Ectopic pregnancy. Video - Symptoms of early ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, the long-awaited two lines on the test are not always a truly joyful event. In gynecological practice, pathological implantation of an embryo is quite often diagnosed, which is located outside the uterine cavity and is localized on other parts of the reproductive organs.

This condition is quite difficult to diagnose, since at the initial stage of development of the fertilized egg, the characteristic clinical symptoms of improper attachment are absent. That is why women quite often wonder what signs ectopic pregnancy at an early stage (2 weeks) there may be.

Every girl who is preparing to become a mother in the near future should know certain signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages (2 weeks). This information will help her avoid the development of serious complications in the functioning of the reproductive system.

There are many factors under the influence of which, after fertilization, the egg is not attached to the uterine wall, but, for example, enters the abdominal cavity or remains on the cervix. This condition is often diagnosed in the presence of adhesions, abnormal structure of the reproductive organs, imbalance of hormones and after contact with sedentary sperm.

Depending on where exactly the embryo was implanted, the symptoms of the pathology will differ. It is also worth noting that on early stages It is very difficult to diagnose VMB, since a woman, as in a normal pregnancy, suffers from nausea and vomiting, her mammary glands swell, and she has an unstable psycho-emotional state.

If the fertilized egg has attached in an area where there is enough space for its continued development, then the pathology can be detected already in an advanced state, when the only solution to the problem is surgical intervention. Starting from about 2 weeks, an ectopic pregnancy will begin to manifest itself.

Imaging of ectopic pregnancy. Source:

First of all, the woman will begin to notice that in the lower abdomen she has painful sensations that are aching or pulling in nature. This symptom alone should make her think about a possible problem. Often this condition occurs when the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube.

However, if the embryo is located in a wide zone, then the first pronounced symptoms may appear no earlier than 7-8 weeks of development. At about 3 weeks, an ectopic pregnancy will manifest itself with the following conditions:

  1. In the lower abdomen, where the embryo is localized, pain of a cutting, pulling or aching nature will appear;
  2. There may be a discharge with obvious traces of blood;
  3. The skin of the face and body will become pale;
  4. Blood pressure drops sharply;
  5. The woman feels general fatigue;
  6. Fainting may occur;
  7. Body temperature stays within 37-38 degrees.

If a girl has one symptom or a complex of them, it is recommended to immediately call ambulance and go to the hospital, since this condition can be dangerous to the patient’s health. Often in advanced situations, peritonitis develops, severe bleeding occurs and the fallopian tube ruptures.

The optimal outcome of the event is spontaneous rejection of the pathologically implanted fetus. However, such situations occur extremely rarely, and, often, a woman requires emergency surgery to remove the embryo attached to the cervix, peritoneum or tube.


In gynecological practice, it is customary to determine the expected duration of pregnancy based on when the woman’s last regular bleeding in the next cycle ended. Often this period differs from that determined by ultrasound screening.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages (2 weeks) are practically invisible on ultrasound. The localization of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity can be determined starting from the 21st day of embryo development. That is why this technique is not suitable for early diagnosis of VMB. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention to indirect signs of pathology.


After fertilization of the egg by sperm has occurred, the woman’s body begins to produce the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. If you regularly donate blood to determine its concentration, you can understand at an early stage whether a normal or pathological pregnancy is developing.

HCG levels in normal and ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of early ectopic pregnancy and treatment

On the path to motherhood there are unexpected, serious obstacles. One of them is ectopic pregnancy (EP). Almost every woman is at risk. And this diagnosis can lead to death. In 35% of cases, the reason for the development of the embryo in an atypical place cannot be established.

Factors that increase the risk of developing a pathological pregnancy: use of intrauterine contraception, abortion, .

The biggest mistake women make is to take a test at home after a missed period and rejoice in the pregnancy. Immediately after this, you need to register and have an ultrasound examination. Because only ultrasound can determine where exactly the fertilized egg was attached.

