Statuses about a quarrel with a friend. Statuses about relatives

Our respect! Here is an article with the title Statuses about relatives with meaning with cool illustrations. Take the status you like and post it on your favorite social network. networks. Good luck, enjoy reading

There should be no limits for us. Richard Bach

Every person has reasons for his actions: the real one and the one that sounds good.

There is wind in my head, but my thoughts are always fresh.

A true friend will never ask me why?

Attachment is dried love. Lydia Yasinskaya

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls. Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

The first victory is not a victory.

You don't need much to be happy. Hot chocolate, favorite music, a warm blanket and now you are happy.

Home is where our junk is stored while we are away from home to get more junk. George Carlin

In a Western, you can kiss your horse, but not your girl. Gary Cooper

In friendship, as in love, what we don’t know more often brings happiness than what we know. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women. Spiegel Efim

While waiting for the goose, don't miss the duck.

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

If it works - kvass, but if it doesn't - sour cabbage soup.

Smile and you will have friends, frown and you will have wrinkles

How much do we Russians need?.. A pack of dumplings, a pot of borscht, a kilogram of sausage. Well, eat something

We are drawn to another reality. Dreams, memories...

If you want results that exceed your expectations, don't expect much. Konstantin Kushner

Friendship is more tragic than love - it takes much longer to die. Wilde.

O life! Why were you given to us? To love, to suffer, but when to live?

Youth... A rising wave. Behind the wind, ahead of the rocks. W. Wordsworth

If you're good at something, don't do it for free.

My packaging is very fragile. Very short shelf life. Only in a warm and bright place. Only in someone's loving heart...

I want happiness... such small happiness, with tiny arms and legs and with your eyes

How interesting, I thought, how everyone talks endlessly about progress. What is it? The fact is that the oldest professions are acquiring an electronic interface, that’s all. Progress does not change the nature of what is happening. The Holy Book of the Werewolf by Victor Pelevin

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

In women, gratitude is only a tiny step away from love. Giacomo Casanova

First love is usually experienced several times. Leszek Kumor

A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to a wound, without waiting to be attracted. Antonio Perez

Better friend or brother? - A brother, when he is also a friend, is better. Unsur al-Maali

True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. F. Mauriac.

Betrayal now promises many benefits. Devotion has become a feat for a person. Visakhadatta

I would love to be better! But it couldn’t be better!

...Summer is sunny happiness, good mood, an end to depression, a beautiful tan and endless joy...

Love should be with someone who wants to wake up with you all their lives.

There are people who live without any purpose, who pass through the world like blades of grass in a river: they do not walk, they are carried along. Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger

A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; optimist - sees opportunity in any difficulty. Winston Churchill

Being selfish does not mean living the way you want. It means asking others to live the way you would like.

Falling in love does not mean loving. You can fall in love while hating. F.M. Dostoevsky

The brightness and richness of the colors of the life of an old man or a baby depend on its meaning. David Starr of Jordan.

We become like the people we interact with. So choose your environment - no matter how unique we are, it still affects us

Children are the anchors that hold their mother in life. Sophocles

We all run after happiness, and when we catch it, we are very surprised: after all, happiness was very close - you just had to reach it with your hand...

As a child, playing in the snow, I was very glad that they hit me, but now children, if they hit them, can insult me.

Under the glitter of smiles and rings, with the downcast gaze of a timid chamois, cuties walk down the aisle, bitches emerge from under the aisle...

True friends are those who have one soul in two bodies. Michel de

In the coldest winter, I learned that there was an invincible summer within me. Albert Camus. Notebooks

Life is short, art is endless.

How nice it is when you know that someone secretly and sincerely admires your every move.

Look around! Open your eyes wider! Well, not everything is bad in this world!

Truth is rarely pure and never unambiguous.

My mother told me as a child that money doesn't matter. Truth and honesty will lead to success in any field. However, she was wrong about many other things Barzan

Loving means looking not at each other, but together, in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Hatred, like an advanced cancer, corrodes the human personality and takes away all vitality. Martin Luther King

You lie on the hay, the sky is so deep... But the men don’t see this!

The collection of Statuses about relatives will be filled with meaning, and all inaccuracies will be corrected. Leave comments and like.

