Speech development of preschool children. When to contact a speech therapist? Recommendations for parents on the development of speech in children of the fourth year of life Questions on the speech development of children

Svetlana Viktorova
Interaction between kindergarten and family on issues of children’s speech development

Preschool age is a period of intense growth and child development. It was at this age are developing all mental processes in the body. Speech is no exception, because the child is in the process of interactions with the world and the people around him, enriches his experience, receives new impressions, and in connection with this happens development his mental abilities, and, accordingly, speech. Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech developed correctly and in a timely manner. Therefore, one of the main directions of work preschool is children's speech development. Speech of modern children's figurative, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, is a very rare phenomenon. Children learn their native speech by imitating the spoken speech of those around them. Preschool teachers pay a lot of attention to speech development speeches. Development speech occurs gradually along with development thinking and is associated with complication children's activities and forms of communication with other people.

Speech development preschooler in a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education) includes in myself:

Mastering speech as a means of culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

- communication development, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

- development of speech creativity;

- development sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Getting to know book culture children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education determines that educational activities, carried out in the process of organization various types children's activities(gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical-artistic, as well as during regime moments, V independent activity children and in interaction with families of preschool children.

In the formation of a child’s speech, his environment plays an important role, namely, parents and teachers. From the way they talk to him, how much attention they pay verbal communication with a child, the success of a preschooler in language acquisition largely depends. From the moment the preschooler arrives at children's kindergarten, it is important to convince parents that their role in this is very large and all the efforts of educators without their help will be insufficient, and perhaps even ineffective.

The inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process is the most important condition for a full-fledged child's speech development. As is known, educationally - educational impact consists of two interconnected processes:

*organizations various forms helping parents;

This approach to education children in a preschool setting educational institution ensures continuity of pedagogical impact. The most important condition continuity is the establishment of trusting business contacts between family and kindergarten, during which the positions of parents and teachers are adjusted. Not one, not even the best, developing the program cannot give full results if it does not solve together with family, if the preschool institution has not created conditions for attracting parents to participate in the educational process. A child’s mastery of speech is more successful when he is taught not only in a preschool institution, but also in family.

When working with parents I take into account the following: principles:

Personal approach taking into account education, age and individual characteristics.

Application by parents of the acquired theoretical knowledge in the daily practice of family education.

Level accounting development each child and a differentiated approach to the problem of education, training and implementation correctional work V family.

We try to make full use of all types traditional forms interaction with family, but we are also looking for new ones. Promotion of knowledge among parents on I carry out issues of speech development of children, first of all, in conversations and consultations. For example: “Games - dramatization as the most important way of versatile speech development», "Methods of gaming verbal communication» , “Learn poetry while playing”. I give recommendations to parents “How to Conduct a Conversation Based on a Work of Art”, “How to read a book to children”.

I consider visual propaganda to be an effective form of work, for example organizing stands, "corners for parents", where advice is given on vocabulary work with children, playful breathing exercises aimed at development of speech breathing, finger games and lists of necessary literature.

The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities. Another one of the forms interaction with parents, are consultations.

We structure consultations so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems, developed a spirit of cooperation, because modern parent will not want to listen to long and edifying reports from the teacher. Consultations must be made extremely clear, containing only necessary for parents specific material.

For consultations, we organize exhibitions of manuals, educational games, For example: “Making the tongue obedient”, « Didactic games By speech development» , "Folklore in speech development of the child» and etc.

Modern parents are literate, informed, but at the same time very busy and have limited time to obtain a large amount of information. Parents' employment is the main problem interaction between kindergarten and family. Therefore, in the new conditions, the search for such forms is of particular relevance. interaction between family and kindergarten, which make it possible to effectively implement the basic general education program of preschool education.

The use of ICT in the educational process is one of modern trends in preschool education. Information and communication technology tools help teachers diversify forms of support for the educational process, improve the quality of work with parents of students, and also popularize the activities of group educators and kindergarten as a whole.

One of the most effective forms of working with parents is seminars and workshops. Seminars and workshops are aimed at increasing the level of not only theoretical, but primarily practical training of parents in children's speech development. Our group held a seminar-workshop « Developing children's speech» , where parents got acquainted with the features speech development of children 3-4 years old and were involved in the process of speech formation children through the production of games and manuals.

Very useful knowledge on speech development, where parents can see the teacher’s correct work in shaping the child’s speech.

