Short rhyme about the alphabet for children. Poems about the alphabet, alphabet and letters

Boris Zakhoder

Furry alphabet

In this alphabet -
See for yourself! —
Live letters:
With tails
With a mustache,
They can run
And fly
Crawling and swimming
Bite and grab...
The letters are furry,
The letters are feathered,
Slender letters

And even hunchbacks
Dear ones,
Water -
Who are they?
Did you guess it?
— …………!



Let it begin
Just like the alphabet
It starts with "A"!



No reason
At home
Hold the BISON
Since it's ruminant
Rough and dark!



The CAMEL decided that he was a giraffe,
And he walks with his head up,
Everyone has
He makes you laugh
And he, Camel, spits on everyone!

Why are you sad, SPARROW?
- Few
It became Horses!
It's hard even for Sparrow
Feed your family!



As is customary among snakes,
VIPERS bite your leg,
And therefore
When meeting her
Take your feet in your hands, children!


I haven't met for a long time
And I didn’t miss anything
In separation!



Old Hedgehog
In the forests of the Caucasus
Once I met a Porcupine.
- Well well! - exclaimed the Hedgehog,
Who do you look like!



This little animal is quite harmless,
True, her appearance is unenviable
People called the poor thing "ECHIDNA".
People, come to your senses!
Shame on you?!



- Why are you, Hedgehog, so prickly?
- This is me just in case:
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!



I really like GIRAFFE -
Tall stature and gentle disposition.
Giraffe - he is taller than everyone else -
Even lions are afraid.
But I wasn’t blown away by such success
Giraffe heads.
Easily breaks a lion's back
The blow of his hoof
And he eats leaves and grass -
And not always enough...
I really like Giraffe
Although I'm afraid he's wrong!



Doesn't know any snow
Not a blizzard
He was born and raised
On South.
To the palm trees
And to the southern sky
Got used to it
Although he's just a bull.



And best friend
He will honestly say:
You are a turkey!



Here is the BOAR.

He's wild and vicious
But it is quite edible.
There are advantages
Even such a pig!


In a warm bag
For children,
And the kids are KANGURIES
All day


The whale spends its entire life in water,
Although he is not a fish.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
For which we thank him:
It would be cramped on land
From such a huge carcass!


COBRA curled up behind the glass
Stupid and unkind.
Seen at first glance:
Little brain
Lots of poison.


a lion

LION was considered the king of beasts,
But that was old times.
They don't like kings these days,
And Leo is no longer a king.
He brutally strangled everyone,
Brutally straightened out
But the rules are bad, they say,
I couldn't handle things.
Now he sits quietly,
And in front of him is a fence.
He is dissatisfied, this Leo,
But that’s what he needs!



I asked Kangaroo:
- How can you stand the heat?
- I'm shaking from the cold! —
Kangaroo said to Walrus.



Who is RHINO
Way to go
Will give in
He will undoubtedly act wisely.
He, the thick-skinned one, likes to push
What's it like
To the poor passerby?
It's good that such ignoramuses
Will meet
Less and less!



- Our ancestors, your ancestors
We were swinging on one branch,
And now we are kept in a cage.
Is this good, kids?



How beautiful
All peacock
From the tail!


If you can, guess
What will the PARROT tell us?
“That’s what he’ll say, I suppose.”
What did they hammer into the parrot!



This bunny is our fellow countryman
It's called RUSAK!



He is the largest on land,
A very, very kind ELEPHANT.
Apparently, even among animals
The one who is kindest is greater!



I hung my nose forever,
He is sad about one thing:
He was going to become an elephant
I haven't grown up yet.


It is clearly drawn on it.
And it suits you very well
The cannibal's bars!

Seal diligence

Causes surprise
Diligence seal:
All day
The SEAL is lying,
And to him
Don't be lazy!
It's a pity,
Seal's diligence -
Not a role model!



In all honesty I will say:
I feel bad, I feel bad, AWESOME,
I look very ugly...
But I am not poisonous!



Only at night
And in the light -



Lions and tigers
They are being tamed.
It's rare, but it happens.
But no one yet
Couldn't tame
God bless,
What a ferret
A very small animal!



For what
Such a wearer
So that the herons
They grabbed the fish!



Makes everyone laugh
Because he's in no hurry.
But where
Hurry up
Who is always at home?



JACKAL doesn't have it
Nothing lacking:
Hyena appearance,
Fox habit
Rabbit courage,
A wolfish grin—
Why else is he crying there?



Grab, swallow
PIKES can -
They don't need science!



I'm talking about the ostrich
About EMU,
I would write to you
But I just don’t understand:
Emu he
Or emU?!


Southern Whototam

I frankly admit:
There is no beast
Starting with the letter "Y".
I him
I came up with it myself!



In appearance
The Yak is very formidable,
But he is a big good man:
They say,
On it in Tibet
They ride boldly
Even children!

Samuel Marshak

About everything in the world

A East lived on our roof,
A Mice lived underground.

B the egemoth opened his mouth -
B The hippopotamus asks for the street.

IN a bird flew into the window,
IN The pantry is eating millet.

G Rib grows among the path,
G tin on a thin stem.

D the calf lived in an empty hollow,
D he hammered like a chisel.

E she looks like a hedgehog:
Yo Well in needles, the Christmas tree too.

AND he fell and couldn't get up,
AND he is a child, who will help him.

Z we saw everywhere during the day
Z and the river above the Kremlin.

AND she lay down on the branches of a spruce tree,
AND His eyes turned white overnight.

