroads".

Meetings with interesting people.

Excursions, targeted walks.

N. N. Avdeeva "Safety"

August Safety on the streets Entertainment "Pinocchio in the land of road signs"

Listening, learning songs.

Board and printed games. Tuzikova S.V., Taranova N.A. educators

August Fire safety Games: "Fire hazardous items", "What a firefighter needs"

Guessing riddles.

Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire", "Service 01", "The Labor of Firefighters", "Caution - fire", "Fire is the judge of carelessness" and etc.

Quizzes, competitions.

Didactic games "Labyrinths", "Find the mistakes", “Guess it - complete it”

Simulation of situations "If there is a fire in the house"

Excursion to the fire station.

Looking at the album "People of the heroic profession"

Reading and discussion of works of fiction.

Examination of posters and illustrations.

Drawing competition “Matches are not toys for children”.

Didactic games “It’s possible - it’s not possible”, “Items are sources of fire”,"Home Helpers", “Who needs what?”, "I'll start, and you finish"

Outdoor games "Traps", "Hide and Seek", "Find the object", "From bump to bump", "Run Quietly", Fire Dragon"

Training sessions "Fire in a preschool educational institution"

Story-based role-playing game "Brave Firefighters", "Rescuers", "Emergency"

Watching videos.

Experimentation "Fire hazardous items" Educators

August Safety in nature and water Personal safety rules "Beware of plants", "Caution - mushrooms"

Conversation with illustrations "Poisonous plants, mushrooms", "Medicinal plants", "Thunderstorms", "Our neighbours"(Pets, "Safety in Nature".

Origami "Cats", "Dogs"

Making the “berry kingdom” applique

Modeling from puff pastry "mushroom kingdom"

Outdoor games.

Theatrical performances.


"Get to know"

Days of the week Sample activities Responsible Literature


bread Examination of ears of grain plants, plot pictures from the series "Where did the bread come from", illustrations depicting machines and implements used to grow cereals.

Reading and learning poems, proverbs, works of art about bread.

Looking at the album "The Journey of the Spikelet".

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Kolobok"

Modeling from salt dough. Sr game "Bakery".

Outdoor games "Mice in the Pantry", "Find a Pair", "Loaf".

Drawing “Bread is the master of the house”, "Take care of the bread"

Excursion to the grain field (experimental site of kindergarten).

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread.

Games: "Guess the taste"(wheat or rye bread, "Who can name more dishes", “What was the porridge made from?”, "Guess by touch"(cereals, "Name your profession" Educators

21 August Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation Thematic lesson with presentation "National flag of Russia".

Drawing "Flag of Russia"

Conversation "State symbols" Educators I. Mulko “Development of ideas about man, history and culture”.

August Visiting the trees. Entertainment

"Miracles from the Forest".

Conversations "Trees of our region",

“What trees grow near the kindergarten”, "Take care of the forest from fire", "On the benefits of trees", “What happens if you cut down all the forests”.

Examination of paintings, albums, illustrations.

A targeted walk into the grove, collecting natural material.

Tree watching.

Reading poems, stories about trees, solving riddles.

Didactic games “Which tree is the leaf from?”, "Guess by the description", “Which tree is the fruit from?”.

Outdoor games “1-2-3-run to the tree”.

Drawing trees.

Psycho-gymnastics, relaxation.


August Day

architecture. Didactic games "Let's finish building the house", "Find a way out" (labyrinth)

Construction "My favorite street", "My house", "Playground", "Park of the Future"

Sand buildings.

Outdoor games "Make a figure", "White and black", "Paints"

C – role-playing game "Builders of the Sand City".

Drawing competition "City of the future".

"Secrets of the Sand":

Research – experimental activities with sand.

Games - competitions "Sand Fantasies"

Sand drawings

Crafts on the sand

Outdoor games "Hit the target"- throwing sandbags.

Games – attractions with sand.

