Happy New Year to clients. Happy New Year greetings to customers - poetry, prose, SMS

Happy New Year 2017 greetings to partners and clients should be bright, but moderately personal. Special attention When writing such lines, you should pay attention to the career achievements of colleagues, their successes at work and personal qualities.

Congratulations to clients and partners in verse

Let our clients be rich,

With a luxury car, with a huge salary,

So that this year will help them in their prospects,

Without unnecessary losses and negatives.

New Year two thousand and seventeen has arrived,

Our cockerel disappeared somewhere for a long time,

A year later he arrived, he found us,

We hope everything will be fine.

For colleagues, clients and partners,

We wish you easy achievements without “fences”.

May the good motley cockerel

Spreads the red comb

In 2017, he will get a bag of money.

Then clients and partners...then everyone will be fine.

Dear partners, dear clients,

Different moments can happen in life.

We wish you good luck along the way,

So that all problems can be solved with ease,

May the New Year 2017,

We met with our close family members.

In the year of the rooster we wish our clients

Strive for good moments in life,

So that in this New Year - 2017,

Only the best things in life could happen.

We send congratulations on the New Year,

Wanting to live without troubles and bad weather,

We wish that in the year 2017

We were only able to climb up with things to do.

To clients, partners and everyone who knows us,

We wish you the best in life.

Happy New Year to all clients,

Many of you are simple guys, intellectuals,

We wish everyone good luck in their business,

You are worth it, we know.

May 2017 bring the best,

To all our clients and ordinary passers-by.

We wish success to all our partners,

So that business decisions go smoothly,

And the plans came true, and there was plenty of money...

So that all documents are in order.

Partners, guys - Happy New Year to everyone,

May 2017 come with good weather

Wishes to clients for the New Year 2017 in prose

Dear friends, on this wonderful day I would like to wish each of you the fulfillment of your innermost desires and successful career advancement. The Year of the Monkey turned out to be difficult, but productive, so may the fiery Rooster bring you more more joy, unforgettable moments. May good luck accompany any of your endeavors, and may troubles, no matter how small, remain in 2016!

2017 is already close, and on the eve of the holiday I would like to wish my dear clients and business partners unsurpassed success, iron authority and endless ambitions. In the year of the Rooster, life will definitely delight you with unexpected surprises, vivid impressions that will make your head spin. And let the path to even greater income and profits be discovered at the bottom of your glasses of champagne!

Dear colleagues, partners, clients, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you one thing - success! Let fate not show you its grin, and life turn into an endless celebration of career victories, ambitious undertakings and personal successes! I wish you to spend the New Year holidays in such a way that this magical time will truly be remembered for a lifetime!

As always, on New Year's Eve, a huge number of people will be running around the shops and looking for gifts. All these people are your clients. And to make shopping more pleasant for them, do something nice for them yourself, for example, give funny and bright congratulations on the New Year 2017. Customers will be pleased with such attention, and they will definitely stay with you for a long time and make another purchase.

There are different congratulations: in verse and in prose or video congratulations. We will show you all three options, and you choose the best one, so that you still have an A+!

Congratulations in verse.

And now no less beautiful congratulations in prose that will surprise clients in a good way.

Our dear client!
The new year 2017 is coming - the year of the rooster. We wish you that our work together becomes even better. So that each party gets what they want: profit and pleasure from the work done. May this year be even better than all previous ones. Together we will overcome all troubles and all problems.
We are glad that you stay with us at any moment. Happy New Year!

Dear Clients! Our close friends!
2017 is coming very soon. In these joyful and happy moments, when the old year is replaced by a new one, we want to say thank you. Thank you for being with us this year. Thank you for trusting us and for solving any problems together.
May the coming 2017 become even more favorable for you and me, and may everything we have planned come true. Happy New Year!

Our dear partners!
The new year 2017 will come very soon. in the last minutes of the passing year, we say words of gratitude to you for being with us. We have achieved a lot in the past year, we have managed to do a lot and, I hope, everyone is happy with the cooperation.
The coming year will be the year of the rooster. Perhaps this is an excellent reason to do even more things together and achieve even more. As you know, the rooster is an early bird. So let us not be lazy and work fruitfully together.
All the best, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
We, the buyers,
We wish that we
You spent your money.

We collected goods
So that a whole cart,
Buys gifts
We have Santa Claus himself.

We wish you in your wallet
Unchangeable ruble,
So that you can shop
Make yourself happy.

Our customers today,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy New Year's bright days,
Let them be so good!

We wish you successful shopping
And good luck, good luck in business.
Much happiness to you, laughter and jokes,
Kindness in your warm homes!

