Entertainment dedicated to World Children's Day. Holiday scenario: "World Children's Day" Children's Day on November 20 in kindergarten

Tatyana Miganova
Scenario of the event "World Children's Day"

World Children's Day

Middle group dance

Ved. 1. Hello, girls and boys! Congratulations on your holiday! Every year November 20th is celebrated international holiday - World Children's Day Holiday, dedicated "Children's Day" consider open Hooray!

All together Hurray!

Guys, if you agree with me, talk "YES"

What's your mood, huh?

Is everyone of this opinion?

All without exception?

Have we grown up?

Did we manage everything?

Did we make it everywhere?

One for all?

And all for one?

Is your health okay?

Is your life fun?

Ved. 2. Important holiday, wonderful day!

Non-adults day, children's Day!

Children are our happiness!

Children make the world a more beautiful place!

And adults must take care

So that children have everything they want!


1. Autumn day in November -

Holiday on the calendar!

Day of Boxing and Flowers,

Are you ready to meet him?

2. So that we can live peacefully

People in joy, love,

Adults all over the planet

Today they give a holiday to children!

3. There are many holidays in the world,

Loved by adults and children

Meet them together!

4. A lot of important things on white light:

Peace, wealth, fame and success...

But the most important thing in the world is children,

Their trusting, happy laughter.

Ved. 1. You are our joy and our difficulties, so become smarter and more beautiful!

Ved. 2. You are our pride, and luck in life, you are a grateful continuation of us!

There's a song playing "If you are kind" senior group

Ved. 1. What a wonderful word - "friendship". When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other, they trust each other. True friends understand you and respect your interests. So what is friendship? Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

Ved. 2: (a game) Friendship is a smile, warmth, conversation. Raise your hands, look to the sky. Hold freedom in your fingers of the wind. Friendship is for all peoples! Smile everyone, because everyone is good. Let's clap our hands for friendship! No one is offended everyone has it something to be proud of. Spread your arms like birds! Good word will heal everyone's soul. Place your hands on each other's shoulders. We are children, we are of good character. Let's swing left, swing right.

Speech by children "Our Rights".

1. We are all in our rights equal:

Both adults and children.

All races, creeds, languages ​​-

We have this right.

Getting sick when it happens -

Everyone has the right to receive treatment.

3. If someone suddenly wants

Ban you from going to school

Know right away - he is wrong -

They are not given such rights.

4. No one can torture you

To hurt, to offend.

You will remember one thing -

Hitting people is prohibited.

5. I listened to my rights

And remember them firmly.

Just know that you really need it

Respect the rights of others.

6. These rights cannot be deprived

No one will ever see you.

Right everyone will help

May you always be happy!

Dance "The sun is shining" senior group

Ved. 1 Listen to the poem and think about whether the boy understands his rights correctly.

My rights (joke poem)

The child has a right

Don't eat semolina porridge

Yes, and ask at the same time

Chocolate candy.

The right to jump and play pranks,

Spill tea on a napkin,

Fight with your brother with a pillow,

Scatter your toys.

Cross out pictures in a book,

Pull your brother's ear,

That's how many different rights there are!

Am I, friends, wrong?

Ved. 2. Is the hero of this poem right? Why? (Children's answers)

Ved 1. That's right, these are not rights, but the boy's desires. Everyone’s desires are different and they don’t have to be fulfilled. But everyone has the same rights, and if they are not fulfilled, it is very difficult for a person to live. Let's see how the concept of “right” is interpreted in the dictionary Ozhegova: “Law is a set of norms and rules established and protected by state authorities that regulate the relations of people in society

Very often, when people defend their rights, they forget that other people have the same rights. (scene)


I stayed at school for half a day

And now here I have

Just a storm in the stomach -

Thoughts only about food.

Who from the doorstep - and for a spoon?

I should wash my hands, Seryozhka!

No, you, mom, are wrong,

I found out my rights.

Are you forcing me to wash?

You are oppressing my personality!

Oh, the problem is with the pressure.

When will you eat?

Then go to the pharmacy, grandson,

Buy me some pills.

What are you, grandma, children

Cannot be used.

Dress warmly

And go quickly yourself.

Well, then wash the dishes,

Can you do it or not?

What are you, mom, no, no will:

After all, on child labour ban.

By the way, you have the right to rest

I'll lie on the bed.

It’s as if mothers have no rights!

Tomorrow, cook your own lunch!

And task number five

Son, you decide for yourself.

And pants for school tomorrow

You can pet it yourself, grandson, or something.

Mother. We respect your rights

Of course they should.

But you just have to find out -

Everyone has equal rights.

Ved. 2. And now, dear viewers, both small and great, let’s play a game.

How are you living? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

"Nyakam Doll" Masha Zhivaeva senior group

Ved 2. Game "Sun".

Participants of one team, blindfolded, stand in a circle and join hands. The presenter speaks from time to time phrases: "The sun rose" or "Sunset", this is a signal to raise or lower your hands. In the center of the circle are the players of the other team - "rays". The rays try to quietly slip out of the circle at the moment when the hands of those standing in the circle are raised up. The more agile team wins.

