Extracurricular activity winter in elementary school. Educational event "winter - winter"

Scenario of the holiday “Hello, Zimushka-Winter” in primary school.

Goals :

  1. Summarize and repeat students’ knowledge about winter;
  2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, develop auditory perception;
  3. Develop creative abilities;

Progress of the lesson:

Children's songs are played. The children are seated. Dear guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of welcoming winter, which is called “Hello, Zimushka-Winter”.

The holiday will be held in the form of competitions between teams. 5 teams participate in the competition.

Team "Snowflake"

Team "Snowman"

Team "Icicle"

Team "Sugroby"

Parents Team

Let the struggle rage on

Stronger competition.

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

Meet the jury.

So, our competition begins.

The first competition is a competition for the best reader of poems about winter.

Leading: Where is Winter itself?

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter” sounds) Against its background:

Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White-haired, white-faced

How she waved her sleeve,

Everything was covered in silver.

Winter appears.

Winter: Aw! I'm here! Hello! Winter has come to you. I covered the forests, meadows, fields and paths with a white blanket.

And for you guys, I brought riddles.

Where are my assistant snowflakes?

Give riddles to the kids

(Snowflakes give riddles to the teams)

Riddles competition.

Leading: Winter has come... Outside the windows,

Where are the rows of black fir trees?

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying,

Flying, fluttering, spinning

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

They wrap up the garden.

Winter: Well, my dear snowflakes, dance for us.

(Dance of snowflakes)

Leading: Thank you, Zimushka - winter! Thank you, snowflakes! You are welcome on our holiday. Dear Zimushka, we have prepared a gift for you.

(The song “Hello, guest - winter” is performed.

Winter: Thank you guys for the gift. I am very glad that you were waiting for me.

Leading: Zimushka, you have an honorable place on the jury. Sit down please.

How nice the fluffy snow is,

Flying from above!

He hangs on the branches

Like white flowers.

Icicles ring in silence -

Crystal Shards

The rivers fell asleep under the ice

Fields sleep under the snow

Draws frost in the morning

Patterns on the window.

Friends, have a good winter

Today in the yard!

(Knock. Postman Pechkin enters)

Guys! Telegram from Santa Claus!

Host: What is he writing?

Congratulations on the Winter holiday. I can’t come, I’m preparing for the New Year. I’m sending an assignment.

Competition Draw winter patterns.

(The whole team draws. Each participant makes his own stroke)

Leading: In the meantime, the teams are busy. The fans and I will dance the dance of the little ducklings.

The works are submitted for evaluation by the jury.

Metelitsa appears to cheerful music.

Leading: Who came to us?

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering

I don't want to know anything.

Leading: Yes, it's a blizzard! Guys, let's welcome her. Let's sing her the song "Snow Song"

Blizzard brought assignments for a math competition. (Ingenuity tasks)

While the teams are busy, we'll see how our fans know math.

  1. Two chickens are standing

Two are sitting in a shell.

Six eggs lie under the wing of a hen

Count back,

Answer quickly

How many chickens will my hen have?

  1. Worth a goat

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!

They ran away in all directions

Seven kids.

Alone in the woods

The other one is behind the haystack,

And the third kid

Hid in a barrel.

How many kids are there in the hut?

  1. Grandma put it in the oven

Pies with cabbage in the oven,

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat dragged him onto the bench.

Yes, there are 4 pieces in the oven

The grandchildren are counting the pies.

If you can, help

  1. The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

I caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey –

Four crucian carp,

And the fisherman Mikhail

I caught two catfish.

How many fish from the river

Trained by fishermen?

Presenter: Well done!

The nature of our country is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in the water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. There are so many interesting things you can see if you look closely at everything. The next competition is called “Bring the Mask to Life.”

Guess which animal or bird mask is in these bags. And then depict this animal or bird, show its habits, way of life.

1 team:

Clumsy, clubfooted

In summer there are raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw.

Team 2:

Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest,

One snowball at a time.

Team 3:

From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

Jumping through the forest

Red-haired circus performer.

Here he is on the fly

I picked the cone,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow.

Team 4:

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.

Team 5:

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

Gets up before everyone else

Host: And now, guys, let’s sing the song “Why does the bear sleep in winter.”

We are all happy about the pranks of Mother Winter.

Children love to sculpt snow woman, ice skating and skiing.

