Possible causes of redness and peeling of the skin when red spots appear on a child’s face. Causes of a rash on a child's chin

Update: October 2018

Perioral dermatitis - in medicine it is also called rosacea-like or perioral dermatitis. This is a rare disease, occurring in approximately 1% of the population, most often in women 20-40 years old.

With perioral dermatitis, small papules and pimples appear on the skin around the mouth and on the chin, the skin turns red, irritation appears and papules grow over a larger area. This creates considerable aesthetic, physical and psychological discomfort for a person.

This is how most patients describe the onset of the disease - “... recently I noticed that several small red pimples had formed on my chin, I began to use acne cream and wash my face more often, but this only made it worse.

Within a few months, the skin around the mouth and chin became simply red, and when the acne healed, it left dark spots. Moreover, between the lips and the affected areas around the mouth there is a clear strip of healthy skin without redness...”

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

If these symptoms appear:

  • Pain, itching, burning, redness, a feeling of tightness of the skin, and small red pimples appear in the area of ​​the chin and mouth.
  • Pimples may have heads that release clear liquid when emptied; over time, pimples become ulcers.
  • Pimples form colonies, group clusters
  • The skin in the inflamed areas begins to become covered with thin transparent scales, which then fall off

Most likely, this skin inflammation is caused by perioral dermatitis. But to clarify the diagnosis, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, since the appearance of acne and irritation on the face can be due to other reasons:

  • Diffuse
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Acne vulgaris, rosacea, steroid acne.

To isolate the microflora of the lesion site and determine the pathogen, a bacterial culture of the scraping or contents of the rash is carried out.

The skin around the mouth may not be changed and present a normally colored border of up to 2 cm. Usually, the rashes are located on slightly reddened skin or the skin does not change color.

Causes of perioral dermatitis

  • Decreased humoral and cellular immunity
  • Climate change, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  • Increased sensitivity to bacterial allergens
  • Long-term or even short-term use of topical corticosteroids in the form of creams, ointments (see. full list all hormonal creams and ointments - )
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions, presence of bronchial asthma
  • Quite sensitive facial skin
  • Excessive use of various facial cosmetics
  • Hormonal imbalance in gynecological disorders
  • Use of dentures, toothpastes containing fluoride
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, endocrine system

If dermatitis is caused by cosmetics, carefully study the composition of all creams, lotions, etc. Here is a list of some ingredients that most often cause perioral dermatitis:

  • Paraffin
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Cinnamon flavors
  • Isopropyl myristate
  • Petrolatum

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Treatment of this skin disease is quite long, the duration of therapy ranges from 1.5 to 3 months and depends on the severity of the manifestations perioral dermatitis. Treatment of perioral dermatitis is prescribed by a dermatologist, and the sooner you contact a specialist, the more effective the result will be. Even with proper treatment, relapses of the disease are possible in the future, but they are much easier and are eliminated faster.

The use of corticosteroids (hormonal ointments, creams) for perioral dermatitis is contraindicated.

Zero therapy

The first thing that is recommended to be done after diagnosis is called zero therapy. That is, cancel all ointments, creams, cosmetical tools, especially with corticosteroid substances, and also change toothpaste to normal. In this case, the condition may worsen for some time, and then after a few weeks it should improve.


At this time, it is possible to use antihistamines (Suprastin, etc., see All), sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride.


For oral dermatitis, treatment with antibiotics is quite effective. The administration of Metronidazole gel or cream 0.75% or Erythromycin gel 2% stops the progression of the disease. Apply the product 2 times a day until the rash stops.

The doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic - this is Minocycline or Doxycillin 100 mg 2 times. per day until the rash goes away, then for a month, 100 mg once a day and another month, 50 mg per day. And also taking Metronidazole orally (this is not an antibiotic, but an antiprotozoal drug).

Or Tetracycline according to a similar regimen, only 500 mg/2 times, then 500 mg/1 time and 250 mg/1 time. Worsening may occur after starting antibiotics, but symptoms usually improve markedly within 3 weeks. skin.

