The most beautiful thing in life is purity of heart. What is the most beautiful thing in your life?

Date: 10 Sep. 2010

From September 16 to October 16, an exhibition of paintings by artist Anna Silivonchik “Miracles” will be held in the Gomel Palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskevichs. The opening will take place on September 16 at 17.00

"There are only two ways to live your life. The first is as if no miracles happen.
The second is as if everything in the world is a miracle."

Albert Einstein

A world of fantasy, wondrous dreams, funny stories and good fairy tales come to life in the works of Anna Silivonchik. The heroes of the artist’s paintings soar in the clouds, ride on the moon, and easily reach the stars from the sky. The author wants to remind viewers that there is always a place for miracles in life if we look at the world with the wide open eyes of a child, if we know how to believe and find joy in little things, love and be surprised. After all, we are our own wizards and good fairies, we create and create our own reality.

This is what the artist herself says about her art:

“In my paintings, I try to convey not reality itself, but only elusive impressions, moods, states, smells, sounds, thoughts. In the language of images and symbols, I talk about what is so difficult to convey in words, that it is difficult to analysis, which can only be felt. The creative process, for me, is such an exciting game of playing a wizard, when, according to my desire, mood, whim, I can create other new worlds and realities. It’s always terribly pleasant later when what you do is found an emotional response in other people brings joy to someone. But this is not an end in itself, the main and most pleasant thing in creativity is the PROCESS itself! And the most beautiful thing in life is life itself, and not some separate result and specific achievement! And the most important art is to live in harmony with yourself and with the world. An art that can and should be studied throughout your life."

Born in 1980 in the city of Gomel.
1992-1999 studies at the Republican Lyceum of Arts, Minsk
1999-2007 studying at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (department of easel painting).
Since 2008 member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
2009 - awarded the medal "Talent and Vocation" of the International Foundation for Peace and Reconciliation.
He is a participant in many republican and international exhibitions, including 14 personal ones.
Works are in the National Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of Modern Art (Minsk), the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, USA), private collections in Belarus, Russia, USA, Israel, Germany, Poland.
Currently lives and works in Minsk.