In warm fur coats and earflaps

Snowy winter times

Kids on a fast sled

A steep mountain rushes like a whirlwind.

Children's faces in the wind

They flared up like red.

Let the prickly snow gather dust,

Let the angry frost be angry -

The guys don't care at all.

The Snowman enters.

Leading: Guys, who came to us for the holiday?

Dashingly moving it on one side

rust bucket,

Leaned on the fence

Snowman Egorka.

He invites people

Drive down the hill into the garden.

His nose is on fire

Fun and bright.

It's freezing outside,

And Egorka is hot!

Host: Guys, the Snowman wants to hold the last competition with you. There are snowballs in this bag. Now the Snowman will scatter them throughout the hall. Which team will collect more snowballs?

The snowman whistles.

(At the signal they begin to collect snowballs)

The collected snowballs are counted by the Snowman for each team.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you very much, dear children and dear parents, for your participation.

In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, we will sing the song “Our Ian’s Choir.”

The jury's word. Rewarding. Sweet prizes.

Children and parents leave the hall to the music.


conducting an educational and entertainment program

For primary classes

“Hello, Zimushka - Winter!”

Hello, kids - girls and boys!

Don't be sad, I came to visit you!

It's cold New Year's weather!

And I tell you from my heart: you are all very good!

We love each other! Shall we meet?


As soon as I clap my hands three times, you will shout your names loudly and loudly in chorus. Ready? (repeat 2-3 times)

Oh, how cute, beautiful names! Guys, tell me, what holiday are we all looking forward to this winter? ( New Year). Right. What is New Year?


What is New Year?

Is this a friendly round dance?

Is it rain outside the window?

Is it lightning and thunder?

Is this a snowstorm?

Is this ringing drops?

Are these skis and skates?

Are these hot days?

Is it laughter and tinsel?

Is it sun and heat?

Is this a Christmas tree outfit?

Is this a noisy masquerade?

Are these good dreams?

This bright flowers?

Is this Santa Claus?

Is it a swarm of buzzing wasps?

Are these songs, serpentine?

Is this a tasty orange?

Is this chocolate, candy?

Are these hats and berets?

Is this a holiday prank?

Is it miracles and joy?

Well done, remember what New Year is. Guys, it's winter outside. And this will start blizzards, cold and snowfall. Look, I have a whole bunch of snowflakes here. Each of them is some kind of task for you. Aren't you afraid of snowfall? Are you ready to complete all the winter tasks?

So, the first snowflake.

A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-thorny needles,

But, unlike the Christmas tree,

Those needles /larch/ are falling.

Pine sap is thick like honey,

And the same color.

Who guys should I name?

Is this juice sticky? /resin/

What is the name of the Russian ancient but ageless dance? Christmas tree? /round dance/

What is the name of Magic wand Santa Claus? /staff/

What is the name of the most peaceful New Year's warhead? /cracker/

A cold sweet milk or fruit treat is.../ice cream/

What a tablecloth it is - simply amazing!

She laid everything out beautifully:

Animals and people walk.

What kind of tablecloth is this? /snow/

The guys have a friend in winter

Snowball is his outfit.

He got used to his broom -

Snow guy - .../snowman/

Everything is decorated in snow.

She feels warm in such wealth.

Every needle breathes.

Did you guess it? This is.../Christmas tree/

Well done boys! Right. Now I will ask you to help our Christmas trees. Look - they are not at all elegant. Can we help decorate them?


Snowflake No. 2


Shall we go by plane? (Yes Yes Yes)

Is this your first time on a flight? (Yes Yes Yes)

Our engine started working! (w-w-w)

Everyone here is brave and cunning! (It's me!)

Let's fly the plane together and have more fun!

And we rush quickly towards adventure!

We will shout loudly “Hurray!” (hooray!)

We've landed, kids!

Snowflake No. 3

GAME "FOOTPRINTS" "(follow the tracks)

Snowflake No. 4


Guys, do you know who will be the symbol of the new coming year? (goat). Right. Do you know what a goat looks like?...Exactly?...And now we’ll check it.

Participants, upon a signal from the presenter, collect a picture of the symbol of the year, pre-cut into several parts. Those who do it faster win.

Snowflake No. 5


Guys, there are different types of Christmas trees in the forest, wide and low, tall and thin. If I say "HIGH" - raise your hands up. “LOW” - squat and lower your arms down. “WIDE” - make a wide circle. “THIN” - make the circle narrower.

