Sand therapy for preschoolers. Sand art therapy in a dhow

The sandbox is an ideal field for developing a child’s creative potential, demonstrating his character and individuality.

What is the purpose of sand therapy?

Skillfully presented play activities in the sandbox can help develop a child’s internal capabilities, teach him spatial imagination, as well as the ability to think figuratively and logically. In addition to development fine motor skills sand therapy introduces the child to the harmony of the world around him and shows in a simple and accessible form what is good and what is bad.

The properties of sand are so magical that they make it possible to revive already familiar fairy tales, and the child is no longer a spectator, but a participant and even a director. Seeing the results of his activities, the child learns to be responsible and develops new qualities.

The principle of sand therapy is simple: working with sand, the child calms down. Sand therapy especially useful for children with hyperactivity (we recommend reading:). Every grain of sand seems to hide a small piece of the sun, which feeds us and energizes us. We see that sand therapy is a powerful development tool for any age.

A harmonious combination of benefit and interest

In the sand therapy program, hand gymnastics is combined with acting, and all this together improves the emotional background of the baby, develops sensory and motor skills, and stimulates cognitive processes. Sand therapy can be used from a very early age, which means that even then it is possible to find out what worries the child, what frightens him. Sometimes even an adult finds it difficult to express his feelings. The figures that the child uses to create his own world in the sand therapy method can tell about the fantasies and problems that worry the child.

Using a variety of small figures allows the child to create his own unique world

What is the purpose of sand therapy? The program does not set itself the task of changing the child or teaching behavioral skills. The most important thing is to give the child creative freedom.

Sand therapy for children up to school age It is also good because children do not need special knowledge and skills, such as in drawing. Compositions are created easily and simply, which means this process brings only positive emotions: fun, relaxedness, flights of fantasy. There are no mistakes here and cannot be, which means there are no reasons for frustration. Creating a new world is a fascinating and very enjoyable process.

Sand therapy is a kind of game where the baby learns to solve difficult situations, deal with difficulties and get acquainted with the world around him. There should always be an adult, psychologist or teacher nearby in order to be able to promptly suggest a solution to a difficult situation.

DIY sand therapy

Sand therapy is quite feasible at home. To do this you need:

  • Box (box). Size: 50x70x8 cm. This format is most convenient for a child to understand.
  • Sand. It is advisable to take clean sand, previously cleaned.
  • Water.
  • Small figures.

It's better to take the box of blue color, then its bottom can become the sea, and its walls - the sky

What material is suitable for making a sandbox for sand therapy? Wood or plastic. Sand spillage can be prevented by using high sides of the sandbox. The bottom is painted blue. It symbolizes the water and heavenly structure. This will make the process of creating a picture even easier.

Exercise sand can be wet or dry. You will also need a lot of miniature figures. At the beginning of a sand therapy session, the teacher asks the child to reproduce his mood using sand. The baby can choose any of the available figures at his discretion.

Miniature figures

Much attention should be paid to the figures. They should be as diverse as possible so that they can reflect any area of ​​life. Among others, prepare:

  • Figures of people (specialists of different professions, ages, races). People can be real and fantastic.
  • Animal figures (pets, forest animals, creatures from mythology).
  • Symbolic attributes (mirror, eggs, butterflies).
  • Connecting objects (pebbles, ropes, beans, grains).
  • Transport (cars, trains, ships, planes).
  • Plants and trees (branches, bushes, flowers).
  • Other things (feathers, coins, buttons).

You can see what these figures might look like in photos on the Internet. Teachers, along with psychologists, can use sand therapy in kindergarten, and at school. Classic teaching methods are inferior to sand therapy in terms of effectiveness. A child, creating a picture with his hands, easily masters the change of seasons, directions, letters (we recommend reading:).

In addition to specialized figurines, various pebbles, forest gifts (cones, leaves, branches), and decorations are also suitable for sand therapy.

Sand therapy for children 4-5 years old, along with the development of thinking with the help of images, stimulates the functioning of memory and perception. The contribution of sand therapy to improving fine motor skills and sensory perceptions is colossal. You can get acquainted with the methods and techniques of art therapy in practice using videos.

Approaches to the use of sand therapy

Methods for using sand therapy can be different:

  • classes for mental correction in preschoolers;
  • play activities with children of primary school age and adolescence;
  • educational sand therapy, in game form teaching to write, read and master various knowledge;
  • preparatory classes before school in small groups of 6 people.

Let us list the important main tasks that sand therapy sets itself. Goals:

  • improving the child’s creative abilities;
  • establishing emotional balance and a positive perception of the world;
  • creating positive models for communication;
  • adjusting solutions to difficult problems and situations;
  • getting rid of aggression, fear, isolation;
  • improving the child’s internal potential (the baby becomes more independent, confident and responsible);
  • improving the functioning of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination, attention);
  • formation of communication skills.

Types of sand therapy

Game methods

Sand art therapy is used for toddlers. It has been scientifically proven that sand has the ability to absorb negative energy, as well as calm and create inner harmony through the painstaking work of fine motor skills. Therefore, it is extremely useful for little ones to tinker and play in the sandbox.

