Social partnership in dhow. Model of interaction between preschool and family Partnership between preschool institution and family

Golovnykh Natalya Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №156
Locality: Irkutsk city
Name of material: Abstract
Subject:"INTERACTION between the preschool educational institution and the family - a partnership."
Publication date: 25.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

INTERACTION between the preschool educational institution and the family - a partnership.

Golovnykh N.A., teacher

MBDOU kindergarten No. 156, Irkutsk



mutually beneficial


worked hard




unleashing conflicts. These methods are used in many areas of life

person and society to achieve the goals of a specific person or group

of people. Often it is the joint activities of organizations, states,

enterprises brings effective results in one area or another.

Today, the concept of “collaboration” is not often encountered. He was replaced

the term is partnership. But it is hardly possible to talk about the identity of these concepts

Can. Cooperation is the solution of a common problem through joint efforts,









implementation of your personal or narrow group plans. And often this

occurs at the expense of the partner.





















Declaration “On ensuring the survival, protection and development of children.”) family

is considered as the basic unit of society, which performs important









growth and development of its members, especially children, as well as for the care of the elderly,

disabled and infirm. The family remains the most important environment for preserving and

transfer of cultural values.

Throughout all periods of development of society, the function of education

was constantly carried out by the family. The educational role of the family was based on

is based








needs, needs








growing up

generations. It is in the family that the wealth of life experience, knowledge, skills and

skills were passed on from one generation to another, from parents to children with

with the help of the living example of elders, respect for ancestors and their customs.

Family education is a general name for the processes of influencing









carried out




due to its profound influence on the entire complex of physical and spiritual

the life of a person growing in it. For a child, the family is both

a habitat,



the initial period of a child’s life is much longer than other educational

impact. According to research, the family here reflects institutions

education, and the media, public organizations,

work teams, friends, the influence of literature and art. It allowed








is determined












dependence: like a family, like the person who grew up in it. This addiction

has long been used in practice. An experienced teacher only needs to look and

communicate with the child to understand what kind of family he is being raised in. Exactly

It is also not difficult, after talking with parents, to establish what in their

children grow up in the family. Family and child are a mirror image of each other.

Most families are aware of their responsibility to society for

parenting. But not all families raise children correctly. This

is explained by various reasons: parents’ ignorance of the basics of pedagogy,





of the past. Of no small importance are the difficulties in establishing between the father and




extremely important for the full development of the child, the formation of his







family education with social, correct understanding of educational

functions of public institutions. Unity in education carried out








are successfully formed moral feelings and the child's ideas, more





more organized

more targeted











to cooperate means to take part in a common cause, to work together.

Cooperation between a preschool institution and a family requires the presence of

parents have responsibility, and teachers have family centeredness

pedagogical activity based on considering the child only in
















The program of education and training in kindergarten emphasizes that





disseminate pedagogical knowledge among parents, help on a daily basis


bring up









cooperation with other children and adults, independent activity.

Opportunity to practice gymnastics, music, fine arts

etc. Family education and the work of teachers in a preschool institution





more developed.

Creating a single space for raising a child is impossible if

the efforts of teachers and parents will be carried out independently of each other

and both parties will remain in the dark about plans and intentions

each other. Therefore, cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family is necessary in any way

common cause, joint actions, in the process of raising children.




educational - educational work at the preschool educational institution. It is necessary to ensure that





improving practical educational skills of parents (conversations

be confirmed



joint activities of children and parents, etc.).




Ivanova. – M.: Education, 1985. – 96 p.

Guz A.A. Interaction between preschool institutions and families: a guide for

teachers of institutions providing pre-school education. education/

Mozyr: LLC Publishing House "Bely Veter", 2007.

Kindergarten and family / N.F. Vinogradova, G.N. Godina, L.V. Zagik et al.;

Ed. T.M. Markova. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Education, 1986.

Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – 2nd ed.,

repair and additional – M.: Az, 1994.




interaction in the interests of the child. Minsk "University" 2000



Yarmolinskaya, A.A. Petrikevich. No. 2, 2001

Hoop, No. 1, 2008// Modern child: family plus kindergarten.