Elidel Cream (Pimecrolimus)

Pimecrolimus can be used for oral dermatitis only as prescribed by a doctor when other treatments are ineffective.

Elidel is a cream that has long-term adverse effects; the effect of the drug has not yet been fully studied, but it is believed that pimecrolimus suppresses the secondary immune response and there have been cases of the development of skin tumors and lymphomas after its use. Therefore, the use of this remedy should be treated with caution.

Skin care for perioral dermatitis

For this disease, gentle facial skin care is recommended. After washing, you should not wipe your face with a towel, but only blot it. The doctor can select for you indifferent powders, cooling, moisturizing creams that do not contain substances that aggravate the symptoms of the disease. (cm. , )

Herbal infusions

In the case of an acute process, to relieve symptoms, you can use cooling lotions made from chamomile infusion (if there is no allergy) or 1% boric acid, as well as from infusions of St. John's wort and calendula.

Normalization of the general condition of the body

If there are foci of infection, then treatment of concomitant diseases is necessary, as well as normalization of the endocrine and nervous systems, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, general strengthening, immunostimulating drugs, and drugs that normalize the function of the central nervous system are prescribed. Monthly courses of vitamin therapy, B vitamins, vitamin C and A, and folic acid are recommended.

Sun protection

During the treatment period, you should protect yourself from direct sunlight, since ultraviolet radiation aggravates the symptoms of perioral dermatitis. Should be used daily in summer sunscreen, the protection factor of which is at least 30.


The most common cause of redness of the skin in the chin area is acne, that is, acne. In most cases, teenagers suffer from this, since during the restructuring of the body there is a sharp change in hormonal levels, as well as an intensification of the work of sebaceous and sweat secretions.

Often a red chin is a sign. It can be caused by many factors: pollen, microscopic mites living in house dust, certain foods, drinks, medications, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

An allergic reaction is usually accompanied by itching. It can be both moderate and severe, causing noticeable discomfort.

If the acne on your face is not clear, a qualified specialist will try to identify it. Based on this, you will also be prescribed a special course of procedures.

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Tip 3: What do regular rashes on the forehead and chin mean?

One of the most common dermatological problems is the appearance of a rash on the face. It can appear on any part of the face - on the nose, forehead, chin.

Common causes of rashes and acne

Experts divide the appearance of acne and rashes on the face into two categories - below and above the mouth. Acne below the mouth is usually hormonal. Most often they are observed in adolescence at the time of maturation of the reproductive system. The cause of acne above the mouth can be anything. Squeezing these pimples can be dangerous. Pimples on the face most often appear due to dirt on the hands. In life, people often transfer it to their face without noticing it. Hands contain a large number of bacteria. However, there is a way out. You either need to avoid touching your face with your hands or wash them every half hour. But the rashes can be different.

Causes of rashes on the forehead

It should be noted that the forehead is part of the T-zone, which is characterized by seborrheic skin. It is in this part of the face that the maximum number of sebaceous glands is concentrated. Because of them active work A greasy sheen forms on the forehead, which indicates the presence of sebaceous lubricant. The secretion of the sebaceous glands gets into the pores on the skin and clogs them. The causes of rashes on the forehead vary.

A rash on the forehead may indicate pathologies of the pancreas, some parts of the intestines, gallbladder and various diseases of the stomach. A rash or pimples on the forehead can be symptoms of dysbiosis, pancreatitis, gastritis or gallstone disease. If acne is located closer to the hairline, then the person may have a malfunction of the gallbladder. Acne and rashes above the eyebrow line can indicate problems with the intestines. It also happens that pimples or rashes are located on the entire forehead area. In this case, such a phenomenon may indicate general intoxication of the body or an unbalanced diet. Pimples on the forehead can occur due to excessive consumption of carbonated water, as well as sweet or fatty foods, since the body cannot burn all the fats, they come out through the skin. Sometimes the appearance of acne can be affected by the use of hormonal or antibacterial drugs.

Causes of rashes on the chin

On women's forums on the Internet, one can very often observe the issue of the appearance of rashes in the chin area. The cause of acne may be improper functioning of the digestive or endocrine system. Sometimes acne in the chin area appears due to hormonal imbalances, when, for example, testosterone levels in a woman’s body increase sharply. If acne appears regularly, you should immediately contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist, as well as undergo the necessary tests.

