A teacher thanks parents in an elementary school with a letter. Text of gratitude to parents from the parent committee

A physics teacher wrote to the teachers' council, who in a month will be graduating from the class for the first time. He needs to prepare letters for his parents, and this is the problem: he writes that he can eyes closed He can't fix the iron, but he can't write smooth text at all. The teachers' council is ready to help! We have written several texts that may be appropriate for certificates from the class teacher to parents. We hope that these texts are useful to you.

Thanks to parents for raising children

Text 1

Dear _______________________________________!

The administration and teaching staff ______________________________ thanks you for raising a beautiful daughter.

Over the past 5 years, we have come to know ___________ as a purposeful, responsible, honest, generous person, aware of the value of knowledge, and respectful of himself and others. We are sure that it was the family that laid the foundation for the development of her personality in ___________.

Thank you for your hard work as a parent!

Text 2

The administration and teaching staff __________________________ thank you for raising a beautiful daughter.

In ____________ all these years we have seen the fruits of your parental labor. Your daughter has repeatedly demonstrated commendable hard work, diligence, varied interests, a kind disposition, and a benevolent attitude towards the world.

Thank you for raising ___________ exactly like this!

Text 3

Dear _______________________________!

The administration and teaching staff of the gymnasium ____________ thanks you for raising your beautiful daughter.

For all 5 years, ____________ has delighted us with her successes, her responsible attitude towards her studies and her life, her love of life and decency. We are aware that it was your daily parental work over many years that turned a small child into a beautiful girl respected by everyone.

Thank you!

Text 4

Dear _______________________________!

The administration and teaching staff _______________________ thank you for raising your son.
_______________ has repeatedly demonstrated his positive qualities, which, we are sure, were instilled by his family.

Thank you for your help to the class teacher in conducting class-wide activities.

Text 5


The administration and teaching staff _________________ thank you for raising a wonderful son.
__________ showed himself to be an extraordinary, creative and comprehensively developed personality, quickly winning the respect of his classmates and teachers.
The class teacher thanks you for your regular help to the class.

Thanks for the help to the class teacher

Text 1

Dear ___________________________!

My deepest bow to you for your invaluable help to the class teacher and all our children! You became a strong shoulder that I could always lean on. It was thanks to the attention and help of my parents that I, as a class teacher, worked calmer and more comfortably. Thank you very much!

Text 2

Dear ______________________________!

For me, all these years, you have been an example of a creative attitude to life, an inexhaustible love of life, and a responsible solution to any problem. Your help and support have become a real gift for me, the support that is so necessary for any class teacher. Many of the performances of our class were so bright, memorable, enchanting precisely because of your imagination, your responsible attitude to the matter, your enthusiasm. Please accept my gratitude for your work!

Text 3

Dear _______________________!

Thank you for your attentive and active attitude to the problems and needs of our class! I have always highly valued your willingness to help, provide support, and make efforts to solve the problems that have arisen. Thank you very much!

Text 4

Dear ________________________!

From the bottom of my heart I write to you words of gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the life of our class. The ability to count on your support helped me in the most difficult moments. Your devotion to our children, your enthusiasm, your responsible attitude to business are treasures that cannot and cannot be priced.

Low bow to you!

Text 5

Dear ___________________!

I am immensely grateful to you for the help that you never refused me! I have always seen you as a reliable support, a faithful adviser. Please accept a deep bow from the class teacher and our entire class!

The world rests on caring, responsive people who cannot pass by, always ready to help and provide support. Thank you for your trust, care and participation. Your help is extremely valuable and will never be forgotten.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you very much for your help. You did not turn your back on me and did not spare your strength, your time to help me in my business. Please accept my sincere gratitude and good wishes health, peaceful skies above your head, comfort in your home, prosperity in your family and incredible happiness in every new day.

Thank you very much for your help, for your understanding and your responsiveness. I am very lucky to have a person like you in my life. I sincerely wish you health, optimism, confidence in yourself and in the future, great happiness in the present and bright hopes for the future.

I sincerely thank you for the help and assistance provided in difficult times, I express to you my respect and gratitude for your concern and kindness.

A short

I express my sincere gratitude to you for your assistance and assistance provided to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention and support.

I want to say a huge thank you for your help, for the responsiveness of your soul and the kindness of your heart. I sincerely thank you for your efforts and efforts on my behalf, for your concern and understanding. I wish you all the best in life, good luck on your journey and your loved ones nearby.