Interaction between kindergarten and family V.I. Ermak. No. 6, 2001

Child in kindergarten, No. 2, 2005 // World of communication of a child L.A. Penkova,

T.I. Samofalova, G.M. Karataeva.

Social partnership between preschool educational institutions and families within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard"

The pedagogical culture of parents is one of the most effective factors in the spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of children preschool age.

The full development of a child occurs subject to the presence of two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the personal relationships the child needs, the formation of a sense of security, love for loved ones and family, trust and openness to the world.

Today, the new philosophy of interaction between family and preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, and supplement their educational activities (Russian Federation Law on Education). Recognition of priority family education requires new relationships between family and preschool. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of “cooperation”, “interaction”, “partnership”.

The main point in the context of “family - preschool institution” is the personal interaction of the teacher and parents in the process of raising and developing a particular child in a given family. In the practical implementation of this aspect, there is a need to develop technology aimed at establishing partnerships between teachers and parents.

Changes taking place today in the field preschool education, are aimed primarily at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coordination of the actions of the family and the preschool educational institution. A positive result will be achieved only when considering the family and kindergarten within a single educational space, implying interaction and cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout preschool childhood child. The role of the family in the upbringing and development of a child cannot be underestimated. Main feature family education recognizes a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. It is the example of parents and their personal qualities that largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, much attention will be paid to working with parents. Social partnership is a mutually beneficial interaction between various sectors of society aimed at solving social problems, ensuring the sustainable development of social relations and improving the quality of life, carried out within the framework of current legislation. One of the most important and closest partners is the parents of our students.

The problem of involving parents in single space child development in preschool educational institutions, it is decided in three directions: working with the preschool educational institution team to organize interaction with the family, familiarizing teachers with the system of new forms of work with parents; improving the pedagogical culture of parents; involving parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, collaboration for the exchange of experience.

Main tasks of the work: establish partnerships with the family of each pupil; join efforts for the development and education of children; create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; activate and enrich the educational skills of parents; support their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

The principles of interaction with parents are: a friendly style of communication between teachers and parents, an individual approach, cooperation rather than mentoring, interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Along with traditional forms preschool work We recommend using innovative forms and methods of work with your family: “ round table» on any topic; thematic exhibitions; social survey, diagnostics, tests, surveys on any topic; specialist consultations; oral magazine for parents, with different topics on every page; family sports meetings; helpline mail, helpline; family projects; intellectual rings for children and parents; tests for parents; interviews with parents and children on specific topics; parents' living room; family talent competition; portfolio of family success; auction of parenting secrets, etc.

In the process of working with families in preschool educational institutions, tasks related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents, children and teachers in associations of interests and hobbies, and the organization of family leisure are solved.

Open, direct cooperation, interaction between the preschool institution and the family, and the active inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten are the main principles of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution, in which it is possible to achieve the main goal of the educational process - the harmonious development of the child’s personality.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

“When there is no agreement among comrades, their business will not go well...”

Fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer". I.A.Krylov

The work clearly shows the inconsistency of actions of participants in a common cause, which does not lead to the desired results. Unfortunately, such situations, when “The Swan rushes into the clouds,” “The cancer moves back,” and “The Pike pulls into the water,” can be found not only on the pages of literary publications, but also in real life, in education. Subjects of the educational process, primarily teachers and parents, who have a significant influence on the development of the child’s personality, often cannot agree on why, where and how they should “move” in order to achieve the main thing - to help the preschooler live his childhood years happily and fully. The development of a common strategy is possible only under one condition - if the adults raising them have realized the need to unite pedagogical efforts and coordinate their views on life values, goals, objectives, methods of raising and teaching children.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education focuses teachers on close interaction with the families of students as the most important condition implementation educational program, including the direct involvement of parents in educational activities based on identifying the needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family, as well as psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health. It is assumed that the interaction between the kindergarten and the family is carried out within the framework of social partnership.

