Family and family life are a thing of the past. Modern problems of science and education

How many married couples exist on earth, probably, they have as many ways of life. But still, experienced psychologists have come up with four problematic models family life. Want to know what type of family yours is? Study all four models and determine which one is closer to your couple. When determining the type of married couple, you need to be based on what roles and powers the spouse performs in the family. This is why each model has advantages and disadvantages. And if there are advantages, then you need to rejoice, and if there are disadvantages, then they need to be eradicated if possible.

Famous Patriarchy

Described in a pre-revolutionary textbook, the classical form of house-building has already become obsolete, but at the same time, this family model still remains widespread. The husband is the breadwinner, the head of the family, the breadwinner of the family. And he is also a judge, the arbiter of destinies, the first violin in the orchestra, and as expected, he not only has more responsibility, but also rights. Well, the wife can only be interested in the children, the kitchen and the church. And if the wife still works, it’s only for show. After all, her income for working part-time is only enough for stilettos.

If the family has withstood such tests of time, then the couple has advantages. This means that the husband strives to earn good money, provide for his wife and children, and the wife keeps the house in order and devotes more time to the children and their upbringing.


The wife plays a secondary role in the family. After all, her main interests are focused on the kitchen and children, grocery stores and markets, kindergartens and schools. There may come a time when such a wife stops developing as a person, she stops taking care of herself, and loses her professional skills.

What to do

If both spouses are satisfied with this arrangement in the family, then nothing needs to be changed. They are happy in their marriage and that's good. But if the wife still experiences some discomfort from these family responsibilities, and she wants a little freedom and maneuvers outside the home, then it is worth developing in this regard.

You can start your own hobby - sign up for knitting, cutting and sewing courses, floristry courses. Or you can take driving courses. If your wife doesn’t work, you can find a small part-time job, but only if you like it. You need to meet with your friends more often, go with them to bachelorette parties, to the cinema, to the theater. And the main thing is to do all this smoothly, without sudden movements, otherwise the husband will evaluate this as an attempt to abandon the family. You can do a very interesting maneuver - invite your husband to visit your family as often as possible, be in nature, and arrange weekend trips. All this will only benefit family relationships.

Old matriarchy

The family in the matriarchal style has also been cultivated over time. In addition to the fact that a woman decided which kindergarten or school her daughter or son would go to, whether to change her husband’s place of work or remain in the same place, to plant potatoes or just tomatoes at the dacha, then this also added material support families. And some successful ladies do this very well. They climb the career ladder and found their own business.

The advantages of such a family model

A woman feels significant and successful, she develops. And a man with such a wife can take a break. But as it shows family practice, in this family everything will be smooth if the wife is of the woman-mother type, and the husband is of the man-son type.


If the wife is so successful, she copes with everything, manages everything and everyone, then what role does the husband play in this family. There are several options - he arranges life at his own discretion: he competes with his wife; or, folding his wings and putting an end to his career, he takes on all the household chores. But he has to imitate great delight from all this. After all, the woman who “runs” everything gradually becomes less soft and warm-hearted. And at the same time suppressing not only the husband, but also all household members. But, despite the fact that she openly demonstrates her domineering character, a woman still wants to feel cared for and a strong man’s shoulder nearby.

What to do

Despite the fact that the husband agrees with it. Since the wife plays the main role, you need to gradually loosen your grip and not take everything upon yourself. And become softer and more feminine. We also need to support our husband, because he is capable of a lot, but he is not allowed to “turn around.” A wife's strong character is needed only when the husband plays a secondary role due to his indecisiveness or laziness. You need to call your husband for help and not take on matters that he can successfully solve himself. There may be mistakes in his decisions, but he made them on his own.

Both married and single

In such family model no one is reaching for the palm. Each of the spouses is waiting for his half to take the helm in his own hands, and with it the solution to all problems - what to live for, how to earn more, and where, to go to the sea this year or relax in the country, to celebrate his son’s birthday or not. Looking from the outside, you might think that this is not a family, but kindergarten. Maybe somewhere this is true. After all, only infantile people can form such a family model. In most cases, these are yesterday's students. Or it could be the other way around. Maybe a married couple, despite their age, is still not ready for married life and the problems that arise from it.

Advantages of the family model

There aren't many advantages. Only the fact that this is an opportunity to live an adult family life, and the fact that such a family has excellent sex, these are the main points of contact.