New Year's Buyers
We wish you a life without hassle,
Enjoy shopping
Receive discounts as a reward.

Have a festive mood,
From a life of vivid impressions,
Still good health,
Rejoice at new successes.

Buyers, congratulations
On a glorious wonderful New Year!
May all your plans and aspirations come true.
May success lead to prosperity.

Let there be a lot of shopping,
Let there be a sea of ​​impressions.
Let life not be strict with you,
Sadness always passes by.

Dear buyer, congratulations
Happy New Year to you today!
We wish you the best blessings,
Life was like a diamond.

So that all your wishes come true,
Surrounded by love and warmth,
Warm up so that relatives understand
And any height was given to you.

Buyers, we congratulate you all.
Happy New Year! May it be good
Surrounds you everywhere every day,
Let the world give its warmth.

Let shopping bring you joy,
And income multiplies a hundred times.
May success never leave you
And let love warm you.

Happy New Year,
Buyers, we you,
We want to make a cash register
Every day and every hour.

We are pleased with our products
May you next year
May he bring happiness
And let the trouble drive away.

Peace to you, warmth, prosperity,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Let the laughter not die down,
The energy is in full swing.

Dear customers! Let every gift purchased from us be wrapped in paper of happiness and tied with a ribbon of love. And if you don’t know what to give to your loved ones for the New Year, give them your love, because the most delightful surprise cannot be bought with money. May the coming year be full of love, peace and happiness!

We are glad when you cross the threshold,
Even if you don't buy anything.
Here is the holiday at the gates,
Happy New Year to our people.

Be happy and healthy
Come visit us again.
Live beautifully, have fun,
Dare, create and get carried away.

Let your consumer baskets be filled to the top in the New Year. So that prices stabilize and the dollar falls. I wish you many promotional offers, discounts and quality products.

Dear our clients!

We have the honor to congratulate you on the New Year 2019!

Traditionally, the New Year is associated with hopes for the best in our lives. Let the positive phenomena that brought you joy and inspiration in the past year will certainly find a continuation in the new one. May this year further strengthen your faith in a happy future for you, may only good luck accompany you every day this year, leading you along the beaten path to your desired goal. Let the following reign in your life:

  • indestructible peace and harmony;
  • mutual understanding and respect;
  • goodness and prosperity.

Let it be yours faithful companions in 2019 there will be success and well-deserved recognition. We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, useful acquaintances and pleasant discoveries, implementation of new projects and conquering new heights.

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you and your families health, success and prosperity. So that the new year brings new victories and achievements, so that your most cherished wishes come true. And we will continue to help you achieve your goals, giving you the best we have. Sincerely yours (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year, we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and achievement of your goals. May the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you good health, prosperity and accompanying good luck. We sincerely tried to be useful to you, so we hope to continue to please you in the future. Thank you for choosing us!

Dear customers, we congratulate you on the New Year and hasten to wish you only profitable agreements and contracts, only promising and successful ideas, only successful and fruitful days. Happiness to you and your loved ones, great victories and significant events.

Happy New Year! Let your product quickly find a market, enjoy supply and demand. And it will be able to compete sensibly with similar enterprises. I wish to become the first in my business.

Happy New Year. We wish you a successful present and promising future. May the new year be successful and profitable for your organization. May the work proceed smoothly and confidently all year, may each new day be marked by high results and achievements.

Happy New Year. From the first days of the new year, we wish you to make a confident start towards a big victory, towards an important goal, towards great success. And may your companions in the new year be perspective, benefit, luck, profit, confidence, activity, professionalism and skill.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I would like to wish you great prospects and good luck, worthy victories and significant breakthroughs in your activities. May you have enough strength, ideas and inspiration for new starts and important things. I wish you good health in the new year and all the best.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I wish you enthusiasm in your work, desire for success, and prosperity in life. May the new year be the year of our joint victories and achievements, may it bring you luck, prospects and great potential.

Happy New Year, partners. I would like to sincerely wish you health, health and once again health. If we have health, we will be able to achieve everything else. May this year be successful and successful for you, may it bring prosperity to your families and joy to your hearts. I wish you more new prospects and income, new ideas and opportunities.

Dear Colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you in the new year, in your new dreams, to take all the best from the outgoing year: trusted old friends, reliable partners, established traditions of fruitful cooperation. We wish that your undertakings and initiatives in 2019 will give a new voice to the wonderful Russian proverb - “Everything that is done is for the better!” Well-being to you and your loved ones!

Dear friends, dear colleagues!

