Self-washing a leatherette jacket. How to carefully wash a faux leather jacket

Clothes and accessories, in particular, leatherette jackets or bags, are integral elements of a wardrobe for most people today. The cost of the material is low compared to, but the quality is not always worse.

Like any other things, such products require proper care. But many people are confused by the question of washing. How to wash a leatherette jacket without unpleasant consequences? And in general, how to care for her correctly? It seems that the material needs some special care. This is partly true, but only because it requires a more delicate treatment than ordinary skin.

It is important to know

Before taking any action, it will always be useful to familiarize yourself with the leatherette sewn on outerwear. Like any other item of clothing, it contains useful information about suitable care.

Can leatherette be washed? Hand washing is often acceptable, but only as a last resort when the lining is dirty. Washing in an automatic machine is not advisable, especially for thin material.

If there is no prohibition on the label, and the faux leather does not look too delicate, then the jacket can be washed in a machine. However, in any case, the regime must be delicate and take into account all the nuances.

Such a non-wear-resistant product cannot be washed frequently. Otherwise, no matter how careful and gentle the washing is, the jacket or bag will still quickly become unusable.

What to do in this case? After all, outerwear can also get dirty.

Here are some tips for keeping your faux leather jacket clean and looking great:

  1. If the outside of the material becomes dirty, you can simply wipe it with a soft, damp sponge.
  2. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the product in the fresh air while unzipped.
  3. After the jacket has been washed, it must be dried properly. This means that drying should be done in a straightened form. But, under no circumstances should it be on a battery or in direct sunlight.
  4. How to remove local stains? Particularly dirty areas on the lining or outside, for example, sleeves or pockets, as well as a seated stain, can be carefully washed or simply wiped with alcohol.

Partial cleaning of a leatherette jacket is not always appropriate. If the item has been worn for a long time, it may become dirty not only on the outside, but also emit an unpleasant odor from the lining. This is due to natural human sweating and the proliferation of microbes. In this case, you cannot do without complete immersion in water.

Proper hand washing

How to wash a jacket or bag made of artificial material correctly? In order for such a product to retain its aesthetic appearance longer, it needs to be washed only on the inside.

Before starting the procedure, be sure to check all pockets and turn your outerwear inside out. All zippers must be closed.

Washing is done in slightly warm water with powder. You can put it in a basin or directly into the bath. It is recommended to add a little table vinegar to the water.

Now we immerse the faux leather jacket completely in the solution. Do not rub the material too hard. It’s better to arm yourself with a soft washcloth and perform circular movements. Thus, carefully wash the lining with foam. Next, rinse in clean water several times.

Drying should be done from the inside out on hangers, or in an extended horizontal position.

Is it possible to wash in a washing machine?

From leatherette to washing machine automatic, allowed, but only if the manufacturer has indicated this information on the label. The preparation procedure is approximately the same as for washing by hand. Pockets should be checked, zippers should be fastened, and the jacket should be turned inside out.

It is better to give preference to liquid laundry detergent rather than powder. But if it does apply washing powder, then mandatory only for colored laundry.

The washing mode should always be set to delicate, and the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. In order not to spoil the material, the spin should be turned off; this is an important condition.

But how to clean an eco-leather jacket only on the outside? This can be done in a completely different way.

External cleaning

Most often, it is the outer material that gets dirty, but the lining of the jacket remains clean. In this case, there is no need to completely wash the item. A homemade external cleaning method will suffice. The main thing is to do it carefully and correctly.

A fresh single stain should be immediately removed with a damp cloth to prevent it from becoming embedded. However, for more serious contamination, a different approach is required. To wash leatherette, use only a soft sponge. can be done using:

  • liquid soap;
  • washing gel;
  • carpet cleaning products;
  • soda;
  • washing powder.

Which product to choose depends on the nature and strength of the contamination that needs to be removed. Old stains can be easily removed with carpet cleaner.

In a small container you will need to dilute the cleaning component with warm water and whisk until foam forms. The resulting soft foam is applied to the material using a sponge. Rub carefully over the entire surface so that the artificial leather does not wear off, or only treat the planted spot.