Effective form interactions"teacher-parent-child" became a project activity. It involves active cooperation children and adults, promotes development creativity in different types informative- speech activity, provides a modern integrated approach to education and training children. By participating in the development and implementation of the project, parents become direct participants in the educational process and begin to realize their role in it. The topics and content of projects are determined together with children and parents based on the identification of current tasks development of children of a specific group, children's interests. So, when implementing the project "These lovely tales", the purpose of which was Developing interest in fairy tales, creating conditions for the active use of fairy tales in activities children, involvement children into active speech work , the following were achieved results: children began to know fairy tales well "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear", "Kolobok". In the process of getting acquainted with fairy tales, the vocabulary became more active, coherent speech developed, productive activity. U children There will be an interest in games and dramatizations. Parents took an active part in this project activities. We made masks with "Continue the tale"; finger theater; picked up coloring pages "Heroes of Fairy Tales". Project "Miracle fingers" made parents realize the importance development fine motor skills child's hands for speech development and will actively participate in the production of manuals for training hands from scrap material, showing his creativity.

Holidays and leisure time are an excellent situation for activating speech and its communicative function. This speech environment, which is so necessary for children. The holiday reveals the richest opportunities for comprehensive child development.

Preparation for holidays and leisure activities is an excellent incentive for children in speech development classes. Children learn songs and poems, which in turn is an excellent means for speech development. Children learn to perceive speech correctly and clearly.

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole. Conversely, a child’s unclear speech will make it very difficult for him relationships with people and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.

Speech development is an important component overall child development, and it is important not to miss the moment of the baby’s speech development.

Speech is not inherited, the child learns from experience speech communication from others, i.e. mastery of speech is directly dependent on the environment speech environment.

Thus, together with parents, trying to find different forms of introducing them to speech development of children, we step by step overcome the complex process of forming correct figurative speech, which begins in the preschool years and is improved throughout life.




for educators

« Interaction between kindergarten and family

issues of children's speech development»


teacher: Viktorova S.I.

The article reveals the goals, objectives, methods and techniques collaboration educator and parents on issues of speech development. Games are offered to help parents game exercises on speech development, vocabulary formation in children preschool age.



(from work experience)


Romanovskaya Marina Viktorovna,

Teacher of SP GBOU Secondary School No. 5

G.o. Sizran


Interaction between kindergarten and family on issues of children’s speech development

Today society is becoming new system preschool education, therefore, with the introduction of the Federal State Standard, much attention is paid to the interaction of the preschool institution with parents.
An important social task facing the kindergarten is to assist the family in raising a child. In this regard, not only the forms and methods of interaction with parents of pupils are changing, but also the philosophy of interaction: from “working with parents” to “cooperation”.
In accordance with this, parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.
The interaction between kindergarten and family is a necessary condition for the work of a preschool institution in any area of ​​its activity. Work on the development of speech in preschoolers is no exception, because best results in work can be achieved if educators and parents act in concert.
I set the goal of my work: increasing the level of speech development of preschool children through organizing interaction between kindergarten and family.

Kindergarten task- equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular specific knowledge on speech development methods.

Purpose of collaboration– to activate parents, to draw their attention to the pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children, making the upbringing of a child in the family and in kindergarten more consistent and effective.

Collaboration tasks:

  • creating an environment of psychological, pedagogical and speech support for the child;
  • ensuring effective general and speech preparation for school;
  • increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and educational competence of parents, encouraging them to take conscious action on the general and speech development of preschool children in the family;
  • identify the nature of family relationships, the authority of parents;
  • determine their impact on the child’s development and, on this basis, coordinate educational preschool work and families;
  • purposefully influence parents, taking into account their preparedness for raising children;
  • take into account the wishes of parents and their suggestions;
  • introduce parents to the range of knowledge for successfully preparing children for school.

To increase the level of speech development of children when working with families, I usetraditional and non-traditional forms and methods:

  • group meetings;
  • individual conversations;
  • consultations;
  • survey;
  • visual propaganda (movable folders, memos, methodological literature);
  • open classes with kids;
  • Open Day;
  • inviting parents to speech theatrical events;
  • joint events: organizing a toy library with parents, creating a speech album “Moneybox of Words”, holding a quiz “A fairy tale has come to visit us”;
  • game interaction trainings;
  • interactive exhibitions;
  • quizzes, competitions;
  • project activities;
  • presentations;

On consultations “Speech development of children of senior preschool age”I introduced parents to what speech skills are most typical for older preschoolers, as well as what basic mistakes are found in children’s speech. Prepared individual recommendations for parents. I brought to their attention how their child’s speech was developing, indicated which section the child had not mastered, or had learned poorly, and what additional classes he needed. Parents were also offered a list of literature on issues that interested them.