Snowflake No. 6


This game will require bowling pins and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. Skittles are placed like a snake in front of each team. Teams holding hands and blindfolded try to go the distance without hitting the pins. The team whose team has the fewest pins knocked down will win the “trip.”



Everyone stands in a circle. In the center is a driver with a snowflake in his hands. He throws it up, while it flies to the ground everyone laughs loudly, falls - everyone calms down. Whoever laughs afterwards reads a poem, sings a song, etc.

Snowflake No. 8


Participants are given small pieces of cotton wool - “snowflakes”. The players' task is to keep the “snowflake” in the air for as long as possible by blowing on it.



Several participants in the game are selected, 2 for each “Snow Maiden”: one holds, the other draws. Within a certain time, you need to draw a portrait of the Snow Maiden on pre-inflated white or blue balloons.



Tossed to the music of the Snow Maiden from balloons. Whoever stays with him gives a New Year's wish to everyone present.

Well, well done guys, they weren’t afraid of winter blizzards and snowfalls, they coped with all my tasks. I wish you all happiness and joy in the New Year and say goodbye until we meet again!


Offered to your attention humorous skits will not require their performers to memorize large texts. Rehearsals will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the themes of all the skits are very close to the children. It will be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside, to laugh at their mistakes.

New Year's scene "Winter walked in the forest"

(T etushka A at )


Presenter, Winter, Baba Yaga.

On the stage there is a winter forest with Baba Yaga’s hut, in which there is a lot of different rubbish: a tub, an old broom, pots and pans.


Winter walked in the forest,
She surprised everyone with her wealth,
The crinolines crunched,
Yes, the earrings sparkled!

These same earrings
Grandma Yozhka liked it.
The one that rolled off the stove quickly,
She offered to exchange -

She waved her sleeve dashingly,
Like a real merchant's wife.

Baba Yaga:

Come, for fun -
You won't be left at a loss!

In the corners of goodness - countless!
Do you have a string bag?

Winter, nodding in agreement, shows her beautiful handbag.

Well, then please take a look -
Trained moth!...


Here's a leaky tub
Here's a dried frog...
Here is a shabby broom,
(Still, it’s worthless).

Here's another, look, a spider...
Two... Four... Ten pieces!
Cockroach? Viper? Mouse?...
You won't please!...

I offer fly agaric
(Looks like it's still fresh)
If you don't want it, I'll eat it myself!...


Winter smiled at her:


I'm full, thank you.
And I give you earrings!

Winter takes off her beautiful earrings and gives them to Baba Yaga.

Scene "The Lonely Bow Is White"

(According to the story L or T Imofeeva)


The presenter, fifth-grader Dima Dolgushin, his deskmate Pashka, literature teacher, director, classmate Katya (she has a hairpin with a white bow in the shape of a sail in her hair), several classmates at their desks.

The action takes place during a literature lesson in a school class.


Fifth-grader Dmitry Dolgushin considers himself an unsurpassed poet. Composing a poem for Dimka is like a piece of cake. Dolgushin loves to come up with poems, but hates teaching them.

For today's lesson, I had to memorize Lermontov's poem “The Lonely Sail Whitens.” The only word that Dolgushin remembered from the poem was “turns white.”

teacher (looking at the magazine):

-Dolgushin, please come to the board!

Dimka boldly and confidently comes to the board, relying on his talent for rhyming and the help of his classmates.

Dima(clears throat, with inspiration):

- Turns white...

Dimka looks intently at his desk neighbor Pashka with hope.

Pashka (whispers):

- Lonely sail...

The teacher raises her head from the magazine and looks around suspiciously.

Pashka sighs sadly, turns his head towards Katka (with a white bow) and points his finger at her bow.

Dima (turning his gaze to Katya):

- A lonely bow turns white...

Katya, embarrassed by her classmate’s gaze, begins to straighten her hair.

Dima(getting inspired):

- Among unkempt hair...

There is laughter in the class, and this inspires the young poet even more.

- He hasn't seen a comb for a long time,
That’s why it’s so overgrown...

The fifth graders laugh louder, and Katka gets embarrassed and blushes.

Pashka(whispers loudly, helping a friend):

-The waves are playing, the wind is whistling...


- When the strong wind whistles
And Katka’s hair is tugging...
You won't find a more terrible sight,
The people are all running in panic...

The class laughs. Angry Katka gets up from the table and, armed with a heavy pencil case, moves towards Dolgushin.