Ved. 1. Quiz

1. Which bear really likes honey and making chants and howls? Who goes to visit in the morning and acts wisely? (Winnie the Pooh).

2. What was the name of the uncle of the 33 heroes? (Uncle Chernomor).

3. What kind of kernels did the nuts have that the squirrel gnawed from the fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and of the beautiful Swan Princess.” (Cores – pure emerald).

4. How many bunnies did the hare from Suteev’s fairy tale have? "A bag of apples"? (Five: 4 sons and a sweet daughter.)

5. How did the wolf catch fish in the frozen hole in the fairy tale about how the beaten one is lucky not to be beaten? Who taught him this, and what happened to the wolf? (The fox taught him. The wolf was catching fish with his tail, lowering it into the ice hole. The ice hole froze, the tail froze. The people who came for water attacked the wolf with rockers, beat him. And the tail came off.)

6. What saying do Russian fairy tales usually begin with? (They lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state.)

7. Name Crocodile Gena’s most cherished wish. (To find a friend)

8. How many piglets built a house and outwitted the wolf? (Three)

10. What is the name of the genie that Volka freed from the jug? (Hottabych)

11. What did Cinderella’s carriage turn into? (into pumpkin)

12. Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable? (fruit)

13. Which mushroom is the most poisonous? (fly agaric)

14. Which tree is usually decorated on new year holidays? (spruce)

15. What is the name of the corn fruit? (cob)

16. What planet do we live on? (Earth)

17. Without what is it impossible to get a fish out of a pond? (Easily)

18. What color is the sky? (blue)

Pupils come out, each reads one line. The guys say the last line all together.

I have the right to be black and white.

I have the right to rest and leisure.

I have the right to be clever and brave.

We have the right to healthy and quality food.

We have the right to free education.

You have the right to have your own name.

You have the right to simply be loved.

We have the right to health care.

We have the right to protection.

We have the right to live and be raised in a family.

We have the right in the whole wide world.

We have the right! We are children!

Ved. 1. We know little about the law,

No more than anyone else

We know what needs to be done

What is good for others

No need to think and guess

Trying to describe the law

You just need to follow it

Do not cause damage.

Ved. 2. Absolutely right. I hope that after leaving our Events, you will know the basics of legal knowledge.

Song "Sunny Circle" preparatory group

Holiday script for children in preparatory group.
World Children's Day.

MBDOU No. 67
Group No. 4

Celebration dedicated to World Children's Rights Day. Scenario for older preschoolers.
Topic: “I know my rights.”

1. Expand the legal horizons of children of senior preschool age.

2. Consolidating children’s knowledge about the responsibilities of family members.

3. Continue teaching children how to form nouns.

5. Cultivate children's understanding moral qualities and the actions of the heroes of fairy tales, determining the attitude towards them.

6. Develop a sense of self-esteem and respect for other people.

Preliminary work:
1. Reading works of fiction “Doctor Aibolit”, “Barmaley”, “Cockroach”; "; N. Nosov “On the Hill”; I. Turichin “The Man Got Sick”;
V. Oseeva " Magic word"; Russians folk tales“Snow Maiden”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, Belarusian fairy tale"Zhikharka" and others.
2. Learning proverbs, verses, poems about the rights of the child.
3. Examination of illustrations.
4. Drawing on the topic: “Me and my family.”
5. Carrying out didactic classes“Say Your Names”, “The House Where I Live”.

Demonstration material: magnetic board, 7 pcs. cards with the letter "I", family trees, country map, calendar, screen, ball, cards of a person in at different ages, costumes of holiday heroes, illustrations about children's rights, birth certificate.

Children are included in the group.


All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other, so that we can be in a good mood all day. (The children sit on the chairs. The Absent-Minded Man appears.)

Absent-minded: Hello, guys! I am the Absent-Minded Man from Basseynaya Street. And I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I brought you a gift. (takes out a calendar) Guys, who knows what this is? (children's answers) Why on the calendar are some numbers black and others red?

Children: Red numbers are holidays, and black numbers are weekdays.

Absent-minded: I think that all these holidays are invented for adults. Are there any holidays for children?

Children: Yes, there are. - Children Protection Day,

Absent-Minded Man: What great fellows you are! That's right, but this holiday is still far away! What do we do? I think I have an idea! Let's have a party today! And let's call it “Children's Rights Day!” Do you agree?

Attention! Attention! The holiday “Children's Rights Day” is announced! November 20 is World Children's Day!

Absent-minded: I felt very happy that the children had their own holiday.

1.Child: What a holiday!

What a day!

Non-adults day!

Children's Day!

2. Child: Children are good

Kids are awesome!

Without children, life is not life,

This is immediately clear!

Absent-Minded Man: Why is it called World Children's Day?

Children: Because it is celebrated all over the world.

Educator: There are many in the world different countries and peoples. (Show the card on a magnetic board). Let's remember what children from different countries are called.

Game exercise “Children of the Earth”.

Educator: Who are the children of Russia? - Russians.

What are the children of Italy called? - Italians.

Children of Belarus? - Belarusians.

Children of England? - The British.