Was organizedplayroom with parents. Its goal is to demonstrate the skills and ideas acquired by children in gaming material. I introduced my parents to various speech games (development games grammatical structure, games for the development of syllabic culture, games for the development of speech culture, etc.). Moreover, parents took an active part in the game with their children.

Conducted Quiz “Visiting a fairy tale”the goal of which was the development of children auditory attention, creative imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech in dramatizations. A team of children and a team of parents took part in the quiz. They had to cope with various tasks (guessing fairy tales; solving a fairy-tale crossword puzzle; composing a fairy tale; playing a fairy-tale plot, etc.)

Parents actively participated in the creationspeech album “Moneybox of Words”. This form of work with families is aimed at expanding, consolidating, concretizing the child’s vocabulary and explaining the lexical meaning of words. Children and their parents had to come up with beautiful words (autumn, sweet, spicy, etc.), choose a picture with an interesting object, show it to all the children and name it. Based on the results of this work, the group created albums and books.

Also presented to the attention of parentsfolder “I give you a word”the purpose of which was to draw the attention of parents to the fact that knowledge is more effective Children acquire them in everyday situations and in play. Also in the folder was a selection of games that promote the speech development of children of senior preschool age.

On my recommendation, parents introduce families into lifegame “I give you a word”, the goal is to expand children's vocabulary. Children bring gifted words to the group and introduce them to their friends. Parents participate in creating a home toy library. This type of work does not require special materials and aids.

Considering the heavy workload of parents with household chores and the fatigue accumulated at the end of the day, I suggest"Games in the kitchen."

Game exercises for developing fine motor skills."Cinderella". You are preparing lunch. Invite your child to sort out peas, rice, and buckwheat. " Magic wands" Give the child toothpicks. The child must lay out simple geometric figures, objects, patterns.

Vocabulary enrichment games. « Magic words" What words can be “taken out” from borscht? Vinaigrette? Kitchen cabinet? Plates? “Take a guess.” Let's remember delicious (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) words and treat each other with them. The child names a tasty word and “puts” it in your palm. Then you tell him. “Say the word.” You start a phrase, and the child finishes it: - The crow croaks, and the sparrow...

Games for the development of grammatical structure."The cooks." Let's prepare apple juice (apple), fish pie (fish), raspberry jam (raspberry), etc. “Stubborn words.” There are stubborn words in the world that never change (coffee, dress, piano, cocoa, coat, subway...). Ask your child questions and make sure he doesn’t change the word.

Games to develop syllable structure."Confusion". Once upon a time there were words. One day they were having fun, dancing and did not notice that they were mixed up. Help the words unravel. Words: bosaka (dog), lovosy (hair), lekoso (wheel), posagi (boots, etc.).

Outdoor games.

"Ball Games" “I will name objects and throw you a ball. You will catch it only when you hear the sound “w” in the word. If there is no sound in the word, then there is no need to catch the ball. So, let's begin: toad, chair, hedgehog, beetle, book..."

"Frog". Isolating a sound from a series of vowels: a, o, u, i, e, e, yu, i, s. “You will jump like a frog, if you hear the sound “a”, you lower your hands to other sounds.” By analogy, the game is played with other vowel sounds. Later, you can play with consonant sounds.

Such games will not take much time from parents and do not require special preparation. And their daily use will be invaluable for the development of the child’s speech, and will show the child the parents’ interest in his problems and will further strengthen their relationship.

One of the most effective forms of interaction with parents on speech development isthis is a speech theatrical festival. Theatrical and play activities combine a large number of means and methods for developing children’s speech abilities. The speech basis of the holiday is what was prepared together with the children at home: a dramatization of a poem, a fairy tale, a story. A child is an active creature by nature; he loves not only to listen to fairy tales, but also to act and create. The main point of creative theatrical play is the fulfillment of a role. During the game, the child creates an image through action, in a word, which gives him the opportunity to actively develop speech activity. Parents get used to the speech of their children and do not notice any shortcomings in it, which means they do not help them learn correct speech. I believe that parents should be shown joint activities with children, how to correctly form children’s speech, explain to them the need to consolidate what has been achieved and how important the partnership between parents and their children is.