Dimka(backing towards the door):

- Don't threaten me, Ivanova,
And in vain you are chasing me,
Created such a storm
As if there is peace in the storms.

teacher (stopping Katka and approaching Dimka):

-Dolgushin, go to the director now!

Dimka walks out the door and goes to the director's office. Returns to class with him.

The director calms down Katya and the teacher and turns to Dimka.

Director (Dimka):

- Well, I offended two women at once. Tell me how it all happened. From the very beginning.


- Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I left the house and went to school...

The class laughs together.

Scenario of a winter holiday for children 7-10 years old "Sorceress Winter"

Description of material: This development will be of interest to primary school teachers and teachers of extended day groups for organizing winter leisure activities for students.

Target: creating a friendly, comfortable atmosphere in the classroom.
- consolidation of knowledge about winter changes in nature,
- development of children's creative abilities,
- improvement of basic movements: throwing at a target, coordination of movements.
Equipment: audio equipment, recording of the song “If only there were no winter,” musical accompaniment, a target with hammered nails, snowflakes made of cotton wool, sheets of paper, snowflakes made of paper of the same size.
Zimushka-Winter, Blizzard, Blizzard, Student, six students.

Progress of the event

The song “If only there were no winter” plays (from the film “Winter in Prostokvashino”). Zimushka-Winter appears on stage with her assistants Blizzard and Blizzard.
Zimushka-Winter: Hello, children, hello, dears. How much you have grown since last year! Do you know who I am? I am Zimushka-Winter. Every year, when my time comes, I see you on the street, I help you roll snowmen, at night I build a skating rink for you, I sprinkle snow on the paths to make sledding more fun. And here are my assistants - Blizzard and Blizzard. It would be difficult for me without them, there are so many things to do.
A student comes out.
Winter is busy again - needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmer.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
Knits white things tirelessly:
Sleepy trees have fluffy hats,
For Christmas trees, he knits mittens on his paws.
I sewed, knitted and was very tired!
- Oh, spring would come soon...
E. Yavetskaya, “Winter is a needlewoman”
Blizzard: Oh, how much we still have to do! There are so many holidays ahead, for the New Year we need to spread the snow, freeze the ice for Christmas, invite Frost to visit us for the holiday of Epiphany...
Vyuga: Guys, do you know how you appeared? winter holidays? For a long time in Rus', winter holidays, starting from January 7 to January 19, were called Christmastide. On January 6, Christmas Eve, called Christmas Eve, caroling began. People dressed up, went from house to house and sang special songs - carols, in which they glorified the birth of Christ and the owners of the house. The owners treated the carolers with cookies, sweets or money.
Blizzard: The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is widely celebrated among the people.
Vyuga: Well, okay, about business and business. Let the guys tell us poems about winter.
Students come out and recite poems about winter.
1st student:
Feet are freezing
Hands are freezing
Fur coats are freezing,
Such a cold -
Even ice
And he has a cold.
Only blizzards and blizzards
They sweated from diligence:
Blizzards and blizzards are blowing
Snow-white beds -
Lay out in the yard
V. Lunin, “Who is hot in winter”
2nd student:
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! –
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
N Nekrasov, “Snowball”
3rd student:
White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...
I. Surikov, “Winter” (excerpt)
4th student:
We made a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just
Instead of eyes
We found some coals.
The rabbit came out as if alive!
He has a tail and a head!
For the mustache
Don't delay -
They are made from straws!
Long, shiny,
Definitely real!
O. Vysotskaya, “Snow Bunny”
5th student:
I'm rolling a snowball -
This will be a cat's house.
I'll make a path to the house -
To make it more comfortable for the cat.
There will be a room inside.
Cat, here is your house, look!
You don't need windows -
Cats can see everything in the dark!
I'll crumble some crumbs for the cat -
There will be a snow sandwich!
But for some reason the Cat
To the cat's house...
Doesn't work...
M. Lapisova, “This will be the Cat’s House”
6th student:
How many hats
Different - different!
Blue, red, clean, dirty!
In different hats
Many different -
Even the sad ones
And the unfortunate ones.
Snow sprinkled
Thickly - thickly
And fell asleep
Sad - sad...
There are no sad ones
No grumpy ones -
Lots of white and happy people!
E. Moshkovskaya, “How many different hats are there”
Zimushka – Winter: That's how many wonderful poems they told about winter. And there are too many songs to count. Guys, what songs about winter do you know? (Children name.) And now we will listen to the wonderful winter song “Three White Horses.”
Students perform the song “Three White Horses” (lyrics by L. Derbenev).
Blizzard: I really like this song! She is my favorite! Eh, now I wish I was in a sleigh, but with the breeze...
Vyuga: No, it’s better to ski, but somewhere...
Zimushka - Winter: Don't argue, there are a lot of winter fun. Just ask the guys, they will list you so many... (Addresses the children.) Guys, tell me what they are winter fun? (Children answer).
Vyuga: Oh, what did I come up with! Let's play right here now. We will have our own winter fun.
Blizzard: What are these?
Vyuga: Yes, for example, you can throw snowballs...
Blizzard: Right here?! What are you talking about, Blizzard!
Blizzard: Not ordinary snowballs, I’ll explain everything. Now we will compete to see which of us is the most accurate. Here we will set up a target, three steps from it our “shooters” will be located, to whom I will give snowballs made of cotton wool. Each shooter is given three snowballs. You need to throw them at the target in such a way that they remain on the target. Does anybody want?
The competition “The Most Accurate” is being held.
The winner receives a prize.
Blizzard: Me too winter game I came up with it! It's called "Walk on the Ice Floes." I need participants. (Invites willing children.) You must walk from the table to the closet without stepping on the floor. Each player is given two sheets of paper, these will be ice floes. You need to step on an ice floe, put another one in front of you, step over it, take the one left behind and move it forward. Well, have we started?
The competition “Walk on the Ice Floes” is being held.
The fastest player receives a prize.
Zimushka - Winter: Can I also offer a game? It's called "Snowflakes". Who wants to play? (Invites those interested.) And the game is simple. Each player picks up a paper snowflake and blows on it. The one whose snowflake flies farthest wins.
A competition is held and the winner is awarded a prize.
Zimushka - Winter: It's good for you guys, but it's time to know the honor. It's time for us to leave. But in parting, let’s listen to the song “Winter”.
(Starts singing)... The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...
The students sing the song “Winter,” then the characters say goodbye and leave.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Secondary school No. 14"