Social partnership and the involvement of parents in the educational activities of a preschool institution are far from the same thing. The most important features of social partnership in kindergarten are the equality of parents with the administration and teaching staff.

The term “social partnership in education”: “a special type joint activities between subjects of the educational process, characterized by trust, common goals and values, voluntariness and long-term relationships, as well as recognition of the mutual responsibility of the parties for the result of their cooperation and development" (I.A. Khomenko)

Thus, “social partnership” presupposes the active participation of all participants in the educational process: administration, teachers, children, parents, specialists from educational, cultural, and healthcare institutions. However, the organizing and coordinating role in the design and implementation of interaction between partners belongs to preschool teachers.

The experience of our preschool institution shows that constructive social partnership with the family is possible if the content and forms are updated.

Updating the content of preschool education is dictated by FGT and Federal State Educational Standards. In the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the educational areas that ensures the development of a child’s personality is social and communicative development. It is aimed at developing in children a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to their family, small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays. One of the means of developing these personality qualities is the museum of the kindergarten “Kindergarten from all sides”. The main goal of the museum is to develop citizenship among preschool children.

The museum contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

  • Implementation integrated approach to civic education of preschool children;
  • Introducing preschoolers to history, culture, traditions, and local attractions;
  • Protection and promotion of historical, cultural and natural monuments hometown and edges;
  • Formation of the fund of the stand museum and ensuring its safety;
  • Active excursion and mass activities with children, parents, close connections with public associations.

The organization of the museum is the result of partnership between parents, teachers, pupils of children's institutions, representatives of cultural institutions, under the project “Kindergarten from all sides”. Every year the museum is replenished with various exhibits donated by parents, kindergarten graduates, and guests.

The museum includes 8 stands:

  1. "The Origins of the Kindergarten"
  2. “Glory to the builders of the kindergarten”
  3. "We are citizens of a big country"
  4. “How beautiful our Ural is”
  5. “Lysva is a historical city”
  6. "Our neighborhood"
  7. “Lysvensky Drama Theater named after A. Savina"
  8. "Ural Writers"

Every year we expand the museum space and the framework of social partnership in the civic education of preschoolers. Two years ago, we fleshed out an idea for network interaction between city museums and cultural institutions, associated with sequential visits to them. By exchanging resources and information, we strengthen the capabilities of each institution and museum.

When organizing the work, we decided together tasks:

  • To develop in children a cognitive interest in museums as guardians of culture.
  • To develop in children the ability to understand the language of objects as carriers of encoded information.
  • Instilling in children a sense of citizenship of their homeland.

Model of network interaction between museums and cultural organizations of the city.

The choice of the city museum was dictated by the parents' request. Many parents took their children to the museum, but did not receive all the information during an individual visit. A visit to the “Stone Museum” is caused by the great interest of children in collecting various stones. Along with the city’s museums, cultural institutions play a large role in network interaction: Lysvensky Drama Theater named after. A. Savin, city library, children's music school. The institutions host not only excursions, but also educational conversations dedicated to fellow countrymen writers. Meetings are held with contemporary authors, actors, and musicians. During which children get the opportunity to reinforce information about the life and creativity of people living nearby.

Thus, we have found common ground in social partnership in creating a learning macroenvironment that promotes the formation of the civic position of not only children, but also their parents. New forms of interaction with parents also contribute to this:

  • Joint excursions around the city and memorable places. Parents act as tour guides.
  • Parent conference “Comprehensive development in kindergarten and at home.” Topics of parent speeches:
    • “Partnership between kindergarten and family to create a unified educational space”;
    • "Educating a young patriot in the game."
  • Open collaborative educational affairs.
  • The effectiveness of this form of interaction with parents is that both children and parents unite to achieve one common goal. Day open doors
  • for parents. A new form of interaction with parents of the kindergarten “Parent School”. The topic " Parent School
  • ", "Family and its laws":
  • Why does a person need a family? A happy family
  • . What is she like?
  • Social roles and powers of family members
  • Family traditions- the basis of the family structure
  • Our family today and tomorrow
  • Read and comment on the Family Code of the Russian Federation

The main tasks of the “Parent School”:

1. Increasing the competence of parents in legal matters.
2. Increased role family values, traditions in the development of a child’s personality.