Thank you very much for your help in this matter! It’s very nice to have people nearby whom you can turn to and rely on in difficult times! I sincerely and with all my heart thank you for this!

Without your support, without your help, I would not have been able to cope. Thank you so much for being my lifeline in this matter, for having such a kind heart, such an open soul. Thank you and sincerely wish you always remain the same wonderful person walking a happy path, loved by family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and even just acquaintances. All the best and health.

Nowadays there are so few kind and sympathetic people, but know that you are one of them! I sincerely thank you for your help and wish that your kindness will return to you a hundredfold! I wish you all the best, good health and fulfillment of all your desires!

In this article we will consider not only how, but also why a letter of gratitude is written to parents for their active participation in the life of the school. Letter of thanks- This is a Soviet tradition, but extremely important for encouraging parents and children. This letter is a certificate expressing gratitude to parents from the school management and teachers.

Gratitude can be expressed not only for active participation in school life, but for the child’s successes, his good upbringing, and for help in a variety of school situations. Such a letter can be drawn up in different options, but there are certain important points to pay attention to. First of all, the letter is written only on the school’s letterhead (even if a postcard is taken, the letterhead is inserted into it with gratitude). What date will it be?

What to write about?

A letter of gratitude to parents for their active participation in the life of the school; templates for writing it may vary. In this material you see photographs that are ready-made templates. You can open them in large size, save them to your computer, and then print them. But it is not at all necessary to use such ready-made templates. In principle, the letter can even be handwritten.

Interesting! Of course, in most schools, to make things easier, thank you notes for parents are printed from the computer. But such a letter, filled out by hand with a fountain pen containing liquid ink, looks especially beautiful and honorable. This is a classic that is considered a fashion standard today.

Of course, I want the letter to parents to not only be written according to a strict template that is followed year after year, but also to be sincere. Of course, the teacher who writes the letter will have to try hard. First of all, pay attention to the fact that the text should not be pretentious. If possible, you should avoid pompous phrases and hypocrisy. Here, sincerity and simplicity should become the main beacons when composing such a letter.

Also, when composing a letter of gratitude to the parents of schoolchildren for their active participation in the life of the school, you should try to avoid empty phrases, even if they sound beautiful. Simple phrases from the heart can convey the depth of feelings and gratitude to parents. Again, the negative aspects of literacy also need to be kept silent. It is possible that a child of particular parents is not a very good student or is constantly playing pranks. But this is a letter of gratitude specifically to active parents, so you need to focus on the positive aspects and pleasant information.

The letter of gratitude should be written in such a way that after reading it, parents understand how important their active position is for the school, how much they facilitate the process of teaching and raising children simply by their participation. You can thank them for investing knowledge into the child, developing his skills, and simply helping everyone make important and, often, fateful decisions.

Just thank you

So, a letter of gratitude to parents for their active participation, finished photos help you print beautiful templates. But beautiful, at the same time, simple and sincere words To fill out the template, you will have to find the teacher yourself. A letter of gratitude to the student’s parents is a reason to thank the parents for their active participation in the life of the school and class; perhaps they helped with repairs or helped raise money for other important events.

Despite the fact that, in essence, a letter of gratitude is an unofficial document, it must be completed with all formalities. Be that as it may, such letters are important for parents; they often remain as a memory of the child’s past years, of the time when he was at school.

Important! As a rule, a letter of gratitude is drawn up by the class teacher, but this is done on behalf of the director as well. The letter can be written in any form, although there is a general sample for writing it.

Approximate structure of a thank you letter:
1. It all starts with an appeal. Here you need to indicate the name and patronymic of the child’s parents or guardians, the name should be indicated in the nominative case. Typically, names are written in the center of the form, followed by an exclamation point.
2. Next in the thank you letter follows the main text, about which so much has already been written in the previous part of the material. These are words of gratitude from the teachers and school administration, wishes of all the best in the future.
3. The letter ends with a signature. Indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the director, number educational institution. In addition to the signature, a stamp must be placed on the letter of gratitude. Depending on the decision of the school administration, the letter may be signed not by the director on his own behalf, but by the class teacher on his own behalf.

