Parent meeting in dow 2 ml gr. Parent meeting in the second junior group on the topic "Let's get to know each other!"

Parent meeting at 2 younger group

“Together we can do a lot!”

Target. Pedagogical education parents in matters of developing self-care skills in preschool children. Get parents interested in this problem using non-traditional means. Learn to analyze your educational activities.

Progress of the meeting.

Dear Parents, we are very glad to see you. We understand: without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising children and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is impossible.

Let's get dressed...

Me myself! Me myself!

Let's go, let's wash...

Me myself! Me myself!

Well, let's go, at least I'll comb my hair...

Me myself! Me myself!

Well, come on, at least I’ll feed you...

Me myself! Me myself!

We invite you today to talk about the independence and self-care of our children.

We will try to show you what skills four-year-old children should master, and what conditions need to be created at home to facilitate the formation of self-care skills in children.

I would like to start this meeting with the phrase: “For my child to be independent, I...” (continue further)

A child who knows how to look after himself feels good in a group and has more time to play and communicate with peers. Naturally, children do not learn the rules and actions we teach them equally quickly. But every child has proper education the desire to do everything independently is developed.

So, children strive for independence. But...the question arises: (discussion)

« What can children do on their own?”

Self-service criteria

On one's own

With the help of an adult

Takes care of oneself (neatness)

Tries to be neat in everyday life

Can eat independently (with fork and spoon)

Can use a handkerchief

Can undress

Can get dressed

Puts his things away

Can clean up toys

Washing and drying hands

Goes to the toilet (uses toilet paper, flushes the water tank0

Does he ask for help if something doesn’t work out?

What did we get?

1 table, please name the criteria that the child, in your opinion, can cope with independently (...)

2 table, please name the criteria that a child, in your opinion, can cope with with the help of an adult (...)

3 table, Can you add something, or maybe you don’t agree with something? (...)

So, By the end of the school year, children need to master these self-care skills ON THEIR OWN!!!

Do you think it is necessary to provide small child independence?........

Before expecting a child to be independent in self-care, he needs......? TEACH ACTION.

Please note, you are sitting at a table, and each one is a certain color.

We suggest you divide into 3 groups.

1 table - blue - WASHING

2 table – yellow color– ELEMENTARY DESK SKILLS

3 table – green – DRESSING

We offer each group to complete a specific task; you will each work in your own group.

So, we suggest you create an algorithm (sequence of actions) that can be performed by children aged 3.4 years in accordance with the group of skills in: WASHING, DRESSING, ELEMENTARY SKILLS AT THE TABLE.

Table 1 – “WASHING”.

Exercise. 1. Create a washing algorithm.

2. What are the basic rules for washing hands?


Exercise. 1. Set the table.

2. What are the basic rules of behavior at the table?

Table 3 – “DRESSING”

Exercise. 1 Create a dressing algorithm.

Get started (…….. 5-7 min)


Basic rules for hand washing:

    Wash your hands by rolling up your sleeves

    Wash your face without splashing water

    Don't get clothes wet

    Dry your hands with a towel

    Without a reminder, hang it in the designated place

    Use a comb and handkerchief

It is necessary to use specific examples as much as possible, to teach children to draw simple conclusions, to establish cause-and-effect conclusions:

    didn’t roll up your sleeves, you’ll walk around with wet sleeves,

    did not hang the towel in its place, lost the towel

What examples can you give regarding washing skills (…..)

In order for children to successfully master washing skills, it is necessary AT HOME CREATE CONDITIONS:

    make a stand under the sink

    hang a baby towel according to the child's height


Table setting:


2. Napkin holder

3. Breadbox

4. Saucer and mug

5. Plate

6. Spoon-fork-knife

7. Ch.l. on a saucer

Basic rules of behavior at the table:

    Children should sit upright at the table: their back is straight, supported on the back of the chair, the soles of their feet are located on the floor, parallel to the floor.

    When eating at the table, the child must use cutlery for its intended purpose.

    If a child cannot reach for the bread that is on the table on his own, he can politely ask someone else for it, while not forgetting to say the polite words “please” and “thank you.”

    4. When you want to sneeze and cough, you need to turn your face away from the table towards your shoulder and cover your mouth with a napkin.

    You need to leave the table on the right side of the chair.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the child uses a spoon and fork, how he holds them; teach children not to crumble bread, not to play with food, and to chew food with their mouths closed.