Parents, together with their children, along with teachers, take part in various activities to educate children’s citizenship, in the design of museum stands, in excursion activities, and in search and research activities:

– participation in the competition “Family Coat of Arms”, “Family Flag”;
– decorating stands with essays and stories for memorable dates and anniversaries;
– participation in the competition “Red Book of the Native Land”, as part of the municipal campaign “Let’s Preserve the Nature of the Kama Region”;
– participation in the competition “Young poets about the small Motherland”;
– participation in search and research activities “The Street Where I Live”, “My Genealogy”, “My Dynasty”;
– competition of child-parent drawings “My favorite kindergarten”, “My family”;
– participation in the environmental procession dedicated to Environment Day and the production of attributes;
– participation in the photo competition “Children are playing!”, “Together with mom, together with dad”, Ural nature is presented;
– participation in the wall newspaper competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day;
– participation in an event to provide assistance to a resident of our city, Yana Vereshchagina.

In I.A. Krylov’s fable, the lack of experience in the interaction of all participants in a common cause led to the lack of results. In our case, by establishing partnerships with the family and social institutions, we only hope for a positive result. Namely, to raise a citizen of his homeland, to make a child aware of being useful to society and the people.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”
  2. Magazine “Kindergarten: Theory and Practice” No. 10, 2013
  3. Khomenko I.A., article “School and parents: stages of development of social partnership.”

Social partnership is considered as a special type of interaction. A definition of pedagogical partnership is given. The types of well-being are revealed - emotional, physical, social. Some problems in organizing cooperation from different sides are given. Aspects of pedagogical partnership.




“Social partnership between preschool educational institutions and families”

Preschool education today is undergoing significant changes. These changes determine both positive trends in the development of preschool education and complex problems that require solutions: ensuring the quality of education as the main task of Russian educational policy, as well as attracting social and pedagogical forces to preschool education as one of the factors of development educational environment preschool organizations.

One of the main problems of a modern preschool institution is the gap between the changing educational needs of society and the real capabilities of the education system.The path to a new state and a new quality of education is impossible without organizing a dialogue between the education sector and the parent community.

Building relationships between a preschool educational organization and a family in the system of social partnership is an integral part of updating the content of the work of a preschool organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. However, new approaches to interaction with families are determined not only by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, but also by changes in society and in the value system in general. modern family, the requests of today's parents for educational services of a preschool institution.

The current attention to social partnership is not accidental. It is due to the fact that partnership is the most effective mechanism for solving various problems, such as: developing a system of external relations and cooperation of preschool educational institutions with social partners; update experimental activities preschool educational institutions and improving their resource base (both obtaining material values ​​and expressing care, love, positive assessment, increasing the self-esteem of the teaching staff), etc.

State recognition of the priority of family education requires new relationships between family and kindergarten and is defined as social partnership, cooperation and interaction in joint efforts and communication. Expanding the scope of parental participation in the organization of the educational process of the institution is a way to increase effective activities kindergarten aimed at education. This is a social partnership with the goal of the full development of a child - a preschooler. The need for interaction and cooperation between kindergarten and family is a requirement social conditions time, it is impossible to raise a real person without the desire of both parties to succeed. The decisive condition for interaction and building partnerships is the rapprochement of teachers and parents of students, which is achieved by confidential communication, mutual understanding and is established only in joint activities. Teachers and parents are partners who complement each other, their relationship presupposes equality of parties, reciprocity, goodwill, respect, creating an atmosphere of common interests in education, conducive to dialogue.

Social partnership in the field of preschool educationis considered as a special type of interaction between educational institutions and participants in the educational process, government and local authorities authorities, public organizations, aimed at coordinating and realizing the interests of participants in this process (O.D. Nikolskaya)

Under pedagogical partnership of preschooleducational organization and family understand the system of interaction between teachers and parents of students in order to ensure the emotional, physical and emotional well-being of children.

