Russians are married to Arabs. Marry an Arab - do you need it? To a new life

Very often we do not think about the consequences, do not take into account traditions, striving to act and live as we want, considering this a true manifestation of freedom. Looking at the Arab women, wrapped from head to toe, we all think as one what kind of idiot can be made to wrap herself in these rags. But you shouldn’t be so arrogant, because many of our girls change their attitude towards this, they fall into the net of subtle Arab flattery, allow themselves to be dressed in similar robes and even change their religion.

Why do Arab men seduce our women so much?

Firstly, as already mentioned, flattery. They are the most skillful masters of giving compliments, and they do it so naturally and easily that our ladies willingly fall for such flattery, embarking on an adventure, the real outcome of which they do not always initially understand. The thing is that our women are not spoiled at home with such attention and compliments, although every woman does not accept the Arab’s intention to immediately marry her at face value, but this flatters many. Few women have heard so much in their lives beautiful words and oaths from men, how many more than they receive from an eastern man who charms our compatriot like a hypnotist, simply not giving her the opportunity to comprehend what is happening and resist it.

Many of our women, looking back, said that they were unable to stop it; it was as if someone else’s thoughts were running in their heads. The second main weapon of the Arabs, besides flattery, is pressure, which leads our women to a state of numbness. Beautiful courtship and assurances that the woman belongs to him forever help the Arab to complete this action, and now you are already his wife. From now on perfect image, as a rule, begins to collapse. Threats of reprisal for wrong action are used, indication of the real place of a woman and her rights, or rather, lack thereof; the real number of wives of your Arab chosen one often comes out.

What do you need to know?

Let's talk about what our compatriots who are planning to marry a Muslim need to know. It must be remembered that the blessing of the parents, like their word, is the law, so you will need to please the parents of your chosen one, since without their blessing the wedding will not take place. Please note that you will need to obey not only your Muslim husband, but also your mother-in-law, on whose side your future spouse will always be. You will also be able to work only with his permission, as well as leave the house in general. A prerequisite for marrying an Arab is that you renounce your religion and accept Islam. From now on, you will be required to put on clothes that completely hide your body, move silently and not enter someone else's house without your husband's permission. The husband's word in Muslim countries is law. One of the positive aspects is that your husband will always provide for you. In Muslim countries there are no street children and homeless people due to strong family ties; when you marry a Muslim, you marry his entire family, in which elders are respected.

A man is obliged to take upon himself the maintenance of the family, protect his wife and children, not deny his wife intimacy, and not beat her for minor offenses. In any of the above cases, the wife can go to the Sharia court and get a divorce. One of the reasons why a man may get divorced is the absence of children in the marriage. Arabs beat their wives so that they can then calmly use their body, this is what Islam prescribes to them. If an Arab man is angry, he can even beat his sister, who turns up in the hot hand, without the mother saying a word. The boys born to you, without your consent, will have their foreskin circumcised, a very painful procedure, but necessary in hot countries to prevent the development of infections.

Eastern fairy tale: marry an Arab.

A wedding in Muslim countries is held in a mosque or at home; the presence of the bride and groom at this ceremony is not necessary; witnesses sent to it are sufficient for the ceremony. There don't have to be many guests present at a wedding. Of course, there are also positive examples of marriages with Arabs, when the girls are lucky and happy in their marriage, but there are also a lot of extremely negative examples. All people are different, and the laws of Muslim countries are different, so if you decide to take such a step, then try to get to know the man better before marrying him. You should not rush to have children, because if you want to leave a man, he will not give you the children and the law will be on his side. And in such a situation, may God grant you to escape from your husband and from a Muslim country.

Our women simply need to understand that in the East everyone lies about everything, this is part of the culture that we cannot understand. Perhaps this article will warn some girls against a rash act, but in this situation, everyone decides for themselves. Numerous very harsh examples teach nothing to young fools who are desperately trying to find their happiness and dream of oriental fairy tale, they are only driven by the desire to be loved and desired, and no one has the right to condemn them. You only need to remember one thing: if being submissive is not your destiny, then you should not try on a role that is not yours, you will be very disappointed in such a marriage.

Lately, I constantly come across various videos on the Internet that talk about how bad it is to be married to an Arab, and that our compatriots have nothing to do in the Arab world.

This is what I decided to write about today, based on my own experience and observations of life. real people, my friends.

