Conducting open speech therapy classes in kindergarten. The structure of a speech therapy session for various speech pathologies. Notes from a session with a speech therapist for adults.

The first sounds and words of a little man are quite funny and bring smiles to adults. However, no one will smile if they hear inverted words and incomprehensible phrases from an adult. Communication is an important element of our life. The ability to correctly and competently express one’s thoughts, the ability to clearly formulate answers to questions posed, as well as the ability to pronounce all sounds is something that not only children, but also adults should strive for.

Speech therapy classes for children at home are constant communication with the child in game form. Once your child is interested, you can engage with him by playing games for speech development such as

  • finger games (games for development fine motor skills)
  • articulatory gymnastics
  • games for hearing development, games for sound vibration and logorhythmics (poems with movements)
  • poems for speech development and vocabulary replenishment

The most difficult thing is to interest the child. And this is a very serious task. After all, sitting down a little fidget is not so easy. In general, it is not necessary to sit him down; you can work with the child when he is playing in his hut or jumping on the sofa. Classes should be held in a playful way. Then it will be easier for you, and the child will learn the material without hysterics and whims.

Are you looking for speech therapy classes for children 2 - 3 years old?

A few tips before starting homeschooling with your children:

  • classes should initially be short (2-3 minutes). Then we gradually increase them. Maximum 15-20 minutes at a time.
  • The child should enjoy the activities. Don’t force or insist, as this can completely discourage your child from wanting to do anything.
  • It’s better to practice more often, but little by little. Frequently performing the same exercise, the child develops a skill.
  • use laughter during classes. Do not scold for incorrect pronunciation or if the child fails to do something. It’s better to find out with your child why his tongue is so naughty and how to fix it. It is better to be an ally and friend to a child than a strict teacher. How to properly praise a child.

I would like to dwell in more detail on each of the types of games that you need to play with your child.

Finger games are one of the types of development. Between a person's hand and speech center brain has a close relationship.

Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, and develops reaction speed and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.

You need to exercise every day for 5 minutes, then such exercises will be effective.

Articulation gymnastics is gymnastics for the tongue and lips. The tongue is the main muscle of the speech organs. The tongue must be trained and developed so that it can correctly perform certain specific movements, which are called sound pronunciation. Lips and tongue should be flexible and strong.

To perform articulation gymnastics you need a mirror. The child must see how his tongue works and where it is located. In order to bring the exercises to automaticity, you need to constantly practice. It is important to perform the exercises correctly and carefully monitor the position of the tongue.

You need to exercise every day for 5-7 minutes. Preferably 2 times a day. The result is correct and clear speech.

For correct sound pronunciation, it is also necessary to perform tasks that are aimed at developing the voice, breathing and speech hearing.

  • Games for sounds, hearing development and logarithmics

Speech or phonemic hearing is the ability to correctly hear, recognize and differentiate sounds.

Games for hearing development

1. “Ears are rumors”

Target: consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.

The speech therapist shows wooden and metal spoons and crystal glasses. Children name these objects. The teacher offers to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, he reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

2. “Who said “Meow?”

Target: improve the ability to distinguish the voices of domestic animals by ear.

Material: tape recorder, audio recording with the sounds of pets' voices.

3. “Who is standing at the traffic light?”

Target: develop auditory attention, recognize and name types of transport.

Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noise.

The speech therapist plays an audio recording with street sounds. Children listen to sounds and name vehicles stopped at a traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

4. “Where is it ringing?”

Target: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with eyes closed.

Children stand with their eyes closed. A speech therapist with a bell moves silently around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point their hand in the direction of the sound source.

5. Finger game “Thunderstorm”

Target: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in the dynamics and tempo of the sound.

The speech therapist reads the words of the game, and the children perform movements according to the text.

Drops dripped (knock on the table with two index fingers).
It's raining (quietly knock with four fingers of both hands).
It pours like a bucket (tapping loudly with four fingers).
It started hailing (knock their finger bones, knocking out a fraction).
Thunder (drum your fists on the table).
Lightning flashes (draw lightning in the air with your fingers, make the sound sh).
Everyone quickly runs home (clap your hands, hide your hands behind your back).
The sun is shining brightly in the morning (describe a large circle with both hands).

Speech imitation or onomatopoeia

This is the reproduction, following the speaker, of the sounds, words, and phrases he has spoken.

To play, use animal figures or pictures. Mothers and their babies. After all, the mother frog screams KVA, and the little frog screams KVA. Remember the fairy tale about the three bears, papa bear growls loudly, mama bear is quieter, and the cub squeaks.

Games to imitate household noises:

  • The clock is ticking - TICK-TOCK
  • Water is dripping - Drip-Drip
  • The baby is stomping - TOP-TOP
  • The hammer knocks KNOCK KNOCK
  • Scissors cut CHICK-CHICK
  • We swing on the swing KACH-KACH
  • We eat carrots CRUM-CRUM
  • The car is driving BBC

Speech therapy rhythmics or logorhythmics- a combination of movement, speech and music. The adult reads the verse and shows the movements, the child repeats. Nothing complicated. Children have fun and interesting. Of course, an adult needs to read and learn the necessary poems in advance and learn the movements to them. You also need to select musical accompaniment for the poems in advance. It is advisable to exercise in the afternoon 2-3 times a week.

Game "Walk" (development gross motor skills)
Along a narrow path (walking in place)
Our feet are walking (raising legs high)
By the pebbles, by the pebbles (shuffle from foot to foot at a slow pace)
And into the hole... bang! (sit on the floor on the last word)

  • Poems for speech development - tongue twisters and vocabulary replenishment

Tongue twisters are short rhyming phrases. Tongue twisters are the best exercises for practicing clarity and literacy of speech. Tongue twisters increase a child's vocabulary, improve diction, and also develop speech hearing.

In order for a child to speak competently and be able to express his thoughts and feelings, he needs his own vocabulary.

Your child's vocabulary consists of:

  • passive vocabulary (those words that the child understands)
  • active vocabulary (those words that the child speaks)

Initially, the child’s active vocabulary is small, but over time, the child will transfer those words that were in the passive dictionary to the active one. The larger the passive vocabulary, the better.