This is not a full family life. And a half-starved existence with unpaid utilities, bills, and so on. In these families, reproaches and complaints against each other most often flare up. And if they sometimes calm down, it’s not for long.

What to do

There is only one way out - to grow up. Take responsibility for the family, start solving problems, making compromises.

Some generals

This family model is the exact opposite of the model described above. Here is a situation where two generals command at one headquarters. Both husband and wife fight for the right to be in charge. They have arguments about serious issues, for example, about buying an apartment, and about small ones, for example, where to put a floor lamp.


Two strong personalities have paired up and if they make compromises, they will be able to achieve a lot in all areas of life.


If a couple never sits down at the negotiating table, then the family is doomed to eternal hostilities.

What to do

Try to see in your loved one not a competitor and rival, but a best partner and friend.

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Traditional way of family life and spiritual and moral traditions of the family

Trishkova S. P.

A family is a small social group, the members of which are connected by a common life, mutual assistance and mutual responsibility; these are relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, based on love and ensuring the continuation of the human race and the transfer of accumulated life experience from generation to generation.

Russian philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin calls the family “the primary womb of human culture.” In the family, the child masters the basics of material and spiritual culture. In communicating with close adults, the child develops human forms of behavior: skills of thinking and speech, orientation and activity in the world of objects and human relationships, moral qualities, life values, aspirations, ideals. In the family, a feeling of living continuity of generations is born, a feeling of involvement in the history of one’s people, the past, present and future of one’s Motherland. The family reveals all the abilities, strengths and talents inherent in a person. In raising children, the family cannot be replaced by any other social institution; it plays an exceptional role in promoting the formation of a child’s personality. For each of its members, the family is a school of love, a constant readiness to give oneself to others, to take care of them, to protect them. Based mutual love spouses, parental love is born, the reciprocal love of children for parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Joy and sorrow in spirituality healthy family become common: all events of family life unite, strengthen and deepen the feeling of mutual love. The family, according to the ideas of the peoples of the Olonets province, was the most important condition a person’s morality, his material well-being, social recognition. Staying married was seen as inevitable, as a moral duty. The value views of peasants on marriage and family determined their behavior, intrafamily relationships, and attitude towards childhood. The peasant family was characterized by a multi-generational structure and strict gender-age differentiation of rights and responsibilities. The main goal of education was preparation for family life, which was achieved through solving problems of moral, religious, labor and aesthetic education. The family raised their children with their own way of life, with an understanding of the need not only to preserve, but also to multiply what was inherited from previous generations. The traditional family way of life helped the child to experience life in its various manifestations and taught him to get involved in life to the best of his ability. The girl adopted her mother’s style of behavior in the family, learned to build relationships with other family members, submitting to the unconditional authority of the man - the head of the family. The innate instinct of motherhood developed through participation in raising children. From early childhood, the girl took care of her future family life, prepared a dowry - she spun, weaved, and embroidered. Humility, kindness, thriftiness, hard work, and health were valued in girls. The boy was also aware of his responsibility for the family from childhood and was included in labor activity, was part of the existing system of relationships. At the age of 7 he participated in cultivating arable land, at 8-9 he harvested grain and fed livestock, at 14 he wielded a scythe, sickle, and hammer. The merits of a young man were considered to be agility, strength, sobriety, hard work, intelligence and ingenuity - qualities necessary for successful work. Thus, children mastered work responsibilities in the family, mastered practical skills, and became aware of their functions in adult life. The parental family served for them as a prototype of their future life structure. Honoring parents and obeying them was perceived by children as a necessary condition for successful growing up. Fathers had a particularly great influence on children. The father was especially respected by the children; they saw him as the source of everything useful and good. The father's authority was supported by the mother. The way of life of a peasant family instilled in children love for their homeland, respect for the history of their country, and tolerance. Sheltering a wanderer, feeding a soldier, or giving to a beggar was considered a moral duty. The crippled and wretched were revered by the people, they were clothed and fed by the whole world. The family, being the heir and keeper of spiritual and moral traditions. Old people were engaged in the spiritual education of children; they passed on to the young all the best that they had acquired over their long life. They told fairy tales and lives of saints, gave instructions on behavior, and taught prayers.

The word “tradition” (from the Latin tratitio - transmission) means historically established customs, orders, and rules of behavior passed on from generation to generation.