Children of France? - French people.

Educator: Every child, every person has his own name. Absent-Minded Man, what's your name?

Absent-Minded: I am an Absent-Minded Man, but I don’t know what my name is. Nobody gave me a name.

Educator: Guys, how can this be? The child's name is given by the parents at birth.

Absent-Minded: And I’m a fictional character, I don’t have parents, so no one gave me a name!

Educator: Absent-minded man, don’t be upset. The guys and I will come up with a name for you. What should we call it? We need to come up with a name so that it is not repeated among the children in our group.

Children: Anton, Igor, Oleg, Misha, etc.

Educator: Absent-Minded Man, what name did you like best?

Absent-minded: Anton.

Educator: Now, your name is Anton.

Anton: Thank you, now I also have a name!

Educator: Each name has its own meaning. Guys, who wants to tell you about their name?

Child: I am Veronica. My name means "bringer of victory."
Child: I am Yesenia. My name means "alive" or "healthy".
Child: My name is Victoria, which means “winner”, etc.

Educator: Anton, in order for you to better remember the names of all the children, we invite you to play. We always do this to consolidate the new knowledge we have acquired, because children all over the world love to play. Our game is called "Call each other by name."

Game exercise "Call each other by name."
Rule of the game: You need to address each other kindly and tenderly.

Educator: Guys, stand in a circle, pass the ball, turning to face your neighbor, and address him kindly. (The teacher starts the game first. The game ends when the ball returns to the teacher).

Educator: Now, Anton, you know your name and the names of our children.

Anton: Guys, do you know what rights children have?

Child: Moms, dads all over the country

We should have known this a long time ago

Their children have rights

For example, reading books,

Also for care, affection

And to life, as if in a fairy tale,

Still the right to be happy

In our best world!

Educator: And now we will show how rights were violated in fairy tales.

Dramatization of excerpts from the fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”.

Educator: What and whose rights were violated in these fairy tales? (Children's answers)

Anton: Well, I think I’m starting to understand! One of the rights is hidden in my pocket (starts looking in my pockets). Where is it? Ah, I found it!
Finds an envelope, opens cards with the letter “I” (7 pieces, lays them out on the board).

Anton: How many letters “I”? That's right, seven! Family! What are we doing?

Children: Family!

Anton: Tell me what kind of right this is?

Child: Every child has the right to a family!

Child: Every child has the right to live with mom and dad.

Child: Every child has the right to have a brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather.

Child: I love my family

I love mom, dad!

I love my grandfather and grandmother

And a puppy and a cat Musya.

Everyone I love so much

They have the right to a family.

Educator: And you know, Anton, you can not only talk about family, write poetry, read stories. Can you make family trees?

Anton: How interesting! And what is it?

Educator: We’ll show you now. Look what trees the children of our group and their parents have prepared.

Anton: Beautiful! Why does a person need to be able to compose family tree your family?

Children: To know all your relatives.

A child's story (according to the family tree).

Educator: And our palms are very similar to a family.

Finger gymnastics "My family".

One two three four!

Who lives in my apartment? (Clap on the count. Bending your fingers to your palms)

One two three four five

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

cat Murka, two kittens,

my goldfinch, cricket and me - (Alternately stroking fingers)

That's my whole family!

Educator: Anton, can you solve riddles? We know a lot of riddles and want to play with you again.

Anton: I agree. What should I do?

Educator: You need to be attentive and smart!

Riddles about family.

1. teacher: This is when everyone is together: dad. Mom, grandma, grandpa, me? (family)

2. teacher: He’s old, but that’s okay, he’s no kinder, he’s my dad’s dad, and for me he’s…. (grandfather)

3. child: We have a girl in our house

Now I’m her brother, and she’s my….(sister)

4. child: A place where the whole family goes (home)

5. child: She’s not old at all, although she’s completely gray,

I’ll sit next to her: “Continue the story….(grandmother).”

6. child: Mom has a sister. You won't find anything kinder

I am very proud, because she is my (aunt).

7. teacher: My aunts and uncles live on the Volga

You will find me there on vacation

From mom and dad to them I am a messenger

They love me, because I am (nephew)

8. child: Mom’s brother came to us, I’m very glad to meet him!

He repeats looking into my eyes: “Press your hand, because I am your (uncle)”

9. teacher: She remembers and knows everything in the world,

And her grandmother calls her mom

And doctors often come to her house

She is great to me, she is great to me... (great-grandmother)

10. Anton: The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person for all people? (Mother)

Educator: Every person, when first born, is completely Small child- baby. The years go by. A person grows and turns from an infant into an adult. An adult will live, live and begin to grow old. He grows old, grows old, and becomes very old. This happens to all people. An adult starts a family. You all have a family. You are the happiest children in the world, because your families love each other and everyone lives happily together.

Let's try to lay out a chain of pictures from a baby to the oldest person.

Game "Collect a chain".

Two teams place pictures on different tables in an ascending chain.
(baby girl – preschooler – schoolgirl – student – ​​mother – grandmother;
baby boy – preschooler – schoolchild – student – ​​dad – grandfather).

