Outline of the lesson on speech development “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. Outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic: Complex lesson in the senior group “Flower - seven-colored, take us into a fairy tale, complete tasks, help us” View content

Program content:

  1. To identify the level of children’s knowledge, improve phonetic hearing and sound analysis skills.
  2. Practice changing nouns by numbers, selecting words with opposite meanings and meanings, reverse words; select suitable words for the generalizing word; change words by numbers;
  3. Develop clear pronunciation of sounds, develop auditory attention, fine motor skills.
  4. Cultivate love for native language, Russian – folklore(to fairy tales).


“Seven-flowered flower”, on which tasks are written; magnetic boards, ball, colored pencils, silhouettes of colorful flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, we worked hard together all year and learned a lot. And today I invite you to take part in the quiz and go to a fairyland.

Do you agree?

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We will definitely remember

Everything you learned in class.

Children enter the group in front of them on the board there is a flower and a letter next to it.

Guys, look at the letter, let's read it:

“Hello children, the fairy Tsveta writes to you, from the country of Tsvetalia, an evil wizard burst into my kingdom and bewitched my magic flower, the Seven-flowered Flower, he took away all the colors on its beautiful petals, to disenchant the flower you need to complete seven tasks. Children, help me, please"

Guys, let's help the Fairy of Color? (Yes)

But for this we will need to go to the country of Tsvetalia.

Let's stand in a circle and say a magic spell:

“Fly, fly, petal through the West to the East,

Through the North, through the South

Come back and make a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

To be according to our wishes,

Order that we end up in the country of Tsvetalia!”

Guys, look how beautiful it is here. And here is that same flower (on the board), look how boring and ugly it is, can we help you disenchant it?

We take the first petal and see what the task is there:

1 petal, answer the questions:

What's blue?

What is soft?

What is hard?

What is bitter?

What is sweet?

What is red?

What is yellow?

Well done guys, we completed the first task.

(turns the petal over to the other side)

Guys, look, the petal is colored. Let's hang it with our flower.

Let's complete the second task.

2 petal: “Guess the fairy tale”

"The sieve gallops across the fields

And the trough in the meadows,

There's a broom behind the shovel

I walked along the street"

(“Fedorino’s grief”)

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away

And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me.

I'm for a candle, a candle - in the stove!

I go for a book, she runs and jumps under the bed...

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything spinning around and spinning?

And the wheel went off? (“Moidodyr”)

The bears were driving

By bike.

And behind them is a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes

On a hot air balloon.

And behind them are crayfish

On a lame dog. ("Cockroach")

My phone rang.

Who's speaking?

Elephant Where from?

From camel

What do you need?

Chocolate. For whom?

For my son. ("Telephone")

Whose song is this?

If I'm scratching my head -

There's sawdust in my head,

But although there is sawdust there,

But the chants and screams,

And also noisemakers,

Puffs and sniffles. ("Winnie the Pooh")

Well done guys, we have completed the second task, look, the second petal is colored! Let's put it back in its place (hangs up a petal)

3 petal: magic cards task. (Physical minute)

The fairy writes that according to these magic cards we

must charge.

Didactic exercise"Say it the other way around"

The teacher names the word, and the children select a word with the opposite meaning.

  • Big small)
  • Soft – (hard)
  • Heat - (frost)
  • Heavy – (light)
  • Light dark)
  • Lie down - (get up)
  • Dirty – (clean)
  • Speak - (be silent)
  • Good evil)

4 petal: didactic game “Name three words.”

The teacher offers a generalizing concept, and the children select three suitable words for it.

Animals - …

Cloth - …

Flowers - …

Food - …

Transport - …

5 petal: didactic game “One - many.”

The teacher suggests a word, and the children put it in the plural. Ant - a lot of ants.

Car – many cars.

Tulip – many tulips.

Table – many tables.

Son - many sons.

Cat - many cats.

House – many houses.

6 petal:

  • Didactic exercise “Pure speech”

Lo-lo-lo – it’s warm outside.

Li-li-li - the cranes have arrived.

Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.

Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke.

Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt.

Lu-lu-lu - I love my dear mother.

  • Didactic exercise “Find the sound”

I will read a tongue twister in which one sound will be heard more often than others.

