Scenario for the holiday welcoming winter in kindergarten. Scenario for the holiday "Welcome to Winter"

Entertainment in senior group DOW. Scenario “Meeting Winter”

Description of material: The summary is intended for older children preschool age. While having fun with children in a relaxed atmosphere, children's knowledge about winter is consolidated.
Belyaeva Elena Alexandrovna
Target: expanding and consolidating knowledge about winter
- create a joyful mood
- expand vocabulary
- develop agility and speed qualities
- develop the ability to act in a team
- continue to introduce winter sports and winter games
- consolidate the names of the winter months
- consolidate the names of wintering birds
Preliminary work: learning poems, talking about winter, winter species sports, drawing a winter landscape.
Materials and equipment: Tape recorder, audio recordings, snowflakes, hoop, baskets 2 pcs. 2 pairs of skis, 2 cones, snowballs, “Wintering Birds” illustrations.
Progress of entertainment:
Children sit on the carpet in a comfortable position
Educator: Guys, tell me the winter months
Children: December January February
Educator: That's right, today is the first of December, winter has finally come to us. Let's read the poem.
Children with a teacher read a poem
Hello, winter guest!
We ask for mercy
Sing songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have freedom -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We will never get used to it, -
Let your frost crack:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold!
I. Nikitin
The sound of a blizzard sounds, winter comes to the group
Winter: Hello guys
Children: Hello
Winter: I heard you greeting me and decided to come visit you
Educator: Hello winter, come visit us
Winter: I will gladly sit with you and share my frost and cold breath
Educator: Guys, tell me, what needs to be done to avoid freezing in winter?
Children: Run, jump, play
Winter: Let's play. I am a snowy winter person, I love it when there is a lot of snow. Help me collect snow into snowdrifts.
Outdoor game “Collect a snowdrift”
Target: development of speed qualities, learning to run without colliding with each other
Snowflakes are scattered on the floor, children collect snowflakes into a hoop.
Winter: It turned out to be a very big snowdrift, I like it, you did a great job.
I am winter, snowy, covering the fields and meadows with a white blanket. The insects are afraid of me and hide in their shelters. The animals prepare supplies for the winter, change their coats, and some go to bed. Birds fly to warmer climes. But there are also those birds who stay with me. Name them.
Educator: Guys, how can you call the birds that spend the winter with us in one word?
Children: Wintering.
Educator: Let's name and find them.
Didactic game “Name the bird”
Target: securing the title and appearance wintering birds
Children name and show a picture of a bird
Winter: How smart you are, well done
Educator: Guys, let's not stand around for long. After all, in winter you can ski.
Ski relay
Target: development of speed qualities, instilling team spirit, following the rules of the game.
Children are divided into two teams. One player from each team puts on their skis, runs to the limiter, runs around, and returns to their team, passing the skis to the next player.
Winter: You see how fun it is to be with me! Oh, praise me, tell me what I am like.
Children take turns describing winter
Children: Cold, frosty, fabulous, white, cheerful, etc.
Educator: Oh, we’ve been standing there for so long, we might freeze. Let's play in the snow.
Outdoor game "Snowballs"
Target: Development of eye and dexterity
Children are divided into two teams. One player from each team throws snowballs into a basket.
Winter: And you know how to play snowballs, you are dexterous, you are not afraid of my frost.
Educator: It's winter, and we've also prepared a dance for you
Children perform the dance "Winter"
Winter: Well, thank you guys, I really enjoyed being with you, but I have a lot to do, not all the fields are covered with snow yet, but I prepared a treat for you. I’ll also try to spread more snow so that you can play more fun until spring replaces me.
Winter hands out marshmallows to the children and leaves saying goodbye.
Children go to the group for tea.

Scenario extracurricular activity

"Meeting Winter"

Leading: Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the coldest time of the year - winter-winter! What a wonderful time of year it is! Nature seems to be resting in a fairytale dream. People call winter: Winter, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail), Zimischa (strict, long), Winter the sorceress.

Winter is truly a magician, it transforms the world, bewitches it; She is able to paint with one white paint, but in how many shades.
We are all bored and waiting for winter, because this year it has been coming to us for a very long time and has finally come.