Emotional well-being-- result the process of harmonization of parent-child relationships. Main components:

  • emotional acceptance of the child (unconditional love for the child, respect for his individuality);
  • Availability emotional atmosphere in the family (dominance of positive emotions);
  • emotional closeness of children and parents (developed empathy of parents, providing emotional support to the child, satisfying the need for emotional contact (desire for physical contact)).

Physical well-being - the result of introducing a child to healthy image life in a kindergarten and family. Main components:

  • hardening the child in kindergarten and family;
  • compliance with the daily routine in kindergarten and family;
  • compliance correct mode nutrition in kindergarten and family;
  • formation of cultural and hygienic skills;
  • maintaining the child’s motor activity.

At the core social well-beinglies in the social and moral development of the child and ensuring the safety of his life. Main components:

  • moral sphere of older preschoolers;
  • basics of safe behavior at home, on the street, in nature.

Based on the factors inhibiting the development of interaction between teachers and parents, described by E.P. Arnautova, and the results of a survey of teachers and parents, we will indicate the existingproblems in organizing cooperation between families and preschool institutions in ensuring the emotional, physical and social well-being of the child.

From the teachers:

  • insufficient preparedness of teachers in matters of health improvement, social and psychophysical development of children;
  • unwillingness to implement new approaches to interaction with parents as participants in the pedagogical process;
  • low level of pedagogical communication with parents;
  • incompetence in pedagogical methods and techniques for working with parents;
  • ignoring the wishes of parents, lack of feedback from teachers.

From the parents:

  • misunderstanding of the importance of the period - preschool childhood;
  • underestimating the role of cooperation with teachers of an educational organization and ignoring cooperation;
  • low socio-cultural level of parents;
  • incompetence in matters of health, psychophysical and social development children.

From the kindergarten management:

  • lack of a system for increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of protecting and strengthening the health of children and their psychophysical development;
  • lack of a system for joint work of preschool specialists (instructors for physical culture, educational psychologist, nurse, social teacher) and teachers.

In addition, in the process of interaction between family and preschool organization, the following contradictions are observed:

  • between the desire of preschool education specialists (psychologists, social educators) to provide assistance to families on issues of psychological and physical well-being and parents ignoring this assistance;
  • between the low level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of psychophysical development of children and the lack of a system of interaction between teachers and families;
  • between the passivity of parents and teachers’ ignorance of methods for activating the pedagogical position of parents and the formation of pedagogical reflection.

The problems identified above indicate the need to develop a model of pedagogical partnership between a family and a preschool organization.

The concept " pedagogical partnership between educational organization and family"includes three aspects: social, organizational and pedagogical.

Social aspect. A preschool educational organization is an open system that promptly responds to parents’ requests, allowing them to develop a trusting attitude and a desire for mutual understanding in matters of psychophysical development, education and training of children of early and early preschool age. Parents are the customers of educational services and partners of teachers in ensuring the emotional, physical and social well-being of children.

Organizational aspect. Work within the framework of a pedagogical partnership between a preschool educational organization and a family is based on the system: child-parents - educators - specialists.

Pedagogical aspect. The personal developmental and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults and children determines their subject - subjective relationships.

The study of pedagogical literature, generalization of the results of modern research and experimental activities led to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family in ensuring the emotional, physical and social well-being of the child will increase significantly if:

  • teachers, parents and children act as subjects of educational relations;
  • the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the psychophysical development of the child is taken into account;
  • a model of the process of pedagogical partnership between preschool educational institutions and families was designed and implemented.

Thus, the parent community, acting as a partner in the diverse process of educating and educating preschoolers, formulates a social order for education and shares responsibility for the state of the educational process in a preschool institution. The partnership between preschool educational institutions and parents for educational purposes has a long-term educational impact on preschoolers, setting a practical example for children and forming the values ​​and traditions of socially oriented initiative.