In these simple ways you can restore cleanliness to a jacket or other piece of clothing made from artificial leather. If the material tends to dry out, like natural leather, then it can be lubricated with glycerin.

Due to their low price and elegant appearance, faux leather items are very popular. It is worth considering that such material requires special care - conventional cleaning methods can damage the structure of the product. Before washing leatherette, you need to study it - it should contain detailed information about the washing and drying mode.


Often it is not necessary to completely wash a jacket - minor stains can be removed without getting the entire thing wet. A cotton pad soaked in a 50% alcohol solution is suitable for this purpose.

Problem areas - collar and cuffs can be pre-treated with baking soda and a damp cloth. You can get rid of the white streaks that baking soda leaves behind with lemon juice.

You can remove individual stains using special means:

  • Soap suds or vinegar solution will help remove red wine stains;
  • traces of chocolate can be removed with glycerin soap;
  • With greasy spots Lemon juice will help fight it.

If only the lining is dirty, you can limit yourself to cleaning it without getting the entire product wet. The fabric is treated with shampoo for cleaning carpets or furniture and left for 15 minutes. Remaining foam should be removed with a clean, damp sponge and the lining should be blotted with a terry towel.

Before washing leatherette, it is advisable to test the clothing for strength. In an inconspicuous place, the material must be moistened with water and soaped. After 10-15 minutes, you need to assess the condition of the clothes - whether such actions have harmed the leatherette. If the material has retained its color and has not wrinkled or become thin, it can be washed.

To wash faux leather clothing, you must use delicate detergents. Those that contain either chlorine can ruin the appearance of the product. Products designed for washing silk and wool fibers are best suited for this purpose.

It is better to avoid regular powder - it can have an aggressive effect on the surface of the material, leaving damage on it. An excellent alternative to powder is dishwashing gel.

Machine washable

To make sure whether leatherette can be washed in a washing machine, you need to examine the label located in one of the seams of the lining. If there is an appropriate designation there, washing it in a machine will not harm it. Otherwise, you will need to clean the clothes by hand or take them to the dry cleaner.

It is important to observe the temperature regime. So, the water temperature should not exceed 30°C.

The best mode for cleaning leatherette products is delicate wash with the spin option turned off.

If the normal mode was set by mistake, the material may stretch or become rough. You can soften the surface of leatherette with a cotton swab dipped in glycerin. You can gently iron the item through a layer of thick fabric.


Before washing a leatherette jacket, you need to carefully check all pockets - food and cosmetics after contact with water can leave stains that are difficult to remove.

If the manufacturer does not allow machine washing, the product must be cleaned by hand. This will take more effort, but will keep your clothes looking good.

The item must be completely placed in a container of warm water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar. The jacket must be wiped with gentle movements with a foam sponge soaked in foam. You cannot soak leatherette or simply leave it in water for a long time, as this can lead to delamination of the material.

A clean item must be rinsed thoroughly, lightly squeezed to remove residual water, turned inside out and dried flat.

If you cannot clean the product yourself, you can turn to professionals for help. Before dry cleaning leatherette, you need to check that all labels are on the jacket. Without knowing the specifics of caring for each specific product, incorrect actions can render it unusable.


The washed item can be wrapped in a terry towel - it will absorb excess moisture and speed up the drying process. Until completely dry, the item can be hung on hangers or laid out on a horizontal surface.

It is not recommended to dry the jacket near heat sources or directly in direct sunlight - this can cause the jacket to wrinkle and stretch. To speed up drying, it is also not recommended to use a hairdryer.

Thus, it is necessary to wash leatherette items very carefully. Rough movements and mechanical friction can cause the material to stretch. Regular cleaning will help maintain good view products.

Leatherette jackets are very popular today. They look great and are half the price of leather ones. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to wash a leatherette jacket is very relevant among their owners.

How to clean a leatherette jacket?

Washing your jacket is not always necessary. If you have a couple of stains on your item or just dirty collar cuffs, you can easily remove them from the jacket without washing the entire item.