TO from catching mice and rats,
TO roller cabbage leaf nibbled.

L odies sail on the sea,
L The people are rowing with oars.

M A bear found food in the forest:
M there was a lot of honey, a lot of bees.

H Osorog butts with horn -
H Don't joke with a rhinoceros.

ABOUT slick was angry today:
ABOUT I found out that he is an ass.

P the tortoise wears an argent,
P shakes his head in fear.

R the gray mole crawls into the ground -
Destroys the garden.

WITH the old elephant petes calmly,
WITH he knows how to sleep.

T Arakan lives behind the stove,
T oh so warm place.

U the student learned his lessons -
U his cheeks are inked.

F the lot sails to its native land,
F lag on every ship.

X ferret walks through the forest -
X beautiful little animal.

C Aplya is important, big-nosed
C The bright day stands like a statue.

H The ace operator narrowed his eye:
H init watch for us.

Sh college student, schoolboy, you are a strong man:
Sh You carry the earth like a ball.

SCH I brush the puppy with a brush,
SCH I'm kicking his sides.

E that button and lace -
E electric bell.

YU nga, future sailor,
YU He brought us some sweet fish.

I there is no year sourer than cranberries,
I I know the letters by heart.

Gusarova Tatyana

Animal alphabet

If you believe the pictures and books,
The stork brings children to families.
I ask: “Bring it quickly
I want a sister, or better yet, a brother.”

The hippopotamus barely fit in the pond!
I look at that TOO fat, huge belly
And I think, how did he grow it?
He probably drank water by the tanker.

What is it about the camel that I like so much?
Of course, the food pantry is on the back.
A camel may not drink or eat for a long time,
After all, there is moisture and food in its humps.

He stretched out his neck, hissing,
Runs towards me with all its paws
Mischievous. Neighbor's goose.
Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

“Knock-knock-knock” and “knock-knock-knock” -
A loud woodpecker knock is heard.
A woodpecker peels a cone.
He will eat some seeds and be full.

The poor echidna cries:
“I am kind, I am pretty.
I wish I could change the name!
This is the punishment!”

Carries apples on his back
Hedgehog for little ones.
There is no ascorbic acid in the pharmacy -
Let them at least eat apples.

The giraffe looks down on his brother animals.
He sees the secrets of enemies and friends.
All the secrets are known to him alone,
But he won't tell anyone about them.

A snake is basking in the sun.
“That’s good,” I thought. -
The rays will warm the snake,
She will get better."


“I don’t have time to communicate with you,”

The turkey said contemptuously.

And I don’t want to be friends with him,

Let him wander alone.

A fountain shot up into the sky
Ocean giant.
It's strange, he lives in the water,
There's plumbing inside.

It's like someone is turning a faucet:
There is no fountain - there is a fountain.

“What a red-haired beauty!”
Voices are heard.
This is a fur coat I updated
Patrikeevna Lisa.

The mouse loves cheese very much.
With holes or without holes?
If only I were fatter
Yes, a larger piece.

“Don’t pry, it’s none of your business,”
You can safely tell anyone.
And he will take the horn and put it in.
Such a cunning rhinoceros!

Monkey at the zoo
Ate three big bananas
In probably six seconds.
I wish I could eat so quickly!

The hard-working bee knows no rest.
I collected pollen from flowers and bushes
And he carries a precious load to his hive,
And in the honeycomb, the nectar turns into honey.

This cat is great!
Won't you pour her some milk?
And you can’t say in your hearts: “Scram!”
What kind of cat is this? Rrrry!

I look with all my eyes:
Blue dragonfly
Circling right above the water
And admires himself.

Everyone is afraid of his claws,
He is powerful and proud.
And yet the tiger is not the king of beasts,
Since there is no crown, there is no mane.

Ducks swim in the pond.
I'll come closer
“Ooty-ooh,” I’ll tell them,
I'll offer them some worms.

In a wild, gloomy forest
Someone is making a terrible noise.
This is the father owl's daughter
Lulls you to sleep before bed.

The birder was worried:
Khokhlushka is in shock today!
Tried to drag the chickens away
An evil, merciless ferret.

They fled in the swamp,
All the frogs, who goes where,
And the heron walks in sadness:
“Where, where is my food?”

The turtle crawls slowly along the sand.
He carries a heavy shell.
But she can’t do without this burden,
The shell will help her escape from her enemies.

Don't confuse me with a honey bee
Although just as beautiful, there is no pollen
I won't put honey in honeycombs.
But I buzz louder than all insects!

The pike went hunting
Because there is a hunt.
Hey crucian carp, hide
Beware of the predatory pike!

Electric Stingray
Electric ramp at great depths.
He is slow and quite good-natured.
We just don’t recommend touching it,
He might give me an electric shock for this.

Yula (wood lark)
Doesn't shine with plumage,
It will not lure you in with loud singing.
Like a sparrow, small
A modest bird, a spinning top.

It looks like a bull, but not a simple one.
It is covered with thick fur,
He looks menacing, but is kind.
This is a mountain dweller - a yak.

Igor Ilkh



He's excavating
In the field and on the hill.
And in the southern desert,
And in blizzard Siberia,
And in all parts of the country
He's antiques
Looking for museums,
To mouth off
Looked into the depths -
How we lived in the old days.


What Marina dreams of becoming
The best ballerina in the world!
She has a calling
In the field of dance.
Spinning like a carousel
At dance school number seven.
And for these talents
We bought her pointe shoes.
Scratching the parquet with your foot
Let her dream of ballet!
Let her swim like a swan
In the lake of agile years.