The family is called upon not only to perceive, support, but also to transmit spiritual, religious, national and cultural traditions from generation to generation. - Spiritual and religious traditions aim to awaken the child’s personality, to form feelings based on traditional primordial ideas about good and evil, the basic Christian commandments. They instill in children a sense of reverence for shrines, teach them to respect the world around them - the great creation. - National traditions have significant pedagogical potential and can serve effective means spiritual and moral education of children. The responsibility of the family lies, first of all, in transferring all linguistic wealth from older generations to younger ones, from parents to children. Mastering national culture and native language through mother’s lullabies, nursery rhymes, and grandmother’s fairy tales. Teaching one’s native language is the sacred duty of parents; science has proven that a child is born ready to think and speak the language of his parents. Otherwise, mental activity is inhibited and, as a result, a lag in mental development. - Cultural traditions represent moral laws and principles of human relationships developed by a given culture. It is in the cultural traditions of family upbringing that the rules of interpersonal interaction that are passed on from parents to children are reflected. Thus, the laws of social interaction are enshrined in the cultural traditions of the people, on which adult family members rely in the process of socialization of children. The use of national traditions and customs of peoples, conveyed unobtrusively, without direct edification, allegorically, but with subtext, is an urgent necessity in our conditions. National traditions of peoples, the spiritual and moral experience of previous generations have great potential for raising children in the family.

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  1. Report on the results of self-examination In specialty 032015 (050717) Special preschool pedagogy and psychology As of 09.2008

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    The report was prepared based on the results of a self-examination at the Faculty of Preschool and Social Pedagogy and Psychology conducted during the 2007-2008 academic year.

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    September 10-11, 2008, the Union of Women of Russia in the Year of the Family and the 100th anniversary of the First All-Russian Women's Congress, which became unique and extremely important event in the history of the women's movement in Russia, together with the administration of the Belgorod region, held in the city.

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    In the “National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation"emphasizes that "upbringing as a top priority in education should become an organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into the overall process

  4. Slide 1 Spiritual and moral foundations of the family in the formation of the personality of Maria Tsvetaeva Slide 2 Goal Slide 3 Objectives


    Family is one of the greatest assets of humanity, that enduring value with which our life takes on special meaning. This is the spiritual spring that feeds us with strength, love and kindness, gives us support and faith in the future.

  5. Spiritual and moral foundations of patriotic education


    Lushnikov V.I. – Ph.D., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and correctional work GOU DPO "Khakassian Republican Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers"

Demographers have the term “nuclear family.” It comes from the Latin word nucleus - “kernel”. Nuclear family is the minimum possible family, that is, parents and one child living under one roof, having a common household and common means of subsistence, connected by consanguinity (parents and child) and marriage (parents), having a past (ancestors), a present (themselves and their life) and the future (represented by the child).

That is, as we were taught at school, the family is the unit of society.

Indeed - a cell. Human society consists of such cells, since a person is a person in the full sense of the word only in the family, and outside the family (at work, among friends and acquaintances, as part of any organizations and associations, on the scale of the state as its citizen) he is only only a social unit, a member of a team, group or community. In society, he does not cease to be a person, but he can reveal his truly human qualities and properties only in the family.

The difference in the types of family structure is so significant that it creates noticeable differences in the organization of the life of societies and entire states. These differences are noticeable even in such a small space as the European continent.

With us and with them
Russia is no longer a peasant country. And therefore, nostalgic sighs for an old, large and strong peasant family, beautiful-hearted dreams of reviving this type of family, firstly, are groundless, and secondly, are based on a not entirely correct idealized idea of ​​​​the peasant family of the distant past. We must proceed from the reality of our days.

In the modern Russian family (mostly urban, since city dwellers make up 85% of the country's population) a strong connection between generations continues to be maintained. Often three generations of one family (grandfathers’ generation, fathers’ generation, children’s generation) live together. Adult children who have begun an independent life can and do live separately, but are not separated from their parents to the point of complete alienation. It is customary for us to take care of each other, meet and communicate often, take part in family affairs, help and support financially, and in both directions, mutually - parents support children, children support parents. It is customary for us to help children advance in life, intercede for them, arrange their official affairs, and help them build a career. It is customary for us to take care of our grandchildren, leave work and take out a pension only in order to be with our grandchildren and look after them while their parents work and provide for their future. This whole way of life is taken for granted by us, habitual, normal - it has always been this way, how could it be any other way? Even Russian laws correspond to this way of life. The law places the obligation to support disabled parents on children. Our children are always equal heirs to the property and real estate of their parents; it rarely occurs to anyone to draw up a will so that the inheritance goes to the children unequally. We do not have such a legal norm as the possibility of legal renunciation of parents from their children and children from their parents (deprivation of parental rights by court for failure to fulfill parental responsibilities is a completely different matter). Foreigners are often surprised that the terms of family consanguinity ("uncle", "aunt", "mother", "father", "son", "daughter") are used by strangers to address each other.

