Happy birthday greetings to an astronaut in prose. Congratulations on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day in prose

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day


Land, waters and heavens are not enough for man... He also needs space, distant stars, new worlds! Today, on Cosmonautics Day, I want to congratulate all the workers, those who are bringing our world closer to contact with other planets! Let not only the stars of distant galaxies, but also your personal happiness become closer to you!

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day, fearless conqueror of interstellar space! May everyone on the planet be at your feet! May the star of personal happiness always wink at you warmly from the sky! Live long and always smile!

On Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Of course, there are many mysteries in space, but I believe that you will make a significant contribution to the future of interstellar expeditions! May they always be by your side faithful friends, and if you’re very lucky, you’ll also meet friendly aliens!

Since childhood, you looked to the skies with hope, and now your dream has come true, and today I can congratulate you on your professional holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day! I wish you great success in this difficult, slightly mysterious field, as well as simple happiness in life!

To those who do not lose face in front of their brothers in mind, on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day I offer my warmest congratulations and best wishes! May your life be cloudless and endless in its positive features! Let brilliant ideas and just good thoughts come to mind more often!

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day! Our planet is beautiful and amazing, but your heart cannot resist the call of the cosmos, and I don’t blame you one bit, on the contrary, I support you and wish you all the best in all your endeavors! Hello stars to you!

On Cosmonautics Day, I send you a weightless, but very serious congratulation, and with all my heart I send you a wide congratulation, reaching to the moon, hot as the plasma of the sun! Always be on top, never be sad and dream, because where there is a place for bold dreams, there is a place for happiness!

Who knows where astronautics will be in a hundred years? There will be many behind you who will conquer outer space, but here and now I want to congratulate you on Cosmonautics Day! I wish you longevity, strong happiness, comfort in your home and peace in your family!

Humanity is still only at the first stage of space exploration, but it’s already so far away! Today, on Cosmonautics Day, I wish you to colonize Mars as soon as possible, and also accept our best wishes! May all the celestial bodies shine brightly for you, and may your whole life be a continuous good and kind adventure!

Today is Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! A holiday for those dreamers who not only look through a telescope, but also know no less about space than about our native Earth! Today I congratulate you and wish that all your dreams come true! Live long, love and always smile!


On April 12, 1961, the whole world was shocked by the announcement of the beginning new era space flights. On this day, Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin flew around the planet Earth on the Vostok orbital spacecraft. Until this moment, there had been launches of artificial satellites into space, but on this day man conquered space for the first time. This was a gigantic breakthrough in the history of astronautics and today there are already thousands of satellites in space, spacecraft have landed on the Moon and Venus, and active study has begun solar system. The first human flight was the most difficult and dangerous, but the desire to conquer space of many thousands of people who took part in preparing the flight overcame all obstacles. In honor of this historical event, April 12 is celebrated around the world as World Aviation and Space Day.

On World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, I would like to wish you clean and clear skies, space, happiness and inspiration. Let the stars point out the right path to success, let every day please you with new discoveries, steep ascents to the clouds of the innermost dreams of your soul and heart.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you high and happy flights in life, interesting and important discoveries in your activities, an optimistic mood and the right mindset only for victory, wonderful ideas and constant conquest of more and more new spaces of the mysterious space.

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! May the sky above you be clean and clear. May your dream come true and the stars become closer, and may the vast space and distant planets submit to you.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! I wish you many starry paths and more than one lucky star in the sky, which will lead you to success on earth and in outer space. I wish you a flying mood, immense health, incredible discoveries and new absorbing depths of the Universe.

Congratulations on your professional holiday to all those courageous and faithful people whose daily work is connected with the sky, aviation and astronautics. May your dreams and aspirations always be high, may your health and well-being allow you to be in good health for many years, and may your loved ones delight you with care and warmth of soul.

On World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, we would like to congratulate all specialists whose activities are closely related to the exploration of space! Your work is a contribution to modern science, fresh knowledge that we can bequeath to our descendants. Thank you for doing this responsible and dangerous task in the name of an information breakthrough that can make our lives especially interesting.

In this truly cosmic holiday I want there to be peace and harmony everywhere, so we want exactly this. So that every day brings new discoveries and adventures, despite problems and bad weather!