The cause of a rash in the chin area can be reduced immunity. This is very often observed when colds. Another cause of acne and rashes is pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which food is not properly digested and a large amount of toxic substances appears in the body. Some toxins are eliminated through the skin, which is why acne appears.

The skin, according to experts, is the best mirror of the changes occurring inside. If it starts to peel or itch, or red spots appear on the face as the area most sensitive to internal problems, it’s time to urgently diagnose and take care of your health. What do local areas of redness in adults and children indicate, how dangerous is it and how to solve the problem?

What are red spots on the face

Areas of skin of different sizes, painted in any of the shades of pink stretch marks - from pale to deep crimson, fall under the general definition of red spots. They differ from acne and other rashes by their almost flat shape and larger size - the spots can cover the bridge of the nose, occupy a significant part of the cheek, etc. This cosmetic defect can often have causes that are more serious than a simple chemical or sunburn, an allergy to cosmetics, or a reaction to stress:

  • If the spots are accompanied by itching and do not go away for several weeks, these are the first symptoms of a disease that will soon make itself felt with more pronounced manifestations. We can talk about skin lesions and serious diseases internal organs.
  • If, when you run your hand over your face, you do not feel any changes in the relief, but when you try to squeeze this area, you see a change in color, the problem is in the blood vessels.

Why do red spots appear on the face?

To accurately determine the reason why focal redness may appear in different areas of the face, you need to carefully study their characteristics: size, location, additional symptoms (whether they begin to itch or peel, whether they differ in relief), try to remember when they formed. Factors that contribute to the appearance of red areas can be divided into several groups:

  • the result of using masks with locally irritating components, or procedures for eliminating blackheads, chemical peeling;
  • consequences of rosacea and other large rashes (even small acne and single boils can be included here), which, after disappearing, leave red spots that are difficult to remove with cosmetic procedures;
  • allergies (including reactions to the sun, cold, etc.);
  • symptom of skin diseases (allergic dermatitis, lupus, eczema, etc.);
  • closely spaced blood vessels (mostly these are spots already observed on the face of a newborn baby);
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reaction to taking medications;
  • increased blood circulation after exercise, nervous tension, pressure surge.

Red scaly spots

If, when large flat spots of a red tint appear on your face, you do not feel itching, do not experience a burning sensation and notice the problem only in the mirror, or when you touch it (due to peeling), this may be an allergic reaction. Mostly red spots on the face are formed when there is an allergy to cold or sunlight, and to eliminate them you only need to get rid of the provoking agent. However, this may be a sign of an autoimmune disease - the same symptoms (even in the photo they are similar) are used to identify lupus erythematosus.

In men

High physical exercise, visiting baths and saunas, or staying in a hot climate are the most common reasons why male face covered with red spots localized in the area of ​​the cheeks and lips. This will be accompanied by sweat, shortness of breath, and a change in body temperature. However, if after exposure to cool air and a slower pulse the symptom does not go away, the spots appear in any conditions, we can assume:

  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • eczema.

Among women

Hormonal imbalances, even situational (during the menstrual cycle), become common cause skin rashes: small pimples, areas of peeling and redness appear on the face, which may disappear after the end of menstruation, or may remain. Mostly such spots do not itch and do not cause any particular discomfort, but if they accompany each cycle or are observed throughout pregnancy (large areas - cheeks, chin), it is worth seeing an endocrinologist.

The child has

Small children (especially infants) do not have strong immunity, so every second young mother worries about allergic rashes and red spots that appear on the child’s face. They can be the body’s reactions to literally anything - among the reasons that contribute to the appearance of redness are:

  • change in climatic conditions;
  • new products on the menu;
  • birth injuries;
  • infections;
  • allergy to insect bites;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Red spots that peel and itch

A couple of additional symptoms that accompany irritation on the face in the form of red spots are often a sign of a skin disease. Several problems can be expected:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • demodicosis (subcutaneous mite);
  • viral type lichen;
  • Rosacea.