Slide captions:

Social partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family of Krasnikov A.A. 2016

Social partnership is the most effective mechanism for solving various problems

Teachers and parents are partners who complement each other, their relationship presupposes equality of parties, reciprocity, goodwill, respect, creating an atmosphere of common interests in education, conducive to dialogue.

Social partnership in the field of preschool education is considered as a special type of interaction between educational institutions and participants in the educational process, state and local authorities, public organizations, aimed at coordinating and realizing the interests of participants in this process (O.D. Nikolskaya)

The pedagogical partnership between a preschool educational organization and a family is understood as a system of interaction between teachers and parents of pupils in order to ensure the emotional, physical and emotional well-being of children.

Emotional well-being - emotional acceptance of the child (unconditional love for the child, respect for his individuality); the presence of an emotional atmosphere in the family (dominance of positive emotions); emotional closeness of children and parents (developed empathy of parents, providing emotional support to the child, satisfying the need for emotional contact (desire for physical contact)).

Physical well-being - hardening of the child in kindergarten and family; compliance with the daily routine in kindergarten and family; maintaining proper nutrition in kindergarten and family; formation of cultural and hygienic skills; maintaining the child’s motor activity.

Social well-being and moral sphere of older preschool children; basics of safe behavior at home, on the street, in nature.

Aspects of social partnership Social aspect. Organizational aspect. Pedagogical aspect.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4" p. Grachevka Grachevsky municipal district

Stavropol Territory

Exchange of experience on the topic:

“Ways of interaction with families of pupils in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education in MKDOU Kindergarten 4”


Senior teacher of MKDOU

Kindergarten 4 p. Grachevka

Guliyan Diana Vyacheslavovna

guliyan . diana @ yandex . ru


Organization of interaction with families of pupils in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education in MKDOU Kindergarten 4

Slide 1. Cooperation between teachers and families - this is a joint determination of activity goals, joint planning of upcoming work, joint distribution of forces and means, joint control and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals and objectives.

Slide 2. At this stage, our kindergarten is gradually turning into an open educational system: on the one hand, the pedagogical process of the preschool institution has become more free, flexible, differentiated, and humane on the part of the teaching staff, on the other hand, teachers are focused on cooperation and interaction with parents and nearby social institutions .

Slide 3. Thus, it turns outthat social partnership - mutually beneficial interaction between various sectors of society, aimed at solving social problems, ensuring the sustainable development of social relations and improving the quality of life, carried out within the framework of current legislation.

Slide 4. We solve the involvement of parents in a single space of child development in three ways:directions:

Working with the team to organize interaction with families, familiarizing teachers with the system of new forms of working with parents;

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

Involving parents in the activities of the kindergarten, working together to share experiences.

Slide 5-6. In solving these problems, we outlined the principles of interaction between teachers and parents. Thisfriendly communication style, individual approach, cooperation, dynamism.

Slide 7. A positive attitude towards communication is a solid foundation on which all the work of our kindergarten teachers is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. For this we createdteachers' club "Happy Communication" . At club meetings, I, as chairman, teach teachers communication styles and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations. We act out the problematic moments that teachers face during the day.Individual approach not only in working with children, but also in working with parents.

Slide 8. Cooperation , not mentoring. Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. The following forms of work are successful:"Mom's Tutorials" - Every week one of the parents prepares a “TRAINING” in parent's corner taking your personal family experience on a particular topic as an idea.

"Parental comprehensive education" - which is the main part parent meetings, as well as in the form of consultations.

Slide 9. “Introduction to professions” - This is a new, joint form of work in our kindergarten. It consists in the fact that parents themselves get used to the role of a teacher, introducing their children to their profession. Educators actively help them in this, preparing RPPS in the group, and then consolidate the acquired knowledge during the week.

What are the ADVANTAGES of the new system of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils:

Slide 10-11. Taking into account the child's individuality . Our teachers constantly maintain contact with the family, know the characteristics and habits of their student and take them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the pedagogical process. For this purpose, in the development maps of each child, an individual route for the child has been created based on his habits, characteristics of upbringing and directions of development. Individual educational route is a personal way to realize a child’s personal potential in learning.