Guys, do you like winter? Why do you love winter? Do you want winter to come visit us?

Soon, soon he will rush to you, he will fly in the snowstorms

And it will draw you in, swirl you around, cover the earth with snow,

And trees, and houses, and her name... in unison - Winter

Let's call her:

- Winter-winter!

Winter comes out. In all white, at the back there is a translucent cape with snowflakes attached (the cape can be made from tulle), and on the head is a crown of snowflakes.

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I'll throw silver on your roof

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard.

Winter: Hello my little friends!

Children: Hello, winter!

Winter: I am very glad that you look forward to seeing me every year.

I came to you from the far north and not alone, my assistants came with me - the winter months.Have you guessed who they are and what their names are?

December: Hello, dear children!

January: Girls and boys!

February: We are the winter months.

December: I am the first winter month - December, they say about me: jelly, the cap of winter. The forest inhabitants fell asleep under my warm snow blanket. Fish and frogs sleep in ponds and rivers. A bear sleeps in a den. How can they not sleep, because December is the most short days and the longest nights.

January: And I am January, mid-winter. My frosts are severe. There is a lot of snow in January, so it’s good to sleep under the snow! It’s also good to wear warm fur coats, but the birds in the forest are cold and hungry. They fly closer to human habitation. Children! Hang up the feeders and add food.

February: Well, I, – February – popular name- fierce. I am angry, cold and windy, I don’t want to give up my rights to spring. I'm last month winter! My snowstorm has been raging all day long.

Winter: These are my assistants, without them I would be nowhere. They come to you in turns, first December, then January, and then February.

Leading: Stay with us for the holiday, sit with the guys.

Today, you and I will have fun and play.

Winter: Guys, what do you know about me, show me your knowledge. You are ready?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Then guess my riddles first.

Leading: It's our pleasure! Yes, guys!

Children: YES!

Winter: Well, listen then:

1. What only happens in winter

And covers the whole earth?

Every person knows

What happens in winter... (Snow)

2. What happened to the river?

It's like she turned to stone!

It's just slippery all around,

After all, the river was covered... (with ice)

3. He comes from the sky in winter,

Falls on you and me,

As leaves fall in autumn,

It's winter...(snowfall)

4. Everything around became slippery

Be careful friend!

And whoever is not careful will immediately fall,

After all, it’s outside today.... (ice)

5. It's minus 20 outside today

You need to dress warmer

So that your ears, cheeks, and nose do not freeze

After all, outside...(frost)

6. The cold season has come,

The entire river was covered with ice

And trees and houses

Covered everything with snow….(winter)

Winter: What a great fellow you are! Do you know poems about winter?

Leading : Of course, Winter, the guys really love poems about winter. Please tell me guys.

Winter: You guys are great! I liked your poems so much.

( there is a knock on the door)

Leading: Who's knocking on the doors there?

Leading: Can. Sign in.

The Snowman appears.


Guys, I'm the Snowman.

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me cleverly:

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

Coals instead of eyes,

The hat is an old basin.

They gave me a broom in my hands -

But this is of little use!

I have to admit, I'm tired of it

Stand alone with nothing to do.

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

They do it in winter.

Guys: We make slides. We go sledding.

Snowman: What else do you do in winter?

Guys: We make snowmen and play snowballs.

Snowman: And I love playing in the snow. Let's play!

Leading: Wait, Snowman. How will the kids play in the snow?

Snowman: How? Handles, how else!

Leading: But they will freeze. And children can get sick!

Snowman: Ah, I didn't think about that.

Leading: Guys, what should you wear to prevent your hands from freezing?

Children answer .

Leading: That's right, mittens! Look, you have one mitten on your chairs, and I have the other mittens, but they are mixed up. Let's quickly find a pair for our mitten!

Game find a pair. Children take one mitten, run up to the table with mittens and look for a second pair of their mittens.

Leading: That's how great our guys are!

Leading: Tell me, what else should I wear outside in winter?

Children's answers.

Winter: Well, that's it, now are you ready to play in the snow?

Children: YES!

Snowball game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a certain number of cotton wool snowballs. The music turns on. Children throw snowballs to the music. When the music ends, the game stops.