An effective form of interaction “teacher-parent-child” has becomeproject activities. It involves active cooperation between children and adults, promotes the development of creativity in various types of cognitive and speech activities, and provides a modern integrated approach to the upbringing and teaching of children. By participating in the development and implementation of the project, parents become direct participants in the educational process and begin to realize their role in it. The topics and content of projects are determined jointly with children and parents based on identifying the current development goals of children of a particular group and children's interests. Thus, in the project “Fairy Tale in Our Family” an album was created with favorite fairy tales, drawings, photographs, articles about how books help in raising children, what interesting words and expressions are found in them. The “Miracle Fingers” project allowed parents to realize the importance of developing fine motor skills of a child’s hand for speech development and to actively participate in the production of hand training aids from scrap materials, showing their creativity.

A prerequisite for the implementation of all projects is the activation of children’s speech activity and joint speech creativity. Projects are designed for a significant period of time. The project ends with a presentation, which involves the release of newspapers, albums, the organization of exhibitions, and a celebration. Adults and children demonstrate the results of their activities and rejoice at each other’s achievements.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the family and preschool are two important social institutions for the development of a child. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Experience of interaction with parents has shown that as a result of the use of modern forms of interaction, the position of parents has become more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in the life of their child. Such changes allow us to talk about the effectiveness of using modern forms in working with parents to form the speech culture of preschoolers.


1) Danilina T. A. Contemporary issues interaction between preschool educational institutions and families // Preschool education. 2000. No. 2. With. 44-47.

2) Doronova T. A. Interaction of a preschool institution with parents. // Preschool education. 2004. No. 1. With. 60-68.

3) Dubrovina V.P. Theoretical and methodological aspects of interaction between kindergarten and family: tutorial, Minsk, 1991.-620p.

4) Zvereva O. L., Ganicheva A. N. family pedagogy and home education. M.: Academia, 2000. – 340 p.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Have you ever thought about how your child speaks?

2. Do you listen to what your child says?

3. Do you like everything about your child’s speech?

4. Do you correct your child's speech?

5. Does your child make grammatical mistakes? Which ones (underline as appropriate)?

  • agreement of words in gender, number, case;
  • agreement of words;
  • use of prepositions;
  • use of plural nouns;
  • use of indeclinable nouns;
  • use of the comparative degree of adjectives.

6. How do you react if your child makes a mistake?

7. Do you play together with your child? What games for speech development

Do you have any at home?

8. Are you competent in matters of developing preschool education in children?

Age grammatically correct speech or you need help

Our teachers?

9. What form of methodological assistance would suit you:

Review consultation with a specialist;

Workshop-seminar on this issue;

Individual consultation.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

We ask you to take part in a survey on the topic: “Education of sound culture of speech in preschool children.”

Please mark the answer option that matches your point of view.

1. Are you interested in the topic of the survey?

  • I consider it important;
  • I consider it secondary;
  • not interested at all.

2. What problem of developing the sound culture of speech do you consider the most pressing for your child?

  • correct speech expression;
  • expressive and correct intonation of speech;
  • correct pronunciation of sounds of the native language;
  • mastery of speech culture;
  • Sound culture of speech is not a problem for my child.

3. Does your child have a speech development disorder?

  • No;
  • didn't pay attention.

4. If a child has disorders in the development of the sound side of speech, what, in your opinion, is more advisable to do?

  • seek advice from a teacher;
  • work with the child independently;
  • consult a speech therapist;
  • regularly work with a speech therapist;
  • do not mention it;
  • other ______________________________________________________________

5. Do you think that incorrect sound pronunciation will affect the life of a child in the present and future?

  • No;
  • will make it difficult to communicate with peers in kindergarten;
  • will interfere with full communication with people in the future;
  • will cause future grammatical errors when studying at school.

6. What, in your opinion, is the degree of participation of the family and parents in working on the sound culture of speech?

  • enough classes with a teacher and speech therapist;
  • parents sometimes have to work with their children;
  • Parents should take an active part in this work, following the recommendations of specialists.

7. What additional help in working with your child would you like to receive from kindergarten specialists?_________________________________

Plan for working with parents


types of jobs






Topic: “Introducing parents to the tasks and content of correctional work.”

Topic: “Dynamics of a child’s speech development”

Topic: “Results of correctional work for the year. Recommendations for the summer period."


During the school year

Individual conversations


During the school year


“Verbal communication with a child in the family. Family reading."

"A family with a child with speech disorders."

“The influence of television, video and computer information on the health and speech development of a child.”