Dinky the cat had
The nose is like a piece of ice.
It became hot and dry,
Like a battery.
We decided as a family -
The cat is sick!
They took Dinara
We're going to the vet.
This doctor treats with courage
All sick animals.
The cockerel gets sick -
He will prescribe the powder.
Chickens will get sick -
Prescribe medicines.
Even a parrot in a cage -
Prescribed pills.
And now in the Petrov family
All animals are healthy!

Makeup artist

He works miracles -
Converts in half an hour
Boys and girls
To grandparents.
Converts quickly -
In the kings of artists.
He is the artist Tolik
Turned into Louis.
And the artist Sveta -
To young Juliet.
The director is happy
He shouts: Motor!
And on a new role
The make-up artist is working.


Gathered in the orchestra:
Flutes and celestas,
Double bass and oboe
But they play differently.
Each one for himself:
The drum is on the pipe.
There is a piano on the horn.
That's how sad it is.
The conductor will do
And he waves his hands.
Immediately without error
The violins will play.
With a kind smile
The bassoon will sing.


The reserve includes a ranger.
There is a gun hanging on his shoulder.
But don't be afraid of the bird in the sky,
Don't tremble in the forest, beast...
Don't be afraid of the lynx on a branch,
Wolf and red fox.
A huntsman is kind, a huntsman is accurate.
He protects the forests!
If a pest enters the forest -
The huntsman will be the winner.
He will find the poacher
And he will restore order.
Animals know, birds believe -
You can be proud of being a huntsman!


He doesn't sit still -
Travels along the roads.
Been to war too
And at an important construction site.
Journalist in his country
Brave man!
If something happens somewhere -
A journalist with a notepad rushes.
He'll write about it in no time
And he will send it to the newspaper.
The best ovation for him -

Snake catcher

Snake catcher, snake catcher,
Show us your catch!
Out of the bag, without a sound,

A viper crawled out...
Instead of roach fish -
The cobras hissed!
Even though the snake bites -
The snake catcher can handle it.
He knows - from the venom of snakes
There are medicines for people.
Zmeelov. Zmeelov.
Hide your catch quickly!


In our class there is a boy, Tolik.
His father is a historian.
He will always tell us
About Russia and Vietnam.
About China and Greece -
Will give a lecture.
He knows all the dates of the wars
And when, to which countries,
Floated on the wings of the waves
Magellan's caravels!
He knows everything in the world.
He shares them with us.
He always tells us this:
So that trouble doesn't happen
On your home planet.
And there was no more war -
Everything in the world, even children,
You must know HISTORY!


So that a talented actor
Didn't hurt my forehead or hands -
Famous stuntman
He will perform tricks for him.
He's at full speed
And without any timidity,
Crashes into a dense forest
By car - Mercedes.
Can jump from a skyscraper
And offer your hand to the cobra,
And enter the big fire -
If the director says so.
Everyone knows that he is a trickster,
This man is a trickster!

Elevator operator

"Up and down! Up and down!" -
Lift is our motto!
Carries, carries all day
He has no rest for people.
But sometimes it happens
Something bad happens to him.
The elevator is always our faithful friend,
But I got tired and suddenly broke down!
And then we will soon -
Let's call the elevator operator.
He will find a reason
The patient will fix the elevator.
And trembling with joy
The elevator will go up the floors!


He paints, paints, paints:
And a car and a balcony.
Paints the walls, paints the doors,
So that they sing with color!
Paints, paints, paints, paints.
A world without colors is not beautiful.
The world is made of color.
Life has a bright color.
Suddenly they enter your apartment
All the colors, all the colors of the world...
And fill the evenings
Miracle painter's brush!


Like an electrician irons,
He repairs brains.
Sees sharper than an eagle owl
Every curve.
If something is wrong in the brain,
He'll think: "Uh-huh...
The brain capitulated.
We must operate!
Because it’s bad, alas,
"Man without a head."
Neurons live in the head
Like crows on a tree.
And these neurons, in total,
Help people think.
The head is our faithful friend.


The cutter has talent -
Seeing a diamond in a stone!
He will take the stone in his hands
And it will put things in order.
The edge will cleanse it,
Like a suit at the dry cleaners;
Grinded, polished
A dull oval stone...
The stone, unsightly in appearance,
Became a beautiful amethyst.
And he fell, burning like a flame,
In a gold frame for mom!


Absolutely all the guys
I really like fireworks!
If the country has a holiday,
Fireworks are not harmful to her.
A volley will ring out and the kids will
They will shout together: HURRAY!
Look - what a miracle
The pyrotechnician made it for us.
Lights flash everywhere:
Andryushka is happy, Lyuda is happy.
On New Year's Day you can
Fire a volley across the sky!

Radio DJ

Mom - music for dancing.
Dad loves to listen to jazz.
Fifty radio stations
We have it in Volkswagen!
And on every radio
The presenter makes us happy.
Then he turns on the music,
Then he will tell a joke.
Then he will find out about traffic jams,
Then he will read the news to us.
Without a DJ, to be honest,
We are not interested in traveling!


He will build exactly on time:
Skyscraper and stadium.
Kindergarten and hospital,
A line of shops.
Even a house, I tell you,
Where does my family live?
(and other residents)
They built - builders!
There, at the construction site,
huge crane
Lifts tons into the sky
Reinforced concrete slabs.
Welders melt iron.
Plasterers rule the walls.
Bricklayer lays bricks.
Painters will paint the vault.
The foreman is watching everything.
And the foreman is in charge,
To build for the people
And apartments and factories!