On behalf of the entire team (company name), let me wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We would like to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2018 and believe that the coming year will be even more fruitful and successful for you! We wish that 2019 brings you the opportunity to look confidently into the future and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. Happy holiday!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! We hope that the New Year will bring success in professional activities, joy in life, creative enthusiasm, good luck in all endeavors, prosperity in business, support from friends, colleagues and partners! On behalf of the team (…) with best wishes (…)

Dear clients!

Please accept our my sincere congratulations happy New Year! Thank you for working together in 2018. We hope that in 2019 our cooperation will become even more fruitful!

We wish the coming year to be filled with bright and positive events. May success and prosperity always accompany you!

Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, (…).

We are glad to see you in winter and summer
And may the New Year be filled with light!
Good luck, love, dreams come true!
Health, kindness, warmth, beauty!
Adversity and troubles will remain in the past,
And victories are flashing on the horizon!
The road to success is open to clients,
And any obstacle can be overcome!

To our beloved clients - hello New Year!
Let the winter and fairy light shine on you,
And let “tomorrow” be more beautiful than “today”,
And know: there are no more beautiful clients!

May the holiday swirl you around in a joyful whirlwind,
And let everything that bothered you go away,
May this year bring you good luck
May it bring you a lot of joy!

Thank you for your trust
We tell all our clients!
And congratulate you with all my heart
We wish you a Happy New Year.

Everyone will be fulfilled with hope -
You just have to want it!
Inseparable as before
We will continue to be with you.

May this New Year be with you,
It will only bring joy.
May it always be in your house,
Peace lives and kindness.

In personal life there is only happiness,
Always waiting for you.
And in finance there is only profit,
And good luck forever.

We tried for you all year long,
They tried to please in everything,
There were different moments
Happy New Year to you, clients!

Happy New Happiness, dears,
Do good deeds
We, of course, wish you
And congratulations again!

We wish you a New Year,
So that dreams come true,
So that your income grows upward,
May you smile more often!

And may happiness appear in your eyes
Every moment will be read!
Come visit us more often
To buy goods!

Good luck to you, customers.
We wish for the New Year,
Let the number of orders
It is growing steadily upward.

We want to wish that our
Relationships strengthened
Profits increased
The mood was lifted.

Looking forward to the New Year
We receive new orders from you
And we wish you to be
Both rich and healthy.

Dear partners without you
Couldn't have done it this past year
I can solve any problems
And avoid any adversity.
Happy New Year to you
I want to wish from my heart,
So that business goes on, only by holding us together -
You can definitely trust me.
Let competence, faith, accuracy,
Stability this New Year
They will only add strength to our union,
So that we don't steer at random.
Let the profit grow carefully -
It should be enough for life,
And so that everything comes true many times over,
What did you manage to make a wish for?

May the coming New Year
It will bring good luck in business.
May your heart be joyful,
And a miracle will happen instantly!

Health to you and your loved ones.
May the New Year be generous,
And may our partnership continue
It’s just getting stronger and blooming!

I wish you organization in the New Year
I only wish you goodness and prosperity!
May you have enough motivation
So that your desires may come true!

May all goals be achievable,
I wish you to always move forward!
Let all troubles always pass by,
May success await you in the new year!

Let the organization always
He has success in everything and is thriving!
May good luck be a bright star
It always shines for you in the sky!

I wish this New Year
It was full of wonderful moments!
May it bring you a lot
Big victories and a sea of ​​achievements!

We wish you a New Year, partners,
Thrive in what you love,
Strive for new, important goals,
Believe in luck and win.

May the year bring you good luck
And let the money go into your hands,
May your workdays be yours
They always bring only positivity.

Cooperation is fruitful
Let it be ours, as always.
We wish you happiness and health,
And never give up.

I wish you a Happy New Year
Brought successes, achievements,
Let your business grow uphill,
And life will be full of luck!

I wish you strength, a lot of health,
More colorful ideas
And bright, great happiness,
And a lot of bright days!

May the New Year give you
New profitable project.
Don't let taxes scare you
Success awaits you ahead.
May all your wishes come true,
And dreams come true.
Congratulations to you, partners,
We are from the heart today.

Dear friends!

May all good things multiply in the coming 2018,
Let there be acquaintances, meetings
And a pleasant neighborhood
Happiness, joy, chances in life
And financial resources!
Happy holiday!

Dear friends, colleagues, clients, partners!

There's not much left until the New Year.
Living in anticipation of the holidays,
We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,
Welcome clients and good friends!

May you be blessed with happiness in the New Year
And your wishes will come true,
For business - profit, success and luck,
Health, love and prosperity are in the family!

At any moment, winter or summer,
Our hearts are open to you – seven days a week!
(Company name) with sincere greetings
Wishes you victories and good luck at work!