Educator: What sayings and proverbs about family do you know?

Child: There is no happiness without family!

Where there is peace and harmony, there is treasure!

Feel sorry for your father and mother, you won’t find others!

Anton: I realized that children have the right to a family, and I have the right to a family.

Educator: Absolutely right, but each family member also has responsibilities. Guys, tell me, what responsibilities do you have?

Child: I have to clean up my toys after playing.

Child: I make the bed.

Child: My sister and I help our mother clean the house.

Child: Children are required to obey their parents.

Educator: Anton, we will now show you different actions, and you try to guess who is doing what.

Game "Who is doing what?" (physical exercise game) (played in the form of a game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”).

Grandmother bakes pies, knits socks and mittens, takes care of her grandchildren...

Mom cooks dinner, washes, irons,

Dad - pounding, twisting, pumping, driving

Grandfather is digging at the dacha, reading the newspaper.

Educator: Guys, every child has the right to express their opinion, to get together to express their views. You can sing, play and have fun together, run, jump and frolic.
Anton, I again invite you to play with the children.

Game exercise “Show me how.”
Progress: Children use facial expressions to show facial expressions according to the task:

Frown like an autumn cloud;

Smile like the sun;

Get angry like a greedy person;

Be scared like a cowardly hare;

Tired like a hard worker, like dad after work.

Educator: Each of us loves someone, every person has a feeling of love. Let's build a "pyramid of love."

Game "Pyramid of Love".
Progress of the game: I will name something I love and put my hand in, then each of you will name my favorite thing and put my hand in (build a pyramid).

Educator: Guys, you feel the warmth of our hands, look how high our pyramid is. High because we love and are loved ourselves.

Anton: Thank you guys! I am very glad that I met all of you and Artem, and Snezhanna, and Vlada and... And most importantly, now I also have a name! I'll go meet other children. And I will tell everyone about such a wonderful holiday for children - World Children's Day. Goodbye!

Educator: It’s nice that our Anton left happy. You and I spent an extraordinary day today and let’s end it in a solemn atmosphere. Let's read poetic wishes for all the children of the planet.

1 child: The life of children all over the planet

It will be easier from now on

Let cakes, sweets

They will be eaten by them.

Child 2: Let the parents not

Too strict with the guys

Let them love each other

Will always be with them

Child 3: Where does our childhood live?

The world only gets more beautiful there!

We wish the children well,

May fate protect them from evil!

4 child: And children's laughter sounds everywhere,

Let the kids believe in miracles!

All over the earth, all over the planet,

They will give happiness to our children!

Organization: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 in Dmitriev"

Locality: Kursk region, Dmitriev

Goal: creating a cheerful, joyful mood.

Objectives: - promote the development of attention, thinking, coordination of movement;

Bring up friendly relations to each other;

The desire to help your neighbor.

Venue: group.

Age: children 4-6 years old

Equipment: hoops, balls, balls, paper airplanes, box with surprises.

Progress of the event.

(Children join the group to the music “Sunny Circle”)

V-l: Hello, guys! Today I want to congratulate you on your holiday.

There are many holidays in the world,
Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
The whole world celebrates
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:
Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you !

After all, today, November 20, many countries around the world celebrate the holiday of children's joy, prosperity, global understanding and brotherhood. And with all my heart I want to give you gifts. Oh, where are they? (looks around).

(there's a knock on the door and an envelope is slipped under it)

V-l: Look, guys, someone sent us a letter. Let's read it. (is reading)

“Hi, kids! We hid your gifts. To find them, guess who we are and complete our tasks."

Fairy-tale heroes.

V-l: Guys, what should we do?

Children: (answer)

V-l: Well, let's try to complete their tasks. What is the first test and who is it? (reads the riddle)

“The swamp is her home.

Vodyanoy comes to visit her.”

Children: Kikimora.

V: That's right, guys. Listen to the task she gave you. You need to cross its swamp along the hummocks. (Children take turns jumping from hoop to hoop with both feet).

So, we completed the first task. Next riddle:

“He is afraid of everyone in the forest:

Wolf, eagle owl, fox.

He runs away from them,

With long ears..."

Children: Hare

V-l: Well done. He wants to test how fast you are (the children are divided into three teams and, with a ball clutched in their knees, jump to the wall and back, friendship wins). The second task is already over. Who's next?

“The two of them are always together everywhere,

Non-spillable animals:

Him and his furry friend

Joker, Winnie the Pooh bear.

And if it's not a secret,

Quickly give me the answer:

Who is this cute fat guy?

The son of a piggy mother..."

Children: Piglet.

V-l: Yes, guys, do you remember what he flew on?

Children: In a balloon.

V-l: Correct. And for you he came up with a task with balloons“Blow the ball” (children are divided into two teams, stand opposite each other, there is a ribbon between them; blow the balls without stepping over the air). Well done, you did very well. What's the next task?

“The evening is coming,

There is a noisy ball in the kingdom.

The fairy will give her an outfit,

So that no one knows her.

She ran away from the ball at midnight,

I lost my shoe."

Children: Cinderella.

V-l: Correct. How did you guess that it was Cinderella?