For a good athlete
A coach is definitely needed!
He develops dexterity
At sports training.
Both in the pool and on the court,
He raises sports heroes.
A coach is no small thing!
Athletes say this:
To score pucks into the goal
And send the ball into the net -
A coach wouldn't hurt us,
For skill and good luck!


He will teach you to draw,
Combine letter with letter;
He will teach ethics
Reading, arithmetic.
How is the earth structured?
How many masts does the ship have?
What is the treble clef for?
Why is the hedgehog prickly?
How many planets are there in space?
About museums, about ballet,
About rain and wind
He will tell you, children,
Teacher-teacher -


For a sick person
Pharmacy intended.
If the children get sick -
I buy pills here.
The doctor gave me prescriptions
I took them to the pharmacist.
He studied the recipes
And he gave me the medicine.
Masha made the mixture himself,
He gave me the pills and knocked out a check.
Pharmacist at our pharmacy
The most important person!

Grain grower

Exist in the world to
People ate buns, muffins...

Only the winters will run away -
The grain growers are right there.
Bread will be sown and reaped!

In a field as yellow as the desert,
Golden fields are ripening,
Bread filled with sunshine.

In the summer they will come out in a caravan,
For a rich harvest,
There are combine harvesters in the fields of the country.

There are wheat snowdrifts in them
The grain growers are cutting their hair.
To fill the world with bread!

Circus performer

Like cakes from the oven,
In bright, festive clothes,
To the center of the round arena
Circus performers run out:
Red-haired clown makes faces
And my sister and I laugh.
Rider - rides on a horse,
And the gymnast, in the heights,
The eel squirms.
Here we will freeze in fear:
Look quickly, dad
A lion walks on its hind legs!
Jacket magician
He took out a white puppy.
Acrobats, without fear,
They climb on top of each other.
And the juggler throws ribbons,
Skittles, hoops, balls...
And applause sounds
Well done, you circus performers!


He is caring like a father
Leads the sheep to the meadows.
Together - young and old,
He gathered the sheep into a flock.
To become a big sheep -
You need to eat well!
Sheep walk on the grass
Chewing food
Talking: Meeeee
With a shepherd man.
From an ambush, knowing a lot,
A wolf looks at the flock.
The sheep will go to waste
Kohl will fall behind the flock.
To the bully wolf
Fight back, drive away the beast,
The shepherd has dogs
And a reliable gun.
He will fire a gun once -
It will scare away the wolf right away.
And home the obedient sheep
It will lead you to a cozy barn.


They drive briskly along the road:
And a taxi and a truck driver,
Both a bus and a KAMAZ.
The driver carries the order in them:
That will take people to the house,
Then - products to the grocery store;
Or - to the army of a soldier,
Or - to the Duma deputy.
To fires and hospitals
He's in a hurry
rushes with a flashing light.
He drives and drives day and night,
To help everyone!


Living comfortably in our house:
There is a TV, a computer,
Refrigerator and stove
Called "Dream".
There's a washing machine here
He washes our clothes quickly,
And on the peak ceilings
Chandeliers shine with light bulbs.
They are sitting in their places -
They eat electricity.
The current eats what is hidden in the cage
Electrical outlet.
Don't mess with him, my friend.
He's evil - electric shock!
But it happens, it happens -
The current disappears somewhere...
And then we get lonely
If suddenly there is no current.
To meet him -
We're calling an electrician.
Let's invite him to dinner -
Only an electrician is friendly with electricity.
He will come and catch the current,
Our house will shine again!


He spends the day
In the workshop on Tverskaya.
Jewels - boss;
Nearby there is a magnifying glass and a soldering iron...
And in my mind - swifts are flying -
Necklace drawings!
Earrings and rings -
They walk like sheep.
Brooches and pendants
They bow to him!
Because their idol is
Miracle master - JEWELER,
Which of the dragee stones,
Like the great Faberge,
Creates for the umpteenth time
Beauty for our eyes!

Yacht builder

Wow-ohty, wow-ohty -
Look what yachts
We settled down at the pier!
They were built first...
Before, the tree was cut
And then he was tarred
Skinned and varnished
They gossiped about the seas...
The boards were knocked down together at once -
The yacht has a frame!
The side of the body rattled
Heavy metal anchor.
Stitched to the deck
The masts are two high.
And on the masts there are miracles,
Like wings - sails!
Maybe boldly, at full speed,
The yacht is going out to sea!

Beautiful children's poems about all 33 letters of the alphabet with pictures. Funny and cheerful poems by Russian songwriters about letters from A to Z and original poems about the alphabet and alphabet. Many are suitable for children in kindergartens; there are “mature” poems for schoolchildren for competitions and presentations. In addition to poems, there are riddles about letters.

Poems about letters

the letter a

The letter "A" is the head of everything,
She looks respectable
Because the letter "A"
The Alphabet begins!
Asters, storks, pharmacies
Friends with the letter “A” forever!

Here are two pillars diagonally,
And between them there is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter A.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

We need to know the letter A
To read something
Ah, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!

A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's why she's famous.
And it's easy to recognize:
He puts his legs wide.
(A. Shibaev)

Everyone knows the letter "A" -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter "A"
Main in the alphabet.

Astra, alphabet, quince
Starts with A.
And they end in A
Astra, alphabet, quince.

letter B

Letter B - big beech,
He frowns and mumbles:
- I won’t forget the letter brothers
Even small grievances!

So I’ll take it and I’ll be bad -
I'll stick my tongue out at you!
Or - a terrible bully!
Boo-boo-boo and be-be-be...

