I'm a strong violinist. "Purely innocent Rafik" performed by the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus

[antisystem90] The tragic news was announced at the end of March on Muslim websites:

“The incident occurred on October 22, 2010 during Friday prayers in the Historical Mosque of Moscow. On that day, a certain person named Nikandrova Elena, calling herself an assistant to deputy Yazev, arrived at the mosque in a foreign car Infinity (number C 409 XM) and began to insult Muslims praying and use obscene language towards them.<...>one of the Muslims, Shamil Zaitov, who had just arrived for prayer and saw this picture, approached Nikandrova’s car and asked her to stop disturbing the believers. During the verbal skirmish, an inadequate reaction followed on the part of both women - this time obscene language was heard not only against Muslims, but also against Allah Himself. One of the women tried to provoke a fight by hitting Shamil with her cane, but he did not succumb to the provocation and simply threw the cane aside. By this time, other believers approached and also expressed their disagreement with the behavior of the women. As for Shamil, he went far away to pray. However, as soon as he finished praying, the police came and took him to the nearest police station."

Extremely plausible, right? “A Russian woman attacked a crowd of abreks and beat them with a stick, and they didn’t even defend themselves. Well, they took her phone away and POLITELY put it on the car.” (Obscene language - judging by the text - is what the woman demanded from Muslim citizens standing in the courtyards and on the roadway to let her drive their car.)

This reminded me very much of something... Oh yes! Immortal!

“So, the fight happened like this. Rafik says that he and his friends, heavyweight judokas, were peacefully smoking near the entrance at 3 o’clock in the morning. This means that there was a coincidence, at the moment when Rafik pulled out a knife to sharpen it, the violinist came out from the entrance. The violinist comes out and sees a knife in his hands. And Rafik seems to be hiding the knife and hiding his eyes, as if he were telling the violinist: “I don’t want to look at you.” But this one didn’t, he went into the circle of judoists and began to look everyone in the eye and says: “I am strong, and you are weak judokas." Rafik says, he took off his glasses himself, hit the floor and began to trample his glasses with his foot. Then he pulled out a violin, began to smash it against the entrance door, saying: “Look how strong I am.” violinist." Heavyweight judokas say: "Brother, we don't want to fight with you." "No, look how strong I am." Like King Kong beat himself in the chest, he broke all his ribs. Even after that he did not calm down. Rafik he says to his friends: “Let’s go home, he’s schizophrenic.” And the violinist says: “No, wait.” He hit himself in the solar plexus with his elbow - internal hemorrhage. And he also says: “You are judokas, and I will show you a technique.” Then he took himself by the back of his head and threw him out the first floor window. Like, look what trick I know. Rafik and his friends quickly ran to the police station and said: “The man there lost consciousness, he’s crazy.” This is how it was according to Rafik’s stories.”

Ilya Varlamov conducted a mini-investigation. Actually, it turned out quite expected - how everything REALLY was. The same woman who “beat a crowd of unresisting abreks with a stick” says:

“That day I had to take my mother to the hospital. The car was parked in the outer courtyard, from where there is an exit to an alley, but it was blocked by the cars of mosque parishioners. I waited for about two hours, the prayer had already ended, but no one was in a hurry to leave - the men were just stood and talked. I honked the horn several times, and then a young man, Bersan, ran up to me, his face distorted with rage, and, pulling me out of the car, pushed me to the ground. My mother, who has difficulty walking, tried to intervene, but he pushed me and her. At some point, he snatched the phone from me and tried to leave amid the approving shouts of the crowd, but, fortunately, a policeman was nearby and detained him. At the station where we went, there was a “support group” of young Caucasian men on duty. and I didn’t even expect that the case would get underway. In the evening, indeed, a driver from the Duma arrived from the Duma in an ordinary car without flashing lights and brought a letter from a deputy asking him to competently look into the situation. Only after that the case was finally opened."

Then, naturally, “Rafik’s dad” got involved in the matter. The Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus urgently “took measures” to protect its own. Including organizing a noisy Internet campaign about the “completely innocent Rafik” on the Internet.

Employees of a Nizhny Novgorod cafe, whose mother famous model Natalia Vodianova accused them of kicking her younger autistic daughter out of the institution, they told Lifenews their version of events.

“We wanted to help, but she came and started making trouble.” She just flew in, took a tray that was at hand, and threw it at one of our employees,” recalls the son of the owner of the establishment, Anar. - Well, then she started yelling, swearing, swearing. She didn't hear us at all.