Winter: You see how fun it is to play in winter! What else do you play in winter?

Snowman. Well done, guys! You throw snowballs deftly!


It's time for us to part.

Goodbye, kids!

I'm a snow sentinel:

Where you are placed, stay there!

In the morning you will come to my garden -

You will find me at the post...

And to the music now

I'll take you home.

Winter: Guys, do you probably know proverbs and sayings about me?


- January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

- New Year turn towards spring.

- Frost and iron tears and hits the bird in flight.

- Winter will ask what summer has in store.

- Summer gathers, winter eats up.

- The Russian blizzard spreads like silk.

- February is a fierce month, he asks how you are wearing shoes.

- December is the end of the year, the beginning of winter.

Winter: How smart you all are!

Winter: And now I want to invite my snowflakes to dance.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.

Winter: Thank you my snowflakes.

Leading: And now, guys, let's remember and sing songs about winter. We listen to music, remember the words and sing. And you, winter, listen to the guys, how they can sing.

Winter: Well done, guys! How talented you all are.

Leading: It’s winter, the guys have prepared and want to show a dramatization of Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang,
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died,
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes,
The dragonfly no longer sings,
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:

Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that it turned my head.

Oh, so you...

I spent the whole summer singing without a soul.

Did you sing everything? This business:
So come and dance!

Winter: And finally, I want to play with you. The game is called “Snowball.” Everyone stood in a circle and passed the “snowball” to each other and said the words:

We're all rolling a snowball,

We all count to five -

One two three four five -

(sing a song, dance, guess a riddle...)

Winter: Guys, it turns out that you not only know how to recite poetry, sing songs, dance, but also draw, I saw what wonderful drawings you drew. And I would like to reward the best. (awarding)

Winter: Well done boys! I really liked it with you, it turns out that you really love me and are waiting for me and know a lot about me. And now, me and my winter months it's time to hit the road. We still have a lot of work ahead. Goodbye, guys! See you again!

Guys: Goodbye winter!

Leading: With this our holiday has come to an end, thanks to everyone for their active participation. Well done!

Entertainment scenario: “Winter sports competitions. How Winter and Spring were measured against each other” for the older group

Historical reference:

“On Candlemas, Red Spring meets Zimushka,” the peasants said. To help the spring, peasants staged ritual fist fights - winter fights. On Candlemas Day, February 15, men for fighting dressed up in spring clothes (caftans) and winter clothes - fur coats, went out into the street and fought with their fists. If those wearing fur coats won, they spoke of a long winter. And if victory was for those in caftans, then they rejoiced, because spring had overcome winter and it was sunny and early.


To introduce children and adults to Russian traditional culture, to introduce them to the rituals that existed in Rus'.


To consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk games and entertainment in the winter, to maintain the interest of children and parents in the origins of Russian national culture;
To consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic signs of winter and spring, train them in solving riddles, memorizing Russian folk chants, proverbs, sayings, and learn Russian folk games, form active speech.
With the help of Russian folk chants and folk games with words, develop memory, thinking, and observation skills. Develop agility, reaction speed, coordination of movements;
Encourage children and parents to engage in joint cognitive and creative activities.
To instill a desire to participate in joint Russian folk games, to cultivate a love for Russian folk winter traditions, games and entertainment.
Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country, cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children about the traditional celebration of Candlemas.
Learning the musical repertoire with children (Russian folk games, proverbs, chants, sayings, etc.).
Characters:Presenter, Spring, Winter, two teams of children “Droplet” and “Ice” (children have corresponding medallions).
Equipment: All participants in the entertainment are in Russian folk costumes.
Hall decoration:The hall is stylized as a village street: fences with pots and cast iron pots; benches; trees decorated with ribbons and birds; well near the house; stumps. The central wall is decorated with flowers, and “green grass” is on the floor.

Progress of entertainment:

(Children enter the music room to Russian folk music,
they are greeted by the presenter in folk costume).

