​Journey to the land of Road Signs. Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Pedestrian crossing How to draw a pedestrian crossing and a traffic light

People have long understood that the process of learning any of the sciences is a painstaking and time-consuming process. And the more time devoted to this process, the more thorough the student’s knowledge. Let's not touch on fundamental sciences, but let's talk about the rules traffic.

Looking back half a century, we can state that the traffic rules were known and followed by almost all adult citizens of the then Soviet Union, and the culture of behavior on the road was fundamentally observed by both pedestrians and drivers. In addition to a serious fine for violating traffic rules, other sanctions were applied. For drivers - from film lectures to an exam on knowledge of traffic rules right at the scene of the violation, for pedestrians - from a conversation in the work team to the deprivation of bonuses. Well, by their personal example, adults taught the younger generation to comply with the rules of behavior on the road.

Everything is changing, and today we have widespread non-compliance by all road users with the same norms and rules of conduct on the road (by the way, they have hardly changed in 50 years), rudeness and rudeness on the roadway, and even the use of ourselves with self-defense weapons against another driver whose behavior seemed to us to be beyond the bounds of decency. And all that remains of the measures of influence are penalties, and sometimes a conscience that calls for responsibility. But what can she do to counter us against the fact that we are late for a very important meeting, or are simply in a hurry to the store?.. Therefore, drivers, in the absence of a traffic police inspector, drive as they want, and pedestrians walk where they please or are more convenient. And by our personal example, we still teach the younger generation to “comply” with the norms of behavior on the road.

Today, the problem of road traffic injuries is given great attention, and the process of teaching traffic rules begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. Attending preschool educational institutions cities or gathering their pupils for public events dedicated to knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know what traffic light signal and at what place they need to cross the roadway. Students primary school can tell you exactly at what age you can ride a bicycle on the roadway and how and where they should sit in a car. Well, high school students are already helping us teach kids the rules of the road.

But why is it still there? Isn't it because in a hurry in the morning kindergarten, we cross the road where it is closer, and do not cross it at a pedestrian crossing? Not because, when transporting a child in a car, you didn’t bother to purchase a child restraint? Is it not because the teenager in the passenger seat, like you, is driving with his seat belt unfastened and watching you, absorbing your behavior on the road? Endless rushing from row to row, the desire to get past the “flashing” intersection in time, “a pedestrian is not a tram - it will wait”...

And today, summing up the results of the annual municipal children's competition"Traffic Light - 2012", looking at children's drawings, you are convinced that children have a photographic memory. Many of the drawings are the realities of our lives. There are pictures here about tinting, and about cell phones, and about drivers, and about pedestrians. Don’t judge too harshly, of course adults also helped in making them. And it’s great to stop for a second and sit next to your child and think - are we doing everything right? Remember about existing rules traffic and secure them with the child. We present a number of the most successful works, selected on various topics.

It's a shame that we won't be able to encourage all the children who took part in this competition. Despite the fact that the competition is municipal, no one needs it except its organizers - the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Angarsk and the TsRTDIYu "Harmony". And those two works that win in their nomination and will be placed on the banners of our city, as social advertising, will be produced and placed by Angara residents who are not indifferent to this problem.

Traffic police of Angarsk

A child’s knowledge of the rules of the road is one of the main conditions for his safety on the street. Many pedestrians, including adults, take these rules rather lightly, which often becomes the cause of traffic accidents of varying severity. Children must clearly understand that when they are on the street in a populated area, they are full participants in the road traffic, therefore compliance with traffic rules is their responsibility.

Coloring pages Traffic rules for children.

Teaching a child the rules of behavior on the street (roads, sidewalks, city transport) should begin in the very early age, before he learns to walk and run on his own. And here the example of parents and other adults with whom the child is on the street is very important. You must not only tell and explain the rules of the road to your child, but also strictly observe them yourself. The traffic rules coloring pages presented on this page are primarily intended for preschoolers and will help children learn the basic points of behavior on the road, as well as near it.

1. Coloring page Traffic light.

The best place to safely cross the road is a pedestrian crossing equipped with a traffic light. Coloring pages with images of traffic lights also contain small rhymes that help kids more easily remember the rules for using them.

  • Always start driving only when the traffic light is green.
  • Never cross the road when traffic signals are red or yellow, even if there are no vehicles nearby.
  • When turning to a green light, additionally make sure of your safety - look to the left, then to the right.