But the family structure of the countries of Western Europe and America (say, England, France, Germany, the USA) differs significantly from the Russian one, although outwardly similar to it.

There, the law and tradition establish that adults (who have reached the age of 21, the age of civil and political maturity) are obliged to take care of themselves and can no longer count on the unconditional and selfless help of their parents in all their affairs and endeavors. There is a much more formal level of communication between adult children and parents. That is, it is not prohibited for anyone to show kindred feelings and maintain close communication, but it is not prescribed either. Grandparents babysitting their grandchildren is an extremely rare phenomenon there. But parents who, while their children are still alive, went to a boarding house for pensioners and the elderly is a normal phenomenon (let’s be honest, the standard of living and personal pension savings of citizens of Western countries allow them to live quite comfortably in these “retirement homes”, which we in Russia cannot yet boast of) . Personal communication with the parents of children who have left the parental home may occur once or twice a year on holidays or other occasions, but may not take place for years - if there is no time or serious reasons to see each other. If an adult child leads an idle and idle lifestyle and does not want to support himself, then the parents have the right to legally generally refuse support to such a child and simply throw him out of the house.

A young Englishman or American under the age of 21 has the right to independently decide on his personal life - his parents cannot forbid him to start a family; but they are not obliged to support his family financially either by law or by tradition, and can even deprive him of their inheritance at will. And a young Frenchman who has not reached 21 years of age and decides to get married is formally obliged to notify his parents about this and obtain their consent (also generally formal, but still consent) - but his parents do not have the right to deprive him of his inheritance, the law does not allow this.

In other words, family relations in Russia are characterized by humanity and informality; intra-family relations in Western countries are more formal and legal.

So what is preferable, which way of life is better? The question is not easy.

Relatives or partners?

To be honest, our humanity and informality in family relationships very often backfire on us. Parental love towards children, even adults, often gives rise to dependent attitudes, does not foster independence, strengthens the habit of always relying on the “rear” and shifting to parents those responsibilities and concerns that an adult capable person should bear and perform himself. It’s not for nothing that we have an ironic and sad joke: “Parents are obliged to support their children until their children reach retirement age“- it did not arise out of nowhere. And a sad sight - an adult healthy child, calmly living on the pension of his old mother, and, God forbid, continuing to work so that the child does not need anything - can be seen quite often.

Western formality and jurisprudence of the family structure, on the contrary, are very good at nurturing this very independence and independence in people, but lead to mental hardening, alienation, disintegration of family ties, and to the complete formalization of intra-family relations. The powerful system of legal protection of the rights of Western people makes him invulnerable, covered from all sides. The tough socio-economic structure requires him to work hard and with full dedication. The outward manifestation of all this is high level life and personal freedom - such a person is full of self-esteem, independent and pragmatic. And inside himself, alone with himself, where all these qualities do not work, he can remain very lonely, flawed, suffering and childishly dreaming of burying himself in his mother’s shoulder. It is not for nothing that in prosperous Western society, anti-crisis psychological assistance services and all kinds of “centers for overcoming loneliness” are so widespread - they would hardly be needed if everything was as perfect as it looks on the outside.

Family crisis?
Scientists often characterize the state of family life in the region of European culture (to which Russia also belongs). And they call for “strengthening”, “reviving”, “restoring values”.

However, crisis is not an eternal state. It begins, reaches its peak, subsides and passes. The twentieth century was too difficult and formidable a time for European civilization and caused it many upheavals. It is not surprising that the main institutions of society, and first of all, the family, became shaken and weakened under this load. And now we are seeing what is called the lowest point of decline. We react to this painfully and are looking for urgent, effective measures to correct the situation. This is correct - if you sit idly by, the situation will not improve.