Presenter: - Hello guys! Today we have a holiday, which according to the popular calendar is called “Candlemas”. In the morning, peasant children turned to the sun and asked him to rise quickly and bring spring. If it was visible through the clouds, then the children joyfully informed everyone about the meeting between winter and spring.
- Let’s spring, let’s call the sun, let’s sing a song for this!
(Children sing and say sentences.)

Folk cry: “Bucket sun…”

Bucket sun, look out, red, from behind the king of the mountain!
Look out, sunshine, until spring arrives!
Have you seen, little bucket, the red spring?
Have you met your sister, red one?
Has the sun seen the old yaga?
Is Baba Yaga the witch of winter?
(Spring enters the hall to the accompaniment of lyrical music).
Spring: Hello, little kids!! I heard you calling me, and I came to visit you! Aren't you tired of the winter-winter, feisty and angry?
Children: - Tired of it!!!
Presenter: - Among the people, the Candlemas holiday has long been perceived as the first meeting of spring, when “winter and spring met”, “old winter fights with young spring” - in Rus' they organized games - “winter fights”, when young people came together to fight and measure their strength, and the people - to see which of the good guys will be left without a fur coat, get a caftan for him, yes, to celebrate Maslenitsa.
Today we welcome spring here,
And we cordially invite you!
Everyone who loves to have fun
And laugh and frolic!

(The howling of the wind is heard, and Winter runs into the hall).
Winter: Oh, you ungrateful ones! Have fun yourself, but I wasn’t invited! But they were happy about my snow, sledding down the hill!(Gets angry, stomps his foot).But I'm still strong! I'll ruin your holiday! I won’t let you, Spring, onto the ground!
Presenter: - We are not afraid of your threats, Winter! We are not afraid of you!
Children: - We are not afraid!
Winter: - I’ll check it now! I'll freeze it! (blows on the children).
Presenter: - Guys, come out! Let's warm up!
(Children line up in pairs around Winter, walk in a circle and say words).


(To a Russian folk melody).
Let's go, let's go together with you(walk in pairs in a circle)
Let's go the long way!
To the bunnies, bears, bullfinches(walk in pairs in a circle)
We are walking along the winter road,(facing each other - perform movements according to the text),
We clap-clap our hands, ( clap hands)
And stomp with your feet,(stomping feet)
Twist your head,(turns head)
They knocked on the chest, on the chest.(warming themselves)
And it's freezing outside (hug themselves with their arms)
Freeze kids' noses(rubs nose)
Freeze your ears (warm your ears)
Cheeks like buns(puff out their cheeks and “pierce” them with their fingers),
The cold and frost are not scary,(teasing Winter)
When we are together with you(they shake a finger at Winter),
We will hide our nose in a warm scarf(cover nose with hand)
And a song will help us!(they dance).
Winter: - Frost and cold do not take them! Indeed, mischievous people are not afraid of me!
Spring: - Come on, Winter, you and I will compete with each other! Let's have a competition!
Winter: - Let's! Only I am stronger than you anyway!
Presenter: - Come on, Winter, don’t boast! No wonder they say: “Winter scares spring, but it still melts!”
Winter: - Never mind, let's see whose will take it! I’ll show myself again, how I’ll spin, how I’ll freeze! I'll cover everything with snow. There are my servants, icicles, hanging! So it’s still my time!
Presenter: - Let's agree which of you will win, and in honor of that we will festive round dance drive. Do you agree?
Winter, Spring: - We agree!
(Winter and Spring, together, hold competition games, for this two teams are created).

Game "Pick the Icicle".

(Children are divided into two teams)
Winter and Spring raise a rope with “paper icicles” suspended on it to a height of 1.5 meters. Teams line up in two lines. Two children from each team participate. Who will pick the most “icicles” suspended on laces faster and more?(you need to jump up and remove the paper icicle), he won. The team with the most icicles wins.
Winter: - Now, next game! I will now choose the best assistants for myself!

Game “Hit the snowball into the basket...”