Let us list a number of games proposed by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva in the book “Games in Fairytale Therapy”. All of the following sand therapy techniques promote the development of fine motor skills, imagination, tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, and also facilitate the process of learning about the environment and your own inner world:

  • "Sensitive palms." They learn to identify soft and hard, dry and wet, hot and cold.
  • "Our handprints." Children are happy to leave traces of their hands and feet on the sand, and also schematically depict the tracks of various animals. Another pleasant pleasure is to bury your palm or foot in the sand.
  • "Secret". The teacher hides a toy in the sand and marks the hiding place with a symbol. The child must dig up the find and then make his own “secret”.
  • Sand drawings. Use a stick to draw numbers, letters, geometric shapes, as well as full-fledged pictures (we recommend reading:).

Such seemingly primitive methods of sand therapy have enormous benefits for the development of the child’s psyche. The principles of sand therapy include the establishment of an emotional background, as well as the fact that stimulation of fine motor skills makes a huge contribution to the development of speech activity, memory and attention. Sand therapy helps you hear yourself and understand your sensations and feelings.

Drawing on the sand is a separate type of therapy that your child will definitely enjoy.

For diagnostic purposes

An individual form of sand therapy helps to identify:

  • the presence of internal conflicts (war, battle or destruction of cities);
  • level of aggression and its focus (auto- and hetero-aggression);
  • “troubles” in the family: when the heroes of a fictional world come into conflict - the heroes here are prototypes of loved ones;
  • potential opportunities and hidden resources (the presence of magical objects that can solve all problems and any situations);
  • reaction to emerging difficulties (care, mutual assistance, avoidance);
  • level of development of sensory perception (self-analysis, self-knowledge).

Sand therapy in kindergarten with a group approach allows you to diagnose:

  • microclimate in the group;
  • separation of roles;
  • behavioral style of each participant.

Psychocorrectional effects

Corrective effects on the psyche through sand therapy are used if the child has emotional and behavioral disorders that are neurotic in nature. Also used as aid to improve sensory skills, relieve emotional stress, etc. The method is also good from the point of view of adolescent psychology; it is used as psychocorrection at difficult stages of child development.

Working with sand improves fine motor skills, which are incredibly important for speech therapy development baby

Sand therapy is also widely used in speech therapy. It is much easier for children with speech problems to master lessons with the help of some types of sand therapy. Kids enjoy making letters, challenging letter combinations, and words. Difficulties in speech in preschool children are easier to overcome because the structure of the sand affects the tactile and kinesthetic centers that are connected to the cerebral hemispheres responsible for speech activity. Another type of sand therapy would be to build a story based on a story created in the sand. This exercise is suitable for older children (we recommend reading:). This is how they learn to retell, and this process is really exciting, because describing the situation depicted and played out is fun and interesting.

For children with developmental problems

The sand therapy program is most useful for children with disabilities, disabilities and OHP. The main characteristics of such children are emotional instability, lack of self-control, aggression, difficulty adapting to a group of children, frequent mood swings, feelings of fear, familiarity, and fussiness. The beauty of sand therapy is that the child himself determines the characters of his hero figures. These characters engage in conversations and actions that the child also dramatizes. It often happens that a child calls an adult to join the game and assigns him the role of controlling a character. The child is the director, the arbiter of destinies in this world he has created. Everything invented in the exercise is the embodiment of the child’s subconscious, his secret desires and experiences. Using sand therapy methods, a psychologist can read the life story of a little creator written in sand.

The sand therapy method will also be good if it is present in a child. For example, for children with a series of games “Sand Literacy” is used, which is aimed at improving phonemic awareness, correcting pronunciation, and also teaches them to write and read. Various types and principles of classes make it possible to develop and educate teenage children with a wide variety of disabilities.

Children with disabilities mental development They usually play in the sandbox for about an hour. In this case, as a rule, there is no clear plot, but confrontation, division of territory, and parallel construction of the game are noticeable.

Sand therapy as a prevention of mental disorders

Prevention of mental disorders through sand therapy is carried out in order to eliminate the occurrence of problematic situations. Sand absorbs negative energy, making it ideal for psychoprophylaxis. By placing his fairy tales or popular myths in the sandbox, the child receives an excellent preventive remedy for any kind of mental problems. Do sand therapy with your children, so you can pass on a lot of useful lessons and teach the wisdom of life.

Contest " Methodical piggy bank of a preschool educational institution teacher"

Purpose of the seminar:

  • acquiring practical skills in working with colored sand and sand on light tables when working with children;
  • harmonization of the emotional state of the teacher;
  • expanding teachers' knowledge about non-traditional drawing methods.


1. Theoretical part.

2. Practical part.

Materials and equipment for the seminar:

  • Light tables for sand animation.
  • Interactive whiteboard, presentation: “Sand therapy in kindergarten”, a set of video files “First steps in sand animation”, themed sets of Kinder surprise figurines, cars, stamps for drawing on sand, sand sets.

First part of the seminar

Speech by an educational psychologist: (demonstration of presentation)

Slide No. 1.

Educator-psychologist: Sand... each grain of sand is unique... perhaps they were once part of something whole, some huge rock or ancient city... smooth, polished by the sea, sparkling in the sun, the grains of sand flow easily in a trickle between your fingers... and seem to remind that there is nothing simpler or more complex in this world...