Children: She lost her shoe, and the prince recognized her by it.

V-l: So she wants to know, will the boys be able to pick up shoes for the girls? (the girls take off one shoe at a time, and the boys must find another and put them on). Well done. You have completed this task. And now the last and most difficult task.

“The nose is round, with a snout,

It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.

Small crochet tail

Hooves instead of shoes

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Children: Three little pigs.

V-l: Correct. Who remembers what this fairy tale is about?

Children: (briefly retell)

V-l: And the piglets want to see how you hide from the wolf in your houses. (children are divided into groups of 5 people, take a hoop in their right hand, walk in a circle with it to the music; according to the word “Wolf” they hide in soy "house".)

(At this time, a fake house is exhibited, in it stands beautiful box with gifts)

V-l: Guys, you did great, everyone managed to hide in their houses. But look how strong and beautiful the piglets’ house is! (children approach the house) Oh, these are probably our missing gifts, let's look. (opens the box, hands out gifts) Once again I want to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to grow up happy and healthy!

Sudakova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBOUDOD "Children's Art School"
Locality: Argayash village, Chelyabinsk region
Name of material: scenario
Subject:"World Children's Day"
Publication date: 13.02.2016
Chapter: additional education

School-wide class hour

Introduce students to the traditions of the holiday.
1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the basic rights of the child, show the unity of rights and responsibilities. 2. Encourage children to protect their rights and cultivate respect for the rights of other people. 2. Contribute to the formation of an active life position.
1. Presentation. 2. Music center 3. Multimedia installation.


(students read poetry) 1. Autumn day in November - Holiday on the calendar! Day of gifts and flowers, are you ready to celebrate it? 2. Extend your hand with a smile to a German, a Russian, a Yakut, an Englishman, an Estonian - Let the sun shine brighter! 3. So that people can live peacefully in joy, love, Adults all over the planet Nowadays they give a holiday to children!
Guys, November 20 is International Children's Day. Children's Rights Day. The date November 20 was not chosen by chance. It is noteworthy because it was on this date in 1959 that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The document combined 10 fundamental principles and declared its ultimate goal to “ensure children a happy childhood.” And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which obliges all countries to provide children with a good life. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990. November 20 is also International Children's Rights Day. Did you know that with
From birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most important organization on our earth - the United Nations. slide with the UN emblem This authoritative international organization arose after the Second World War, which deprived tens of millions of people of their main right - the right to life. Unfortunately, our world has not become safe: wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and epidemics. Even adults, strong people cannot resist these dangers, but children are the most defenseless. Even in peaceful life, you need special care and attention from adults.
Musical number

Children's rights.
- Today we will talk about your rights. - Which of you knows your rights? The right to live. The right to a name at birth. Right to medical care. Right to education. The right to rest and leisure. The right to have property. The right to freely express your views. Right to free movement. The right to freedom and upbringing by parents. Right to comprehensive development and respect for human dignity. Right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, secrecy of correspondence.
- Let's stop at
Right to a name at birth
and let's play a game

Game condition:
Each of you in the chain must quickly rise from your seat, say your name and add an adjective that begins with the same letter (example: Anna - Neat, etc.). (Students say their name, adding an adjective to it.) - Guys, do you have the right to your names? How do you think? Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another? (students answer) - Your names, surnames, dates of birth are written on the birth certificate. What else is written there, who knows? (Conversation with students). Your parents' names are written there. And also the fact that you are citizens of Russia. This means that the state protects your rights, including your right to a name.
Musical number

Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights.”

Where are all children's rights written down? (Conversation with students). - Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document was adopted on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations. - A convention is an agreement. This means that all states that have signed this Convention have agreed to protect the rights of children. - I suggest you pay attention to the cards that I distributed to you. This is a reminder of your fundamental rights, which are reflected in the Convention (Annex 1).
Musical number

Game "Make a word".
show a slide of an encrypted word Make up a word: Nokevnitsa - Government Convention - State and life - life rboazoavine - education
Musical number

Competition “Songs about rights”.
(musical fragments of songs)
Students must say what rights it refers to. 1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (right to freedom of movement). 2. “What they teach at school” (the right to education). 3. “On a steep bank” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” (right to rest). 4. “Song of the Baby Mammoth” (the right to be raised in a family).
Musical number

Responsibilities of children.
- Guys, every person has rights. But they can only be used when the rights of other people are not violated. Respecting the rights of other people is the responsibility of every person. A duty is something that must be fulfilled.
" Responsibilities".
*Follow the rules of personal hygiene; *help elders; *study conscientiously.
Musical number

. (students read poetry) 1. On this day we want to wish that every child in the world would be waited at home by both father and mother, looked after, cared for, loved. 2. Let there be no abandoned children, Let everyone have a family, a father and a mother, A house in which there is always peace and harmony, A house in which there is no fighting. 3. Let children's laughter flow from the windows, let children's smiles shine. We congratulate everyone today, from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts!
Musical number
Our class hour dedicated to WORLD CHILDREN'S DAY has come to an end. Today we talked about rights and learned that children, like adults, have rights and responsibilities. Thanks to all!