  • Ectopic pregnancy - what is it?
  • Why does ectopic pregnancy occur: reasons
  • Consequences of ectopic pregnancy
  • Timing of fallopian tube rupture in VB
  • Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages
  • Menstruation during ectopic pregnancy
  • The test will show whether or not VB
  • How does an ectopic pregnancy manifest after a tube rupture?
  • Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy with tube preservation
  • Treatment of VB
  • What to do to avoid ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the consolidation and subsequent development of a fertilized egg - an embryo, not in the place provided by nature - in the uterine cavity, but outside it. . It can develop in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity, in the cervix, and on internal organs.

A rapid test allows you to suspect the ectopic location of the embryo with (INEXSCREEN). This is important for women at risk for pathological pregnancy. The test results can be reliably confirmed or refuted by ultrasound. During the study, you can see the localization of the fertilized egg and the heartbeat of the embryo.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

A sign of an ectopic pregnancy after a rupture of the fallopian tube will be sharp pain during vaginal examination.

An ultrasound can determine the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, and in the area of ​​the appendages you can see signs additional education. Another symptom is the accumulation of fluid in the pouch of Douglas.

For diagnostic purposes, a puncture of the posterior vaginal vault is performed - a puncture with a thick needle. In this way, internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity is diagnosed or excluded. The presence of blood during an ectopic pregnancy in the retrouterine space is an indicator that surgery is required. Immediate surgery can be performed using a laparoscope (through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall) or through abdominal access (an incision in the anterior abdominal wall).

Most accurate diagnosis ectopic pregnancy is performed during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that does not involve dissection of the abdominal cavity. Holes are made in the abdominal wall. Through them, using a small optical camera, doctors examine the abdominal cavity. And with the help of special instruments, an operation is performed to remove the fertilized egg and stop the bleeding. Diagnostic laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy (examination of the abdominal organs) can go straight into surgery.

With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the fertilized egg before the fallopian tube ruptures and avoid more dangerous complications.

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy

The only possible method of treating an ectopic pregnancy (interrupted) is the operation of salpingectomy - removal of the fallopian tube. A destroyed fallopian tube must be removed for two reasons:

  • to stop bleeding;
  • and due to its functional insolvency in the future.

The method of operation can be laparotomic or laparoscopic. It all depends on the technical availability of the medical institution, the qualifications of the doctor and the solvency of the patients.

For the treatment of progressive ectopic pregnancy, there are other surgical options:

  • Medical sclerosis of the ovum is the introduction of a chemical substance into the ovum with the aim of resorption. But the patency of the fallopian tube will be in question. This method is used if an ectopic pregnancy is detected in the only remaining tube.
  • Dissection of the tube to remove embryonic tissue and plastic restoration of the organ. There is no 100% guarantee that the pipe will be passable. Rehabilitation before another pregnancy can take up to 6 months.
  • With early detection and the availability of special equipment, surgery is possible - fimbral evacuation of the ovum. Technically, it looks like this: the embryo is evacuated from the uterine tube under vacuum from the ampullary section of the tube (which is adjacent to the ovary).

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

The most correct approach to preventing ectopic pregnancy is full preparation for conception: examination of the woman and man. This main rule applies to all couples who want to get pregnant.

It is necessary to minimize the occurrence of the causes leading to this pathology:

  • Prevention and timely complete comprehensive treatment of the female genital area.
  • Normalization of hormonal disorders.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including sexual hygiene. It is necessary to use barrier contraception and avoid frequent changes of sexual partners.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist – 1-2 times a year.
  • Complete examination in early pregnancy.

A repeated ectopic pregnancy can lead to the woman having both tubes removed, and if there are no children, then the only way to get pregnant and give birth in these cases is only through in vitro fertilization - IVF.

If you were diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and one tube was removed, this is not a death sentence. Get pregnant naturally Can.

Every female representative of reproductive age and who is sexually active should know the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. It is certainly impossible to protect yourself from it. For unknown reasons, this pathology can occur even in a seemingly healthy woman. Let's look separately at the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, which the woman herself can notice, and which the doctor can notice based on the results of examinations and complaints of his patient.