Conversations with children "Rules of playing with sand", "Secrets of the Sand", "Sandstorms" and other educators

August Day

hours Conversations: "About the time", "If there were no clocks", "What do we know about watches", Examination of illustrations depicting different types of watches; parts of the day; calendars.

Reading "Stolen Sun", Moidodyr", Tale of a Stupid Mouse", “Masha is confused”, "Where the Fish Sleeps"

Didactic games "When it happens", “Choose a pattern for your watch”, "Journey into morning, afternoon, evening, night"

August Young Pathfinder Day Experiments: "On the properties of water", "Transparent - not transparent", "Air and Water" and etc.

Drawing in unconventional ways (appearance of a pattern previously applied by a candle).

Outdoor games "Find your color", "Hide and Seek",

"Find the flag"

Social role-playing game

"On a hike"

Conversations "Who are the Pathfinders"

Guessing labyrinths, deciphering maps, puzzles.

Reading fiction.

28 August Earth Day Conversations: "Natural fossils, what are they", "About the riches of the earth".

Entertainment "Mistress of Copper Mountain".

Viewing a collection of stones, watching educational presentations and videos.

Review of encyclopedias about minerals.

Story-based role-playing games "Geologists", "Nature Explorers".

Experimental activities for the study of mineral resources. Teachers Kulikovskaya "Experimentation in kindergarten"

August"Miss and Mr. Summer, GOODBYE"- games, competitions, relay races Teachers, Music directors

Topic of the week:“My cheerful ringing ball” senior preschool age

Target: create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, strengthen their ball control skills. Help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and form correct posture; develop speed, strength, agility, memory; instill in children the need for daily physical exercise; foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; consolidate children's knowledge about the history of the ball.

Final event: Entertainment “Sport, sport, sport!”

View document contents
“Calendar plan August 3 week senior preschool age”

Senior group theme: “My cheerful ringing ball.” Program content: 1. Formation of a sustainable interest in rules and norms healthy image life, health-preserving and safe behavior; 2. Formation of ideas about health, its value, healthy habits that strengthen health, preventive and health measures; 3. Development of children’s independence in performing cultural and hygienic skills and vital habits; 4. Developing the ability to simply describe how you feel; the ability to attract attention to adults in case of poor health or malaise; 5. Developing the ability to avoid situations hazardous to health, seek the help of an adult if they arise.6. Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


“What is health?”


Conversation: “What is health?” Goal: to consolidate the concept of “health”; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries; teach you to make judgments based on your own personal experience and the experience of other children and adults; We develop dialogical speech.

Didactic game: “Healthy food store” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about healthy foods; We develop attention, logical thinking, speech.


Health is more valuable than gold

A healthy person does not need an enemy

Purpose: to teach children to explain the meaning of these proverbs; We develop reasoning and dialogical speech.

We cultivate a careful attitude towards our health

Examination of illustrations: Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about different sports, the very concept of “sport”; about why people go in for sports and physical education; We develop speech.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Advise parents to practice showing their child his left hand, left eye, right ear, right leg, etc.


watching the sun

Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the influence of the sun on human life; We develop observation and curiosity; tell children about the effect of the sun on human health; develop children's active vocabulary.

Didactic game What is this...”, “Right - left.” - consolidate spatial sensations

The outdoor game “Planes” is to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving.

Outdoor game “Cat and Mice” Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the game; exercise children in running; develop the ability to run and act on the teacher’s signal. We cultivate interest in the game.

To develop in children the ability to navigate in space, teach them to use the entire playground for play, and monitor their posture while moving. Help strengthen the child's body.

Labor activity:

“Clear the area from debris” Goal: develop physical abilities; cultivate hard work and a responsible attitude towards one’s responsibilities.

Work before bed


Health-improving gymnastics after nap No. 1

Didactic game: “Man and Animal” to develop the ability to compare and generalize, speech; create an ecological culture.

Reading “How to become a non-sick person” by I. Semenov

S/r game "Hospital". Practical consolidation of acquired knowledge. To cultivate respect for the medical profession, to understand its enormous importance for each of us.