Once a quarter

Visual propaganda

Sliding folder"Articulation gymnastics"

"Development of fine motor skills"

“Development of speech breathing in children”

Newspaper " The role of children's books in the speech development of children"

"Knowledge speech games in baby development"




“Carrying out articulation gymnastics at home”

Training session “Let’s play”





"Celebration of beautiful speech"

"Summer is Red"

Music hand,


The development of coherent speech in preschoolers is one of the most significant aspects of preschool education and upbringing. Based on how well a child masters speech instruments (builds phrases and sentences, correctly selects and uses word forms), teachers form an opinion about the general level of his speech development.

To better understand exactly how speech development occurs in preschool age, and how best to develop speech in a young child, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the main stages of its formation.

Stages of speech formation for a pre-teen child

3-4 years

This period is characterized by a low level of development of coherent speech. The baby answers the questions posed in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”, operates with a narrow set of signs in the description of objects or phenomena, for example, he can indicate the color or shape of an object when answering a question.

At this age, children do not yet have the opportunity to independently retell the plot of their favorite cartoon or story, or describe the proposed picture; it is much easier for them to compose short story ik if parents ask leading questions. The length of such a story will not be more than 3-4 sentences.

4-5 years

The child can retell a short story or fairy tale, and tries to reason and analyze. This is a period of active “whying”, and in order to convey to an adult the essence of the issue that worries him, kids usually try to formulate the question that interests them more clearly.

This is why the most inquisitive children develop coherent speech skills faster and more efficiently. This period is also interesting for the beginning of the active use of dialogues. The preschooler not only answers, but also asks, learns to maintain a conversation, asks relevant questions, and analyzes the answers received.

5-6 years

This age is characterized by a sharp leap in the development of coherent speech in children. They become active participants in the speech process, improve dialogic and monologue speech, and easily retell the content of a favorite fairy tale or a conversation between relatives.

When talking about something, preschoolers try to compose complex sentences, use epithets and phraseological units. It is important to monitor whether the child correctly selects the necessary word forms, puts emphasis, and uses new words.

The method of describing pictures in speech development classes at this age can no longer be the main one. It is necessary to offer other exercises that stimulate the use of logical operations in speech (analysis, generalization), as well as creative tasks, for example, to independently finish a story that has not been fully read, to compose using personal experience, own story.

6-7 years

The preschooler becomes a full participant in the speech process. He moves from using descriptive constructions in speech to reasoning and analysis, monitors the culture of speech, and actively applies these skills in the process of everyday communication.

We develop the speech of a preschooler. How?

What does the methodology include that helps parents and teachers promote the timely development of coherent speech in children:

  • training the respiratory apparatus of a preschooler;
  • regular classes using exercises recommended at this stage that help improve coherent speech (, tongue twisters,);
  • set of measures for .

Methods for establishing correct speech breathing

It is very important to teach your child correct articulation when he speaks. To do this, you need to make sure that at the beginning of the conversation the children exhale smoothly and forcefully through their mouth, while talking child must correctly distribute the flow of exhaled air and control the time during which exhalation occurs.

The method for training these skills involves a certain set of exercises, as well as control over the general level of development of the preschooler’s linguistic apparatus. It is also advisable to conduct timely consultations on the speech development of children with specialized specialists - a defectologist and a speech therapist.

Speech development exercises

Developing auditory differentiation

The method of training auditory differentiation presupposes the child’s ability to identify certain sounds by ear in a long stream of speech.

Say the words

  • Invite your child to name words starting with a certain letter - A, B, P, T, O, M.
  • Now let the preschooler name words ending with other letters, for example: S, T, Zh, V, K.
  • Continue experiments with words: think of letters, for example, O, E, U, L, V and ask them to name those words in which these letters are in the middle.

We train the reaction and analyze the composition of the word


Name the letter whose presence in the word the preschooler must analyze. Then, while listing the words, invite him to indicate the presence of a letter in them by clapping his hands. Let's say the letter "C" is hidden. An adult pronounces a series of words: ELEPHANT, THREAD, LIGHT, COW, MELTON, CHAIR. Each time the child hears the desired letter, he must clap his hands. Over time, the speed at which an adult speaks words can be increased.

Make up a word

In this task the child must come up with a new word. It should begin with the letter with which the word suggested by the adult ends.


We are engaged in word formation

Explain to your child how words are formed that denote the qualities of objects and indicate the material they are made from.