Children are divided into two teams. You need to throw a snowball and hit the target(cart) . The team with the most hits wins.
Presenter: - Now, guys, let's have a little rest! Guess the riddles that Winter and Spring will tell you!
Spring: A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter,
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?(March).
Troika, troika arrived.
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh
White braid, white face.
How she waved her sleeve
Everything is covered in silver(Winter months).
Spring: At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.(Snowdrop).
Winter: I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream(Snowman).
Spring: - The beauty is walking,
Touches the ground lightly
Goes to the field, to the river,
Both the snowball and the flower.(Spring).
Winter: I have a lot to do
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
And my name is... (Winter).
Presenter: - Round dance game "Stream"is an ancient game that symbolizes the melting of snow. The sun warms the earth, the snow melts, babbling brooks run everywhere. You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and raise them up to make a stream. (To the music, the leader enters the “stream” and takes a pair for himself. Whichever of the children is left alone leads, and then the game continues).

Round dance game "Stream".

Child: reads a poem.


Little snowdrop
Came out for the first time
In a new blue dress,
Show off to people.
And the blade of grass is sharp
Has been drilling for a long time
In last year's leaves
And in the old lady's garden,
Broken tub
Swishing in puddles
Little sparrows.
The snowdrop was late
And he runs faster
Lifting up her dress,
To the expanse of fields...

Presenter: - Guys, listen to what proverbs people came up with about February:
- February is changeable: sometimes it will be January, sometimes it will be March!
- February strokes her nose with one hand and flicks it with the other!

- February - wind blowing, blizzard blowing, bokogray and whipping!

Game "Collect snowdrops"

Distribute (scatter) snowdrops throughout the music hall. At the signal, the game begins, you need to run to the flower, take one snowdrop, run to the basket, put the flower in the basket. The team that collects snowdrops the fastest wins.
Winter: - If things go like this, Spring wins, I’ll call my assistant - Baba Yaga! What, scary!
(A Baba Yaga cap is placed on the child’s head.)

Game: "Baba Yaga".

The leader - Baba Yaga - is in the center of the imaginary circle. Children walk in a circle without entering it. One of the players says:
In the dark forest
The hut stands backwards.
There is an old woman in that hut,
Grandmother Yaga lives.
Her eyes are big
The hair stands on end.
Wow, how scary

Our Grandma Yaga!

At the last word, the children enter the circle and touch “Baba Yaga”. She's trying to catch someone. The caught child becomes "Baba Yaga". The game is repeated several times.
Winter: - Well, well, you defeated me, apparently it’s really time for me to leave.
(Winter bows to Spring at the waist).

Your time will come very soon!
May Spring reign with glory!

Presenter: - Let's say goodbye to Winter, wave goodbye to her!
Well, we are starting a cheerful spring round dance!
(Children and guests start a round dance to Russian folk music).
Presenter: - At Candlemas they always baked cookies, not simple ones, but in the shape of various pets. These cookies were placed in barns so that the cattle would be entertained and would not get sick. In the pantries - so that there are a lot of supplies; in the house, on the windows, so that it protects against the evil eye, illness, and misfortune.
- So you and I will go and have tea and bagels! Spring and guests are invited!

Tasks: improve children’s motor abilities, develop motor skills and abilities; develop physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance); cultivate sense of purpose; learn to solve riddles; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: Christmas tree; two balls; two clubs; “snowballs” (balls of cotton wool covered with gauze with glitter).

Characters: Snow Baba, Winter, Wolf (their roles are played by adults).

The progress of the holiday


Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers.

The blizzard is walking. When does this happen?

That's right, in winter. Today we have gathered to celebrate the Russian Winter holiday.

1st child.

Hello, guest Winter! We ask for mercy.

Sing songs of the North across fields and forests.

2nd child.

We have freedom, you can walk anywhere.

Build bridges across rivers and lay out carpets.

3rd child.

We won’t get used to it, let your frost crack,

Our Russian blood burns in the cold.

4th child.

White trees, white houses!

Winter has come to us along the white paths!

Winter enters and performs a dance.

Winter. Hello children! In huge snowdrifts,

I rushed to you fast on the blizzards.

Hurry up to get to kindergarten in time for the holiday,

Please the friendly, cheerful guys.


Thank you, Zimushka-Winter!

Thank you for coming to our holiday!

The guys are so glad to meet you.

5th child.

Everything is covered with white snow: trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles! Hello,


3ima. Now, guys, guess my riddle:

Oh, and she dances deftly.