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Extracurricular activity

"Zimushka - winter!"

Prepared and carried out

primary school teacher

Tkacheva Ekaterina Gulamalievna

Material downloaded from the website of the Internet community of teachers


Norilsk, 2010

Subject: Hello, Zimushka-winterGoals: - introduce the formation of snowflakes; - develop logical thinking; - test knowledge about winter; - cultivate love for the outside world.


- crossword;

- words: “December”, “January”, “February”; - drawing of Zimushka-winter; - drawings with snowflakes; - drawings with traces of animals and birds; - music work by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Morning”; - album sheets; - felt-tip pens and pencils;- 3 proverbs; - snowflakes with riddles.

Before class, students receive a message from Zimushka-winter: “Dear guys! I will come to visit you soon. I would like to have an interesting time with you. To do this, repeat poems, riddles and signs about winter.”

Teacher: Hello guys. Sit down. My name is Ekaterina Sergeevna, and I will spend today extracurricular activity. You must guess what we will talk about today using the crossword puzzle.


    1. 1. Jumps at night under the moon 2. And not snow, and not ice,

    The forest beast wears a white fur coat and removes the trees with silver.

    Eats raw aspen bark.

The snow serves as his feather bed

And when spring comes

He will buy a gray dress.

3. The guest was visiting 4. White carrots grow in winter.

The Golden Bridge was paved -

Without a knife, without an ax,

Without iron chisel.

Teacher: So, what are we going to talk about during our extracurricular activities?

Answer: About winter.

Teacher: Right. The topic of our lesson is Hello Winter. And the beautiful Winter herself came to visit us ( Winter hangs on the board spread).

You have probably all become acquainted with the message of Zimushka-winter and prepared to meet her. But before testing your preparation, I would like to know which months of the year are winter.

Answer: December January February (hangs the words on the board: if the children answer incorrectly, we find out which month is extra ).

Teacher: Now let's tell our guest winter signs.

Answer: The cat curls up into a ball and hides its nose - it’s getting colder. A dog is tumbling in the snow - expect a blizzard tomorrow. The owl screams - to the cold. If the sky is starry, the weather will be clear tomorrow. In summer there are a lot of nuts and berries - winter will be harsh and snowy.

