Mysterious phenomena of the psyche: teleportation, hypnosis, telepathy. Human teleportation - how to learn? Moving in space and time Transferring the astral body

Entertaining psychology Shapar Viktor Borisovich



Teleportation is a word coined by Charles Fort to describe the phenomenon of moving objects from one place to another without the visible use or involvement of physical force.

“In December 1952 I got off the train at a commuter station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and there was no taxi. The rain poured incessantly. It was 5:59 pm. At 6 o'clock I was supposed to receive a call from abroad, and it was a very important call for me. The situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line and I could not use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station one. Considering that the clock at the station always goes a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, i.e. there were still three minutes left until 18.00. What happened then, I can’t say. When I came to, I was standing in the hallway of my house, which was a good 20 minutes' walk away. At this time the clock began to strike 6. Minute to minute the telephone rang. After I finished my conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them and my clothes were also completely dry.”

It must be assumed that Major Pole was in some mysterious way transported to his home, for he very much desired to be at home, without making any conscious effort to do so. If this could happen spontaneously like this, then why can’t teleportation happen by volitional order?

Behind last years There have been many reports of involuntary teleportation, mostly associated with UFOs. Many of them are given in John Keel's Our Visited Planet (1971). For example, Geraldo Vidal was driving with his wife in the Bahia Blanca region of Argentina in May 1968. Suddenly they found themselves in Mexico, many thousands of miles away from where they were. They had no idea where they were or how they got here. The only sign that something had happened to them was the scorched body of their car.

Another case, described by Clark and Coleman in the book Unidentified, was that of José Antonio da Silva, 24, who, on May 9, 1969, found himself near Vitoria, Brazil, in a state of shock, with torn clothes, 500 miles away. Bebedour, where he was four and a half days ago. His story that he was captured by creatures four feet tall, transported by them to another planet, and then returned to Earth sounds fantastic, but this case, like many similar incidents, was carefully investigated, and after that there was no There is still doubt that da Silva believes what he says. It is noteworthy that in all cases of teleportation associated with UFOs, the victim returns in a state of shock, trance and semi-amnesia, which is completely consistent with stories involving fairy abductions in earlier times.

As we see, some cases of teleportation occurred spontaneously, without obvious outside influence, while others, on the contrary, were clearly controlled, albeit unconsciously, by the will of certain people with a high nervous organization.

In the Middle Ages, no one doubted the existence of occult powers, and the further we look into the depths of centuries, to the times of witches and shamans, the more confirmation we receive about the alleged cases of controlled teleportation and magical flights. Although this phenomenon is not recognized, it nevertheless occurs periodically.

How else can one explain the cases of disappearances of men in Russia, mostly young and middle-aged, and then their reappearance with complete amnesia? By the way, this is often discussed in the popular program “Wait for Me.”


1. Teleportation………………………………………………………………..3

2. Hypnosis……………………………………………………………………………………….8

3. Telepathy…………………………………………………………………………………13




The term parapsychology has two meanings. Parapsychology is used to denote a certain area of ​​unusual phenomena that have fallen outside the scope of study of modern natural sciences. These facts, being psychological in essence, are nevertheless outside or near traditional scientific psychology. Hence the particle “steam” that is included in this term.

It is difficult to object to this use of the term “parapsychology”: after all, in essence, it makes almost no difference what we call a certain area of ​​phenomena, regardless of whether these phenomena are real or imaginary. This conditional and purely terminological meaning of the word “parapsychology” is not its only meaning.

According to some authors, this is the science of that area of ​​\u200b\u200bnature, before which human knowledge is powerless today. In this sense, parapsychology turns out to be a scientific field opposed to natural science and adjacent to the system of pseudo-sciences.

Parapsychology is a science that accumulates, systematizes and analyzes information about paradoxical biophysical phenomena (Psi-phenomena), the mechanisms of implementation of which are directly or indirectly related to the mental processes of humans or other living beings, as well as carrying out their various experimental studies in order to identify the physical mechanisms of their implementation and developing methods for training people in the practical use of Psi phenomena.