To increase your vocabulary, look at pictures together, read books, comment on your actions.

I use various manuals to work with my child; one of the latest successful acquisitions is “Big Album on Speech Development” and “Lessons of a Speech Therapist. Games for speech development."


This book consists of 3 sections, for each section there are given detailed instructions how to practice

  • finger gymnastics
    • 1 group. Exercises for the hands (pages 8-29)
    • 2nd group. Finger exercises are conditionally static (pages 30-47)
    • 3rd group. Dynamic finger exercises (pages 48-57)
  • articulation gymnastics. Presented using fairy tales with verses, there are additional cards plus there are images of the correct result of the exercise. (pp. 64-110). Also in this section there are games for the development of speech hearing, auditory attention.
  • Tongue Twisters. They are grouped according to “difficult” sounds, which helps your child practice specific sounds. (pp. 111-169)

I bought this book here. If you have questions about the book, please ask.

This book has 3 blocks, each for a specific age:

  • Developing baby's speech (pages 6-89)
    • development of speech understanding
    • development of general motor skills
    • breathing exercises
    • finger games
    • articulatory gymnastics
    • onomatopoeia
  • Developing the speech of a younger preschooler (pp. 92-183). For children 3-6 years old
  • Developing the speech of an older preschooler (pp. 186-277).

This book is great for increasing a child's vocabulary, development logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination.

I have not found the same book (on Ozone appeared), but is available separately books for kids children from 3 to 6 years old And older preschoolers. Which is also very convenient if you need a book for a 4-year-old child. I found this book when my son was already 3 years old. But I wasn’t worried, my daughter is growing up, and we will study the first block with her.

Work with your child only in a good mood, believe in your child, rejoice in his successes, help him overcome failures. Speech therapy classes with your child at home will help you become even closer and closer. Be patient and good luck!

How do you work with your child? What do you use for this? Does your child like to study? Please share in the comments your methods for developing speech in a child and how much time you spend doing certain exercises.

About how to teach a child to say what to do and what not to do.

How younger child, the easier it is to correct deficiencies in any abilities. According to statistics, 8–9% of preschoolers have speech disorders. 5% of students primary school speech defects are diagnosed. Timely contact with a speech therapist allows you to identify the problem and create an optimal training program. Speech impairments should not cause self-doubt or failure at school.

Speech therapy classes: theoretical aspect

The first words of a child cause delight among parents. Each speech skill is met joyfully. The child learns to pronounce various groups of sounds gradually. Adults rarely specifically teach this to children; children imitate speech and train on their own. Therefore, parents sometimes do not think about the need to correct their child’s speech; they think that the shortcomings are due to age and will soon go away on their own.

In early childhood, speech skills are formed as an imitation of the speech of adults

Not all parents know that most kindergartens have a special education teacher. A speech therapist is a specialist in correctional pedagogy who diagnoses and corrects speech disorders. It is a mistaken opinion that speech therapy classes are only recommended for children who cannot pronounce the sound [r]. The scope of correctional and developmental activities of a speech therapist is extensive:

  • learning the correct pronunciation of all sounds;
  • development of fine motor skills - stimulating the fingers activates the brain;
  • development of coherent speech: construction of simple and compound sentences, replenishment of active vocabulary, ability to retell;
  • development of phonetic hearing - discrimination of sounds;
  • formation and improvement of impressive speech - understanding of what is heard.

Teaching correct pronunciation is one of the areas of work of a speech therapist

The comments of the speech therapist at the clinic should be taken seriously, but there is no need to panic - speech disorders are corrected

If a speech therapist diagnoses “general speech underdevelopment (GSD),” the child may be referred to a psychological and pedagogical commission. There, in the presence of a parent, the child is asked general questions (“What is your name?”, “What are your favorite toys?”), and is asked to complete simple tasks (“Show pictures of vegetables and name them”). Based on the results of the interview, the commission can confirm the diagnosis and refer the child to speech therapy garden or speech therapy group.

The commission was made up of speech therapists, psychologists and kindergarten teachers. The child was asked various logic questions, asked to show colors, asked to name the animals in the pictures, and to tell what he saw in the picture. They took us in because we had plenty of evidence, we couldn’t pronounce many sounds, and in general we had poor speech.


By decision of the psychological and pedagogical commission, the child is sent to a speech therapy group or correctional kindergarten

General education kindergartens operate according to programs (“Rainbow”, “From birth to school”) that do not take into account the needs of children with speech disorders. Education of pupils with speech pathology is structured according to correctional and developmental programs:

  • T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina “Program for the education and training of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment”
  • O. Kireeva “Program of correctional and developmental work with older children preschool age in the conditions of a logopunkt"
  • N. V. Nishcheva “Program of correctional and developmental work for children with special needs” and others.

Children with speech impairments constitute a risk group: they understand the teacher’s instructions and explanations less well and have difficulty formulating answers. For pupils speech therapy groups The number of group classes is smaller, more often they are done individually.

The speech therapy group has its own pace of learning and many correctional classes

Target speech therapy sessions- correction of speech disorders, formation of correct and beautiful speech in children. A speech therapist is a generalist. He selects exercises to improve the technical side of speech (purity of pronunciation, grammatically correct construction of phrases). In this case, the speech therapist takes into account psychological characteristics children: organizes activities in a playful way, knows about the interests of the pupils. Sometimes younger preschoolers perceive speech therapy sessions as entertainment.

Speech therapy classes in younger groups are exciting and conducted with the help of assistant toys

Table: objectives of speech therapy classes

Age groupCorrective tasks
Junior (3–4 years old)
  • Formation of speech hearing - the ability to understand spoken speech;
  • development of auditory attention;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of fine motor skills of the hands and articulatory motor skills.
Medium (4–5 years)
  • Formation of coherent speech: construction of phrases with and without prepositions, complex sentences;
  • improving sound pronunciation;
  • learning to build cause-and-effect relationships in statements (stories based on pictures);
  • development of auditory-verbal attention and memory;
  • development of speech breathing, voice, articulation.
Senior and preparatory (5–7 years old)
  • Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing: the child determines by ear the quantity and quality of sounds and syllables in a word;
  • correction of remaining deficiencies in children’s speech development (pronunciation of sounds, formation of word forms);
  • Preparation for teaching literacy: introduction to the sound analysis of words.