There are two types of relatives: “Hurray, you’ve arrived!” and “Hurray, they won’t come!”

I understood why my blood relatives drank all my blood!

The best way to communicate with relatives is over the phone.

Sometimes it seems that all the people around are relatives and they all share some small inheritance among themselves.

If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives.

God gives us relatives... Thank God, we choose our friends ourselves.

To be rich, you don’t need to have rich relatives - you need to have good relatives!

The husband's relatives are like a gift in a package - it looks very beautiful and decorated with all sorts of bows, but inside it is not very useful, an outdated trinket.

Spend every day of your life as if it were your last: lie on the bed, cough, gather your relatives, piss yourself.

Promise is a distant relative of the fig.

Do not take sin on your soul, excess on your chest, and relatives at work.

The more beautiful the husband, the more terrible his relatives are.

Nowadays, relatives from the village are cool: they have an ecologically clean area and bio-products.

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he “fuck” me! We are definitely relatives.

Sometimes life makes me doubt who is a relative and who is a friend.

You find out that you have many relatives when one of them suddenly leaves you an apartment as an inheritance!

Some of my relatives completely contradict the laws of genetics.

If you tell me who your relatives are, I won’t learn anything new about you.

I can only talk about my relatives. Because the words are all unprintable.

I’ll hang everyone and I’ll hang myself. I’ll hang out on the chandelier and disturb my relatives’ watching TV.

A normal person should live alone... At a distance, there are good relatives, a good wife and a good husband. But if we live together in the same apartment, it’s a madhouse.

If all my relatives stopped celebrating their birthdays, I could save up to fifty thousand a year.

Judging by how everyone is actively adding each other as relatives, our city is one big friendly family.

I love holidays very much - because many, many different relatives will come and there will be many, many gifts and fun!

It's not so bad to be poor, it's worse to have poor relatives.

The corpse was so criminal that the police released it to relatives only for the duration of the funeral.

I hate it when my parents tell my relatives about my mistakes!

Lovers are afraid of separation, the anger of relatives and pregnancy.

My relatives believe that they have only one responsibility towards me - to teach me how to live.

Relatives are not appendicitis, you can’t just cut it off.

I sneezed, but no one said to me, “Bless you!” Does anyone know what to do in this situation? Have you written your will yet? Gathering relatives?

If all the relatives of one ordinary citizen have a business, villas, yachts, then most likely the true owner of all this is the ordinary citizen himself.

Relatives are a group of people who are unfamiliar with each other and who gather together with everyone, depending on their number.

Not every relative is a close one. But every close one is a relative.

Do you want to know how many relatives you have? Buy an apartment near the sea.

Family is not necessarily relatives, but also friends, and everyone who is dear to you.

A son-in-law is an ungrateful relative of a holy woman.

We often begin to appreciate our relatives only when we almost lost one of them.

When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it would be impossible to endure them. But when they are away, we console ourselves for their absence by dwelling on their vices. When our relatives are at home, we are forced to think about all their good traits, or it would be impossible to bear them. But when they are away, we console ourselves about their absence by focusing on their shortcomings.

Is there a person in your life that you think about more often than yourself, but he is not your relative or loved one? Is it your friend.

Relatives are not chosen - they are assigned from birth.

It’s infuriating when relatives come from distant volosts and lament that you haven’t married anyone yet and don’t have any offspring.

I noticed that my relatives began to rarely call me. They are clearly hiding something, most likely money.

What good does family and life bring? Children, squabbles, problems, lack of funds, diapers, smells of eternal cooking, visits to relatives, boredom in bed, growing old together and the realization that you hate your other half.

One of our relatives comes to visit us all the time, so our house is always noisy and fun!

Relatives and relatives are two completely different words.

New cool laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

Family is strength

  1. Poverty is not a vice. Poverty of relatives is a vice.
  2. Missing your family isn't that bad. It’s worse when you miss their absence.
  3. The less often my relatives call me, the more money they probably have.
  4. Whatever one may say, but sometimes good friend- better than any relative.
  5. They say that you can get along with any neighbor, as long as it is not one of your relatives.
  6. The advantage of a rare surname, no matter what it is, is that you will definitely recognize a relative.
  7. Remember that having a sincere and caring relative is very rare.
  8. Popular wisdom says that if you have money or living space, your longevity annoys everyone.