What should be alarming

1. Bloody discharge or very weak periods. The second happens quite often with this pathology. A woman may not even suspect that she is pregnant. Therefore, if you suddenly, especially with a delay or, on the contrary, prematurely, have very scanty, unusual periods, you need to at least buy and do a test, or better yet, donate blood to determine human chorionic gonadotropin.

2. Pain in the lower abdomen. They may not bother you almost until the fallopian tube ruptures (if the fetus develops in the tube). The pain usually occurs acutely, radiates to the rectum and left shoulder, localization is on the side where the fertilized egg developed. These ectopic symptoms may also indicate other pathologies, for example, a threat of miscarriage. But in any case, this should not be left unattended. For reference: these bright signs can occur in different terms, and they depend on the exact localization of the fertilized egg. Take, for example, tubal pregnancy. It also has several varieties, because the fallopian tubes are not the same throughout. If the egg is implanted in the ampulla of the fallopian tube (its most voluminous part), then pregnancy can be interrupted only at the beginning of the second trimester. And if implantation occurred in the isthmus (the narrowest place), then in the middle of the first trimester.

3. Weak positive test. This is when the second stripe, confirming an interesting position, appears barely noticeably, and sometimes does not appear at all, but the woman feels that she is pregnant. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that with ectopic the concentration of hCG in the blood is lower, especially 2-3 weeks after the start of delayed menstruation, this difference is noticeable. But the problem may also lie in poor quality testing. Sometimes ectopic pregnancy symptoms are not quite typical, for example, low basal temperature (which is not typical for any type of pregnancy).

On examination

In theory, every modern woman should plan a child, and, accordingly, visit the doctor several times even before conception. But even if everything was planned, it is necessary to see a gynecologist as early as possible after conception, especially if there are any symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

During the examination, the doctor may notice in case of pathology that the size of the uterus is smaller than it should be on this period. If the pregnancy is longer, there is a mass formation in the area of ​​the fallopian tube, which, in principle, can be not only the fetus. In this case, the doctor refers the woman to ultrasonography and a blood test for hCG levels.

If an ultrasound shows that there is no fetus in the uterus, although there should already be a fetus in the uterus, despite all this, human chorionic gonadotropin is significantly increased - the woman is admitted to the hospital for additional examination, usually diagnostic, laparoscopic surgery. It is not always possible to determine the fetus in the area of ​​the tube by ultrasound examination. This can only be indicated by some probable medical signs.

A blood test for hCG can also help identify pathology. If the hCG values ​​are too low, then the doctor questions whether the pregnancy is frozen or ectopic. Note: the first three weeks after hCG conception doubles every 29-36 hours, then up to 6 weeks every two days. Doctors are watching the dynamics. If growth is slow, then 80-85 percent is an ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms almost clearly indicate this.

In many cases, it is impossible to immediately understand what is happening to a woman. The “doubtful” patient is admitted to the hospital for observation. When diagnosing, it is very important to exclude diseases related and not related to pregnancy. For example, the signs of ectopic pregnancy are very similar to acute inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), acute appendicitis, torsion of the ovarian pedicle, rupture of the corpus luteum cyst, renal colic, etc.

As long as the hCG is low, there is no risk of organ rupture (if it is still VB). In addition, sometimes an ectopic pregnancy “cures” (stops developing and “resolves”) on its own. In other cases, if symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy appear in the early stages and allow an accurate diagnosis to be made, doctors may offer conservative treatment with Methotrexate. Not to be confused with Mifepristone, this drug, used for medical abortions, is not effective for ectopic abortions due to low progesterone levels. Methotrexate is contraindicated during normal pregnancy, since its use is guaranteed to lead to the death or serious illness of the fetus (Methotrexate has a pronounced teratogenic effect). Therefore, before using it on patients with an ectopic pregnancy, they can clean the uterus to prevent the development of intrauterine pregnancy. Several cases have been recorded when a woman developed two embryos at once. Moreover, one is in the uterus, and the other is outside the uterus. Methotrexate is contraindicated if the ovum size is more than 3.5 cm, and the presence of a fetal heartbeat is also a relative contraindication. Methotrexate should not be taken if you have kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, severe anemia and some other diseases.