From our very birth to our last days, each person acquires invaluable experience bit by bit. Each skill may be tiny, but over the years it turns into a treasure trove. The child is introduced to the knowledge of the world around him during the period of development of his cognitive interest and curiosity. His ability, already in early childhood, to perceive not only the shape and size, structure of objects, but also the beauty of the surrounding reality has long been scientifically proven.

It is difficult to describe any other type of activity of a child in which he would have the opportunity to independently create as well as in the visual arts. When getting acquainted with various non-traditional drawing techniques, new opportunities open up for the child to develop his imagination. After all, a true creator is able to draw something in the sand with his finger.

Learning something new is always very interesting for everyone. I am convinced of this every time I introduce my students to any new technology. The malleability of sand and its natural magic enchants. Its accessibility makes the drawing process natural without causing any fear or doubt like other materials.

Very often, when starting to work, a child is afraid of getting dirty, ruining the drawing, or making a mistake in the proportions. Sand destroys all these doubts. Its pliability, softness, and flowability open up limitless artistic possibilities.

Slide No. 2

Once - leveled and the canvas is ready. Two - a pencil, a brush... always with you - this is your finger, which obeys you better than any other object. Three - ... if the clown came out crooked ... - waved his palm and start over.
And since sand is a material created by Mother Nature herself, the contemplation and pouring from hand to hand, and the creative process is unique. As the child masters the sand painting technique, the child’s inner world is enriched and developed.

Working with this technique, you can set goals such as:

  • fluent use of both hands;
  • development of creativity and imagination through sand painting techniques;
  • correct the psycho-emotional state of pupils.


  • development of artistic and aesthetic taste;
  • development of fine motor skills of the child’s fingers, their tactile sensations through certain game exercises, development of the eye;
  • exercise observation and the ability to think creatively;
  • teach the ability to subordinate the effect of light and shadow (i.e., a certain transparency of a thin layer of sand and the opacity of a thick one) to convey your idea.

Slide number 3. Contraindications to the use of sand therapy

Sand therapy cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Epilepsy or schizophrenia.
  • Children with very high level anxiety.
  • Children with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Allergy to dust and small particles.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Skin diseases and cuts on the hands.

Requirements for sand for a sandbox with children

Sand for a children's sandbox must be certified. It must be washed, calcined in the oven or quartzed. This procedure is done at least once every 3-4 months. It is advisable to renew the sand in the sandbox once a year.

Slide number 5. Sand therapy classes have their own ritual.

We introduce the child to the rules of behavior in the sandbox (the younger the children, the shorter the rules). because Some sand usually spills out of the sandbox when playing, you need to pay attention to this fact.

Educator: The sand fairy was sad because her sand friends were lost and were able to return home to the sandbox. The sand fairy asks you, baby:

1. Take care of the grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If sand accidentally spills in, show it to an adult, and he will help them get back home. You cannot throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. Sand grains really don’t like being put in the mouth or thrown at other children. You cannot put sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. The sand fairy loves when children have clean hands and noses. Play with the sand - wash your hands and show your clean palms to the mirror.

Slide number 6. How should a teacher practicing working with sand behave?

There are three rules for teachers .

Joining a child. The sand picture created by a child contains rich information about his inner world and current state. Understanding the child and his problems, feeling the rhythm of the sand painting, feeling the unique figurative structure of the painting - all this is included in the concept of joining.

Sincere interest, intrigued by the events and plots unfolding in the sandbox. Examining a picture of a child, the specialist seems to combine two aspects. On the one hand, he is an inquisitive, open traveler who is extremely interested in what is happening in the world that the child has created. On the other hand, this is a sage seeking to find the truth.

Strict adherence to professional and universal ethics. This rule is at the same time a prerequisite for any kind of professional assistance to a person. The teacher cannot, in the presence of the child, remove figures from the sandbox without asking, rearrange the picture, or make a value judgment. A person’s inner world is extremely fragile, and only strict adherence to the ethical code and high professionalism of a specialist can protect a child from mental trauma.

Slides No. 7-8. Toys for sand therapy.

  • Human characters, dolls, miniature figurines. They can be selected separately, or you can purchase toys in the store in separate thematic groups.
  • Animal figurines. Figures from Kinder Surprise will work. These can be wild, domestic, prehistoric animals
  • Household items: children's dishes, houses, bottles of perfume and eau de toilette, boxes of creams.
  • Fairy-tale characters are good and evil.
  • Comic book characters and cartoon characters.
  • Jewelry, souvenirs.
  • Natural elements: branches, flowers, driftwood, interesting tree knots.

All these treasures should be kept in a certain place, as if living in your own house.

Slides No. 9-11. Types of activities.

1. “Sensitive palms” (according to T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva):

  • Place your palms on the sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like.
  • Open your eyes, tell me how you felt (children's answers).
  • Do the same, turning your palms on the other side. Tell us about your feelings.

2. Slide along the surface of the sand like a snake or like a machine.

3. Walk with your palms like an elephant, like a little elephant, like a fast bunny.

4. Leave prints of your palms, fists, and edges of your palms.

5. Create patterns and drawings - a sun, a butterfly, the letter A or a whole word.

6. “Walk” with each finger of the right and left hand in turn.