For example:

Glass – glass;

Wood – wooden;

Invite your child to experiment on their own, forming definition words from the following materials:

Fluff, water, sand, paper, light, firewood.

Activities with pictures

Any method of speech development requires the mandatory use of visual and didactic material. Sets of pictures depicting procedures and processes familiar to the child (getting up, washing, cleaning, dressing) will be an excellent help for mastering verbs, adverbs, participles and gerunds.

Ask the children to describe what they see in these pictures. A younger child will most likely answer in monosyllables, using only verbs. An older child will build more complex constructions, introducing parts of speech such as adverbs and adjectives. This will help them describe what they see in the picture in more detail.

Games for developing speech skills

These games can be played by the whole family; they will bring more pleasure to children aged 5-6 years.

Let's go travel

When starting the game, the adult tells the children that the whole family is going on a trip. This can be a trip of any theme: to the sea, to the village to visit grandma, on a hike in the mountains, etc.

Then the presenter invites the children to help him pack the luggage he will need on the trip. It is necessary to clarify the task: exactly what letter the luggage items should be named by. For example, an adult suggests naming the things needed for a hike that begin with the letter “K” (kettle, map, karemat). When the items starting with the suggested letter are exhausted, you can offer another letter and continue the game. Great game for curious and observant children!

We build bridges

This technique wonderfully trains the child’s ability to select the right words, determine the lexical meaning of words, and develops ingenuity.

For such a game you will need children's lotto cards or self-made pictures depicting objects that children often encounter in Everyday life. The task is for the preschooler to find a connection between the two proposed pictures and explain what allowed him to combine these concepts.

We show the child a picture on which a plate (saucepan, tureen) is drawn and another on which vegetables and fruits are depicted. The child must “build” a bridge between these two pictures, explaining how they can be connected: vegetable soup can be prepared in a saucepan or fruit compote can be cooked. When completing this task, children must illustrate their ideas in words, trying to fully reveal the relationship between objects.

Tongue Twisters

This wonderful and effective technique will help you learn to pronounce difficult sounds, to overcome the formation of “porridge” in the mouth and just have fun, all that remains is to memorize tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters can be very diverse, but in order for the child to enjoy these activities, it is better to reinforce the lessons on learning them with bright and colorful pictures illustrating this or that tongue twister.

In this regard, the book “Try, Repeat. Russian tongue twisters”, illustrated by children's artist A. Azemsha. Huge and bright illustrations of this publication will make children's lessons in learning tongue twisters fun and long-awaited.

Speech development and communication

Parents of growing preschoolers should understand that no modern method of speech development can replace the benefits of live human communication. After all, it is everyday communication at home, within the walls of a preschool educational institution or development circles that is the key to the timely formation of speech skills.

A child who spends a lot of time in front of a TV or computer screen sooner or later has problems related to replenishing his vocabulary, the ability to clearly and clearly express his own thoughts, analyze and reason.

It must be remembered that any technique tries to actively use natural childhood curiosity, which perfectly stimulates children's craving for knowledge. That is why the cognitive and speech development of preschool children is one of the constituent elements of child development.

In the process of communicating with children, parents not only enrich their cognitive sphere, but also help them organize their knowledge about the world around them and create special conditions for the productive growth of the personality of a growing person.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Delayed speech development and methods for solving it:

Questionnaire for parents “Child’s speech development” 1. Age of the child. 2. Which family member pays more attention to the child and how does he deal with him? 3. What worries you about your child’s speech development? 4. How do you evaluate your child’s speech in general? (unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good). 5. Does he ask questions beginning with the words “who”, “how”, “how much”? 6. Correctly uses the pronouns “I”, “you”, “he”, “she” in conversation? 7. In speech he makes grammatical errors (For example: long in He, a lot of chairs, my apple). 8. Can you explain how to use this or that item? 9. Answers questions beginning with “when” and “why”? 10. Does he construct sentences correctly? Would it be interesting to tell us about your impressions? 11. After reading a story or fairy tale, can he tell it? 12. Tells stories that are easy to understand, e.g. Is the structure of the story (beginning, middle, end) followed? 13. Talks about past, upcoming and imaginary events? 14. Engages in lengthy and detailed conversations? 15. Do you play with your child? What games for speech development do you have at home? 16. In what way, in your opinion, will parents be able to influence their child’s acquisition of correct speech? 17. Are you competent in matters of developing correct speech in preschool children or do you need help from our teachers? 18. What form of pedagogical assistance would suit you? (meetings, consultations, open classes, individual conversations, visual campaigning)? 19. Are you satisfied with the work of the preschool institution on this issue? 20. What questions on the speech development of children would you like to discuss at parent meeting, consultations? 21. Your comments, suggestions, wishes. Thank you!