The game “Ear, Nose, Hand” - development of attention.

Games to develop fine motor skills - “Lay it out yourself” - laying out a circle from waste material

continue to promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties of water; continue to teach children to wash themselves and use a towel; Water, water, wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle and your cheeks to blush

So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites!

Board games: “Loto”, “Puzzles”, “Mazes” Didactic game “When does this happen?” - teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of poetic words, show the beauty of different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.


Independent games for children in the area. Goal: continue to teach children to play independently; interact in a team; give in to each other; share toys; cultivate interest in children's games.

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

"Who am I?"


Morning exercise complex No. 1

“The conversation “Who am I?” - to give children an idea of ​​the appearance of a person, of his characteristics as a living organism. Arouse the child's need to talk about himself. Notice individual traits in yourself and in other people (I am this way, and he is different). Know useful and bad habits of people.

Riddles about the structure of the human body - to develop memory and thinking.

didactic game: “Where is the nose, where is the ear” Goal: to develop attention, the ability to focus on oneself.

(formation of the KGN at the table)

Goal: continue to teach children how to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, don’t sway in the chair, don’t rush and don’t talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

Didactic game “Body Parts”

Outdoor game “Chauffeurs” - teach to come up with various actions and depict them; talk about imaginary events.

Interaction with parents when receiving and leaving children home - individual conversations and consultations.

Invite your child to name the parts of the body that you point to (head, forehead, back of the head, eyes, ears, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin, neck, chest, elbow, knee, arm, leg, etc.). d.).


Observation of pigeons - clarify children's understanding of the changing lifestyle of birds

Outdoor game “Stop!” - continue to teach to listen to the sound of words; practice independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them

The outdoor game “Free Place” is to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running fast.

Outdoor game "Day - Night", "Jump", Jumping on two legs with progress around the stump.

Continue to develop the desire to play group games, not be offended, and be able to be happy for the winner. Develop the dexterity of jumping up with landing on two legs, being careful in the game

Remote material

Spatulas, pencils, masks for games, molds for playing with sand, a doll dressed for the weather, children's toy sleds.

Work before bed

Didactic game “Forester” - to remind and consolidate the idea of ​​​​the appearance of some trees and shrubs, about their component parts (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).

“Before bed” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about preparing for bed


Sedentary game“What hands can do” - develop memory and reaction speed, throwing accuracy and dexterity when receiving the ball, verbal vocabulary, expressiveness of movements; to form honesty when following the rules of the game.

“Which is healthier?” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about healthy and harmful products, and those that do not cause harm, but are not useful and necessary for human health

Didactic game: “Boys and Girls” - develop the ability to compare, generalize, speech, attention; develop curiosity

for the development of children's artistic abilities - improving fluency with a pencil in a smooth turn of the hand when drawing rounded lines.

Develop cultural and hygienic skills - improve washing skills - soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with a towel, use them in a timely manner different types fasteners

Printed board game: “Collect physical education equipment” (ball, jump rope, cube, etc.)

Goal: continue to introduce children to sports equipment, develop logical thinking, memory, eye, perseverance; We raise children’s love for sports games.


Continue observing the weather in the evening, compare it with the morning, note what changes have occurred. Finger gymnastics “Hands up” - development of fine motor skills of the hands. Outdoor game “Flies - doesn’t fly”, “Balance exercise”, “Owl and the birds” - development of motor activity.

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

"Body parts.


Morning exercise complex No. 1

Conversation “Parts of the body. Hygiene supplies.” - activation of the dictionary on the topic. Development of understanding of addressed speech. Development of memory, attention, fine motor skills. Education of cultural and hygienic qualities.

“Assemble a human figure” Goal: to consolidate the child’s knowledge about the structure of the body. Develop spatial representations about the structure of man. (Tarasova)

didactic game “One - many” - to develop the ability to form the plural of nouns.