The field of parapsychology includes such phenomena as hypnosis, telepathy and teleportation. It is these phenomena that we will consider in this work.

1. Teleportation.

Teleportation is a word coined by Charles Fort to describe the phenomenon of moving objects from one place to another without the visible use or involvement of physical force.

“In December 1952 I got off the train at a commuter station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and there was no taxi. The rain poured incessantly. It was 5:59 pm. At 6 o'clock I was supposed to receive a call from abroad, and it was a very important call for me. The situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line, and I could not use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station one. Considering that the clock at the station always goes a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, i.e. there were still three minutes left until 18.00. What happened then, I can’t say. When I came to, I was standing in the hallway of my house, which was a good 20 minutes' walk away. At this time the clock began to strike 6. Minute to minute the telephone rang. After I finished my conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and my clothes were also completely dry.”

It must be assumed that Major Pole was in some mysterious way transported to his home, for he very much desired to be at home, without making any conscious effort to do so. If this could happen spontaneously like this, then why can’t teleportation happen by volitional order?

Another case, described by Clark and Coleman in the book Unidentified, was that of José Antonio da Silva, 24, who, on May 9, 1969, found himself near Vitoria, Brazil, in a state of shock, with torn clothes, 500 miles away. Bebedour, where he was four and a half days ago. His story that he was captured by creatures four feet tall, transported by them to another planet, and then returned to Earth sounds fantastic, but this case, like many similar incidents, was carefully investigated, and after that there was no There is still doubt that da Silva believes what he says. It is noteworthy that in all cases of teleportation associated with UFOs, the victim returns in a state of shock, trance and semi-amnesia, which is completely consistent with stories involving fairy abductions in earlier times.

As we see, some cases of teleportation occurred spontaneously, without obvious outside influence, while others, on the contrary, were clearly controlled, albeit unconsciously, by the will of certain people with a high nervous organization.

The reality of teleportation remains one of the most controversial topics that has become new era. Countless works, one way or another confirming or refuting the possibility of teleportation, are replaced by new ones, no less controversial and emotional.

Today, there are two opinions on this matter - according to two types of teleportation.

The first method - more or less realistic - is called quantum.

Its meaning is that a certain channel is created (for now it is called quantum), through which object A transfers its properties to object A1, and A1 duplicates A in its parameters. Then A is destroyed, and its absolute double continues to exist in the place chosen for transfer .

Quantum teleportation occurs in four stages:

· scanning-reading of the original object,

· its “disassembly” - splitting and translation of information about it into some information code,

· transfer of code to the place of “assembly”,

· actually, re-creation is already in a new place.

Even with the most successful developments of this particular type of teleportation, it will not be possible to “transport” a person in this way. And here’s why: firstly, the process of “encryption” and processing of data already at the first stage is too long in time, and how long the connection between the “assembly point” and the “disassembly point” will remain is difficult to say, because in Danish experiments the connection thousandths of a second remained between gas clouds.

Secondly, the likelihood that the model-structure of the recreated object will preserve the order and organic nature of the original is negligible. In addition, it is unknown what happens to matter immediately before the transfer of information and immediately after materialization.

Next, how will non-material structures behave, for example, those associated with the neurons of the brain and, accordingly, with consciousness? Will the adequacy of impulse connections in the body, the direction of blood flow, and so on, be maintained, or will the output be something ugly and mutated - depending on the humidity of the air and the type of lighting?

The second method of teleportation is called hole teleportation, and it is generally considered more fantastic than scientific. The "white crows" who prove its feasibility are ridiculed and called charlatans.

Hole teleportation was just invented for humans. By the way, one of its “authors” is Russian Konstantin Leshan.

Hole - implies the direct movement of an object, without any copies or reconstruction. Was here - appeared there.

It can be random and, accordingly, provoked. In the first case, a person seems to fall out of the space-time continuum, in the second, he is “expelled” by scientists or voluntarily steps into a hole in the continuum.

