Congratulations to Vladimir. Diminutive pet names

How can it be profitable to dress up a child when goods are constantly becoming more expensive? Second-hand children's clothing can be a great way out. Once upon a time, such stores, just appearing in Russia, were designed mainly for an adult audience. However, demand creates supply: buyers want to buy affordable European clothing of good quality both for themselves and for their children.

“Wa!Wa!” – cheap clothing stores for children

Such a cheap children's clothing store attracts moms and dads not only with price tags. Among the main advantages of its products are the following:

  • High quality. Among the clothes presented you can find both items from affordable brands with an excellent reputation, and from luxury brands.
  • Availability of fashionable models. Second-hand clothes for children are a treasure trove of current solutions for children's wardrobes. On the shelves you can find both classics and original models.
  • Environmental friendliness of products. Europeans and Americans are especially strict about this indicator regarding products for children. Clothes are dominated by natural materials, and its processing also does not raise questions.
  • Minimal wear. Foreigners easily change both their own and their children’s wardrobes, so frayed and torn items in a second-hand store are for the most part an exception to the rule.

Why is second-hand clothing the best solution for children?

Another argument in favor of choosing children's second-hand clothes is that children quickly outgrow clothes. This mainly applies to preschool children and students in primary and secondary high school. When a child grows by leaps and bounds, such stores help parents out. If you need children's clothing wholesale, in St. Petersburg and other regions better place can not found.

It always makes sense to make an economical purchase of a nearly new jumper or jeans, rather than shelling out a significant amount for an item that will become small in a couple of months. Many parents prefer to shop in bulk, especially large families who need a lot of clothes for different children's ages.

Second-hand children's clothing wholesale

From us you can purchase second-hand children's clothing in bulk for yourself or your store. By doing this, you will expand your assortment, attract new customers, and delight regular customers with new products.

Visit our children's second-hand store: here you can buy pants, sweaters, shirts wholesale and retail, and assemble your child's wardrobe for the winter, for school, and for the summer holidays. The prices will pleasantly surprise you with their affordability, and the quality of the clothes will be impeccable.

The meaning of the name Vladimir: “owning the world” (Staroslav.)

As a child, Vladimir was a very inquisitive boy. Reaches for new knowledge, tries to test this knowledge. Since childhood, Vladimir has treated his parents with respect, listens to everything they tell him, and tries not to upset him. He does not like conflicts and tries to avoid them.
The place where he truly relaxes is his home. Therefore, the home should be comfortable, cozy and have an environment conducive to relaxation. He does not like the presence of pets in his home, as they disturb the ideal atmosphere.

Vladimir values ​​people for their strength and intelligence; he considers these two qualities the most important. Loves praise and compliments addressed to him. Listens to the opinions of others about himself, often depends on them.

The Vladimirs are very sociable people with kindness. They are also quite self-confident people.
The owner of the name Vladimir has a good sense of humor and is not offended by jokes addressed to him.
He loves romance in women. He will choose a romantic girl as his wife.

Diminutive forms of the name Vladimir: Volodya, Vova, Vovka, Vovochka, Vovan, Vovchik, Volodenka, Vovulya, Vovusha, Vladya.

Vova's name day: September 7, September 15, October 1, October 4, October 9, October 17, October 21, November 3, November 4, November 5, November 16, November 25, December 3, December 5, December 15

Poems about Vladimir

IN this holiday
L Look, we are in a hurry to congratulate you!
A today is a special date,
D It's our friend's birthday!
AND Birthday to you from the bottom of my heart
M we speak words
AND we wish you good luck, health,
R hellishness, happiness, wealth.

Birthday has arrived
At your place, Vladimir.
The hour of congratulations has struck
From beloved friends.
We want to thank
For that goodness and happiness,
What did you manage to give us?
Bypassing bad weather.

Volodya, happy Birthday,
We'll eat together
Let's cheer up
Be happy and loved!


Dear Vladimir,
Our dear colleague,
We have known you for many years
We would like to congratulate you.
Stay sweet, kind,
Affectionate, cheerful, modest.
You already have success at work,
The internal advantages can never be counted.
Work, home and dacha -
Good luck everywhere!
New friends, harmony, peace,
Light, goodness and warmth
At the hearth.

Declaration of love to Vladimir

A man is powerful, strong-willed,
I'm ready to live my life with you.
I want you to be happy
And so that he loves me alone.
Vladimir, you are my Love,
I will go through life, loving,
And I will carry my love,
May we be together again and again!

Vladimir came into my life -
And the eternal holiday came to the house,
When love lives in the soul -
Then the blood boils in the heart,
Full of energy and strength,
And every breath a man takes is sweet.
Volodya, you are my dream!
I'm telling you, love!
Poems About Vova

IN I can do a lot,
ABOUT bully anyone
IN came out in height and face -
A such scoundrels!