Mice rustle in the hut.

The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake.

Red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

7 petal: “Name a similar word.”

I will throw a ball to everyone and name a word, and you must name a word that sounds similar and return the ball to me.

I'll tell you PILLOW, you'll answer me (frog, girlfriend)

I'll tell you BEAR, you answer me. (mouse, book, pine cone), etc.

We completed this task and look, our “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​has become multi-colored.

GCD result:

So the flower “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” bloomed, the Fairy again became joyful, thanks you for gaining a lot of knowledge and skills. So what have we learned? (find similar words, divide words into syllables, highlight sounds in words, read poetry)

I propose to arrange fireworks from flowers. If you liked participating in the quiz, then you attach red flowers, and if it was uninteresting, boring, then green flowers.

Children attach colorful flowers to a magnetic board.

The fairy once again thanks you for participating in the quiz and gives you flower coloring books as a keepsake of her!

the date of the : 27.04.18

Educational area : Speech development

Kind of activity : Speech development

Subject: “Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”

Target: Introduce children to the fairy tale by V.P. Kataev “Flower - Seven Flowers”.

Program content:

- continue to teach children to correctly perceive works of art, highlight main idea;

Develop the ability to select the most appropriate figurative words and expressions;

Encourage active participation in the conversation and correctly answer questions on a given topic;

Develop the ability to convey your impressions in speech, your attitude towards the heroine of a fairy tale


Develop speech attention (listen carefully to a fairy tale);

Develop curiosity, memory and thinking


Develop the ability to listen to each other

Cultivate interest in books

Bring up cognitive activity


magnetic board

portrait of V. Kataev

illustrations for the fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers”


Methods and techniques:

indirect familiarization with the environment and enrichment of the dictionary (introducing new words into the dictionary) - reading a literary work, showing drawings - illustrations with unfamiliar content, telling children, explaining the meanings of words and phrases based on clarity.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizing moment

Today we have an unusual lesson, we will talk about desires. Every person has their own desires and you have them too. Imagine if you had Magic wand or a magic flower, what wishes would you make?

(children's answers)

2. Educator: We have an unusual meeting today. We have a meeting with one very good book.

We will now find out what this book is called and who wrote it by looking at the board.

(Book “Flower - Seven Flowers”, portrait of V.P. Kataev)

Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "The Flower - the Seven-Flower". (Presentation)


Physical exercise “Plant”

(children sit on their knees on the carpet). Imagine that you are the seeds of the most beautiful plants. A warm ray of sun fell to the ground. The sun's ray warmed the seed. A sprout emerges from the seed (children slowly raise their hands, connected by an arrow). A beautiful plant grew from the sprout (children stand on their feet and make a wave with their hands). Each of its leaves basks in the sun, exposing each half to warmth and light, turning after the sun.



- Who main character fairy tales?

- Tell us how Zhenya got her magic flower?

- How did you understand that the old woman was a good fairy?

- What did Zhenya seem like to you? What can you say about her?

- Explain how you understood this.

- Which of the wishes that Zhenya made seemed trivial and unnecessary to you? Why did you decide so?

- What desires seemed important? Explain why you think so.


- Now let's remember how many petals Zhenya wasted? - Why?

- What action of Zhenya deserves admiration?

- You heard Kataev's tale. Does it look like a story? - Why do we say that this is a fairy tale? What's fabulous about this story? - In the fairy tale, you came across interesting words and expressions: Zhenya loved to “count crows.” (Show an illustration corresponding to this expression - a drawing). How did you understand this? In what other cases do they say that you count crows? How can I say this differently?

- Seeing the bears at the North Pole, Zhenya screamed “at the top of her lungs.” What does this expression mean? How can I say it differently?

- Remember, when Zhenya got lost, she was about to cry. Suddenly “out of nowhere...”. (Show an illustration corresponding to this expression - a drawing). How can I say it differently?

- Just as unexpectedly, the old woman disappeared, as if she “fell through the ground.”

How can I say this differently?

What fairy tale were we talking about today? (Fairy tale “Flower - seven-colored flower”)

Who wrote it? (Valentin Petrovich Kataev)


Let's sit in a circle and close our eyes. Remember the petal yellow color– imagine a fluffy chicken, mentally stroke it.

