Self-analysis of a kindergarten speech therapy group teacher sample. Self-analysis of the pedagogical activities of teacher Svetlana Alexandrovna Polyanskaya

And also for determining the effectiveness of your teaching activities very important introspection this activity. Conducting such research is a mandatory stage in professional development. This is necessary to study the state and results of the pedagogical process, as well as to determine ways for further improvement.
The main directions of the survey of educational activities are:
— examination of the level of development of children (diagnosis);
— analysis of forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing children’s activities;
— analysis of forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing the teacher’s activities;
— analysis of the subject-developmental environment in the group kindergarten;
— self-analysis of a teacher’s professional activity.
Please remember that disposable diagnostic procedure children cannot claim an exclusive role. A diagnostic process is necessary because the reliability and objectivity of the results of this process grows in proportion to the amount of information.
When documenting diagnostic materials, the author of the diagnosis, purpose, equipment, materials, and progress of the examination are indicated. Based on the results of the examination of children, conclusions are formulated (general assessment of the development of pupils in the group, reasons for the predominance of high or low levels, the state of the developmental environment, difficulties in planning, family influence, health status, etc.)
Analyzing forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing the activities of children, they are guided by three main criteria:
- maintaining interest and attention to activities when interacting with the teacher and other children;
- children’s activity and independence in solving assigned tasks;
— mastering program content.
At analysis of own activities when interacting with children, Special attention give:
- the ability to accurately formulate tasks;
— selection of materials and equipment;
— satisfaction of motor activity of pupils;
- use of various forms of organization of children (work in subgroups, in pairs, individual, collective).
In accordance with, with creating a subject-development environment In a group, the teacher’s competence is expressed in the availability of a variety of equipment for games and activities, in accordance with the age of the children. Of no small importance is the teacher’s ability to explain why and for what purpose certain games and aids are presented.
IN structure of self-analysis can be distinguished two stages:
— self-analysis itself, during which it is necessary to decompose the existing pedagogical experience into its component parts and analyze them separately;
— self-generalization, during which generalizing, final conclusions are formulated based on the results of the analysis.
At the first stage it is necessary to collect facts that should be subjected to primary generalization, and only after that make final conclusions. At the same time, your experience must be correlated with the main tasks being solved in the educational institution during the analyzed period.
Facts and information on, didactic support for classes, methodological developments, abstracts, manuals, as well as materials on club work, materials of speeches at methodological associations, seminars, conferences, etc.
At the second stage it is necessary to perform a problem analysis. It is necessary to describe those areas of activity that have been successfully resolved over the past period of time. It is indicated in what form the results of resolving problems are presented, whether they are summarized in messages, publications, speeches to colleagues, at meetings and sessions of other associations (methodological, seminars, lectures for parents, participation in district, city, regional conferences, etc.). Then it is necessary to describe the existing problems in the work and the available resources to eliminate them.
The final part of the analysis indicates the key tasks for improving one’s professional activities, i.e., those tasks that will need to be improved and developed in the near future. Understanding the direction and prospects for professional growth is very important when certifying a teacher.
Do not forget that self-analysis should reflect working with children, interaction with teachers, interaction with parents and society.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in developing self-analysis, then write to

Valentina Kapustina
Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a secondary group teacher for the 2015–2016 academic year

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten

combined type No. 29 "Baby" in Essentuki


professional activities


Valentina Valerievna Kapustina

MBDOU kindergarten No. 29 "Baby"

behind academic year 2015-2016.

My goal pedagogical activity- creation of favorable conditions aimed at the development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Over the course of the year, the children developed according to their age and showed positive dynamics and good results in all areas of development.

The organization of the educational process was based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard set out in the approximate educational program "Childhood" authors T. I. Babaeva, G. A. Gogoberidze. It reflects the basic content of preschool education, which presupposes the versatile, full development of the child and the formation of his creative abilities.

The goal of the Program is to create for each child in kindergarten the opportunity to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in different types activities, creative self-realization and aimed at solving


Formation of a general culture of children’s personality, development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites educational activities.

Taking into account this program, I compiled a long-term comprehensive thematic planning for the implementation of annual tasks school year.