So, when dining at the same table with a child, show how to eat correctly, how to hold a spoon, offer to take a spoon the way adults do (only through an adult’s own example can we teach a child how to use cutlery correctly)


It is necessary to teach children to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding things, hanging items of clothing in the closet)

There is no need to hastily teach your child how to dress just before leaving home; this can result in stress for him. Choose a time to slowly get dressed, calmly show and tell the whole process, and wait for your baby's panting to turn out to be a success.

For many children, remembering the order in which to put things on can be a challenge. Together with your child, you can make a poster on which to place an image of clothing in correct sequence. This will help the child remember faster.

Teach children to perform actions consistently and rationally. Explain, for example, that before putting on tights, you need to gather them with an accordion, and start putting them on with the sock; Before putting on your shoes, the shoes must be placed so that they “look at each other, and do not get angry and do not turn away.

In the successful development of self-service skills, CONDITIONS: (everything is important here, first of all comfortable clothes and children's shoes):

    Clothes and shoes must match the child's size

    Clothes and shoes should not be too narrow or wide

    The pants should have an elastic band, because your child does not yet know how to tie a shoelace.

    Buttons on clothes should be sewn on; there should be no pins or paper clips on clothes.

    Shoe laces should not be too short or long

    Fasteners on clothes and shoes should be fastened easily

    Sew loops to the clothing where necessary.

It is necessary and CREATE CONDITIONS AT HOME: adapt a hanger according to the child’s height, allocate a shelf or closet for his things, so that the child knows and can come up to take or put this or that thing.

Sometimes parents say that their children will still “have time to work hard”, adults fully serve them, and then they wonder why their child doesn’t like to work? (for example, put away your toys?)



So our meeting has come to an end.

The adult world called children the flowers of life. But how we raise them, what we feed and nourish them with, depends on you and me. And I would like to end with these words: “TOGETHER WE CAN CAN DO A LOT!”

Summary of the parent meeting in the 2nd junior group “Let's get to know each other better and live together!”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the parent meeting for parents of children of primary preschool age. This material will be useful to educators and parents.
Target: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for a new academic year.
- introduce parents to the group’s plans for the near future; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe their child, study him, see successes and failures, and try to help him develop.

Progress of the meeting.
Good evening, dear parents!!! We are glad to see you in our group. We hope you noticed the festively decorated group?
Autumn has come, I invited you to the autumn meeting,
But to make it more fun and festive for you,
Our group dressed up a little.
We begin our meeting,
And we invite you to play.

There are leaves on the tables in front of you different color, choose 2 pieces of paper each and write on one piece of paper how you see your child in 4 years, what you think he should achieve, you can also write on this piece of paper what you affectionately call your child in a homely atmosphere; and on the second piece of paper write your wishes to the teachers, what you would like to know, your suggestions about working in the group (it is advisable to sign your sheet). Then we will hang these leaves on our wish tree and after 4 years (or rather, by your graduation), we will detach these leaves from our tree and find out what has changed.
Your children have grown up, but in order for us to achieve great results in the future, we must work together, together, together. Make common decisions together, find a way out of difficult situations together. After all, your children are our children too. After all, while they are in the garden, we are more responsible for them than you.
As in all gardens, in all groups we have general rules groups that we, you and the kids should stick to.
We will remind you of these rules, at the end of our meeting, you will all receive booklets with the rules as a keepsake, and these framed rules will always be in our locker room in the most visible place.
Booklet "Rules of our group."
1. Don’t be late for classes. Of course, there are exceptions; for example, an urgent trip to the doctor, or some kind of club, but teachers also need to be warned about this.
2. Do not bring toys into kindergarten.(we have enough toys)
3. Respect and appreciate what you have.
4. Be able to understand and support your child and friend.
5. Accustom the child to independence, give him the opportunity to comprehend the new and unknown, and not do everything for him. If a child wants to do something on his own, give him this opportunity, let him do it, even if it’s a little wrong, you just gently, as if by chance, correct him. For example: he puts on tights backwards, you just need to tell him how to do it correctly.
Let him put away his toys himself, or you can start together, and then let him do it himself.
6. Try not to compare your child with other children (children are all different).

