The most stupid and boring marriage proposals - useful tips. The most famous marriage proposal at a friend's wedding A guy proposed at a friend's wedding

Right in the middle of the wedding, the groom's friend and his witness proposed to his girlfriend and diverted attention from the main characters of the celebration. The husband and wife at whose wedding this happened took offense at the witness and wrote to Slate magazine about the situation for advice on what to do. From there, the story went to Twitter, where everyone was sincerely indignant and began to offer the husband and wife plans for revenge, one more insidious than the other.

Twitter user @ashuhhleeee_ posted on her account screenshots of an anonymous couple’s question to writer Mallory Ortberg, who runs an advice column on the online publication Slate, with the comment: “Just look at this nightmare. I would never speak to John or Jane again."

Due to excessive attention, the girl closed her account from strangers, but the essence of the screenshots is as follows: the woman asked the writer what she should do next, because best friend her husband and best man at their wedding, John proposed to his girlfriend Jane right during their ceremony, which distracted the attention of all the guests and ruined the special event for the bride and groom. She and John have not spoken for several weeks, but the woman doubts whether this is right.

The woman begins her letter to the magazine by describing how long it took her and her husband to decide to get married. First they wanted to improve their life, so that later they could arrange an unforgettable wedding ceremony, where you would invite all your relatives and friends. And now, to the great joy of the families of the bride and groom, the wedding day has arrived.

The place was beautiful, everyone was happy, our families were delighted. My mother repeated the word “hallelujah” several dozen times. Everything was so touching... So touching that her husband’s best friend John, and also his witness, proposed to his girlfriend and announced her pregnancy right during the ceremony, the woman writes.

The wedding didn't go according to plan. Behind the enthusiastic exclamations of Jane herself and her family, the vows of the newlyweds could not be heard. The videographer often filmed not a husband and wife, but Jane and John. Even when the witness gave a toast, he talked more about himself and his girlfriend than about the heroes of the celebration. And John asked the musicians to play music especially for his dance with Jane.

The newlyweds' fury knew no bounds. They wouldn't be offended if John proposed to Jane after the ceremony, allowing the husband and wife to enjoy the special moment.

My husband hasn't spoken to John since our wedding. Our mutual friends think John was rude, but my husband shouldn't dwell on it. My husband jokes that the friendship will be renewed when John and Jane write him a check for $40,000 for half the wedding they stole from him.

The woman asks the writer whether she should worry so much about this or not. Mallory Ortberg replied that the main thing here is not to go to extremes. There is no point in hushing up the offense, because the act was still selfish. But there is no need to end a long-standing friendship either. In her opinion, her husband should talk to John, after which their relationship will either become even better or stop completely.

John is your husband's best friend, so your husband should tell him how hurt he was by John's behavior during the wedding.

But Twitter users who found out what happened were not entirely in favor of such a peaceful approach to solving the problem. The situation clearly angered them and they suggested different ideas revenge on John and Jane who ruined this an important event.

Recently, such an important event as a marriage proposal turns into a boring and ordinary “Let's live together” or “Let's get married.” Where's the romance? After all, every girl wants to remember such a moment for the rest of her life and remember it with warmth. We present to your attention 44 ways how beautiful it is to propose to a girl!