7. Sift the sand through your fingers or use a pinch to sow a path of sand with a contrasting texture.

8. Place stones and natural materials of different structure and size on the sand in a special logical order.

9. Guide the figure along the sand labyrinth paths.

11. Lay out a geometric figure with chips.

12. Sift the sand through a sieve, draw a pattern with a brush or stick, sift the sand through a system of funnels, etc.

13. You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like on a piano or computer keyboard.

14. The sand table can be used to find animals, objects, a certain letter made of plastic and buried among others in the sand (a variation of the game “Magic Bag”).

Viewing a video file"First steps in sand animation."

Second part of the seminar

Practical part:

A) Drawing a seascape - joint drawing in pairs.

B) Creative task for teachers: “ Big world in a small sandbox" (using figurines from Kinder surprises).

Presentation of “mini-worlds”. Exchange of opinions and plans for the future.

Psychologist: Every child, born into this world, is already infinitely talented. He just needs to be given the opportunity to reveal his talent, his unique abilities. Childhood is best time to develop abilities and reveal talents, and sand painting is a unique new art form that shows the versatility of every child.

Look into the eyes of a child drawing with sand, and you will see delight, joy and happiness in them!

Presentation for the seminar

Veronica Gonchcharova
Sand art therapy in a preschool educational institution

Drawing on the sand.

Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural activity for a child. That is why sandy therapy is becoming increasingly relevant when working with preschool children.

Sand therapy is useful for:

Development of cognitive processes;

Disclosure and development of creative potential;

Formation of communication skills;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Development of gross motor skills;

Harmonization of psycho-emotional state.

Various sand games:

Drawing on sand tables(sand painting, sand animation)

Educational games (learning to read, write, count, read and write);

Educational games (about the diversity of the surrounding world);

Projective games (development of creativity and imagination).

When drawing with sand, both hands are used, sometimes simultaneously, due to which there is a beneficial effect on the development of the right and left hemispheres, as well as their interaction. The whole brush is used in the sand painting process. hands: both palm and fingers.

Development of gross motor skills:drawing on sandy The table takes place while standing, so most muscle groups are automatically involved. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened, correct posture and coordination of movements are formed.

Development of fine motor skills: systematic exercises for training finger movements, is a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex, affects the centers of speech development, develops manual skill, and helps relieve stress.

Relaxation: exercises with sand are performed accompanied by pleasant, calm music. A set of relaxation exercises is used to teach children how to control their own muscle tone and how to relax various muscle groups. The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate, relieve excitement, and relax their muscles.

Contact with sand reduces emotional stress and increases stress resistance. Children, like us adults, are different. Each of them is unique, each in its own way tolerates the impact of external factors on the psyche.

Sand The tables have colored lighting, so you can also use color therapy in your work. This is also very important for conveying the mood of the drawing, for enriching the perception as a whole and developing the creative abilities of children.

Fairy tale therapy:

When working with sand, I often use small figures of animals or fairy tale characters. With their help, various stories and situations are played out. In such stories, a child can reveal the reasons for his experiences and problems, and with the help of figures you can introduce children to fairy tales. The main thing is that the game in the sand ends with positive emotions and that “good always triumphs over evil.”

Thus, sandy Drawing is health-saving and has a positive effect on preserving and strengthening the child’s health.

Why do children need to draw with sand?

Sand painting is also called sand therapy. More than 30 years ago, psychologists in the United States drew attention to the fact that art classes(painting lessons) with sand had a positive effect in the treatment of people who experienced psychological trauma or were in a depressed state. Nowadays, kindergartens organize classes with sand to not only teach children how to draw, but also to lift their spirits.

What are the positive aspects of working with sand?

1. The child develops an interest as a researcher. After all, the activity is usually surrounded by mystery. It's almost like conducting a scientific experiment or a magical ritual. A special backlit plane is set up for drawing. And they don’t give paints to your hands at all, but sand, which crumbles and at first does not give in at all "taming". And also sand maybe not ordinary, but tinted.

2. The feeling of sand in your hands is relaxing. Sand– this is a living material, you can touch it with your finger, stroke it with your whole palm, feel the hardness of every grain of sand on your skin. During exercise, nerve impulses are transmitted from the skin to the brain, and the baby "recharging", like a battery, good energy. Creativity with sand allows you to relieve anxiety and phobias. Emotional ones go away "clamps", and the body is reborn.

3. The child fantasizes with sand more boldly than on paper with pencils or paints. Here you can draw, correct and draw again, without fear of making any mistakes, without disappointment “Oh, it didn’t work out again!” Baby can sift sand, collect in a pile, level, pick with a finger, depict primitive sticks, "kalyaki-malyaki" or whole paintings, and then break everything and create again! Dozens of different actions and dozens of design variations in a relatively short period of time.

4. Drawing with sand helps develop fine motor skills. Experts say that this technique is even more effective than finger gymnastics. Why is that? Because tasks with sand put more strain on both the brain and muscles. For comparison, just try to get enough sleep sand in a uniform stream or draw two identical suns with both hands at once to the left and right of the imaginary center line.

Publications on the topic:

Art therapy Childhood is the most important period in a child’s life, in his development as a person. IN childhood the psyche is very receptive to information and.