Speech therapy classes combine correctional methods and exercises for general cognitive development children

Types of speech therapy classes

  1. Individual lessons are considered the most effective in overcoming speech disorders. In this form, contact and understanding between the speech therapist and the child are successfully established, and shy children are liberated. In a lesson with one student can be used various techniques: didactic games, sensory tasks, intellectual tasks in the workbook, articulation and finger gymnastics. The duration and frequency of classes is determined by a specialist and depends on the severity of disorders of the articulatory apparatus and delays in speech development. Usually individual sessions last no more than 20 minutes and are held twice a week. By agreement with the speech therapist, parents are allowed to attend the lesson to become familiar with the speech therapy technique.

    In our kindergarten There is no speech therapy group for children under 5 years old. From the age of 4, my son went to individual lessons in a speech therapy room. The teacher strongly recommended that I come to any lesson. It was important experience, because I was not familiar with performing special exercises. The son had to study not only on Monday and Thursday with Olga Vladimirovna, but also every day at home according to instructions. My advice to parents whose children are studying with a speech therapist is to come see articulation exercises to avoid mistakes in homework.

    Individual lessons are effective due to establishing contact with the child and the opportunity to conduct a variety of exercises

  2. Subgroup classes are conducted with students who have the same or similar speech impairments. There are 4-6 children of approximately the same age present at the lesson. During school year The composition of the mini-group changes, since the degree of violation and the effectiveness of overcoming children are individual. Advantage subgroup classes- conducting joint games, working with a partner. Children develop the communicative side of speech.
    For subgroup classes, for example, children with the following disorders are selected:
  3. Frontal classes are a collective form of work that is carried out with students of speech therapy groups. The speech therapist draws up a calendar and thematic lesson plan, taking into account the individual characteristics and correctional needs of children. Frontal classes are held several times a week; children prepare for them in individual and subgroup classes with a speech therapist, and then repeat the exercises with a teacher.
    Types of frontal classes for logogroup:

How can a speech therapist individualize tasks?

Level differentiation of tasks contributes to the development of positive emotions from the learning process; each student feels successful when coping with the proposed task. Individualization of tasks in frontal classes is used when some of the students have already succeeded in overcoming any shortcoming. These children are offered tasks of an increased level of complexity.

For example, a frontal lesson in the preparatory group is devoted to the analysis of the sound composition of a word: the children pronounce sounds, syllables, and words with an intonation-emphasized sound in unison. The teacher divides the group into 2 teams, one of which will receive more simple questions for collective responses.

Blue team, name the consonant sounds in the word GOOSE ([g]! ).

Green team, name the soft consonant in this word ([s’]).

The second task is more difficult because it requires the ability to determine by ear the hardness/softness of sounds and requires sufficient development of auditory perception and memory.

An individual-personal approach is implemented in dramatization games during classes on the development of coherent speech. Children have a common goal - to reproduce a familiar plot (usually a fairy tale) with the help of dialogues. Older children independently distribute the roles of characters in accordance with capabilities and sympathies: “I want to play the role of Mashenka in a fairy tale, but I doubt that I can cope with her words. I’d rather play a bear cub, I like him too.” For pupils of primary and secondary speech therapy groups, the teacher assigns roles taking into account the skills of the students.

The speech therapist carries out regular diagnostics of intellectual and speech development, determines the inclinations of children. If a child loves creative activities, he is often given tasks to draw something, connect the dots, trace a stencil and color the picture. For such exercises, a speech component is selected on the topic of the frontal lesson. Children who have a penchant for any topic (space, animals, princesses, robots) work with their favorite lexical and visual material. It’s not difficult to individualize tasks if you know the guys well. Preparing such tasks is an indicator of the speech therapist’s skill.

Individualizing a task means taking into account the abilities and interests of everyone

Motivating start to speech therapy sessions

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental classes directly depends on the enthusiasm of the students. In preschoolers, voluntary attention and memory predominate: they concentrate on what is interesting and remember the information received. Speech therapy classes should not become routine: low-emotional explanations from the teacher and mechanical repetition of exercises slow down the correction process.

From the first minutes, children are involved in the learning process. At the initial stage of the lesson, motivation is created using a variety of methods:

  • studying visual materials(illustrations, mini-exhibitions, layouts);
  • involvement of small forms of folklore (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles on the topic);
  • watching a short video or presentation;
  • conducting an educational conversation;
  • inclusion of activities in a game form;
  • creating a problematic or surprising situation.

The result of all work largely depends on the degree of motivation at the beginning of the lesson.

Table: options for motivating start of classes for different age groups

GroupLesson topicTargetInitial stage of the lesson
Junior“Meet Krosh and Losyash”Formation of the correct pronunciation of the sounds [r] and [l].Children watch an excerpt from the cartoon "Smeshariki". The speech therapist reads riddles about Losyash and Krosh. The children guess the characters, and the speech therapist offers to invite them to visit and show them how the children are having fun (putting toys on the table).
Average"Vegetables"Expanding the vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”.Examination of the layout of the fairy tale “Turnip”: the character figures are made of salt dough, the turnip is located in the center of a stand in the form of a vegetable garden, where various vegetables “grow” in the beds.
Conducting a conversation:
- What kind of place is in front of you? (vegetable garden, plot)
- What is the name of the dug up areas of land where seeds are planted? (beds)
- What grows in the beds? (vegetables, namely peas, carrots, onions, etc.)
- Which vegetable is the largest on the model? (turnip)
The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale: to perform articulation gymnastics based on “Turnip”.
Older"Journey to the Land of Professions"Development of coherent speech: the ability to write a story about a profession.Involving children in a game situation with the help of ICT: children take seats on an imaginary bus and go on a trip. In front of the children is an interactive board on which images of people of different professions are projected. Before each new slide, the speech therapist reads a riddle, confirmation of the correct answer, or a hint - a picture.
Preparatory"Hello, earthlings!"Development of verbal communication and coherent speech skills.Creating a surprise moment: at the beginning of the lesson there is a knock and two aliens appear in the group. These could be students from another group in costumes or images on the interactive board. The aliens greet the guys and report that their aircraft has broken down. Guests ask for help, but the spaceship can only be repaired by solving special problems.