Not just a nose, but a carrot!

Coals instead of eyes,

Instead of a hat - a copper basin. Who is this?

Snow Woman enters.

Snow Baba. Hello guys! I came to see what you are doing here? For some reason everyone thinks I'm clumsy. Well, now I’ll see how fast and dexterous you are.

Instructor. Let's guys show our dexterity and courage.

Snow Baba. But first try to solve my riddles. You can't beat me here!

Who, friends, with great difficulty

Hid the river under the ice?

In the morning in the dawn darkness

Who draws on glass?

Children. Freezing!

Snow Baba.

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut.

It’s white, but not sugar, there are no legs, but it’s walking.

Children. Snow!

Instructor. Yes, Snow Baba, our children are not only fast and dexterous, but also smart and quick-witted. Now come play with us.

Children stand in a circle, in the middle are Snow Woman and Winter.

6th child.

Frost is not a problem for us, the cold is not scary for us.

We wear fur coats and earflaps and go sledding.

3 winter But as?

Children. And like this (imitate sledding).

Snow Baba. And then?

7th child. And then we’ll start skiing and ride down the mountain.

3ima. But as?

Children. And like this (they imitate skiing).

Snow Baba. What else?

8th child. We also take our skates and run to the skating rinks.

3 winter But as?

Children. And like this (they imitate ice skating).

Snow Baba. And then?

Children. And then we play snowballs, we hit them very accurately.

3ima. But as?

Children. And like this (they imitate a snowball fight, Winter and Snow Woman dodge).

Snow Baba. Yes, now we know that you will not be bored in winter.

3ima. And now it's time to show your dexterity

Relay races.

Children are divided into two teams.

Winter is rooting for one team, and Snow Baba is rooting for the other.

1. "Who is faster".

The children take turns crawling like bears to the tree and running back.

2. "Hares and the Wolf"

Children (in turn, each team jumps on both legs (like hares) to the tree (the Wolf sits under the tree). Run back, and the Wolf catches up.

3. "Hockey players."

Using a stick, children take turns dribbling the ball to the goal, trying to hit the ball into the goal and running back. Pass the ball and stick to the next team member.

Children take turns throwing a “snowball” at a distance, picking it up, and running back.

5. “Whose circle will gather faster?”

Winter and Snow Woman go to different ends of the hall, and children run around the hall to the music. When the music stops playing, one team gathers in a circle around Winter, the other around the Snow Woman. When the music starts again, the teams switch places.

Instructor. You see, Winter and Snow Baba, how clever and fast our guys are!

Winter. Well done!

Snow Baba. I'm so glad I met you!

General dance.

Children leave the hall to the music.

The progress of the holiday

The central platform is designed to look like a snow-covered clearing on which the house stands. Along the perimeter of the site there is a snow bank, decorated with plastic hoops and colored sticks.

To the music of the song “Troika” by E. Krylatov from the movie “Sorcerers,” children enter, the presenter meets them and invites them to dance. The signal for the start of the holiday sounds (you can use a bell).

Presenter. Hello children. We are gathered for fun party on a magical forest edge. Do you love winter? What do you like in winter?

Children. Play snowballs. Sledding.

Presenter. Yes, winter is a wonderful time of year. You can skate, sled, play snowballs, or just admire the winter nature. And in winter, nature is unusually beautiful: “The dark forest is covered with a wonderful hat...” I just want to exclaim: “You are beautiful, Mother Winter!”

“In winter everything turned white, there was a lot of snow. And here comes the sorceress Winter herself.”

To the music of the song “Winter” (music by Hanok, lyrics by S. Ostrovsky), Winter comes on stage and performs a dance.


The fluffy snow is spreading.

The street is white.

I, Winter Blizzard,

I came to visit you.

Presenter. Hello, guest Winter. We ask for mercy.

Winter. You have so much fun here, the guys are all brave, seasoned, probably not afraid of the cold?

Presenter. No, they are not afraid.

Winter. And if I let the north wind blow at you, howl like a strong blizzard?

A soundtrack of wind and blizzard is given.