However, it is unreasonable to expect quick results. A family is a family because it is characterized by conservatism, that is, persistence in what has been achieved and slowness of change.

The family way of life cannot withstand revolutions; it changes only evolutionarily, gradually, over the course of several generations. It is impossible to borrow someone else's family way of life - only one's own customs take root on one's own soil.

And therefore, we can say with confidence that the Russian family structure, no matter how unreliable and bad it may be now, will be restored and return to normal. The main thing is not so much assistance to the family from state benefactors, but the realization that the value of the family has not disappeared anywhere, that it is necessary not so much to “restore” as to try not to destroy further.

“The way of life in the family,” writes I.M. Sechenov, “is reflected on children with amazing brightness for many years.”

What should be the way of life in a family? This is, first of all, normal, friendly relationships between adults (parents). Parents should always remember that their actions and words are watched by attentive and sensitive children's eyes.

In a good family, a child perceives the caring attitude of father and mother towards each other, mutual assistance in household matters, caring for the child, his upbringing, a calm, friendly tone in dealing with each other - without anger and irritation, without shouting.

Screaming is generally the most striking sign of the absence of a culture of human relations. A rude, loud tone brings down an adult in the eyes of a child, especially an older one. preschool age who sees this as the helplessness of an adult.

On this occasion, V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Often we, educators, forget that young children’s understanding of the world begins with the knowledge of a person. Good and evil are revealed to the child in the tone in which the father addresses his mother, in what feelings his views and movements express.”

Intelligent, loving and observant parents learn from their own experience that family education For parents, there is, first of all, self-education. For such parents, the requirements for the child are agreed upon, uniform, provided for and reasonable. They are feasible for their baby, since the father and mother know individual characteristics it and the capabilities of a given age.

It is very important not to exceed the requirements. How often do we fail to take the place of the person from whom we demand. Excessive demands that are beyond the child's ability remain unfulfilled, the child loses faith in his own abilities, his joy fades, he feels guilty (although he is not guilty). A small crack appears in his relationship with his father (mother). Too strict rules and requirements are difficult not only for the child, but also for themselves.

Parental authority

In pedagogical practice, unfortunately, it is often necessary to warn not children, but parents, against stubbornness: “I said - let him do it!” - is far from the most reasonable solution to the issue. The father (mother) who will benefit much more will be the one who, realizing that he is demanding something beyond his strength or is talking to him too harshly, will change the tone of his speech and will not insist, and then discuss with the child why this happened. What gratitude and warmth will a trembling child’s heart respond to this nobility of an adult, what an example of behavior such an act of a father (mother) can become for him in later life!

Lack of agreement in parental demands on the child, unwillingness or inability to take into account his interests and capabilities sometimes becomes the cause of childhood neuroses. A child is not born nervous, he becomes one. Especially, psychologists and teachers emphasize, this happens with the so-called collision of the processes of inhibition and excitation, when one and the same action is praised, and another time punished - depending on the mood. Or, when the father demands one thing, and the mother demands another (and vice versa). In such a situation, the child begins to cheat. He understands very early when, why and who to turn to in order to achieve his goal.

Therefore, in a family where they want to raise a physically and morally healthy person, an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding should prevail.

As a rule, the mother goes to work after maternity (and additional) leave. She has to spend a lot of effort to combine her responsibilities at work with numerous household chores. During this period, her husband’s attitude towards her means a lot. The abundance of worries tires, the wife can sometimes be irritable. How important it is to cleverly extinguish this, relieve her nervousness with a joke, ease her fatigue with a smile. This is necessary not only for her, but also for the child.

The mother’s state of mind, her cheerful and calm mood create the general atmosphere in the family that the child needs, in which everyone feels good. In the eyes of the child, the father becomes a role model: he also begins to feel sorry for the mother and strives to help her in his own way. This strengthens the feeling of tender care for each other, and the child will carry this feeling throughout his entire life.

A talented teacher and wonderful person V. A. Sukhomlinsky dreamed that “every father would know and understand what a great need his child feels for him, how he wants a wise, courageous man to be nearby.”

The child pays with love, gratitude and respect for attention to him, to his interests and needs.

With all their busy lives, parents and other adult family members need to find time and opportunity to pay attention to their children. During Sunday lunch or dinner, when the whole family gathers at the common table, mother, father or older brother talks about what happened at work, at school.