Teacher: Well done! Who can recite a poem about winter to us by heart? ( Those who wish come to the board and tell) You also had to prepare riddles about winter. Who wants to tell their own riddle? ( take turns asking each other riddles; the teacher also has riddles on snowflakes).

Well done! Now pay attention to the board, there are 2 proverbs written here. Let's read them and explain them.

    Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

    Summer is a gathering, and winter is a meal.

Answer: 1) If we harden ourselves, we will not be afraid of the cold, we will not get sick; 2) In the summer, people make jam, pickle mushrooms, pickle cucumbers, tomatoes, and in winter they eat supplies.

Teacher: Right. I think Zimushka-winter really liked your poems, signs, and riddles.

Guys, do any of you know what snow is?

Answer: Snow is a lot of snowflakes that fall to the ground from a height.

Teacher: Right. They used to think that snow was frozen droplets of water. They thought that it was coming from the same clouds as the rain. But we recently learned that snow will never be born from water droplets. Droplets of water can become hailstones, lumps of opaque ice, which sometimes fall in the summer along with rain or during a thunderstorm. How are snowflakes born? Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it reigns extreme cold. Tiny ice crystals form from water vapor, but these are not snowflakes yet, they are still small. The hexagonal crystal constantly grows, develops and finally becomes a snowflake.

Now look at the board. Here you see various snowflakes. Consider them, compare with each other. What do you think they have in common?

Answer: Each snowflake has 6 rays.

Teacher: Right. They have 6 rays, and it is very difficult to find two identical snowflakes in nature.

Guys, why do you think snow is white?

Answer: //-//-//

Teacher: The multi-colored ray of sunlight is “to blame” for the whiteness of the snow. Snowflakes fall in disarray on top of each other and lie in a loose mass. Together they become opaque and therefore cannot transmit the entire ray of the sun through them. They reflect it entirely into our eyes. And the snow is dazzlingly white because it reflects the sun, the purest color of a white sunbeam.

Now answer the question: why does winter come to us? (The sun drops lower, it becomes colder, because the rays do not warm the earth as in summer. The wind becomes cold, snow and blizzards appear).

Teacher: And with such changes in nature, how do we dress? What?

Answer: We put on hats, boots, sheepskin coats, fur coats, mittens.

Teacher: Right. How do plants and trees prepare to spend the winter?

Answer: They drop their leaves as if they are falling asleep.

Teacher: Guys, name the animals of the middle zone.

Answer: Squirrel, bor. bear, hare, fox, wolf.

Teacher: How do they prepare for winter?

Answer: The squirrel stores mushrooms and nuts; the bear accumulates fat; a squirrel and a hare change their coats; The fox's coat becomes warmer and fluffier.

Teacher: Right. Now name the animals of the Far North.

Answer: Deer, polar bear, arctic fox, polar owl, partridge.

The teacher posts illustrations.

Teacher: How do they spend the winter?

Answer: Reindeer tear up the snow and eat moss; the polar bear accumulates fat and hibernates; Arctic foxes and foxes feed on lemmings and mice and hide in their holes; owls eat lemmings and mice; partridges hide in snowdrifts from frost.

Teacher: What animals hibernate in winter?

Answer: Bear, hedgehog, badger, snake and frog.

The teacher hangs up a drawing with traces of animals and birds.

Teacher: Guys, determine which animals these tracks belong to? (children look at the drawing and determine). What do you think can be learned about an animal from its tracks?

Answer: The direction of the animal, the size of the animal, the condition of the animal.

Teacher: Tell me, how can a person help animals and birds survive the winter this winter?

Answer: Hang feeders with grain and bread in the forest on trees and put pieces of bread and lard under them.

Teacher: Now let’s rest a little and listen to how P. I. Tchaikovsky conveyed his attitude towards winter in the musical work “Winter Morning”. When I turn on the music, imagine what could be happening on this winter morning. Listen carefully, because after listening I will ask questions.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think this music is? (fast, slow, energetic) Who wants to tell what they presented to this music?

Students talk as they wish.

Lesson summary :

Teacher: Guys, what new did you learn today? What did we do in class?

Answer: //-//-//

Teacher: It seems to me that Zimushka-winter liked our extracurricular activity, since we learned how to properly help animals in winter, how snowflakes are born. Winter leaves you with interesting riddles and tasks on the snowflakes. During the break you can look at these tasks.

Our extracurricular activity is over, you can go without recess.