Studying unusual visual materials creates positive motivation for the upcoming lesson

Video: open lesson of a speech therapist with a motivating beginning “Message from Zvukograd”

Organization of speech therapy classes

Let's talk about conducting frontal and subgroup classes with a speech therapist teacher.

Speech therapy classes have a clear structure, which is slightly different from the structure of classes in general education groups. Working with children with speech disorders synthesizes correctional and educational methods, which is reflected in the lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. A motivating start.
  3. Repetition.
  4. Training stage (new material).
  5. Consolidation.
  6. Reflection (conclusions and impressions).

Video: fragment of a subgroup speech therapy lesson to reinforce the material

During a speech therapy session, the teacher uses special techniques to normalize speech abilities. These techniques are used in all age groups according to the principle “from simple to complex.”

Table: speech therapy techniques

Reception nameDescriptionCorrective and developmental tasksExamples of exercises
Articulation gymnasticsExercises to strengthen muscles and improve the functioning of organs involved in the speech process:
  • language;
  • lower jaw.

Articulation gymnastics is carried out regularly (ideally, daily in the morning and evening), in front of a mirror.

Training the correct movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Gymnastics-fairy tale “The Fox and the Gingerbread Man”
    A fox was running through the forest.
    She waved her tail. (Tongue left and right).
    A bun meets her (puffed out cheeks).
    The fox licked her lips (lick her upper lip with a wide tongue).
    And he says: “Sit down, little bun, on my tongue.
    And sing your song. (Tongue cupped).
    The gingerbread man sat on the fox's tongue,
    Alice swallowed it. (Put the cup into your mouth)
  • Static exercise “Pussy is angry” We want to admit now that we all love to smile. We stretch our lips, we hide our teeth behind them. (Keep your lips very stretched in a smile. The teeth are not visible. Hold this articulatory position for a count of up to 15.)
Sand therapyExercises (including in a playful way) with dry and wet sand:
  • oversleeping;
  • extruding and drawing patterns on the surface;
  • modeling the image according to the type of ornament (semi-convex).
Stimulating speech receptors in the cerebral cortex through sensory exercises; development of the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • Create various patterns in the sand with your fingers, knuckles, ribs of your palms, and fists, and then imagine what they look like.
  • Make a sand shower with your children. Let at first it be a fine rain of sand that fits in one palm, then the rain intensifies, the sand is scooped up with two palms, but for a shower you can use a children's bucket as an auxiliary material.
  • Game "My Friends". The child chooses figures and names them after his friends. In the process of recreating a given situation, many discoveries will be made. During the game, the difficulties of communication in real life are overcome.
Breathing exercisesExercises to strengthen the respiratory muscles.Formation of correct speech breathing, development of voice strength.
  • Exercise “How do mice squeak?” The mouse crawled out of the hole, The mouse really wants to eat. Is there a dried crust somewhere? Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen? The teacher shows the correct execution of the exercise: inhale through your nose, while exhaling say: “Pee-pee-pee- pi!” Repeat 3-4 times.
  • Exercise "Pump"
    The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3-4 times.
Speech therapy self-massageExercises for external stimulation of the muscles of the speech apparatus:
  • trituration;
  • stroking;
  • stretching;
  • pat.
Preparing muscles for active work(before articulation gymnastics).
  • Stroking
    You and I will stroke our lips, upper and lower. One, two, three, four, five - We will stroke our lips again.
  • Trituration
    We rub our sponges - And we count to five. One, two, three, four, five - We need to rub our sponges.
  • Kneading We knead our lips - We do everything according to the count. One, two, three, four, five - We will knead our lips.
LogostalesDramatization of a fairy tale told by a speech therapist using various actions:
  • movements of fingers or hand;
  • facial expressions;
  • onomatopoeia, etc.
Correction of speech defects through dramatization games.
  • Fragment of a fairy tale about a kitten (for hissing sounds):
    The girl Masha had a fluffy kitten (The middle and ring fingers rest against the thumb. The index finger and little finger are raised up). Every morning Masha kneaded the dough (Open your mouth slightly, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds “five-five-five.” Keep your wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from one to five to ten. Clench your fingers into a fist and spread them to the sides) and bake pancakes (Smile, open your mouth slightly, put the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of one to five to ten. Place the palms of both hands on the table and turn the back side).

At one of the consultations for parents, the speech therapist spoke about the power of the impact of logos fairy tales on the abilities of children and their emotional state. From an early age, children are captivated by fairy tales with their magical characters and places. My son loves fairy tales in which characters play pranks, break some prohibition and look for a solution to the problem that has arisen. And gradually we connected the technique of speech therapy fairy tales to the study of the primer. I found in advance fairy-tale texts where the main characters are letters and sounds. I added tasks on a problematic topic for us - the pronunciation of hissing and sonorant consonants:

The letter Ш tried to clear the passage to the secret door. Let's help her blow away the balloons blocking her path! (Blow the cotton balls off the table.)

It seems that there is someone in the dark. Shhhhh...

Video: articulation and breathing exercises

Speech therapy exercises, games, and logostories are usually accompanied in poetic form. Their content is consistent with the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist file

Speech therapy classes are planned throughout the month within the framework of several lexical topics. Each topic includes new words. These are not only nouns, but also other parts of speech and their forms. If younger preschoolers become familiar with nouns, adjectives and verbs, then older preschoolers are able to form word forms (for example, diminutive words).

Approximate distribution of topics by month:

  • September: “Kindergarten”, “Autumn”, “Body Parts”, “Furniture”.
  • October: “Fruit and Vegetables”, “Household Appliances, Electrical Appliances”, “Clothing”, “Shoes”.
  • November: “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Toys”, “Sports”.
  • December: “Pets”, “Food”, “Winter”.
  • January: " New Year", "Wild animals", "Poultry".
  • February: “Wild Birds”, “Mail”, “Army Day”, “Space”.
  • March: “March 8”, “Family”, “Spring”, “Adult Labor”.
  • April: “City”, “Transport”, “Profession”, “Insects”.
  • May: “Forest”, “Field-meadow”, “Berry-mushrooms”, “Trees”.