Sample thank you letter sample

It is often difficult, especially for young teachers, to write a letter of gratitude to parents for their active participation in the life of the school. So, in addition to the basic information that is given strictly on the topic in this material, we decided to compile a possible example of such a letter for parents.

“Dear Vyacheslav Mikhailovich and Galina Ivanovna!

On behalf of the school administration and teaching staff, I would like to express my gratitude for raising your daughter Yulia, as well as for your active participation in the life of the school and class. Over the past year, your daughter has shown herself to be an active-minded, purposeful student who can overcome obstacles and achieve her goals in an honest, noble way. This is evidenced by her academic success, in clubs and sports sections. We can proudly say that Yulia is the pride of our school, just like her parents.

We would especially like to thank you for your active position in relation to school life. We would like to acknowledge support for classroom renovations and participation in school events. I would like to wish your family well-being and good health, optimism and prosperity.
Sincerely, class teacher of grade 9 “B”, Valentina Mikhailovna Sidorova.”

This is just an option for how you can compose a thank you letter. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that schools reserve the right to independently decide which of the students’ parents this document should be addressed to. Often such a letter from the administration is written in order to recognize and celebrate the merits of parents. In honor of the holiday you can do

“A lot of good can be done if you are in a good mood.” Yu. Nikulin.
I really want both children, parents, and I to receive as many positive emotions as possible from the educational and educational process.
An important link in the construction educational work is the interaction of the teacher with the parents of the students. One of my main goals is to create a favorable environment for uniting children and parents into a single, friendly team. This will help create good conditions for the spiritual development of students, the development of cognitive and moral motivation. As a class teacher, I consider it very important to constantly be in close cooperation and contact with the parents of the students. I would like to note that many parents of students in my class take an active position, are very responsive, try to help in any matter, and immediately respond to my requests and instructions.

By March 8, I wanted to honor the most active mothers with certificates of honor, in the text of which I composed small quatrains. The congratulations were very warm.

The end is coming soon school year, perhaps my poems will be useful to other teachers to encourage active parents.

Some examples of texts:
1) ***

and understanding, for organizing an excursion to the “Fairy Tale House”.

It's good that you care
That you are just one of those people
Who will take us all to the cinema,
To the theatre, park or museum.

We hope that many, many times
Our class will go on an excursion!

2) ***
Gratitude for the video reports of our holidays

Very, very grateful
To you for the video stories,
You notice exactly
Important aspects of life.
It's great that every time
You're filming our class!

3) ***
Gratitude for your willingness to help in any matter, for your responsiveness
and understanding, for sewing caps for the song competition.

Our friendly class sends you gratitude!
The caps turned out simply - great!
Thank you for the certificates for everyone!
It's nice if your success is appreciated.
4) ***
Thank you for your responsiveness,
For a clean and cozy classroom,
Because you are not indifferent,
What's happening here with us.
We thank you for everything
And we want to present you with a certificate!
You sewed ties for our eaglets,
And you bought the fabric and cut everything out,
And they came up with a way out for our class,
And with light hand Everything was great for you!

I am happy to see you every morning!
It’s as if you came to us like a clear sunshine!

6) ***
You are stylish and businesslike,
And you are always full of things to do,
But jumping ahead for a moment,
Always ask everything about the class,

They are ready to go out of their way for us,
And support and give advice,
It's nice to communicate with you,
Greetings from the sun!

7) ***
Gratitude for your willingness to help in any matter, for your responsiveness,
and support for sewing caps for the song competition.

Oh, how you pleased us
You sewed caps for the children,
We thank you all,
Our class was the best!

8) ***
Gratitude for your willingness to help in any matter, for your responsiveness and support

You and your husband are like two rockets
You do everything at once,
Then you buy portraits,
Then fix everything for us,
There are so many little things for the class
Have you and your husband thought about it?
Thank you from all the children
Let's say it together today.
We study and relax
You kind words we remember.

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Slide captions:

I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! Dear _______________________________________! Class teacher __________________ ________________ ______________ 2011-2012 academic year

Dear ________________________! Class teacher ________________________ ______________________ _________________ 2011-2012 school year You helped me a lot all year. I always relied on you. And without you, the guys and I will definitely not be able to cope with all our affairs! You are my support and support, you are my reserve and reliable rear. And, probably, few people have heard that there was such an asset somewhere! You have energy, strength and health, so that you can continue to create together! I rely on you and, of course, I will never tire of thanking you!

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