Essay “how I once helped my mother” for school-age children. Essay on the topic: How I once helped my mother A story of how I once helped my mother

One warm Sunday morning I woke up and, stretching sweetly, went to the kitchen, where a wonderful smell was coming from. Mom stood at the stove in her bright apron and prepared pancakes. I sat down on a chair with my legs crossed and asked:

Mom, what are we going to do today, where are we going? After all, today is Sunday.

“We will have guests in the evening, I need to bake a pie, and you will help me,” she answered.

Having said this, my mother placed a plate of pancakes and a mug of tea with lemon in front of me. I quickly finished my breakfast and went to make the bed and change clothes. After that, I returned to the kitchen and she and I started baking a pie. Suddenly my mother clasped her hands and said:

Son, I forgot we're out of cinnamon. I need to run to the store, wait for me and watch the pie so that it doesn’t burn.

“Okay, mommy, what if it’s baked before you get back?” I asked.

If this happens, take it out of the oven and put the jam on it that is in the cupboard,” she answered.

“Are you sure that I will do everything right?” I became worried.

“I think you can handle it,” Mom smiled.

After that, she kissed me and left, and I began to watch the pie. Soon he began to brown, and I thought that he could already be “rescued.” I put on oven mittens and took the pie out of the oven and put it on the table. Then I remembered about the jam that needed to decorate the pie. I set up a stool, climbed onto it and reached for the can. She stood high, but I decided that I would definitely get the jam. Our cat Boniface watched this whole process. He looked with a grin at my futile attempts to reach the shelf on which the jar stood. The cat seemed to be teasing me, saying: “You won’t get it, you won’t get it!” You’re little, you can’t!”, and I answered him: “Don’t laugh, Bonka, otherwise I won’t share the pie with you!” Angry, I stood on my tiptoes and yanked the can off the shelf. And then, oh horror! The jam slipped out of my hands! The can flew a few centimeters from Boniface's muzzle and, falling to the floor, broke! Bonka with a heart-rending cry: “Meow!!!” and with eyes burning like lanterns, he rushed into another room. Then fear seized me, goosebumps ran down my spine, and my heart sank to my feet. I immediately imagined how upset my mother would be and almost cried from resentment. She counted on me so much, she trusted me to cook the pie, and I let her down so bad! The door slammed in the hallway, and then mom walked into the kitchen.

Oh! What happened here?!” She clasped her hands.

Yes I... Yes Bonka... And the pie... And the jam... - I sobbed.

Wait, my friend, stop crying, explain calmly,” said my mother.

Then I told her how Bonka teased me, and how I tried to get the jar, and how it broke, and everything, everything, everything. I sat on my mother’s lap, and she stroked my head and calmed me down. After I finished my story, she smiled tenderly and said:

Calm down, silly, don't be so upset about a broken can. If you put whole berries in the pie instead of jam, it won't get any worse.

And the guests won’t go hungry and won’t scold you? If they get angry, you tell me, I’ll protect you, I’ll say that it’s my fault,” I said seriously.

“Oh, you’re my protector, I don’t think they’ll fight, but thank you anyway,” Mom laughed.

I was very glad that she did not punish me, and the pie with berries turned out very tasty. By the way, Bonka was so frightened by the fallen can that he sat under the sofa in the living room until the evening.

It is important for children to complete tasks such as writing essays. In these descriptions, the younger generation can show self-expression, emotions and inner peace. That is why, if a child is asked to write an essay at home “How I once helped my mother,” you should take this seriously and help your daughter cope with the task.

Essay plan

In order for the essay “How I Once Helped My Mother” to be complete and detailed, it is necessary to draw up a plan. The sequence of presentation will enable the child to fully reveal the topic and tell what is required. The essay “How I once helped my mother” can be written according to the following plan:

  • Introduction. Here we should talk about how important help is for mom. You can also enter thoughts about why you should devote your time to cleaning, cooking and other household chores in order to free your beloved mother from these tasks.
  • Main part. At this point, it is necessary to outline one of the situations when something important was implemented together with my mother.
  • Conclusion. A short conclusion is that you need to help more often.

This writing plan is standard. Depending on the age and imagination of the child, it can be adjusted.

Essay “How I once helped my mother” for elementary school students

The youngest students are especially sensitive to the most beloved person in the world. That is why writing such a creation will not be difficult at all. As an example, we can take the following essays:

I understand perfectly how important my help is to my mother. Dad works late and doesn't have the energy to do household chores. Therefore, I know that my mother needs my support.