Video: frontal lesson on the topic “Vegetables” in the senior group

Speech therapy classes are also conducted on the basis folk tales and artistic poems.

Examples of topics for speech therapy classes on literary texts:

"Fly Tsokotukha",





Video: excerpt from a speech therapy lesson “Fairytale Journey with a Kolobok”

The speech therapist teacher compiles files on lesson topics and areas of correctional work:

  1. Five-minute cards (a set of sensory exercises, games, riddles, gymnastics).
  2. Mnemonics (memos with pictures) for the development of coherent speech.
  3. Collection of phonemic nursery rhymes.
  4. A selection of tongue twisters/pure twisters.

Photo gallery: five-minute speech therapy sessions

Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Professions” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “ Migratory birds» Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Winter” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Furniture” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Dishes” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “New Year” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Aquarium and its inhabitants” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Insects” Speech therapy exercises on the lexical topic “Spring”

Photo gallery: mnemonic cards

Sequence of pictures-tips for writing a story about a household appliance Sequence of picture-tips for writing a story about a tree Sequence of picture-tips for writing a story about a flower Sequence of picture-tips for writing a story about a pet Sequence of picture-tips for writing a story about an insect Sequence of pictures- hints for writing a story about a piece of furniture A sequence of picture hints for writing a story about a wild animal A sequence of picture hints for writing a story about dishes A sequence of picture hints for writing a story about a fruit or vegetable

Photo gallery: phonemic nursery rhymes

Phoneme recognition nursery rhyme P-G Poteshka to distinguish phonemes M-L Poteshka to distinguish phonemes K-D Poteshka to distinguish phonemes P-T Poteshka for distinguishing phonemes K-R Poteshka for distinguishing phonemes Sh-L

Photo gallery: tongue twisters for sound automation

Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (h) Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (r) Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (w) Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (c) Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (s) Illustrated tongue twisters for sound automation (g)

Table: approximate time plan for a speech therapy session

GroupOrganizational moment + motivating beginningRepetitionPhysical education or outdoor gameTraining stageConsolidation + reflectionTotal duration of the lesson
Junior2 minutes2–3 minutes3 minutes5 minutes2 minutes15 minutes
Average3 minutes3 minutes4 minutes7 minutes2–3 minutes20 minutes
Older4 minutes4–5 minutes4 minutes8 minutes4 minutes25 minutes
Preparatory5 minutes5–6 minutes5 minutes10 minutes4 minutes30 minutes

Table: fragment of a summary of a speech therapy lesson by O. Sazhenkova “The Tale of How the Sun Lost Its Rays” (preparatory group, ONR)

Lesson stageContent
Motivating startToday we are going to a fairy tale. And, of course, the road to a fairy tale will be full of surprises. And to begin our journey we need to say magic words:
Spring has come to us
If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
This means spring has come to us.
RepetitionGuys, let's think about how to help the sun return its rays. We will complete the tasks that Spring has prepared for us, and for correct answers we will receive rays that we will return to our sun.
First, let's divide the words “sun” and “spring” into syllables and find all the vowels in these words.
(Children complete the task).
FizminutkaIn order for the back to be level, we really need a warm-up,
Come on, get up, don’t yawn and repeat after us!
In the morning the sun rises and sends a warm ray of light to the children (the children get up and spread their arms).
Hello, sunshine, hello, we have no life without you (they circle around themselves, show rays with their hands).
The sun has warmed the earth, (they spread their arms around themselves)
The bird sang joyfully (with hands depicting flapping its wings).
Streams began to gurgle (put your palms together and draw a stream with wave-like movements).
Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloomed around (they crouch and stand up again, raise their hands).

During the lesson, a problematic situation is created when children need to complete tasks to help the sun return its rays

Handouts on speech therapy

In the speech therapy room, a subject-development environment is organized in which children can study comfortably. The logopunkt stores a lot of materials used during classes, both frontal and individual. Items are in labeled boxes or containers. The child is allowed to take logo material for study outside of class (of course, with the permission of the teacher).

Handouts for speech therapy classes are divided into several categories.

  • Massage accessories for stimulating receptors on the fingertips: balls, balls, rings, rubber and plastic rollers.

    Materials for the development of fine motor skills can be attached to cards or boards, then even the youngest children can study them

  • Didactic games: cards and figures for completing tasks in an entertaining way.

    Children analyze the composition of a word using a pencil case and chips to indicate vowels and consonants.

Speech therapist work program

The work program of a speech therapist in kindergarten is drawn up in accordance with the target of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) - raising a comprehensively developed personality. At the same time, the content of the development reflects the provisions educational program adopted at the preschool educational institution, and the correction program.

The program includes:

  • information about students: age category, diagnoses (speech defects);
  • List of current tasks;
  • calendar and thematic planning for the year;
  • schedule of diagnostic activities (conversations with students, questionnaires, testing);
  • plan for interacting with others specialists of the preschool educational institution: teacher, musical director, physical education teacher, psychologist;
  • proposed work with parents: consultations, master classes.
  1. Characteristics of the student population.
  2. Features of organizing the activities of a speech therapist.
  3. Organization of the subject environment.
  4. Content work program.
  5. Thematic planning (FFNR, ONR (2,3) first year.
  6. Thematic planning (FFNR, ONR (2,3) second year.
  7. Plan-program of correctional and developmental work.
  8. Formation of sound analysis skills.
  9. System for monitoring the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process.
Oksana Kurbanova

Video: structure of a speech therapist’s work program

Analysis of a speech therapy session

Analysis of the lesson reveals the effectiveness of the speech therapist’s organizational abilities. If shortcomings are discovered in the preparation or conduct of a lesson, adjustments are planned in the teacher’s methodological activities.