Every bright white day
The sun reigns over fire.
Every clear night
A wonderful month reigns.
Every day and day after day
We live and we grow
Every home has its own kingdom,
Fairytale state.
And it should always be like this:
Joy and love reign
You will have houses
The kingdom is your whole family.
A Volodya, even though he is a son -
The most important gentleman.
He is like the sun, alone,
Without him there will be no kingdom,
Fairytale state!

Children's poems about Vovochka

The boy cried loudly Vova,
A cow came up to him -
She asked me to be silent -
Vova began to moo loudly.

A boat floats on the river,
Plays on the waves.
A boy is sitting in it Vovochka,
He waves his hand at us.
Where are you sailing, little boat?
Doesn't even know Vovochka.

For some reason boy Vova
I tied a scarf around my neck,
Because the boy is Vova
During the walk, the snow was licking!
And now with the temperature
He will sit at home
Drink nasty potions
Looking out the window at friends.
If you want to be healthy,
Don't follow Vova's example!

By the surf near the rocks
Vovka I was looking for pebbles.
Every pebble is good:
Looks like the sun
This one with the blue stripe
The one with the red stripe
Here's to a fish, a cat!
The best one to choose is Maeta!
Mom looks - Vovka is gone!
There is only a trace on the sand:
Vovka comes with a bag,
Carrying pebbles again!
But where does all this go to us?
There are a lot of them in the corners!
We bring stones to the city,
We carry the bag together!

Dad says to mom:
- Our son will be famous.
Don't look how small the sprout is -
The boy will be good.
Mom objects to dad.
Mom thinks like this:
If any sense comes out of Vova -
Vova will become stupid,
Vova will look stupid
And he won't be famous.

What's all the noise coming from all sides?
Who disturbed the raven?
What kind of noise do you guys tell me?
What is all the noise on the whole planet?
What's that ringing in my ears?
What's that noise going on around here?
What's all this noise all over us?
I won't hide it from you -
It's just a boy Vova
Crying loudly!
Vova - roar!

He broke his toys
He had a fight with his girlfriend
He broke his top
What was spinning on the floor.
He broke the big saber
He broke other people's rake
He broke Tolya's car
He broke the green table
And for being stubborn-
Was punished by a strict mother!
She collected toys
Gave them to a friend
So that Vova-baby understands
That breaking toys is bad!
What's happened? Oh! Trouble!
The chick has fallen out of the nest!
He fell on the pavement!
He fell! Fell there!
Vova stopped crying.
Vova got the ladder.
And Vova told the guys,
This is roughly what he said:
Of course I'll run!
Of course I will help!
After all, he must be in pain!
I am running! I'm running! I'm running!
Vovka has a warm bed
I've been waiting a long time!
Sleep my boy! Sweet, sweet!
Night has come. It's already dark.
Close your eyes quickly!
Take refuge in silence...
May you dream of a fairy tale,
Drawn by me.

Like on the grass, on the grass,
On the green grass
The boy is running around cheerfully
He doesn't go to school yet!
Why? Yes because!
He is still small in stature,
That he is three years old,
He told everyone right away!
They surrounded him here
Summer residents-neighbors:
“Boy, what’s your name?
Misha? Kolya? Fedya?
He answers the neighbors
And he looks at them sternly:
“I’m not Kolya or Fedya,
And I’m not Misha, but Vova

Vova walked across the field,
I met "Miracle Yudo".
"Oh!.. And what a terrible thing!.."
Vova was afraid and ran away.
The ears are long, large,
And the horns are cool too.
“What if he runs after me?..”
He is shaking all over with fear.
Vova rushed without looking back,
That only the heels flashed.
And then he looked back,
And immediately...smiled.
“Miracle Yudo” he found out!
He laughed at himself.
And the coward at the same moment
Sticked my tongue out at him.
"Miracle Yudo" hummed,
The tongue also showed.
It was a fun warm day
The terrible beast evaporated.
Who scared Vova like that?

Vovka, Vovka the naughty one,
Why did you throw the book on the floor?
Is it possible to read it like that?
I need to leaf through the book.
Look at the picture here
And you will see raspberries here,
And under this bush
The bunny hid with the hedgehog.
Why are you spinning around, grandson,
Like a clockwork top?
And you don't look at the book,
Vova the naughty one!
You're a young girl around the room,
My prankster is mischievous,
You jump and jump
If you fall, don't cry.
Grandma collects books
And her granddaughter scolds: -
"Grandpa will come,
He'll prescribe a pill!"