One day my mother started cleaning the apartment. I saw that she was exhausted and very tired. So she came up and offered to help her. Mom asked me to dust my shelves and fold my clothes in my closet. I completed the task very quickly because I wanted to hear praise. When dad came home from work, mom told him that if it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t have done the cleaning in one day. I was very pleased to hear such words.

Now I often offer my help to my mother, and she calls me her main support and support.

An essay in this style will be highly appreciated by the teacher, because this is exactly what a story written by a child should be like.

Essay “How I once helped my mother” in 1st person for middle school students

For those who are older, more significant actions can be described. For example:

I always try to help my mom and dad. After all, they have hopes for me, and I don’t want to destroy them.

Once, when we were at the dacha, I noticed that my mother was working in the garden all day, either picking apples, or watering flowers, or digging up beds. Realizing that it was difficult for her, I went and offered to help. Then my mother asked me to collect apples from the ground into buckets and water the trees with a hose. Thanks to my help, the work in the garden was completed quickly, and my mother and I were able to spend quality time on our favorite veranda.

Such essays will give the child the opportunity to get a high grade. Therefore, you definitely need to take them into account in order to tell your daughter how to write an essay correctly at the right moment.

I walk into the kitchen on Sunday morning and smell my favorite smell - the aroma of pancakes!

Mom, let me help you! - I asked.

You are already quite an adult! Of course, I need your help,” my mother was delighted.

Mom asked me to bring jam from the shelf. I liked this case. Now, if I were assigned to wash greasy dishes...

I couldn't reach the shelf. Then I began to act differently. I took a chair, stood on it and reached for the can. Suddenly our cat Nyurka howled, she is Siamese, so we don’t know her habits.

always clear. As a result of this sudden scream, I let go of the can. Siamese Nyurka remained alive by pure chance! Mom and I scraped jam mixed with glass from the parquet for an hour...

We ate pancakes without jam. Tired and dissatisfied. The cat was hiding under the bed. But I don't blame her. Next time, I will first check if there are any purring creatures nearby, and then I will help my mother.


- essay on how I once helped my mother

- how I once helped my mother

- essay on how I once helped my mother

– A story about how I once helped my mother

- how I once helped my mother write an essay

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Today we were given a story at home about how I once helped my mother in the 6th grade and I will tell you one story. Helping my mother is a common thing for me. I started doing this since childhood. I wanted my mother to rest at least occasionally and spend more time with dad and me. Otherwise, she is like a squirrel in a wheel, like that bee that spins around us, so that we are well-fed, clean and live in coziness and comfort. But mom also needs to rest. Therefore, I began to help my mother around the house: I would clean the room, wash the dishes, feed the animals, water houseplants. In short, I always do everything in my power. But in my own: How I once helped my mother, I want to write about one incident that I remembered.

A story about how I once helped my mother

This happened recently. Since I love helping my mother, this time I volunteered and offered my help. This time I helped while preparing our favorite pie. In general, my mother has real culinary talent. I want to adopt it, so I often try to participate in cooking in order to learn all the secrets and practice in practice. The process has begun. I measured out the flour and poured in the kefir, beat the eggs, poured in the sugar, and mixed everything under the strict guidance of my mother. At the same time, I wrote everything down so that later I could bake the pie myself. By the way, my beloved cat Fluff, as always, watched the process. And here is the pie in the oven. A little more and he will be ready.

Since the pie still needed to be coated with jam, I volunteered to go to the pantry to get it. The cat also followed me. For some reason, it turned out that my favorite apricot jam was on the top shelf. Without hesitation, I set up a stool and reached for the can. I didn’t even understand what happened next. But in an instant the irreparable happened. The can slips out of your hands, falls to the floor and breaks. How else did I not fall down after the can, and the cat jumped back in time, otherwise he would have gotten hit in the head.

In a word, I added more work to myself that day, since I had to clean up the sweet jam. Mom didn’t scold me at all, for which I am very grateful to her. With the words: This could happen to anyone and it is not fatal - my mother helped me clean everything up.

The jam was pathetic. It’s good that my mother always has a lot of supplies and this was not the last jar of apricot jam. Our pie was a success and we happily drank tea that day, ate pie and remembered the adventure for a long time.