Relatives as punishment

Bad relatives are not only a perpetual nuisance, but also an option for status. Make your moves beautifully!

  1. Any problem needs to be solved and talked about offensive words- means to be weak.
  2. It's bad when good husband You have to pay for it by communicating with his relatives.
  3. Relatives, like friends, are known to be in trouble.
  4. It's a shame that people I once considered close to me have turned into generators of advice I don't need.
  5. What a pity that we don’t choose our own brothers and sisters...
  6. Unfortunately, envy is a common occurrence between relatives.
  7. Among my relatives, I only respect my mother. And, you know, that's enough for me.
  8. You need to talk about family happiness either to complete strangers or to no one.

Relatives and not so much

A person who is related to you by blood and at the same time a friend is a real rarity. It probably deserves the status of being about relatives with meaning.

  1. I look at my relatives and think: how come people don’t shy away from us...
  2. Bonds are not the main thing. The main thing is support and mutual respect.
  3. The family can be large, or it can consist of one person. Think about it.
  4. Finding someone with similar interests to you at a gathering of relatives is priceless.
  5. Yes, they are not the richest and not the most educated. But I know that they are there for me!
  6. Having many different uncles and aunties is bad. If they all need to give gifts.
  7. They say you need to talk about what worries you in time, because then it may be too late. So, dear sisters and brothers, you will definitely get it right!
  8. Happiness is when you like your own men even more than the man himself.

When life turns into war

Statuses about husband's relatives with meaning should be as subtle as possible and, at the same time, hit the bull's eye. We have created a selection of just these!

  1. Sometimes you want to thank fate for the people you met fleetingly, and sometimes you want to curse for your one and only mother-in-law.
  2. I really want to believe in karma and that I’m not enduring this in vain...
  3. It’s bad when you love your husband so much that you are ready to tolerate all his relatives.
  4. Only those mothers-in-law who understand how difficult it is for their daughter-in-law in Perova can bear the title of “mother”.
  5. When communicating with your spouse's relatives, it is better to remain silent. But even here you run the risk of being too talkative.
  6. I’m definitely not a writer, but if I were asked to describe my mother-in-law and father-in-law, I would write a whole book.
  7. After getting married, I realized that gossips are not only on benches...
  8. It’s so good that there are other people to communicate with besides my husband’s family.

When you are the only normal relative

Problems communicating with his mother or brother? No problem! After all, there are statuses about husband’s relatives with meaning.

  1. I wouldn’t mind going not only to the Cote d’Azur, but to any place so as not to see your faces!
  2. I wish you long life, but only without me.
  3. They don’t choose their parents, it’s a pity, not just their own.
  4. A holiday with his family is a real school of survival.
  5. It’s not that I don’t want to come to you, it’s just that my flower is sick. You see, I’m sitting there wiping his snot.
  6. The closer the time of their arrival, the more difficult it becomes to breathe...
  7. I've already seen his mother. I'm afraid I need to put off getting married. Maybe a year, maybe two, maybe several dozen years.
  8. You know, I’m ready to pay any money so as not to hear your extremely valuable advice. It’s better to let life teach...

Cry from the heart

Ideal people do not exist, and, in principle, ideal relatives do not exist. Especially from a loved one. Statuses about bad in-laws with meaning never lose their relevance.

  1. I have nothing to talk about with those who are poor in soul.
  2. I used to think that no one could piss me off in 5 minutes. I got married and changed my mind.
  3. They say that my mother-in-law is a second mother, but for some reason my mother doesn’t hate me, in my opinion.
  4. Beware of friendly mothers-in-law - this is how they usually hide a truly dark soul.
  5. Every woman wants her daughter to find a better husband than a father. But not a single woman thought that their son would find a better wife than his mother...
  6. I’ve never been able to manipulate, but just a little more, and his mother will show in practice absolutely all the intricacies of this matter.
  7. In fact, the husband's relatives are nice and friendly only on the first day of meeting, and even then not always.

Get out of conflicts the right way: without words, but with status!