In this truly important holiday I would like to wish that there would be more and more discoveries every day, that people would boldly break any barriers and reach unprecedented heights! Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Let everything impossible become possible!

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you happiness, more of the Universe, love, brighter than the twinkling of stars, good luck with the speed of the Earth’s rotation, prospects of cosmic proportions for development in activity and prosperity in life.

Congratulations! Let your life be limitless like space, shine bright like the stars in the night sky, and let your smile shine like the hot sun. I wish you an easy path, like the Milky Way in the sky, and earthly joys.

[in prose]

Congratulations on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day in prose

For those who are submissive to the sky and stars, we send our congratulations today! Let your health be as strong as asteroids, and your mood as radiant as the sun in the spring sky! Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day!

Congratulations on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Your love for your profession does you credit. You've been faithful to her for many years. May the sky with which you have been in love since youth always call you and protect you.

Conquerors of the sky! The clouds part with respect before you and the twilight stars wink at you. Let your ships sail through space and let your descendants be proud of you! Happy holiday to you and peaceful skies above your head!

The amazing world of space is open to you, where entire galaxies attract you with their unknown nature. Cosmonautics is our future. So let all the secrets of heaven be revealed to you. Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Be healthy and may heaven protect you!

Today we all feel involved in the feat of Yuri Gagarin, the first man to conquer space, and we are proud that he is ours! And with this feeling, we are capable of any accomplishments for the benefit of our Motherland, and therefore - Happy Cosmonautics Day!

There are no people who have not at least once dreamed of wings... You help people get closer to their dreams, you bring the boundless sky closer to us, you make the impossible possible. And who, if not you, knows the true value of space, time, earthly love... I wish you to fly not only on board an airplane, but also on the wings of happiness!

Never change your calling. After all, the sky is your life! Please accept congratulations on Aviation Day, always strive upward. And remember, below you are always welcome and loved, appreciated and proud of you!

Russia is a great power. And today’s Cosmonautics and Aviation Day has become another reminder of the glory and courage of our compatriots! May the feeling of pride and patriotism never leave you on this day! I wish you optimism and confidence in making the right decisions.

Your first priority has always been airplanes! You dedicated your life to what you love, the wonderful profession of pilot! The stories about your flights are breathtaking, you can listen to them for hours! Health and longevity to you, dear pilot! Happy holiday!

Each of us is a piece of the Cosmos. Please accept my congratulations on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! May all expanses submit to your perseverance and intelligence. In every new endeavor, feel like Yuri Gagarin! Go!

Accept my most my sincere congratulations Happy professional holiday – Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Wonderful holiday a wonderful person, may he give you only the best impressions!

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Do you remember how you wanted to be an astronaut as a child? Well, that’s why I so wanted to congratulate you and wish you high flights and space achievements!

Having connected your life with flying, every day you spread your wings and rush upward. On Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, I wish you to always be above circumstances and life’s adversities!

How many secrets have you managed to discover, how much benefit your work brings every day. You managed to surpass the birds, see our world from a completely new perspective and convey this to all people. Thank you, our dear cosmonauts and pilots! Happy holiday to you!

This date is not just another holiday: it was on this day that our glorious fellow countryman overcame a new step in understanding the world and conquered space. And that’s why I pronounce these words with special pride: Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Go!

Unlike many, you have a legitimate opportunity to look down on everything and everyone: you work in aviation, and today is your day! But, being at your best, you remain as kind, caring, honest as everyone is used to seeing you, and this is very important. Thank you for your work and for being who you are! Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! Easy flights!

Happy Cosmonautics and Aviation Day, Happy Day to all the most fearless people! You are conquerors of the sky and space, revealing new possibilities for humanity. Generations will be proud of you, thank you for your work and aspirations!

Since childhood, every person dreams of the sky and space. But there are people for whom this dream has come true. On Cosmonautics and Aviation Day, I want to wish you to remember all the exploits of our pilots and cosmonauts who made us proud of our homeland! May all your plans come true on this day, and may all your cherished dreams and desires come true!

As a child, each of us dreamed of becoming an astronaut and conquering the sky, you succeeded! I wish you new breathtaking flights to distant places celestial bodies! Inspiration, impressions, health! Congratulations, astronaut!