Self-analysis protocol:

  1. The topic of the lesson, its disclosure.
  2. Goals and objectives, their implementation.
  3. Was the preliminary work helpful?
  4. Equipment and materials, ease of use, interest of students.
  5. Lesson model, activity and mood of children at each stage.
  6. Corrective and developmental exercises, their effectiveness.

You can evaluate the components of the lesson using a point system. To do this, fill out a technological map.

Self-analysis forms are filled out by the speech therapist himself and stored in the specialist’s methodological folder.

Table: fragments of analysis of a speech therapy session

Lesson componentAnalysis
Motivation of pupilsThe principle of motivation to learn was achieved through the following methods:
  • delivering completed instructions;
  • inclusion of modern realities in the lesson;
  • creating conditions for achievement rather than receiving praise;
  • problematic tasks, cognitive questions.
Didactic goalsImplemented. Children considering them individual characteristics, we did it. During the lesson, children exercised and developed various mental processes, as well as the development of visual attention (spatial-temporal representations, verbal memory, auditory perception, analytical-synthetic activity, logical thinking).
Corrective and developmental exercisesTasks were included that required independent processing of information, step-by-step assistance from the teacher was dosed, and the method of processing information was transferred to one’s individual task. Principles of development and correction of higher mental functions was:
  • inclusion in the lesson of special exercises to correct higher mental functions;
  • tasks relying on several analyzers.

Competent and beautiful speech is an indicator of development intellectual abilities. It happens that a child experiences difficulties in pronouncing individual sounds or in constructing phrases. Timely diagnosis of speech defects and sessions with a specialist will help to avoid serious problems in the future.

Article from work experience. At a speech therapist's lesson.

teacher - speech therapist, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Klokova, MBDOU d/s. No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: This article describes what a speech therapist does in classes with children. Designed for parents, teachers - speech therapists, high school students (for choosing a future profession).
Target: familiarization with the components of a speech therapy session.
- introduce the work of a speech therapist with children;
- increase interest in the profession of speech therapist;
- help young professionals when planning classes.

What parts do speech therapy sessions consist of?
Any speech therapist, after a comprehensive examination of the child, begins his work in different directions.
Development of articulatory motor skills in children:

- massage and self-massage of articulation organs (tongue, lips, cheeks, forehead, ears, cervical collar area);
- articulatory gymnastics to strengthen and develop the accuracy of movements of the muscles of the tongue, lips, soft
palate, lower jaw.
Development of speech breathing:

As you inhale, inflate your tummy, as you exhale, deflate it;
- learning to breathe deeply through the nose and mouth;
- development of correct extended exhalation through the nose and mouth;
- training in prolonged strong exhalation in the “tube” lip position;
- learning to exhale for a long time with a protruding tongue.
Development of phonemic functions:
- recognition of non-speech sounds;
- recognition of speech sounds;
- isolating a sound from a number of other sounds, syllables, words;
- distinguishing vowels and consonants;
- selection of words for a given sound;
- determining the place of sound in a word;
- analysis and synthesis of words.
Development of mental functions:

- perception;
- auditory and visual attention;
- auditory and visual memory;
- thinking;
- imagination.
Development of fine and gross motor skills:

- finger gymnastics;
- grapho-motor skills;
- speech with movement;
- constructive praxis;
- orientation in the diagram own body and in space.
Vocabulary enrichment:
- various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives,
verbs, numerals...);
- prepositions;
- generalizing concepts;
- antonyms;
- synonyms;
- homonyms.
Formation of the syllable structure of a word:
- rhythm reproduction;
- laying out chips according to the number of syllables;
- repetition of different syllables (direct, reverse, with confluence);
- repetition of words of different syllable structures;
- repetition of sentences of different syllable structures;
- repetition of tongue twisters and tongue twisters.
Development grammatical structure speeches:

- changing nouns, adjectives, verbs by gender,
numbers, cases;
- agreement of nouns with adjectives, numerals;
- enriching speech with prepositions and prefixes;
- formation of relative, possessive adjectives;
- formation of nouns with diminutives
Development of coherent speech:
- drawing up proposals;
- retelling using mnemonic tables;
- retelling short stories;
- compilation descriptive stories;
- compiling stories based on a plot picture, a series of plot pictures;
- inventing riddles, stories, fairy tales on your own (parts);
- learning poetry, dialogues;
- learning to ask and answer questions.
Reading training:

- familiarity with letters;
- merging of reverse syllables;
- merging of straight syllables;
- composing and reading words;
- writing and reading proposals;
- reading short texts.

The article presents several options for the structure of speech therapy classes for different speech pathologies.

Structure of an individual speech therapy session

1. Static and dynamic articulation exercises:

  • lip training exercises;
  • lower jaw training exercise;
  • exercises for language training.

2. Finger gymnastics accompanied by poetic texts.

3. Exercises to develop speech breathing.

4. Exercises to develop facial expression.

6. Education of clear diction and intonation expressive speech.

7. Exercises for the development of auditory attention and phonemic perception.

8. Correction of defective sound pronunciation and automation of correct sound pronunciation in the child’s speech.

9. Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of the word.

10. Formation of lexical and grammatical representations.

11. Teaching elements of literacy.

12. Development of mental processes: voluntary attention, memory, logical thinking.

13. Correction of reading and writing disorders (, dysorthography) in schoolchildren.

Structure of a speech therapy session on sound production

2. Articulation gymnastics:

  • general articulation exercises;
  • special articulatory movements;
  • Exercises to develop voice power and air flow.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

4. Sound production.

5. Analysis of articulation according to plan.

6. Consolidation of isolated sound (individual and choral pronunciation, onomatopoeia games).

7. Development of phonemic hearing:

  • identification of sounds from a number of isolated ones, different in articulatory and acoustic characteristics;
  • recognition from syllables;
  • recognition from words.

8. Consolidation of sound in syllables.

9. Consolidation in words.

10. Consolidation in sentences.

11. Homework.

12. Summary of the lesson.

Structure of a speech therapy lesson on sound automation

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Articulatory gymnastics for automated sound.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound (in chorus, group, individually, in a chain).

5. Analysis of articulation according to plan. Algorithm:

  • lips,
  • teeth,
  • language,
  • air stream.