Annex 1

Main provisions of the Convention
 Every child has an inalienable right to life, and States shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, survival and healthy development child.  Every child from the moment of birth has the right to a name to acquire citizenship.  In all actions of courts, social welfare agencies or administrative authorities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. The child's beliefs are scrutinized.  States shall ensure that every child enjoys all rights without discrimination or distinction.  Children should not be separated from their parents unless it is in the best interests of the child that this is done by the competent authorities.  States should facilitate family reunification by allowing entry into or exit from the country.  Parents bear the primary responsibility for raising a child, but states must provide them with appropriate assistance and develop a network of child care institutions.  States must ensure that children are protected from physical or psychological harm and neglect, including sexual abuse or exploitation.  States provide substitute care for children without parents. The adoption process must be carefully regulated and international agreements must be signed to provide safeguards and legal validity if the adoptive parents intend to remove the child from the country of birth.  Handicapped children have the right to special education, training and care.  The child has the right to use advanced health care services. States must ensure that all children are covered by the health system, while prioritizing prevention, health promotion and reducing child mortality.  Primary education should be free and compulsory.  School discipline must be maintained through methods that reflect respect for the human dignity of the child. Education should prepare the child to live in a spirit of understanding, peace, and tolerance.  Children should have time for rest and play, equal opportunities to engage in cultural and creative activities.
 States must protect children from economic exploitation and work that may interfere with their education or be detrimental to their health and well-being.  States must protect children from illicit drug use and their involvement in the production or trafficking of such drugs.  Every effort should be made to prevent the abduction and trafficking of children.  The death penalty or life imprisonment is not imposed for crimes committed by persons under 18 years of age.  Children should be detained separately from adults; they must not be subjected to torture or cruel and degrading treatment.  No child under 15 years of age shall take part in hostilities; During armed conflicts, children must be provided with special protection.  Children belonging to national minorities and indigenous peoples should be free to enjoy their own culture, religion and language.  Children who have been harmed as a result of abuse, neglect or detention should be provided with appropriate care or professional assistance to restore their health and rehabilitation.  The treatment of children involved in criminal offenses should promote the child's sense of dignity and worth and should be aimed at their reintegration into society.  States should provide widespread information about the rights of both adults and children under the Conventions.

Children's Day

The holiday was initiated by the UN General Assembly; in 1954, a resolution was adopted recommending UN member countries to celebrate this day since 1956. On November 20, 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted, from which time this date is considered World Children’s Day.

On the same day in 1989, the “Convention of the Rights of the Child” was signed. The purpose of the holiday is to improve the living conditions and development of children around the world, ensuring a happy childhood. The UN holds many events in the interests of children, and this day also helps to strengthen solidarity and cooperation between peoples.

On this day, charitable foundations intensify their activities and hold fundraising events for the needs of children in poor countries around the world. Not only money is collected, but also clothes, textbooks, and other school supplies for orphanages and low-income families.

On this day, public organizations and government officials hold lectures, educational sessions, and conversations in schools. Rallies, demonstrations, and flash mobs are held in defense of children's rights.

Scenario: “World Children's Day”


The common property of all children is their rights.
Every child has the right to live and develop,
get an education, not be subjected to violence,
abuse and exclusion and speak up.
(Ban Ki-moon,
UN Secretary General.
From the message November 20, 2014)


(An apartment with a large window, sheets of paper and pencils laid out on the floor. Freken Bock appears.)

FREKEN BOK: Hello, guys! Let's get acquainted: Freken Bok, the housekeeper from the fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson”! I am raising that same Baby while his parents are at work. I love singing! (Performs a song on the topic.)
By the way, where is this worthless boy?
(The Kid appears.)
And here he is!
KID: Hello, Freken Bock! You smell so delicious, and while I was walking with my beloved dog, I was so hungry!

FREKEN BOK: Oh, you see, it smells delicious! You scattered your things, again messing with the nasty | dog (to the side) and in general, you | I don't like you at all! For this you will be left without lunch, without toys and will not go for a walk!
Quickly to the corner!

KID: But, Freken Bok, I’ll tidy everything up now, I was drawing, and my dog ​​asked to go for a walk!
MESS BOK: In the corner, I said! Oh! Something is burning! Probably, “it was my donuts that were browned!” (Turns off the bright light, turns the key in an imaginary lock and leaves.) KID: Not a housekeeper, but a housekeeper! (Cries.)
It’s so scary in the dark... Oh, I have a bell. (Takes it out of his pocket and rings it.)

Propeller sound. A well-fed man appears in the window.)
CARLSON: The wonderful helicopter of the Carlson system is asking to land! What's happened? What is this stream of water in the darkness?
KID: Hello, Carlson... And I’m naka-a-azan again.

CARLSON: As the world's biggest prankster, I was also sometimes punished, but I was always fed and was never locked alone in a dark room! It's outrageous!
KID: So what should we eat?
CARLSON: Calm, just calm! Nice Mr. Carlson is the smartest in the world, 1- and he knows what he is saying! We have to fly to kindergarten.