I don’t even know how to tell you...
Our Vova recently learned to read.
Sleeps with a book in his arms all night long,
He wakes up and immediately pesters everyone,
He reads two or three words and asks: “Check!”
He’s proud: “I’m a reader now!”
The whole family started reading,
Vova forced us.
Eh! This is life!

A child born with the name Vladimir is simply doomed to become successful, rich and great, since the very name given to him by his parents clearly outlines the owner’s enviable destiny: “to own the world.”

Origin of the name

From the ancient Russian nickname Volodimir, composed of the roots “voloditi” (to own, manage) and “peace,” the name Vladimir, familiar to contemporaries, was formed. The meaning of the name and the fate of its bearers in history confirm the implementation of the plan of the ancestors-authors; it is not without reason that the appeal is still in demand to this day.

general characteristics

Vovochka is growing quite an unusual boy. At first glance, he is no different from other children, a kid who loves to play pranks like others, play in the company of peers, and show off to friends. new toy, Vova stands out for her leadership abilities and natural talents.

Valdemar always stands firmly on his own, defending his point of view is a matter of honor for him, while the boy can hardly be called a bully, he manages to resolve any conflicts without fists.

Volodya has a lot of courage; for the sake of justice, he will always stand up for the younger and weaker, and will not allow girls to be offended. The boy is respected by all the guys he knows, his friends and acquaintances listen to his opinion.

He is a capable student and learns easily foreign language and other humanitarian subjects. Vova deservedly demonstrates his sporting achievements to those around him; he may well associate his future career with his physical hobby.

Positive character traits

Vladimirka loves cleanliness, he handles things more carefully than other children, he helps his mother clean up the house, and he doesn’t have to be asked twice to put away scattered toys. The guy’s love of order continues into adulthood.
Since childhood, Volodya has been responsive and kind to others. He cannot ignore trouble; he will try, if not to help, then at least to encourage the person.
Vladimir has a wonderful sense of humor; his jokes always come in handy.
“The one who owns the world” also controls emotions: he has a strong-willed character, is not used to giving up and losing, and stands his ground to the last. At work, a man adheres to a pre-thought-out plan, and in society he is an unspoken leader who is always listened to and respected.

Negative character traits

Vova is a hostage to his own mood, sometimes he is inclined to commit unjustified risky actions, which he later regrets.
The man, nicknamed Vladimir, is able to devote himself completely to his work, forgetting about rest. Excessive workaholism of the bearer of the name can lead to health problems.

Zodiac sign

The name Vladimir harmoniously combines with the sign of Libra.
Venus, called “Little Happiness” by astrologers, protects the baby.
The color of luck for the owner of the nickname is green.
The talisman of fate is semi-precious jasper.


Vovka, Volodka, Vova, Vovochka, Vovasya, Vovan, Volodya, Volodenka, Vovik, Vovchik, Volodechka, Vladimirushka.

Name options

Valdimar, Volodymyr, Vlodzhimierz, Valdemar, Vladimiro, Valdomir, Vladimiros, Valto, Volodimer.

Historical figures

OK. 960 – 1015 – Baptist of Rus', Prince Vladimir I.
1053 – 1125 – Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh.
1801 – 1872 – Russian scientist, lexicographer, dictionary compiler, writer Vladimir Dal.
1863 – 1934 – Russian trainer Vladimir Durov.
1870 – 1924 – Soviet revolutionary, great political leader of the 20th century Vladimir Lenin (real name – Ulyanov).
1893 – 1930 – poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
1899 – 1977 – writer Vladimir Nabokov.
1932 – 2006 – Soviet animator Vladimir Dakhno.
1938 – 1980 – singer-songwriter, Soviet-era actor Vladimir Vysotsky.
Born 1934 – Russian television journalist Vladimir Pozner.
Born 1939 - Soviet actor, director, TV presenter Vladimir Menshov.
Born 1940 - Russian choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev.
Born 1952 - Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Born 1963 – Russian actor Vladimir Mashkov.
Born 1964 – shocking Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Born 1976 - Ukrainian boxer, former champion in all versions, Vladimir Klitschko.
Born 1978 - Ukrainian comedian, TV presenter Vladimir Zelensky.