Also, today we need to determine a work plan for the year, and perhaps we will have some points for the whole 4 years.
We work very closely and a lot, organize various leisure activities, holidays, round tables, master classes, etc.
We have drawn up a small work plan for the year, we offer it to you, but it can be adjusted, you can make your suggestions and changes to it.
- In September, we invite children and parents, as well as teachers, to jointly congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday - Teacher’s Day.
- In October, our kids will demonstrate a small dramatization game - for the Day of the Elderly. They will congratulate their beloved grandparents.
- In November we will celebrate the Autumn Festival.
- In December, we will meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
- In January, we will organize joint entertainment for children, parents and educators “Family Snow Building Competition” with game sports competitions.
- In February, we will congratulate our beloved dads and grandfathers.
- In March, we will organize a holiday with a tea party for our beloved mothers, grandmothers...
- In April - children stage a fairy tale for Book Day; and parents on a return visit will show their children a performance based on some fairy tale. We suggest finishing all this with a joint trip to the library.
-In May, together, we will organize a cleanup day, decorate the site and compete: “Mom, dad, I am a very friendly, close-knit, sports family.”
In the summer we spend a lot of time outdoors, and ideas arise on their own.
You and I also need to choose parental committee, with whom we hope to work successfully, we hope for help and understanding.

There are also small reminders prepared for you on the tables:
- “What should your child be able to know at the age of 3–4 years”;
- Small reminders with annual tasks according to the age of the children.
The kids came to new group, they are all different, some came to kindergarten and immediately found a boyfriend or girlfriend, some get used to it very hard and painfully, the main thing is for you parents to make the right and right decision for yourself. You give and trust us with your most precious things, so we will ask you to trust us completely, you don’t need to spoil your child too much and promise that today, if he doesn’t cry, or if he eats porridge and plays a little, you will take him away right away, or for example, give him a day off tomorrow. Some children have a very hard time getting used to it, we really want you to listen to our recommendations and advice.
Of course, in the evening, try to listen to your child’s babble, ask how he spent the day, what he did, look at his work together. If the baby asks to play with him a little, give him a little time, the child will be happy and you will have a lot of fun. Speak kind and affectionate words to your child more often.

Our meeting is coming to an end, we are ready to listen to your wishes and suggestions.
Individual conversations with parents.
Result: If you and I go together, solve pressing issues together, we will have a very friendly and united big family. We hope that this group of us will communicate closely all 4 years and with this group we will reach graduation for school.
We wish everyone patience so that our children will only make us happy.

First parent meeting in the junior group

-Introduce parents to each other, teach them partnerships with each other and teachers
-Give parents an idea of ​​physical, mental, mental development children 3-4 years old.
1. Introducing parents to each other
2. Results of the adaptation period
3. Speech by the head of the MBDOU
4. Miscellaneous
Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have our first parent meeting, at which we will meet, get to know each other better, we will tell you about what we have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what we still have to learn.
After this, you and I will choose a parent committee and take care of New Year's gifts for our children.


So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.
During a child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) make a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks (falls) That’s right, it will fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike” where it says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, what will come out of him is nothing but torment! “Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live alone for 5 years, we hope friendly family. But first you need to get to know each other better. I will ask you to stand in a circle.