Presenter. We are not afraid of frost and do not hide our nose in our fur coat (pats ourselves on the sides - warms ourselves, rubs our nose),

We'll warm our feet too, we'll stomp soon.

Winter plays the game “Winter and Children” with the children to music (Metlov’s collection “Yolka”, “Santa Claus and Children”).

Winter. Yes, I now see that you are brave children, hardened, and you are not afraid of frost.

Presenter. We will never get used to it, let your frost crack, our Russian blood burns in the cold!

To the soundtrack of the melody “Oh, you, the canopy, my canopy,” Emelya rides onto the stage on the stove.

Emelya. Make way, honest people, I’m going to my home... (gets off the stove). Oh, where did I end up?

Presenter. For the holiday, stay with us.

Emelya. Reluctance.

Presenter. Stay, we're having fun.

Nesmeyana appears in the window of the hut, she is crying.

Emelya. It's fun, it's fun, but who's crying?

The presenter looks among the children who is crying, then finds Nesmeyana.

Presenter. Children, did you find out who it is?

Children. Nesmeyana.

Emelya. Nesmeyana, you, as in a fairy tale, are sad and melancholy, there are jokes, games, dances everywhere, you are not the only one laughing.

Presenter. Emelya, try to cheer her up.

Emelya. Children, let's have fun together Nesmeyana,

Emelya dances with the children, then plays the game “Do as I do.”

Winter. Guess the riddle:

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

Only the sun will bake her,

She will melt and die. What is this?

Children. Icicle.

Presenter. Children, look how magical this icicle is. Let's check it out now.

Winter. You just need to wave this icicle and it will work a miracle.

Presenter. Let's check, turn your back, Winter. I'll point to the guys, and guess who it is - a boy or a girl?

The presenter points at the children with an icicle and asks each time, emphasizing the word “boy” or “girl” in her voice. The presenter repeats this 3-4 times.

Presenter. Yes, guys, the icicle really is magical!

Winter. Everyone can see that the icicle is not easy. As soon as I wave it again, Baba Snow is ready.

A snowman appears on stage to the tune of the song “A Blizzard is Sweeping Along the Street.”


Guys, I'm the Snowman. I'm used to snow and cold.

My head is round. Well, the nose is a carrot.

And in my hands the broom dances deftly.

The snowman performs the “Ducklings” dance with the children.

The Wolf and the Fox appear to the soundtrack of “Variations of Russian Folk Songs”. The Wolf carries the Fox on a sled and says: “The beaten one is not lucky.”

Presenter. Children, did you find out what fairy tale it is from?

Children. Fox, sister and gray wolf.

Wolf. Foxy and I caught a lot of fish and brought them to you. Do you know how to fish?

Children. We can.

Wolf. Now let's see what kind of fishermen you are?

The Wolf and the Fox play the game “Catch the Fish”.

The song “Valenki” plays, to which the Bears appear on stage and hold a competition - tug-of-war. The wolf leaves, the fox remains. Then Winter plays the Carousel game with hoops with ribbons attached to them.

To the music from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” The Hare appears and hides from the Wolf among the children. Wolf runs in.

Wolf. Children, have you seen the Hare?

Children. No.

Wolf. Where did he go? I run after him all the time and can’t catch him.

Presenter. Wolf, you probably don’t exercise at all? And our children do exercises every day, they are dexterous and brave.

Wolf. Yes, I don't like doing exercises. I'm more into aerobics. Do you want me to show you?

The wolf performs rhythmic gymnastics to the song “Aerobics” (music by V. Raimchik, lyrics by V. Neklyaev). The Hare moves along with everyone else and bumps into the Wolf.

Wolf. Well, Hare, wait a minute! (Tries to catch him.)

The game “Catch-Up - Mousetrap” is played on stage. The Hare and the Wolf run away. Music from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” is playing “Let’slive together,” and Leopold the Cat appears. He invites the children to dance.

Winter. Of course, guys, you need to live together and never quarrel. You and I have a lot to do. And among friendly people, work always goes well.

Presenter. The holiday of “Russian Winter” has long been celebrated in Rus'. This holiday is full of fun, jokes and laughter. But now our holiday has come to an end. Let's say to Winter, “Hello, Zimushka-Winter!”