To the question Write a story on the topic "How I once helped my mother" brotherly help =) asked by the author Horoscope the best answer is Summer has come. I always look forward to it, because in the summer it’s warm, there’s no need to rush anywhere. You can calmly do whatever you want or even laze around. In the summer, my mother has a vacation. This is my favorite time. We go on vacation together for two weeks, and when we return home, we actively begin stocking up on jams and pickles for the winter.
This year there were a lot of berries and various fruits. Mom made jam almost every day. I helped sort the berries, wash the bottles, generally did everything that my mother asked, I tried to help with everything, to make my mother’s work easier. In the morning I entered the kitchen. On the table there was a bottle of jam, which my mother had cooked and prepared yesterday to put in the cupboard. I decided to help my mother. She will come here now and will be very surprised that the jam fell into place on its own. I moved a stool to the cabinet, opened the doors slightly and took a jar of jam, but it turned out to be heavier than I expected. I swayed and the can hit the floor with a crash. The cat sitting next to him jumped out of the kitchen like lightning. I froze in horror. My mother came running from the room, she instantly understood everything, but did not scold me.
Only in the evening my mother told me that I need to think before doing something. Now I'm always careful.

Answer from Larisa Voronkova[newbie]

Answer from Throw[newbie]
Thank you)

Answer from Max[newbie]
How I once helped my mother.
Tomorrow is the Eighth of March. I spent the whole morning thinking about what gift to give my mother, and finally decided to do some spring cleaning in the apartment.
I poured a bucket of water, took a rag and got to work. The work was progressing. Only the cat Vaska got in the way. Either he will cling to the rag with his claws, or he will begin to stomp on the clean floor with his paws. I spanked him with a rag: “Well, just wait, you’ll wait with me!”
Finally the work was finished. I sighed heavily and looked around with pleasure at the sparkling cleanness of the apartment. “After hard work, it wouldn’t hurt to have some refreshment,” I thought and decided to reward myself with my favorite jam. Before I had time to go into the pantry, the cat was already right there, sitting and meowing pitifully. “And you, lazy person, won’t get anything from me, you haven’t earned anything,” I said and climbed onto a chair, because the shelf was high.
Either his hands were wet and slippery after cleaning, or Vaska was purring under his arm: “Ur-r-r-on, ur-r-r-on,” only for some reason the can slipped out of his hands and flew straight at the cat. He barely had time to jump away. A second later, I watched in horror as my favorite jam dripped from the walls. Vaska got it too: from nose to tail he was covered with cherry spots.
Having come to my senses after the terrible event, I caught the distraught cat and, putting it in the bathtub, began to soap it. Vaska meowed pitifully and struggled. "So you've been waiting for the head washer!" - I joked. And I sadly thought to myself: “What will mom say now?!”

Answer from Neurosis[newbie]

Answer from Jokerwtg1[newbie]

Answer from Yenata Ukenova[newbie]
How I once helped my mother. My mother can cook very tasty food. I especially love her pies filled with plum jam. Previously, I just watched her make them and ate them, but this time I wanted to help her. Oh, and it turned out to be not an easy task! Mom kneaded the dough and left it to rise, while I went to the pantry to get a jar of jam. I had to stand up to get a jar from the top shelf.
on a stool. I almost reached the jar when the cat Barsik jumped onto the stool. Unable to keep my balance, I fell to the floor. A jar of jam flew after me. She hit the floor with a roar and shattered into pieces. -Oh, goodbye, jam! - I said out loud. My mother came running at the noise. “It’s okay.” - she said. - Is it true? – I was happy. -
Wash the floors and come to the kitchen. Let's bake pies with a different filling. Our pies turned out very tasty! And we made different fillings: cabbage, meat, rice and egg. Next time I'll bake the pies myself. I won’t ask my mom for help.

Answer from Olga Borisova[newbie]
The word summer is repeated too many times, it's a speech error!

Answer from Nvyraoku will drink[active]
I really love going to my grandparents’ garden, especially in the summer when the berries ripen:
strawberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, red, white and black currants. I help collect them. Somehow
Once we picked a lot of raspberries, and grandma gave us a whole bucket of berries! A couple of days later she
asked me:
-What did you make of her?
- I’m like this for you now interesting story I'll tell you!
- Nuka, let me find it very interesting. - "said grandma"
Mom made jam and began to pour it into jars, I decided to help her. We didn't even notice
when our cat Tyoma came into the kitchen and sat under the table. We ended up with four jars of raspberry jam.
Then I decided to help my mother put the cans on the shelf, but the shelves were high, I had to stand on
a stool. And when I was reaching to put down the last can, my mother stepped on the cat’s tail. He's so
Hissed loudly and unexpectedly, I knocked the can out of my hands and it fell next to the cat. He jumped up and
ran away from the kitchen. And my mother didn’t scold me. She understood everything.
We had to not only wash the floor but also the cat, who
I managed to screw up the cover. Together we removed the broken can, scrubbed the carpet and washed Tyoma, now from
Only memories of this incident remain.