Such conversations expand the child’s knowledge, help him understand that there is a big and interesting world outside their home, and awaken good feelings for those people who create a lot of good and necessary things for everyone. How children love such stories!

The child also wants to do something nice for his family: he brings slippers, glasses, a newspaper to mom and dad. An older child helps put away the dishes, prepare dinner, water the flowers... So easily and simply you can and should infect a child with the desire to help, excite and maintain his interest in the world around him, in working people, instill respect for them and the need to do good for them.


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concept of family structure in its socio-psychological aspect. A family is a small group characterized by a special purpose for its creation. The stability of the family system over large time scales depends on many factors that can be combined into the concept of family structure. It represents stable forms of relationships between family members with each other, the essence of which is to preserve the integrity of the family and the transfer of values ​​from older generations to younger ones, implemented in the objective environment of the home. Family structure influences the formation of personality, and is also itself influenced by the historical social context in which the family lives. The following components of the family structure are identified: family composition and structure, interpersonal relationships, the internal environment of the home, contacts with the outside world. The family structure is not a static entity; it undergoes change and development. The most significant changes are associated with the stage of family formation, when interaction (adjustment) of two structures of parental families takes place, refracted in the minds of young people, with the stage of family growth, as well as the entry of adult children into independent life

family life

family stability

interpersonal relationships

1. Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 288 p.

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4. Karmin A.S., Bernatsky G.G. Philosophy - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 560 p.

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6. Sheehy G. Age crises. steps personal growth- St. Petersburg: Yuventa, 1999. - 436 p.

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Recently, there has been increasing interest in studying various aspects of family life. Special attention is devoted to the so-called family crisis, which manifests itself: in the breakdown of families within a relatively short time interval from the moment the relationship is registered; in the absence of desire to register the relationship; in the emergence of non-traditional forms of families. Difficulties of this kind have arisen more than once in the history of the family in connection with the transformation of the socio-economic system of a particular state. In modern conditions, a problem of an applied nature arises: how is it possible to overcome the current temporary crisis, to what new stable state will the further development of the family occur, how will it relate to the development of society as a whole.

In socio-psychological terms, a family is a small group of a special type. What is common to a family, as to all small groups, is that it arises under certain conditions (numbers, presence of a goal, joint activities); has a formal and informal structure determined by the distribution of roles; goes through certain stages of development; there is a group dynamic within it.

What is special about the family is the specificity of the purpose for which it is created, namely, the reproduction of the clan. This goal is one of the main system-forming factors in creating a family. To achieve this goal, a set of conditions is necessary that distinguishes the family from all other small groups: marriage, cohabitation, joint housekeeping. In modern family psychology, another goal of creating a family and its corresponding function are highlighted: “... felicitative - the function of satisfying a person’s need for happiness (from lat. felicio- happiness)..." . This function is highlighted based on established data: married people feel happier than single people. The felicitative function is associated with the emotional component of family life: love, understanding, trust, affection and the dynamics of these relationships.

In the context of this work, the focus is on such an important characteristic of the family as tribal ties. The main reasons for the destruction of the family can be called the severance of these ties, the weakening of interaction within a number of generations, i.e. disintegration of the family structure.

Target This article is an analysis of the family structure (as the basis of its stability and integrity) in the socio-psychological aspect.

An object The study represents the phenomenology of family life.

Item research is the socio-psychological components of the family way of life.

Research methods. The presented article provides a theoretical analysis of the views of domestic psychologists on the problem of family structure. In addition, preliminary results of a pilot empirical study of the semantic content of the family structure of the Russian family in everyday consciousness are described. The essence of the study was that 30 subjects aged from 25 to 55 (2 generations) were asked to identify 10 characteristics of the family structure. Next, a content analysis of the obtained characteristics (more than 150) was carried out, which were subsequently compiled into a single table. At the next stage, 5 experts (professional psychologists) classified these characteristics into larger content blocks. Analysis of these blocks allowed us to draw conclusions about the structure of the family structure in its socio-psychological manifestation.

Results of theoretical and empirical research and their discussion.

The concepts of “family structure” and “lifestyle” were first introduced into psychological literature by V.M. Bekhterev. Family structure, according to V.M. Bekhterev, is interconnected with such categories as “family customs”, “family institutions”, “ family law" The way of life itself is understood as “... a set of conditions life together... ". Here attention is drawn to the fact that the way of life cannot be considered in isolation from the specific historical conditions in which the family exists.