Children love to play "Magic Wand". Now we will try to plunge into childhood and also play. Rules of the game: The one in the hands Magic wand calls himself the way he would like others to call him.
-So you’ve met, and now tell me, how many Oksanas are there in our circle? Tatiana? Etc
-Now let's get to know each other better. In the first circle stand the parents who have one child, in the second the parents of two children, in the third, respectively, the parents of three or more children.
-Now let’s see who has more boys or girls in our group? The first group consists of parents of girls, and the second group of boys.
-And now we will ask everyone to stand in a circle, take a ball and each parent, picking up the ball, will say their name (so in a circle) Now we wish that we all live together so unitedly and amicably for all 5 years.
We want you to walk like this for five years, hand in hand, and become truly friendly big family.
3. And now we will ask you to sit down and we will tell you what we have already learned. And we learned a lot. Our group has 11 classes per week. These are: drawing, modeling, music - for this lesson we go up to the music room, the rest of the classes are held in a group, physical education (in our garden there is gym and we study there with an instructor,) familiarization with the surroundings, artistic reading, speech development We see particularly striking achievements in this area. All classes take place in game form. Children have become more sociable and are beginning to learn to play together and share toys. All children know where their cubicle, towel, potty, and crib are located. We learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands they need to squeeze out the water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults. They undress. Learning to dress. We learned how to carry out basic tasks and put away toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we have even more to learn and, most importantly, teach children self-care. And in this process you must take an active part. It often happens that a child in kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some time at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc. And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for because it’s faster, more convenient, neater, etc.
Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.
-Selection of the parent committee
-Labeling of clothing
-Thank you for your help in cleaning up leaves
-New Year
Memo for parents
Dear parents!
In order for your child to more easily adapt to our kindergarten, to get used to the teachers, new living conditions, and daily routine, we need your support and cooperation. To begin with, try to do a few simple rules:
- Bring your child to kindergarten at the same time (from 7.00 to 8.30)
- Address teachers by their first and patronymic names.
- at home, watch how your child washes his hands (rolling up his sleeves, not splashing water, using soap correctly, not getting his clothes wet, wiping himself dry with a towel.); watch how he dresses and undresses (let him do it himself, in a certain sequence, fold clothes, hang them on a chair, unbutton them and fasten buttons); drink from a cup, eat, chew food well with your mouth closed, use a spoon or napkin correctly; learn to put toys away independently and in a certain place.
- A calm, attentive attitude towards the child at home during the adaptation period is the key to success!
- Put your child to bed on time in the evening.
- Make sure that your child’s clothes are not too big or do not restrict his movements. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, exactly match the size of the child’s feet, and easy to take off and put on. A child needs a handkerchief both indoors and during walks.
- To avoid accidents, check the contents of your child’s clothing pockets every day for dangerous objects. It is prohibited to bring sharp, glass objects, as well as small beads, buttons, chewing gum, pills.
- It is not recommended to put expensive clothes on your child Jewelry. We remind you that in case of loss, the teacher is not responsible for them. financial liability.
- Do not discuss your concerns, complaints and worries about kindergarten in front of your child at home, but be sure to share them with the teachers.
- The main thing for successful adaptation is your positive attitude, adherence to the daily routine and recommendations of teachers. It is necessary to properly guide the actions of children; before expecting independence from a child, he must be taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, and eating.
We hope for fruitful cooperation!

First parent meeting in the second junior group “What will we all learn together.”

Purpose of the meeting: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks : introduce parents with kindergarten tasks for the new school year, with plans groups for the near future; teach parents to observe their child, study him, see successes and failures, and try to help him develop. Determine available methods and forms of working with parents.

At the entrance to group for parents asked to fill out the newspaper “What do we expect from the kindergarten, what wishes would we like to voice to the teachers. We want our children to...".

Progress of the meeting: parents sit on chairs arranged in a circle. Everyone has a booklet on their chair. “Rules for parents”, colored pens, a strip of cardboard for badges.

Present at the meeting:………

Introduce the new teaching assistant.

Our the group is called"Butterflies"

In our group of 26 wonderful, unique, talented, restless children, 11 of them beautiful girls, 15 strong boys.

Dear Parents ! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting because we understand: without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising them and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. What should our union be like, what can we, adults, do for children to make their life in the group joyful and interesting? There will be a substantive discussion about this at this meeting.

1.Traditional badge creation .But first, let's let's get to know each other better, because we have children who came to our kindergarten for the first time. To do this, according to tradition, we will make badges on which you will write how you want to be addressed today.

Our meeting is called "We are glad to meet you", and in order to get to know each other even better, we’ll play a little game with you called “The Ball”

2. The training exercise “Glomerulus” is carried out. The teacher holds a ball in his hands and invites parents to tell a little about themselves. First, the teachers talk about themselves, wrap a thread around their finger and pass it around. As a result, when the ball returns to the teacher, it becomes a vicious circle.

What do you think the vicious circle we just created symbolizes? (Listen to the parents’ conclusions and summarize.)

Dear parents! Look, you and I are closely connected, and we solve the same goals and tasks. We are like a big family, we must act together. After all, we must not forget that the parent is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to help parents.

We have met and now, with a good mood, we move on to serious issues.

Look at our wonderful newspaper. What do parents expect from their children?

3. Analyze the newspaper. Look at the paper you filled out before the meeting. What do parents expect from us teachers, from kindergarten and from their children? Last year, you and I sealed our wishes in an envelope and read them only at the end of the year. Let's make it our tradition to make plans for next year together.