The cafe employees said that they did not expect such behavior from the woman at all, because they had done absolutely nothing wrong. On the contrary, they tried to take care of a sick girl who could harm herself.

— The girl first went behind the bar, but the nanny took her out, and the bartender closed the door to the bar just in case. After that, the girl started banging her head against the wall - we were confused,” Anar continues. “Well, then she just sat down on the cold tile and remained sitting there, and the nanny didn’t say a word at all.” We suggested calling an ambulance, but the nanny started yelling, saying that our child doesn’t need a doctor!

According to the staff of the establishment, they were scared and wanted to lift the sick girl from the floor and transfer her to a chair. However, they did not risk approaching her, since they could not predict what Vodianova’s sister’s reaction would be, because she, after all, is a person with special needs.

- Well, what would you do? — Akhmed, a cafe employee, is perplexed. — The nanny and the mother, who arrived at the scene after the scandal began, shouted that everything was fine, and if the child wanted to sit on the floor, then let him. And she sat there for forty minutes! Well, why not come! Should I leave it on a cold tile in this state? It is obvious that something is wrong with her.

The cafe workers admit that if it weren’t for the mother with her insults and inappropriate behavior, the conflict could have been hushed up. But due to the woman’s aggressive attacks, she had to call park security. However, their appearance did not reassure Oksana’s mother - she continued to hurl insults, including towards the newly arrived men. Following job descriptions, the guards called law enforcement officers to the scene.

“The mother arrived and started yelling at everyone.” Not only did she swear at the staff, but also at the park security,” explains the head of the security shift. “Everyone wanted to help, but she took it strangely.” In the end, we had to call the police, who took her to the station. This case is noted in our magazine: it is written that the woman spoke in a raised voice and insulted everyone.

The staff of the establishment still does not understand what happened and why their sincere desire to help turned into a fight with abuse and accusations. The employees assure that they had nothing bad in their minds.

- Let’s stop talking, listen to me... So that’s how the fight happened. Rafik says that he and his friends, heavyweight judokas, were peacefully smoking near the entrance at three in the morning. This means that there was a coincidence, at the moment when Rafik pulled out a knife to sharpen it, at that moment the violinist came out of the neighbor’s entrance.

The violinist comes out and sees a knife in his hands. And Rafik seems to hide the knife and hide his eyes, like “I don’t want to look at you” - to the violinist. But this one - no, he came and walked into the circle of judokas and began to look everyone in the eyes, and said, like: “I am strong, you are weak judokas.” Rafik says he took off his glasses himself, hit the floor and began to trample his glasses with his foot. Then he pulled out a violin and began smashing it against the entrance door, saying: “Look what a strong violinist I am.”

These people say: “Brother, we don’t want to fight with you” - “No, look how strong I am.” Like King Kong beat himself in the chest, he broke all his ribs. Even after that he did not calm down. Rafik took his friends and said, let’s go, let’s go home, he’s a schizophrenic. He says: “No, wait.” He hit himself in the solar plexus with his elbow—an internal hemorrhage. And he also says: “You judokas, I’ll show you a technique.” I grabbed myself by the back of my head and looked out the first floor window. Like: “Look what trick I know.”

Rafik and his friends quickly ran to the police station and said: “The man there lost consciousness, he’s crazy.” This is how it was according to Rafik’s stories.

Rafik was completely innocent!

Nothing better has yet been written about the meeting of ethnic diaspora leaders with Vladimir Putin. True, the sketch is already two years old, but the intonations are conveyed absolutely correctly.

The program “Criminal Russia” is on air. Today my guest is a completely serious person, absolutely serious, so to speak, an operational worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the North Caucasus, Mahmud Mamedov. Mahmud Mamedov, hello. Hello Mahmoud. Very interest Ask: You recently released a dangerous criminal... Please tell me, in connection with what, in what connection is this action connected? Why?

Rafik was completely innocent!

But, okay, please tell me, how is it that he is innocent, but this fight that was caused by Rafik and his friends?