“Lay out a pattern” - lay out a pattern from wooden sticks or matches

(formation of CGN at the table) Goal: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, do not sway in the chair, do not rush and do not talk with your mouth full); use the utensils (spoon, fork) correctly; We use a napkin after we eat; cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

Didactic game “Find the mistake” - fix the names of body parts.

“Kaleidoscope of Emotions” - work with pictures and photographs with different images of emotions

Poster "Body Parts"

Advise parents to play the game: “Who is related to whom” (for example:

Who is a boy and a girl for mom and dad?

Who is for grandparents...dad? Mother?

Who is the boy for the girl?

Who's the girl to the boy

Individual consultations on parental issues.

Working with parents “How to dress a child at home and on the street”


Observation of the clothes of adults and children. - continue to develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between changes in and living inanimate nature.

Didactic game “What is made of what?” - teach children to identify the material from which an object is made

“Find objects of similar color” - exercise the child in matching objects by color and generalizing them based on color.

Game “Wolf in the Moat” Goal: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps.

Labor assignments: clearing snow from snowy buildings. Goal: support children’s desire to be useful and maintain order.

Didactic game “What a wind” - teach how to select relative adjectives

Develop basic physical qualities, motor abilities, as well as cognitive, communication skills children in joint activities.

Independent games for children. Goal: to teach children to play together, to independently choose games, roles, and actions.

Outdoor game “The Sea is Rising” - develop imagination, the ability to express a planned image in movement

Work before bed

Retelling the story “What are hands needed for” (E. Permyak) - develop children’s speech, develop the ability to clearly answer questions posed


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep No. 1

Didactic game. Ball game “Air, earth, water” Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about natural objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence

Role-playing game “Family” - to form ideas about the family. Assign roles independently. Develop friendly mutual relationships.

Tangram “Robot” Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, develop the ability to carry out visual and mental analysis of their location, develop imagination and creative thinking

Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing together, and engaging in independently chosen activities.

After playing, teach children to dismantle buildings and put building materials back into place, carefully folding them.

Independent games in play corners equipped with Russian attributes. Nar of fairy tales.

Compiling puzzles based on Russian fairy tales

A selection of illustrations for the game “Mom’s Helpers in the House.”


Observing the evening weather - compare it with the morning. P\game: “Birds and the cat” (similar to Sparrows and the car)

Dynamic pause"Get up quickly"

Senior group Topic: “We want to be healthy.”

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

"How different we are"


Complex of morning exercises “Fun Exercises” -

Conversation “What do I know about myself” - to draw the child’s attention to himself, to his body, his organism, to his capabilities and abilities, to teach him to evaluate and value himself, to create the prerequisites for self-education, to take care of his own health.

Didactic game “Help Fedora” - to form and develop color concepts in children. Teach them to correlate the colors of dissimilar objects

in mathematics - to develop the ability to navigate on a limited surface (sheet of paper, blackboard, notebook page.)

To form a stable desire to observe cultural and hygienic skills.

To develop in children the ability to find something to do that suits their interests, to play with other children, and to avoid conflict situations.

Poster "Body Parts"

Geometric figures, notebook sheet or piece of paper.

"How different we are"

Goal: to teach children to compose a coherent story about another person (name, age, height, hair color, eye color...) (Tarasova)

A conversation about correct behavior in the prevention of colds (about the behavior of a sick and healthy child), about proper breathing


Observing cirrus clouds - to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination; evoke a desire to fantasize.

Outdoor game: “Find where it’s hidden?” -to develop endurance, observation, and parity in children.

“Who is given what names” - consolidate knowledge of the names of girls and boys.

The outdoor game “Owl” is to develop in children inhibition, observation, and the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise children in running.

Didactic game “Remember different words” - continue to teach to listen to the sound of words; to train children in independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.

Improving the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, and correctly place your things in the closet.

Work assignments. Cleaning paths. Goal: to develop in children the ability to correctly perform relevant labor operations.