Remember a red petal - imagine a rose - a beautiful fresh red one, admire it.

Orange petal - imagine an orange - remember its juicy sweet taste.

Blue color – imagine a clear blue sky.

Blue color– imagine the warm sea in which you are swimming, it gently strokes you with its waves.

Green color– imagine green young grass that you can walk on barefoot.

Purple- remember the delicate violet in flower pot, which is growing in your group.

We remembered and imagined all the petals of a magical flower. Now you can open your eyes.

Lesson notes pon the development of speech on the topic: “V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Flower - seven-colored flower”.”

Program content:

Develop children's coherent speech.

To develop the ability to convey your impressions and your attitude towards the heroine of a fairy tale, to emotionally color speech.

To lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of the fairy tale, a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character;

Teach children to write creative stories.

Consolidate knowledge about the genre features of fairy tales;

Develop attention and memory.

Develop the ability to listen to each other.

Equipment: a book with the fairy tale “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”, drawings for the fairy tale “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”, demonstration illustrations of the fairy tale “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”, “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”.

Methods and techniques: indirect familiarization with the environment and enrichment of the dictionary (introducing new words into the dictionary) - reading a literary work, showing drawings - illustrations with unfamiliar content, telling children, explaining the meanings of words and phrases based on clarity.

Progress of the lesson:

Relaxation exercise “Plant” against the backdrop of calm music. Children sit on their knees on the carpet and perform movements in accordance with the words of the child.Andtatelya.

Educator: Imagine that you are small seeds of the most beautiful plants. A warm ray of sun fell to the ground. The sun's ray warmed the seed. A sprout emerged from the seed ( children slowly raise their hands up, connected by an arrow). From the sprout grew a beautiful plant ( children get to their feet, make a wave with their hands). Each of its leaves basks in the sun, exposing each half to warmth and light, turning after the sun. Children sit on chairs. Educator: Children, if you had a magic wand or a magic flower that could make your every wish come true, what wishes would you make? Children's answers. Listen to Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers,” in which the girl Zhenya, with the help of a magic flower, fulfilled her seven wishes.

The teacher reads a fairy tale and displays it on the easel illustrations - drawings to show to children, conducts physical exercises, then talks with children.

Physical exercise. Standing on the carpet in a circle performed facial exercise “Delicate flower”.

Educator: Imagine that in my hands I have a magical, delicate, fragile flower. We will hand it over to each other carefully, so as not to crush or break it. Children sit on chairs.


Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Tell us how Zhenya got her magic flower?

How did you understand that the old woman was a good fairy?

What did Zhenya seem like to you? What can you say about her?

Explain how you understood this.

Which of the wishes that Zhenya made seemed trivial and unnecessary to you? Why did you decide so?

What desires seemed important? Explain why you think so.


- Now let's remember how many petals Zhenya wasted? - Why?

What action of Zhenya deserves admiration?

You heard Kataev's tale. Does it look like a story? - Why do we say that this is a fairy tale? What's fabulous about this story? - In the fairy tale, you came across interesting words and expressions: Zhenya loved to “count crows.” ( Show an illustration corresponding to this expression - a drawing). How did you understand this? In what other cases do they say that you count crows? How can I say this differently?

Seeing the bears at the North Pole, Zhenya screamed “at the top of her lungs.” What does this expression mean? How can I say it differently?

Remember, when Zhenya got lost, she was about to cry. Suddenly “out of nowhere...”. (Show an illustration corresponding to this expression - drawing). How can I say it differently?

Just as unexpectedly, the old woman disappeared, as if she “fell through the ground.”

How can I say this differently?

Educator: My drawings for the fairy tale are mixed up. Put them in order and tell us what happened first and what happened next.

Children display drawings based on the plot of a fairy tale on an easel and tell an episode of the fairy tale in a chain.

Educator: Could Zhenya have done without the magic flower? Let's find the right solution together now.

1 situation: Zhenya is lost. What would you do if you found yourself in an unfamiliar place? Children give their home address.

2 situation. Zhenya wanted her to have the same toy as the girl. What should I do? (Children's answers)

3 situation. The boys did not accept Zhenya into the game. How can you come to an agreement with the boys?