The first time Hoseok sees Taehyung is in the lineup in front of school, when both are just entering “adult” life - going to first grade. They are still very small, do not have clear scents of their own and cannot clearly recognize other people’s smells, but Hoseok doesn’t need to: this little fellow (Chon is more than sure) is the most a handsome boy of everyone he had seen over the long 7 years of his life. Taehyung is wearing white trousers and the same vest, under which is a pale blue shirt, in his hands is a huge bouquet, almost as big as him, and on his face is a dazzling smile missing one front tooth. Huge eyes smile too, turning into crescents, and chestnut short hair open protruding cute ears. Hoseok misses everything the principal and other important people tell them: all he cares about is the handsome boy diagonally to his side. He is very embarrassed when Taehyung, as if sensing something, turns his head and stumbles upon Hoseok, who is openly examining him. Hoseok immediately blushes and lowers his eyes, not seeing how Taehyung is trying to sniff more air and squints his eyes rather when he succeeds. They are distributed (completely unfairly, according to Hoseok) into different classes: he goes to A, Taehyung goes to B. Then little Chon still does not understand that at lunch they will see each other in the common dining room, and every break - in the corridors and on playground. It is there that Hoseok decides to approach. Taehyung is sitting on a swing, his gray school uniform suits him fantastically, he still smiles almost toothless and dazzlingly, and when he notices Hoseok, it seems that his corners even reach his ears. Hoseok hands the woman a beautiful cake and, to his great surprise, Taehyung gratefully accepts the treat. They sit on the swing now every big break of every school day: Taehyung eats the sweets brought by Hoseok, and Chon admires Taehyung. *** By third grade, the boys are big enough to smell and smell brightly, and then Hoseok realizes for the first time why he So was drawn to Kim: Taehyung is his omega. Taehyung himself admits that he realized this back there, at the line, three years ago, but he wanted Hoseok to admit it himself. Chon is habitually embarrassed for a moment, and then pecks Taehyung on the rosy cheek and runs away, leaving Kim as red as a lobster and happy as an elephant. *** The first full kiss occurs in the tenth grade, when Hoseok escorts Taehyung from the cinema they went to after class. The rain caught them by surprise a couple of blocks from the house, no one had an umbrella - they had to wait under the canopy of the entrance - and although Hoseok insisted that Taehyung not freeze and walk faster to his place, Kim stubbornly shook his head and pressed himself against Hoseok, because, Of course he was numb. Chon turned to the finely trembling Taehyung, ran his surprisingly hot palm over his face, which had become even more beautiful over the years, looking into the huge lakes of his eyes, and slowly bent down, scorching with his breath. Taehyung’s eyelashes fluttered, and the next second his lips covered the alpha’s lips. Taehyung’s legs gave way and he literally fell into the arms of Hoseok, who was no less driven: his omega’s lips were the sweetest and most tender that Chon had tasted in his life. *** After graduating from school, both enter management, and in their free time from studying, they study in the studio: Taehyung with vocals, Hoseok with dancing. Sometimes Chon, who is making incredible progress, teaches the basics to Kim, furtively observing the curves of the omega’s body. They, of course, discussed the transition to a closer relationship, they both wanted it, but it was decided to wait for Taehyung’s first heat in order to cause the omega as little inconvenience as possible, but she, as luck would have it, still didn’t come. Taehyung was very worried about this, but the doctors said that everything was fine with his body and he just needed to wait. Hoseok supports as best he can and promises to wait as long as necessary. *** In the second year, when all omegas are not only in heat, but already have a permanent partner, a miracle happens. Taehyung has a fever all day, his stomach hurts and his legs are weak; Hoseok restlessly circles around his boy, unable to stand it in the end, asks them both off the last couple of classes and almost drags Taehyung home in his arms. Kim presses herself very hotly all the way, greedily swallows the smell from Hoseok’s collarbones, apologizing in a whisper, and says that she doesn’t understand why Hoseok So The smell is strong and intoxicating. Jung, in turn, tries to breathe shallowly, because Taehyung himself exudes the sweetest aroma, and Hoseok prays to all the gods not to attack Kim on the bus or the nearest bushes. Luckily for them, their parents are not at home, so Hoseok, as soon as the door closes, kisses Taehyung like a starved man, aggressively, greedily, in short breaks between explaining that this is the first heat, everything is fine, and Taehyung shakes his head, not believing that finally -That. They fall into the omega's bedroom, without making out the way, fall on the bed, not stopping crazy kisses and moans; Hoseok sees his partner’s naked body for the first time and cannot stop stroking and kissing the velvety skin, finds more and more sensitive points, goes crazy with Taehyung’s taste and aroma. Omega can only whine and expose himself to caresses, his eyes darkening from how much he wants Hoseok. The alpha tries not to harm, not to cause pain, because all his body wants is to crush the languishing Taehyung into the mattress and pound between slender thighs as long as he has the strength, but with his head he understands that for the first time his omega may not withstand the pressure. However, Taehyung has a different opinion on this matter, so he pulls Hoseok closer, licks his neck, scratches, begs, spreads his legs wider, and Chon’s barriers collapse: he enters sharply, catches a satisfied cry with his lips, merging with Kim into one whole. While making love, they don’t hear Taehyung’s parents returning from work, who are shocked by how their son is screaming. Dad rushes to go to his room and make sure that Taehyung is not being cut, and his father laughs nervously and says that Taehyung chose a good alpha. The conversation turns out awkward, Taehyung hides his flushed face behind Chon’s shoulder, who is answering to his future relatives. Parents try to be as gentle as possible, because Hoseok has been theirs for more than ten years, but they still ask him to finish college first, and think about family and wedding later. Taehyung and Hoseok honestly promise not to rush. *** Taehyung finds out about pregnancy in the middle of the fourth year and at first cries for a very long time on the shoulder of Hoseok, who is sobbing with happiness. When the alpha calms down and kisses his TaeTe’s entire face, he assures that everything will be fine, they will definitely cope, and how grateful he is to fate for Taehyung. Kim, through sobs, says that he let his parents down, and suddenly they kick him out, what to do then, to which Hoseok, cupping Taehyung’s cheeks with his palms, forces him to look him in the eye and promises more seriously than ever that he will not leave him and will not leave him, he will do everything for the omega and their baby. Taehyung believes. The parents of both, of course, are not too happy with this news, but looking like the leader of the pack protecting his mate, Hoseok, hugging the frightened Taehyung to himself, makes everyone change their anger to mercy: Taehyung will not be lost with this alpha, Taehyung’s parents think; With such a wonderful and modest son, Hoseok is terribly lucky, Hoseok’s parents think. Adults allocate money for the first time to rent housing and take on the costs of organizing the wedding. *** Married and pot-bellied Taehyung is the most beautiful thing Hoseok has seen in his life. Even the whims of a heavily pregnant omega do not irritate him, on the contrary: Hoseok is looking forward to the next quest, like “I want tapinambur” at three in the morning, for him this is already a sporting interest. Chon loves to lie on Taehyung’s lap in the evenings and stroke his warm belly with its delicate golden fluff. Hoseok talks to his son, kisses the belly where the baby’s head is located and Taehyung squints with pleasure. Hoseok also masterfully stops hysterics about stretch marks on his stomach, bringing home a dozen tubes and jars with the most expensive creams for them. Now that Chon has a good part-time job and private dance lessons, they can afford it. *** Taehyung’s contractions begin in the morning in the first month of autumn. Hoseok brings his now husband to the hospital and for the next 22 hours they go through all the circles of hell: from endless ineffective contractions to induction of labor. Hoseok had never been so worried in his life; Beta nurses sedated the future father twice. The reward for all the torment is a loud, big-eyed alpha, whom Taehyung already loves more than anyone in the world. That is, just like Hoseok. They can't stop looking at the baby, but he's being taken to the neonatal unit, and daddy needs to rest. Hoseok refuses to go home, and the same nurses make beds for him in the room with Taehyung. *** The discharge takes place in a couple of days, with the child and parent in full health, and Hoseok is unable to imagine that it is possible to be even happier. Exactly until Taehyung, putting his two-year-old son to bed, whispers that there will soon be four of them.