Parents' wishes for this school. year:

Dear parents, the plan for working with parents will be adjusted in accordance with your wishes. Your dreams will come true if we work closely with you. At the end of the year, we will report to you on the work done and analyze whether everything was accomplished.

Dear Parents ,

Our work is based on an approximate basic general educational program preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL"/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, the educational program of the preschool educational institution - in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which is aimed at strengthening the health of children and the comprehensive development of the growing personality.

4.What tasks will we accomplish this year? The program provides solutions to problems for the younger group, with which you can get acquainted in the instructions for parents (memo is heard). (Working with reminders. Answering parents’ questions as they familiarize themselves with the tasks)

5.What will we learn to play? Play is the most favorite and natural activity younger preschoolers .

The game accompanies younger preschoolers throughout their entire stay in kindergarten. We teach children to play role-playing games, such as a hospital, a store, a family, and we act out simple, life situations: “We’re preparing the bear’s lunch”, “bathing a doll”, “treating a bunny”, "We welcome guests".

Generalization. If you do not play and do not lead the game from an early age, then children will not develop the ability to play both independently and with other children. The games of such children come down to aimlessly rolling a car or rocking a doll. Finding no other use for toys, children quickly give up playing and demand new toys. In junior preschool age the game becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with adults. We must constantly engage in children’s play as equals, without towering over them, but on the contrary, constantly ask him for advice, giving the child the opportunity to find a way out in a certain life situation.

6.Group rules :

Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. A teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm - yours, Dear Parents , The teacher is powerless, so the first rule is: Only together can we overcome all difficulties in raising children.

Take everything by flower and color them. Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in shape and size. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two completely identical flowers? We, adults, under the same conditions, do everything differently. From here our second rule: Never compare your child with another! When you look at your children's work in the reception area, you can only praise and admire or be surprised, for example; find achievement in any work; as in many other situations. Each child is individual and unique.

We we will compare, but these will only be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called monitoring. We will do this in order to know how and what to do with it tomorrow and to grow every day. And not only in knowledge, but also in actions.

You and I will walk together and side by side for 4 years. We have our own traditions.

7.Traditions of the group.

1. Every month the kindergarten hosts various entertainments or holidays for children. In September - "Day of Knowledge"; in October - "Autumn Festival"; in November - events dedicated to "Mother's Day", in December - "New Year"; In January -physical entertainment; in February - dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day; next - March 8, April Fool's Day, summer holiday.

There are many ways to communicate between educators and parents.

2. Parent meetings we need to solve important issues together. We will try to make them interesting, with creative tasks, so that everyone can learn something for themselves and apply their knowledge in practice.

3 For your convenience, we have designed a “Stand for Parents”, where you will find the poems that you need repeat with children at home, as well as booklets with advice from teachers, doctors, and music directors.

4. Consultation: “Cultural and hygienic skills for children 3-4 years old. Unity of family and kindergarten requirements” and many other reminders for parents, advice, articles on education and other interesting information for you will be placed in a separate folder. We understand that you don’t always have time to read what we offer you, so what interests you the most you can take home and read in a relaxed atmosphere. And this will also become our tradition. In the parent folder you will find a large number of recommendations, after reading which you will learn what to do with your child at home, how to cope with whims and much more. 3. IN folder: “Consultations for parents» you will find a large number of recommendations after reading which you will learn what to do with your child at home, how to cope with the whims; how to spend the New Year's weekend with benefit both for the child and for yourself; selection of finger games that we learn in kindergarten; We post articles for parents’ self-education: “Ancient Russian professions”; “Where did the New Year come from”; " Dymkovo toys" and much more.

5. We try to make wall newspapers and photo albums: “My Family” (who did not bring a collage of photographs about their family, we ask you not to stand aside and take part in the creation of this album.)"My house" - drawings of your home, drawn by adults together with children. "Our Defenders" - an album of photographs of family members related to the army. We will replenish all these albums throughout your child’s kindergarten life.

8. Self-service . The child says “I myself.” The adult’s task is to support the desire for independence, not to extinguish it by criticizing the child’s inept actions, not to undermine his faith in his own strengths, expressing impatience with his slow and inept actions.

So, children strive for independence.

What can they do on their own? younger age?

Let's try together to determine a list of actions that our children can perform (discussion with parents):

Wash your hands by rolling up your sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap correctly; do not wet clothes; Dry yourself with a towel, hang it in the designated place without being reminded.