Dear parents!

Please fill out the form, which will help educators get to know your child better and plan work taking into account his individual characteristics.

1.Last name, first name of the child_____________________________________________
2. Who do you think should be involved in the development of a child’s speech? (Parents, kindergarten.) ____________________________________________________________

3. Which family member pays more attention to the child and how does he deal with him?_____________________________________________

4. Do you work with your child to improve his speech? (Yes, no.) Which one?_______________________________________________________________

5. What worries you about your child’s speech development? _____________________________________________________________________

6. How do you evaluate your child’s speech in general? (unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good). __________________________________________

7. Do you monitor how your child speaks? (Not really.)

8.Does he or she use the pronouns “I”, “you”, “he”, “she” correctly in conversation?


9. In speech he makes grammatical errors (For example: long ears, a lot of chairs, my apple)._________________________________________________

10. Does the child ask questions beginning with the words “who”, “how”, “how much”?

11. Do you correct mistakes in your child’s speech? (Not really) _________________

12. Do you play together with your child? What games for speech development do you have at home?________________________________________________________________

13. In what way, in your opinion, will parents be able to influence their child’s acquisition of correct speech?_________________________________________________

14. What issues on children’s speech development did you want to discuss at the parent meeting? ______________________________________________________________

15.Your comments, suggestions, wishes _____________________________________________________________________

Thank you!

Questionnaire for parents on child speech development

1. Do you read fairy tales, poems, stories to your child?

a) we read a lot, constantly;

b) we read, but rarely;

c) we don’t read.

2. Does your child like to listen when someone reads to him?

a) loves and listens for a long time;

b) when and how;

c) doesn't like.

3. What does your child like best:

a) fairy tales;

b) poetry;

c) stories.

4. After reading a story or fairy tale, can the child tell it?

a) yes, he tells how they read to him;

b) tells, but in his own way;

c) partially tells a fairy tale;

d) doesn't tell.

5. Does the child have a need for creativity?

is there;

b) appears, but rarely;

c) very rarely.

6. Do you play speech development games with your child?

a) yes

b) no

2. Limit your child's TV viewing to a minimum.

3. Always name an object or action in front of the child. For example, the TV is talking, the birds are singing, the dog is eating, etc. Also, before you go for a walk, be sure to say what you will do during the walk.

4. Look at the pictures in books and study them together, commenting: the cat is sitting, the sun is shining, the flowers are growing.

5. When playing with your baby, always say what you are doing. For example: here I take one circle from the pyramid and put it on the base, now I’ll take another and put it on top of the first, etc. You can also name what color the mugs are.

6. Explore toys. For example, you hid something, and then invite your baby to look for it with you.

7. Play games with your child that will help develop motor skills. For example, sculpt figures from plasticine, make appliques, etc.

8. While teaching your child to talk, give him more of your free time and use games to teach him. The more you talk to your child, the faster he will speak.

How to develop a child's speech at 2 years old

Fordevelopment of a child’s active speech at 2 years old Under favorable development conditions in general, parents need to:

1. Encourage your child to communicate by using speech means, creating reasons to contact adults (“tell me”, “thank dad”, “invite grandma to visit”, “ask mom when dinner will be ready”).

2. Be able topause in the conversation in time and allow the child to express his thoughts in words . Very often the following picture is observed: a child wants to say something and adults, as soon as they understand what is being said, cut him off mid-sentence. It also happens that a child is asked a question, and he does not immediately figure out what to answer, but either the questioner himself or the mother, who always wants to help with everything, immediately answers for him. In all these cases, the child is unlikely to have the desire to speak out.

3. Encouragereplacing onomatopoeic constructions with correct common words (not “av-av”, but “dog”; not “bi-bi”, but “car”).

4. Express your thoughts competently. Use the main parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective) in a conversation with a child, correctly use prepositions, adverbs, pronouns.

5. Pronounce every word clearly when communicating with your child. The child should imitate adults when pronouncing words, and not vice versa.

6. Pay attention every dayarticulatory gymnastics , which helps the child “feel” his tongue, lips, teeth, which means his ability to control them improves. Exercises can be performed during the day while playing, eating, or walking. For example, stretch out your lips with a tube, send air kisses, lick your lips or a spoon, hold a nut or marmalade on your tongue. You can read more about articulatory gymnastics.