2. Coloring page pedestrian crossing.

Teach your child to cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossing. Coloring pages of pedestrian crossings will teach children how to cross the road correctly. A crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light is called unregulated.

  • Crosswalk marked on the road surface with a zebra crossing.
  • Before crossing the road, carefully inspect it and make sure that there is no traffic nearby.
  • Cross the road, don't run across it.
  • Don't cross the street diagonally.
  • Pay special attention to stationary vehicles that block your view.
  • When moving through a pedestrian crossing, stop talking on the phone.
  • If there are underground or overpasses nearby, be sure to use them; traffic is especially intense in such places.

3. Sidewalks.

The sidewalk is intended for pedestrian traffic. Teach children to behave correctly on sidewalks, especially those located in areas with heavy traffic flow.

  • When driving on the sidewalk along the road, do not get too close to it.
  • Carefully monitor possible vehicles leaving courtyards and alleys.
  • Don't play ball on the sidewalk or run.

4. Coloring pages with rules of behavior for children in city public transport and at bus stops.

These coloring pages will teach children how to safely use public transport.

  • A public transport stop is a dangerous place due to a possible poor view of the road and a large crowd of people who can accidentally push a child off the sidewalk onto the roadway. Here you need to be especially careful.
  • Approach the doors of the vehicle only after it has completely stopped.
  • After getting out of the vehicle, proceed to cross the road only after it has left the stop.

In addition to these basic traffic rules, children will be interested in coloring road signs. The presented traffic rules coloring pages are suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and younger students school age, as well as for use in kindergartens and in primary school lessons. All pictures with Traffic Rules are completely free - you can download and print them.

Target: 1. Teach children to use paints and a brush: hold the brush correctly, without straining the muscles, without squeezing the fingers too tightly; achieve free movement of the hand and brush while drawing; 2. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines horizontal lines continuous movement 3. Form an idea of ​​a pedestrian crossing. 4. To impart to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian. 5. Cultivate interest in visual arts.



Topic: “Pedestrian crossing.”

Target: 1. Teach children to use paints and a brush: hold the brush correctly, without straining the muscles, without squeezing the fingers too tightly; achieve free movement of the hand and brush while drawing; 2. Strengthen the ability to draw straight horizontal lines with continuous movement 3. Form an idea of ​​a pedestrian crossing. 4. To impart to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian. 5. Cultivate interest in visual arts.

Vocabulary work:traffic light, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing.

Equipment and material: traffic light model, “Pedestrian crossing” sign, sheets of black paper, brushes, white paint, hare and zebra toys.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Hello guys! Today the bunny Kuzya came to visit us in a car. Let's call him! (children call, then greet Kuzya)

Kuzya: Guys, do you like to play with cars? (Children: Yes) What should adults and children know to avoid accidents on the roads? (must know traffic rules). Guys, what helps us follow traffic rules? (Children: Road signs.)

Let's tell Kuza what we know! Guys, what does a person become on the street? (on foot)

What is the name of the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? (sidewalk)

All pedestrians must follow the rules: walk at a calm pace, keeping to the right side of the sidewalk.

What is the name of the part of the road on which cars drive? (roadway)

Guys, who helps us cross the road? (traffic light).

Kuzya: I know a poem about a traffic light.

Stop, car! Stop the engine!

Brake quickly, driver!

Attention, looks straight ahead

At you, three-color traffic light -

Green, yellow, red eye

He gives orders to everyone.

Educator. Shows a traffic light. Guys, what traffic lights do you know? (red, yellow, green)

At what traffic light is it permissible to cross the street (green).

The traffic light signal has changed. What color comes on after green? (yellow). It warns drivers and pedestrians to be careful.

The red light comes on. Children, do you think it’s okay to cross the road now? (No)

Physical education minute - The game "Traffic Light" is being played (Using a zebra layout)

When the color is red, the children stand quietly. When the color is yellow, children clap their hands. When the color is green, children march.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what sign helps us cross the street? (Children: Pedestrian crossing sign.)

Educator: That's right, guys.

Crosswalk -

Everyone knows the stripes!

Children know, adults know

Everyone knows that a pedestrian crossing

It will save us all from cars.

Educator: Guys, a bunny came to visit us and who did he bring? (The teacher shows the children a model of a zebra without white stripes.)

Guys, Zebra came to us, look, is something wrong? (Children: There are no white stripes on a zebra.)

Educator: Where did you Zebra lose his stripes?

A zebra came to visit us

The kids were surprised:

Where did you lose the stripes?