Types of ectopic pregnancy and their symptoms

Almost our entire article was devoted to only one type of ectopic pregnancy - tubal. The fact is that this localization of the fertilized egg is the most common. But there are cases when the egg is implanted in the wall of the ovary, in the abdominal cavity, or even in the cervix. What are the symptoms of early and late ectopic pregnancy of this rare type and what is the primary medical diagnosis?

1. Ovarian pregnancy. The signs are the same as for tubal localization. There are two medical opinions on this matter. Some doctors believe (and this has already been proven) that the egg is ready for conception even before ovulation, and accordingly, its fertilization occurs right there “on the spot.” Other doctors believe that fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, after which the egg “confuses” the direction and is not sent to be implanted in the uterus, but returns to the ovary. Treatment is surgical.

2. Cervical pregnancy. Yes, this happens too. Not to be confused with low presentation placenta. IN in this case, the fertilized egg is implanted inside the cervix and in no way, unlike a low-lying placenta, will rise into the uterus. The difficulty is that obvious symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy with cervical localization can appear only in the second trimester, when the fetus is already quite large - bleeding begins. Of course, it can be diagnosed earlier, but only if you consult a doctor or do an ultrasound. On ultrasound, with this position of the fetus, the uterus takes on the shape hourglass, but the embryo is absent in the cavity. Previously, in almost half of the cases, women with this pathology did not survive, they died from large blood loss, only those who underwent extirpation (removal) of the uterus survived. Now everything can be solved without surgery using the drug we described above - Methotrexate.

3. Abdominal pregnancy. It can develop for quite a long time and not even be immediately noticed. Medicine knows of cases where women carried children in the abdominal cavity until the third trimester. However, this state of affairs is not normal, and such a pathological pregnancy in any case spontaneously terminates if surgery or conservative treatment has not been performed. Over long periods of time, the doctor can freely palpate the uterus separately and the fetus located separately from it. For diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed; if it turns out to be uninformative, then an X-ray or MRI is performed. Implantation and development of an egg in the abdominal cavity is a very rare occurrence. Among all cases of VD, it is less than half of one percent. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages in this case are the same as with its more common types.

Ectopic pregnancy in any form is a very dangerous pathology, but if it is detected in a short period of time and adequate treatment is carried out, there will be no significant consequences for the body.

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Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages are difficult to recognize and often go undetected. Early signs are similar to those of physiological pregnancy. Differences appear over later from about 5–6 weeks.

Therefore, this condition often leads to the development of serious complications and unfavorable outcomes. In order to correctly and timely diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to know its types and early symptoms of pathology.

What are the causes of ectopic pregnancy?

There are many factors that cause this pathology. These include:

  • Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the reproductive organs.

They cause disturbances in the structure of the mucous membranes of the conductive tracts and a decrease in the contractility of muscle fibers in the tubes. As a result, the natural process of advancement of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity is disrupted. And it lingers in the corresponding fallopian tube. Also, chronic inflammation can lead to blockage of the pipes, causing their obstruction.

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the fallopian tubes.

They can be too long or tortuous, curved.

  • Adhesions in the abdominal cavity after other surgical interventions. Adhesions also prevent the normal dislocation of the fertilized egg.
  • Frequent and long-term use of contraceptives or use of an intrauterine device.
  • Pathologies of the ovum. These include developmental anomalies, genetic disorders and the influence of external damaging factors.
  • Often, an ectopic pregnancy develops in the early stages after in vitro fertilization.
  • Infectious diseases of the reproductive system, especially those accompanied high temperature bodies.
  • Imbalance of hormones in the body.
  • Frequent colds with increasing temperature.
  • Hypothermia.

Types of ectopia and characteristic signs

There are 4 types of ectopia, which depend on the place of attachment of the fertilized egg:

  • Pipe.