Let’s stop talking and listen to me... So that’s how the fight happened. Rafik says that he and his heavyweight judoka friends were peacefully smoking near the entrance at three in the morning. This means that there was a coincidence, at the moment when Rafik pulled out a knife to sharpen it, at that moment the violinist came out of the neighbor’s entrance. The violinist comes out and sees a knife in his hands. And Rafik seems to hide the knife and hide his eyes, like “I don’t want to look at you” - to the violinist. But this one didn’t, he came and walked into the circle of judokas and started looking everyone in the eyes, and said something like: “I’m strong, you are weak judokas.” Rafik says he took off his glasses himself, hit the floor and began to trample his glasses with his foot. Then he pulled out a violin and began smashing it against the entrance door, saying, “Look what a strong violinist I am.” These people say: “Brother, we don’t want to fight with you” - “No, look how strong I am.” Like King Kong beat himself in the chest, he broke all his ribs. Even after that he did not calm down. Rafik took his friends and said, let's go, let's go home, he's a schizophrenic. He says: “No, wait.” He hit himself in the solar plexus with his elbow - internal hemorrhage. And he also said: “You judokas, I’ll show you a technique,” ​​he took himself by the back of his head and looked out the first floor window. Like, “look what trick I know.” Rafik and his friends quickly ran to the police station and said: “The man there lost consciousness, he’s crazy.” This is how it was according to Rafik’s stories.

Okay, wait. Okay, okay, let's say it. But this is the rape of Tatyana, a native of Elektrostal. How do you explain this?

Let's stop talking and listen to an authoritative policeman... Rafik suspected something in the morning that day. He told me, he said: “I got up this morning, I definitely think there will be rape today. I’ll go into the forest and hide.” He says he knew for sure: today there would be rape in the village, he has an intuition. He went into the forest. For courage, I drank a bottle of vodka, so what, such news is internal. He hid behind an oak tree, “so I don’t want to meet anyone at all,” he says. And then, this resident of Kislovodsk purposefully walked through the forest. Purposefully. He sees Rafik hiding behind a tree - she comes to him. He is behind another tree - she is towards him. He says: “What do you want from me?” She tore her dress, forcibly pulled out Rafik’s belt, tied her hands, and then put him in the car and pressed the gas. Rafik went to the village, and just like that, she fell head over heels into a ravine and lost consciousness. Specially! And Rafik immediately came to us and said: “There’s a crazy woman there, with a torn (dress), it’s a pity for the belt. Give it back to me and bring her to her senses."

Okay, what about robbery?

Let's listen to me in the end! Rafik went to the station to hang out that day. Walking down the street, a man says: “help. please, my door is jammed and I don’t have the keys, come in through the window and open it from the other side.” Rafik has a good, kind heart. He climbed, and then the man discovered the key. While he was climbing, he came, opened it with the key, locked it inside, took a bath, and went to bed. Rafik comes in and sees someone sleeping. He sees the same one, and the TV is screaming. He thinks “the man will wake up now,” he couldn’t find the remote control, he thinks I’ll take the TV out. I’ll put it in the entrance, he’ll wake up, I’ll bring him back in. Apparently tired. He took the TV, walked along the road, came to the door, saw that there was no key. But work, he’s late. Rafik is late for work. He began to open the door so lightly with his foot, so, so easily. At this moment, this one wakes up from behind and comes out with a robe. He says: “Where are you taking the TV?” And at this moment Rafik says: “excuse me, please.” And he felt so embarrassed that he ran home with the door and the TV. And already at home I saw that the door, the TV, and also the VCR, the VCR was somehow stuck there. He says: “I would apologize to the person, but I forgot the address.”

All clear. But you, how do you know all this? Explain to me please?

I'll explain it to you again. After all these three incidents, Rafik came to us and frankly walked to us on his own. He came to me on foot and said: “Dad, I didn’t do any of this.” He says: “I’ll honestly tell you how it really happened.” I tell him: “Son, I understand everything.” We did this: we conducted research and found out that the public is dangerous for Rafik. And the public must be isolated from it. And under the federal program we allocated 16 billion rubles. Rafik was sent to forced treatment in Monte Carlo for life.

Rafik was completely innocent!

Nothing better has yet been written about the meeting of ethnic diaspora leaders with Vladimir Putin. True, the sketch is already two years old, but the intonations of Nadezhda Demeter and Soyun Sadykova are conveyed absolutely correctly.

The program “Criminal Russia” is on air. Today my guest is a completely serious person, absolutely serious, so to speak, an operational worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the North Caucasus, Mahmud Mamedov. Mahmud Mamedov, hello. Hello Mahmoud. A very interesting question: you recently released a dangerous criminal... Please tell me, in connection with what, in what connection is this action connected? Why?