1. systematic implementation of health activities to improve the health of children,

2. development of speech (development of dialogue communication, enrichment of vocabulary, formation of logical thinking, development of sound culture of speech, development grammatical structure, development of coherent speech,

3. creation of favorable conditions in group for educational– educational process.

For the successful development of mental and physical health comfortable Wednesday. In this regard, with the help of parents in group made repairs and landscaped the site in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. To create a subject-spatial group environment were supplemented furniture: theater screen, shop, experimental corner and patriotic stand.

To create a subject group environment the creativity corner is being replenished, which helps children maintain interest in isoactivity, makes it possible to express your feelings in a drawing, craft, or game.

Pedagogical the process over the course of a year was focused on the comprehensive formation of the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his physical, mental development, individual capabilities and abilities, preparation for school.

ECD was systematically carried out with children in accordance with the basic general education program and the approved schedule directly educational activities.

The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic.

A work program has been drawn up groups. During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions were strictly observed.

I use a variety of forms in my work. training: traditional, integrated, complex, combined classes. As well as a variety of receptions We: use of clarity, playful, surprise moments.

In classes on isoactivity, design, working with natural material, develop in children Creative skills, fantasy, logical thinking, and most importantly independence, interest, desire to see the result of your work.

In my work I pay attention to experimental activities to develop children's research skills and show interest in organizing experiments.

During the year, a huge amount of work was carried out to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture. In that educational year in kindergarten was held "Fire Fair" And "Maslenitsa", in which our group I actively took part with my parents.

In my work I use health-saving technologies. I create favorable conditions for the full development of physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics children:

The physical activity regime included the following types and forms of physical education and recreation: work:

Morning exercises,

Outdoor games and exercise while walking,

Breathing exercises

Finger gymnastics

Physical education holidays, entertainment, sports games,

Physical education minutes, motor warm-ups during classes

The kindergarten held many different holidays, all of them are held not for parents, but with their involvement, so that they feel and live this event together with the child

Through such a joint activity the child becomes more communicative, sociable, and fully interested.

Was held sports entertainment with parents for the all-Russian action “Sport is an alternative to bad habits”.

Task: Target:

Introducing children to healthy image life


Ensure optimal motor mode for children and adults during the event;

Enrich parents with knowledge and practical skills in organizing and conducting leisure activities

Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes

Instill a love for physical education and sports, develop agility, speed, endurance.

Provide continuity in physical education children between kindergarten and family;

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, I had some sports fun with my parents “Dad is my pride!”


Improve motor skills,

Deepen interest in physical culture and sports, improve health,

Help bring parents and children closer together

Form strong-willed quality: determination, endurance, development of a sense of mutual assistance, support,

bring up feeling of respect for Russian Army, love to motherland.

The main direction of my work in educational year was the speech development of children. To do this, I implemented speech pedagogical project“Speech development through Russian folk tales”

Target: development of speech and communication abilities of children average preschool age through the project activity using ICT based on Russian material folk tale; increase the level of development of coherent speech in preschoolers through folklore; introduce children to traditions and culture native land through speech development through folklore.

As a result of the work carried out on the design activities, our group achieved the following results:

Children began to feel more relaxed, bolder, and began to express their opinions more freely

Children can retell a fairy tale using mnemonic tables

Answer questions in full, common sentences.

They are able to select synonyms and antonyms in proverbs, sayings, and in speech situations

They know how to solve riddles and prove the answer.

Within speech pedagogical project I carried out directly educational activities By speech development "A Journey Through Russian Folk Tales".

With this activity I participated in All-Russian competition "Our achievements" and received a third degree diploma.

In speech pedagogical Parents took an active role in the project. They created crafts with the children "Russian folk tales".

In that educational year I paid attention to environmental raising children. In the experimental corner we created a green garden: My children and I grew beans, onions, tomato seedlings, cucumbers, and flowers. They took care of the flowers in group, watched their growth. We kept an environmental observation diary.

Our group took part in the action "Flowers of Memory" that were planted in a flower bed.

During academic year our group created books: “My city is Essentuki!”, « Space trip» , "History of the Second World War", "Traffic Laws"

I supplemented the parent's corner with albums on safety and Traffic regulations: "The threat of terrorism", "Reflective elements".

Conducted for parents parent meetings, conversations, consultations. According to the survey and questionnaire, parents are satisfied with the level of quality of the educational process. Conclusion: Parents are satisfied with my work with children.

As a result of the survey on question: I am satisfied with the material and technical support of the kindergarten - 4% of parents do not agree; 32% found it difficult to answer this question.

I am satisfied with the food in the nursery garden: 4% disagree.

Conclusion: as a result of the survey, I found out that

to the question

A good kindergarten, according to parents, should

The first priority is to prepare my child for school.

68% (17 people)

2nd place - create a psychologically comfortable environment for my child

48% (12 people)

3rd place - ensure the safety of my child

36% (9 people)

to the question What do you not like about your kindergarten parents answered: Dense staffing groups -4%(1 person)

Material base

Food -8% (2 people)

Plots, fence -16% (4 people)

To the question: What activities with children in your group kindergarten is not enough parents answered:

Physical education – 28% (7 people)

Everything is enough – 64% (16 people)

English -8% (2 people)

As a result of the diagnostics at the end of the year, it was revealed that the children had mastered the educational program by 92%.

Conclusion: Grade children's activities in pedagogical diagnostics is presented according to a 5-point system. Normative development options can be considered average value for each child or group-wide development parameter is greater than 3.8. Based on diagnostic results average group No. 8 average value for the general group development parameter 4.6, which exceeds the normative development option for children.

On a five-point scale, our group by average the indicator mastered the educational program by 4.6 points, which in percentage terms corresponds to 92%. Compared to the beginning of the year (4,3 - 86%) level of assimilation educational program increased by 6%. As a result of the pedagogical diagnostics in middle group 100% completion of the educational program was revealed.

My pupils: Vera Goncharenko, Liza Vasyutkina, Ksenia Golyak, Danya Plotnikov visit children's rooms sports schools, dance classes, gymnastics. They participate in competitions and competitions.

I consider it very important to develop in children patriotic feelings to your homeland. For the Victory Day holiday, I conducted a lesson with children. Showed a war film. Parents and children prepared war-themed crafts. Leonova Maria participated in the All-Russian competition "Gallery great victory» and received a certificate of participation.

At the end educational year a drawing competition was held, dedicated to the holiday "Children Protection Day". I conducted sports entertainment with my parents for Children's Day.

I'm pleased with the work done. I achieved my annual goals. In the next educational year I would like to supplement the subject development Wednesday, pedagogical literature on pedagogical working with participants in the educational process.

This material may be useful for educators of younger groups in order to familiarize themselves and compare with their own methods and forms of education; the article analyzes various areas of preschool education.

Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of the teacher

My teaching activities are carried out in accordance with the State General Educational Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which establishes a system of norms and requirements for the content of education and training, and for children to master key competencies in a kindergarten setting.

An important role in the basis of my activities, as well as in the program for raising and training children from 1-3 years old “Algashky kadam”, is given to the individualization of the educational process and each child separately, the formation moral qualities personality, development of play and motor activity as the main types of activity at a given age. The educational process is organized taking into account the interests of the child, his needs and the traditions of the Kazakh people.

Long-term planning is carried out in accordance with the program of education and training of children from 1-3 years old “Algashky kadam” and with the additional use of the “Balbobek” program. The program for the education and training of children from 1-3 years old “Algashky kadam” promotes the active application in practice of integrated and complex classes. In my work with children, I focus on new approaches to educational problems, innovative methods and new items in methodological literature.

In my work I systematically use elements of Maria Montessori technology, B.P. Zaitseva, G. Domana. Thus, to create a developmental environment in the group using the developmental methods of these teachers, the following were prepared: didactic games: “Pick up the lids”, “Clean up”, “Feed the clothespin”, “Bright patch (Find a pair)”, “Let’s feed the hedgehog”, “Magic bag”, “Rough letters and numbers”, “Lace” and many others.

I am constantly working on equipping the subject-development environment. Depending on the annual tasks of the kindergarten, various centers are created or updated in our group. In the Republic of Kazakhstan in last years increased attention is paid to the legal education of the younger generation, therefore in this academic year was carried out active work on legal universal education of children, parents and teachers. In addition, in our “Baby” group a corner “My rights” was made, and for parents a corner “A child has the right...” was made and consultations “On punishing children” were selected. Currently I am paying a lot of attention sensory development child, that is, the formation of his sensory standards. An important role in the implementation of this task is played by the use of methodological literature by A. Yanushko, game exercises Maria Montessori.

I am also working on the development of subtle and fine motor skills hands Children especially like to play with gaming aids such types as “Buttons”, “Sort out the beans”, “Mosaic”, “Lace up the shoe”, “Inserts”

I study periodical literature - magazines “Preschool education in Kazakhstan”, “Child in kindergarten”, “Mektepke deingi tarbieleu”, “Mektepaldy dayarlyk”, the newspaper of the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of the Karaganda Region “Izdenis”.

For the purpose of self-education, I constantly study new products. methodological manuals, literature on pedagogy and psychology, getting acquainted with materials and documents in media sites for preschool workers, I take an active part in the discussion and publication of my own materials. Thus, in 2010, in the collection “ Contemporary issues training of specialists for the education system" published the article "Formation of environmental knowledge among older preschoolers", in 2013 in the collection "National - regional component in preschool education“The article “The health of the nation is the key to our successful future” was published on the Educator website. kz posted the article “Creative report of a teacher of a junior group”, I am a participant in the forum for teachers of Kazakhstan - forum in - ku. Attended advanced training courses at the IPK on the topic: “Improving the professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher preschool organization in the conditions of structural and technological modernization of education.” In 2012, she took courses on Self-Knowledge and courses for educators at the District ONO.

I am working on self-education on the topic “Using sand therapy in kindergarten." Based on this material, I collected a lot of useful and necessary information for the teacher - lesson notes, games, theoretical basis on this topic. To summarize the experience on the topic of self-education for the administration and teachers of the kindergarten, I prepared the presentations “Card index of games with sand with children of primary preschool age” and “Final report on the use of sand therapy with preschool children.”

To assess children's acquisition of knowledge and skills, the quality of knowledge acquisition by preschoolers is monitored three times a year. A comparative analysis of monitoring data over the past three years indicates that in the first junior group systematic work is being carried out to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities. For a better examination of preschool children, colorful illustrated material was selected in accordance with the proposed indicators.

For more productive activity I carry out joint active activities in the upbringing and development of children with the second teacher, kindergarten teachers and parents of children.

Not so long ago, the priority of visiting a preschool children's institution was. The teacher was given the task of teaching the child to read and write. But now, in the age of information technology, everything has changed. Thus, a number of changes were made to the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which the future student must leave the walls of the preschool educational institution adapted to the school system, a harmonious and developed personality, ready for all difficulties.

In accordance with this, classes are adjusted to accommodate innovations. To achieve this, self-analysis of the lesson is carried out preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Efficiency and success depend only on this person, which must meet new requirements. Its purpose is to provide knowledge, skills, and instill relevant skills.

Teaching is a creative profession and at the same time requiring high professionalism. Therefore, most teachers and preschool employees improve their skills, improve their activities, an important factor in the effectiveness of which is competent self-analysis

Specialists who have just come to work in Russia are often lost and don’t know how and where to start. In this case, methodologists come to their aid.

Such work helps the teacher determine whether all tasks have been achieved, identify positive aspects, decide what still needs to be worked on and what to pay attention to.

For the analysis to be carried out correctly, the teacher must, before starting work, make a list of questions that need to be answered in the process. For example:

  • do children understand why the lesson is being held;
  • are they ready for it;
  • what is the form of the lesson;
  • how accessible the material is;
  • Are children interested?
  • how the material is prepared;
  • Does the lesson promote creative activity?

After identifying the questions, the teacher must act in accordance with this list.

Stages of work

A sample of self-analysis of a preschool teacher’s lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard will help to carry out the work correctly. The plan includes the following aspects:

  1. Characteristics of the children's group.
  2. Comparison of material and program.
  3. Target.
  4. Task.
  5. Use of visual aids.
  6. Stages and sequence of the lesson.
  7. The atmosphere in the lesson.
  8. Children's behavior.
  9. Result.

The first thing to do is to characterize the group. It should be clarified whether any work was done in advance, whether the capabilities and characteristics of the children were taken into account during lesson planning. Then the material used is compared with the program, age, and the goals and objectives set are announced. The reasons for failure and success are revealed. Determines how good the quality was didactic material, visual aids, their aesthetic appearance. Was the structure of the lesson and clear transitions between stages maintained? Active methods are highlighted.

Next, a description of the atmosphere in the lesson is given: how enthusiastic the children were, whether there were positive emotions, why the kids were interested, who spoke and how often, the reasons for the silence of the others. The form of work is determined: group, collective, individual.

The teacher must analyze his ability to organize children, establish contact with them, and also characterize the accessibility of speech.

The result is summarized: was the goal achieved, were all the tasks completed, what did not work out and how to get out of the situation then.

What will help you at work?

One of the most effective methods increasing the competence of personnel is self-analysis of an open lesson for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. IN in this case The psychological factor plays a big role. Colleagues and management are present at an open lesson, which makes the specialist worry. It is in such a situation that all the shortcomings and strengths appear, which those present will point out at the end of the lesson.

Example situation

Let us characterize the self-analysis of the preschool teacher’s classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard. For example, consider a theatrical production of the fairy tale “Turnip”. Main goals:

  • teach children to imitate characters, convey emotions through facial expressions, gestures, movements;
  • to ask questions;
  • educate friendly relations, desire to help.

Main goals:

  • organize the active participation of children in the game;
  • teach how to coordinate actions between each other (the characters), role-playing dialogue;
  • develop imagination and interest in theatrical art.

In the process you will need the following materials: clothes for the heroes, masks, magic bag, tape recorder, cubes depicting fairy tale characters, phonogram.

There is a preview before the lesson. puppet theater“Turnip”, reading a fairy tale, discussion, studying illustrations.

The lesson begins with an introductory part. Here it is necessary to have a positive attitude towards the participants. To do this, a game is played with a surprise bag. Duration - approximately 2 minutes.

The main part lasts 10 minutes. Children are divided into “spectators” and “artists”. Here one gains gaming experience, the ability to listen to the end, applaud, say “thank you,” convey an image, change the timbre of one’s voice, use facial expressions and gestures.

To solve the learning task, the participants completed a number of tasks. So, while playing with a bag, they explored the objects in it by touch and identified them by their shape. These were cubes depicting heroes, which the children arranged in order of appearance of the characters. The performers transformed into characters, and the audience took their seats.

It should be noted that when planning activities, a number of principles of training, choice, scientificity, consistency, and systematicity were observed. A number of methods were used: visual, practical, verbal. The situation was divided into stages. Group, frontal and individual forms were used. The set goal has been achieved.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for future students

In accordance with the standards, children leaving preschool, must have imagination, be proactive, cultured, with a friendly attitude towards others, with the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, sympathize, empathize, not conflict, and express their thoughts through coherent speech.

To instill such skills, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of a specialist, one of the most important methods of achieving which is self-analysis of the preschool teacher’s classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard. An example was given above.

MKOU "Lebedinskaya Secondary School"

Self-analysis of the teacher preparatory group

for 2014 – 2015.

Zilinskaya Natalya Sergeevna


I, Natalya Sergeevna Zilinskaya, have been working as a teacher at the Lebedinskaya Secondary School MCOU since 2011. Work experience in this position is 4 years. In 2013 I passed the SZD test. In April 2015, she completed advanced training courses in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Participation in methodological events at various levels




MKOU "Lebedinskaya Secondary School"

TEACHING COUNCIL« Adaptation of preparatory group pupils to new conditions»



« Fostering a culture of behavior in preschool children»


“Be healthy without doctors!”


MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 34" of the Sovetsky district of Voronezh

"Experienced - experimental activities with preschoolers"


MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 34" of the Sovetsky district of Voronezh

"Organization of the pedagogical process in mixed age group»



Plot - role-playing game V senior group"Trip to the Theater"


MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 66"


“The entertaining world around us: Lego constructor”


MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 66"


"Logico - math games»


MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 66"


"Ship Voyage"


Municipal seminar


MKDOU "Dyachenkovsky kindergarten "Zvezdochka"

“Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education: creation of a subject-developing spatial environment»


This year I worked in the preparatory group for the “Childhood” program, developed by the team of authors of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute of Childhood of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen: T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova and others. The group was attended by children aged 3 to 7 years, including children with speech disorders. Attendance in the group is 15 people (4 girls and 11 boys), of which 4 children are of Turkish nationality (1 girl and 3 boys), 3 children are attending the group for the second year.

Leading goals " Work program for the upbringing and education of children in the preparatory group" are: creating favorable conditions for a child to live a full-fledged life preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, comprehensive development mental and physiological qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.In order for my work with children to be professional, I try to improve my pedagogical level: I get acquainted with new pedagogical and methodological literature, the work experience of other teachers, and I visit methodological associations.

The educational process is carried out in five main areas:


Social and personal;



Artistic and aesthetic.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work on children's mastery of educational areas"Health", " Physical Culture", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading" fiction», « Artistic creativity", "Music" is aimed at diversified development preschoolers, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

An important place in raising children preparatory class paid attention to the formation of a culture of communication and behavior, both at school and in public places; inclusion of the team in the environment, development of this environment and interaction with it. To implement these tasks, from the first day of training, conversations were held about the rules of behavior at school and in public places; cultural lesson “We are in the dining room”, “Polite words”, excursion to the village library.

To teach to perceive the beauty of nature, to protect it, to develop a sense of responsibility towards nature is the main task of the school. To accomplish these tasks, we went on excursions; admired the beauty of nature at different times of the year. Together with my parents, we organized exhibitions of crafts at different times of the year: “Beauty Autumn”, “Oh, what a Christmas tree”, “My beautiful snowman”, Spring is coming.”

When working with parents, I combine collective and individual forms of interaction: conversations, consultations, carrying out individual assignments, parent meetings, joint search for a solution to the problem.

Throughout the year, holidays were held in which both children and parents took an active part: “September 1 is the Day of Knowledge!”; " Autumn Ball"; “Mom is my sunshine”; Thematic lesson, dedicated on February 23; “We'll be going to school soon” - Graduation Party;

Level of creative achievements of students

Events, reviews of knowledge and skills

Level of organization (GDO, municipality, region, all.)


Number of participants

Result (participation, presence of winners, prize-winners, laureates indicating the student’s full name)

Participation in the competition


MKOU "Lebedinskaya Secondary School"

Certificate of participation

Participation in the competition

Regional competition “Road ABC for children and adults”


Certificate, 1st place in the category “Best Creative Craft” - “ Crosswalk" People's Choice Award

Participation in the competition

Regional competition “Road ABC for children and adults”


Belikov K., diploma, 2nd place in the category “Best Drawing” - “The Road to School”

Participation in the promotion

District action “Victory in everyone’s heart”


MKOU "Lebedinskaya Secondary School"

2nd place, social project “We are for peace”

Participation in the competition

Competition "My Mom"http:// www. maam. ru


Matuzkov I. – “Heart for my beloved mother”

Participation in the competition

Competition “I know the traffic rules”http:// www. maam. ru


Matuzkov I. – “Kolobok and traffic light”

Participation in the competition

Competition "Spring Mood"http:// www. maam. ru


Chumakova E. – “Bouquet for Mom”

Working with children of different ages, I have the opportunity to observe how activity and motivation change, and it becomes possible to differentially influence their development in each child. Often, when becoming acquainted with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while watching open classes, games) discovered new techniques for managing and designing games and mechanically transferred them to her work, without obtaining the desired result. Methodological techniques made it possible to achieve results only in those cases if they were applied systematically, taking into account general trends development of group children, patterns play activity, if you knew and felt each child well.

Planned result:

In the future, I plan, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children and the specific development of each child, to increase the level of training of my pupils, to achieve positive changes in strengthening and maintaining health, to give them the right values, to develop speech and creative abilities, communication and social skills.