6. Characteristics of sound (we talk about hardness and softness only against the background of the word).

7. Connection of sound with letter.

9. Consolidation of sound in syllables, sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, graphic recording.

10. Consolidation of sound in words, sound-syllable analysis of words with graphic notation.

11. Fixing sound in a sentence, graphic recording and analysis of the sentence.

12. Consolidation in the text.

13. Homework.

14. Result of the speech therapy session.

Structure of a speech therapy lesson on sound differentiation

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Articulatory gymnastics - only the most basic exercises are planned - modeling the main articulatory movements of both sounds.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Pronouncing sounds in isolation that are different (choral, individual, etc.).

5. Analysis of the articulation of sounds according to the algorithm, highlighting common and different points of articulation.

6. Characteristics of sounds.

7. Connection of sounds with letters.

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

9. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

10. Reading syllables from a table or repeating them after a speech therapist, graphic analysis of syllables.

11. Differentiation of sound in a sentence, analysis of a sentence with graphic recording and selection of words containing the sounds being studied, selection of the sounds themselves.

12. Differentiation of sound in text.

13. Homework.

14. Summary of the lesson.

Structure of a speech therapy session for stuttering

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. General motor charging.

  • To relieve muscle tension;
  • To instill the ability to regulate tension and relaxation of your body;
  • Overcoming motor tricks.

3. Speech exercise:

4. Education of speech breathing (oral exhalation, long and smooth);

5. Cultivation of easy and timely voice delivery;

6. Education of easy and timely inclusion of appropriate articulatory movements.

7. Coordination of speech with movement (cultivation of appropriate tempo, smoothness and rhythm of speech).

8. Work to consolidate the skills of correct speech:

  • Conjugate phoneme;
  • Reflected phoneme;
  • Question and answer form.

9. Homework.

10. Summing up.

Structure of a speech therapy session for dysarthria

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. General relaxation (as needed).

3. Development of general motor skills.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

5. Facial massage.

6. Development of facial muscles.

7. Development of articulatory motor skills (for the development of conditioned reflex movements).

9. Correction of sound pronunciation.

10. Formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

11. Homework.

12. Summary of the lesson.

Structure of a speech therapy session for rhinolalia

1. Organizational moment.

2. Normalization of motility of the lower jaw.

3. Massage of the hard and soft palate.

4. Gymnastics for the muscles of the soft palate and the muscles of the back wall of the pharynx.

5. Facial massage.

6. Lip massage (after cheiloplasty).

7. Mimic gymnastics.

8. Articulation gymnastics: for the lips, for the tongue in order to spread the tongue, move it forward so that it is wide.

9. Breathing exercises.

11. Announcement of the topic.

12. Correction of sound pronunciation (production, automation, differentiation).

13. Development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

14. Homework.

15. Result of the speech therapy session.

Structure of a speech therapy session for dysgraphia

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Development of fine motor skills.

3. Development of visual-spatial coordination.

4. Development of articulatory motor skills.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

6. Correction of writing disorders (based on the material of the program section on the Russian language).

7. Homework.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Zotova Alevtina Gennadievna,
teacher speech therapist,

Disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds occur in many children. The most common problems are distortion of the sound of a letter (burr, lisp, etc.), its replacement with another, or omission of sounds that are difficult to pronounce. Speech therapy sessions - whether self-guided or under the guidance of a professional - will help eliminate the existing problem.

If speech therapist lessons are not available to you for some reason, then you can work with your child on your own, but following certain recommendations.

For preschool children, games for speech development are recognized as the most effective method elimination of various speech defects.

A game aimed at improving speech abilities not only attracts a child with its fascination, but is also the most useful of all methods for developing this important skill. Speech therapy classes for children, conducted in a playful format, promote speech development, consolidation of new words, and the formation of correct pronunciation of sounds. Additionally, the future foundation for cognitive activity and development of mental abilities.

Here are examples of the main types of activities aimed at developing the richness of speech in children:

  • Addition of the sentence: in summer the leaves on the maple are green, and with the onset of autumn...; We pick mushrooms in ..., and tomatoes in ..., etc.
  • Completing the sentence: I want….; I can…; I'll draw... etc.
  • Description of the item: pen – new, beautiful, colorful...; chamomile - white, beautiful, summer...; river – deep, wide, transparent...etc.
  • Names of domestic and forest animals with young: rooster, hen, chickens; hare, hare, little hares, etc.
  • Big - small (the child needs to choose a diminutive for the proposed word): vase - vase, mouse - mouse, leaf - leaf, etc.
  • Catch the ball (the speech therapist throws the ball and names a noun, the child’s task is to transform it into an adjective): autumn - autumn, birch - birch, etc.
  • Expressing disagreement/agreement (the task of the lesson is to develop in the child the ability to affirm or challenge a proposed thought with the ability to substantiate his opinion): It will start raining soon - No, because there are no clouds in the sky.
  • Word formation (in the proposed word you need to replace a specific sound): squirrel - bun, sam - catfish, give - blow.

Try to do the exercises using pictures, children love them very much.

Speech therapy classes at home

Speech therapy sessions with a child may include:

  • gymnastics to develop articulation;
  • games for hearing development, onomatopoeia, logorhythmics;
  • recitation of poems and tongue twisters.

You need to work with your child every day, carefully thinking through the course of the lesson, captivating him. If he is not interested, then the baby will not acquire the necessary skills.

When starting speech therapy classes at home, you need to remember the following rules:

  • The duration of the lesson must be increased gradually. The first one can last no more than 3 – 5 minutes.
  • The activity should be interesting and make the child want to learn. You should not force your baby to do something against his will, otherwise he may refuse to do the exercises altogether.
  • You can arrange short classes, but several times a day.
  • If a child doesn’t succeed in something, you shouldn’t yell at him. We need to try to find the cause of the “naughty tongue” and correct it.

Finger games

Speech therapy classes for children should include finger games, as they promote the development of fine motor skills. Scientists have long proven a direct connection between the hands and the part of the brain responsible for the development of speech skills.

Learning texts in combination with finger gymnastics helps develop skills such as:

  1. the ability to think spatially and express one’s emotions;
  2. imagination;
  3. attention.