Give her a sweet bagel
Tie a white bow -
The letter B will be kinder
He will become friends with letters!

A ram galloped up to the cry,
He began to beat the drum,
Call the letter “B” for help,
To help out a friend!

The letter B is in my mother's beads,
The letter B is in large watermelons,
In a kind, sweet grandmother
And a beautiful butterfly!

Cheerful, fat clown
Plays the trumpet.
On this pot-bellied one
Looks like the letter "B".

letter B

Letter B Bactrian camel
The proud one carries it on his back.
It's a shame for the one-humped man -
The letter B is not visible on it.
(S. Ostrovsky)

"B" is a very important letter,
I imagined it was terrible.
The chest is like a wheel, the stomach is inflated,
As if there is nothing more important here.

letter G

G is a cheerful, kind gnome!
There are many tales about him.
He comes into the guys' dreams
At night and even during the day!

On the letter G, like on a horse,
Gleb was driving around the garden,
But to the pea beds
Gleb did not run with his legs.

The goose cackles ha-ha-ha,
Where are the guests, gentlemen?
I was expecting guests today
He called the letter G to come.

Geese, jackdaws and loons,
Rook, wood grouse and dove,
There are containers and bars between each other,
Love G, my friend.

Stork on one leg
Reminds me of the letter "G".

letter D

This is the house where good friends are,
There is smoke above the house, and there is a door in the house.
We guessed it - you and me, -
What should I write now?

Letter D - spacious House.
It's warm, cozy in it.
Toys live there
Dolls and animals.

You will find it everywhere:
In the gray beard,
And at the very bottom in the water.
Did you guess it? It is D!

“D” is like a neat house
With a high gable roof.

letter E

Grandfather is riding in a cart.
He turned one hundred years old.
A raccoon lives under a bush.
Egor goes outside.
(V. Lomovtsev)

"E" looks like a comb
He can do everyone's hair.
Let's learn, learn the letter "E" -
That's all we've learned.
(V. Anoshina)

In the word spruce we hear “E”,
We will write the letter “E” like this:
The trunk and the trunk have three branches.
Let's remember the letter "E", kids.

We always start with the letter E:
There is wonderful food
And the ride comes from her
We will go to the letter E.
(A. Manfish)

letter E

Yo ran along the path,
I lost two points,
Crying while sitting on the ground:
- Now I’m not Yo, but E!

From the wings of a ladybug
I brushed off two dots deftly,
Secure them with grass
The letter E above the head.

In parting she said:
- I have a lot of points!
Don't worry, letter E,
It's all yours now!

The letter "е" always has eyes
And with prickly hedgehogs.
The hedgehog carries her on his back
With blackberries and grass.

letter Z

Look at the picture:
"F" looks like a snowflake.
Here's another one -
"F" flutter by the window.

The letters are spinning in the air
They lie on the palm of my hand!
Here are three more letters "F"...
No, they've already melted!
(A. Usachev)

"F" has so many legs
As if the letter could crawl.
The letter "F" is for sure
A beetle's shadow on paper.

letter Z

The letter "Z" to the number "Three"
He speaks in your ear:
- Look, look,
Dear friend,
Until what?
Until what?
Until what
We, too
What we have in common is
You are like me
And I'm like you.
We look alike like chicks
Maybe we are twins?

You will find the letter 3 in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.

The letter Z looks like a V.
Head, tummy too.
Only on the left without a line
You draw the letter Z.

letter I

At the needle-needle
The nose is thin and prickly,
And sticks out of my ear
Friend thread.

You embroider with a needle,
Don't let yourself inject yourself in vain.
And if it pricks, turn it
In a non-thorny letter... (I)

"I" is like an accordion
On a scared cat.
“And” between two straight roads
One lay diagonally.

Look at the gate:
Why is she not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally.

The donkey repeats the letter I,
Adding the letter Y.
Will not calm down -
Everything screams: ya! and I!

letter Y

At the station "I Brief"
We were greeted with a riddle:
“Read, dare and guess -
How, without getting up from your seat,
You can turn the tram
How many trams?
One of us for about three minutes
I thought about the solution
And he answered: “Erase the hook
Above the letter “And short”.

There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:
Tea, random, secret, extra.

The letter "Y" and the letter "I" -
They are very similar.
Two sticks, still oblique
This is the crossbar.

letter K

The alphabet is interesting
In continuation of the poem,
Next will be the letter Ka,
Half a beetle.
The carousel goes round and round.
A mouse is not a cat's friend.
The brush dips the paint.
The finger presses the button.
A cactus is growing in the room.
Kolya Kostya will find it.
(Vladimir Lomovtsev)

Where did the letter K go?
Apparently she also ran away
It became boring in the ABC book,
Here he is, walking in the yard.
He is friends with a cat and a dog,
And with a bully kid,
Yes, I ran to the cow,
Then I chatted with the chickens.
I rode on the swings,
Yes, she rushed off to the ABC book again.

The questions begin
Starting with the letter "Ka"... nothing but questions!
Who, where, when, to whom?
How to answer? I don't understand!
The letter is very interesting
He wants to know everything about me.
(V. Anoshina)

“K” dances with one paw,
And he waves his other paw.
And at the same time the letter “K”
Like the antennae of a beetle.

letter L

Let's write the letter L first.
Two boards cover the roof.
Let's put on a belt for the letter L -
Let's change L to letter A.
Let's write the letter L again.
Let's underline it with a line below,
We put the legs on the sides -
The letter D comes out to us.
If you are two letters L
I managed to write next to it,
Then they are for the joy of everyone
Will turn into the letter M.