    The clock is ticking, the days are burning away in dance,
    The sparks, extinguished, fly like ashes into the palms.
    An insinuating voice tells me... Come on, swipe it away
    Gray dust, learn not to remember anything...

    Click on flash...
    Save for yourself at least a grain of pristine Purity of Heart..

    My Personal Diary is a letter to Myself to the Future..
    And News for myself from the Past..
    This is not just a biography and an attempt to understand myself, to find harmony and peace of mind.. I need it to evaluate My Life.
    Now I would like to change a lot in my life... my feelings and thoughts, perception of people and events, analysis of my own strengths and weaknesses, fears, achievements and actions...
    But.. This is My Life.. And this is the most beautiful thing in Life..
    I am writing in the hope of becoming better, wiser and making fewer mistakes in the future.
    And so.. About myself.. At school.. She was an activist. Komsomol Organizer, Komsomol Class Organizer, and then Secretary of the Komsomol School Organization..

    I studied well.. I graduated with one B in physics.. That’s when I was recommended for work at the Leninsky District Committee of the Komsomol..
    But I dreamed of something else...
    IN adolescence, I wanted to be an investigator to investigate all sorts of murders and robberies. Look for evidence. Catch criminals.
    She was a member of the YDM club of the Leninsky police district.
    We were on duty in the Children's Police Room, carried out raids...
    My parents were never against my hobbies.
    And I had so many of them!
    From the age of ten she began to study music in piano class.
    At the same time, I enrolled in a folk dance club. We studied at school.
    I am very grateful to my Dance and Music Teachers.
    They gave me a wonderful World.. The world of the best music.. They taught me to understand the language of dance.. This helped me later to study classical choreography, ballet.. We went on the big stage! Took part in competitions. They danced on the stage of the Rostov House of Officers, the Palace of Pioneers, the Palace of Builders and on the stage of the Rostov Palace of Culture
    Rostselmash..But that’s not all. Now I’m amazed.. how I, a small, skinny girl, could be on time everywhere.. Classes in the swimming pool of 43 schools, this is opposite the Rostov hotel. 30 minutes from my house.. and after class we walked in the park near the fountain, ate ice cream.. then ran home.. for homework..
    And basketball twice a week. After all, our school specialized in basketball. And I studied in sports school SKA ROSTOV.
    It was located in the courtyard of the Rostov Circus building.. And if someone was 1 minute late, they were not allowed to attend the training..
    This helped me develop a sense of time. In general, in life I adhere to the rule “if you don’t know how, don’t try it” and tried to learn everything that I liked.. And most of all I liked, and still like, Medicine. I didn’t get into Med. I was very upset. I cried. I wanted to enroll again next year, but my mother dissuaded me...
    She said... your place is at school. So I entered the Rostov Pedagogical Institute. To physics and mathematics. But in my Soul I remain a doctor.
    Oh - what am I talking about... So...
    School is my second home. Everything I know, what I can do and more, I try to pass on to the Children..