KID: To kindergarten?
CARLSON: I live on the roof there, so I know where everything is. Forward, to kindergarten. KID: Forward!
(They fly out the window.)

(The scenery changes to a screen-window. Bright light appears again. The children perform a funny song. The teacher and the children come out, one of them in a wheelchair.)
CARLSON: Hello (Children return the greeting.)
KID: Hello housekeeper! (Hides behind Carloson in fear.)

Educator: I am not a housekeeper, but a teacher, Marina Ivanovna. The guys and I are glad to see you visiting us, dear Malysh and Carlson!

Carlson: You have fun here!
Kid: Help! Tell me what to do so that Freken Bok stops tormenting me!

Educator: You need to know your rights!
Carlson: What are rights?

Educator: These are the rules by which people live!
Kid: Where is this written?

Boy with glasses: In the Declaration of the Rights of the Child!
Carlson (aside): Calm down, Carlson, there is someone smarter than you.
Kid: Do I have any rights?
Educator: Of course!
Child 1: Of course, your very first right is the right to a name.

Baby: everyone calls me Baby as if it were my name. My Swedish name is Svante.

Boy with glasses: Very nice, Svante, and I am Nikita (They shake hands.)
Carlson (approaches the Boy in a wheelchair): boy, what’s your name?
Boy: Vasya.
Carlson: Let's play catch-up!
Vasya I can’t. I'm lame. This is for life...

Child 2: Children are different, healthy and not so healthy.

Children: We love everyone! Educator: Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead fulfilling lives.
Carlson: Vasya, you and I will fly together on Sunday!

Vasya: Great! I've never flown before.
Child 3: If you suddenly get sick, then calling a doctor is also your right.

KID: I think I have a fever!
TEACHER (touches the Kid’s forehead): There’s no fever, Svante, it’s because you’re hungry.
(The child takes out and gives the dish of pies to the Kid, who takes it and thanks him with a nod of his head.)

CARLSON: The right to food is the best, because I (looks sideways at the Kid’s pie) - Carlson, the hungriest in the world (The Kid treats Carlson, who greedily chews the pie.)
CHILD (4): The next right is the right to education!
CARLSON: Gay-hop! It’s great that you have rights, you can play pranks, do nothing, break everything, not help and not listen to your elders, because you can’t punish children!

KID: Somehow this is wrong.
TEACHER: Of course, it’s not correct, everyone should take care of their home, the planet. Protect peace on Earth.
CHILD (5): Remember your rights, but don’t forget that it is very important to respect the rights of others!
CARLSON: What happens if you don’t comply with these not always easy responsibilities?

TEACHER: Terrible things can happen. People can quarrel and even start a war. Then any child will become a refugee, without a home country, an orphan without parents...
KID: How dangerous it turns out to be to violate rights...
CHILD (1): It is impossible to live alone in the world! Guys, take advantage of your right to live with parents who care about you.
KID: I adore my family!

(A breathless Freken Bok runs into the hall.)
FREKEN BOK: Oh, what a noise here! Here he is, this naughty boy! Together with the bully with the propeller! Go home immediately!
KID: What to do? I don't want to go to the corner! (Hides behind Carlson.)
CARLSON: Calm, just calm! We are starting an operation to re-educate the housekeeper!
TEACHER: Guys, tell our guest what you know about your rights!

FREKEN BOK: What-what-what can you tell me, little fools?
(Children come out with posters on which it is written: “The rights of the child must be known, respected and observed!”, “All children have the right to guardianship, to affection, the right to live in their own family!”, “I have the right to food, education , attention, choice of country and place of residence!”, “I have the right to have my own name!”.)

KID: I'm not the Kid, but Svante! And I have the right to simply be loved.
MESS BOK: I understand, I understand, I apologize!
KID: That's the same!
CARLSON: Hurray, kids! We won!
TEACHER: The most proven way to become even happier is to sing a good song with friends.
(Final song of the leader.)

Class hour scenario “Children's Day”

Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?
Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
To an Englishman, an Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!
So that we can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
Natalia Maidanik

November 20 is celebrated as Universal Children’s Day, Children’s Rights Day.

The date November 20 was not chosen by chance. It is noteworthy because it was on this date in 1959 that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The document combined 10 fundamental principles and declared its ultimate goal to “ensure children a happy childhood.”

And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which obliges all countries to provide children with a good life. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990.

November 20 is also International Children's Day. Did you know that from birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most authoritative organization on our earth - the United Nations. (slide with the UN emblem).

UN emblem

This authoritative international organization arose after the Second World War, which deprived tens of millions of people of their main right - the right to life. To prevent a third world war, the peoples of the whole world united in the United Nations.

Unfortunately, our world has not become safe: wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and epidemics. Even adults, strong people cannot resist these dangers, but children are the most defenseless. Even in peaceful life, they need special care and attention from adults.

Children's rights

Game "Right to a Name".

Today we will talk about your rights. How many of you know your rights? The guys call:

The right to live.
The right to a name at birth.
Right to medical care.
Right to education.
The right to rest and leisure.
The right to have property.
The right to freely express your views.
Right to free movement.
The right to freedom and upbringing by parents.
The right to full development and respect for human dignity.
The right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, privacy of correspondence.