A little fox is walking through the forest,
The little fox repeats the letters,
One two three four five,
How to avoid losing the letter L.

An avalanche of glorious “L”s is pouring -
The rain hits you on the head,
These “L”s love me,
They stick like I'm Lucy.

The alphabet will continue our
The letter "L" is a forest hut.

letter M

I'll tell all the guys
There are no problems with the alphabet,
For those who know the letter em.
My dear mommy,
Washing a dirty pan.
The car is parked outside the window.
The mouse in the hole squeaks.
There are many benefits from carrots.
Misha plays the ball skillfully.

The car came to us:
Mishka brought us Raspberries,
Delicious Honey and Milk,
And he went far.
The Ball jumped - “It’s me!”
The letter “M” is mine now!”
One two three four five,
We need to know the letter "M"!

Mom is the best word
The baby is ready for the letter “um”
Learn from the cradle:
“Mom, yum!” - he screams awake.

It's easy to know this letter
Who has been on the subway at least once?
In the evenings it shines for us all
There is a letter "M" between the houses.

letter N

The rhinoceros shouts to his friends,
I brought you the letter N,
You need to know the letter N
To celebrate the New Year.

The letter N is like a ladder,
We're all moving forward
Like a ladder, wonderful thing,
It calls us to the world of knowledge!

I'm talking about the letter "N"
Suddenly a song came up:
N-n-n-n-n-n-n -
It turned out to be a ladder.

letter O

"ABOUT!" - said the letter “O”, -
“Everyone has known me for a long time,
I am a lot like:
On the ring, on the steering wheel too,
In a circle, in a bun.
Wheel, moon, flower -
Dandelion or chamomile.
On a plate with semolina!”

Letter "O" - moon and sun,
The house has a round window.
And the clock and the wheel,
And that, it seems, is not all.

There is no angle in this letter
That's why it's round.
She was so round before
I could have rolled.

letter P

Someone recently said:
"P" is like a gate
I was too lazy to object
I knew that “P” is like a stump.

Letter P in the gym
They called it the crossbar -
Come on, honey, don't be lazy,
Come and pull yourself up.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,
Gets acquainted with the letter P,
For Dad to read,
Everyone needs to know the letter P.

letter P

How to remember the letter "R"?
Everyone can, for example,
Place your hand on your side
And introduce “R” to each other.

The crow says: - Car-r-r!
I have a huge gift.
I am an example to all the guys,
The letter “R” is not difficult for me.

She will tell you, for example.
About turnips and fish.
Guys, this is the letter R -
We will say without error.

The letter R is growling,
Simply wonderful.
With this letter trill
They love waxwings.

letter C

Rainbow to the sky
The letter "C" is bent.
She tensed her sides -
Supported by clouds.

And the bridge has a huge weight
The letter “C” also holds it.
A river flows under the bridge -
The bridge is concrete for centuries.

The letter "S" is a heavyweight.
The letter “S” serves people!
(S. Ostrovsky)

What letter is glowing?
Old clear month?
Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

We need to know the letter C
To read the word
Laughter, ingenuity, airplane,
The letter C calls for flight.

The elephant stands so big
He shakes his head
He gives us the letter C,
The same O, but in half

letter T

The tram stood under the letter T:
If you want to go, don’t yawn!
T - calls you in a taxi.
You ask the driver -
He'll get you there in no time
Exactly to the specified area

T - antenna -
Above the roof -
He will see everything, he will hear everything,
We turn on the TVs,
We don't get bored in front of screens.

Looks like a "T" antenna
And on the umbrella too, it seems.

The letter T will cover you
From the rain,
From the snow
It's hot.

letter U

I find it interesting
I, guys, letter U.
Coal gives us heat
The hurricane carries a log.
The knot holds two ropes.
A smart person is already dexterous in hunting.
There is a corner for punishment.
Ulyana is busy knitting.

A duck can do everything -
Catches fish with a fishing rod.
She'll have fish soup for dinner.
She needs dill for her fish soup.
There are a lot of words starting with “U” around:
Morning, street, iron.
One two three four five,
We need to know the letter “U”!

Everyone knows the letter from the cradle,
“Oooh” the child hums to everything.
He raised his finger and looked menacingly,
“UHHH!!!” the horn is honking seriously.

The letter "U" resembles ears
On top of the bunny's head.
Snails have horns too
They look like the letter “U”.

letter F

And the pheasants asked:
- Find us the letter F, owl.
But, sighing heavily,
An eagle owl hides in a hollow.
Eagle owl even with a lantern
Sees nothing during the day.

Everyone knows without prompting:
The letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.
We never have it
Karabas will not take away

F got a little angry,
Hands on hips.
Eagle owl, flag, hairdryer and lantern...
Here's a dictionary for the letter F.

The letter "F" puffed out its cheeks
Or put your hands on your hips.

letter X

The letter "X" laughed:
“Even though it’s cold in winter,
I'm not tired of sledding
It’s an icy ride down the hill.”

Letter "X", you laugh
And a good brag!
We'll start a round dance,
Let's sing together and have fun.

letter C

We learned a lot of letters,
We got to the letter C.
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where in the middle, where at the end.
Chain, flower and number - here
Everyone will read it at the beginning.
And in the words Father, fighter
We write Ts at the end.
A heron walks through the swamp,
Her chicks are waiting in the nest.
The circus will open on Saturday
The fighters have already arrived.
Reported to the shop for work
Young blacksmiths.
In each line the letter C -
Like a pebble in a ring.
And on each page there is
On the border and in the capital.
And in the chickens on the porch
There are also two letters C.