Achieving the effect of self-healing through spontaneous self-expression. A person feels himself a creator and expresses himself three-dimensionally through his creation.

Photo report. Educator Poplevina Larisa. Ulan-Ude. MDOU No. 87 "Smile". Where it all started. A suitcase appeared in the group. She brought it.

Sand therapy Today we live in a very difficult world. Life puts us in difficult situations that require adequate solutions. Only confident in himself, in his own people.

Master class for teachers “Sand therapy as a health-saving technology for preschool educational institutions” Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Sand therapy as a health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions” Goal: to introduce teachers to the possibilities.



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Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities health of Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan



GBU RC of Neftekamsk RB

Z.M. Garayeva

"___"_________ 20___


at the methodological council

GBU RC of Neftekamsk RB

Protocol dated “___”____20____ №___


additional general development program

social and pedagogical orientation

Chusovitina T.P.

social teacher

children's rehabilitation departments

and teenagers with disabilities

health opportunities

in the city of Neftekamsk

Republic of Bashkortostan

Neftekamsk, 2015


Playing with sand as a way of child development and self-therapy has been known since ancient times. The malleability of sand awakens the desire to create a miniature picture of the world from it. A person acts in a sandbox as a creator - one life story changes another, following the laws of existence: everything comes and everything goes, there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed, just the old turns into something different, new. By repeatedly experiencing this sensation, a person achieves a state of mental balance.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child, especially one with special developmental needs, often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and here games with sand come to his aid. By acting out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well!

Sand often acts like a magnet on children. Their hands themselves, unconsciously, begin to pour and sift sand, build tunnels, mountains, and dig holes. And if you add various toys to this, then the baby has his own world, where he invents and fantasizes, and, at the same time, learns to work and achieve goals.

One way or another, observations and experience show that playing in the sand has a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children and adults; this makes it an excellent means of “care for the soul,” which is how the term “psychotherapy” is translated.

Wet sand allows you to sculpt grandiose figures without small details, but very expressive in silhouette. You can make not only palaces from sand, but also cars, ships, various figures - sculptures, decorating them with pebbles, shells, and colored beads.

D additional general developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation“Sand therapy” is aimed at the generalchild development and contains tasks for creative activities using dry and wet sand.

Relevance The Sand Therapy program provides an opportunity for a social teacher to provide an individual approach to each child. The problem of child personality development is currently one of the most pressing problems, because we are talking about the most important condition formation of individual identity of the personality already in the first stages of its formation. Playing and drawing are special forms of children's activities. Children's interest in them significantly depends on the extent to which the conditions and organization of work allow them to satisfy the basic needs of the child, namely:

    a desire to practically act with objects, which is no longer satisfied by simply manipulating them, as was the case in early age, but involves obtaining a certain meaningful result;

    the desire to feel capable of making something that can be used and that can attract the approval of others.

For many people, putting thoughts into words is difficult, especially for children. But there is still a language of facial expressions and gestures that can subtly express sensations or feelings. Or - in a drawing or plasticine, the hand seems to build bridges between the inner and outer worlds. Then the inner image becomes visible in the outer creation. This principle forms the basis of the sand therapy system. As you know, children play with sand with pleasure, because such games are full of different emotions: delight, surprise, excitement, joy... This makes it possible to use games with sand for the development, enrichment of the child’s emotional experience, for the prevention and correction of his mental states .

Sand allows water to pass through, therefore, according to parapsychologists, it also absorbs a person’s negative energy and stabilizes his emotional state.

Working with the Sand Therapy program is an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

Depending on the nature of mastering the topic being studied, classes are conducted in group and individual forms.

The program covers younger (3-7 years old), middle (7-12 years old), older (12-18 years old) ages and more, as well as the involvement of parents.

Novelty and distinctiveness The “Sand Therapy” program is to develop creative and exploratory characters in children, spatial representations, some physical laws, knowledge of the properties of various materials, mastery of various methods of practical actions, acquisition of manual skills and the emergence of a creative attitude towards the environment.

Necessity in the creation of this program exists, since it is considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of creative abilities, imagination, fine motor skills, attention, logical thinking and perseverance.

Purpose of the program.

Develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities, comprehensive development the personality of a child with disabilities, taking into account his individual characteristics and diagnosis in the process of creating images using dry and wet sand.

Program objectives.

    Teaching children and adolescents with disabilities various design techniques in the sand using natural and waste materials, miniature toys.

    Development of imagination, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, development of artistic and creative abilities and creativity of children and adolescents with disabilities.

    Developing sensitivity to the process of overcoming difficulties.

    Fostering diligence, accuracy, and the desire to complete the work started.

Areas of work.

    Development of creative abilities.

    Artistic and aesthetic development.

    Cognitive development.

Conditions for the program: the program is designed for children aged 3-18 years, for 1 year of study: 106hours per year, 2 times a week, classes lasting 30 minutes.Children and adolescents with disabilities are admitted upon request. Individual work is expected in free time from classes, aimed at solving specific tasks. The lesson is held in a group form for 30 minutes in the office of a social teacher. The size of the group is 3-5 people, made up of children of different ages on a voluntary basis.

Predicted result:

Coordinated movements of the hands of children and adolescents with disabilities;

Developed creative imagination in children and adolescents with disabilities;

Formed interest in creative activities;

Compliance with the culture of communication between children and adolescents with disabilities, hard work, perseverance, patience.