Important! Before any processing of a leatherette item, first try the chosen method on a small area on the hidden side of the product. If after 15-20 minutes you see that the material has reacted normally to the treatment, you can safely proceed to visible areas.

Use these helpful tips for this:

  • To remove dirt from leatherette, use an alcohol solution. Mix alcohol with water in a 1:1 ratio. Use a cotton pad to remove dirt from the surface of the material.
  • The collar and cuffs can be easily wiped off with baking soda. Apply a little baking soda to a damp cloth and rub the problem areas. Remove any remaining baking soda from the item with a damp, clean towel.
  • Use a slice of lemon for such purposes - rub it on the stained area and after 5-10 minutes wipe with a damp cloth or rag. The only thing that must be done upon completion of such a procedure to prevent the material from shrinking is to rub in a small amount of oil or hand cream.

Important! Sometimes you want to slightly change the appearance of your things. Outerwear is no exception, and this can be easily realized if you use our following ideas:

How to clean a leatherette bag?

All of the above tips will help you clean your leatherette bag efficiently. You can use other cleaning agent options as a means to clean the accessory:

  • simple soap solution;
  • milk;
  • wet wipes.

Important! And on the pages of our website you will find many original and practical ideas to use a convenient and familiar accessory for a long time, changing its design easy ways:

Washing leatherette in a washing machine

If the item is thoroughly soiled and you are determined to subject it to wet processing, carefully read the instructions below on how to properly wash a leatherette jacket. This approach will allow you to do it correctly and not spoil the product.

First, always look at the label on the product. From the information on it you will find out whether the jacket can be washed in a washing machine. If this type of washing is allowed by the manufacturer, then use some recommendations and proceed as follows:

  1. Turn the jacket inside out, close all zippers and fasten all buttons.
  2. Use it for washing - it is easier to rinse from things and is distributed more evenly in the drum. It is best to choose a product for delicate items.
  3. Should be washed in or hand wash.
  4. It is best to refuse spinning or choose the lowest possible mode.
  5. The water temperature for washing a leatherette jacket should not be higher than 30 C.
  6. After washing, wrap the item in a towel to absorb excess moisture. After some time, you can hang the jacket on hangers and leave it until completely dry.

Important! Such items should be dried away from heaters and direct sunlight, but in a fairly warm place.

Hand wash leatherette

If the manufacturer prohibits machine washing, but allows hand washing, then use these tips on how to make washing a leatherette jacket more efficient and safe:

  1. To wash by hand, take a large basin so that the item fits completely in it.
  2. Pour water at a temperature no higher than 30 C and add a small amount of vinegar.
  3. Use liquid laundry detergent for delicate items or use dishwashing liquid. First dilute it in water, and then put the thing itself in the basin.
  4. Products made from leatherette should not be rubbed too hard, as it may stretch. Therefore, we wash the jacket with a soft washcloth.
  5. You need to dry it in the same way as after machine washing.

Important! Avoid laundry detergents that contain chlorine or other bleaching ingredients. They may damage the product.

Washing jacket lining

If only the lining of your jacket needs cleaning, then you should not wash the entire thing. It is enough to clean only the lining in this way:

  1. Turn the item inside out and hang it on hangers.
  2. Mix carpet cleaner, upholstery cleaner, or any textile concentrate in water.
  3. Apply foam using a washcloth to the lining of the product and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wipe the treated areas with a sponge or soft brush.
  5. Remove excess moisture with a terry towel and leave the product to dry completely.

Important! Outerwear perfectly absorbs a variety of odors, and when they accumulate, they become unpleasant to wear. The same applies to bags. To get rid of such problems, use the methods we suggest in the following articles:

Caring for leatherette clothing

So that your outerwear always looks beautiful and has the new kind, it needs to be looked after periodically. You already know how to keep it clean. In addition, you will need a couple of recommendations for caring for such delicate material.