This is the most common type, in which the fertilized egg is retained in the tube for some reason. Most often, the embryo develops in the ampulla of the tube. If this ectopia is not diagnosed in a timely manner, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur. This occurs as a result of active growth of the embryo, starting from week 6.

This condition is an emergency and requires immediate hospitalization.

It manifests itself as severe abdominal pain, severe bleeding, a drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness. Moreover, the pain is typical on the side where ovulation supposedly took place and the fetus is developing. Dizziness and dry mucous membranes are noted. Body temperature may increase.

  • Ovarian.

This option is less common and is associated with malformations of the uterus. If a woman knows about developmental pathology, then when the first symptoms of pregnancy appear, she must undergo ultrasound diagnostics immediately. It will help clarify the place of attachment of the embryo and decide on further tactics.

  • Abdominal.

This is the rarest option and is difficult to diagnose in time. With it, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in the area internal organs belly. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages correspond to the normal course. The abdominal type is dangerous for a pregnant woman, as it leads to extensive bleeding in the abdominal cavity. If the fetus is sufficiently supplied with blood, then there is a chance to carry it to a viable term. But this rarely happens. Only isolated cases of the birth of viable children have been described.

  • Heterotopic.

With this type, 2 or more fetuses develop, one is located in the uterus, and the second is ectopic in an atypical place. At the same time, the increase in hCG and progesterone in the blood remains normal. Difficulties in diagnosis arise when the multiple pregnancy. In the early stages, ultrasound detects one embryo in the uterus. This often leads to the condition being misdiagnosed.

The very first signs of ectopic embryo development

A fertilized egg can stop anywhere along the way from the ovary to the uterus. This may be the abdominal cavity, the ovarian area or the fallopian tube. This pathology occurs due to an inflammatory or adhesive process in the reproductive organs and abdominal cavity.

In this case, the very first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy correspond to the early signs of uterine attachment of the embryo:

  • there will be a delay in menstruation;
  • the test will show positive result in the form of two stripes;
  • signs of toxicosis may appear;
  • the mammary glands will become sensitive, slightly painful and enlarged;
  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • basal temperature will be elevated, as happens during physiological pregnancy; if the rectal temperature is below 37 degrees, then it is likely that the embryo has died;
  • mood will become changeable;
  • general body temperature can also rise to subfebrile values ​​– 37.2–37.5 degrees.

What changes are typical for the test?

If you suspect you are pregnant, you can do a test at home. It should be done if there is a delay, fever and other signs. In case of an ectopic pregnancy, the test will show a positive result, but the test strip on it will not be bright enough. And after a couple of days the test may become negative.

If this is observed during testing, and characteristic symptoms are present, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In most cases, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is confirmed. It is important to know that such signs can also occur during a physiological pregnancy that has stopped for some reason.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the first weeks

Except common features In the early stages, ectopic pregnancy is characterized by specific symptoms:

  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract similar to menstruation. They can be dark brown or brownish. It is important not to confuse them with menstruation if there has been a long delay. It must be remembered that there may not be visible bleeding if blood accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Along with the discharge, there appear severe pain in the abdominal area of ​​a cutting nature. In this case, the localization of pain depends on the part in which the embryo develops. The pain syndrome intensifies with movements and changes in body position.
  • Characterized by general weakness, malaise, chills.
  • Body temperature may rise. Basal temperature higher general values, mostly low-grade fever.
  • If there is large blood loss, dizziness and fainting occur. This reduces blood pressure.

What signs are found during the examination?

Ectopic pregnancy is detected in the early stages using the following examination:

  • Blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone begins to be produced early after implantation of the fertilized egg. If the embryo develops in the uterus, then hCG normally increases every 2 days. If its attachment occurs in an atypical place, then a slow growth of human chorionic gonadotropin is noted.
  • A study of the level of progesterone in the blood is carried out. This is a hormone of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. With an ectopic pregnancy, progesterone levels will be low.