Methods and techniques of teaching.

1. Visual (teacher demonstration, example, help).

2. Verbal (explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings).

3. Practical (independent and joint performance of crafts).

Working with teachers provides: conversations, consultations and advice on making this or that craft, workshops.

Working with parents assumes:

folders, information stands, individual consultations, master classes, surveys, parent meetings, workshops.

Sand games:

Develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

Relieves muscle tension;

Help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;

They develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);

Stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;

Allows the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, find ways to solve the problem situation;

Overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;

Develop creative actions, find non-standard solutions leading to successful results;

Improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

Helps expand vocabulary;

They help to master the skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;

Allows the development of phonemic hearing and perception;

Promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;

Helps in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills.

Expected results of the program:

ability to own various techniques working with dry and wet sand;

the ability to create compositions and plots in the sand;

sustained attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands and eye;

Artistic taste, Creative skills and fantasy;

improving communication skills and acquiring teamwork skills;

Participation in various types gaming, visual, creative activities; expanding your horizons and vocabulary.

Summing up forms The implementation of this program are: exhibitions, defense of projects, holding master classes, open events, participation in shows, competitions of a regional and regional nature.

The proposed program is variable, that is, if the need arises, it is possible to adjust the content and forms of classes, and the time for completing the material.

General conditions for organizing sand therapy.

A large waterproof box is used as a sandbox. Its traditional size in centimeters is 50 x 70 x 8 cm (where 50 x 70 is the size of the field, and 8 is the depth). It is believed that this size of the sandbox corresponds to the volume of the field visual perception. The traditional sandbox size is designed for individual work. For group work, it is recommended to use a sandbox measuring 100 x 140 x 8 cm.

Material. The traditional and preferred material is wood. In the practice of working with sand, plastic boxes are more often used, but the sand does not “breathe” in them.

Color. The traditional sandbox combines the natural color of wood and blue. The bottom and sides (with the exception of the upper plane of the side boards) are painted blue. Thus, the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky. Blue color has a calming effect on a person. In addition, the “blue” sandbox filled with sand is a miniature model of our planet in human perception. If funds and office space allow, you can experiment with multi-colored sandboxes, when the bottom and sides are painted in one or more colors.

Now it can be filled one-third or half with clean (washed and sifted), oven-calcined sand. The sand used needs to be changed or cleaned from time to time. Cleansing is done at least once a month. The sand must be removed from the sandbox, sifted, washed and calcined.

To organize games with sand, you will need a large set of miniature objects and toys, which together symbolize the world. In classical sand therapy, there is the following classification of objects used in the process of creating sand paintings.Contents of classes"Skillful Hands" programfor each section is compiled taking into account age characteristics children and adolescents with disabilities.

“From simple to complex” is the motto of this program.

Training is conducted 1-2 times a week. Classes in the “Sand Therapy” program provide an individual approachtaking into account individual characteristicschildren and adolescents with disabilities, built taking into account the quality of perception, associated with the development of technical skills, emotional responsiveness of each child to the proposed task.

Guided by a person-oriented approach to nurturing a child’s creatively active personality, a social teacher in the classroom provides for solving the following tasks:

    Creation of a developmental environment that allows various ideas of this program to be put into practice.

    Encouraging children to develop creativity by setting a variety of creative tasks that offer access to independent solutions.

    Taking into account the individual interests, inclinations and abilities of children.

    Establishing the right relationship between the teacher and the child, allowing to create an atmosphere of passion, emotional impact, joint creativity adult and child.

    Variability of creative abilities.

The main condition for the implementation of the “Sand Therapy” program is the creative attitude of the teacher himself to the work.

Fiction, the teacher’s creative imagination, and the ability to inspire children to new achievements in creativity are the main guidelines in working on the “Sand Therapy” program.

In the process of completing the program, children are given new knowledge about shape, color, size, spatial relationships,about the various properties of objects, about the variability of the use of natural and waste material. Each lesson topic is accompanied by questions and tasks that help to implement the named tasks.

All classes have a goal:

1. Improving the practical skills of children in working with non-standard materials and equipment, their free use in games and creative activities.

2. Development in children of imagination, memory, thinking, fine motor skills, and the desire for independence.The program assumes the necessary consideration of work technique, comparative diagnosis of children according to educational half a year.

The material equipment of classes in the “Sand Therapy” program meets hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

Materials used:

To organize games with sand, you will need a large set of miniature objects and toys, which together symbolize the world. In classical sand therapy, there is the following classification of objects used in the process of creating sand paintings. For example:

terrestrial animals (domestic, wild, prehistoric);

flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric);

inhabitants of the aquatic world (various fish, mammals, shellfish, crabs);

dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture of various eras, cultures and purposes);

household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations);

trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.);

objects of celestial space (sun, moon, stars, rainbows, clouds);

vehicles(land, water, air transport for civil and military purposes, fantastic vehicles);

objects of the human environment (fences, hedges, bridges, gates, road signs);

objects of landscape and natural activity of the Earth (volcanoes, mountains);

accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.);

natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces of wood, metal, seeds, feathers, pieces of glass polished with water, etc.);

fantastic objects and cartoon characters, fantasy, werewolf figures;

villains (evil characters from cartoons, myths, fairy tales).