7. Teach your childbreathe correctly . Very often it is incorrect speech breathing that prevents the normal formation of sounds. It is important to remember that speech inhalation is deeper than at rest and is carried out through the nose and mouth, and speech exhalation, during which sound formation occurs, is carried out only through the mouth. It is while exhaling that we pronounce all the words. Breathing work is also carried out in game moments, such as blowing out candles, blowing on cotton wool, on a strip of paper, blowing bubble and so on.

8. Use the environment and elements of playful communication toactive dictionary extensions : learn to find objects by their verbal description, focusing on their name, color, size and location; teach not only to notice, but also to name the characteristics of objects; develop skills of generalization and comparison of familiar objects.

9. Read aloud . Reading is important for expanding your active and passive vocabulary. You can teach your baby to find characteristics characters familiar to him from fairy tales (red fox, cunning; clumsy bear, loves honey). In addition, in the process of listening to fairy tales, the child learns the correct grammatical structures of his native language.

Remember that your child's speech is a kind of mirror of your own speech. Speak competently and communicate with your child with pleasure!

Special Recommendations for speech development of children 2-3 years old:

Children listen with great pleasure to stories about other children and animals they know.

The story should be short and simple. There is no need to overload it with unnecessary descriptions and reasoning.

Adults know how much kids love poetry. They are pleased with the rhythm of the verse, they enrich children's experiences, develop thinking, and awaken a love for the literary word and their native language.

Kids need to read short poems, simple rhythmically, with images understandable to a child. These are primarily Russian folk poems, songs, and jokes. It is not necessary to specifically learn poems with children; they themselves can easily remember them if the poems are repeated from time to time.

When looking at pictures in books and magazines, name and explain to your child everything that he sees in front of him. Repeat the desired word several times, ask to see the object you named, and then ask him to name the word himself. Be sure to praise your baby and celebrate his successes.

Your baby, of course, already knows the primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow).

Draw his attention more often in everyday life to the colors of objects, ask leading questions: “What color is your blouse? What about the boots? When your child draws, be sure to highlight what color paint or pencil he is drawing with.

In the third year of life, children begin to increasingly actively use verbs in their speech to form their own actions and the actions of the people around them.

Help him with this - name everything you do yourself and comment on what the baby does.

Gradually introduce adjectives into your child's speech. Try to have as many of them in your speech as possible, then they will appear in the baby’s speech. It is also useful to allow the child’s vocabulary to select words with the opposite meaning.

The first sentences used by the child consist of two or three words that do not yet agree with each other. It is true that the child often makes mistakes in case endings and in agreeing adjectives with nouns.

In such cases, you need to calmly correct the child. For example, by analogy with the sentence “I’m dripping the earth with a shovel,” he says “I’m dripping with a duster.” In such cases, it is necessary to correct the child and be sure to invite him to repeat what was said in the correct version.

In families where the child is overprotected, does not develop independence, and tries to predict his slightest desire, the child does not develop the need for verbal communication. Adults even speak for him and do not encourage him to express himself independently.
An important role in the development of a child’s speech belongs to the artistic word. Even very young children love to listen and begin to respond very early to rhythmically organized speech. Poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, especially accompanied by play activities, delight children throughout early childhood. They have access to the simplest fairy tales - “Ryaba the Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”. Children of this age perceive quickly, quickly remember and begin to repeat short poems.

More opportunities for speech development open up while walking with your child. Bright summer sun, green foliage of bushes, or fluffy snowflakes - all this attracts a child and can serve as a topic for conversation with him. But provided that you devote this time to the child, and not to communicating with your friends.

If something bothers you or alarms you in your child’s verbal communication at this age stage, then you should seek individual advice from a speech therapist teacher.

Questionnaire for parents “SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD”

Speech development is one of the most important tasks of psychological and personal development child.

Please fill out the form, which will help educators get to know your child better and plan work taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities.

1. Who do you think should be involved in the development of a child’s speech?




2. Do you work with your child to improve his speech?

And what kind……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3. Would you like to learn techniques for developing a child’s speech?

4. Do your children know nursery rhymes and fairy tales?

Yes, which……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


5. Do you correct mistakes in your child’s speech?



6. What topics on the development of a child’s speech would you like to discuss?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7. In what types of activities does a child’s speech develop? ........................................................ ........................................................ ................................ Thank you!