Work before bed

Reading the poem “Merry Men” (Print by Alyabyev, page 19) - to develop the ability to understand the meaning of the poem


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep No. 1

Conversation: “How was today in kindergarten?” Goal: to teach children to take care of their health; improve skills in using personal hygiene items; reinforce with children what benefits the sun, air and water bring; the need for vitamins for the human body; encourage children to answer questions. Develop thinking and memory.

Thematic role-playing game “Mail” - consolidate knowledge of the “postman” profession, develop the ability to organize a game

Invite the children to watch the onion grow. Examine the bulbs he planted earlier. Draw conclusions on the calendar

C\r game "chauffeurs". The plot of “Washing the car.” Goal: to organize children’s use of the ability to assign roles and perform play actions.

Encourage children to independently select toys and attributes for play and use substitute items

Kgn Goal: to develop cultural and hygienic self-service skills in children, teach children to sit at the table correctly, and use cutlery.

Outdoor game “Scarf” - to develop speed and dexterity. Outdoor game “Chauffeurs” - to learn to come up with various actions and depict them; talk about imaginary events.


Children's games with external materials. Role-playing games according to children's choice. P\game " Shaggy dog"-learn to move in accordance with the text, practice running. “A clever couple” Goal: to develop the eye, achieving good results. children’s play activities according to their interests

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

"Who are adults"


Morning exercise complex No. 1

The conversation “Who are adults” is to support and develop children’s interest in the world of adults, to arouse a desire to follow what is worthy of imitation, and to objectively evaluate inappropriate behavior and activities.

Didactic game. “Unravel the confusion” - teach children to freely use objects for their intended purpose

Looking at the album “Rules of Hygiene” (reading the rules)

Didactic game “Choose the right one.” - consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking cognitive activity

on cultural and hygienic skills - strengthening the ability to carefully use cutlery while eating.

Teach children to provide themselves with basic help in case of bruises, to seek help from adults in case of illness or injury (Me and my health)

C\r game "Shop". Goal: to cultivate a culture of communication, develop the ability to combine different roles in one game (mom is the buyer, dad is the driver.

Didactic game “Valeology or healthy baby»

watch the cartoon “Oh and Ah” with your child and have a conversation about the cartoons you watched.

clarify children's knowledge about the family; know the composition of the family; know I.O. parents, who they work for and what kind of work they do.


D\i “Add a word.” Goal: to train children in correctly indicating the position of objects in relation to themselves.

The outdoor game “Sly Fox” is to develop children’s endurance and observation skills. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching

Didactic game “Which, which, which?” - teach to select definitions that correspond to a given subject, phenomenon; activate previously learned words

Outdoor games

"Get in the box."

Target; train your throwing accuracy.

"Golden Gate".

Goal: develop mindfulness

Teach children to have a friendly attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, develop a sense of kindness, readiness for mutual assistance, build friendly relations and appreciate them, we teach children to call each other by name, not to quarrel, and to value friendships.


children's activities on

area, games with external materials - development of joint skills

play activity

Elementary work assignments - collecting toys in a basket after a walk.

Work before bed

Conversation “My emotions” - teach children to emotionally perceive the idea and content of works of art; to develop in children the need for friendly communication with others; to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for forgiveness; develop dialogical speech in children, activate vocabulary.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep No. 1

Didactic game “Who do I look like?” - to create interest in your ancestry.

Reading the story by D. Orlov “How STObed decided to kill germs, but got sick himself” Introduce children to a new work. Analyze the character’s behavior using questions, draw conclusions, find the character’s mistakes and correct them.

“Who helps you be healthy?” D/i “Pick a Pair”, “Professions”

To form in children a conscious attitude towards order, the desire to maintain order in the environment, to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer.

Didactic games: “Recognize the hero by description”, “What to whom”

Games with building materials - “Fairytale Palaces”

P/I "Wind"


Observation of the sun. Purpose: to develop curiosity. Hood. word. You warm the whole world You don’t know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone is calling you... Goal: to strengthen the ability to solve riddles.