Leather substitute clothing is gaining rapid popularity today, especially jackets, dresses and trousers. Artificial material perfectly replaces natural leather - it is practically no different from it in appearance, and it costs several times less.

In order for your favorite item to last longer, you need to properly care for it. Not only, but also leatherette requires delicate attention. In addition, cleaning clothes made from artificial leather is significantly different from caring for things made from natural leather.

The easiest way is to take the item to the dry cleaner and forget about cleaning it for a long time. But why spend a significant amount on these services if you can clean your favorite item at home, easily, quickly and cheaply.

Before you start cleaning your faux leather item, follow a few conditions. The label on any item tells not only about the manufacturer, but also about the method of caring for the fabric. Therefore, please read it carefully and follow all instructions.

You should not wash the item completely if there is a small stain on it. It will be enough to treat the stained area.

If you still decide to wash things completely, then do a test to see how the fabric reacts to water. To do this, drop some liquid in an inconspicuous place (preferably on the underside) and leave for a while. If the material has not deteriorated, then you can wash the entire item at once. This procedure should be done with any cleanser so as not to spoil the clothes.

The surface of the leatherette should not be rubbed too hard - strong processing may cause the fabric to stretch.

Another little secret! If artificial leather has become rough during wear or cleaning, glycerin can restore it to its original appearance. Soak a cotton pad with a small amount of glycerin and lightly wipe the rough area. After a few minutes, remove the product and rub the surface well with a clean soft cloth.

Most often, things get dirty on the collar and cuffs, as well as the places where the leatherette comes into contact with our skin and rubs against any surface. And from rain and any moisture, stains may appear on things. To remove these stains and return your clothes to a neat appearance, you don’t have to wash them.

Wipe the surface where there is such dirt with dry soda and wipe it off with a soft cloth. In order to completely remove any remaining baking soda, treat these areas with a slice of lemon and leave to dry. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Almost every leatherette garment has a lining, which gets dirty much faster. To clean it, you don't have to wash the entire item.

Carpet detergents work well to remove stains on the lining. They have dense foam that perfectly removes dirt. In order to wash in an unusual way lining, dissolve the product in warm water and beat it into foam. Turn the garment inside out, hang it on a hanger, or place it on a flat surface.

Then, apply only the foam to the liner material. Leave for 20 minutes. After this, blot the lining well with a terry towel and leave until completely dry.

You can do without washing, if you frequently clean the artificial leather from any contaminants, i.e. “carry out preventive maintenance.”

For this cleaning method, prepare warm water, liquid detergent and alcohol. Dilute a small amount of the product in water, moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe the entire surface of the item. Then process the material in the same way clean water and blot with a soft cloth.

Instead of detergent, you can use pure alcohol. Dilute alcohol one to one in water and wipe the artificial leather, then immediately wipe dry.

If you still decide to wash leatherette clothes, then you need to do it correctly.

Use washing machine to clean leatherette products are possible if permitted by the manufacturer! For washing, use liquid detergents for delicate cleaning of silk or wool. Perfect fit

Not only colored fabric, but also artificial leather material is afraid of chlorine and bleaches. Therefore, in order not to spoil your clothes, do not use them when washing. In the washing machine, use the delicate cycle at the lowest temperature and turn off the spin cycle.

Before washing, clothes must be turned inside out and fastened with all buttons, snaps and zippers. After washing, let the water drain from the item and “wrap” it in a clean, thick cloth. Leave the clothes to dry in this condition.

But not all leatherette items can be “sent” to the washing machine. To thoroughly clean clothes, use hand wash.

Prepare a large container that will accommodate the entire item. Pour warm water into it halfway, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar to it. Instead of powder, use dishwashing detergent. Immerse your clothing completely in water and lightly scrub the most contaminated areas with a foam sponge.

Rinse well in clean, cool water. Hang clothes on hangers rather than on a line with clothespins. Let the water drain and blot the residue with a dry towel. Leave clothes on hangers until completely dry.

If you stick to these simple rules when cleaning faux leather clothes, they will not only have a fresh look, but will also save money on dry cleaning!