People, like birds, are given the opportunity to soar in the heights - with their thoughts and dreams. You don't have to have wings to do this. I sincerely wish that you can conquer any height! Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day!

Man has always been fascinated by space; people wanted to look at the Earth from the outside and be among the stars and other planets. And finally, in the sixty-first year of the twentieth century, one man managed to conquer outer space. It was Yuri Gagarin. Of course, he could not have made such a flight alone. Several thousand people worked on this, and, by the way, more than one generation.

The conquest of space opened up new opportunities for people, and for some, thanks to this, a lifelong dream emerged. Suffice it to remember how many boys, barely learning to speak, answer adults that they want to become astronauts. Therefore, one cannot ignore the holiday celebrated in honor of the first human flight into space. A huge number of people now work in the space industry, and for sure, every person has an acquaintance to whom they can send congratulations on Cosmonautics Day in prose.

Of course, every representative of professions related to the exploration of the Universe will receive congratulations on Cosmonautics Day from the governor, officials and the best professionals in their field, but there are never enough good words. And for those who cannot, for some reason, come up with official congratulations Happy Cosmonautics Day in prose, for a person dedicated to his work, the ready-made congratulations given below will come in handy.

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day: official

How many people have dreamed of learning to fly! And you succeed! You can travel through outer space and make discoveries that will change the future of not only our planet, but also the Universe. We wish you to be able to easily overcome not only huge distances, but also any obstacles that you encounter along the way. We wish you success in your important business!

On this day, just over half a century ago, an event occurred that inspired all people and gave impetus to new discoveries. Therefore, we want to say thank you to those professionals who made the first flight possible. And to those who are now working to ensure that the space industry develops, I would like to wish strength, health and a sense of team spirit. We look forward to new achievements!

On Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, we want to congratulate all the people who work so that we can learn as much as possible about space. Your discoveries allow us to provide a good foundation for the new generation, and we believe that our descendants will continue your work and be able to achieve a lot. Thank you for choosing this serious and difficult matter! Happy holiday!

Every year on this day we take stock of what we have already been able to learn about space. And these results are stunning. So don’t stop there, and continue to conquer seemingly unattainable peaks. We wish you success in the business in which you live!

Today we want to congratulate those who work in the space industry, those who work so that we can see all the beauty of the Universe. We wish that the reward for your work is worthy, and that you make interesting discoveries not only in outer space, but also on Earth.

Hard to imagine modern life without the discoveries made by people working in the space industry. We admire the courage and bravery of these people, the size and technical equipment of the spacecraft that conquer space. We dream of flying among the stars and want science to develop rapidly. We wish those who celebrate their birthday today professional holiday success and new dizzying discoveries!

In our country it is celebrated on April 12 and many do not know how to congratulate each other on this holiday. In fact, we are all part of cosmic nature, so you can congratulate on Cosmonautics Day not only those who work at Baikanur, dream of going into space, or work at an observatory or research institute, but also ordinary people. Anyone who loves and enjoys looking at the night sky strewn with mysterious stars, dreams of flying to Mars, or simply wants to live their life beautifully and harmoniously. Here are some tips on how to beautifully compose congratulations in prose on Cosmonautics Day, and here, to various people.

To mom and dad

If you want to write them a beautiful and nice congratulations Happy Cosmonautics Day, it is not at all necessary that they are interested in astronomy. It is enough to describe in a nutshell that we are all children of the Cosmos and that the birth of a person is a great mystery that even those who have established the true dimensions of the Universe cannot understand. They will be pleased to hear that you are grateful to them for your birth and wish them cosmic luck, good luck in various matters and universal love. They will be very pleased to receive such a congratulation on Cosmonautics Day, especially since many believe in various horoscopes, signs and superstitions. Unidentified distances of the Universe and mysterious events always attract both young and older people. Therefore, parents should not only give a beautiful poem or a comic personal horoscope with beautiful wishes happiness, but also various congratulations in prose, especially with beautiful space pictures. They can be printed and given as simply as a postcard, or sent to in social networks or by email. In any case, they will be pleased to receive a beautiful congratulation.