This letter is catchy
With a cunning, tenacious paw.
- Come, who cares,
I'll scratch you in no time.
Here's the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw

Letter C -
There's a hook at the bottom
Just like a tank with a faucet.

The letter "C" stands sideways
And hooks everyone.

letter H

Letters, letters...
Give them free rein -
There will be plenty of letters.
The whole day the PIPE was silent,
I missed my owner...
The letter H came to the pipe -
The trumpeter found the trumpet.
The TRUMPETER played on it -
It immediately became more fun!…

The letter H said: “Yes!”
I saluted someone.
Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.

Insects have the letter "H"
You will find it in crickets and locusts;
Grasshopper, butterfly, bee -
Oddly enough, “H” is cute to everyone!
(M. Yasnov)

Turtle Tortilla
I grabbed the letter H
Turtle, come out quickly,
Give back the letter H to the children

letter Ш

The letter "Ш" in these words:
School, pole, charade, check.
I wrote the letter “SH”:
Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.


Hello, my reading

Hello, my reading:
A, B, C, D, D, E, E!
I will read it out loud to everyone:
F, Z, I, J, K, L, M!
Well, let me re-read it again:
N, O, P, R, S, T, U!
Read with me too:
F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, S!
b and b
There is no way for us to read them!

But I read it twice:
E, Yu, I!
E, Yu, I!
(M. Yasnov)

ABC song

Thirty-three sisters,
Written beauties,
Live on one page
And they are famous everywhere!
They are rushing to you now,
Glorious sisters, -
We really ask all the guys
Make friends with them!
A, B, C, D, D, F, F
We rolled up on a hedgehog!
3, I, K, L, M, N, O
Together we climbed out the window!
P, R, S, T, U, F, X
Saddled a rooster
C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I -
That's all they are, friends!
Meet them, kids!
Here they are - standing next to each other.
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who are not familiar with them!

(B. Zakhoder)

Thirty three

(Alphabet in poetic form)

A, B, C, D, D, E, E

Know your place
F, Z, I, J, K, L, M

Remember who is behind whom,
N, O, P, R, S, T, U

Stand together at your post,
F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch

Get ready slowly
b, s, b

Stand next to me like this!

Hurry: E, Yu, I

Here is the family in collecting letters.

Miracle ABC

For my holiday, Santa Claus
I brought the miracle alphabet...
Well, let me learn it:
A, B, C, D, D, E, E
And I will continue without any problems -
F, Z, I, J, K, L, M,
And then I’ll read more -
N, O, P, R, S, T, U
And I’ll add from the bottom of my heart -
F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, S,
In the end it will be like this -
Solid sign ( Kommersant) and soft sign ( b),
And in the end, I know
Very simple - E, Yu, I...

Who has the desire
Read the miracle alphabet
Letters one from A to Z
He'll learn quickly - just like me!

(N. Maryanin)

From Watermelon to Egg

AA watermelon, Bb yk, INV ol,
GG ora, G Araj and G ol.
Dd oska, Ee l, Yoe and,
In the word "e" and" And AND you will find it.
Zh abor, ANDAnd l, Yth od,
TOTo holidays and To from.
Ll imon, Mm ors, Nn it,
ABOUTO need to sew a dress.
PP Arik, RR is, WITHWith He,
TT Ramway or T Alon.
Uat Ha, Ff inn, XX on the,
Cts Igeyka and ts ena.
Hh ashoba, Shw urup,
SCH- sch Abel, and also sch pack
b, s, b words don't begin
But even though it happened this way,
They are not forgotten.
Euh emblem on the machine,
YUYu la in your hand,
II egg and letter I
Last in the alphabet yaya.

Repeat these letters
To remember, three times,
From the beginning to the end,
From A watermelon before I eggs.

(E. Berger)

Alphabet for little ones

Hello little friend!
Sit down and listen to my poem.

To become an adult sooner,
You must be able to read
So as not to be Dunno,
You need to learn the alphabet:

A, Be, Ve, Ge, De, E, Yo, –
How is your health, friend?
Zhe, Ze, I, I short, –
O Y, sweet jam!

Ka, el, em, eN, O and Pe
They are traveling on a train, in a compartment,
With them - ER, ES, Te and U,
The locomotive whistles to them: Oooh!

eF, Ha, Tse, Che, Sha and Shcha
They catch bream in the lake.
Solid sign- such an eccentric!
With Kommersant I ate all the rolls on an empty stomach.

In the word "fish" there are two " Y»
And one - in the word “m s».
Soft sign is in the word “know” b»
And in the words “read b", "pisat b».

E, Yu, I, E, Yu, I
Literally a cheerful family.
Together - whole alphabet,
He keeps the letters inside himself.

There are whole letters in it thirty three,
Learn them all, watch!
If you put the letters together, it will be syllable,
So that you can read it.

Behind the syllables and words
All science is not new,
And you start reading the Primer,
You can soon become a Znayka.

You will learn a lot of words.
Well, study and be healthy!

(V. Filippov)

Educational video for memorization ALPHABET

Poems for children about the alphabet and the alphabet, which are collected on our page, will be useful to teachers, after-school teachers, kindergarten teachers and parents who strive to give their children more knowledge and ideas about the world around them.

A short poem about the alphabet

What is the alphabet?
You guys know him.
The letter is always there
In its own special place.
We learn, we learn by heart
Alphabet we are together,
So that he can help find
In dictionaries, where necessary.