These 2 indicators are relative characteristics. They also change with non-developing intrauterine pregnancy or.

In addition, instrumental examination is carried out:

  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

It allows you to see the embryo in the early stages when hCG level above 1500 IU/L from about 4–5 weeks. If the doctor does not see it in the uterine cavity by ultrasound, then the search continues in other areas: tubes, ovaries, abdominal cavity.

  • Laparoscopic diagnosis.

It is carried out when other methods fail to establish an accurate diagnosis. An audit of the pelvic organs is carried out. If a fertilized egg is detected in an atypical location, the pregnancy is terminated. Often, during surgery, the fallopian tube in which the pregnancy occurred is removed. It depends on the duration and accompanying complications.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to save the life of a developing fetus during an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, therapeutic measures are aimed at preserving women’s health and her life. The critical period before which complications can be avoided is 6–8 weeks.

If unfavorable symptoms appear, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. This is an emergency condition that requires qualified assistance. Late diagnosis and termination of such a pregnancy lead to serious complications or death.

Ectopic pregnancy is not common, but it is not rare either. According to statistics, 2 out of 100 pregnant women have this dangerous pathology.

Its causes have not been thoroughly studied, so any woman who does not avoid sexual activity can encounter it.

Ectopic pregnancy, even in the mildest cases, does not pass without a trace for a woman - it is always accompanied by inflammation, bleeding, anemia and scars in the appendages.

About 30% of women remain infertile, about 20% are at risk of repeating this unpleasant experience. However, almost half have every chance of subsequent normal pregnancy with the birth of a healthy child.

These chances increase if, without wasting time in the early stages, as soon as the first suspicions and signs of ectopic implantation of the egg appear, you take the most active measures to avoid rupture and removal of damaged organs.

There is not enough space for a rapidly developing embryo to grow outside the uterus., the tissues of other organs are not adapted for fetal implantation and do not have the necessary elasticity.

As a result, the embryo itself either peels off from the wall of the appendage or ruptures it. Both cases cause internal bleeding and risk of death for the woman.

Important to remember! It is impossible to manage without prompt medical intervention in case of spontaneous abortion or rupture, and the risk increases with increasing period.

It is very important to have an idea of ​​how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages. By recognizing the first signs of this dangerous pathology, you can solve the problem with minimal consequences.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy before delay

Before a missed period, not every woman is able to suspect serious changes in the normal course of the cycle, including dysfunction or pregnancy (both normal and ectopic).

At this stage, many people do not think about a possible problem.

Moreover, the very first evidence of conception is very similar to PMS:

  • decreased tone and drowsiness;
  • changes in appetite;
  • dizziness, confusion and mood swings;
  • the chest fills up and becomes sensitive.

Ectopic Pregnancy in the early stages manifests itself in the same way as normal, and its first signs may not be pronounced.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the first week, how it manifests itself in the early stages

The egg begins to move towards the uterus during the process of fertilization. For 5–6 days, the embryo (still in the form of one cell - a zygote) exists in a state not associated with the mother’s body.

By the end of the first week, it is completely ready for implantation - for subsequent development it needs nutrition and oxygen. If it has not been possible to reach the uterus by this time, the process of consolidation begins where it is located at that moment.

It happens (but less often) that a fertilized egg that has already entered the uterus is pushed out of it and attaches to the surrounding tissues of the peritoneum or in the ovary.

To secure the membrane of the fertilized egg, it begins to form outgrowths called villi - chorion(from which the embryonic part of the placenta subsequently develops).

These villi actively penetrate into the tissues of the uterus (and in case of ectopic pregnancy, into the walls of the organ to which the embryo is trying to attach), destroying them and the walls of blood vessels. This process lasts about 2 days.

Note! The very first sign of conception is light bleeding about a week before your expected period. They are called implantation bleeding.

At this stage, it is still impossible to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one.

Unpleasant sensations (if any) are often explained by the body’s reaction to restructuring, and not by the presence of any pathology.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy at 6-8 weeks

How an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages (its first signs) depends entirely on which organ the fertilized egg is implanted in.