Less commonly, redness, which is accompanied by peeling, can be attributed to a sun allergy, or, if severe itching is present, to a burn, but this will add new symptom– pain when touching the spot. Regarding the manifestations of skin diseases, the type of foci of redness depends on the exact diagnosis:

  • In patients with pityriasis rosea, dry plaques of a bright red color with an edging appear, the diameter reaches 4 cm, but this disease affects the face less often than the body.
  • With eczema, weeping spots form, which, after opening, dry out, crack, and itching occurs.

After washing

In people with sensitive skin, red spots on the cheeks, chin and nose can form even after contact with tap water, which indicates its poor composition. This point is especially pronounced when changing regions. Your face may return to normal within a few hours. Separately, experts mention cases when redness occurs in response to cosmetics used when washing – here you need to look for the ingredient that triggered the allergy.

Itchy under the eyes

The formation of red spots in the area around the eyes can be explained by several factors: if women use cosmetics with a heavy composition (professional cosmetics everyday wear), this is a reaction sensitive skin. In both sexes, the cause may be a malfunction of the kidneys, or severe vitamin deficiency, which will cause a dry spot with a rough texture and mild itching.

The chin is flaky

Low immunity of the skin, according to experts, can be the cause of such unpleasant phenomena as red spots that form in the chin area and on the wings of the nose in the late afternoon, which are accompanied by peeling. By morning they can disappear on their own and not bother you until the next evening. If the situation does not change over several weeks or even months, the doctor may suggest chronic liver and gallbladder disease, or reduced skin immunity.


If you are tired of dealing with redness and it does not go away for a long time, you should see a dermatologist, who will collect medical history data to make a diagnosis and refer you to:

  • to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and neurologist;
  • for a blood test;
  • take allergy tests;
  • perform an immunogram;
  • scrape the stain (if we are talking about infectious skin diseases).

How to get rid of red spots on your face

It is not recommended to carry out treatment until the cause of the redness is determined - even if the chosen methods get rid of unpleasant manifestations, they will only mask the problem, but will not solve it. The action plan should be drawn up together with the doctor, since it depends on the diagnosis:

  • For allergies, only oral antihistamines can help get rid of redness.
  • If the spots are the result of skin diseases (lichen, psoriasis), topical use of tetracycline and erythromycin is necessary.
  • When acne appears and other skin inflammations, antiseptics and hormonal ointments are used.
  • Antimycotics help against fungal infections.


To eliminate red areas caused by skin problems, you can use topical agents in ointment format. If the spots are external manifestations of diseases of the internal organs, such therapy does not make sense. The most effective drugs:

  • Tetracycline ointment will help eliminate flaky areas with redness. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect and is an antibiotic, so its effect should be short-term. Not effective against fungi.
  • Acyclovir is mainly used on raised spots that are associated with a viral infection. The drug works quickly, so the course of treatment lasts up to 5 days.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment is often used on the affected area of ​​skin under the eyes: it is a glucocorticosteroid that relieves inflammation, itching and dryness. Helps with neurodermatitis and others skin diseases.


If doctors call ointments heavy artillery, then creams are used more in case of inflammation or problems with skin regeneration. Specialists can prescribe retinoid agents that soothe, bactericidal or stimulate tissue repair:

  • Lorinden-S. A cream based on glucocorticosteroids, works as an antiallergic agent, helps with manifestations of neurodermatitis on the face, erythema, lichen, herpes. If the face begins to become covered with plaques that itch, it can act as a blocker to their further spread.
  • Cynovitis. Budget cream-gel with bactericidal properties. Mainly recommended for inflamed rashes, but can also help with skin diseases.
  • Clenzit is a retinoid product that is not recommended for dermatitis, but helps to cope with redness that is associated with inflammation.

Cosmetic procedures

Special salon and home techniques can also be used to eliminate areas of redness, but they need to be selected together with a cosmetologist. Mainly used:

  • Cryomassage is the effect of cold air on the skin, which helps get rid of red vascular formations.
  • Acid peels help eliminate flaky spots.
  • Manual or machine massage using a vitamin complex improves the general condition of the skin.