In addition to improved speech, the child experiences an acceleration in reaction speed. Classes conducted in a playful way help to better memorize text and make speech more expressive.

To get the desired result, you need to work with your child every day, spending about 5 minutes on it.

Exercises to develop finger motor skills:

  • Flower. Palms are folded together, fingers pointing upward. We form a flower bud from our palms, pressing them together. The child says aloud the quatrain:
    The sun is rising
    The flower opens (fingers need to be spread apart, but palms remain pressed)
    The sun is setting,
    The flower goes to sleep (the fingers must be returned to their original position).
  • Kitty. Palms lie on the table, gathered into a fist. The child says the words “Fist - palm. I walk like a cat” and straightens his fingers, without lifting his palms from the surface of the table, and then squeezes them again. Repeat the exercises three to five times.
  • A bird is flying. Hands crossed in front of you, palms facing your face. You need to hook your thumbs together. This will be the “head”, and the palms will act as wings. You need to swing them without separating your fingers.
    The bird flew (flapping its wings)
    She sat down and turned gray (the child separates his palms and presses them to his chest),
    Then she flew.

Finger games can be used as moments of relaxation during the speech therapy session itself, helping to distract the child and allow him to redirect his attention.

Articulation gymnastics

Before you start speech therapy exercises, it is necessary to carry out an articulatory warm-up. Specialized gymnastics helps strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and prepare it for speech therapy sessions.

Articulation gymnastics is a set of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the lips and tongue. They are responsible for the pronunciation of sounds. If the tongue muscles are not sufficiently developed, speech will sound unclear.

You need to do gymnastics in front of a mirror. Then the child will be able to control the correct execution of the movements. It is very important for him to observe the movements of his lips and tongue. This way the baby will quickly understand what position they should take in order to pronounce sounds correctly.

Articulation exercises should be performed twice a day. The duration of the lesson is 5...7 minutes. As a result, the child will be able to learn to speak not only correctly, but also as clearly and understandably as possible.

Articulatory complex:

  • Stretch your lips into a smile, but your teeth should not be visible. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Smile widely, opening your teeth. Hold for half a minute.
  • Open your mouth slightly and place your relaxed tongue on the surface of your lower lip. Spank them, pronouncing the syllable “PYA”. In this case, the upper lip touches the tongue.
  • The mouth is open. You need to stretch your tongue forward and try to curl it into a tube. Hold the position for half a minute.
  • Slowly lick your lips with your tongue from corner to corner, without lifting your tongue from the surface of your lips. He must come full circle. First clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • There is a wide smile on his face with his mouth slightly open. The tip of your tongue should touch first one corner, then another.
  • A smile on the face with the mouth slightly open. Press the tip of the tongue against the surface of the teeth and, with little effort, move along the back wall of the lower dentition. Repeat 10 times. Repeat the exercise, but you need to pass your tongue along the inner surface of the upper teeth.
  • A wide smile on his face. On the count of “one” we touch the lower teeth, on the count of “two” we touch the upper teeth. Repeat the exercises 5 times.
  • The mouth is open. Let the child quickly stick out and hide the tip of his tongue. But it should not touch the teeth and tongue.
  • A wide smile on his face. The tongue is relaxed and lies on the lower lip. When exhaling air, the child should blow on a ball of cotton wool lying on the table so that it can move.

Games for hearing development, onomatopoeia, logorhythmics

Articulation gymnastics should be supplemented with other exercises. These should be exercises for developing hearing, onomatopoeia and logorhythmics.

Speech hearing helps a child understand, distinguish and reproduce sounds. If it is not well developed, then the baby’s speech is unclear and contains errors.

Examples of exercises to develop speech hearing:

  • The child needs to demonstrate objects that can make sounds. These can be spoons, drums, rattles and others. Then you need to let the baby listen to the sound of each. Then he turns his back and guesses which of the objects sounded. The purpose of the exercise is to improve speech hearing and consolidate the skill in distinguishing sounds.
  • An adult picks up a bell. The child stands against the wall with his eyes closed. The adult moves around the room and periodically rings the bell. The baby’s task is to point to the sounding bell with his hand without opening his eyes.

The development of onomatopoeia is another part of speech therapy classes. Used for exercise story picture in accordance with age group child. This could be, for example, an image of a girl rocking a doll. Let the child begin to imitate rocking movements and cradle an imaginary doll. It is important to control its articulation.

Games based on imitating the voices of the animal world give good results. Such speech therapy exercises will be more interesting if images of animals/birds, their figures and figures of babies are used during the lesson.

An example would be the game of mosquito. The picture should show a mosquito. “Let's meet the mosquito. His name is Arseny. He flies a lot and often sings his favorite song - “Z-Z-Z”. Let us also hum it together with Arseny! “Z-Z-Z.”

Then invite your child to catch a mosquito and listen to him sing his song. We grab the empty air with our fists, listen and sing the mosquito song - “Z-Z-Z.”

Logorhythmics are speech therapy exercises that combine movements, music and speech. All children really like these classes because they always take place in a fun atmosphere.

An adult reads the poem aloud and reproduces the movements described in the work. It is very important to select the appropriate musical accompaniment in advance. Then the children repeat what they saw.

For the lesson, you can use, for example, this poem:

Along a narrow path (the child walks in one place)
Our legs walked (begins to take steps in place, raising his knees high)
Over the pebbles, over the pebbles (marking time)
And there’s a bang in the hole (the baby jumps up and sits on the floor).

Recitation of poems and tongue twisters

Speech therapy sessions with a child should include reading aloud various children's poems. There is no point in teaching complex poems to your child; it is better to start with simple quatrains.

Excellent results can be achieved if speech therapy classes for children include tongue twisters. They are short rhyming sentences. They help make speech clear, well-spoken, and also expand the child’s vocabulary and improve diction.

Six little mice rustle in the reeds.
Sasha knocked off some bumps with his hat and got a bruise on his forehead.

You can also come up with your own tongue twister; read about how to do this correctly in the “Speech Development” section on our website.

Independent speech therapy sessions with children will help solve problems with simple defects. If there are serious violations, speech correction should be done by a professional.