V.M. Bekhterev proposed the concept of the emergence of the family, from which the nature of the way of life becomes clear. Based on a natural scientific foundation, V.M. Bekhterev establishes such an important biological instinct as the instinct of reproduction as the basis for family formation. The sexual desire of primitive people resulted in reproduction. Since human survival alone was very difficult, an increase in the number of people led to the establishment of close social ties between members of the same clan. In the course of sociogenesis, intraclan relations improved, and the formation and development of morality took place. A special role in the progressive development of morality, from the point of view of V.M. Bekhterev, maternal education played a role: “... maternal education creates the norms of social way of life(emphasis added), eliminating rude treatment of subordinates...". In this regard, there is reason to believe that the main role in the formation of the family structure also belongs to the woman.

V.M. Bekhterev pointed out that innovations are always opposed to the way of life. Its most striking features are reflected in works of art. When there is a change from one form of social or family structure to another, the younger generation usually ridicules the previous order of life, considering it meaningless. But even with a global restructuring of the previous course of life, not everything is rejected; there is continuity.

Thus, at the level of biology, a set of genes transmitted from generation to generation is responsible for the inheritance of traits useful for the preservation of a species, which is the basis for the further evolution of the species. A similar mechanism exists in society, but not at the level of genes, but at the level of values ​​and cultural meanings. V.M. Bekhterev called this spiritual heredity: “... a whole series of data speaks, of course, in favor of the fact that the factor of heredity plays a huge role in the life of society, but not biological or individual, but the so-called spiritual(emphasis added). By this name we understand what is inherited by society from its ancestors through upbringing and continuity, what is transferred to one or another social organization from the past in the form of ready-made, established forms of social life. These include, first of all, such spiritual wealth that is passed on to posterity from past generations, such as language, customs, traditions, general concepts, etc., as well as everything that is known as established traditions and in general way of social life(emphasis added)....” In social philosophy, instead of spiritual or social heredity, it is customary to use the term “social memory”.

From the above provisions of V.M. Bekhterev can be seen that in his understanding, “family structure” and “social structure” turn out to be inextricably linked with each other, turning into one another. Historically, the family structure should have been formed first. By reproducing stable forms of relationships, he made a person’s life together with others more profitable than living alone. As human society grew and became more complex, new forms of relationships appeared (not only family relations, but also production, business, etc.), which also existed within certain stable frameworks. Consequently, the way of life acquired breadth and became not only family, but also social. In this one can see the self-similarity of social structures at various levels.

V.M. Bekhterev noted: “... although it is undeniable that one or another nation has its own temperament and has one or another degree of efficiency, which depends on climatic, economic and other conditions, it is also undeniable that everything else that characterizes a nation , depends on her social life and her way of life, which has developed over centuries...” From this we can conclude that just as a nation cannot be considered separately from its way of life, from its culture, so a person cannot be understood without examining the way of life of his family.

B.G. drew attention to the connection between the individual and his way of life and social conditions. Ananyev: “ the first stages of personality formation, neurodynamic properties influence the pace and direction of the formation of a person’s personal properties. However, they themselves personality traits(emphasis added) are related to what is modern for a given society and people way of life(emphasis added), with the history of social development, especially with the history of cultural, political and legal development that determined the formation modern image life..."

B.G. Ananyev did not consider the way of life to be given once and for all. He saw in it an opportunity for change and development. While the child is in the family, he is influenced by the way of life that has developed in it. With the beginning of independent life, a person begins to build his own system of relationships, acquire his own status, which can be successive in relation to the family. But “...under the influence of life circumstances and historical time, one’s own status can become increasingly distant from the old status and overcome the old way of life, while preserving, however, the most valuable traditions...”. IN in this case it is emphasized that changes in the way of life are evolutionary, not revolutionary, and that any changes are important to consider in a broad historical context.

V.A. Yadov notes that “... the socio-economic structure, as a more stable component of living conditions, also determines more stable qualitative features of the way of life of social communities: the type of social relations, ideology and principles of morality, as well as the content of life programs...”. It turns out that the way of life represents “social reality”, in the terms of E. Durkheim, from the level of the small group in which a person is born and on the basis of which he builds his relationships, to the level of society as a whole. The way of life turns out to be a precursor to the way of life. Thus, the family structure expresses stable forms of relationships between family members with each other and with society over large time scales.