What's happened? What's happened?
The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained my leg
Uppercase letter M,
G hit me a little
AND completely fell apart!

Lost letter YU
Your crossbar!
Finding myself on the floor
Broke my ponytail U.

F, poor thing, so swollen -
No way to read it!
Letter P turned over -
Turned into a soft sign!

Letter WITH completely closed -
Turned into a letter ABOUT.
Letter A when I woke up,
I didn't recognize anyone!
Y. Tuvim

ABC song

Thirty-three siblings
Written beauties,
They live on the same page,
And they are famous everywhere!
They are rushing to you now.
Glorious sisters, -
We really ask all the guys
Make friends with them!
They brought us a hedgehog!
Together we climbed out the window!
We saddled the rooster!
Ts Ch Sh Shch E Yu Ya
That's all they are, friends!
Meet them, kids!
Here they are, standing side by side.
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who are not familiar with them!

Poems for memorizing the alphabet

A, b, c, d, d, f, f –
We'll wash the clothes.
F, h, i, j, k, l, m –
I'll quickly eat the orange.
N, o, p, p, s, t, y –
Let's take a walk on the bridge.
F, x, c, h, w, sch –
Oh, what a thicket!
ъ, ы, ь –
They won't be remembered at all.
E, yu, I -
That's it, my friends.


Know your place!
Remember who is behind whom!
Stand together, everyone in a row!
F X C Ch Sh and Shch
Take your time to settle in!
b s b
Stay close, like this!
Hurry up, E Yu Ya!
Here is the family collecting letters!
S.F. Zhuikov, M.M. Zelenina, E.G. Carlson

Memorize these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them,
And for you they are the keys
To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road
A bunch of magic keys.
You will find a way into any story,
You will enter any fairy tale.

Will you read books about animals?
Plants and machines.
You will visit the seas
And on the gray peaks...
Wonderful lands for you
Will open the path from " A" before " I».

Forest Academy

One day in the summer, on the lawn,
Very smart cockchafer
Founded for insects
Academy of Sciences.

The Academy is open!
From dawn to dawn
Forest insects
Study ABC books:

A-Shark, B- Birch,
IN- Crow, G-Storm…
- Bumblebee and Fly, don’t buzz!
Calm down, Dragonfly!

Repeat, don’t get confused:
D- Road, E-Raccoon…
Turn to the board, Grasshopper!
You sat backwards!

AND— Crane or Toad,
Z- Fence or Snake...
- Don’t make the bug laugh, Komarik,
Move away from Ant!

AND-Needle, TO- Nettle,
L-Larva, Linden, Meadow...
—Who did you set the nets for?
Get out, evil Spider!

M- Bear, Mouse, Sea.
N- Burbot, eh ABOUT- Deer…
- They don’t go to the academy
Those who are too lazy to study!

P-Parsley, R- Chamomile,
WITH- Bough or Morel...
-Cockroach, don’t make faces!
Don't tell me, Cricket!

T- Blade of grass, U - Snail,
F— Violet, X- Ferret...
— After the first break
We will continue our lesson!

Bugs learn the alphabet,
To become literate,
Because it's not enough -
Just crawl and fly!


At the mole's feast

Between themselves for centuries
Live in harmony "G" And "TO",
And “K” doesn’t get offended,
When it is replaced by "G",
What is similar in appearance to a heron?
And he stands on one leg.

A MOLE once opened
There is a huge GROTTO in the garden.
Got a bag of BONES
And invited GUESTS.
From afar JACKAL
WALKED to the feast with him.
Toptygin TOOK OFF his hat -
The jackal DIED from fear.
And the crab fight with the CRAB
Let's go in the shade under the hornbeam.
The hedgehog curled up into a BALL,
His sleep became DEEP.
And, having eaten BARK,
Bunny under the MOUNTAIN,
To excel in GAMES,
I danced until my calves hurt.

Naughty letters

The little sparrow galloped -
I found some CRUMBS somewhere.
He ate one right away
Right on the path
The rest I didn't have time to do:
CATS interfered.

"TO" into the mechanic's pocket - jump! —
And in your pocket there are ROLLERS.
From your pocket at the same moment

Somehow the gazelles got it into their heads
With letter "G" start GAMES,
And they almost got eaten for it
Their ruthless TIGERS!

This is such a laugh:
"R" fell on the CAT!
The cat is not a cat now, but a MOLE,
He is digging an underground passage.

How letters getting married

How lonely the poor guy is M,
He has completely dried up from melancholy,
Like a cockchafer in a box.
And here is a beauty letter U
Once I met him
On the alphabet trail.
And poor M said with a prayer:
-Let's get married.
But he was met harshly:
-You M, I U, and together MU?
I don't need to moo my whole life.
Goodbye, I'm not a cow.
Our M was terribly offended.
But the letter Y he wooed.
And she agreed.
She told him: “We
Let's make a word together WE,
And this is so wonderful.
Yu. Vronsky

The poems are funny, dynamic with funny stories, and will certainly appeal to adults and children. From them the children will learn that there are 33 sister letters in the Russian language. That they are in a certain sequence. With the help of poetry you can easily learn the alphabet.

When reading, it is advisable to explain to children that language has letters - these are what we write and read, and sounds - we pronounce and hear. It is desirable that children clearly differentiate these concepts. Because consonant letters and sounds have different sounds. For example, “rrrrrr” is a sound, but “er” is a letter. At first it is difficult for children to understand and assimilate, but over time they will understand it and their knowledge will be systematized.

Start small and soon great things will come to you and your children!