Let's look at the Right to a Name at Birth and play the "Names" game. Conditions of the game.
Each of you in the chain must quickly rise from your seat, say your name and add an adjective that begins with the same letter (example: Anna - Neat, etc.). (Students say their name, adding an adjective to it).

Guys, do you have the right to your names? How do you think? Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another? Your first and last names and dates of birth are recorded on the birth certificate. What else is written there, who knows? (Conversation with students). Your parents' names are written there. And also the fact that you are citizens of Russia. This means that the state protects your rights, including your right to a name.

Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights”

Where are all children's rights written down? (Conversation with students). Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document was adopted on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations.

– A convention is an agreement. This means that all states that have signed this Convention have agreed to protect the rights of children.

I suggest you pay attention to the cards that were distributed to you. This is a reminder of your fundamental rights as reflected in the Convention.

Game “Determine which of the fairy tale characters is deprived of the following rights.”

(Prepare slides depicting fragments from fairy tales)

1. Right to life (“Kolobok”)

2. Right to inviolability of home (“The Three Little Pigs”)

3. The right to freedom of marriage (“Thumbelina”)

4. The right to live and be raised in a family (“Morozko”)

5. The right to rest and leisure (“Cinderella”)

6. Cruel, inhumane treatment, exploitation of minors (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

Make up a word.

(show a slide of an encrypted word and call a student ready to answer)

Make up a word:

  • Nokevnitsa – Convention
  • gousardtsov – State
  • life - life
  • rboazoavine – education
Competition “Songs about rights”.

(Prepare musical fragments of songs)

A song is performed for each subgroup. Players must say what rights it refers to.

1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (right to freedom of movement).

2. “What they teach at school” (the right to education).

3. “On a steep bank” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” (right to rest).

4. “Song about Parents” from the movie “Pippi” Long stocking"(the right to be raised in a family).
– Concluding the conversation about children’s rights, I propose to listen to the poem - a wish and think about the implementation of what right of yours it talks about.
On this day I want to wish,
So that every child in the world
Both father and mother were waiting at home,
They looked after, cherished, loved.

Let there be no abandoned guys,
To everyone - a family, father and mother,
A house in which there is always peace and harmony,
A house where there is no fighting.

Let children's laughter flow from the windows,
Let children's smiles shine.
I congratulate everyone today,
From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!
(Right to family upbringing).

Children's responsibilities

Analysis of situations “Rights and responsibilities” in the context of Children’s Day

- Guys, every person has rights. But they can only be used when the rights of other people are not violated. Respecting the rights of other people is the responsibility of every person. Do we always do this?

Discussion on the topic “One person’s rights end where another person’s rights begin.”

– I suggest you watch a few scenes and evaluate the behavior of the characters. Whose rights are they violating? What duties are not fulfilled?

(sketch performed by representatives of each subgroup)

Scene 1

Mother. Turn the music down immediately! It's already midnight, you'll wake up the whole house!

Son. And I have the right to rest and leisure! I'm used to relaxing with loud music!

Presenter: - Please help the child figure out who is wrong here.

The students answer. (Example: The son violates the neighbors' right to rest in silence. He does not respect the rights of other people).

Scene 2

Teacher. Olya, you are on duty today, please wipe the board and water the flowers.

Olya. You have no right to force me to be on duty! The Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits violence against children!

Presenter: – Please explain to Ole what she is wrong about.

The students answer. (Example: In addition to her rights, Olya also has duties - as an attendant (like all children in the class). In addition, there is an obligation to respect the rights of other people to cleanliness in the classroom. Her rights are valid if the rights of others are not violated!), etc. .

Scene 3

Teacher. Ivanov, you painted the desk in the math room again! After all, the children just washed it!

Ivanov. What's wrong with that? I have the right to do my favorite thing - drawing!

Presenter: – Who will explain to Ivanov his rights and obligations?

Students answer (Example: other students have the right to sit at a clean desk. Ivanov must respect the rights of other students).

Scene 4

Teacher. Petrov, why did you run around the classroom during recess?

Petrov. So what? I have the right to freedom of movement!

Presenter: – Is Petrov’s reasoning correct?

Students. His classmates have the right to rest. And he ran around and violated their rights. Petrov does not respect the rights of other people.

Scene 5

Mother. Son, why didn’t you take out the trash can and go get some bread?

Son. Because the United Nations prohibits the use of child labor!

Presenter: – What a fighter for children’s rights! Maybe he's right?

Students express their opinions.


What is more valuable than anything in the world? Ask this question to any adult and you will certainly get the answer – our children.
“We would not agree to part with you for any treasure in the world. You know that yourself.
– And even for a hundred thousand million crowns? - asked the Kid.
– And even for a hundred thousand million crowns!
- So, am I worth that much? – the Kid was amazed.
“Of course,” mom said and hugged him again.
The kid began to think: one hundred thousand million crowns - what a huge pile of money! Can it really cost that much? (Kid and Carlson).

Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
The whole world celebrates
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:
Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Natalia Maidanik

A presentation on the topic “Children's Day” can be downloaded.