From the socio-psychological analysis of the concept of way of life, we can formulate a definition of family way of life. Family structure is stable forms of relationships between family members with each other, the essence of which is to preserve the integrity of the family and transfer values, stable patterns of behavior from older generations to younger ones, implemented in the objective environment of the home.

The family structure turns out to be interconnected, on the one hand, with the socio-economic structure external to it. On the other hand, the way of life of the family, reflected in the child’s mind, contributes to the formation of the moral character of the individual and its stability in relation to various external influences.

O.A. Karabanova connects the family structure with dominant values, family identity, and the distribution of roles in the family. High consistency of values ​​and role expectations in a newly formed family contributes to the development of a family structure and an image of the family as a whole in the minds of each of its members. Disagreement on any of these parameters inevitably leads to conflicts and, in the worst case scenario, to the breakup of the family. O.A. Karabanova also points out that the family structure undergoes changes during the life cycle of the family and, like an individual, is characterized by critical periods dedicated to solving problems facing not an individual person, but an entire group.

As a result of our empirical study of the semantic content of the family structure, the following criteria for its analysis were identified:

  1. family composition - parents, children, grandparents;
  2. family hierarchy - a system of relationships between spouses with each other, spouses with children, grandparents with children, grandparents with grandchildren, children with each other (if there are several of them);
  3. interpersonal relationships - features of emotional contacts, intimacy, trust;
  4. internal environment - housekeeping, home improvement;
  5. external environment - contacts with the outside world, the immediate environment and society as a whole;
  6. orders, attitudes, traditions, the presence of a family scenario.

Based on the developed conceptual approach, a test questionnaire was constructed, which, in addition to the listed family structure parameters, was supplemented with a hospitality scale and characteristics of the family atmosphere as a whole. Each of the 8 scales of the questionnaire contains 12 judgments and involves a 12-point assessment of the selected parameters of the family structure. The questionnaire has undergone validation procedures and is prepared for printing.

An important consequence of this empirical study was that in order to understand the characteristics of the family structure, it is necessary to consider it not only from the point of view of relationships, but also from the point of view of the environment in which these relationships unfold. In the family structure, there are thus two levels of manifestation: physical (home, outside world) and socio-psychological.

The family structure, being a dynamic system, undergoes certain transformations. Based on the fact that it is associated with family structure, it is logical to assume that changes in family structure will lead to changes in family structure. What might these changes be and when do they occur?

  1. The stage of family formation is the problem of interaction between the ways of two families.
  2. The stage of family growth is the appearance of children.
  3. The separation stage is when adult children move into independent life.
  4. A special category consists of changes in the family structure associated with divorce, relocation, death of one of the parents, etc.

The stage of separation of adult children is a very subtle and delicate moment. In the scientific psychological literature, this problem is called “separation from parental roots.” The further course of the study is expected to be directed towards the analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics of the way of life during the period of a child leaving the parental family and during the formation of a general family structure in a newly formed family. Of undoubted interest is also the study of family life in the context of several generations of one family, as well as in the cultural, historical and ethnocultural aspect.

Conclusion. This paper presented a theoretical analysis of the concept of family structure and some results of empirical research aimed at testing theoretical positions. As a result, it can be noted that, firstly, the concept of family structure, introduced into scientific use by V.M. Bekhterev, until now little has been developed from a socio-psychological point of view. This concept has an important heuristic meaning when analyzing relationships and mutual transitions in the family (as a small group) - individual - society. The family structure turns out to be a set of stable manifestations of the interaction of family members with each other in space and time, the basis of social inheritance and moral stability of the individual. Secondly, in the course of empirical research it was found that in the semantic content the family structure is represented by the composition, hierarchy of connections between family members, interpersonal relationships, family orders and attitudes, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of internal subject environment home and the breadth of family contacts with the external environment. The family structure is a dynamic system; it undergoes changes over the course of generations, while maintaining certain essential features.


  • Loginova Natalya Anatolyevna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Differential Psychology and Developmental Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
  • Posokhova Svetlana Timofeevna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Special Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.

Bibliographic link

Kunitsyna V.N., Yumkina E.A. FAMILY WAY IN THE SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2012. – No. 4.;
URL: (date of access: 08/01/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"