Educator: A magical flower bloomed in our group. Show the children a flower - a seven-flowered flower. Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik whispered to me that he wanted to hear why you liked the fairy tale.

Children, passing around a seven-flowered flower, share theirimpressionabout the work.

On speech development in middle group"Seven-flowered flower"

Prepared by: ,

teacher of the highest qualification category

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge acquired during the year on speech development.

And behind them is a cat


And behind them are crayfish

On a lame dog.


My phone rang.

Who's speaking?

What do you need?

Chocolate. For whom?

For my son.


Whose song is this?

If I'm scratching my head -

There's sawdust in my head,

But although there is sawdust there,

But the chants and screams,

And also noisemakers,

Puffs and sniffles.

(Winnie the Pooh)

Well done guys, we've completed the second task, look at the second petal being colored!


Our delicate flowers petals bloom.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers close the petals.

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

3 Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”

The teacher names the word, and the children select a word with the opposite meaning.

Big -

Soft -

Heavy -

Light -

Lie down –

Filthy -

Speak -

4 petal Didactic game"Say three words"

The teacher offers a generalizing concept, and the children select three suitable words for it.

Cloth -

Plants -

Food -

Transport -

5 petal Didactic game “One - many”

The teacher offers a word, and the children put it in. Ant - a lot of ants.

Car – many cars.

Tulip – many tulips.

Table – many tables.

Son - many sons.

Cat - many cats.

House – many houses.

Didactic exercise “Pure speech”


Lo-lo-lo – it’s warm outside.

Li-li-li - the cranes have arrived.

Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.

Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke.

Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt.

Lu-lu-lu - I love my dear mother.

6. Didactic exercise “Make no mistake”

I will say the words. When you hear words with the sounds l or l, clap your hands. Be careful: onion, garlic, lemon, fox, lily of the valley, white, frog, frog.

7. petal The game “Show and Describe!” »

(The child shows the animal. The others guess it and describe it)

The bear is shaggy, club-footed, strong, clumsy, big;

Fox - cunning, red, fluffy, beautiful, long-tailed, sharp-toothed;

Wolf - angry, hungry, predatory, gray, toothy;

Look at our “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​has become multi-colored.

OOD result:

So the flower “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” bloomed, the Fairy again became joyful, thanks you for gaining a lot of knowledge and skills.

I propose to arrange fireworks from flowers. If you enjoyed participating in the quiz, then you clap your hands loudly, and if it was uninteresting, boring, then you just sit quietly.

The fairy once again thanks you for participating in the quiz and gives you flower coloring pages as a keepsake.

Teacher Vitsina Marina Sergeevna conducted open lesson with kids mixed age group on the development of speech on the topic: “Flower of Friendship”, during which children revealed the secrets of friendship, read poems, told stories, analyzed actions, learned the rules of etiquette and solved various communicative problems. Widely used in class modern methods and technologies: Syncwine, mnemonics, information and communication and health-saving technologies. This activity aroused great interest and response from preschoolers; they completed all the tasks with pleasure, using different forms and means of language. Children have learned the rules of friendship and the ability to make friends. At the end of the lesson, the children presented Friendship flowers to everyone present so that they would always remember and never forget the secrets of friendship.

Senior teacher Tatyana Sergeevna Bazhenova made a presentation and keynote address. She presented her work experience kindergarten by use modern approaches to the organization of work on speech development in a preschool institution. She spoke about the organization of a speech development environment, about the most important means speech development, about the purposeful use of the method visual modeling, use of ICT tools. She shared her experience of interaction between kindergarten and family based on project activities.

Then teacher Elena Vladimirovna Biryukova conducted a business game “Development of speech - development of thought,” during which participants recalled fairy tales, proverbs, solved crosswords, “tricky problems,” and puzzles. During the game, teachers showed ingenuity, intelligence, creative thinking, creative imagination.

The teachers were pleased to familiarize themselves with the materials of the thematic exhibition.

Summing up the results of the IMO, Nadezhda Borisovna Ryaboshapko, methodologist of the preschool department of the Center for Educational Development, noted the interesting experience of the kindergarten in this area and the possibility of using it preschool institutions city ​​district in its work.

Such events bring great benefits to work. We learn from each other and improve our pedagogical competence.