Dress and undress in a certain manner sequences : take off clothes, fold them, hang them, turn them right side out; put on clothes, unfasten buttons, fasten them.

Notice the mess in your clothes and fix it yourself or seek help from an adult.

Use a handkerchief, toilet, and tidy yourself up after visiting the toilet in a timely manner.

Drink from a cup; eat, chewing food well, with your mouth closed.

Use a spoon, fork, and napkin correctly.

Place toys, books, and building materials in a specific place.

Of course, the child does not immediately acquire the necessary skills; he needs our help, creating the necessary conditions for the manifestation of independence, correctly guiding the actions of children and be sure to praise, praise for the slightest manifestation of independence.

And now, dear parents, we offer you an algorithm : "Dressing for a walk in winter" and rules for folding clothes in a closet. Let's look at it and try to explain why we dress in this order for a walk and why in kindergarten it is impossible otherwise. (Discussion of the algorithm)

Your desire to help us in education and organization interesting life gives children the opportunity to hope that no one will be left behind. Caring parents help us a lot with this. (Awarding letters of gratitude active parents)

In conclusion, I would like to say: “Children are happiness created by our work!”

Take care of your children, don’t scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them, even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more precious than the tears that rolled down from the eyelashes of relatives.

If fatigue knocks you off your feet, you can’t cope with it,

Well, your son will come up to you, or your daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tightly, cherish children's affection.

After all, they will melt like snow in spring, These golden days will flash by

And your grown-up children will leave their native hearth.

Thank you for coming and see you again.


Parent meeting in the second junior group

Topic: "Let's get to know each other"!


1. Film

2. Greetings (introduction)

3. Dating game.

4. Adaptation results

5. Introduction to the program

6. Speech by the head.

7. Miscellaneous


Teacher 1.Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have our first parent meeting, where we will meet and get to know each other better. We will tell you about what the children have learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what they still have to learn.

Then the head of the kindergarten will tell you about the financial and economic activities in our institution.

After this, you and I will select a parent committee and discuss current issues.

Teacher 2. So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal: to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

During a child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) make a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (will fall) That's right, he will fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike,” where it says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, the result will be nothing but torment!” Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live for 4 years as one, I hope, friendly family. But first you need to get to know each other better.

2.Game for dating.

Teacher 1. Parents pass the ball, whoever has the ball in his hands says his name, what the child’s name is, how old the child is and how long they have been going to kindergarten.

Teacher 2. Exercise “My mood”.

Everyone comes to kindergarten with different moods. To find out the mood of the children, we play this game, the children show and say in a circle: clenching the palm is tense, arms spread wide apart is wonderful, hands on the knees are calm. Let's try to evaluate the atmosphere of our meeting. Show with gestures the mood with which you came to our meeting.

Teacher 2. Exercise “My habits”.

All people are different, but there is something that unites them and makes them interesting friend friend, these are habits and interests. Parents are invited to complete those tasks that, in their opinion, reflect their own habits and interests:

Those parents who come out in a circle and shake hands with each other:

Likes to sleep;

Loves sweets.

Those who go out into a circle and jump on one leg:

Likes to work in the country;

Likes to make jam and make preparations for the winter.

Those parents who:

Likes to spend money;

Loves to travel.

Teacher 2. Exercise “Adaptation – is it good or bad.

Parents pass the ball and continue the phrase: “Adaptation is good because... (parents’ opinion)” and pass it on to the next person; he should continue “Adaptation is bad because...”

In our group we have a shelf of parents’ creativity, where we display our parents’ crafts. We hope that by the next meeting we will have a lot of your work and we will be able to organize an entire exhibition.

3. Adaptation results.

Teacher 1. One of the leading specialists in raising children early age the professor, speaking about this problem, often gives the same example: a gardener, replanting a tree, prepares the site, carefully digs up the tree, trying not to damage its root system, replants it along with the ground - but, despite all his efforts, the tree on the new it is sick in place until it settles down. Now let's turn to the children.

The process of adaptation to new conditions in the garden, as experience shows, is most difficult for children aged 3-3.5 years. This is due to the fact that it coincides with a crisis of personality development, which can be characterized as “I myself!” The child begins to become aware of his own “I”. He strives for independence and self-affirmation. At this time, his will and self-esteem are actively developing, which is manifested in the desire to set goals and achieve them at any cost, and is also proud of his achievements. All these new features are a positive consequence of the crisis for the child.