There are different types of this pathology:

Type of ectopic pregnancy How it manifests itself in the early stages First signs
PipeUsually the embryo stops in the wide part of the fallopian tube. Then the first symptoms become noticeable by 8 weeks and later.

But in 1/3 of such pathologies it is located closer to the uterus, where the walls of the tube are narrow and inelastic. Then sharp, painful sensations appear already at 5 weeks.

With this position of the embryo, the risk of tube rupture is very high.

  • Stitching pain from the affected oviduct;
  • Bloody discharge (usually weak, spotting);
  • Cramping pain under the peritoneum;
  • Continuous, nagging pain;
  • Lethargy, dizziness, low blood pressure are signs of internal bleeding.
AbdominalAppears closer to 5 weeks.
  • Discharge, weakness, pallor - indicate bleeding;
  • The pain can be either on the side or in the middle of the abdomen.
CervicalUsually it does not cause suspicion for a long time, because at first there is enough space in this organ for the embryo to grow.
  • Very rarely causes pain or discomfort unusual for pregnancy;
  • Has a tendency to prolonged and heavy vaginal bleeding, since there are many blood vessels in the attachment zone;
  • Blood loss can be significant and can cause shock and be life-threatening.
OvarianThe walls of the ovary stretch well, so the embryo can develop practically without deviations until 18–20 weeks (begins to move).

The woman does not notice any unpleasant sensations at this time. Afterwards, the inevitable rupture of the organ occurs.

  • Common toxicosis and spotting;
  • There is tolerable point pain at the implantation site;
  • Later – severe attacks of pain radiating to the lower back and anus, accompanied by dizziness and nausea;
  • Pain during defecation.

Be careful! It happens that an ectopic pregnancy is asymptomatic and does not cause any unusual sensations until an emergency situation occurs. This leads to its delay and threatens with irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy after 8 weeks

Based on how the first signs of pregnancy appear in the early stages, it is difficult even for qualified specialists to distinguish a normal process from an ectopic pathology.

8 weeks are considered a critical period - at 8–10 weeks of tubal pregnancy, rupture of the oviduct is likely. Therefore, doctors try to remove the fertilized egg before the 7-week period.

It is already possible to assume ectopic implantation at week 8 with a high degree of certainty:

However, all of the factors listed cannot provide complete confidence in the presence (or absence) of this pathology:

  • Low hCG levels may be a symptom of problems with a normal pregnancy - this is how the first signs of a threatened miscarriage, slow fetal development, and fading pregnancy appear;
  • Organ sizes and seals in them, during manual examination, they can also indicate both ectopic pregnancy and other causes, especially against the background of existing diseases;
  • With ultrasound in the early stages of fluid accumulation, blood clots or folds of epithelium can easily be mistaken for a fertilized egg.

That's why if it is necessary to confirm suspicions, diagnostic laparoscopy is prescribed– internal examination of the abdominal cavity using a telescopic tube connected to a video camera.

Holes for inserting tools have minimum size, and the method is considered one of the most gentle.

If pathology is present, such equipment allows the procedure to be continued as a surgical intervention to remove the fertilized egg and cauterize damaged vessels.

Timely laparoscopy allows you to save appendages, in which implantation has occurred, and reduce the risk of infertility.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy due to ruptured tubes

Without medical intervention, tubal pregnancy leads to two results:

  • Tubal abortion– the dead embryo, detached (sometimes partially) from the wall of the oviduct, emerges into the abdominal cavity. Counting on such a natural solution to the problem, doctors sometimes choose temporary tactics of monitoring the course of pregnancy without intervention;
  • Pipe rupture– if a spontaneous abortion did not occur before the 10th week or measures to remove the embryo were not taken.