We value our existing relationships
In partnership, both friendly and business.
And we do not hide our aspirations
Continue them now and later!

Universal wishes for official business congratulations:

  • implementation of creative ideas;
  • interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation;
  • continued good luck and fair winds in all endeavors;
  • stable financial position;
  • success in business and achieving your goals;
  • thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects;
  • wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency;
  • well-being (to you and your company) and prosperity;
  • confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism;
  • good spirits and good mood;
  • remain full of energy and love of life;
  • life luck and good fortune;
  • positive attitude and great creative heights;
  • fulfillment of all your most cherished desires;
  • do not lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm;
  • mental comfort;
  • a sea of ​​joyful impressions;
  • Let Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions.

Our precious clients!
We contact you again!
We value communication moments so much,
What we decided to tell you now:
We owe all our income to you!
So keep in mind
What simple words"Happy New Year!"
This means: wait for us in the new year!

We love you, we appreciate you very much,
And therefore all of you
Happy New Year
We are not just a couple of phrases.
After all, clients are our happiness -
Their smiles are for all of us
So important and so priceless
They were, they will be, they are now.
Happy New Year dears!
May all your dreams come true!
Even the most dashing
Unreal beauty!
May your health be good,
Let your finances grow
Well, troubles and adversities
Let them go forever.

Happy New Year to our clients!
We communicate often and always
We understand each other perfectly.
So happy holiday, once again, gentlemen!
Let us sometimes get angry at each other,
But we solve everything, to spite all enemies.
I was lucky with the client, and I wish
May you and your client be lucky too!

We are glad to see you in winter and summer
And may the New Year be filled with light!
Good luck, love, dreams come true!
Health, kindness, warmth, beauty!
Adversity and troubles will remain in the past,
And victories are flashing on the horizon!
The road to success is open to clients,
And any obstacle can be overcome!

Friends, the year is coming to an end, it is close to the epilogue,
The dragon is already leaving us, it’s time for him to go!
And in the New Year's bustle, and in a string of everyday life
Let the Black Snake give love and faith to people!
And may the coming New Year be successful for you,
It will bring success, health, and hope - it will not deceive you!
Our team is in a hurry to congratulate you on his arrival!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts! Clients, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year,
Many blessings to you,
You are our most, most,
The best, faithful and dear,
Much love to you in the new year,
To make the necessary transactions,
And about us, our dear,
Never forget
We will give you congratulations,
Happy New Year, we congratulate you,
Let's be together in the new year,
We work all year round.

Happy New Year to all clients
We give modest gifts.
You are our friendly stronghold!
Our best clients!
We can give you
Lots of nice compliments.
And in addition, maybe
Seventy percent discount!

Happy New Year we say,
We congratulate you all,
And at the very least we want
We wish you to see a cat in the year
You are very important to us,
So money to you, health,
We need each other so much
That we can fraternize in blood,
The client is always welcome for us,
And after reading the congratulations,
You even vacation on the ocean,
Take us to the island.

Thank you for stopping once
Your choice is ours.
May the New Year reward you richly,
We are glad to create work for you!
Choosing among many, you came here,
This is joy and a big, huge plus!
We will try to work as always,
So that everyone appreciates us - simply luxury!

Dear clients,
Remembering the best moments
Congratulations at this hour,
Happy New Year, happiness to you.
We offer you our congratulations,
A sip of happiness, a sip of joy,
May the year be full of fun.
New Year's light.

We are glad that you are our client.
It's a pleasure to work with you
We've been one and the same for so many years
Let's say hello to you in unison!
May the New Year be high,
Successful in life and career,
And this modest congratulation
May it create joy in the atmosphere.

We care about you
We give you convenience,
Yes, we love you very much
You are very important to us.
Happy New Year,
We appreciate you, as always,
We warm our clients,
And we are always glad to see you.
They wrote congratulations to you,
So that you always know
That we are also just people,
We just can help.

It's a pleasure doing business with you.
We can confidently say about you:
“You are our client for a long time!”
Here's congratulations to you on the New Year.
May you have good luck in life,
Love and happiness to you in addition,
Good people on the way,
And just more bright days.

You don't leave us
In the New, joyful year.
Just get a discount
A series of compliments,
Intricate congratulations,
A large bill for services.
Looks like he'll be rich
And a successful year!
We love and value our clients
We appreciate everyone very much!
We will change the product for them,
We will solve all their problems!

We raise our glasses
We're over the past year!
We don’t know what’s ahead
What the year will bring us.
I wish that business
Brought income
And all our problems
New Year's resolution!