So, everything that is found in the surrounding world can take its rightful place in the collection. If there are not enough image figures for classes, they can be sculpted from plasticine, clay, dough, or cut out of paper.

A collection of figurines is located on the shelves. If there is not enough space on the shelves to accommodate the entire collection, then transparent boxes can also be used.


Partial transfer of classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational effect than standard forms of training. Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases. Secondly, tactile sensitivity develops in the sandbox as the basis of “manual intelligence”. Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), and most importantly for us, speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. Fourthly, object-based play activities are improved, which contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills.

Based on the methods of working in a pedagogical sandbox, a teacher can make the traditional methodology for expanding vocabulary, developing coherent speech, and developing phonemic hearing and perception in older preschool children more interesting, exciting, and more productive.

Before you start playing with sand, you need to talk to your children about the rules of playing in the sandbox. A poem by T. M. Grabenko will help with this:

There are no harmful children in the country -

After all, they have no place in the sand!

You can't bite or fight here

And throw sand in your eyes!

Don't ruin foreign countries!

Sand is a peaceful country.

You can build and do wonders,

You can create a lot:

Mountains, rivers and seas,

So that there is life around.

Children, do you understand me?

Or do we need to repeat it?!

To remember and be friends!

Getting started with sand . Place your palms on the sand and tell him how you feel: “I’m pleased. I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand. How do you feel? Let the child try to talk about how he feels. Make prints of your palms, fists, edges of your palms, creating patterns (sun, flower, etc.); “walk” through the sand with each finger in turn. These simple exercises are of enormous importance for the development of a child’s psyche. They stabilize the baby’s emotional state, teach him to listen to himself and articulate his feelings. And this promotes the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory, which is very important for children with speech disorders. But the main thing is that the child gets the first experience of self-analysis, learns to understand himself and others.


1. “Sensitive palms” (according to T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva)

Place your palms on the sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like.

Open your eyes, tell me how you felt (children's answers).

Do the same, turning your palms on the other side. Tell us about your feelings.

2. Slide along the surface of the sand like a snake or like a machine.

3. Walk with your palms like an elephant, like a little elephant, like a fast bunny.

4. Leave prints of your palms, fists, and edges of your palms.

5. Create patterns and drawings - a sun, a butterfly, the letter A or a whole word.

6. “Walk” with each finger of the right and left hand in turn.

7. Sift the sand through your fingers or use a pinch to sow a path of sand with a contrasting texture.

8. Place stones and natural materials of different structure and size on the sand in a special logical order.

9. Guide the figure along the sand labyrinth paths.

11. Lay out a geometric figure with chips.

12. Sift the sand through a sieve, draw a pattern with a brush or stick, sift the sand through a system of funnels, etc.

13. You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like on a piano or computer keyboard.

14. The sandbox can be used to find animals, objects, a certain letter made of plastic and buried, among others, in the sand (a variation of the game "Magic Bag").

15. Sculpt letters from sand, raking it with the edges of your palms.

16. Transform the letters “L” into “A”, “H” into “T”, “O” into “I”, etc.

17. Find the letters hidden in the sand and make syllables or a word out of them.

You can write words in the sand in printed and written letters, first with your finger, then with a stick, holding it like a pen. Sand allows you to keep your child working longer. It's easier to correct mistakes in sand than on paper. This allows the child to feel successful.

18. Game "My City". The speech therapist gives the task to choose figures whose names contain a given sound, and build a city using these figures. Then you can compose an oral history about this city and its inhabitants.

19. “Whose trace is this?” Wet sand easily leaves hand or foot marks from shoes or the wheels of a toy car. Let the kid try to guess where whose fingerprint is?

20. Sand applique. Apply a design to the cardboard with glue and sprinkle with sand. Shake off the excess and you will have a wonderful painting. Sand can be painted and dried.

21. "Archaeology". Bury a toy (the child doesn’t know which one). During the excavation, the child must guess from the opening parts what is hidden. Bury 2 – 3 items. Let your child dig up one of them and try to determine what it is by touch.

22. “Paths of sand.” Show your child how to grab a handful of dry sand and slowly pour it out, creating various shapes, for example, paths (to the house of a bunny or a bear cub).

23. You can bury and dig up letters, numbers, geometric shapes - this will make it easier for the child to remember them.

24. Game “Name the sound” (according to N.V. Durova). The teacher invites the children to dig small holes in the sand for the ball. Then he pushes the ball into the child’s hole and calls the word, emphasizing the consonant sound with intonation. The child names the highlighted sound and rolls the ball back into the teacher’s hole. Then the task is given to another child, etc. Words: s-s-som, su-m-m-mka, za-r-r-rya, ku-s-s-juice, stu-l-l-l, ru-ch-ch-chka, kra- n-n-n, ball-f-f-f, roof-sh-sh-shka, d-d-house.

25. Game “Find a friend” (according to N.V. Durova). The teacher takes pictures from the box (butterfly, cow, frog, rooster, bear) and distributes them to the children.

Make houses for these animals; soon their brothers will come to visit them. (Children do.) Then the teacher takes out the following pictures from the box (squirrel, whale, peacock, horse, mouse).

How can we find out whose brother is where? To do this, let's say the names of the animals and highlight the first sound in these words. - whale - [k"] - he will go to visit the cow, the first sound in this word is [k]; [k] and [k"] are brothers.

Children take turns naming those shown in the pictures, highlighting the first sound and selecting a pair. Conclusion: How do these pairs of sounds differ? (Hard - soft).

26. Exercise “Sand Rain” (according to N. Kuzub) The teacher slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, then onto his palm. Children repeat. Then the children close their eyes one by one, place their palm with their fingers spread out on the sand, the adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger.

27. Game “Who was that?” (according to R.G. Golubeva). The teacher takes toys out of the box: cow, tiger, bee, snake, hedgehog. Each of them is assigned a specific sound: a cow moos “mmmm”, a tiger growls “rrrr”, a bee buzzes “zh-zh-zh”, a snake hisses “sh-sh-sh” , hedgehog - snorts “f-f-f”. The teacher pronounces a sound for a long time and invites the children to determine who it was. Whoever names the animal correctly gets this toy.

28. Game "Echo". The teacher pronounces the syllables, and the children repeat them in turn, and for each correctly completed repetition the child is asked to take any toy for subsequent play in the sand.

Ta-ka-pa - pa-ka-ta - ga-ba-da - po-bo-po - poo-boo-poo

With the selected toys, children play sand hide and seek: one child closes his eyes, and the rest hide his toys in the sand.

29. Game “Which one is different?” (according to R.G. Golubeva) The sand man pronounces a series of syllables (well-well-but, sva-ska-sva, sa-sha-sa, zu-su-su, we-mi-we) and invites the children to determine which syllable is different from other syllables.

30. Exercise “Sand wind” (breathing). Kids learn to breathe through a straw without sucking sand into it. Older children can be asked to first say a pleasant wish to their friends, give a wish to the sandy country by “blowing it into the sand”, you can also blow out depressions and holes on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable cocktail straws.

When exhaling, the child easily blows sand onto his palms, blowing it into the sandbox.

31. Exercise "Unusual traces".

“The cubs are coming” - the child presses forcefully onto the sand with his fists and palms.

“Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions.

“Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed/tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

“Spiderbugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting each other with your hands under the sand - “bugs say hello”).

How should a specialist working with sand behave?

There are three rules for a specialist.

Joining a child . The sand picture created by a child contains rich information about his inner world and current state. Understanding the child and his problems, feeling the rhythm of the sand painting, feeling the unique figurative structure of the painting - all this is included in the concept of joining.

Sincere interest, intrigued by the events and plots unfolding in the sandbox . Examining a picture of a child, the specialist seems to combine two aspects. On the one hand, he is an inquisitive, open traveler who is extremely interested in what is happening in the world that the child has created. On the other hand, this is a sage seeking to find the truth.

Strict adherence to professional and universal ethics . This rule is at the same time a prerequisite for any kind of professional assistance to a person. The teacher cannot, in the presence of the child, remove figures from the sandbox without asking, rearrange the picture, or make a value judgment. A person’s inner world is extremely fragile, and only strict adherence to the ethical code and high professionalism of a specialist can protect a child from mental trauma.

Organizationally - methodological support programs.

1. Work program, calendar and thematic plan.

3. Visual aids: instruction cards, magazines, books, computer presentations.

4. Premises that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, furniture.

5. Computer.

6. Camera.

7. Photo albums.

8. Books.

9. Sets of postcards.

10. Fiction.


    Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Miracles on the sand. Sand play therapy. – St. Petersburg: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, 1998, – 50 p.

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic. – St. Petersburg, 1998.

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Nisnevich L.A. How to help a “special” child. A book for teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg, “Childhood-press”, 2001.

    Grabenko T.M. , Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Workshop on sand therapy, St. Petersburg, “Rech”, 2002.

    El G. Man playing in the sand. Dynamic sand therapy. – St. Petersburg, “Rech”, 2007.

    Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching mentally retarded preschoolers. Book for teachers. – M., 1993.

    Internet resources.

Calendar and thematic planning for sand therapy


Lesson topic

Practical activities

Number of hours

Rules of conduct when working with sand. Getting to know the sand

Conversation, game tasks, exercises, practical work, independent work.

Our handprints

(working with dry and wet sand)

Conversation, game tasks on a given topic, exercises, practical activities, independent work,
plot-role-playing game.

Magic secrets

(adding various items of natural origin to the game)

Conversation, exercises, practical activities.

Animal houses

(use of plastic geometric shapes for buildings, construction of sand caves)

Educational – entertaining game, practical activity.


(adding water containers to the game)

Conversation, exercises, practical activities, didactic game, plot-role-playing game.


(construction of roads, bridges, garages)

Conversation, game tasks, exercises, practical activities.

Fairy tale dramatization


My treasure (you need to find objects hidden by the child)

Sand letter (repetition of letters)

Conversation, game tasks, exercises, practical activities

Race driver

(repetition of rules traffic)

Educational – entertaining games, practical activities, role-playing game

Sand castles

(free activity)

Educational – entertaining game, practical activity, role-playing game

Test lesson

Tests on a given topic, exercises, practical activities