The hole theory, in contrast to quantum practice, proceeds from the fact that there are so-called null transitions, in other words, holes, which serve as “teleport doors.”

These holes are either discovered or created. Such mythological gaps in the smooth body of space-time are mentioned by most mystics and are associated with other dimensions inaccessible to human perception. Thus, smells and voices can be heard from them, but to the immediate visual perception they are not available.

According to scientists, for humans this is the most safe way teleportation, since “disassembly” of the body does not occur, the integrity and structure of the body is preserved.

One of its main drawbacks is the uncertainty of the place of materialization. According to the hole theory, an object cannot completely fall out of the continuum, based on the axiom of conservation of energy, but it is difficult to say whether the teleported object will end up in the territory of the Teletubbies.

There is evidence of people returning old after an accidental hole teleportation - they could not tell anything clearly.

The “hole” theory quite easily operates with hypothetical concepts, adjacent to the theory of the unevenness of space and time. Its effectiveness and artistry are captivating, but the simplicity of its description is alarming.

But with the person you will have to wait. In the case of quantum teleportation - perhaps before the advent of chips, in order to remove them before teleportation and insert them into a second copy after - the probability of errors in the reconstruction of the molecules of the teleported brain is too high. In the case of a hole hole, you will have to wait until the holes show themselves with at least some certainty - say, as in the film “Window to Paris”.

So, teleportation is movement in space bypassing a physical path, instantaneous movement from one point to another. There are also two types of tepportation: quantum and hole.

2. Hypnosis.

Hypnosis (ancient Greek ὕπνος - sleep) is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-awareness. The state of hypnosis occurs as a result of special influences of the hypnotist or targeted self-suggestion. In a more general sense, hypnosis is a socio-medical concept about a set of techniques for targeted verbal and sound influence on the human psyche through consciousness inhibited in a certain way, leading to the unconscious execution of various commands and reactions, while being in an artificially induced state of inhibition of the body - drowsiness or pseudosleep. .

Domitian in Rome (1st century BC) arranged a trial of the then famous philosopher Apollonius. The philosopher disappeared from the courtroom in front of the assessors and the emperor himself; the defendant found himself far from Rome that same day.

To this day, the mass prison escapes that were officially recorded at the beginning of the twentieth century have not been solved in any way.

Carlos Diaz, Argentinean by nationality, on January 4, 1975, returning home, he felt dizzy, and then, in order not to fall, he sat down for a minute on the lawn. When he woke up, he was already 500 miles from his previous place. Passers-by who listened to the poor fellow decided that the wasp had gone crazy and was sent to the hospital.

Modern scientists, studying this phenomenon, have accumulated a lot of material that documents this fact, this is an unnatural phenomenon; Sometimes there are quite funny stories.

Cases of human teleportation

  • In 1871, there was a sensational case with the London clairvoyant, Mrs. Guppy, who, having a large physique, suddenly teleported from her home to the other end of London, and found herself right on the table in front of a group of people who were engaged in a spiritualistic seance.
  • A not at all funny incident happened in Kazakhstan (late 40s). One of our compatriots, living in a village not far from Stalin’s camps, having had a little too much one day, fell asleep under his barracks, and having come to his senses, he woke up in a camp on the territory behind rows of barbed wire.
  • The authorities gathered and conducted a serious investigation. The investigation showed only the fact that entering the camp was impossible. The case was closed, and the poor guy was given a non-disclosure agreement.

Case of human teleportation in China

The authenticity of the video still causes a wide variety of disputes.

Human teleportation is possible

In 1937 N.F. Volkov being in the notorious prison called “Crosses,” he suddenly felt that he was losing consciousness, and in order not to fall, he wanted to grab onto something, having come into himself, he saw that he was on the bank of the Neva, tightly clinging to the parapet. Nobody knows what happened next.

Over the past decades, modern scientists have been able to provide compelling evidence that teleportation is not feasible at the current level of technological development.

This is impossible from the point of view of Newtonian mechanics, the main theses of which are based on the fact that all substances are composed of atoms. They do not come in motion just like that, without the influence of a second force, they do not disappear and do not reappear in another place.