Answer from Artyom Kotov[newbie]
"How I once helped my mother."
It was summer. It was sunny, warm days. I love summer! How many berries will ripen in the summer? Cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, so many delicious ones, it’s impossible to even list them. My mother prepares for the winter and makes jam. I am her first assistant! What to bring, serve, accept - I'm always ready! And then, one day, my mother decided to put a jar of my favorite raspberry jam on the shelf in the cupboard. I volunteered to help. I put a chair and climbed onto it, holding jam in my hands. But then the cat Vaska came up. He came up quietly. And then he meows loudly! Out of surprise, I staggered in my chair and a jar of my favorite jam fell onto the floor right out of my hands. Well, there was a roar! The cat flew out of fear and ran out into the street. I'm still surprised I didn't fall out of my chair. But my mother didn’t scold me. She saw everything and understood everything. Together they removed the broken can and now only memories remain from this incident.

Answer from Danil Donetskov[newbie]
Came wide carnival. Mom decided to bake pancakes. She cooks them very tasty. I decided to help her.
- Mom, let me help you! - I asked.
- Of course, I need your help. You are already quite an adult! - Mom was happy.
“I’ll knead the dough, and you bring a jar of jam,” said mom.
I went to the pantry for jam. It was in a cabinet on the top shelf. I can't reach the shelf. I had to stand on a stool. I almost took the jar, but then I heard our cat Timofey howl near me. I was scared by this scream, the can fell to the floor and broke, and the scared cat ran away.
Mom came running at the noise. I looked at her guiltily.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, it’s all our cat Timofey,” I said.
- It's OK! We’ll have pancakes, eat them with other jam,” Mom said.
We came to the kitchen and drank tea with pancakes. This is how I helped my mother!

Answer from Kristina Eroshenko[newbie]
My cat Vaska and I often help our mother when she is not at home. We clean the apartment, wipe the dust and put the dishes back in place. Or rather, I do all this, and Vaska watches me carefully and sometimes expresses his approval with a drawn-out purr. So today I decided to help my mother in the kitchen and put everything in its place. The saucepans went into the bottom cabinet, the spoons and forks went into the table, and I decided to put the opened jar of cherry jam on the very top so that there would be less temptation to destroy it. Unfortunately, the blue cabinets in the kitchen hung very high and I had to put a chair next to them in order to reach the top shelf. Jumping onto a chair, I took a jar of jam and stood on tiptoe to place it on the shelf, but at that time Vaska meowed shrilly. I shuddered in surprise and the slippery can suddenly jumped out of my hands and crashed on the floor. Sprays flew in all directions, and Vaska, who almost got hit on the head, walked away in shock. “That’s how I helped!” I thought. But there was nothing to be done; I had to collect the fragments of the jar and scraps of jam and thoroughly wash the floor. And you can’t tell your mother that Vaska broke it!

Answer from Alsou Gaffarova[newbie]
In the morning, when my mother went to work, my brother and I were left alone. Then I was 8 years old, and my brother was 4 years old. After we waved at mom from the window, we began to think about what we should play. We decided to put puzzles together, but it quickly got boring. And then I remembered that somewhere in the kitchen there was a jar of jam. I shared my idea with my brother, and he supported me, because we still have a sweet tooth. The jar stood on the top shelf; in order to get to it, I had to stand on a chair. And I almost took out this jar, but then it slipped out of my hands and broke. My brother immediately came running and we began to think about what we would tell mom.
Finally mom came. And we immediately told her about the jar of jam. Mom didn’t get angry, but praised us for telling the truth, but also scolded us for not taking it without asking. In the evening, my mother decided to make new jam, I helped her, and my brother watched. Then we sat down to drink tea and chatted for a long time about everything in the world.

Answer from Alyosha Prokhorov[newbie]
Lyudmila's story contains errors, not grammatical, but textual, it shows a boy, not a girl!

Answer from Yoman Istomin[newbie]
he copied the link from here!

Answer from Ksenia Nevaeva[active]
What kind of bottle of jam is this?!

Answer from Dzhambik Khamgokov[newbie]
great thanks and yes who can I meet with

Answer from Sofia Kulishova[newbie]

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

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