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Let the Universe reveal its invisible secrets to you, give you joy and warmth, sharpening female intuition - a rare and mysterious gift that few get. I wish you cosmic love, a flight in a dream to Venus, where love reigns forever, and dreams of Mars, where apple trees will bloom in the spring, even if only in fantastic dreams. Because all our words, dreams and actions are material and can lay the foundation for dizzying actions and bright events in your life. Happy Cosmonautics Day, my dear mom!

Dear Dad! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day, which is very bright and touching for all inhabitants of planet Earth! I wish you cosmic luck, Universal love and galactic luck in your most daring endeavors! May the sun illuminate your every day, give you a huge source of energy, and may our cosmic neighbor the Moon sharpen your intuition and the gift of foresight. When brought to perfection, it becomes a real gift of psychics who are able to unravel not only the secrets of someone else’s life, but also world events. I wish you to receive this magnificent gift from heaven while remaining a kind, handsome and loving daddy!

Children, younger brother or sister

You can write to them that everything impossible will become possible if you grow big and strong. And what they gave to the Universe, spaceships and interesting discoveries will only be possible for strong and inquisitive individuals who are interested in everything new. Then any space dreams will definitely become a reality and will give you many bright and unforgettable minutes.

For older girls, you can write congratulations with wishes of harmony and love. After all, such concepts as “Space” and “cosmetics” are of the same root, the meaning of which in Greece is interpreted as “Law, harmony and order.” It is for this reason that it is worth mastering the art of cosmetics in order to send the right signals to the Universe, for which it will reward you with a happy and harmonious life.

You can write to boys that human abilities, with all the development of space technology, have not yet been fully studied, and that only inquisitive, well-read and interesting people in communication are revealed to the secret knowledge of the Universe. In the meantime, in order to perceive them, you need to read more books, study well and strive to learn something new and interesting. Then there will be not only success in life, but also intuition, which will protect you from wrong steps and annoying mistakes.

Dear sister! Let only the brightest and most fantastic plants, trees and flowers grow in your small space. Let it be full of interesting events, bright hopes and meetings with fairy-tale princesses and kings. I wish you to always remain the same sweet, kind and pleasant sister whom everyone loves and waits for after a walk home. May there be many interesting meetings, joyful events and kind interesting people in her life, and may the peaceful night sky give you the most beautiful star in the palm of your hand!

Dear sister! Let the secrets of space become available to you, as open book. Because everything in the world is natural, and all events of the past and future are reflected in one portal. Having reached the depths of intuition, you can unravel many of them if you want. I wish you cosmic luck, universal beauty and galactic shimmering happiness. In the meantime, in order to become strong, beautiful, advanced, wise and healthy, you need to drink a glass of cosmic milk with chocolate stars for breakfast. I kiss you, dear!

Dear brother! To become strong, brave and big, a real superhero, it is not at all necessary to have special physical characteristics. It’s enough just to be healthy and beautiful, and to develop a priceless gift in yourself - intuition, which will help you out more than once in life. Therefore, on International Space Day, I wish you cosmic luck, great and strong love from people dear to you, as well as universal intuition. Let her, like a bright star in a dark night, illuminate your path and give you the right direction in life when it is dark and everything around you is unclear. Happy Space Day, dear brother, may you grow big, strong and healthy!

Boyfriends, girlfriends and lovers

Love is a wonderful feeling. It is difficult to understand why it arises and what makes people show interest in each other and fall in love. After all, this feeling is a huge mystery of the Universe, which even gray-haired scientists are not able to solve correctly. Therefore, you should definitely congratulate people in love on this holiday, because deep space and the inner world of another person attract them.

My dear girl! On this mysterious Cosmonautics Day, I decided to reveal to you a cosmic secret - the book of my love. It was written by angels, it sheds the light of distant stars and planets born before the appearance of humanity in the world. May she give you unforgettable pages of my outer space and great happiness. Having unraveled all the signs of love, you will be able to accept my modest gift - love. Because its origin is not known even to those who experience this feeling. Know that I love you and wish you great luck and cosmic love!

Dear guy! The stars are not at all as inaccessible as it might seem, and you already hold one of them in your palms - this is the radiance of my love and feminine intuition. May she give you great luck, a sea of ​​joy and a cosmic ocean of star glory. It beckons into the distant distances not only of the velvety night, but also of the cosmos that is in each of us. Happy Cosmonautics Day, dear!