Folk recipes

Simple homemade masks and recipes for washing the effect are not as pronounced as from pharmacy creams, but they also help restore a healthy appearance to the face:

  • Grind fresh cucumber and apply tightly to affected skin. Leave for 15 minutes, remove without washing. The same recipe helps get rid of age spots.
  • Make a weak decoction of chamomile (pour water, boil; 1 tsp per glass), pour into molds, keep in the freezer. Use the resulting ice cubes to wipe your skin when allergies occur - this will help soothe it.
  • Use lotions based on camphor alcohol to wipe off areas of redness that appear due to skin rashes, up to 2 times a day.


You can prevent redness of any kind from appearing in adults and children by paying attention to the condition of the skin and internal organs:

  • normalize your diet;
  • choose care according to your skin type;
  • do not overuse salon cleanings;
  • monitor your hormonal levels.


Red spots on the face are flattened rashes covered with plaques or pink-red scales. The spots can appear periodically, or they can accompany a person for a long time, for example, during an entire season. Since there are many reasons for this phenomenon, accurate diagnosis you need to contact a specialist.


Who can get blemishes on their face?

Most often, red spots form in young women (under 30 years of age). In old age, the occurrence of such dermatological problems is somewhat less common. Infants and adolescents of both sexes are also at risk.

Flaky red spots on the face: causes of appearance

There are many reasons for the occurrence of an annoying cosmetic defect. They are often caused by a person’s age and local and systemic pathological processes occurring in the body:

Red spots in children most often appear due to food intolerance or an allergic reaction to food.

In some cases, such signs in a child are an alarming sign that requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

Symptoms are largely due to the cause leading to the appearance of red, scaly spots.

If this phenomenon is associated with an allergy to cold or ultraviolet radiation, low-quality cosmetics, then the characteristic signs are as follows:

  • reddish spots with blurry boundaries of different shapes and sizes;
  • slight peeling;
  • increased redness as provoking factors are exposed;
  • roughness, roughness of facial skin;
  • the spots itch and cause a feeling of tightness;
  • The most likely area of ​​localization of spots is near the nose, on the cheeks, on the chin.

If spots on the face become the first sign of eczema or food allergies, they usually itch very much, the skin at the site of appearance cracks, bursts, and becomes covered with rough scales. Elements of peeling may flake off, after which the skin brightens a little, but becomes dry and irritated. As a result of scratching, scabs and scratches are observed on the face.

For dermatophytosis red spots are flaky plaques, sometimes completely or in patches rising above the surface of the skin.

Lichen planus manifests itself as precursor spots, occasionally located on the skin of the face, pinkish in color, oval in shape, with peeling along the edges; the size of the spots is 2-3 cm. Pityriasis rosea It is rarely localized on the face, but sometimes it can contribute to the appearance of pink-yellow flaky elements that are itchy or do not cause much discomfort.

Psoriatic plaques– limited education Pink colour, covered with white scales. If you peel off such scales with your fingernail, a drop of blood may appear. Red, scaly spots on the eyelid or under the eye can be a symptom of demodicosis or food allergies, as well as one of the signs of incipient conjunctivitis. Often red spots appear after suffering stress or nervous shock. In this case, peeling and itching go away on their own within a short period.

Skin manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus often begin with the formation of red, scaly lesions on the face, appearance resembling the wingspan of a butterfly (on the cheekbones, in the nose area). With rosacea, the spots on the face are covered with small red streaks, sometimes disappearing and appearing again.

What consequences can there be from stains?

In addition to obvious cosmetic flaws, the danger of dermatological problems on the face is their possible appearance in connection with a severe systemic disease.

In this case, before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to evaluate additional symptoms (pain in the joints, increased temperature, pressure, tingling in the heart, enlarged lymph nodes) in order to obtain an accurate and complete examination in order to exclude serious causes for concern.


Examination at skin manifestations in the form of spots on the face may include:

  • consultations with a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • immunogram;
  • allergy tests;
  • scraping from the surface of stains to determine the fungal pathogen or demodex;
  • if there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs - ultrasound, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc.

Ointments and creams for external use

In most cases, treatment of the disease consists of external use of the following:

  • Creams, ointments, balms against allergies (Elidel, Gistan, Fenistil, Radevit, Traumeel, Iricar).
  • Ointments with glucocorticosteroids (sinaflane, locoid, advantan, momat).
  • Treating the skin with antiseptics, keratolytics (chlorhexidine, boric alcohol, salicylic acid).
  • Ointments with calendula, chamomile.
  • Lotions based on camphor alcohol and menthol.
  • For fungal skin infections - antimycotic ointments (Triderm, Nizoral).
  • Ointments with zinc (zinerite).
  • Tar-based products (soaps, creams).
  • Creams with retinoids (clenzit, differin).
  • For skin lesions bacterial infection– tetracycline, erythromycin ointments, metrogil-gel).
  • Drugs to improve tissue repair (curiosin).
  • If red spots appear around the eyes - blefarogel, hydrocortisone ointment.
  • For viral skin lesions, use antiviral ointments (acyclovir).

In some cases, a set of systemic therapeutic measures is indicated:

  • Antihistamines (Claritin, Telfast).
  • Sedatives (novo-passit, motherwort, valerian, glycine).
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes (mainly containing vitamins A, E, zinc, calcium).
  • Enterosorbents (lactofiltrum).
  • 5. Antibiotics, antimycotics, antiviral agents.
  • Basic therapy if the appearance of spots is caused by a systemic disease of the body.

Treatment of the disease in children is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician. The leading role in recovery is played by nutrition or consumption of healthy hypoallergenic food by the mother if the child is breastfed.

Folk remedies will help cope with skin imperfections, as well as speed up recovery from common diseases of the body:

  • Lotions made from birch bud infusion perfectly moisturize the skin and relieve inflammation. To use, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of buds and leave for a couple of hours. Moisten a clean cloth with the infusion and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Take celandine, nettle and yarrow herbs in equal quantities, chop a little, and pour boiling water over them. After the plants have softened, cool them and apply to your face for 20 minutes. This recipe helps eliminate inflammation and softens the skin.
  • Squeeze parsley juice (0.5 tsp), combine with full-fat sour cream. A mask from the resulting mixture can be made often, as it perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the skin, and eliminates redness.
  • Every day you need to wipe your skin with fresh cucumber juice or ice cubes made from a decoction of parsley and nettle.
  • A cabbage leaf mask will help eliminate this annoying phenomenon in just a few applications. To make it, finely chop white cabbage (it’s better to chop it in a blender), apply it to your face, and rinse off after 20 minutes. For dry skin, you can add a spoonful of glycerin or a little baby cream to the product.
  • If there is a need to exfoliate the skin, it is better to use a folk remedy: take finely ground oatmeal, mix with pharmaceutical blue clay and dilute with milk to a paste consistency. This scrub is gently rubbed into the skin of the face, left for a minute, and washed off with water.

Lifestyle, skin care and nutrition

Whatever the cause of spots, it is necessary to change your diet, as well as improve your skin care.

If possible, all possible allergens, fatty and sweet foods, alcohol and pickles, canned food and fried, smoked foods are excluded from the diet.

An excess of flour foods and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, found in abundance in vegetables and fruits, are a common cause of cosmetic problems. Controlling stress levels and combating neurological disorders often help improve skin condition.

Daily skin care should include thorough cleansing with non-drying products, applying a moisturizer during the day and a nourishing cream in the evening. Additionally, it is recommended to perform useful masks for the skin, better - homemade. It is recommended not to use harsh scrubs temporarily if red spots appear. Before leaving home in cold weather, apply to face protective cream(20 minutes before the hike).

Preventing stains

To prevent an unpleasant cosmetic problem, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Use high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  2. Maintain hygiene standards.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol, do not smoke.
  4. Monitor your body's response to medications.
  5. Eat properly. If you are prone to allergies, avoid food allergens.
  6. Prevent contact with any possible irritants (airborne, household, etc.).
  7. Walk more in the air, play sports.
  8. Timely treat all infectious and other diseases, correct chronic diseases.
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