  1. The first way to propose to a girl is a classic of the genre, it will require you to have a rose in your teeth, a ring in a velvet box, and the proposal is made on your knees.
  2. Invite your significant other to a restaurant and ask the waiter in advance to put a ring at the bottom of the girl’s favorite dessert. Just be careful that such a marriage proposal does not result in injury.
  3. If you know an administrator at the theater, ask him to allow you to go on stage after the end of the performance and propose to your beloved girl.
  4. Come to her office in broad daylight with champagne, a red rose and a ring and propose in front of her colleagues.
  5. Write on the asphalt with chalk under the windows of your beloved: (name), will you become my wife?
  6. Order your girl her favorite song on the radio and propose to her live.
  7. Gather your dear people in a restaurant or cafe and make a romantic proposal to your beloved in front of everyone.
  8. Ask friends and family to gather near her entrance, draw posters with the inscription “Will you become my wife?”, and arm yourself with a ring and go propose.
  9. Ask someone to deliver a telegram to the girl’s office in which you describe all your feelings. A few minutes after the presentation, go in to her and ask the most important question.
  10. Create a page for your couple on the Internet: post memorable photos there, write cherished question. And then send an SMS the address of the page she should go to.
  11. Take several boxes of different sizes and place a ring in the smallest one. Each box can be decorated as a gift - the unpacking process itself makes you feel curious. You can also take a glass or plastic box, fill it with foam, and put a ring at the very bottom.
  12. Take a large, beautifully decorated box and send it as a parcel to the girl in the office. Hide inside the box yourself and when your beloved opens the gift, propose to her with a ring and a bouquet of roses in your hand.
  13. Invite your beloved to a romantic picnic and tell her about your feelings there.
  14. Get up early and prepare the girl breakfast, complete with a rose and a velvet box. After waking up with a kiss, ask her the main question.
  15. Scatter rose petals on the bed and place a box with a ring in the center. Tell her that this gift will tell her about the depth of your feelings. When your loved one opens the box, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her. Such an offer is impossible to resist.
  16. Prepare a romantic dinner, place it next to the plate cloth napkin, threaded through the ring. When the girl takes the napkin to put it on her lap, she will discover the ring, and then she will hear your proposal.
  17. Invite her to give her a foot massage and discreetly place a ring on her toe.
  18. Take your loved one on a date to a place that means a lot to you. Bring along a basket of champagne and fruit to celebrate your engagement.
  19. Order a cake or pie in the store with the inscription “Will you marry me?”, you can surprise your beloved with a masterpiece prepared by yourself.
  20. If your girlfriend regularly subscribes to a magazine, post your proposal on one of its pages. And be nearby when they start reading.
  21. Buy your beloved a watch or bracelet and put a note in the box that says “Let’s get married.”
  22. Have a romantic dinner, buy a bottle of wine, and when you pour it into a glass, discreetly place a ring at the bottom. When your chosen one finishes the drink, she will see the ring.
  23. You can propose to a girl in New Year's Eve: Hang a ring on the tree and ask her to find a new ornament.

  24. Invite a girl to a restaurant and ask the chef to write “Let’s get married” in chocolate cream around the dessert on the dish.
  25. Take a rubber toy and attach a ring to it. Prepare your partner a scented bath with petals and roses, and while she takes it, lower the ring toy in front of her.
  26. Prepare mussels or oysters for her and place a ring in one of the shells.
  27. Write a sentence on a piece of papyrus and seal it in a bottle. When you are on the shore of a pond, pretend that you found it in the water. Let the girl open the bottle first and read your message.
  28. Buy phosphor stars and write your proposal on them. When your beloved goes to bed, she will definitely see a marriage proposal on the ceiling.
  29. Glue arrows all over the apartment and tell her that if the girl manages to reach the end, a surprise awaits her. The last arrow will point to you, holding the treasured box with the ring in your hands.
  30. In frosty weather, you can write a sentence on the windshield of her car.
  31. Invite your significant other to a football or hockey game, and during the break, ask the commentator to say your proposal.
  32. Write on the sandy beach “Will you marry me?” in capital letters.
  33. Arrange a romantic cruise on a yacht or ship and propose in the middle of the sea.
  34. Before she wakes up, leave a ring with a small note on her pillow and go to the bathroom.
  35. Climb with her hot-air balloon, take the ring with you and tell her that if she doesn't marry you, you will jump down.
  36. Buy tickets to a concert of her favorite performers and ask the entertainer to propose on your behalf.
  37. This method can be called treasure hunting. Leave your betrothed a hint, and hide the ring in the chest, close the lock, and hide the key. When the girl finds the key according to the clues, she will be able to find a note and an engagement ring there.
  38. Hire a plane to write the simple phrase “Marry me” high in the sky.
  39. You can rent a billboard and stick a large photo of your beloved on it and write the words “Marry me” next to it.
  40. Fill her room with balloons or flowers and plant her in the center soft toy with a note and a ring.
  41. Compose poems and read them to your beloved.
  42. Organize fun party and in the midst of it, propose. You can make a surprise offer by contacting special agencies.
  43. Write a journal about your relationship and leave it in a visible place. End with the date you plan to propose and write that this story won't end until she answers.
  44. In winter, write “Marry me!” in the snow under her windows.

Well, and most importantly, when proposing marriage to a girl, be yourself and show her your love!

We wish you happiness!

It’s like in American films, during a pause a daredevil goes out into the middle of the field and asks his girlfriend to marry him. If your bride-to-be doesn't share your athletic interests, it's best to avoid proposals over loudspeaker. There's nothing less romantic than a large gathering of beer bellies and chewing mouths facing your direction. Just imagine, a girl may well refuse you?

Edible ring

Besides the fact that a girl might choke and suffocate (just in case, I've attached a picture of how to save her in this case), your girlfriend certainly won't want to hunt for her ring in a chocolate soufflé. The worst thing that can happen is that the girl successfully eats the ring, and then spends three days in the ladies' room, waiting for her treasured ring. Better save your time and nerves and use a good old ring box.