However, the 3-year crisis also has an unpleasant side - the aggravation of parent-child relationships. All of a sudden, the baby develops some characteristics that are very worrying for moms and dads: despotism, self-will, stubbornness, obstinacy and negativism. They are found in the fact that the child strives to achieve from his parents exactly what he wants, even if it brings him harm. The child does not value the opinion of adults, refuses to obey demands and requests, trying to do the opposite. It is worth noting that children usually endure a crisis more difficult than their parents. The child himself does not understand why he behaves this way and does not know how to restrain his impulses and emotions. He refuses to go to bed, does not want to dress himself, or put away his toys. He is capricious, screams and stomps his feet if any of his requests are not fulfilled. It’s not uncommon for a child’s behavior to take parents by surprise.

And during this difficult period, the baby is brought to kindergarten. Adaptation to new living conditions, a new group of children, new adults coincides with the crisis of three years and, naturally, becomes much more complicated. (Show our table on adaptation. State the percentage of children with mild, moderate and severe adaptation).

4. Introduction to the Development program

Teacher 2. We have already met each other, now I will tell you about our kindergarten and about the program under which he works.

Our D/s is 25 years old. We have 13 groups, of which: 1 nursery group, 2 speech therapy groups, 2 combined groups and 8 regular groups. There is a swimming pool and a sauna, you will go to these classes starting next year (since you are still an adaptation group). In the garden there are teachers in English, choreography, music, physical education, fine arts, and a chess club. Our garden undergoes intensive hardening. The program under which D/S works is very interesting, it is called “Development+”. A little about the program: Development+ program aimed at developing mental and creativity. Developed the program The educational center. What are abilities, and how should they be developed? The program provides for most classes to be conducted in subgroups (8-10 people). Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes.

Teacher 2. Sections: Development of ideas about the world around us

Work under this section includes four areas:

1) Development of ideas about the world around you and yourself

Alive, inanimate nature(on walks)

The world of people (knowledge of norms of behavior in kindergartens, on the street)

- “I myself” (hygienic skills)

Development of ideas about time

2) gaining experience (experiment)



Experimentation (playing with sand, observing different conditions of water, sinking or not sinking, cold - warm)

3) development of cognitive activity

The teacher draws the children's attention to an incomprehensible phenomenon and encourages the children to ask questions themselves.

EducationIntroduction to literacy.

In the 2nd junior group it includes 2 sections

Section 1: aimed at developing children’s abilities in the sound culture of speech: controlling the articulatory apparatus, improving the child’s phonemic perception, since the speech of children under three years of age is imperfect. (By imitating various animals and characters, they learn to correctly pronounce vowel sounds, some consonants, except for hissing and whistling ones)

Section 2: aimed at developing in three-year-old children the ability to control their hands and fingers.

Finger games: “Views” “Cabbage”

Education: Familiarization with fiction and speech development.

Introducing a child into the world fiction begins with his familiarization with various literary genres (fairy tales, short stories, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles).

Developmental tasks for this section are given in the form of literary play activities, where children are involved either in a play situation or in a verbal communication situation.

At the first stages of work, children learn to identify the main characters of a fairy tale, reproduce their actions by using conditional substitutes, and retell individual episodes of the fairy tale with the help of an adult. In drawings and games, children express their emotional attitude to the events of the fairy tale; in addition, children, relying on conditional substitutes and schematic images, begin to compose short essays with the help of an adult.

EducateSensory education.

The sensory perception program in the younger group involves the development of general sensory abilities, use of sensory standards.

Sensory standards are generally accepted patterns external properties items. In classes on sensory education The child gets acquainted with the following examples:

1. Seven colors of the spectrum (K.O.J.Z.G.S.F)

2. position:absolute; z-index:2;left:0px;margin-left:317px;margin-top:3px;width:19px;height:17px">Five geometric shapes

3. Three gradations of size (large, medium, small)

4. The concepts of “one” and “many”.

Games: Geometric Lotto, Color Lotto

“Find an object of the same shape and color.”

(If everyone is bored, play a little game)

5. Speech by the head.

6. Miscellaneous questions.

1. Timely payment.

2. Wear comfortable clothes.

3. Thank you.

4. Questionnaires.

5. Parents' committee.

6. New Year's gifts.