Rafik was completely innocent!

But, okay, please tell me, how is it that he is innocent, but this fight that was caused by Rafik and his friends?

Let’s stop talking and listen to me... So that’s how the fight happened. Rafik says that he and his heavyweight judoka friends were peacefully smoking near the entrance at three in the morning. This means that there was a coincidence, at the moment when Rafik pulled out a knife to sharpen it, at that moment the violinist came out of the neighbor’s entrance. The violinist comes out and sees a knife in his hands. And Rafik seems to hide the knife and hide his eyes, like “I don’t want to look at you” - to the violinist. But this one didn’t, he came and walked into the circle of judokas and started looking everyone in the eyes, and said something like: “I’m strong, you are weak judokas.” Rafik says he took off his glasses himself, hit the floor and began to trample his glasses with his foot. Then he pulled out a violin and began smashing it against the entrance door, saying, “Look what a strong violinist I am.” These people say: “Brother, we don’t want to fight with you” - “No, look how strong I am.” Like King Kong beat himself in the chest, he broke all his ribs. Even after that he did not calm down. Rafik took his friends and said, let's go, let's go home, he's a schizophrenic. He says: “No, wait.” He hit himself in the solar plexus with his elbow - internal hemorrhage. And he also said: “You judokas, I’ll show you a technique,” ​​he took himself by the back of his head and looked out the first floor window. Like, “look what trick I know.” Rafik and his friends quickly ran to the police station and said: “The man there lost consciousness, he’s crazy.” This is how it was according to Rafik’s stories.

Okay, wait. Okay, okay, let's say it. But this is the rape of Tatyana, a native of Elektrostal. How do you explain this?

Let's stop talking and listen to an authoritative policeman... Rafik suspected something in the morning that day. He told me, he said: “I got up this morning, I definitely think there will be rape today. I’ll go into the forest and hide.” He says he knew for sure: today there would be rape in the village, he has an intuition. He went into the forest. For courage, I drank a bottle of vodka, so what, such news is internal. He hid behind an oak tree, “so I don’t want to meet anyone at all,” he says. And then, this resident of Kislovodsk purposefully walked through the forest. Purposefully. He sees Rafik hiding behind a tree - she comes to him. He is behind another tree - she is towards him. He says: “What do you want from me?” She tore her dress, forcibly pulled out Rafik’s belt, tied her hands, and then put him in the car and pressed the gas. Rafik went to the village, and just like that, she fell head over heels into a ravine and lost consciousness. Specially! And Rafik immediately came to us and said: “There’s a crazy woman there, with a torn (dress), it’s a pity for the belt. Give it back to me and bring her to her senses."

Okay, what about robbery?

Let's listen to me in the end! Rafik went to the station to hang out that day. Walking down the street, a man says: “help. please, my door is jammed and I don’t have the keys, come in through the window and open it from the other side.” Rafik has a good, kind heart. He climbed, and then the man discovered the key. While he was climbing, he came, opened it with the key, locked it inside, took a bath, and went to bed. Rafik comes in and sees someone sleeping. He sees the same one, and the TV is screaming. He thinks “the man will wake up now,” he couldn’t find the remote control, he thinks I’ll take the TV out. I’ll put it in the entrance, he’ll wake up, I’ll bring him back in. Apparently tired. He took the TV, walked along the road, came to the door, saw that there was no key. But work, he’s late. Rafik is late for work. He began to open the door so lightly with his foot, so, so easily. At this moment, this one wakes up from behind and comes out with a robe. He says: “Where are you taking the TV?” And at this moment Rafik says: “excuse me, please.” And he felt so embarrassed that he ran home with the door and the TV. And already at home I saw that the door, the TV, and also the VCR, the VCR was somehow stuck there. He says: “I would apologize to the person, but I forgot the address.”

All clear. But you, how do you know all this? Explain to me please?

I'll explain it to you again. After all these three incidents, Rafik came to us and frankly walked to us on his own. He came to me on foot and said: “Dad, I didn’t do any of this.” He says: “I’ll honestly tell you how it really happened.” I tell him: “Son, I understand everything.” We did this: we conducted research and found out that the public is dangerous for Rafik. And the public must be isolated from it. And under the federal program we allocated 16 billion rubles. Rafik was sent to forced treatment in Monte Carlo for life.