Zebra: “I was in such a hurry to see you in kindergarten

That I forgot the rules of the roads.

And a very strict traffic light

He took the strips and left.

Help me kids get my stripes back

It is very important!

After all, without these stripes

It will be dangerous to walk” (M. I. Kuznetsova)

Educator: Zebra, the guys and I just talked about the importance of traffic rules. Our guys know that in order to avoid an accident, drivers and pedestrians must follow the rules of the road. Our guys will help you zebra.

(The teacher shows the children traffic signs.)

Educator: Guys, tell me, what sign is this? (Children: “Traffic light”)

Educator: What kind of sign is this? (Children: “Pedestrian crossing”)

Zebra: Told Ilya Volodya,

Why is he walking along the zebra crossing with his sister?

And while they're walking,

All the cars are standing and waiting.

But Volodya decided: “It’s a pity

Get a zebra from the zoo! »

Well, he won't understand

What is that zebra - transition -

Not a four-legged horse,

And the stripes on the road.

Educator: Zebra, our children know the rules of the road well. They will help you get your stripes back, but first, play with us.

Physical education minuteon attention and orientation in space to the poems of S. V. Mikhalkov.

I’m a bunch on two wheels (children walk in a circle one after another)

I pump two pedals (children walk in a circle, raising their knees high)

I hold on to the steering wheel, look forward (“they hold the steering wheel with their hands”)

I know the turn is coming soon. (children turn and go the other way.)

Educator: Guys, let's help Zebra, take paper and paints, and draw a pedestrian crossing. You just need to draw carefully, without rushing.

Where there are a lot of cars driving,
It's difficult to cross the road.
Vova the pedestrian asks:
"Draw me a transition -
Mark the road boldly
Bright white striped.
And then the cars will stop,
They'll stop beeping for me."

Children draw a pedestrian crossing. The teacher monitors the correct seating of children at the table, compliance with hygiene standards while drawing, and ensures that children use paints and brushes correctly.

After the children have drawn, the teacher and the children look at the children’s drawings.

Educator: Look, Zebra, these guys are great, how beautifully and correctly they drew the pedestrian crossing.

Zebra: Thank you guys. You are just great!

Educator: Guys, our fingers have worked hard, now let them play.

Finger gymnastics“Children use two fingers to “walk” along the painted pedestrian crossing.”

Our fingers are tired

Transitions were drawn.

They were in such a hurry on their way

Walk across the street

Where all the people walk

Where is the pedestrian crossing!

Educator: You liked our game, Zebra.

Zebra: Yes. Thanks guys, you taught me a lot. Now I will never break traffic rules. But I want to play one more game with you, my favorite.

Game “Chauffeurs”.

Children are divided into several groups: some are pedestrians (stand in pairs), others are drivers (they pretend to be steering wheels with their hands), and others are cars (they pick up toy cars). The teacher lays out a layout in the middle of the group - a pedestrian crossing - a “zebra crossing”. The drivers “sit” into the cars (the driver with the steering wheel in front, and the child - the “car” behind is attached to the driver - according to the principle, where the driver steers, the car goes there) and drive only along the road, stopping in front of a pedestrian crossing if they are walking along it pedestrians. And pedestrians, together with the teacher, cross the road along the zebra crossing. The game is repeated several times, the children change roles.

Knowing the rules of the road is very important for children, and the colors of traffic lights play a big role in this. When crossing the road from the kindergarten, always pay attention to this sign. When the baby grows up, he will be able to cross the road on his own without difficulty.

How can you study traffic lights?

Coloring books, pictures, photos and children's presentations will help children learn the colors of traffic lights.

The pictures represent a traffic light and people crossing the road. When talking to your child, focus on the fact that people cross the road at green color, and on red they stand and wait for cars to pass. When studying a traffic light, pay attention to the yellow color. It is designed to warn pedestrians and drivers.

Pictures and photos of “Traffic Light” can be used in lessons on learning traffic rules in primary school or kindergarten. Coloring pages and children's presentations will help reinforce your knowledge. You can download them on our website.

Selection of materials

Coloring pages

Using pictures or photos of traffic lights, you can arrange practical lessons on traffic rules for children. To do this, print out the traffic light and stick pictures or photos onto thick cardboard. The traffic light can be hung or held in hands, and children will cross the “road”. The exercise is very useful for kindergarten children. This fun sign can be placed at the entrance to indicate the correct color and encourage children to make the appropriate transition decisions.

Coloring will also be useful for the children. Young children will be able to learn the primary colors, while older children will remember their meaning and location on a traffic light. Coloring book trains fine motor skills hands, which has a beneficial effect on speech development. Coloring book can be used in kindergarten, in primary school during traffic rules lessons. It is very convenient to paint a traffic light with paints if children have not yet mastered this material.

On our website you will find useful presentations for children on the topic of traffic, which include photos of traffic lights and other signs. If you prepare your presentations yourself, be sure to emphasize that there are traffic lights not only for pedestrians, but also for cars. They are directed in the other direction, so that drivers can see them. They also have green, red and yellow colors, but only machines focus on them. Children must remember that they should only pay attention to traffic lights for pedestrians. Presentations are perceived more vividly by children, since they are brighter and sometimes moving, unlike pictures.

A traffic light sign should be studied in conjunction with other signs, for example, a zebra crossing. The child must understand that if there is no traffic light sign at the point of crossing the road, then he must cross the road along a zebra crossing - white stripes painted on the roadway.

If the traffic light sign does not work, the child must remember that he needs to cross the road at a zebra crossing or pedestrian crossing. If neither one nor the other can be found, then at the traffic light site you need to wait until there are no cars, or they will let the pedestrian pass.

Pictures, photos and traffic light coloring pages for children can become your faithful assistants if you need to introduce children to the rules of the road. All the necessary manuals are on our website. They will allow you to conduct interesting and exciting activities and learn the traffic light sign and its colors. They will certainly be remembered by the children for a long time!

Nadezhda Averyanova

Target:Introduce children to the work of a traffic police officer who regulates traffic on the road.

To consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and their meaning on the road. Expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Develop the desire to remember and follow safe rules moving on the street. Teach children draw a pedestrian crossing, hold the brush correctly, draw straight lines from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush. Develop the child’s attention, speech, memory, fine motor skills of the fingers. Learn independently and carefully bring the initial work to the end.

Preliminary work: Looking at pictures of streets, road signs, traffic lights, talking and looking at a corner in life safety group"Traffic light". Games with cars and trucks, watching educational films, conversations on “Road Safety”. Why are road signs needed, “Why is there a traffic light,” etc., Reading and conversation based on the book by V. Arbekov “About Smart Animals”

Materials for occupation: Black piece of paper, white gouache, brush, napkin, model of the road and its parts, cap and baton of a traffic police officer.

Progress of the lesson:

The children came to us from a traffic police officer who regulates traffic on the road with his striped stick.

(The traffic controller shows the movements, and the teacher explains to the children the meaning of the traffic police officer’s gestures) in

What is a carriageway (children's answers)

The carriageway is a place where cars, trucks, as well as cyclists and motorcyclists drive.

What is the name of the part of the road where people walk? (Sidewalk) People are walking along the sidewalk. You need to walk on the right side of the sidewalk so as not to disturb passers-by.

Children where people can move on the roadway? (children's answers)

Where there is a sign " Crosswalk"and wide white stripes are drawn on the road. They are visible far away pedestrians and drivers. And if the traffic light turns green with a little man who allows move on driving part of the road.

Today we will be with you draw a pedestrian crossing, wide white stripes on black sheets of paper.

Look, we draw white stripes with all the brush bristles from left to right on the “roadway” And we got it “ Crosswalk"

Look what we came up with!

Reflection: The teacher asks the children questions:

Who came to visit us?

What is he doing on the road?

What is a roadway?

What is the name of the narrow roadway where people walk?

Where people can to cross the road?

What we painted?

Well done guys, everyone completed the task, now take the little cars and we’ll play!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Pedestrian crossing” Lesson Topic: “Pedestrian Crossing” Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign and its purpose. Preliminary.

In the city of Zheleznogorka, Kursk region, teachers Dodurova E. O. and Cherepovskaya Yu. V. MDOU “Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type “Kapitoshka”.

As part of the city's "Pedestrian Crossing" campaign, preventive measures were carried out in our kindergarten for children of all ages.

Notes on drawing in middle group“Gzhel patterns” Pyatachenko Anastasia Sergeevna Purpose: To introduce children to Gzhel painting, to teach them.

Lesson notes for the middle group. Unconventional drawing techniques (with cotton swabs) with elements of plasticine painting “Flowers for Mom.”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Beauty Butterfly” Goals: To introduce children to new technology drawing - monotype (raw drawing) To promote the development of children's imagination and fantasy.