One of the most popular materials used for jackets is leatherette. They have quite bright and attractive-looking shades, and a high-quality substitute is also pleasant to the touch and quite durable. And the cost of products is several times cheaper than analogues from genuine leather. The only caveat is that it is not always clear how to properly wash a leatherette jacket at home, so as not to damage the item made of such a controversial material. We will deal with this in this article.

Basics of proper care

Leatherette jackets require the right approach - and cleaning will provide exactly the result you are striving for. To do everything correctly, start with the following actions:

  • Let's study the label. The symbols drawn on the label help you understand how to wash a leatherette jacket at home. Using them, you can find out at what degrees, in what mode the product can be processed in a washing machine, and whether it can be done at all. So that you never have problems with these notations, bookmark ours.
  • We assess the degree of contamination. The type of washing (hand or using a washing machine) is determined by this factor, because sometimes you need to wash the entire product, and sometimes you need to remove stains locally.
  • Checking the reaction to water. To do this, you should pour a little water on an inconspicuous place of your leatherette. Wait for half an hour. Then see if your material has not wrinkled, then the reaction to water is neutral and you can wash the entire product.

We use a washing machine

If you find a symbol on the label stating that your leatherette jacket can be washed, and also if the material’s reaction to water is neutral, then we follow the instructions below:

  1. Turn your outerwear inside out after fastening the zipper or buttons.
  2. We put the product in.
  3. We carefully place the clothes in the washing machine, having previously set the desired temperature setting indicated on the label. Basically, it is about 40 degrees and a gentle mode - you can choose “quick wash”, in which the entire cycle takes place in 15-30 minutes. This way you will certainly protect the material from the excessive adverse effects of washing equipment and at the same time clean the item efficiently.

Important! To prevent the washing machine from ruining your jacket, set the speed to the minimum speed.

  1. Leave to dry naturally, on a hanger.

Important! When washing, do not use products that contain chlorine and bleach. If the material has become hard after such treatment, use our selection of products to.

Wash by hand

If you are afraid that you may ruin your clothes, and also if the material of the jacket wrinkled during the test, or if you found a prohibitory sign stating that you cannot wash it with a washing machine, then you will have to do it manually. To wash a leatherette jacket, you need:

  1. Take a small basin that can easily hold the item.
  2. Fill it halfway with warm water.

Important! The temperature of the water in which you will wash your leatherette jacket should be no more than 40 degrees.

  1. Add dishwashing liquid, not detergent, to the water.
  2. Using a sponge, carefully and slowly wipe the surface of the material.
  3. After this, you need to remove moisture from the item. To do this, lightly wring out your jacket and wrap it in a blanket or towel for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Hang your jacket to dry, turning it inside out.

When can you do without washing?

If the dirt is not completely all over your jacket, then you can easily fix it with a sponge dipped in a soap solution. The soap solution should consist of either powder dissolved in water or soap. After you have wiped the dirty surface, wipe it again with a dry cloth.

After such local processing, your leatherette jacket will have an appearance that matches your appearance - clean and neat.

Important! You might also be interested in some ideas on how to change your look outerwear or give it more saturated color:

The most vulnerable places

Like other materials, leatherette has some vulnerabilities, so there are reasons to wear and care for such items carefully.

Cuffs and collar

The main problem areas are the cuffs and, of course, the collar. This is especially noticeable on light-colored products. You can return them to a neat appearance using baking soda:

  1. Take any unwanted rag and dampen it until it is damp.
  2. Sprinkle a little baking soda on a cloth and wipe the stain for 10 minutes.
  3. After this, remove excess soda with a wet cloth and wait for your jacket to dry.

Important! Since the stains on the sleeves and collar are quite persistent, we recommend carrying out this treatment as often as possible, even if after that you plan to wash the product completely.


When worn, the lining of the jacket is in direct contact with everyday clothing, which is saturated with your sweat, dust, and exposed to various contaminants. All this affects over time appearance and the smell of the lining, so it needs to be cleaned periodically, even if outwardly your leatherette jacket still looks decent.