    And as and what is happening to me now... Are we in our adult life Don't we make mistakes at all? It’s just.. I can’t write often and a lot in the Diary.. Don’t get me wrong.. The discipline that I learned from childhood and now helps me control my actions and emotions..
    I'm very embarrassed that I various reasons, I can’t communicate with you often, My Relatives. I'm disappearing... I haven't been on the Internet or in my Diary for months...
    How could I be on time everywhere before, but now.. I’m losing my strength..?
    I feel bad.. Very bad.. No.. I’m not complaining about life.. I’m holding on! I’m holding on as best I can.. Life is huge, beautiful, and everything is still ahead.. Flowers, the glare of the Sun, Joy, Love! Life! This is all My Life! The most beautiful and unprecedented Castle in the entire Heavenly and Magical World, better than which no one has yet created... You must live in such a way that nature, objects and people before your eyes are painted in purple colors as often as possible. There is no Lilac color in the Solar spectrum. This paint is produced by a combination of very Light Bluish and Pinkish shades. This is the most romantic color in the world! Everything that happened happened and will never return.. Therefore, I remember the past without regret and with a smile.. After all, what is a smile? A smile is a signal to the whole body that life goes on! A smile destroys the paths of memories and makes a person free to live... The world It’s worth leaving him an amateur photo of him as a souvenir.

    But I continue to catch specks of dust like snow,
    White that burns your fingers like a cold tear...
    Maybe this doesn't make sense at all.
    Sometimes it hurts us to return to the past.
    I'm tired of being with silence one-on-one...
    And I so wanted to become needed and mean something..

    © Copyright: Sasha Kuprina, 2018
    Everything that happened happened and will never come back...
    You have to live in such a way that you would like more!
    I want to be a little girl.. Fall asleep on your lap..
    And your hands get tangled in my hair.. So that you would be an angel, and I would just be next to you.. I want you to be Happy..

One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was truly perfect - no dents or scratches. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of this and simply beamed with happiness.
Suddenly, an old man came forward from the crowd and said, turning to the guy:
- Your heart is not even close to mine in beauty.
Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was dented, all covered in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and in their places others were inserted that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. Moreover, there were clearly missing pieces in some places in the old man’s heart. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart was more beautiful?
The guy looked at the old man’s heart and laughed:
- You might be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a jumble of scars and tears!
“Yes,” the old man answered, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts.” Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I tore out a piece of my heart and gave it to that person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of his heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But because the pieces of different hearts don't exactly fit together, so I have jagged edges in my heart that I cherish because they remind me of the love we shared.
Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart, but other people did not return theirs to me - so you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love there is not always a guarantee of reciprocity. And although these holes hurt, they remind me of the love I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of my heart will return to me.
Now do you see what true beauty means?
The crowd froze. The young man stood silently, stunned. Tears flowed from his eyes.
He approached the old man, took out his heart and tore a piece from it. With trembling hands, he offered a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then he responded by tearing a piece from his beaten heart and inserting it into the hole that had formed in his heart young man. The piece fit, but not perfectly, and some of the edges stuck out and some were torn.
The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it had been before the old man's love touched it.
And they hugged and walked down the road.
- my heart

student of the year - 2013

“The most beautiful thing in life is life itself”
This is what Gulnaz Barsaeva, the winner of the school competition, thinks

All the contestants in each round put in maximum effort and effort. The jury members thanked the participants for their will to win, strength of character and desire to be first. The fanfare sounded again and the name of the winner was announced. In 2013, Gulnaz Barsaeva won the school competition “Student of the Year”.
The competition is over. The last applause has died down, the spectators and fans are leaving, tired but happy, the presenters are descending from the stage, Alena Ivanovna is collecting creative works, Olga Aleksandrovna Lyamina, an assistant in the event, is looking out from behind the scenes, Evgenia Dyusmikeeva and Alexander Gennadyevich Usoltsev are conducting a “debriefing” performances, jury members sign the protocols. Another competition is behind us, which means that “Student of the Year 2014” is ahead with new participants and new discoveries! Eleonora Panashchenko,

Olga Lyamina.
Photo by Evgenia Dyusmikeeva and Tatyana Parshukova.