Let me start by telling you a fairy tale about Cinderella. There lived in a provincial town a girl, let's call her Mashenka. And so, when she turned 18, she became a student. And to help her mother and herself earn money for pins, she went to work as a simple waitress in a hotel. And so it happened that one day she brought the ordered juice to the table. HE was sitting at the table - the one and only. And it so happened that they began to communicate, and a week later this foreign bearded man came to her mother to ask for her daughter’s hand in marriage. And it was then that it became clear that the man was not simple, but golden, and in the literal sense. No, not a real colonel, but a real Arab prince. So what if he already has one wife and children from her? They have love, and according to Muslim laws, you can marry 4 women if you are able to provide them with equal rights and equal material benefits, including houses, cars, etc. Who will refuse the prince? So our Cinderella did not refuse. She converted to Islam, but what could it be otherwise when your chosen one is an Arab prince? And she married him, already in Dubai, becoming his second, most beloved wife.
I won’t tell you what a wonderful house she lives in and what wonderful children they have. This really exists.... But is there happiness? I honestly doubt this. And not because she is married to a prince and lives in a golden cage, but because getting married at 18 years old, without any real experience of relationships with men, without knowing how to keep this very love, without basic life experience, is, probably a mistake.
Princes do not get divorced, so their marriage remains intact for now. But I don’t know whether our Cinderella is happy.
Another thing is surprising... Cinderella, despite her changed social status, new life, remained a very pure and kind soul. And thanks to her and her mother and sister for this!

But here's a different story for you. One of my good friends married an ordinary Arab man, Egyptian by nationality. And everything seemed to be going well for them... as long as she paid for everything, rent for the apartment, groceries, and so on. But when did she start difficult times, one hot summer, love somehow ended very quickly.

In general, how does a Muslim man differ from all others, in their own opinion? The fact that a devout Muslim is obliged to support his family, and his wife’s income is her personal income. And all expenses for home and family must be borne by the man. Everything seems to be correct and beautiful. However, this scheme does not work for everyone. I think many have heard stories about how our beauties married Egyptians and Turks and signed over their apartments to them and gave them their savings. So I have a question - my dear girls, why are you doing this? Bad men exists in all countries, so don’t give them any reason to think that they can take advantage of you!

To be honest, when a man asks me for money as proof of my love, I say - ok, you give me, I give you. At this point the man usually disappears.

I saw different families in which the husband is an Arab, and the wife is Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian... Do you know what conclusion I made for myself? This family can become happy only in one case - if the woman is not only ready to adapt to the principles of her husband’s family, convert to Islam, wear a hijab, but accept these principles for herself and be satisfied with them. I could never do it.

Why do our girls still fall in love with Arabs? It's simple, really. Women love with their ears. And it’s hard to imagine more sweet-tongued men than Arabs. Yes, they can talk. And they also know how to take care. In my own way, of course. You won't get flowers from them, because flowers, in their opinion, are for the cemetery. It is very rare to see an Arab bring flowers to a date, although occasionally you can get them delivered to your home :) The influence of European civilization, probably.
They won’t pull up a chair or open the door for a woman either. Simply because it is not accepted. But they will give small or not very gifts, take you to restaurants, call thirty times a day and tell you how much they love you. This is captivating, of course.

Russian women are sorely lacking in attention and care. Arab men give it to them, but again, will it bring happiness to anyone? Not always. Therefore, if you are planning to marry an Arab, think twice about whether you are ready for the Arab lifestyle. Because my Arab husband will not lead a Russian lifestyle, even if he madly likes the Olivier salad...

10 years ago, 24-year-old Izhevsk resident Svetlana Yuryeva was planning a vacation: she dreamed of going to the Czech Republic, but did not have time to apply for a visa, so, at the suggestion of a travel company, she flew to Egypt. The trip turned out to be fateful: Svetlana met her future husband at the Sharm el-Sheikh airport. It was love at first sight - the girl immediately realized that this man was her destiny.

Married on the third day of dating

There was no stormy holiday romance: the young man was so fascinated by the Izhevsk woman that he proposed to her... already on the third day of meeting!

“He called his parents in front of me and said that he was getting married,” Svetlana smiles. – Of course, I agreed. There was an inner confidence that this was really my destiny, my man with whom I was ready to live my whole life.

In the presence of lawyers and witnesses, the future spouses entered into a marriage contract, but this was only the first stage of registering an official marriage. In order for Svetlana and Amr to be able to live together, he needed to obtain the consent of the girl’s parents, therefore, after the vacation, the Izhevsk woman returned to Russia.

My husband arrived two months later with gifts for all my relatives and return tickets to take me home,” said Svetlana. – There are no registry offices in Egypt, so a marriage with a foreigner must be registered through the court with an official, notarized, permission from the bride’s parents.

The girl’s relatives did not know that Svetlana had returned from vacation as a wife, so the news about this came as a shock to them.

“In the end, my mother gave permission, but then she called and said: “What, come to your senses, he has a harem there, you don’t know what it’s like there in these Arab countries!” - the girl laughs. “But I knew that we had a great future ahead of us and that everything would be fine.”

By the way, long before meeting her husband, the girl knew that she would live in Egypt: her inner instinct told her. During her vacation, when she and her friend were sailing on a boat along the Nile, Svetlana understood that she would definitely return here. And no longer as a tourist.

To a new life

Having received permission, Svetlana and Amr went to Egypt. The girl was forced to leave all her things in Russia. From the plane, the young people immediately went to Amr’s parents to get acquainted. Cairo surprised the girl - the city combined seemingly incompatible things.

Donkeys with carts walked along the streets and expensive cars drove by, small bakeries were adjacent to restaurants... It was such an economic mix, says Svetlana. “In the Amr family I was struck by the warmth and absolute respect for each other. Parents are very kind and gentle towards their children, never raise their voices at each other, keep their distance and respect each other’s personal space. The dishes that Amr and his brothers love are always on the table. My husband’s family always tries to please each other and gives gifts, even small ones. They were really happy for us, but at first they were very wary, they looked closely, but didn’t show it, they were always very polite and friendly. Everyone had to give a mini-interview about Russia, and through my husband - I didn’t know either English or Arabic.

By the way, Svetlana did not have to take Amr’s surname - this is simply not accepted in Arab countries. The girl did not accept Islam either. The husband is sensitive to his wife’s faith and Orthodox traditions: I always happily eat Easter cakes and celebrate Christmas. Svetlana is not far behind: she celebrates Ramadan and Eid al-Adha.

From tourist to guide

The Izhevsk resident could not sit at home without anything to do and began working as a guide for Russian-speaking tourists. After 2 years, the couple was invited to work in the United Arab Emirates, and the couple moved to Dubai.

Here, the Izhevsk resident took courses at the Department of Culture and Tourism, passed the exam and received a license to work as a guide in three Emirates. Svetlana worked as a guide for 7 years. Now she and her husband are developing their own travel company. The Izhevsk resident talks about her business and life in the Emirates on her blog on Instagram (@dubai_svetlana).

Family life

In the family of Svetlana and Amr, it is customary to speak Russian: the man has completed special courses. He even worked for a Russian company for some time, so there was no language barrier between the spouses.

He is very interested in the history of Russia,” shares Svetlana. – We have a lot of books in Russian. Basically, these are dictionaries. My husband watched legendary Soviet and Russian films. He was delighted with “The Admiral” and Gaidai’s comedies! But I also learned Arabic, although in the Emirates this is not necessary: ​​here it is enough to know English to communicate and work. We speak both Russian and Arabic with our sons.

Herring under a fur coat and borscht often appear on Amr and Svetlana’s table. The Izhevsk resident’s husband is one of the few who loved the combination of ingredients in these dishes. And the girl discovered a traditional breakfast for Arab countries - bean porridge with tomato paste.

Women in the UAE

Women's rights in the UAE, contrary to established stereotypes, are protected by law. A man is obliged to provide financially for a woman during marriage, and in case of divorce, pay compensation to his ex-wife. The amount of compensation is not fixed - the amount is specified in the marriage contract.

Despite the fact that a man in the Emirates is the breadwinner, and the responsibility for supporting the family rests with him, girls are free to work where they want. And even in government agencies, in the police and in the ministry. The salary is the same for both men and women. There is only one restriction - the girl cannot work at night and in hazardous industries.

Local women, according to Muslim law, must wear clothing that covers their hair, arms and legs. Foreign women, when traveling to the city, should abandon short skirts, shorts and beach tops. However, there are no restrictions in tourist areas.

To live in the Emirates, foreigners must obtain a resident visa. If a wife comes “on a visa” of her husband, then he must provide permission in writing for certain actions of the wife. For example, to work and even a caesarean section!

Photographing a woman without her permission is a criminal offense. If a girl notices that she is caught on camera, she can contact the security guard, who will ask to delete the photo from her phone or camera. The case may even go to court. This is fraught with a fine, deportation or prison: depending on the nature of the photo or video.

Sometimes it seems to me that the Emirates is a kingdom of women,” comments Svetlana. Because they have rights that, fortunately or unfortunately, men do not have. So, if a girl does not get married before the age of 35, the state assigns her an allowance. If it turns out, then the man is obliged to provide bride price - gold and money. The amounts and scope are agreed upon in the prenuptial agreement. Women in the Emirates are both free and protected by law. And not only citizens, but all those who live in the UAE.

Life in Dubai*

Monthly rent of a two-room apartment will cost from 16,000 to 38,500 rubles. The amount depends on the time of year. You will have to pay a tidy sum for housing - landlords ask for money for a year in advance.

Kindergarten – from 384,000 rubles per year.

School - on average 640,000 rubles per year.

Groceries for a month - on average 58,000 rubles.

*Costs are based on a family of 4 people.

How to make an Eastern man fall in love with you?

Eastern men love bright women, says Svetlana. – External beauty is highly valued there. Men like it when a girl takes care of herself and dresses beautifully. But at the same time, a girl should be family-oriented. In general, marriages of Eastern men with Slavic women are now very common, because they are attracted by our selflessness and sincere love, without any material background - in the East, women, before getting married, demand a bride price - all this is prescribed in the marriage contract.

About dating

We met Abdulrahman in England when I was studying at a language school under the Education first program. My then still future husband I also studied there. We often saw each other at school, but at first I didn’t pay attention to him. Fate decided for us when I was transferred to his class.

Abdulrahman invited me on dates, invited me to go out, but I refused.

Still, it was difficult to get rid of the stereotypes: he was an Arab, I thought he had a harem and all that.

I was also skeptical about the relationship between a Russian and an Arab. I will say more, initially he repelled me: he gave the impression of such an arrogant guy with an expensive watch.

One day it started to rain heavily, I ran into a cafe to wait it out, and saw Abdulrahman there. We started talking, and then I liked him. And now I remember the past and understand that there were really many moments when we accidentally crossed paths, but did not notice each other. After this conversation in the cafe, we began to communicate more and spent a lot of time together. When I left England, he promised that he would come to Russia. I, of course, thought that he was not serious.

A month later we finally met in Moscow and since then we began to constantly correspond and call each other. A month and a half later, he invited me to England, paying for my course of study, but my visa expired and I had to return to my homeland. Although I already realized then that the relationship between us was serious and long-lasting. We met several more times after that in Moscow, and then he came to Khanty-Mansiysk to meet my parents. From that moment on, we never parted, and that’s when his Arabian adventures in Siberia began!

About life in Khanty-Mansiysk

At first we lived in Khanty-Mansiysk in a rented apartment, and then we moved in with my parents. It took him a long time to get used to everything: he couldn’t, for example, eat Russian food, even the rice with lamb was “not the same.” Ignorance of the language also affected, because while I was at the university, he could not even go to the store. It was the hardest thing in winter, because he was not used to such conditions! But that didn't stop him. He survived the cold and hard life in Khanty-Mansiysk and achieved his goal - he took me to hot Qatar.

About the wedding

We played Nikah ( approx. author - in Islamic family law equal marriage between a man and a woman) in Moscow, in secret from their parents, after some time they got married according to the law of the Russian Federation, then, on the basis of this paper, they received a Qatari marriage certificate, but they no longer celebrated the wedding itself. His parents were pleased that everything went step by step.

There is even some magic of numbers here - acquaintance on May 28, 2011, Nikah on January 28, 2012, wedding in Russia on May 28, 2012, and a daughter was born on April 28, 2013.

About parents

At first, my family was unhappy with the choice, as they were afraid and worried about me. They said: “He is an Arab, he has a harem, then it will be difficult for you to leave there, “what if something happens!” But I was confident in my choice and knew that nothing like that would happen. Before his arrival in Khanty-Mansiysk, my family knew little about him. And only when we moved to my parents’ house, they were inspired and loved him like a son. Now, of course, they are good relations. Abdulrahman loves my family, and my mother has already visited us in Qatar and we are planning another meeting with them soon.

It was more difficult with his family. Initially, they did not support this idea, arguing that if the girl was not a Muslim, it would be difficult for her to live in new traditions, that sooner or later I would get tired of it and run away back to Russia. Therefore, there could be no talk of any of his trips to Moscow and Khanty-Mansiysk, much less a wedding.

At first I also thought that his family would be unfriendly to me, but in the future it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Abdulrahman, without telling his parents anything, left for Khanty-Mansiysk. Periodically they called each other, trying to find out if they had come to their senses prodigal son and whether he wants to go back and find a job. But he did not return, and my parents, realizing that he would not change his decision, accepted his choice and said that they would help us move. When I finally came to Qatar and met them, I immediately became friends. It turned out that his parents are modern Muslims, and they began to help me in everything. His mother is always with me, she helped me adapt, takes me to all parties, introduced me to her friends. And dad is not strict, he always gives gifts and calls her his daughter. They show on TV that life in a Muslim family is unbearable and terrible. However, I want to say that I feel very comfortable, I have a second family here.

About the move

Moving is never easy. About a year later, we began to draw up documents: we had to collect a huge package of all kinds of papers, because Qatar is such a country where it is not so easy to get into.

While we were preparing to move, I dreamed of leaving Khanty-Mansiysk as quickly as possible, but as soon as we moved, I immediately began to miss home. Everything was different here: clothes, laws, food, traditions... It’s very difficult to get used to, because you’re not going on a two-week vacation.

I went there not as a tourist, but as the wife of an Arab husband.

At first we lived with his parents, and after a while they gave us the villa in which we now live.

About Qatar

Life here is not at all the same as in Khanty-Mansiysk. Local residents are very rich, and visitors from the Philippines and India work in the service sector. The locals have many concessions and benefits: they work 4 hours a day, at birth money is transferred to their account, the state pays a fabulous amount for marriage and building a house, and this is all for only one reason - you were born in Qatar.

As a rule, Qataris go to work immediately after school, mainly in high-level positions. In general, when Abdulrahman told me what country he was from, I didn’t even know where it was. Only a few months later I read on the Internet that this is the richest country in the world.

About religion

In January 2012, I converted to Islam. At first I didn’t feel any significant changes, but then, as they say, it came.

It was in Moscow, then my future husband suggested that I change my religion, and I agreed. Immediately after this we played Nikah in one of the Moscow mosques. I approached this issue thoughtfully and consulted with my loved ones. In the end, I decided that husband and wife should not have disagreements in the family, and then there will be peace and harmony. In the future, children will not doubt which religion they should live in.

I like Islam and I don’t regret changing my religion. I feel confident in my husband that he will not betray me or cheat on me, and I trust him completely. I will say more, Islam completely changed my life, and I understood something that I did not understand before. I became more sensitive and soulful, I understood the value of life. By itself? I follow all the rules. Although I was not born a Muslim, I feel like one and I am glad that my daughter was born in Islam. I am sure that being a Muslim will make it easier for her to go through life.

About traditions

I’ve already gotten used to everything: the fact that you have to cover your head, and that men are separated from women. In general, you can get used to everything here.

Qatar is a very strict country, it is believed that a man must wear traditional clothes white, and the woman, like his shadow from the sun, wears a black abaya. Abaya (author's note - long traditional Arabic women's dress with sleeves, for wearing in public places) shows your status, but when madam or madam turns to you and opens the door for you, it’s even nice.

It was only when I saw a dismembered ram on a plate of rice that it came as a shock to me. This is really hard to get used to. Everywhere else, men are kept separate from women. In schools, in homes (there are separate rooms for men and women), in queues, prayer rooms, at work. Women and men are even forbidden to talk to each other. For example, in mall You can't meet a guy and a girl together. And if a couple is together, then they are husband and wife. As for polygamy, this is a big responsibility. In Islam it is allowed to have four wives. If the husband is wealthy enough, then this shows his status.

However, I know that my husband will never take a second wife, because we have modern family, and polygamy is something more traditional.

About life

My husband works from morning until lunch, during which time I usually sleep. He is the president of an Arab sports club and his father also gave him one of his restaurants, so in the evenings he sometimes goes to check how things are going there. While he's not home, I can do what I want. Usually his mother takes me with her to parties or shopping, I also have my own car and driver, so if I want, I can go to the store or to a cafe myself. I don’t do this often, I prefer to stay at home. And then, in the evening, my husband and I go for a walk.

Another stereotype: “You can’t leave the house.” Of course you can! Everyone believes that an Arab wife should be at home, cook, look after the children, obey her husband in everything and be, in fact, a nobody. This is not the case with us at all, I respect my husband, he respects me, and if we have a dispute, we find a compromise. My husband provides for me completely; I don’t work myself. He gives me money, gives me gifts, we go somewhere on vacation with the whole family. He doesn't harm me in any way. In our country, it is believed that it is the wife who shows the status of her husband.

Many people think that I am with him only because of all this luxury, but I could never live with a man for money. No matter what anyone says, it’s more important for me family values than material ones.

About the child

While we were filling out the documents to move, I managed to graduate from university and, since I was pregnant in my 5th year, I planned to give birth in hometown. My daughter’s passport says that she was born in Russia, but her nationality is Arab. I am for the child to be raised in the traditions of his father. I don’t want to offend anyone, but why should she be Russian? The attitude towards Muslims in Russia is ambiguous. I just don’t want my children to succumb to bad influences, the most important thing is that they just know what is good and what is bad. Arabic is her main language, she already knows a few words in English, it is very easy, and she will learn it anyway. But I will teach her Russian later, so that she can maintain contact with her Russian grandparents.

About food

What I miss most is Russian food! Arabic cuisine is also delicious, but I want more Russian. I love herring, Olivier, pies, and dumplings. In general, it was only when I left that I realized what I loved most! Unfortunately, no one here can replicate the preparation of a real Russian dish, and there are no suitable products. I taught my kitchen workers how to make puree and Olivier, it turns out delicious, but still not the same as in Russia. Now every time I come to Khanty-Mansiysk, I enjoy the moment.

The cuisine in Qatar is very diverse. The kebabs, for example, are the most delicious I have ever eaten. And since we live on the coast, we often feast on seafood. Rice is always on the table every day. As for sweets, not all of them are tasty. They also put a lot of spices in the food, which I also don’t really like. We often have food brought to us from our restaurant, and on Fridays we have parties and gather the whole family around a large table. By the way, our daughter is a real Arab. No matter how much I cook borscht for her, she refuses to eat!

This is how destinies are intertwined. And while some residents of countries are intensively building barricades out of racism, chauvinism and other “isms,” others are blurring these boundaries.


Yulia Shilova

Marry an Egyptian, or an Arab heart in rags

People are looking for pleasure

rushing from side to side,

just because they feel

the emptiness of their life, but they don’t feel

still the emptiness of that new fun that attracts them.

Blaise Pascal


I was prompted to write this novel by letters in which my compatriots shared their love with Egyptian men with me. It happens that when coming to the resorts of Egypt, our girls not only experience this wonderful country and bring unforgettable impressions. Often, after a visit to Egypt, a new, previously unknown, Egyptian love settles in their hearts.

Many of us love to vacation in Egypt because it has the most beautiful and amazingly fabulous sea with an unforgettable underwater world. Several years ago, as soon as I saw the underwater world of the Red Sea for the first time, I fell in love with this country, because there are incredibly beautiful turquoise lagoons, unforgettable pyramids, temples, mosques, the Valley of the Pharaohs and good-natured people who always welcome tourists with an open heart, sincerely hoping that they will definitely leave all their savings in this country. Seeing the underwater world of the Red Sea, I was amazed by its beauty, it was here that I realized what the real color of the sea wave is. There are 150 species of fish in this sea that are found nowhere else.

I will always remember Egypt for camel rides to the pyramids, excursions into the desert, a fascinating trip along the Nile on boats with glowing garlands and music, and an unforgettable dinner in a restaurant by the sea, where I devoured such a rare delicacy as camel liver. I will forever remember how delighted I was with the Monastery of St. Catherine, climbing Mount Moses at dawn and the spectacular, unforgettable night laser show at the pyramids. A beach holiday on the Red Sea resembles a real paradise. It offers year-round sunshine and clear lagoons for snorkeling. And yet this country is a mystery, leaving which you always understand that you will return here again. And this is despite the fact that in this country medical care does not meet European standards, and that it can be quite difficult for our women to get rid of the annoying advances of Egyptian men who perceive the style of our clothing as some kind of sexual challenge.

In Egypt it is better not to rent a car because the rules traffic there simply aren’t any, only speed bumps located every forty meters indicate that the driver must be extremely careful. True, within these forty meters the driver can accelerate his car so much that he does not have time to slow down and flies over any speed bump he meets on the way. A terrible sight. Having made sure that drivers there can drive across the road, I once again realized that it’s not worth renting a car.

Egypt is a country full of secrets and mysteries, with a magical atmosphere that attracts and fascinates. This country has an incredibly interesting past. It is in it that we can, through direct touch, merge with centuries and history. When you come to this country, you suddenly begin to think that time has stopped here. I always keep a small onyx scarab beetle bought in an Egyptian shop in my purse, and I sincerely believe that it brings me good luck. In the East it is presented for good luck.

And yet, why are we so drawn to this country? Why do our beautiful and smart girls lose their heads at Egyptian resorts? Why do many of us believe in Egyptian love and do not think that this is self-deception? Why is this love called a fairy tale that our Russian men cannot give?

The Arabs are too loving a nation. They know how to present us with a bright, spectacular, spectacular and colorful story about the meaning of life, which they found precisely in our eyes. Looking at their vital temperament and vigorous ebullient energy, it seems to us that instead of thoughts, music is always playing in their heads, because they are so spontaneous that at the first opportunity they go to dance. They are so plastic and graceful that when we admire them with fascination oriental dances, it begins to seem to us that time has stopped. They captivate and intoxicate with love so much that our girls feel a strong intoxication and think that instead of blood, Arab men have crazy wine flowing through their veins. In order to achieve their intended goals, they can turn everything upside down and spread the desert into small grains of sand, but for some reason, most often, Egyptian love ends in tears and broken hearts of our Russian girls.

When we come on vacation, we cannot soberly assess the situation. Sea, sun, palm trees and too much attention... Anyone who has known Egyptian love begins to wander to his beloved for years. Only now the years are passing and you can’t stop them, and you yourself don’t know what you want more, to think soberly or to be in a sweet, prolonged sleep.

Russian tourists are the only way to tame the frantic eastern sexual energy. Many compatriots, coming to Egypt, quite strongly express their contempt for the Arabs, but, despite this, they then marry them, and yet women there have quite few rights. Mostly just responsibilities. In Egypt, a Russian wife is very prestigious. If you married a European, then we can say that you pulled out a lucky ticket. A Russian woman is as exotic for an Arab as he is for us. Arabs love white skin and blond hair.

Or maybe love has no nationality? The main thing is that she is, and what nationality she is does not matter. Then why is marriage with an Egyptian man the exception rather than the rule? Why do many compatriots return home and begin to hate themselves for their weakness and for having once stepped on the throat of their own “I”? The girls say that it is quite difficult to withstand all these Ramadans, prayers, traditions, willingness to obey, the requirement to dress more modestly, stay at home and not communicate with anyone. Everything that seemed exotic and sweet begins to cause wild irritation after marriage. Why are we all so afraid of these scary tales about Muslim countries and we believe that even the most extraordinary fairy tale could it ever end?

And yet there are statistics, and you can’t escape them. Statistics show that most marriages between Egyptian men and Russian women end too badly. But after these marriages, children appear. Even if our girls manage to leave for their homeland, their children cannot follow them. Often this is the main reason why our women remain to live with Muslims in unhappy marriages and endure all the humiliation just to be close to their children. Alas, in Egyptian marriages there is male dominance and full rights to children. Having children is the meaning of marriage.

Of course, you can’t be disappointed in the whole nation by being disappointed in a specific person, but I’m writing this novel about Egyptian resort macho men who behave quite predictably and play love with our Russian girls according to one well-established scheme. The events of this novel take place in the Egyptian resort city of Hurghada.

Hurghada is a city where love and lies are a way of life. This is a city of nightlife with rather dirty streets and cats walking along them. In frequent street cafes, men sit, watch TV in Arabic and smoke hookah in one position. Behind the houses you can see piles of construction waste in which children are playing. In the evenings there are no women visible on the streets. We are all accustomed to grandmothers on benches at the entrances, but in Egypt there are none. The vibrant life in the city begins at night, when nightclubs and discos open. Hurghada consists of numerous hotels, on the territory of which flirting vibes are in the air and loving Arab men walk around in search of new prey. Our compatriots, tired of work and everyday problems, come to the resorts of Egypt and find too many men there who are ready to move mountains for them. Local men have the least serious attitude towards our tourists. They believe that our girls come to resorts not only for relaxation and for new experiences, but also for new love. Arabs like to joke that one plane with tourists leaves, but ten arrive. We talk about the unworthy behavior of the Egyptians, but most often we ourselves find all these unworthy situations. At the resort, many of our actions do not obey logic. Just feelings and too strong emotions. Often the mind turns on only after returning home.