Slide 12 . Strengthening family ties , emotional family communication, finding common interests and activities. One of these indicators was a trip to the All-Russian competition “Musical Rainbow” in Sochi, which was organized by musical director together with parents. Our students took prizes there. Social survey showed what it isCooperation with a kindergarten contributes to the spiritual rapprochement of family members through numerous contacts that inevitably arise in the course of this activity.
Slide 13. Ability to take into account family type and style family relations , which was unrealistic when used traditional forms working with parents. Here we conducted a study “Social and psychological characteristics of the family” according to the program of A. M. Volkova and T. M. Trapeznikova. At this stage we used interviews and document analysis. Here we found that the majority of parents, more than 50%, are executing parents, followed by parent leaders and 20% parent observers.

Slide 14 . Possibility of implementing a unified education program and child development in preschool educational institutions and families. Collaborative activities help families learn more deeply about how to implement the kindergarten educational program.

"Parade children's transport", "General subbotniks", " Joint activities»

Slide 15. Functions of work of MKDOU Kindergarten 4 with a family:

Psychological - pedagogical education parents;

Familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process organized in the preschool educational institution;

Involving parents in joint activities with children;

Assistance to individual families in raising children;

Interaction of parents with public organizations.

New forms of interaction with family.

Slide 16. In the process of working with families in preschool educational institutions, we solve problems related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents, children and teachers in associations of interests and hobbies, and the organization of family leisure.

In addition to traditional forms of work, preschool educational institutions and families in preschool educational institutions began to actively use innovative forms and methods of working with families.

Slide 17. Operation of the kindergarten website since 2013 (guest book operation, parent page, daily events and activities).

On the website, parents learn about plans, events taking place in the garden and the life of groups. Parents can always find information about the kindergarten, about the education and training programs implemented by the teaching staff, about the conditions for admission to the kindergarten and the documents required for this. Parents can also look at photos, videos and ask questions about raising and educating their children.

E-mail, where teachers and educators exchange photographs, documents, and links to useful resources.

Slide 18 . Joint activities with parents and children .

Joint leisure activities are always a great success. Parents actively attend these events and give good feedback, wishes to teachers. These forms of work are the most popular among parents, because they allow you to see the real achievements of each child.

Slide 19-20. Family creativity competitions;

Exhibitions are organized joint creativity children and parents. Parents are happy to participate in such forms of work that have become traditional and arouse great interest in children and the desire of parents to work with their children.

Slide 21. Projects and events with families of pupils

Thanks to the joint efforts of teachers and parents, we created a Memory Archive and a Memory Stand for Victory Day “Thank you to grandfather for the victory.”

There is a helpline mail and a helpline in every group of preschool educational institutions.

Slide22. Family Marathons

Interviews with parents and children on specific topics;

Family Talent Competition;

Slide 23. All of the above forms of interaction with parents have been tested.

After conducting a survey of parents, analyzing the state of the institution’s work on this direction. We came to the following results (screen)

And our teachers have become more proactive and bolder. They show creativity, invention, and imagination in order to bring their new ideas to life. Educators began to communicate more closely with all parents, and not just with activists, involving them in group events.

For now, the initiative mostly comes from teachers, but it is already clear that parents are interested in preschool educational institutions. Never before have parents participated so often in the joint affairs of the preschool educational institution and the family. Communication between teachers and parents has changed: the relationship has become a partnership. Parents and teachers consult with each other, suggest, convince how best to organize an event or holiday. Formal communication disappears.

Based on the results of parents' satisfaction level educational process, the team came to the conclusion that the created system of work of our institution allows us to maximally satisfy the needs and requests of parents

At the end school year a survey was conducted among parents on the topic “Assessment activities of preschool educational institutions" 94% of parents are satisfied that their child attends this kindergarten, and also gave a positive assessment of the quality of work of the entire team.