However, according to quantum theory, such incredible things are possible.

By looking at the unusual properties of atoms, scientists have discovered that the electron behaves like a wave and can make quantum leaps in its seemingly random motion inside the atom.

Teleportation training

In a room with dim light, you need to take a horizontal position. In addition to performing the relaxation ceremony, you need to relax, every muscle of the body feels relaxed.

As a result, the place of dragging may become more complicated until the formation of your own world, but you must be very careful, since the resulting world may not convey the possibility of return teleportation.

The exercises provided are not the same in workouts of a similar plan, but having taken up the technique of these exercises in their entirety, you can additionally create one yourself based on the existing ones.

Professional training in teleportation of objects and teleportation itself in the Russian Federation costs from 50 euros, and the training itself can last for years.

Students' activities should be their work and life.

Achieving this goal: teaching a person to teleport to a point of time and space arbitrarily chosen by him, also moving small groups of people and special-purpose objects is amenable to a few, people with special knowledge and biological characteristics.

They say that you don't have to study or graduate to become a wizard.

You just need to watch a couple of science fiction films, books, go to a few master classes, listen smart people and without any effort the teleportation will come out on its own.

So, you’re lying tired on the sofa and you want, for example, a pie, but you don’t want to go to the store. And so you took it, imagined it, strained yourself, and it already materialized in front of you.

We wish you that you become this lucky person.


Teleportation is a word coined by Charles Fort to describe the phenomenon of moving objects from one place to another without the visible use or involvement of physical force.

“In December 1952 I got off the train at a commuter station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and there was no taxi. The rain poured incessantly. It was 5:59 pm. At 6 o'clock I was supposed to receive a call from abroad, and it was a very important call for me. The situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line and I could not use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station one. Considering that the clock at the station always goes a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, i.e. there were still three minutes left until 18.00. What happened then, I can’t say. When I came to, I was standing in the hallway of my house, which was a good 20 minutes' walk away. At this time the clock began to strike 6. Minute to minute the telephone rang. After I finished my conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them and my clothes were also completely dry.”

It must be assumed that Major Pole was in some mysterious way transported to his home, for he very much desired to be at home, without making any conscious effort to do so. If this could happen spontaneously like this, then why can’t teleportation happen by volitional order?

There have been many reports of involuntary teleportation in recent years, mostly associated with UFOs. Many of them are given in John Keel's Our Visited Planet (1971). For example, Geraldo Vidal was driving with his wife in the Bahia Blanca region of Argentina in May 1968. Suddenly they found themselves in Mexico, many thousands of miles away from where they were. They had no idea where they were or how they got here. The only sign that something had happened to them was the scorched body of their car.

Another case, described by Clark and Coleman in the book Unidentified, was that of José Antonio da Silva, 24, who, on May 9, 1969, found himself near Vitoria, Brazil, in a state of shock, with torn clothes, 500 miles away. Bebedour, where he was four and a half days ago. His story that he was captured by creatures four feet tall, transported by them to another planet, and then returned to Earth sounds fantastic, but this case, like many similar incidents, was carefully investigated, and after that there was no There is still doubt that da Silva believes what he says. It is noteworthy that in all cases of teleportation associated with UFOs, the victim returns in a state of shock, trance and semi-amnesia, which is completely consistent with stories involving fairy abductions in earlier times.

As we see, some cases of teleportation occurred spontaneously, without obvious outside influence, while others, on the contrary, were clearly controlled, albeit unconsciously, by the will of certain people with a high nervous organization.

In the Middle Ages, no one doubted the existence of occult powers, and the further we look into the depths of centuries, to the times of witches and shamans, the more confirmation we receive about the alleged cases of controlled teleportation and magical flights. Although this phenomenon is not recognized, it nevertheless occurs periodically.

How else can one explain the cases of disappearances of men in Russia, mostly young and middle-aged, and then their reappearance with complete amnesia? By the way, this is often discussed in the popular program “Wait for Me.”