Tubal abortion is accompanied by:

Symptoms of a pipe rupture:

  • Unilateral, “dagger” pain in the lower abdomen with nausea and intense sweating;
  • Internal bleeding, causing a sharp decrease in pressure, fainting, shock, threatening the woman’s life;
  • Since blood flowing into the abdominal cavity has a painful effect on the nerve endings, and there are fewer such endings in the pelvis, pain relief comes from sitting. However, when trying to sit down, the loss of blood results in severe dizziness (sometimes with loss of consciousness). This characteristic sign is called Vanka-Vstanka's symptom.

Methods for determining ectopic pregnancy

The most reliable ways to identify how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself, to detect the first signs of this pathology in the early stages:

  • monitoring changes in hCG levels;
  • Ultrasound examinations compared with laboratory test results.

Low hCG level as an indicator of BMP

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by the chorion (the membrane of the embryo) from the 6th day after fertilization.

By weeks 7–11, hCG production increases several thousand times, and after that it decreases.

This period is the most productive for determining various pathologies on early stages, because with an abnormally developing pregnancy, the level of hCG lags behind the indicators inherent in a healthy process.

To determine the increase in hCG, a series of analyzes are performed with a slight difference in time, the results of which are checked against standard tables.

During a pregnancy that proceeds without problems, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin increases by at least 1.6 times in 48 hours.

If the test results show a slower rate of growth, this is reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy, pathology of fetal development, or a threat of miscarriage.

When the hormone level is above 1800 mU/ml, the fertilized egg is already clearly visible with transvaginal ultrasound. If, with such indicators, it is not detected in the uterine cavity, the doctor suggests ectopic implantation of the embryo.

How to determine IUP using a pregnancy test

On days 10–11 after conception, there is already enough hCG in a woman’s urine for an express test to react to it.

And although it is impossible to distinguish a normal pregnancy from an ectopic one with its help, some features of the result should be taken into account in order to carry out more reliable tests later.

During an ectopic pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in a woman’s urine is lower than expected for the due date, and the test may show:

  • Lack of pregnancy. If it is later confirmed, the woman should inform the doctor about this, strictly adhere to the regime of tests and research, and be attentive to any unusual sensations, even if they are not directly related to pregnancy;
  • The test confirms pregnancy, but only one line is clearly colored. This should also alert you, because it indicates a low level of hCG. Therefore, it is either too early to perform the test (or it was not sensitive enough), or there is something wrong with the embryo.

Two or three repeat tests may be done 48 hours apart. If they show the same result or do not confirm pregnancy at all, there is reason for concern.

Interesting fact! An ectopic pregnancy (or other pregnancy-related problem) is only one of the possible reasons such a result. The most harmless of them is an erroneous calculation of the gestational age.

If a rapid test shows hormone levels (at least minimal), but pregnancy is not confirmed, you should be checked for the presence of neoplasms.

When to see a doctor

Ectopic implantation of the embryo should be suspected if at 4–5 weeks (from the end of last menstrual period) are observed:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes chronic or associated with exercise, walking, or changing position;
  • bleeding (usually small, spotting), which is often mistaken for menstruation;
  • signs of bleeding - low blood pressure, anemia, dizziness, blueness of the lips, nails and eye sockets;
  • slow increase in hCG levels;
  • the size of the uterus does not reach the required time;
  • increased level of leukocytes;
  • elevated temperature (indicates tissue injury and the onset of inflammation).

Although The causes of ectopic pregnancy are not fully understood Yes, they are mainly associated with violations of the patency of the tubes and their insufficient activity.

The egg does not have the ability to move independently, and the role vehicle when delivering it to the uterus, the cilia of the epithelium and muscle contractions of the walls of the oviduct play.

In this process, the balance of estrogen and progesterone, the absence of bends, adhesions and scars, as well as the mobility of the cilia play an important role.

That's why First of all, the risk group includes women who:

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the presence of this pathology in time, even with all the considerable arsenal of modern medicine.

Judging by the reviews of women who have personally encountered this problem, misdiagnosis is not uncommon. If you have any doubts, they advise not to waste time and check with several specialists in different clinics who have the necessary equipment and a reliable reputation.

This video will introduce you to how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages:

In this video you will be shown and told about the main and main signs of an ectopic pregnancy: