A story about your best friend. A story about my friend (description)

I have a very good friend. You could even say that he is my best friend. His name is Ivan, and we have been friends with him since kindergarten. We also live in neighboring yards, very close to each other. He has one habit - he is always late. He never comes to school on time. He also goes out into the yard for a walk late, despite the fact that we agreed on a certain time. Very often I have to wait for him on the street for a long time. Sometimes it happens that I arrive at the appointed time, and then wait another hour for him to arrive. This is not always convenient for me, because this way I waste my time, during which I could do something useful. But all the same, Ivan is my friend, and we are inseparable.

Let's look at how to write a story and write about your friend.


This word refers to a small genre of narrative prose, and the authors are sometimes called short story writers.

Typically a story consists of:

  • the plot, the purpose of which is to attract and hold the reader’s attention;
  • main part or climax;
  • denouement, with a description of the final activities of the heroes.

My friend

I have a friend. His name is Andrew. We have been friends for a very long time, since first grade. We like to play football in the yard after school and we are good at it because we have a lot of experience. Andrey plays football professionally. He has been a member of the youth football team for several years and periodically participates in competitions.

Last summer he played away in Italy, where his team won thanks to him, as he did not concede a single goal. He's a goalkeeper. His great height allows him to skillfully defend the goal. In that match, the Italian team played very well and statistically had more possession of the ball and had more shots on goal. Andrei parried all the blows with dexterity, which caused great approval among the fans.

According to the conditions of the competition, that match was decisive and in order to advance to the next round, Andrei’s team had to win, although the Italians were the favorites in the match. Moreover, the game took place in Rome, where the overwhelming majority of fans were Italians. Andrei's team had to play under difficult moral stress, as the fans booed the guests of the match as soon as they received the ball. But in moments of pressure from the Italian team, the public rejoiced and supported their team in every possible way.

At the end of the second half, the referee awarded an undeserved penalty. Taking a free kick, the striker of the Italian team already showed with all his appearance that Andrey could not avoid a goal. But as it turned out, luck was with Andrey and he guessed the right angle, skillfully parrying the ball from the very corner.

The height of surprise was that when a corner was awarded in the last minute, Andrei ran to the opponent’s goal and in the last seconds scored a goal with his head, redirecting his comrade’s serve.

At the end of the match, many predicted success in Andrey's football career.

Everyone knows the proverb: “A friend is made in need.” I've heard it many times, but I didn't think I'd ever truly understand it. I have a friend Oleg. He is fourteen years old. He is an ordinary skinny teenager with short hair. Only his eyes are remarkable: they are very unusual, like a cat’s, almond-shaped and green. When I look at Oleg, it seems to me that he squints his eyes slyly, as if he wants to joke or pose an unusual question in order to understand and find out everything. Oleg is a persistent chess player. He also has a third senior rank in swimming, but he doesn't like to mention it. He uses this skill only occasionally: sometimes he argues with the guys who will be the first to swim to the other side of the pond, or who will say who will stay under water the longest. And as usual, he wins! But this is not the main thing in his character.
Last year we ran to the river to swim together. I'm a bad swimmer, but I've never admitted it to anyone. Oleg suggested swimming to the other side of the river. We swam, but for some reason I got scared and began to silently drown. Oleg saw this and quickly pulled me out. He saved me, and after that we became stronger friends. Then he taught me to swim properly and play chess. If I'm behind in my studies or don't understand something, Oleg always helps me. In our free time, my friend and I like to play football or hockey, read an interesting book, exchange opinions about an interesting film, or play chess. He doesn't really like computer games, which I enjoy. But this does not interfere with our friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Essay on literature on the topic: A story about my friend (description)

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A story about my friend (description)


A story is one of the forms of creative work for schoolchildren. It can be called a type of essay, but when creating a text of this kind, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Features of the story

As in other cases, the specifics of the story will primarily be related to its theme. Based on it, one of the types of speech will be selected:

  1. Narration.
  2. Description.
  3. Reasoning.

Most often, stories belong to the first or second type. In our case, when we need to compose a text about a friend, we should focus on the description. This will help not only to correctly recreate the portrait of a comrade, but also to characterize his human qualities, interests, etc.

Features of the description consist in the use of a large number of high-quality adjectives, sentences with homogeneous members, participial phrases and such expressive means as epithets, comparisons, metaphors. The emotional coloring of such a text is usually narrative, but there are also exclamatory sentences in it.

Example of a story about a friend

A friend is a person you can rely on in any trouble. This is someone who knows how to keep secrets and enjoy your victories as if they were his own.

My best friend's name is Ilya. We have known each other for many years, we went to one kindergarten, and then we went to first grade together. He knows everything about me. And I am pleased to know that there is someone in the world who will always come to the rescue.

Ilya has beautiful Blue eyes And dark hair. His face is very kind and open, it is immediately clear that he good man. My friend is short, he was even teased at school because of this. But it doesn’t matter how tall you are, it’s much more important to be honest and brave, and Ilya is exactly like that.

My friend has many different interests. He loves watching movies and we often do it together. We especially like movies about superheroes who save the world. We also go swimming and basketball together. And on weekends our favorite hobby- walk in the park.

I really appreciate my friend and hope that we never quarrel!


In order to write a story about your friend, you must first make a plan. Example plan:
1. Who is he my best friend.
2. What connects me with my friend.
3. Why I appreciate my friend and our friendship.
Now, according to the plan, you can compose something like this.

I have many acquaintances and good comrades. But there is one person in my circle - my best friend, this is my neighbor, Andrey. Andrey and I have been friends since childhood, we went to the same kindergarten and now we study at the same school.

My friend, like me, is interested in sports, we especially like hockey and swimming. We often walk together and do homework. During the holidays, Andrey and I often go to the cinema.

I really appreciate my friend because he is very kind, brave and sympathetic. Many times Andrey has proven himself to be a true friend. I hope it will always be like this, because true friendship is a gift.

Topic (essay) on English language on the theme “My friend”

Andrey is my best friend!

I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.

Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, especially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home.

Andrey has short, light hair and gray eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. He is not a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks - sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humor and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together - watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my classmates. My best friend named Andrey. He's fourteen. He lives with his parents near the school.

Andrey has many hobbies: he likes to play on the computer, read detective stories, and collect butterflies. He loves animals, especially cats. He has a cat at home, Eraser.

Andrey has short blonde hair And grey eyes. He is quite short and quite thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. He is a sympathetic person and tries his best to help someone every time when someone has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some flaws - sometimes he is a dubious boy, a little stubborn. But I still like his good sense of humor and it’s a pleasure to deal with him.

We spend a lot of time together - watching videos or listening to music, walking or going to a cafe, discussing anything. Our friendship helps me feel strong and confident.

I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He studies with me in the same class. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There's even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

In the summer, Lesha and I see each other in August, because my friend spends the rest of the summer holidays in the village. He is very good friend. I know that he will never betray me. Lyosha is a true friend.

Essay Description of a Friend Grade 6, Grade 7

I have a best friend. His name is Mikhail. He and I study in the same class. Misha lives on the next block. He has younger brother. Misha and I sometimes take him for a walk. Misha and I go out together on the weekends. Can also go for a walk during the week after homework is done. Misha and I love to play computer games together. We do this online, each from our own home.

Sometimes we go to a cinema or an entertainment center. We really like watching 5D, 7D, 11D films. When you watch such a movie, it seems that you are present in the film itself.

I recently attended Mikhail's birthday party. His grandparents came to congratulate him, as well as his godparents and several friends from school. We started our birthday party at the entertainment center. The animators gave us a real quest. After the entertainment, we went to Mikhail's house, where delicious treats awaited us.
I gave it to Mikhail board game, book and constructor. Misha was pleased with the gift. When we can't cope with our lessons, we help each other. I can help Misha if I understand the material better, and he can help if he understands something better than me.

It's good when you have loyal and beloved friends with whom you can spend your leisure time.

Option for 5th grade

Today I want to talk about my friend. This is a very good man and his name is Ivan. He is 10 years old, like me. We are in third grade.

Vanya and I have known each other for three years. Firstly, we live in the same yard. Secondly, our mothers also communicate. Thirdly, he and I go to the same class and to the same training session. We are close all the time. We also go to and from school together.

Ivan is like a brother to me. And this is very good. After all, I have a younger sister, but no brother. Besides, he is six months older than me. You can talk with Vanya and spend your free time. We get angry with him, sometimes we fight. But this happens very rarely. The reasons for our quarrels are a slight misunderstanding of each other. That's all.

Vanya and I met on my birthday. Then I turned seven years old and my mother invited many of my friends. There were girls from kindergarten, a boy from the yard, a little baby who was someone's brother. I don't remember anymore. Vanya and his mother were among the guests. He came because our mothers were friends. That's how we met. That day I really liked Vanya. I wanted to make friends with him. In ordinary life, it’s not so easy for me to meet someone. And this boy was calm, didn’t show off, gave me a cool construction set and shook my hand. He sat next to me at festive table. He was absolutely not shy about strangers, he was positive and active.

Then the time came when we went to school together and ended up in the same class.

My friend is worthy of the title of friend for many reasons. He never offended me in any way, just as I never offended him. He never betrayed or deceived me. Vanya always answers the phone when I call him. Sometimes I need his help regarding homework and homework. Sometimes we just chat for hours about computer games and classmates. My friend is not jealous of me and does not want to offend me. We don't compete with each other. We promised that we would try to be friends all our lives, no matter what.

I understand that friendship is a great gift that should be cherished.

4th grade, 6th, 7th grade.

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