During a quarrel

Of course, this may end your fight, but it will sound so insincere. So wash the damn dishes already and save the offer for the next day.

At someone's wedding

Wrong, and there are three reasons for this. Firstly, your lover will not want to share one of the most special moments of her life with anyone else, especially if with a special female in white who spent six months preparing and preening for her big day. Secondly, you will look like an easily suggestible person. Thirdly, there is nothing stupider than proposing to your girlfriend at someone else’s wedding, pulling the blanket of happiness and joy in your direction.

On holiday

This option is only acceptable if you know that she will definitely agree. Otherwise, you simply will have nowhere to go. You can imagine those hostile glances at the pool, tears on the beach and plaintive pleas during breakfast. And all this will last approximately from 7 to 14 days.

Finding out she's pregnant

When you select the right words to answer, use the phrase Well. Then we should probably get married? - would be the wrong choice!

By email/SMS/on Odnoklassniki

Simply no. Forget even thinking about it. The same applies to yellow office papers with answer options - yes, no and I don’t know. This option will only work if you are 9 years old and the invited guests are teddy bears.

During sex

It’s better to joke during the last sweet seconds, but under no circumstances make an offer. Perhaps because after 30 seconds you will already turn over and start snoring.

I hope that you have already started thinking in the right direction, and you will be able to surprise your bride in a good way.

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her so happy and be remembered for the rest of her life! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of suggesting: “Let’s get married” or “Move in with me,” that the girl, instead of enjoying the happy moment, is upset about this situation for several more days. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways propose marriage to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old fashioned way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The location here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass with a ring in it.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: “(girl’s name)! Will you marry me?”

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to air your proposal live at a time when you know she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, for example the romantic “I’m Flying Away with You” by Oxygenz

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or home, and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them signs that say, “Will you marry me?” and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, where your romantic feelings will be described. A couple of minutes after the presentation (she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create an Internet page on the Internet: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. The most important thing: do not forget to write your cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take a large box, put a smaller one in it, then an even smaller one, and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is decorated as a gift (she will be interested in unwrapping them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring at the bottom. No one has ever given your girlfriend such a gift!

12. Find a large box and bring it to your loved one at work. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and have someone tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the gift, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Go for it!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of the nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, prepare her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your beloved with a passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter with beautiful declarations of love and a ring on your pillow, and retire to the shower. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Scatter rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her that you bought her a gift to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and place napkins around with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slide a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, and when she unrolls the napkin to place it on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, and bring along a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says, “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your beloved a watch and write: “Let's get married”!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom; when she finishes the drink, the ring will appear.

22. New Year's idea: Hang a ring on the tree and challenge her to find a new ornament.

23. If you are dining at a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer, around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in it, lower a rubber ducky with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Serve her oysters in bed and place the ring in the shell.

26. Write your sentence on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you're on the beach, pretend you fished it out of the sea. Let her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and tape them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail in the heat star labels in the dark on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Stick arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - after all, your favorite team is playing! Ask the commentator to say your sentence.

32. Make an offer after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to accidentally get lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your loved one will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in big letters on the sand: “Will you marry me?”

34. Invite her to take a boat ride and ask your question.

35. Take her up in a hot air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and propose and propose romantically.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go treasure hunting. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Place your clues about the location of the key everywhere (you can at work, at home, throughout the city - use your imagination!). When she finds the key, she can unlock the chest and find the wedding ring.

38. Write a sentence in verse and recite it under her window.

39. Organize a birthday party, invite friends and family and propose.

40. Give her a thick album with dates, full of photographs, memorabilia and various comments. The last date should be the date of the day on which you present your gift, and opposite it in beautiful letters let the question be brought out.

41. Invite your beloved to take a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to breathe in the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, especially for two loving friend friend to people. Pull on your colorful rubber boots, waterproof jackets and go ahead - conquer the wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into the puddle and let it pick up the ring itself.

43. On such a day you can afford a luxury car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Give your loved one a real holiday, let her enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave you for a while, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your loved one to come home from work? Prepare her a hot bath with plenty of foam, light an aroma lamp that emits the scent of lemon, and decorate everything with rose petals. Let your loved one relax, and then kiss and put a ring on her finger. A beautiful offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her by waking her up after a sound sleep with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Place the rose and the ring box on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice it, but how much joy there will be when she discovers it pleasant surprise. A good start to the day, a prosperous start to a new life together.