It really happened.
Once upon a time there lived a boy named Vova. I went to kindergarten.
IN kindergarten there was a live corner with guinea pigs. The child liked the pigs.
They are fluffy and soft.
There was another boy there, Oleg. He loved to pull out pigs' whiskers. He liked that they hurt.
In the mornings, mothers and fathers brought their children. Everyone found something to do for themselves.
disassembled toys, drew, played different games.
Oleg came to kindergarten just like everyone else. But he was not happy about toys. He was looking for a victim.
He liked to run up and kick someone. It was also a good idea to throw a stone or push. They fell funny and cried. And if no one cried, the day was in vain.
Oleg offended Vova. Because Vova could not hit a person. I couldn't. He was not psychologically ready. That’s why Oleg beat him, because he himself was very ready.
School years.
Ten years have passed. The coach taught Vova to hit people. Vova was into boxing.
In the summer, after 9th grade, many local teenagers worked part-time at a factory.
They paid little money for this.
Vova went to work and so did Oleg. They met. But Oleg didn’t recognize Vova.
And Vova immediately recognized him and understood what was about to happen.
Oleg was again looking for a victim. I found it, but it was a bad choice. The victim hit Oleg in the face with great desire. And a lot and strongly. The final blow was accompanied by the phrase: “This is for the pigs!” ”
“For what kind of pigs? “The aggressor did not understand.
I had to explain. “Oh, you’re vindictive,” Oleg squeezed out. He was lying on the ground with broken face.
Vova went into small business. Trade in meat products on a small scale.
And Oleg worked with young people. He had his own team. They extorted money.
In those days they came to almost everyone. They also came to Vova. It so happened that it was Oleg who came. He pretended that he did not recognize Vova and offered to pay “for the roof.”
The police gave Vova a sealed voice recorder. It turns out that if you simply record someone on your voice recorder, then this is not material evidence. It needs to be sealed officially, at the police station.
Oleg came again. Vova fooled him for a long time. He pretended that he didn’t want to pay, but was afraid.
While the conversation was going on, the “support group” slowly refreshed itself with meat delicacies. The owners of life can.
Ultimately, Oleg uttered threats to life on the recorder and... Vova was delighted and promised to pay.
Cops. Everything is like in the movies.
The money was marked and given to the victim.
On the day of the transfer of money, both were very worried. Vova was in a suit and tie. And Oleg is in his usual gangster clothes.
Vova came not alone, but with the cops. They were sitting in cars. In an ordinary Lada, and not in a cop UAZ.
And Oleg came not alone, but with his bandits. The bandits were also sitting in cars, and also not yet in the cop’s UAZ.
The tie was there for a reason. It was necessary to straighten the tie at the time of handing over the money.
The moment has come. Vova handed over the money and straightened his tie.
Cops. Everything is not like in the movies.
They hit me hard. No one was spared. I especially remember how loudly the fat-skinned bandit shouted.
He was pulled out of the car through an open window. The shoulders got through, but the ass got stuck. The cops tried to help - they beat me with batons so that the ass would get through faster. But the ass still couldn’t get through. The cops got angry and beat him again for this.
There was an “electrician” in the gang. He came with a stun gun. The cops had fun testing the power of the charge on the guy. It turned out that the charge was powerful.
The guys tried to save their kidneys and not piss blood later. Therefore, they did not care about thieves’ honor and blamed everything on each other. The kidneys were not saved. The cops called them into the office one by one. The line was guarded in a long corridor.
I don't even know what to title it.
But there was a brave boy. He said, “I won’t say anything! “He was 16 years old and he looked with hatred at the shameful wolves. The future thief cannot be broken. They don't give up their own people. In the area he will be in authority.
“Pioneer hero! “The cops were happy. “What a young man! What a great ass! Seryoga loves to fuck people like that! Seryoga! ”
They pulled off the boy's pants and handcuffed him so that he couldn't move. A huge cop named Seryoga came in. He thanked his colleagues for the unexpected gift, smiled warmly at the boy, complimented his butt and began to unzip his fly.
The boy screamed at the entire district department, loudly called for help, and cried bitterly. And the corridor was quiet. No one was eager to help. Everyone froze in place. The mood was not very good. We can say that there was no mood at all. They tried not to look into each other's eyes. Then everyone confessed purely and cordially. And they repented of everything.
No one fucked the kid, of course. They just scared me. They even beat me less than others.
The victim had mixed feelings. He imagined everything somehow differently. In Soviet cinema they didn’t show anything like this about district police officer Aniskin.
Oleg went to land. The rest were released. I do not know why. Maybe they just regretted it. Still young. Future builders of capitalism.
Or because they didn't pour their hearts out into the recorder. Don't know.
I don't want to die.
They returned without Oleg. He sat awaiting trial.
We went into the meat shop. Vova had nowhere to run and therefore it was very scary. I just wanted to live a little more. It turned out that money and principles are very insignificant concepts.
An ax for chopping meat could help a man die in battle with his enemies. But that was no consolation.
The bandits approached. One of them looked into Vova’s eyes. "That's all. The end,” Vova managed to think.
“Vladimir Nikolaevich, last time we ate for free at your place. Please take money for food. ”
“Thank you,” Vova breathed out.